diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmievd b/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmievd
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d2852a..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmievd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# start/stop/restart ipmievd daemon:
-# read our configuration
-[ -e "$CONFIG" ] && source "$CONFIG"
-# Start ipmievd:
-ipmievd_start() {
- # no-op if already running
- if [[ ! -r "$PIDFILE" && "$IPMIEVD" == "enable" ]]; then
- if [ $REMOTE == "enable" ]; then
- OPTIONS="-I lanplus -H $IPADDR -U $USER -P $(echo $PASSWORD | base64 --decode)"
- fi
- echo "starting $PROG..."
- sleep 1
- nohup $DAEMON sel $OPTIONS > /dev/null 2>&1 | logger -tipmitool &
- touch $LOCKFILE
- while [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; do
- sleep 1
- let TIMER=$TIMER+1
- if [ $TIMER -gt 5 ]; then
- echo -n "$PIDFILE not created"
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- echo "$PROG is running "
- fi
-# Stop ipmievd:
-ipmievd_stop() {
- # no-op if not running
- if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
- #stop ipmievd
- echo "stopping $PROG..."
- while `killall $PROG 2>/dev/null`; do
- sleep 1
- TIMER=$((TIMER+1))
- if [ $TIMER -ge 30 ]; then
- killall -9 $PROG
- sleep 1
- break
- fi
- done
- rm -f $LOCKFILE && rm -f $PIDFILE
- else
- echo "$PROG is stopped "
- fi
-# Restart ipmievd:
-ipmievd_restart() {
- ipmievd_stop
- sleep 1
- ipmievd_start
-case "$1" in
- ipmievd_start
- ;;
- ipmievd_stop
- ;;
- ipmievd_restart
- ;;
- echo "usage rc.ipmievd: start|stop|restart"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmitail b/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmitail
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ec43b9..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmitail
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# start/stop/restart ipmitail daemon:
-# read our configuration
-[ -e "$CONFIG" ] && source "$CONFIG"
-# Start ipmitail:
-ipmitail_start() {
- # no-op if already running
-if [[ ! -r "$PIDFILE" && "$IPMIEVD" == "enable" ]]; then
- echo "starting $PROG..."
- sleep 1
- nohup $DAEMON >/dev/null 2>&1 | echo $! > $PIDFILE &
- touch $LOCKFILE
- while [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; do
- sleep 1
- let TIMER=$TIMER+1
- if [ $TIMER -gt 5 ]; then
- echo -n "$PIDFILE not created"
- break
- fi
- done
- echo "$PROG is running "
-# Stop ipmitail:
-ipmitail_stop() {
-# no-op if not running
-if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
- #stop ipmitail
- echo "stopping $PROG..."
- while `killall $PROG 2>/dev/null`; do
- sleep 1
- TIMER=$((TIMER+1))
- if [ $TIMER -ge 30 ]; then
- killall -9 $PROG
- sleep 1
- break
- fi
- done
- rm -f $LOCKFILE && rm -f $PIDFILE
- echo "$PROG is stopped "
-# Restart ipmitail:
-ipmitail_restart() {
- ipmitail_stop
- sleep 1
- ipmitail_start
-case "$1" in
- ipmitail_start
- ;;
- ipmitail_stop
- ;;
- ipmitail_restart
- ;;
- echo "usage rc.ipmitail: start|stop|restart"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/doinst.sh b/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/doinst.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c74a26f..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/doinst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Update file permissions of scripts
-chmod +0755 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/* \
- /usr/sbin/ipmitail \
- /usr/sbin/ipmifan \
-###Stop Scripts###
-# Add stop script to rc.local_shutdown script
-if ! grep "$RC_SCRIPT" $SD_RCFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
- then echo -e "\n[ -x $RC_SCRIPT ] && $RC_SCRIPT stop" >> $SD_RCFILE
-[ ! -x $SD_RCFILE ] && chmod u+x $SD_RCFILE
-# Add stop script to rc.local_shutdown script
-if ! grep "$RC_SCRIPT2" $SD_RCFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
- then echo -e "\n[ -x $RC_SCRIPT2 ] && $RC_SCRIPT2 stop" >> $SD_RCFILE
-[ ! -x $SD_RCFILE ] && chmod u+x $SD_RCFILE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/slack-desc b/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/slack-desc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7035f226..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/install/slack-desc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.
-# Line up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and
-# the '|' on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.
-# You must make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
-# customary to leave one space after the ':' except on otherwise blank lines.
- |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
-ipmitool-plugin: Ipmitool unRAID Plugin
-ipmitool-plugin: The ipmitool plugin allows you to view your system sensors and
-ipmitool-plugin: events using your ipmi hardware. Allows for local or remote
-ipmitool-plugin: access and event notification.
-ipmitool-plugin: https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/pkg_build.sh b/source/ipmitool-plugin/pkg_build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 68a24194..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/pkg_build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})")"
-tmpdir=/tmp/tmp.$(( $RANDOM * 19318203981230 + 40 ))
-plugin=$(basename ${DIR})
-archive="$(dirname $(dirname ${DIR}))/archive"
-version=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d")
-if [[ -f $package ]]; then
- for x in a b c d e d f g h ; do
- package="${archive}/${plugin}-${version}${x}-x86_64-1.txz"
- md5="${archive}/${plugin}-${version}${x}-x86_64-1.md5"
- if [[ ! -f $package ]]; then
- break
- fi
- done
-mkdir -p $tmpdir
-cd "$DIR"
-cp --parents -f $(find . -type f ! \( -iname "pkg_build.sh" -o -iname "sftp-config.json" -o -iname ".DS_Store" \) ) $tmpdir/
-cd "$tmpdir/"
-makepkg -l y -c y "${package}"
-cd "$archive/"
-md5sum $(basename "$package") > "$md5"
-rm -rf "$tmpdir"
-# Verify and install plugin package
-sum1=$(md5sum "${package}")
-sum2=$(cat "$md5")
-if [ "${sum1:0:32}" != "${sum2:0:32}" ]; then
- echo "Checksum mismatched.";
- rm "$md5" "${package}"
- echo "Checksum matched."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMI.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMI.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 38749491..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMI.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Title="IPMI tool"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIButton.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIButton.page
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3358b8..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIButton.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIEvents.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIEvents.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dd959b..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIEvents.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Title="Event Log"
- Status
- Event ID
- Time Stamp
- Sensor Name
- Description
- remove all
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIFans.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIFans.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 4569a35b..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMIFans.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-Title="Fan Control"
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISensors.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISensors.page
deleted file mode 100644
index c5dacc40..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISensors.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- .css">
- Status
- Sensor
- Lower Non-Recover
- Lower Critical
- Lower Non-Critical
- Reading
- Units
- Upper Non-Critical
- Upper Critical
- Upper Non-Recover
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISettings.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISettings.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 707a6897..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMISettings.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMItool.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMItool.page
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbf5235..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/IPMItool.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Title="IPMI tool"
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/LICENSE b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f3c450..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- {description}
- Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- {signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/README.md b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2150fe2f..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-**IPMI support**
-The ipmitool plugin allows you to view your system's sensors and events under the Tools menu using IPMItool and your ipmi hardware.
-Uses Local or Remote access and features event notification.
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/SystemInformation.page b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/SystemInformation.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 5362071c..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/SystemInformation.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Title="System Information"
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/css/ipmitool-plugin.css b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/css/ipmitool-plugin.css
deleted file mode 100644
index d42e48df..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/css/ipmitool-plugin.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* header */
- margin-top:-21px;
-.tablesorter td.reading{
- font-weight: bold;
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/cpu.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/cpu.png
deleted file mode 100644
index cec150b3..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/cpu.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/eventlog.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/eventlog.png
deleted file mode 100644
index be461ca9..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/eventlog.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fan.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fan.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a71d40a..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fan.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fancontrol.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fancontrol.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 82503435..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/fancontrol.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/ipmitool.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/ipmitool.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a061fc..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/ipmitool.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/mb.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/mb.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ef76789f..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/mb.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 00054c3e..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors2.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 69cc1e21..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/sensors2.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/settings.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/settings.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 715bef64..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/settings.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/systemtemp.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/systemtemp.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c506572..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/icons/systemtemp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/dynamix.system.temp.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/dynamix.system.temp.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c051462..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/dynamix.system.temp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/green-on.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/green-on.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e326b04d..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/green-on.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool-plugin.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool-plugin.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd6d9ff..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool-plugin.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd6d9ff..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/ipmitool.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/red-on.png b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/red-on.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1ef8e9..00000000
Binary files a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/images/red-on.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmi_event_delete.php b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmi_event_delete.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aef0b5d..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmi_event_delete.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_events.php b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_events.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 35584ea7..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_events.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_helpers.php b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_helpers.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c5553a80..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_helpers.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- /dev/null`/exe ] && echo 1 || echo 0 2> /dev/null" ));
-$ipmifan_running = trim(shell_exec( "[ -f /proc/`cat /var/run/ipmifan.pid 2> /dev/null`/exe ] && echo 1 || echo 0 2> /dev/null" ));
-$ipmi_running = "Running ";
-$ipmi_stopped = "Stopped ";
-$ipmievd_status = ($ipmievd_running) ? $ipmi_running : $ipmi_stopped;
-$ipmifan_status = ($ipmifan_running) ? $ipmi_running : $ipmi_stopped;
-// use save ip address or use local ipmi address
-$ipmi_ipaddr = preg_match('/^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}$/', $ipmi_cfg['IPADDR']) ?
- $ipmi_cfg['IPADDR'] :
- trim(shell_exec("/usr/bin/ipmitool lan print | grep 'IP Address ' | sed -n -e 's/^.*: //p'"));
-$ipmi_cpu_temp = isset($ipmi_cfg['CPU_TEMP']) ? $ipmi_cfg['CPU_TEMP'] : ""; // cpu temp display name
-$ipmi_mb_temp = isset($ipmi_cfg['MB_TEMP']) ? $ipmi_cfg['MB_TEMP'] : ""; // mb temp display name
-$ipmi_fan_disp = isset($ipmi_cfg['FAN_DISP']) ? $ipmi_cfg['FAN_DISP'] : ""; // fan speed display name
-$ipmi_user = isset($ipmi_cfg['USER']) ? $ipmi_cfg['USER'] : ""; // user for remote access
-$ipmi_password = isset($ipmi_cfg['PASSWORD']) ? $ipmi_cfg['PASSWORD'] : ""; // password for remote access
-// options for remote access or not
-$ipmi_options = ($ipmi_remote == "enable") ? " -I lanplus -N 1 -R 1 -H '$ipmi_ipaddr' -U '$ipmi_user' -P '".
- base64_decode($ipmi_password)."' " : " "; // N seconds R retries
-//$ipmi_options = ($ipmi_remote == "enable") ? " --hostname='$ipmi_ipaddr' --username='$ipmi_user' --password='".
-// base64_decode($ipmi_password)."' --session-timeout=1000 --retransmission-timeout=500 " : " ";
-// Get sensor info and check connection
-$ipmi_sensors = ipmi_sensors($ipmi_options);
-$ipmi_fans = ipmi_get_fans($ipmi_sensors);
-$ipmi_conn = ($ipmi_sensors) ? true : false;
-$ipmi_board = trim(shell_exec("ipmitool fru print $options | grep -m 1 'Product' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'"));
-//$ipmi_board = "ipmi-fru | grep 'Board Manufacturer' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'";
-/* get an array of all sensors and their values */
-function ipmi_sensors($options) {
- $cmd = "/usr/bin/ipmitool -vc sdr $options 2>/dev/null";
-// $cmd= "/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors --output-sensor-thresholds --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units";
- exec($cmd, $output, $return);
- if ($return)
- return []; // return empty array if error
- // key names for ipmitool sensor output
- $keys = ['Name','Reading','Units','Status','Entity','Location','Type','Nominal',
- 'NormalMin','NormalMax','UpperNR','UpperC','UpperNC','LowerNR',
- 'LowerC','LowerNC','MinRange','MaxRange'];
- $sensors = [];
- foreach($output as $line){
- // add sensor keys as keys to ipmitool output
- $sensor_raw = explode(",", $line);
- $size_raw = sizeof($sensor_raw);
- $sensor = ($size_raw < 18) ? []:
- /*array_combine(array_slice($keys,0,$size_raw,true), $sensor_raw)*/
- array_combine($keys, array_slice($sensor_raw,0,18,true));
- // add sensor to array of sensors
- $sensors[] = $sensor;
- }
- return $sensors;
-/* get array of events and their values */
-function ipmi_events($options=null){
- $cmd = "/usr/bin/ipmitool -c sel elist $options 2>/dev/null";
- exec($cmd, $output, $return);
- if ($return)
- return []; // return empty array if error
- // key names for ipmitool event output
- $keys = array('Event','Datestamp','Timestamp','Sensor','Description','Status');
- $events = [];
- foreach($output as $line){
- // add event keys as keys to ipmitool output cut to match
- $event = array_combine($keys, array_slice(explode(",", $line),0,6,true));
- $events[] = $event;
- }
- return $events;
-/* get select options for a given sensor type */
-function ipmi_get_options($sensors, $type, $selected=null, $hdd=null){
- if ($hdd)
- $sensors[] = ['Name' => 'HDD Temperature', 'Type' => 'Temperature', 'Status' => 'ok'];
- $options = "";
- foreach($sensors as $sensor){
- if ($sensor["Type"] == $type && $sensor["Status"] != "ns"){
- $name = $sensor["Name"];
- $options .= "/dev/null";
- exec($cmd, $output, $return);
- if ($return)
- return []; // return empty array if error
- for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($names); $i++) {
- foreach($output as $line){
- $sensor = explode(",", $line);
- if ($sensor[0] == $names[$i]) // check name
- $readings[$names[$i]] = $sensor[1]; // get reading by name from readings
- }
- }
- return $readings; // reading
-function ipmi_get_fans($sensors){
- foreach($sensors as $sensor){
- if ($sensor['Type'] == 'Fan' && $sensor['Status'] != 'ns')
- $fans[] = str_replace(' ', '_', $sensor['Name']);
- }
- return $fans;
-//echo json_encode($ipmi_sensors);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_sensors.php b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_sensors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f7329e85..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_sensors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_temp.php b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_temp.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 182c0a8b..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_temp.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-require_once '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_helpers.php';
-function format_ipmi_temp($reading, $unit, $dot) {
- return ($reading>0 ? ($unit=='F' ? round(9/5*$reading+32) : str_replace('.',$dot,$reading)) : '##')." $unit";
-if ($ipmi_cpu_temp || $ipmi_mb_temp || $ipmi_fan_disp){
- $ipmi_readings = ipmi_get_reading([$ipmi_cpu_temp, $ipmi_mb_temp, $ipmi_fan_disp], $ipmi_options);
- $ipmi_temps = [];
- if ($ipmi_readings[$ipmi_cpu_temp])
- $ipmi_temps[] = " ".format_ipmi_temp($ipmi_readings[$ipmi_cpu_temp], $_GET['unit'], $_GET['dot']);
- if ($ipmi_readings[$ipmi_mb_temp])
- $ipmi_temps[] = " ".format_ipmi_temp($ipmi_readings[$ipmi_mb_temp], $_GET['unit'], $_GET['dot']);
- if ($ipmi_readings[$ipmi_fan_disp])
- $ipmi_temps[] = " ".$ipmi_readings[$ipmi_fan_disp]." rpm";
-if ($ipmi_temps)
- echo "".implode(' ', $ipmi_temps)." ";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.ipmitool-plugin.js b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.ipmitool-plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 945c540b..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.ipmitool-plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- $('#tblSensor').tablesorter();
- $('#tblEvent').tablesorter({
- sortList: [[0,0]],
- widgets: ['saveSort', 'filter', 'stickyHeaders'],
- widgetOptions: {
- stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: true,
- filter_hideEmpty : true,
- filter_liveSearch : true,
- filter_saveFilters : true,
- filter_reset : '.reset',
- filter_functions: {
- '.filter-name' : true,
- '.filter-time' : {
- "3 days" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 259200000); }, //3*24*60*60 3 days
- "1 week" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 604800000); }, //7*24*60*60 1 week
- "2 weeks" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 1209600000); }, //14*24*60*60 2 weeks
- "1 month" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 2592000000); }, //30*24*60*60 1 month
- "6 months" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 15724800000); }, //26*7*24*60*60 6 months
- "1 year" : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
- return ($.now() - n <= 31449600000); } //52*7*24*60*60 1 year
- }
- }
- }
- })
- .tablesorterPager({
- container: $(".pager"),
- fixedHeight: false,
- size: 10
- });
- sensorArray(false);
- eventArray();
- //advanced view switch
- $('.advancedview').switchButton({
- labels_placement: "left",
- on_label: 'Advanced View',
- off_label: 'Basic View',
- checked: ($.cookie('ipmitool_sensor_mode') == 'advanced')
- });
- //set cookie and toggle advanced columns
- $('.advancedview').change(function () {
- var myval = $(this).prop("checked");
- $.cookie('ipmitool_sensor_mode', myval ? "advanced" : "basic", { expires: 3650 });
- if (myval)
- $('.advanced').show('slow');
- else
- $('.advanced').hide('slow');
- });
- sensorRefresh();
-//sensor refresh
-function sensorRefresh() {
- sensorArray(true);
- setTimeout(sensorRefresh, 5000);
-//load ipmi sensor table
-function sensorArray(Refresh){
- $.getJSON("/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_sensors.php",
- { }, function(data) {
- $.each(data, function (i, val) {
- if (data[i].Status != "ns") {
- var Reading = parseFloat(data[i].Reading);
- var LowerNR = parseFloat(data[i].LowerNR);
- var LowerC = parseFloat(data[i].LowerC);
- var LowerNC = parseFloat(data[i].LowerNC);
- var UpperNC = parseFloat(data[i].UpperNC);
- var UpperC = parseFloat(data[i].UpperC);
- var UpperNR = parseFloat(data[i].UpperNR);
- var Color = "green";
- // replace invalid characters
- var Name = data[i].Name.replace('+', 'plus_').replace('-', 'minus_').replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_');
- if (data[i].Type=="Voltage"){
- // if voltage is less than lower non-critical
- // or voltage is greater than upper non-critical show critical
- if (Reading < LowerNC && Reading > UpperNC)
- Color = "orange";
- // if voltage is less than lower critical
- // or voltage is greater than upper critical show non-recoverable
- if (Reading < LowerC || Reading > UpperC)
- Color = "red";
- } else if (data[i].Type=="Fan"){
- // if Fan RPMs are less than lower non-critical
- if (Reading < LowerNC || Reading < LowerC || Reading < LowerNR)
- Color = "red";
- } else if (data[i].Type=="Temperature"){
- // if Temperature is greater than upper non-critical
- if (Reading > UpperNC || Reading > UpperC || Reading > UpperNR)
- Color = "red";
- }
- if (Refresh) {
- $("#"+Name+" td.reading").html(""+Reading+" ");
- } else {
- $("#tblSensor tbody")
- .append(""+
- " "+ //status
- ""+data[i].Name+" "+ //sensor name
- ""+ data[i].LowerNR +" "+
- ""+ data[i].LowerC +" "+
- ""+ data[i].LowerNC +" "+
- ""+ "" + Reading + " "+ //sensor reading
- ""+data[i].Units+" "+ //sensor units
- ""+ data[i].UpperNC +" "+
- ""+ data[i].UpperC +" "+
- ""+ data[i].UpperNR +" "+
- " ");
- }
- }
- });
- $('#tblSensor').trigger('update'); //update sensor table
- if ($.cookie('ipmitool_sensor_mode') == 'advanced')
- $('.advanced').show();
- else
- $('.advanced').hide();
- });
-//load ipmi event table
-function eventArray(){
- $.getJSON("/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmitool_events.php",{ }, function(data) {
- $.each(data, function (i, val) {
- var Status = (data[i].Status == 'Asserted') ? 'red' : 'green';
- $('#tblEvent tbody')
- .append(""+
- " "+ //status
- "" + data[i].Event + " "+ //event id
- "" + data[i].Datestamp + " "+data[i].Timestamp+" "+ //time stamp
- "" + data[i].Sensor + " "+ //sensor name
- "" + data[i].Description +" "+ //Description
- " "+ //delete icon
- " ");
- $('.delete').unbind('click').click(function () {
- Delete($(this).parent().parent().attr("id"));
- });
- });
- //var lastSearch = $("#tblEvent")[0].config.lastSearch;
- $("#tblEvent").trigger("update"); //update table for tablesorter
- //$("#tblEvent").trigger("search", [lastSearch]);
- $("#allEvents").click(function() {
- Delete('all');
- });
- });
-function Delete(Row) {
- if (Row == "all"){
- swal({
- title: "Are you sure?",
- text: "Are your sure you want to remove all events!?",
- type: "warning",
- showCancelButton: true,
- closeOnConfirm: true,
- }, function() {
- $.get("/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmi_event_delete.php", {options: "clear"}, function() {
- $("#tblEvent tbody").empty(); // empty table
- }
- );
- });
- } else {
- $.get("/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/include/ipmi_event_delete.php", {options: "delete " + Row}, function() {
- slideRow($('#'+Row)); //remove table row
- }
- );
- }
-function slideRow(td) {
- td
- .children('td')
- .animate({ padding: 0 })
- .wrapInner('
- .children()
- .slideUp(function() { td.remove(); });
- $("#tblEvents").trigger("update")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.mask.js b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.mask.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9de52c..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/js/jquery.mask.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
- * jquery.mask.js
- * @version: v1.11.3
- * @author: Igor Escobar
- *
- * Created by Igor Escobar on 2012-03-10. Please report any bug at http://blog.igorescobar.com
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Igor Escobar http://blog.igorescobar.com
- *
- * The MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-/*jshint laxbreak: true */
-/* global define */
-// UMD (Universal Module Definition) patterns for JavaScript modules that work everywhere.
-// https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/jqueryPluginCommonjs.js
-(function (factory) {
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(["jquery"], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- // Node/CommonJS
- factory(require('jquery'));
- } else {
- // Browser globals
- factory(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
- }
-}(function ($) {
- "use strict";
- var Mask = function (el, mask, options) {
- el = $(el);
- var jMask = this, old_value = el.val(), regexMask;
- mask = typeof mask === "function" ? mask(el.val(), undefined, el, options) : mask;
- var p = {
- invalid: [],
- getCaret: function () {
- try {
- var sel,
- pos = 0,
- ctrl = el.get(0),
- dSel = document.selection,
- cSelStart = ctrl.selectionStart;
- // IE Support
- if (dSel && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10") === -1) {
- sel = dSel.createRange();
- sel.moveStart('character', el.is("input") ? -el.val().length : -el.text().length);
- pos = sel.text.length;
- }
- // Firefox support
- else if (cSelStart || cSelStart === '0') {
- pos = cSelStart;
- }
- return pos;
- } catch (e) {}
- },
- setCaret: function(pos) {
- try {
- if (el.is(":focus")) {
- var range, ctrl = el.get(0);
- if (ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
- ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos,pos);
- } else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
- range = ctrl.createTextRange();
- range.collapse(true);
- range.moveEnd('character', pos);
- range.moveStart('character', pos);
- range.select();
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- },
- events: function() {
- el
- .on('keyup.mask', p.behaviour)
- .on("paste.mask drop.mask", function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- el.keydown().keyup();
- }, 100);
- })
- .on('change.mask', function(){
- el.data('changed', true);
- })
- .on("blur.mask", function(){
- if (old_value !== el.val() && !el.data('changed')) {
- el.trigger("change");
- }
- el.data('changed', false);
- })
- // it's very important that this callback remains in this position
- // otherwhise old_value it's going to work buggy
- .on('keydown.mask, blur.mask', function() {
- old_value = el.val();
- })
- // select all text on focus
- .on('focus.mask', function (e) {
- if (options.selectOnFocus === true) {
- $(e.target).select();
- }
- })
- // clear the value if it not complete the mask
- .on("focusout.mask", function() {
- if (options.clearIfNotMatch && !regexMask.test(p.val())) {
- p.val('');
- }
- });
- },
- getRegexMask: function() {
- var maskChunks = [], translation, pattern, optional, recursive, oRecursive, r;
- for (var i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
- translation = jMask.translation[mask.charAt(i)];
- if (translation) {
- pattern = translation.pattern.toString().replace(/.{1}$|^.{1}/g, "");
- optional = translation.optional;
- recursive = translation.recursive;
- if (recursive) {
- maskChunks.push(mask.charAt(i));
- oRecursive = {digit: mask.charAt(i), pattern: pattern};
- } else {
- maskChunks.push(!optional && !recursive ? pattern : (pattern + "?"));
- }
- } else {
- maskChunks.push(mask.charAt(i).replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'));
- }
- }
- r = maskChunks.join("");
- if (oRecursive) {
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("(" + oRecursive.digit + "(.*" + oRecursive.digit + ")?)"), "($1)?")
- .replace(new RegExp(oRecursive.digit, "g"), oRecursive.pattern);
- }
- return new RegExp(r);
- },
- destroyEvents: function() {
- el.off(['keydown', 'keyup', 'paste', 'drop', 'blur', 'focusout', ''].join('.mask '));
- },
- val: function(v) {
- var isInput = el.is('input'),
- method = isInput ? 'val' : 'text',
- r;
- if (arguments.length > 0) {
- if (el[method]() !== v) {
- el[method](v);
- }
- r = el;
- } else {
- r = el[method]();
- }
- return r;
- },
- getMCharsBeforeCount: function(index, onCleanVal) {
- for (var count = 0, i = 0, maskL = mask.length; i < maskL && i < index; i++) {
- if (!jMask.translation[mask.charAt(i)]) {
- index = onCleanVal ? index + 1 : index;
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
- },
- caretPos: function (originalCaretPos, oldLength, newLength, maskDif) {
- var translation = jMask.translation[mask.charAt(Math.min(originalCaretPos - 1, mask.length - 1))];
- return !translation ? p.caretPos(originalCaretPos + 1, oldLength, newLength, maskDif)
- : Math.min(originalCaretPos + newLength - oldLength - maskDif, newLength);
- },
- behaviour: function(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- p.invalid = [];
- var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if ($.inArray(keyCode, jMask.byPassKeys) === -1) {
- var caretPos = p.getCaret(),
- currVal = p.val(),
- currValL = currVal.length,
- changeCaret = caretPos < currValL,
- newVal = p.getMasked(),
- newValL = newVal.length,
- maskDif = p.getMCharsBeforeCount(newValL - 1) - p.getMCharsBeforeCount(currValL - 1);
- p.val(newVal);
- // change caret but avoid CTRL+A
- if (changeCaret && !(keyCode === 65 && e.ctrlKey)) {
- // Avoid adjusting caret on backspace or delete
- if (!(keyCode === 8 || keyCode === 46)) {
- caretPos = p.caretPos(caretPos, currValL, newValL, maskDif);
- }
- p.setCaret(caretPos);
- }
- return p.callbacks(e);
- }
- },
- getMasked: function (skipMaskChars) {
- var buf = [],
- value = p.val(),
- m = 0, maskLen = mask.length,
- v = 0, valLen = value.length,
- offset = 1, addMethod = "push",
- resetPos = -1,
- lastMaskChar,
- check;
- if (options.reverse) {
- addMethod = "unshift";
- offset = -1;
- lastMaskChar = 0;
- m = maskLen - 1;
- v = valLen - 1;
- check = function () {
- return m > -1 && v > -1;
- };
- } else {
- lastMaskChar = maskLen - 1;
- check = function () {
- return m < maskLen && v < valLen;
- };
- }
- while (check()) {
- var maskDigit = mask.charAt(m),
- valDigit = value.charAt(v),
- translation = jMask.translation[maskDigit];
- if (translation) {
- if (valDigit.match(translation.pattern)) {
- buf[addMethod](valDigit);
- if (translation.recursive) {
- if (resetPos === -1) {
- resetPos = m;
- } else if (m === lastMaskChar) {
- m = resetPos - offset;
- }
- if (lastMaskChar === resetPos) {
- m -= offset;
- }
- }
- m += offset;
- } else if (translation.optional) {
- m += offset;
- v -= offset;
- } else if (translation.fallback) {
- buf[addMethod](translation.fallback);
- m += offset;
- v -= offset;
- } else {
- p.invalid.push({p: v, v: valDigit, e: translation.pattern});
- }
- v += offset;
- } else {
- if (!skipMaskChars) {
- buf[addMethod](maskDigit);
- }
- if (valDigit === maskDigit) {
- v += offset;
- }
- m += offset;
- }
- }
- var lastMaskCharDigit = mask.charAt(lastMaskChar);
- if (maskLen === valLen + 1 && !jMask.translation[lastMaskCharDigit]) {
- buf.push(lastMaskCharDigit);
- }
- return buf.join("");
- },
- callbacks: function (e) {
- var val = p.val(),
- changed = val !== old_value,
- defaultArgs = [val, e, el, options],
- callback = function(name, criteria, args) {
- if (typeof options[name] === "function" && criteria) {
- options[name].apply(this, args);
- }
- };
- callback('onChange', changed === true, defaultArgs);
- callback('onKeyPress', changed === true, defaultArgs);
- callback('onComplete', val.length === mask.length, defaultArgs);
- callback('onInvalid', p.invalid.length > 0, [val, e, el, p.invalid, options]);
- }
- };
- // public methods
- jMask.mask = mask;
- jMask.options = options;
- jMask.remove = function() {
- var caret = p.getCaret();
- p.destroyEvents();
- p.val(jMask.getCleanVal());
- p.setCaret(caret - p.getMCharsBeforeCount(caret));
- return el;
- };
- // get value without mask
- jMask.getCleanVal = function() {
- return p.getMasked(true);
- };
- jMask.init = function(only_mask) {
- only_mask = only_mask || false;
- options = options || {};
- jMask.byPassKeys = $.jMaskGlobals.byPassKeys;
- jMask.translation = $.jMaskGlobals.translation;
- jMask.translation = $.extend({}, jMask.translation, options.translation);
- jMask = $.extend(true, {}, jMask, options);
- regexMask = p.getRegexMask();
- if (only_mask === false) {
- if (options.placeholder) {
- el.attr('placeholder' , options.placeholder);
- }
- // autocomplete needs to be off. we can't intercept events
- // the browser doesn't fire any kind of event when something is
- // selected in a autocomplete list so we can't sanitize it.
- el.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
- p.destroyEvents();
- p.events();
- var caret = p.getCaret();
- p.val(p.getMasked());
- p.setCaret(caret + p.getMCharsBeforeCount(caret, true));
- } else {
- p.events();
- p.val(p.getMasked());
- }
- };
- jMask.init(!el.is("input"));
- };
- $.maskWatchers = {};
- var HTMLAttributes = function () {
- var input = $(this),
- options = {},
- prefix = "data-mask-",
- mask = input.attr('data-mask');
- if (input.attr(prefix + 'reverse')) {
- options.reverse = true;
- }
- if (input.attr(prefix + 'clearifnotmatch')) {
- options.clearIfNotMatch = true;
- }
- if (input.attr(prefix + 'selectonfocus') === 'true') {
- options.selectOnFocus = true;
- }
- if (notSameMaskObject(input, mask, options)) {
- return input.data('mask', new Mask(this, mask, options));
- }
- },
- notSameMaskObject = function(field, mask, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var maskObject = $(field).data('mask'),
- stringify = JSON.stringify,
- value = $(field).val() || $(field).text();
- try {
- if (typeof mask === "function") {
- mask = mask(value);
- }
- return typeof maskObject !== "object" || stringify(maskObject.options) !== stringify(options) || maskObject.mask !== mask;
- } catch (e) {}
- };
- $.fn.mask = function(mask, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var selector = this.selector,
- globals = $.jMaskGlobals,
- interval = $.jMaskGlobals.watchInterval,
- maskFunction = function() {
- if (notSameMaskObject(this, mask, options)) {
- return $(this).data('mask', new Mask(this, mask, options));
- }
- };
- $(this).each(maskFunction);
- if (selector && selector !== "" && globals.watchInputs) {
- clearInterval($.maskWatchers[selector]);
- $.maskWatchers[selector] = setInterval(function(){
- $(document).find(selector).each(maskFunction);
- }, interval);
- }
- return this;
- };
- $.fn.unmask = function() {
- clearInterval($.maskWatchers[this.selector]);
- delete $.maskWatchers[this.selector];
- return this.each(function() {
- var dataMask = $(this).data('mask');
- if (dataMask) {
- dataMask.remove().removeData('mask');
- }
- });
- };
- $.fn.cleanVal = function() {
- return this.data('mask').getCleanVal();
- };
- $.applyDataMask = function() {
- $(document).find($.jMaskGlobals.maskElements).filter(globals.dataMaskAttr).each(HTMLAttributes);
- }
- var globals = {
- maskElements: 'input,td,span,div',
- dataMaskAttr: '*[data-mask]',
- dataMask: true,
- watchInterval: 300,
- watchInputs: true,
- watchDataMask: false,
- byPassKeys: [9, 16, 17, 18, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91],
- translation: {
- '0': {pattern: /\d/},
- '9': {pattern: /\d/, optional: true},
- '#': {pattern: /\d/, recursive: true},
- 'A': {pattern: /[a-zA-Z0-9]/},
- 'S': {pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/}
- }
- };
- $.jMaskGlobals = $.jMaskGlobals || {};
- globals = $.jMaskGlobals = $.extend(true, {}, globals, $.jMaskGlobals);
- // looking for inputs with data-mask attribute
- if (globals.dataMask) { $.applyDataMask(); }
- setInterval(function(){
- if ($.jMaskGlobals.watchDataMask) { $.applyDataMask(); }
- }, globals.watchInterval);
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/start b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/start
deleted file mode 100755
index a1c18b99..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/start
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmievd start
-sleep 1
-/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmitail start
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/stop b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/stop
deleted file mode 100755
index f1d24deb..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmitool-plugin/scripts/stop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmievd stop
-sleep 1
-/etc/rc.d/rc.ipmitail stop
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmifan b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmifan
deleted file mode 100644
index f4551118..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmifan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- 'AA',
- 'CPU_FAN2' => 'BB',
- 'REAR_FAN1' => 'CC',
- 'REAR_FAN2' => 'DD',
- 'FRNT_FAN1' => 'EE',
- 'FRNT_FAN2' => 'FF'
-function debug($m){
- global $prog, $DEBUG;
- if($DEBUG){
- $STDERR = fopen('php://stderr', 'w+');
- fwrite($STDERR, $m."\n");
- fclose($STDERR);
- }
-/*$background_args = "";
- for ($i=0; $i <= count($argv); $i++) {
- switch ($argv[$i]) {
- case '--background':
- $background = TRUE;
- break;
- case '-c':
- $cron = $argv[$i+1];
- $background_args .= " ${argv[$i]} ${argv[$i+1]}";
- break;
- case '-d':
- $background_args .= " ${argv[$i]}";
- break;
- }
- }
-# Deal with cron
-if ($cron) && is_numeric($cron) && !$quit){
- exec("crontab -l 2>/dev/null", $crontab);
- $crontab = array_unique($crontab);
- if (!$quit){
- $entry = sprintf("*/%s * * * * ${service}${background_args} 1> /dev/null 2>&1", $cron);
- if (! preg_grep("#${service}#", $crontab)){
- $crontab[] = $entry;
- debug("\nCRONTAB\n".implode("\n", $crontab)."\n");
- file_put_contents("/tmp/$prog.cron", implode(PHP_EOL, $crontab));
- shell_exec("crontab /tmp/$prog.cron");
- unlink("/tmp/$prog.cron");
- }
- }
- unset($crontab);
-} else if ($quit){
- exec("crontab -l 2>/dev/null", $crontab);
- $crontab = array_unique($crontab);
- if (preg_grep("#${service}#", $crontab)){
- $crontab = preg_grep("#${service}#", $crontab, PREG_GREP_INVERT);
- debug("\nCRONTAB\n".implode("\n", $crontab)."\n");
- file_put_contents("/tmp/$prog.cron", implode(PHP_EOL, $crontab));
- shell_exec("crontab /tmp/$prog.cron");
- unlink("/tmp/$prog.cron");
- };
- unset($crontab);
-if (is_file($lockfile)){
- $lock_pid = file($lockfile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)[0];
- $pid = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", shell_exec("ps -p ${lock_pid}| grep ${lock_pid}"));
- if (!$pid){
- if (!$quit){
- file_put_contents($lockfile, getmypid());
- } else {
- echo "$lock_pid is not currently running";
- unlink($lockfile);
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- if ($quit){
- syslog(LOG_INFO, "killing daemon with PID [$lock_pid]");
- exec("kill $lock_pid");
- unlink($lockfile);
- if (function_exists('at_exit')) at_exit();
- exit(0);
- } else {
- echo "$prog is already running [$lock_pid]".PHP_EOL;
- exit(0);
- }
- }
-} else {
- if($quit){
- echo "$prog not currently running".PHP_EOL;
- exit(0);
- } else {
- file_put_contents($lockfile, getmypid());
- }
- exec("php $service --background $background_args 1>/dev/null ".($DEBUG ? "":"2>&1 ")."&");
- exit(0);
-} else {
- syslog(LOG_INFO, "process started. To terminate it, type: $prog -q");
-##### PROGRAM SECTION ######
-$plugin = "ipmitool-plugin";
-$cfg_file = "/boot/config/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.cfg";
-function scan_dir($dir, $type = ""){
- $out = array();
- foreach (array_slice(scandir($dir), 2) as $entry){
- $sep = (preg_match("/\/$/", $dir)) ? "" : "/";
- $out[] = $dir.$sep.$entry ;
- }
- return $out;
-function get_highest_temp($hdds){
- $highest_temp="0";
- foreach ($hdds as $hdd) {
- if (shell_exec("hdparm -C ${hdd} 2>/dev/null| grep -c standby") == 0){
- $temp = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", shell_exec("smartctl -A ${hdd} 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Celsius | awk '{print $10}'"));
- $highest_temp = ($temp > $highest_temp) ? $temp : $highest_temp;
- }
- }
- debug("Highest temp is ${highest_temp}ºC");
- return $highest_temp;
-function get_all_hdds(){
- $hdds = array();
- $flash = preg_replace("/\d$/", "", realpath("/dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID"));
- foreach (scan_dir("/dev/") as $dev) {
- if(preg_match("/[sh]d[a-z]+$/", $dev) && $dev != $flash) {
- $hdds[] = $dev;
- }
- }
- return $hdds;
-$hdds = get_all_hdds();
-while(TRUE){ while(TRUE){
-# Load config file or die
- $params = parse_ini_file($cfg_file);
- extract($params, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
-} else {
- unlink($lockfile);
- exit(1);
-/*# Wait probes to become ready
-if (!is_file($PWM_CONTROLLER) || ! is_file($PWM_FAN)){
- sleep(15);
- continue;
-$PWM_HIGH = 64;
-# Disable fan mininum RPM
-$FAN_RPM_MIN = file(split("_", $PWM_FAN)[0]."_min", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)[0];
-# Enable speed change on fan
-if($PWM_MODE != 1){
- file_put_contents("${PWM_CONTROLLER}_enable", 1);
-# Calculate size of increments.
-# Get current fan rpm and pwm
-$CURRENT_PWM = preg_replace("/\s*/", "", file_get_contents($PWM_CONTROLLER));
-$CURRENT_RPM = preg_replace("/\s*/", "", file_get_contents($PWM_FAN));
-# Get current fan PWM percentage
-# Calculate a new scenario
-# Get highest drive temperature
-$HIGHEST_TEMP = get_highest_temp($hdds);
-} else if ($HIGHEST_TEMP >= $TEMP_HIGH){
-} else {
- $NEW_PERCENT_PWM = round(($NEW_PWM*100)/$PWM_HIGH);
-# Change the fan speed as needed
- file_put_contents($PWM_CONTROLLER, $NEW_PWM);
- sleep(5);
- $NEW_RPM = preg_replace("/\s*/", "", file_get_contents($PWM_FAN));
- $NEW_PERCENT_PWM = round(($NEW_PWM*100)/$PWM_HIGH);
- syslog(LOG_INFO, "highest disk temp is ${HIGHEST_TEMP}ºC, adjusting fan PWM from: $CURRENT_OUTPUT to: $NEW_OUTPUT");
-$defined_vars = get_defined_vars();
-foreach (array("_GET","_POST","_COOKIE","_FILES","argv","argc","_SERVER") as $i) {unset($defined_vars[$i]);}
-debug("\nDECLARED VARIABLES:\n".print_r($defined_vars, true));
-$time1 = time();
-$MD5 = shell_exec("md5sum $cfg_file|awk '{print $1}'");
-$MD5 = md5_file($cfg_file);
-for ($i=0; $i < $INTERVAL*6 ; $i++) {
- sleep(10);
- if (md5_file($cfg_file) != $MD5){syslog(LOG_INFO, "config file updated, reloading."); $i=10000;}
-debug("Sleep ".(time()-$time1)." seconds.");
-###### END OF SECTION ######
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmitail b/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmitail
deleted file mode 100644
index 401243e0..00000000
--- a/source/ipmitool-plugin/usr/sbin/ipmitail
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-DAEMON="ipmievd: "
-LASTMSG="Waiting for events"
-exec /usr/bin/tail -n 0 -F /var/log/syslog | \
-while read LINE;
-# do not notify on ipmievd start
-[[ "$LINE" == *"Reading sensors"* ]] && continue
-[[ "$LINE" == *"Waiting for events"* ]] && continue
-# do not notify on remote communication failure
-[[ "$LINE" == *"Get SEL Info command failed"* ]] && continue
-# only notify when ipmievd: is in the system log
-[[ "$LINE" != *$DAEMON* ]] && continue
-MESSAGE=$(echo "$LINE" | sed -e 's/.*$DAEMON//')
-sleep 1 |
-exec /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Notice [$HOSTNAME]" -d "$MESSAGE" -i "warning" && continue 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd b/source/shellinabox-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a30fff2..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# start/stop/startup/shutdown/backup/restore/restart shellinabox daemon:
-# read our configuration
-[ -e "$CONFIG" ] && source $CONFIG
-# add screenfetch to bash profile
-if [ "$SCREEN" == "enable" ]; then
- if ! grep "/usr/sbin/screenfetch" $PROFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
- #append command to file
- then echo -e "\n/usr/sbin/screenfetch" >> $PROFILE
- else
- #uncomment command
- sed -e '/\/usr\/sbin\/screenfetch/s/^#//g' -i $PROFILE
- fi
- #comment out command
- sed -e '/\/usr\/sbin\/screenfetch/ s/^#*/#/' -i $PROFILE
-# Start shellinaboxd:
-shellinaboxd_start() {
- # no-op if already running
- if [[ "$SERVICE" == "enable" && ! -r "$PIDFILE" ]]; then
- [ $SSL == "disable" ] && SSL_CONFIG="--disable-ssl"
- echo "starting shellinaboxd..."
- sleep 1
- nohup /usr/sbin/$PROG --user=$RUNAS --background=$PIDFILE --port=$PORT --cert=$PLGPATH --user-css=$USER_CSS $SSL_CONFIG > /dev/null 2>&1 | logger -t$PROG &
- touch $LOCKFILE
- while [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; do
- sleep 1
- let TIMER=$TIMER+1
- if [ $TIMER -gt 5 ]; then
- echo -n "$PIDFILE not created"
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- echo "shellinaboxd is running"
- fi
-# Stop shellinaboxd:
-shellinaboxd_stop() {
- # no-op if not running
- if [ -r "$PIDFILE" ]; then
- echo "stopping shellinaboxd..."
- while `killall $PROG 2>/dev/null`; do
- sleep 1
- TIMER=$((TIMER+1))
- if [ $TIMER -ge 30 ]; then
- killall -9 $PROG
- sleep 1
- break
- fi
- done
- rm -f $LOCKFILE && rm -f $PIDFILE
- else
- echo "shellinaboxd is stopped"
- fi
-# Restart shellinaboxd:
-shellinaboxd_restart() {
- shellinaboxd_stop
- sleep 1
- shellinaboxd_start
-# Restore home directory
-shellinaboxd_restore() {
- if [[ "$BACKUP" == "enable" && ! -e "/root/.bash_history" ]]; then
- # restore home directory
- echo "restoring home directory..."
- sleep 1
- tar -zxf $PLGPATH/home_directory.tar.gz -p -C / > /dev/null 2>&1
- else
- echo "Backup is not enabled or home directory is not new"
- fi
-# Backup home directory:
-shellinaboxd_backup() {
- if [ "$BACKUP" == "enable" ]; then
- # backup home directory
- echo "saving home directory..."
- sleep 1
- tar -zcf $PLGPATH/home_directory.tar.gz -p -C / root > /dev/null 2>&1
- else
- echo "Backup is not enabled"
- fi
-# Start and restore for system boot:
-shellinaboxd_startup() {
- shellinaboxd_restore
- sleep 1
- shellinaboxd_start
-# Shutdown and backup for system shutdown or reboot:
-shellinaboxd_shutdown() {
- shellinaboxd_backup
- sleep 1
- shellinaboxd_stop
-case "$1" in
- shellinaboxd_backup
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_start
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_startup
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_stop
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_shutdown
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_restore
- ;;
- shellinaboxd_restart
- ;;
- echo "usage rc.shellinaboxd: start|stop|startup|shutdown|backup|restore|restart"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/doinst.sh b/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/doinst.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4b7e3b..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/doinst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Update file permissions of scripts
-chmod +0755 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/* \
- /etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd \
- /usr/sbin/screenfetch
-# add stop to shutdown script
-if ! grep "$RC_SCRIPT" $SD_RCFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
- then echo -e "\n[ -x $RC_SCRIPT ] && $RC_SCRIPT shutdown" >> $SD_RCFILE
-[ ! -x $SD_RCFILE ] && chmod u+x $SD_RCFILE
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/slack-desc b/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/slack-desc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4327a339..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/install/slack-desc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.
-# Line up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and
-# the '|' on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.
-# You must make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
-# customary to leave one space after the ':' except on otherwise blank lines.
- |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
-shellinabox-plugin: Shell In A Box unRAID 6.1+ Plugin
-shellinabox-plugin: Shell In A Box implements a web server that can export arbitrary
-shellinabox-plugin: command line tools to a web based terminal emulator. A Command Line
-shellinabox-plugin: tool is created under the Tools menu. Backup and restore user home
-shellinabox-plugin: directory on system shutdown and start. Also includes screenfetch for
-shellinabox-plugin: command line screenshots
-shellinabox-plugin: dmacias72/unRAID
-shellinabox-plugin: https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/pkg_build.sh b/source/shellinabox-plugin/pkg_build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 68a24194..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/pkg_build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})")"
-tmpdir=/tmp/tmp.$(( $RANDOM * 19318203981230 + 40 ))
-plugin=$(basename ${DIR})
-archive="$(dirname $(dirname ${DIR}))/archive"
-version=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d")
-if [[ -f $package ]]; then
- for x in a b c d e d f g h ; do
- package="${archive}/${plugin}-${version}${x}-x86_64-1.txz"
- md5="${archive}/${plugin}-${version}${x}-x86_64-1.md5"
- if [[ ! -f $package ]]; then
- break
- fi
- done
-mkdir -p $tmpdir
-cd "$DIR"
-cp --parents -f $(find . -type f ! \( -iname "pkg_build.sh" -o -iname "sftp-config.json" -o -iname ".DS_Store" \) ) $tmpdir/
-cd "$tmpdir/"
-makepkg -l y -c y "${package}"
-cd "$archive/"
-md5sum $(basename "$package") > "$md5"
-rm -rf "$tmpdir"
-# Verify and install plugin package
-sum1=$(md5sum "${package}")
-sum2=$(cat "$md5")
-if [ "${sum1:0:32}" != "${sum2:0:32}" ]; then
- echo "Checksum mismatched.";
- rm "$md5" "${package}"
- echo "Checksum matched."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/CommandLine.page b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/CommandLine.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 8de79a02..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/CommandLine.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Title="Command Line"
- 0 && $shellinabox_cfg['PORT'] < 65535 ) ? $shellinabox_cfg['PORT'] : "4200";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/LICENSE b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cdb8451..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- {description}
- Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- {signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/README.md b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef828a0..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-**Command Line Tool**
-Shell In A Box implements a web server that can export arbitrary command line tools to a web based terminal emulator. A Command Line tool is created under the Tools menu. Backup and restore user home directory on system shutdown and start. Also includes screenfetch for command line screenshots
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/Shellinabox.page b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/Shellinabox.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 409bbbd4..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/Shellinabox.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-Title="Command Line"
- 0 && $shellinabox_cfg['PORT'] < 65535 ) ? $shellinabox_cfg['PORT'] : "4200";
-$shellinabox_running = trim(shell_exec( "[ -f /proc/`cat /var/run/shellinaboxd.pid 2> /dev/null`/exe ] && echo 1 || echo 0 2> /dev/null" ));
-$shellinabox_version = shell_exec( "/usr/sbin/shellinaboxd --version 2>&1 | grep ShellInABox | sed -e 's/^ShellInABox version //;s/(.*//'" );
-$shellinabox_port_status = ($shellinabox_running) ?
- "$shellinabox_port ":
- "$shellinabox_port ";
-exec("awk -F':' '{ if ( $3 >= 1000 ) print $1}' /etc/passwd", $shellinabox_users); // get array of group users
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/icons/commandline.png b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/icons/commandline.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a983e5a..00000000
Binary files a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/icons/commandline.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/images/shellinabox-plugin.png b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/images/shellinabox-plugin.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 825fde45..00000000
Binary files a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/images/shellinabox-plugin.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/start b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/start
deleted file mode 100755
index c7299a78..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/start
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd start
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/stop b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/stop
deleted file mode 100755
index 27b35b70..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/scripts/stop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/etc/rc.d/rc.shellinaboxd stop
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/black-on-white.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/black-on-white.css
deleted file mode 100644
index acc9cdd9..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/black-on-white.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: black;
- color: white;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: white;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #ffffff;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #ffffff;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/blue-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/blue-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 908f70f0..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/blue-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: blue;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #0000ff;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #0000ff;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #0000ff;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #0000ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #0000ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #0000ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/color.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/color.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f073d5f..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/color.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-/* SYSTEM colors */
-#vt100 .ansiDef { }
-#vt100 .ansiDefR { }
-#vt100 .ansi0 { color: #000000; }
-#vt100 .ansi1 { color: #cd0000; }
-#vt100 .ansi2 { color: #00cd00; }
-#vt100 .ansi3 { color: #cdcd00; }
-#vt100 .ansi4 { color: #0000ee; }
-#vt100 .ansi5 { color: #cd00cd; }
-#vt100 .ansi6 { color: #00cdcd; }
-#vt100 .ansi7 { color: #e5e5e5; }
-#vt100 .ansi8 { color: #7f7f7f; }
-#vt100 .ansi9 { color: #ff0000; }
-#vt100 .ansi10 { color: #00ff00; }
-#vt100 .ansi11 { color: #e8e800; }
-#vt100 .ansi12 { color: #5c5cff; }
-#vt100 .ansi13 { color: #ff00ff; }
-#vt100 .ansi14 { color: #00ffff; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi74 { background-color: #5fafd7; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi101 { background-color: #87875f; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi108 { background-color: #87af87; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi109 { background-color: #87afaf; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi46 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi47 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi48 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi49 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi50 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi51 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi52 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi53 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi54 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi55 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi56 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi57 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi58 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi59 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi60 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi61 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi62 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi63 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi64 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi65 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi66 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi67 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi68 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi69 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi70 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi71 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi72 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi73 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi74 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi75 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi76 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi77 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi78 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi79 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi80 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi81 { background-color: transparent; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi143 { background-color: transparent; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi145 { background-color: transparent; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi157 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi158 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi159 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi160 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi161 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi162 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi163 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi164 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi165 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi166 { background-color: transparent; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi169 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi170 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi171 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi172 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi173 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi174 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi175 { background-color: transparent; }
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-#vt100 .bgAnsi177 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi178 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi179 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi180 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi181 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi182 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi183 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi184 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi185 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi186 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi187 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi188 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi189 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi190 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi191 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi192 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi193 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi194 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi195 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi196 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi197 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi198 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi199 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi200 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi201 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi202 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi203 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi204 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi205 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi206 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi207 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi208 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi209 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi210 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi211 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi212 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi213 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi214 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi215 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi216 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi217 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi218 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi219 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi220 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi221 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi222 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi223 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi224 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi225 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi226 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi227 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi228 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi229 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi230 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi231 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi232 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi233 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi234 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi235 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi236 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi237 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi238 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi239 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi240 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi241 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi242 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi243 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi244 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi245 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi246 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi247 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi248 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi249 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi250 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi251 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi252 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi253 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi254 { background-color: transparent; }
-#vt100 .bgAnsi255 { background-color: transparent; }
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/pink-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/pink-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e43e660f..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/pink-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: magenta;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #FFC0CB;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #FFC0CB;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #FFC0CB;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #FFC0CB;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #FFC0CB;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #FFC0CB;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/purple-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/purple-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 011782cc..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/purple-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: purple;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #ff00ff;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #ff00ff;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #ff00ff;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #ff00ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #ff00ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #ff00ff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/red-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/red-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c5c8c2..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/red-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: red;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #ff0000;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #ff0000;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #ff0000;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #ff0000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #ff0000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #ff0000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/white-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/white-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9ffd80..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/white-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: white;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #ffffff;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/yellow-on-black.css b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/yellow-on-black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad7d5cf..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/shellinabox-plugin/styles/yellow-on-black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#vt100 #cursor.bright {
- background-color: yellow;
- color: black;
-#vt100 #cursor.dim {
- background-color: black;
- opacity: 0.2;
- -moz-opacity: 0.2;
- filter: alpha(opacity=20);
-#vt100 #scrollable {
- color: #ffff00;
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted {
- color: #000000;
- background-color: #ffff00;
-#vt100 .ansiDef {
- color: #ffff00;
-#vt100 .ansiDefR {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #000000;
-#vt100 .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #ffff00;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDef {
- color: #000000;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .ansiDefR {
- color: #ffff00;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDef {
- background-color: #ffff00;
-#vt100 #scrollable.inverted .bgAnsiDefR {
- background-color: #000000;
diff --git a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/sbin/screenfetch b/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/sbin/screenfetch
deleted file mode 100755
index a71673d7..00000000
--- a/source/shellinabox-plugin/usr/sbin/screenfetch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4415 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# screenFetch - a CLI Bash script to show system/theme info in screenshots
-# Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Brett Bohnenkamper
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-# Yes, I do realize some of this is horribly ugly coding. Any ideas/suggestions would be
-# appreciated by emailing me or by stopping by http://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch. You
-# could also drop in on the IRC channel at irc://irc.rizon.net/screenFetch.
-# to put forth suggestions/ideas. Thank you.
-# Requires: bash 4.0+
-# Optional dependencies: xorg-xdpyinfo (resoluton detection)
-# scrot (screenshot taking)
-# curl (screenshot uploading)
-# Settings for fetcher
-# This setting controls what ASCII logo is displayed.
-# distro="Linux"
-# This sets the information to be displayed. Available: distro, Kernel, DE, WM, Win_theme, Theme, Icons, Font, Background, ASCII. To get just the information, and not a text-art logo, you would take "ASCII" out of the below variable.
-#display="distro host kernel uptime pkgs shell res de wm wmtheme gtk disk cpu gpu mem"
-valid_display=( distro host kernel uptime pkgs shell res de wm wmtheme gtk disk cpu gpu mem )
-display=( distro host kernel uptime pkgs shell res de wm wmtheme gtk cpu gpu mem )
-# Display Type: ASCII or Text
-# Plain logo
-# Colors to use for the information found. These are set below according to distribution. If you would like to set your OWN color scheme for these, uncomment the lines below and edit them to your heart's content.
-# textcolor="\e[0m"
-# labelcolor="\e[1;34m"
-# WM & DE process names
-# Removed WM's: compiz
-wmnames=( fluxbox openbox blackbox xfwm4 metacity kwin icewm pekwm fvwm dwm awesome wmaker stumpwm musca xmonad.* i3 ratpoison scrotwm spectrwm wmfs wmii beryl subtle e16 enlightenment sawfish emerald monsterwm dminiwm compiz Finder herbstluftwm notion bspwm cinnamon 2bwm echinus swm budgie-wm dtwm 9wm chromeos-wm deepin-wm)
-denames=( gnome-session xfce-mcs-manage xfce4-session xfconfd ksmserver lxsession lxqt-session gnome-settings-daemon mate-session mate-settings-daemon Finder deepin)
-# Screenshot Settings
-# This setting lets the script know if you want to take a screenshot or not. 1=Yes 0=No
-# This setting lets the script know if you want to upload the screenshot to a filehost. 1=Yes 0=No
-# This setting lets the script know where you would like to upload the file to. Valid hosts are: teknik, mediacrush, pomf, imgur, hmp, and a configurable local.
-# You can specify a custom screenshot command here. Just uncomment and edit. Otherwise, we'll be using the default command: scrot -cd3.
-# screenCommand="scrot -cd5"
-shotfile=$(printf "screenFetch-`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`.png")
-# Verbose Setting - Set to 1 for verbose output.
-#### CODE No need to edit past here CODE ####
-# Static Variables and Common Functions #
-c0="\033[0m" # Reset Text
-bold="\033[1m" # Bold Text
-underline="\033[4m" # Underline Text
-# User options
-# Static Color Definitions
-colorize () {
- printf "\033[38;5;$1m"
-getColor() {
- if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then
- tmp_color=${1,,}
- else
- tmp_color="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${1})"
- fi
- else
- tmp_color="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${1})"
- fi
- case "${tmp_color}" in
- 'black') color_ret='\033[0m\033[30m';;
- 'red') color_ret='\033[0m\033[31m';;
- 'green') color_ret='\033[0m\033[32m';;
- 'brown') color_ret='\033[0m\033[33m';;
- 'blue') color_ret='\033[0m\033[34m';;
- 'purple') color_ret='\033[0m\033[35m';;
- 'cyan') color_ret='\033[0m\033[36m';;
- 'light grey') color_ret='\033[0m\033[37m';;
- 'dark grey') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;30m';;
- 'light red') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;31m';;
- 'light green') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;32m';;
- 'yellow') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;33m';;
- 'light blue') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;34m';;
- 'light purple') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;35m';;
- 'light cyan') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;36m';;
- 'white') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;37m';;
- # Some 256 colors
- 'orange') color_ret="$(colorize '202')";;
- # HaikuOS
- 'black_haiku') color_ret="$(colorize '7')";;
- esac
- [[ -n "${color_ret}" ]] && echo "${color_ret}"
- else
- :
- fi
-verboseOut() {
- if [[ "$verbosity" -eq "1" ]]; then
- printf "\033[1;31m:: \033[0m$1\n"
- fi
-errorOut() {
- printf "\033[1;37m[[ \033[1;31m! \033[1;37m]] \033[0m$1\n"
-stderrOut() {
- while IFS='' read -r line; do printf "\033[1;37m[[ \033[1;31m! \033[1;37m]] \033[0m${line}\n"; done
-# Color Defines
-colorNumberToCode() {
- number="$1"
- if [[ "${number}" == "na" ]]; then
- unset code
- elif [[ $(tput colors) -eq "256" ]]; then
- code=$(colorize "${number}")
- else
- case "$number" in
- 0|00) code=$(getColor 'black');;
- 1|01) code=$(getColor 'red');;
- 2|02) code=$(getColor 'green');;
- 3|03) code=$(getColor 'brown');;
- 4|04) code=$(getColor 'blue');;
- 5|05) code=$(getColor 'purple');;
- 6|06) code=$(getColor 'cyan');;
- 7|07) code=$(getColor 'light grey');;
- 8|08) code=$(getColor 'dark grey');;
- 9|09) code=$(getColor 'light red');;
- 10) code=$(getColor 'light green');;
- 11) code=$(getColor 'yellow');;
- 12) code=$(getColor 'light blue');;
- 13) code=$(getColor 'light purple');;
- 14) code=$(getColor 'light cyan');;
- 15) code=$(getColor 'white');;
- *) unset code;;
- esac
- fi
- echo -n "${code}"
-detectColors() {
- my_colors=$(sed 's/^,/na,/;s/,$/,na/;s/,/ /' <<< "${OPTARG}")
- my_lcolor=$(awk -F' ' '{print $1}' <<< "${my_colors}")
- my_lcolor=$(colorNumberToCode "${my_lcolor}")
- my_hcolor=$(awk -F' ' '{print $2}' <<< "${my_colors}")
- my_hcolor=$(colorNumberToCode "${my_hcolor}")
-supported_distros="Antergos, Arch Linux (Old and Current Logos), BLAG, CentOS, Chakra, Chapeau, Chrome OS, Chromium OS, CrunchBang, CRUX, Debian, Deepin, Dragora, elementary OS, Evolve OS, Fedora, Frugalware, Fuduntu, Funtoo, Gentoo, gNewSense, Jiyuu Linux, Kali Linux, KaOS, Korora, LinuxDeepin, Linux Mint, LMDE, Logos, Mageia, Mandriva/Mandrake, Manjaro, NixOS, openSUSE, Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, PCLinuxOS, PeppermintOS, Raspbian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Sabayon, Scientific Linux, Slackware, Solus, TinyCore, Trisquel, Ubuntu, unRAID, Viperr and Void."
-supported_other="Dragonfly/Free/Open/Net BSD, Haiku, Mac OS X and Windows+Cygwin."
-supported_dms="KDE, Gnome, Unity, Xfce, LXDE, Cinnamon, MATE, CDE and RazorQt."
-supported_wms="2bwm, 9wm, Awesome, Beryl, Blackbox, Cinnamon, chromeos-wm, Compiz, dminiwm, dwm, dtwm, E16, E17, echinus, Emerald, FluxBox, FVWM, herbstluftwm, IceWM, KWin, Metacity, monsterwm, Musca, Gala, Mutter, Muffin, Notion, OpenBox, PekWM, Ratpoison, Sawfish, ScrotWM, SpectrWM, StumpWM, subtle, WindowMaker, WMFS, wmii, Xfwm4, XMonad and i3."
-displayHelp() {
- printf "${underline}Usage${c0}:\n"
- printf " ${0} [OPTIONAL FLAGS]\n\n"
- printf "screenFetch - a CLI Bash script to show system/theme info in screenshots.\n\n"
- printf "${underline}Supported GNU/Linux Distributions${c0}:\n"
- printf "${supported_distros}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g'
- printf "\n\n"
- printf "${underline}Other Supported Systems${c0}:\n"
- printf "${supported_other}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g'
- printf "\n\n"
- printf "${underline}Supported Desktop Managers${c0}:\n"
- printf "${supported_dms}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g'
- printf "\n\n"
- printf "${underline}Supported Window Managers${c0}:\n"
- printf "${supported_wms}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g'
- printf "\n\n"
- printf "${underline}Options${c0}:\n"
- printf " ${bold}-v${c0} Verbose output.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-o 'OPTIONS'${c0} Allows for setting script variables on the\n"
- printf " command line. Must be in the following format...\n"
- printf " 'OPTION1=\"OPTIONARG1\";OPTION2=\"OPTIONARG2\"'\n"
- printf " ${bold}-d '+var;-var;var'${c0} Allows for setting what information is displayed\n"
- printf " on the command line. You can add displays with +var,var. You\n"
- printf " can delete displays with -var,var. Setting without + or - will\n"
- printf " set display to that explicit combination. Add and delete statements\n"
- printf " may be used in conjunction by placing a ; between them as so:\n"
- printf " +var,var,var;-var,var.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-n${c0} Do not display ASCII distribution logo.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-L${c0} Display ASCII distribution logo only.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-N${c0} Strip all color from output.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-t${c0} Truncate output based on terminal width (Experimental!).\n"
- printf " ${bold}-p${c0} Portrait output.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-s(u)${c0} Using this flag tells the script that you want it\n"
- printf " to take a screenshot. Use the -u flag if you would like\n"
- printf " to upload the screenshots to one of the pre-configured\n"
- printf " locations. These include: teknik, pomf, imgur, mediacrush, and hmp.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-c string${c0} You may change the outputted colors with -c. The format is\n"
- printf " as follows: [0-9][0-9],[0-9][0-9]. The first argument controls the\n"
- printf " ASCII logo colors and the label colors. The second argument\n"
- printf " controls the colors of the information found. One argument may be\n"
- printf " used without the other.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-a 'PATH'${c0} You can specify a custom ASCII art by passing the path\n"
- printf " to a Bash script, defining \`startline\` and \`fulloutput\`\n"
- printf " variables, and optionally \`labelcolor\` and \`textcolor\`.\n"
- printf " See the \`asciiText\` function in the source code for more\n"
- printf " informations on the variables format.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-S 'COMMAND'${c0} Here you can specify a custom screenshot command for\n"
- printf " the script to execute. Surrounding quotes are required.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-D 'DISTRO'${c0} Here you can specify your distribution for the script\n"
- printf " to use. Surrounding quotes are required.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-A 'DISTRO'${c0} Here you can specify the distribution art that you want\n"
- printf " displayed. This is for when you want your distro\n"
- printf " detected but want to display a different logo.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-E${c0} Suppress output of errors.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-V${c0} Display current script version.\n"
- printf " ${bold}-h${c0} Display this help.\n"
-displayVersion() {
- printf ${underline}"screenFetch"${c0}" - Version ${scriptVersion}\n"
- printf "Created by and licensed to Brett Bohnenkamper \n"
- printf "OS X porting done almost solely by shrx (https://github.com/shrx) and John D. Duncan, III (https://github.com/JohnDDuncanIII).\n\n"
- printf "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"
-# Begin Flags Phase
-case $1 in
- --help) displayHelp; exit 0;;
- --version) displayVersion; exit 0;;
-while getopts ":hsu:evVEnLNtlS:A:D:o:Bc:d:pa:" flags; do
- case $flags in
- h) displayHelp; exit 0 ;;
- s) screenshot='1' ;;
- S) screenCommand="${OPTARG}" ;;
- u) upload='1'; uploadLoc="${OPTARG}" ;;
- v) verbosity=1 ;;
- V) displayVersion; exit 0 ;;
- E) errorSuppress='1' ;;
- D) distro="${OPTARG}" ;;
- A) asc_distro="${OPTARG}" ;;
- t) truncateSet='Yes' ;;
- n) display_type='Text' ;;
- L) display_type='ASCII'; display_logo='Yes' ;;
- o) overrideOpts="${OPTARG}" ;;
- c) detectColors "${OPTARGS}" ;;
- d) overrideDisplay="${OPTARG}" ;;
- N) no_color='1' ;;
- p) portraitSet='Yes' ;;
- a) art="${OPTARG}" ;;
- :) errorOut "Error: You're missing an argument somewhere. Exiting."; exit 1 ;;
- ?) errorOut "Error: Invalid flag somewhere. Exiting."; exit 1 ;;
- *) errorOut "Error"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-# End Flags Phase
-# Override Options/Display
-if [[ "$overrideOpts" ]]; then
- verboseOut "Found 'o' flag in syntax. Overriding some script variables..."
- IFS=";"
- for overopt in "${overrideOpts}"; do
- eval "${overrideOpts}"
- done
-# Begin Detection Phase
-# Distro Detection - Begin
-detectdistro () {
- if [[ -z "${distro}" ]]; then
- distro="Unknown"
- # LSB Release Check
- if type -p lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # read distro_detect distro_release distro_codename <<< $(lsb_release -sirc)
- distro_detect=( $(lsb_release -sirc) )
- if [[ ${#distro_detect[@]} -eq 3 ]]; then
- distro_codename=${distro_detect[2]}
- distro_release=${distro_detect[1]}
- distro_detect=${distro_detect[0]}
- else
- for ((i=0; i<${#distro_detect[@]}; i++)); do
- if [[ ${distro_detect[$i]} =~ ^[[:digit:]]+((.[[:digit:]]+|[[:digit:]]+|)+)$ ]]; then
- distro_release=${distro_detect[$i]}
- distro_codename=${distro_detect[@]:$(($i+1)):${#distro_detect[@]}+1}
- distro_detect=${distro_detect[@]:0:${i}}
- break 1
- elif [[ ${distro_detect[$i]} =~ [Nn]/[Aa] || ${distro_detect[$i]} == "rolling" ]]; then
- distro_release=${distro_detect[$i]}
- distro_codename=${distro_detect[@]:$(($i+1)):${#distro_detect[@]}+1}
- distro_detect=${distro_detect[@]:0:${i}}
- break 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- case "${distro_detect}" in
- "archlinux"|"Arch Linux"|"arch"|"Arch"|"archarm")
- distro="Arch Linux"
- distro_release="n/a"
- if grep -q 'antergos' /etc/os-release; then
- distro="Antergos"
- distro_release="n/a"
- fi
- if grep -q -i 'logos' /etc/os-release; then
- distro="Logos"
- distro_release="n/a"
- fi
- ;;
- "BLAG")
- distro="BLAG"
- distro_more="$(head -n1 /etc/fedora-release)"
- ;;
- "Chakra")
- distro="Chakra"
- distro_release=""
- ;;
- "CentOS") distro="CentOS"
- ;;
- "Chapeau") distro="Chapeau"
- ;;
- "Debian")
- if [[ -f /etc/crunchbang-lsb-release || -f /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang ]]; then
- distro="CrunchBang"
- distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^DISTRIB_RELEASE=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang)
- distro_codename=$(awk -F'=' '/^DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang)
- elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
- if [[ "$(cat /etc/os-release)" =~ "Raspbian" ]]; then
- distro="Raspbian"
- distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^PRETTY_NAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)
- else
- distro="Debian"
- fi
- else
- distro="Debian"
- fi
- ;;
- "Raspbian")
- distro="Raspbian"
- ;;
- "elementary"|"elementary OS")
- distro="elementary OS"
- ;;
- "EvolveOS")
- distro="Evolve OS"
- ;;
- "KaOS"|"kaos")
- distro="KaOS"
- ;;
- "Fedora")
- distro="Fedora"
- ;;
- "frugalware")
- distro="Frugalware"
- distro_codename=null
- distro_release=null
- ;;
- "Fuduntu")
- distro="Fuduntu"
- distro_codename=null
- ;;
- "Gentoo")
- if [[ "$(lsb_release -sd)" =~ "Funtoo" ]]; then
- distro="Funtoo"
- else
- distro="Gentoo"
- fi
- ;;
- "gNewSense")
- distro="gNewSense"
- ;;
- "Jiyuu Linux")
- distro="Jiyuu Linux"
- ;;
- "LinuxDeepin")
- distro="LinuxDeepin"
- distro_codename=null
- ;;
- "Deepin")
- distro="Deepin"
- ;;
- "Kali"|"Debian Kali Linux")
- distro="Kali Linux"
- ;;
- "Korora")
- distro="Korora"
- ;;
- "Lunar Linux"|"lunar")
- distro="Lunar Linux"
- ;;
- "Mageia")
- distro="Mageia"
- ;;
- "MandrivaLinux")
- distro="Mandriva"
- case "${distro_codename}" in
- "turtle"|"Henry_Farman"|"Farman"|"Adelie"|"pauillac")
- distro="Mandriva-${distro_release}"
- distro_codename=null
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- "ManjaroLinux")
- distro="Manjaro"
- ;;
- "Mer")
- distro="Mer"
- if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
- if grep -q 'SailfishOS' /etc/os-release; then
- distro="SailfishOS"
- distro_codename="$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ')' -f1)"
- distro_release="$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- "NixOS")
- distro="NixOS"
- ;;
- "LinuxMint")
- distro="Mint"
- if [[ "${distro_codename}" == "debian" ]]; then
- distro="LMDE"
- distro_codename="n/a"
- distro_release="n/a"
- fi
- ;;
- "SUSE LINUX"|"openSUSE project")
- distro="openSUSE"
- ;;
- "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Parabola")
- distro="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"
- distro_codename="n/a"
- distro_release="n/a"
- ;;
- "PCLinuxOS")
- distro="PCLinuxOS"
- distro_codename="n/a"
- distro_release="n/a"
- ;;
- "Peppermint")
- distro="Peppermint"
- distro_codename=null
- ;;
- "CentOS")
- distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
- ;;
- "Sabayon")
- distro="Sabayon"
- ;;
- "SailfishOS")
- distro="SailfishOS"
- if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
- distro_codename="$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ')' -f1)"
- distro_release="$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)"
- fi
- ;;
- "Solus")
- distro="Solus"
- ;;
- "Trisquel")
- distro="Trisquel"
- ;;
- "Ubuntu")
- distro="Ubuntu"
- ;;
- "Viperr")
- distro="Viperr"
- distro_codename=null
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ "${distro_detect}" =~ "RedHatEnterprise" ]]; then distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"; fi
- if [[ -n ${distro_release} && ${distro_release} != "n/a" ]]; then distro_more="$distro_release"; fi
- if [[ -n ${distro_codename} && ${distro_codename} != "n/a" ]]; then distro_more="$distro_more $distro_codename"; fi
- fi
- # Existing File Check
- if [ "$distro" == "Unknown" ]; then
- if [ $(uname -o 2>/dev/null) ]; then
- case "$(uname -o)" in
- "Cygwin")
- distro="Cygwin"
- fake_distro="${distro}"
- if [ "$(wmic os get version | grep -o '^10')" ]; then
- fake_distro="Windows 10"
- fi
- ;;
- "Haiku")
- distro="Haiku"
- distro_more="$(uname -v | tr ' ' '\n' | grep 'hrev')"
- ;;
- "GNU/Linux")
- if type -p crux >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- distro="CRUX"
- distro_more="$(crux | awk '{print $3}')"
- fi
- if type -p nixos-version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- distro="NixOS"
- distro_more="$(nixos-version)"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]]; then
- if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
- distrib_id=$(/dev/null; then
- distro="Mac OS X"
- elif [[ -f /var/run/dmesg.boot ]]; then
- distro=$(awk 'BEGIN {
- distro = "Unknown"
- }
- {
- if ($0 ~ /DragonFly/) {
- distro = "DragonFlyBSD"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /FreeBSD/) {
- distro = "FreeBSD"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /NetBSD/) {
- distro = "NetBSD"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /OpenBSD/) {
- distro = "OpenBSD"
- exit
- }
- } END {
- print distro
- }' /var/run/dmesg.boot)
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]] && [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu" || "${OSTYPE}" == "linux" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then
- if [[ -f /etc/issue ]]; then
- distro=$(awk 'BEGIN {
- distro = "Unknown"
- }
- {
- if ($0 ~ /"LinuxDeepin"/) {
- distro = "LinuxDeepin"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /"Parabola GNU\/Linux-libre"/) {
- distro = "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /"Solus"/) {
- distro = "Solus"
- exit
- }
- } END {
- print distro
- }' /etc/issue)
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]] && [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu" || "${OSTYPE}" == "linux" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then
- if [[ -f /etc/system-release ]]; then
- if grep -q "Scientific Linux" /etc/system-release; then
- distro="Scientific Linux"
- fi
- elif [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then
- if grep -q "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_NAME" /etc/lsb-release; then
- distro="$(awk -F'=' '/^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_NAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release)"
- distro_more="$(awk -F'=' '/^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${distro_more} ]]; then
- distro_more="${distro} ${distro_more}"
- fi
- if [[ "${distro}" != "Haiku" ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then
- distro=${distro,,}
- else
- distro="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${distro})"
- fi
- else
- distro="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${distro})"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${distro_more} ]]; then
- distro_more="${distro} ${distro_more}"
- fi
- case $distro in
- antergos) distro="Antergos" ;;
- arch*linux*old) distro="Arch Linux - Old" ;;
- arch|arch*linux) distro="Arch Linux" ;;
- dragora) distro="Dragora" ;;
- elementary|'elementary os') distro="elementary OS";;
- evolveos) distro="Evolve OS" ;;
- fedora) distro="Fedora" ;;
- gnewsense) distro="gNewSense" ;;
- korora) distro="Korora" ;;
- blag) distro="BLAG" ;;
- chapeau) distro="Chapeau" ;;
- chrome*|chromium*) distro="Chrome OS" ;;
- crux) distro="CRUX" ;;
- mageia) distro="Mageia" ;;
- mandriva) distro="Mandriva" ;;
- mandrake) distro="Mandrake" ;;
- mer) distro="Mer" ;;
- mint) distro="Mint" ;;
- nix|nix*os) distro="NixOS" ;;
- kali*linux) distro="Kali Linux" ;;
- lmde) distro="LMDE" ;;
- lunar|lunar*linux) distro="Lunar Linux";;
- opensuse) distro="openSUSE" ;;
- ubuntu) distro="Ubuntu" ;;
- debian) distro="Debian" ;;
- raspbian) distro="Raspbian" ;;
- freebsd) distro="FreeBSD" ;;
- freebsd*old) distro="FreeBSD - Old" ;;
- logos) distro="Logos" ;;
- openbsd) distro="OpenBSD" ;;
- dragonflybsd) distro="DragonFlyBSD" ;;
- netbsd) distro="NetBSD" ;;
- red*hat*) distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" ;;
- crunchbang) distro="CrunchBang" ;;
- gentoo) distro="Gentoo" ;;
- funtoo) distro="Funtoo" ;;
- sabayon) distro="Sabayon" ;;
- slackware) distro="Slackware" ;;
- unraid) distro="unRAID" ;;
- frugalware) distro="Frugalware" ;;
- pclinuxos|pclos) distro="PCLinuxOS" ;;
- peppermint) distro="Peppermint" ;;
- sailfish|sailfish*os) distro="SailfishOS" ;;
- solus) distro="Solus" ;;
- trisquel) distro="Trisquel";;
- parabolagnu|parabolagnu/linux-libre|'parabola gnu/linux-libre'|parabola) distro="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre" ;;
- viperr) distro="Viperr" ;;
- void) distro="Void" ;;
- kaos) distro="KaOS";;
- linuxdeepin) distro="LinuxDeepin" ;;
- deepin) distro="Deepin" ;;
- chakra) distro="Chakra" ;;
- centos) distro="CentOS" ;;
- mac*os*x) distro="Mac OS X" ;;
- fuduntu) distro="Fuduntu" ;;
- manjaro) distro="Manjaro" ;;
- tinycore|tinycore*linux) distro="TinyCore" ;;
- cygwin) distro="Cygwin" ;;
- haiku) distro="Haiku" ;;
- esac
- verboseOut "Finding distro...found as '${distro} ${distro_release}'"
-# Distro Detection - End
-# Host and User detection - Begin
-detecthost () {
- myUser=${USER}
- myHost=${HOSTNAME}
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then myHost=${myHost/.local}; fi
- verboseOut "Finding hostname and user...found as '${myUser}@${myHost}'"
-# Find Number of Running Processes
-# processnum="$(( $( ps aux | wc -l ) - 1 ))"
-# Kernel Version Detection - Begin
-detectkernel () {
- kernel=( $(uname -srm) )
- kernel="${kernel[${#kernel[@]}-1]} ${kernel[@]:0:${#kernel[@]}-1}"
- verboseOut "Finding kernel version...found as '${kernel}'"
-# Kernel Version Detection - End
-# Uptime Detection - Begin
-detectuptime () {
- unset uptime
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" || "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" ]]; then
- boot=$(sysctl -n kern.boottime | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "," -f 1)
- now=$(date +%s)
- uptime=$(($now-$boot))
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then
- boot=$(sysctl -n kern.boottime)
- now=$(date +%s)
- uptime=$((${now} - ${boot}))
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Haiku" ]]; then
- uptime=$(uptime | cut -d ',' -f2,3 | sed 's/ up //; s/ hour,/h/; s/ minutes/m/;')
- else
- if [[ -f /proc/uptime ]]; then
- uptime=$(/dev/null 2>&1; then
- port_pkgs=$(port installed 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- pkgs=$((${pkgs} + (${port_pkgs} -1)))
- fi
- if type -p brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- brew_pkgs=$(brew list -1 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- pkgs=$((${pkgs} + ${brew_pkgs}))
- fi
- if type -p pkgin >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- pkgsrc_pkgs=$(pkgin list 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- pkgs=$((${pkgs} + ${pkgsrc_pkgs}))
- fi
- ;;
- 'OpenBSD')
- pkgs=$(pkg_info | wc -l | awk '{sub(" ", "");print $1}')
- if type -p portmaster >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ports=$(portmaster -l | grep -Eo '[0-9]+ total installed' | sed 's/ total installed//')
- pkgs=$((${pkgs} + ${ports}))
- fi
- ;;
- 'FreeBSD')
- pkgs=$(if TMPDIR=/dev/null ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=1 PACKAGESITE=file:///nonexistent pkg info pkg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- pkg info | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'; else pkg_info | wc -l | awk '{sub(" ", "");print $1}'; fi)
- ;;
- 'NetBSD')
- pkgs=$(pkg_info | wc -l | tr -d ' ')
- ;;
- 'Cygwin')
- cygfix=2
- pkgs=$(($(cygcheck -cd | wc -l) - ${cygfix}))
- if [ -d "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then
- chocopkgs=$(( $(ls -1 /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l) ))
- pkgs=$((${pkgs} + ${chocopkgs}))
- fi
- ;;
- 'Haiku')
- haikualpharelease="no"
- if [ -d /boot/system/package-links ]; then
- pkgs=$(ls /boot/system/package-links | wc -l)
- elif type -p installoptionalpackage >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- haikualpharelease="yes"
- pkgs=$(installoptionalpackage -l | sed -n '3p' | wc -w)
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- verboseOut "Finding current package count...found as '$pkgs'"
-# CPU Detection - Begin
-detectcpu () {
- REGEXP="-r"
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- cpu=$(machine)
- if [[ $cpu == "ppc750" ]]; then
- cpu="IBM PowerPC G3"
- elif [[ $cpu == "ppc7400" || $cpu == "ppc7450" ]]; then
- cpu="IBM PowerPC G4"
- elif [[ $cpu == "ppc970" ]]; then
- cpu="IBM PowerPC G5"
- else
- cpu=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)
- fi
- elif [ "$OSTYPE" == "gnu" ]; then
- # no /proc/cpuinfo on GNU/Hurd
- if [ "$(uname -m | grep 'i*86')" ]; then
- cpu="Unknown x86"
- else
- cpu="Unknown"
- fi
- elif [[ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" || "$distro" == "DragonflyBSD" ]]; then
- cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.model)
- elif [ "$distro" == "OpenBSD" ]; then
- cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.model | sed 's/@.*//')
- elif [ "$distro" == "Haiku" ]; then
- cpu=$(sysinfo -cpu | grep 'CPU #0' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sed 's/(tm)//; s/Processor//;')
- if [ -z "$(echo $cpu | grep '@')" ]; then
- cpu_mhz=$(sysinfo -cpu | grep 'running at' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="running at "} { print $2; exit }' | cut -d'M' -f1)
- if [ $(echo $cpu_mhz) -gt 999 ];then
- cpu_ghz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' <<< "${cpu_mhz}")
- cpu="$cpu @ ${cpu_ghz}GHz"
- else
- cpu="$cpu @ ${cpu_mhz}MHz"
- fi
- fi
- else
- cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /model name/ { print $2; exit }' /proc/cpuinfo | awk 'BEGIN{FS=" @"; OFS="\n"} { print $1; exit }')
- cpun=$(grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort | uniq | wc -l)
- if [ -z "$cpu" ]; then
- cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /Hardware/ { print $2; exit }' /proc/cpuinfo)
- fi
- if [ -z "$cpu" ]; then
- cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /^cpu/ { gsub(/ +/," ",$2); print $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/, altivec supported//;s/^ //')
- if [[ $cpu =~ ^(PPC)*9.+ ]]; then
- model="IBM PowerPC G5 "
- elif [[ $cpu =~ 740/750 ]]; then
- model="IBM PowerPC G3 "
- elif [[ $cpu =~ ^74.+ ]]; then
- model="Motorola PowerPC G4 "
- elif [[ "$(cat /proc/cpuinfo)" =~ "BCM2708" ]]; then
- model="Broadcom BCM2835 ARM1176JZF-S"
- else
- model="IBM PowerPC G3 "
- fi
- cpu="${model}${cpu}"
- fi
- loc="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq"
- if [ -f ${loc}/bios_limit ];then
- cpu_mhz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' "${loc}/bios_limit")
- elif [ -f $loc/scaling_max_freq ];then
- cpu_mhz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' "${loc}/scaling_max_freq")
- else
- cpu_mhz=$(awk -F':' '/cpu MHz/{ print int($2+.5) }' /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 1)
- fi
- if [ -n "$cpu_mhz" ];then
- if [ $(echo $cpu_mhz | cut -d. -f1) -gt 999 ];then
- cpu_ghz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' <<< "${cpu_mhz}")
- cpu="$cpu @ ${cpu_ghz}GHz"
- else
- cpu="$cpu @ ${cpu_mhz}MHz"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${cpun}" -gt "1" ]]; then
- cpu=$(sed $REGEXP 's/\([tT][mM]\)|\([Rr]\)|[pP]rocessor//g' <<< "${cpun}x ${cpu}" | xargs)
- else
- cpu=$(sed $REGEXP 's/\([tT][mM]\)|\([Rr]\)|[pP]rocessor//g' <<< "${cpu}" | xargs)
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding current CPU...found as '$cpu'"
-# CPU Detection - End
-# GPU Detection - Begin (EXPERIMENTAL!)
-detectgpu () {
- if [[ "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" ]]; then
- gpu_info=$(pciconf -lv 2> /dev/null | grep -B 4 VGA)
- gpu_info=$(grep -E 'device.*=.*' <<< "${gpu_info}")
- gpu="${gpu_info##*device*= }"
- gpu="${gpu//\'}"
- # gpu=$(sed 's/.*device.*= //' <<< "${gpu_info}" | sed "s/'//g")
- elif [[ "${distro}" != "Mac OS X" && "${distro}" != "Haiku" ]]; then
- if [[ -n "$(PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH" type -p nvidia-smi)" ]]; then
- gpu=$($(PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH" type -p nvidia-smi | cut -f1) -q | awk -F':' '/Product Name/ {gsub(/: /,":"); print $2}' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')
- elif [[ -n "$(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p glxinfo)" && -z "${gpu}" ]]; then
- gpu_info=$($(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p glxinfo | cut -f1) 2>/dev/null)
- gpu=$(grep "OpenGL renderer string" <<< "${gpu_info}" | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/,/g;p}')
- gpu="${gpu:1}"
- gpu_info=$(grep "OpenGL vendor string" <<< "${gpu_info}")
- elif [[ -n "$(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p lspci)" && -z "$gpu" ]]; then
- gpu_info=$($(PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" type -p lspci | cut -f1) 2> /dev/null | grep VGA)
- gpu=$(grep -oE '\[.*\]' <<< "${gpu_info}" | sed 's/\[//;s/\]//' | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/, /g;p}')
- fi
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then
- gpu=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk -F': ' '/^\ *Chipset Model:/ {print $2}' | awk '{ printf "%s / ", $0 }' | sed -e 's/\/ $//g')
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" ]]; then
- gpu=$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get caption)
- gpu=$(tail -1 <<< ${gpu})
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Haiku" ]]; then
- gpu="$(listdev | grep -A2 -e 'device Display controller' | tail -n1 | sed 's/ device ....: //')"
- fi
- if [ -n "$gpu" ];then
- if [ $(grep -i nvidia <<< "${gpu_info}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ];then
- gpu_info="NVidia "
- elif [ $(grep -i intel <<< "${gpu_info}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ];then
- gpu_info="Intel "
- elif [ $(grep -i amd <<< "${gpu_info}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ];then
- gpu_info="AMD "
- elif [[ $(grep -i ati <<< "${gpu_info}" | wc -l) -gt 0 || $(grep -i radeon <<< "${gpu_info}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
- gpu_info="ATI "
- else
- gpu_info=$(cut -d ':' -f2 <<< "${gpu_info}")
- gpu_info="${gpu_info:1} "
- fi
- gpu="${gpu}"
- else
- gpu="Not Found"
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding current GPU...found as '$gpu'"
-# GPU Detection - End
-# Disk Usage Detection - Begin
-detectdisk () {
- diskusage="Unknown"
- if type -p df >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [[ "${distro}" =~ (Free|Net|Open|DragonFly)BSD ]]; then
- totaldisk=$(df -h -c 2>/dev/null | tail -1)
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then
- totaldisk=$(df -H / 2>/dev/null | tail -1)
- else
- totaldisk=$(df -h --total 2>/dev/null | tail -1)
- fi
- disktotal=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${totaldisk}")
- diskused=$(awk '{print $3}' <<< "${totaldisk}")
- diskusedper=$(awk '{print $5}' <<< "${totaldisk}")
- diskusage="${diskused} / ${disktotal} (${diskusedper})"
- diskusage_verbose=$(sed 's/%/%%/' <<< $diskusage)
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding current disk usage...found as '$diskusage_verbose'"
-# Disk Usage Detection - End
-# Memory Detection - Begin
-detectmem () {
- hw_mem=0
- free_mem=0
- human=1024
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- totalmem=$(echo "$(sysctl -n hw.memsize)"/${human}^2|bc)
- wiredmem=$(vm_stat | grep wired | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/\.//')
- activemem=$(vm_stat | grep ' active' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/\.//')
- compressedmem=$(vm_stat | grep occupied | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/\.//')
- usedmem=$(((${wiredmem} + ${activemem} + ${compressedmem}) * 4 / $human))
- elif [ "$distro" == "Cygwin" ]; then
- total_mem=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
- totalmem=$((${total_mem}/$human))
- free_mem=$(awk '/MemFree/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
- used_mem=$((${total_mem} - ${free_mem}))
- usedmem=$((${used_mem} / $human))
- elif [ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" ]; then
- phys_mem=$(sysctl -n hw.physmem)
- size_mem=$phys_mem
- size_chip=1
- guess_chip=`echo "$size_mem / 8 - 1" | bc`
- while [ $guess_chip != 0 ]; do
- guess_chip=`echo "$guess_chip / 2" | bc`
- size_chip=`echo "$size_chip * 2" | bc`
- done
- round_mem=`echo "( $size_mem / $size_chip + 1 ) * $size_chip " | bc`
- totalmem=$(($round_mem / ($human * $human) ))
- pagesize=$(sysctl -n hw.pagesize)
- inactive_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count)
- inactive_mem=$(($inactive_count * $pagesize))
- cache_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count)
- cache_mem=$(($cache_count * $pagesize))
- free_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_free_count)
- free_mem=$(($free_count * $pagesize))
- avail_mem=$(($inactive_mem + $cache_mem + $free_mem))
- used_mem=$(($round_mem - $avail_mem))
- usedmem=$(($used_mem / ($human * $human) ))
- elif [ "$distro" == "OpenBSD" ]; then
- totalmem=$(dmesg | grep 'real mem' | cut -d' ' -f5 | tr -d '()MB')
- usedmem=$(top -1 1 | awk '/Real:/ {print $3}' | sed 's/M.*//')
- elif [ "$distro" == "NetBSD" ]; then
- phys_mem=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
- totalmem=$((${phys_mem} / $human))
- if grep -q 'Cached' /proc/meminfo; then
- cache=$(awk '/Cached/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo)
- usedmem=$((${cache} / $human))
- else
- free_mem=$(awk '/MemFree/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
- used_mem=$((${phys_mem} - ${free_mem}))
- usedmem=$((${used_mem} / $human))
- fi
- elif [ "$distro" == "Haiku" ]; then
- totalmem=$(( $(sysinfo -mem | head -n1 | cut -d'/' -f3 | tr -d ' ' | tr -d ')') / $human / $human ))
- usedmem=$(( $(sysinfo -mem | head -n1 | cut -d'/' -f2 | sed 's/max//; s/ //g') / $human / $human ))
- else
- mem_info=$(&1 )"
- ;;
- *)
- version_data="$( $1 $get_version 2>/dev/null )"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ -n $version_data ]];then
- version=$(awk '
- }
- /'$2'/ {
- gsub(/(,|v|V)/, "",$'$3')
- if ($2 ~ /[Bb][Aa][Ss][Hh]/) {
- gsub(/\(.*|-release|-version\)/,"",$4)
- }
- print $'$3'
- exit # quit after first match prints
- }' <<< "$version_data")
- fi
- echo "$version"
-detectshell () {
- if [[ ! "${shell_type}" ]]; then
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Haiku" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then
- shell_type=$(echo "$SHELL" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
- else
- if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu" || "${OSTYPE}" == "linux" ]]; then
- shell_type=$(ps -p $PPID -o cmd --no-heading)
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" || "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" || "${distro}" == "OpenBSD" || "${distro}" == "NetBSD" ]]; then
- shell_type=$(ps -p $PPID -o args | tail -1)
- else
- shell_type=$(ps -p $(ps -p $PPID | awk '$1 !~ /PID/ {print $1}') | awk 'FNR>1 {print $1}')
- fi
- shell_type=${shell_type/-}
- shell_type=${shell_type//*\/}
- fi
- fi
- case $shell_type in
- bash)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^GNU.bash,.version" "4" )
- ;;
- csh)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "$shell_type" "3" )
- ;;
- dash)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "$shell_type" "3" )
- ;;
- ksh)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "version" "5" )
- ;;
- tcsh)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^tcsh" "2" )
- ;;
- zsh)
- shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^zsh" "2" )
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ -n $shell_version_data ]];then
- shell_type="$shell_type $shell_version_data"
- fi
- myShell=${shell_type}
- verboseOut "Finding current shell...found as '$myShell'"
-# Shell Detection - End
-# Resolution Detection - Begin
-detectres () {
- if [[ ${distro} != "Mac OS X" && ${distro} != "Cygwin" && ${distro} != "Haiku" ]]; then
- if [[ -n ${DISPLAY} ]]; then
- if type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [[ "$distro" =~ "BSD" ]]; then
- xResolution=$(xdpyinfo | sed -n 's/.*dim.* \([0-9]*x[0-9]*\) .*/\1/pg' | tr '\n' ' ')
- else
- xResolution=$(xdpyinfo | sed -n 's/.*dim.* \([0-9]*x[0-9]*\) .*/\1/pg' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')
- fi
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ ${distro} == "Mac OS X" ]]; then
- xResolution=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Resolution:/ {print $2"x"$4" "}')
- if [[ "$(echo $xResolution | wc -l)" -ge 1 ]]; then
- xResolution=$(echo $xResolution | tr "\\n" "," | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1/')
- fi
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" ]]; then
- width=($(wmic desktopmonitor get screenwidth | grep -vE '[a-z]+' | tr '\r\n' ' '))
- height=($(wmic desktopmonitor get screenheight | grep -vE '[a-z]+' | tr '\r\n' ' '))
- xResolution=""
- len=${#width[@]}
- delim=" "
- for ((i=0;i/dev/null 2>&1;then
- xprop_root="$(xprop -root 2>/dev/null)"
- if [[ -n ${xprop_root} ]]; then
- DE=$(echo "${xprop_root}" | awk 'BEGIN {
- de = "Not Present"
- }
- {
- if ($1 ~ /^_DT_SAVE_MODE/) {
- de = $NF
- gsub(/\"/,"",de)
- de = toupper(de)
- exit
- }
- else if ($1 ~/^KDE_SESSION_VERSION/) {
- de = "KDE"$NF
- exit
- }
- else if ($1 ~ /^_MARCO/) {
- de = "MATE"
- exit
- }
- else if ($1 ~ /^_MUFFIN/) {
- de = "Cinnamon"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /"xfce4"/) {
- de = "XFCE4"
- exit
- }
- else if ($0 ~ /"xfce5"/) {
- de = "XFCE5"
- exit
- }
- } END {
- print de
- }')
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${DE} == "Not Present" ]]; then
- # Lets use xdg-open code for Gnome/Enlightment/KDe/Lxde/Mate/XFCE detection
- # http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/xdg-utils/master/view/head:/scripts/xdg-utils-common.in#L251
- if [ -n "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" ]; then
- case "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" in
- DE=Enlightenment;
- ;;
- DE=Gnome;
- ;;
- KDE)
- ;;
- LUMINA|Lumina)
- DE=Lumina;
- ;;
- ;;
- DE=Mate;
- ;;
- ;;
- 'X-Cinnamon')
- DE=Cinnamon
- ;;
- Unity)
- DE=Unity
- ;;
- LXQt)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [ x"$DE" = x"" ]; then
- # classic fallbacks
- if [ x"$KDE_FULL_SESSION" != x"" ]; then DE=KDE;
- elif [ x"$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" != x"" ]; then DE=Gnome;
- elif [ x"$MATE_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" != x"" ]; then DE=MATE;
- elif `dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner string:org.gnome.SessionManager > /dev/null 2>&1` ; then DE=Gnome;
- elif xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE 2> /dev/null | grep ' = \"xfce4\"$' >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE=XFCE;
- elif xprop -root 2> /dev/null | grep -i '^xfce_desktop_window' >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE=XFCE
- elif echo $DESKTOP | grep -q '^Enlightenment'; then DE=Enlightenment;
- fi
- fi
- case "$DESKTOP_SESSION" in
- gnome|gnome-fallback|gnome-fallback-compiz )
- DE=Gnome
- ;;
- deepin)
- DE=Deepin
- ;;
- esac
- if [ x"$DE" = x"" ]; then
- # fallback to checking $DESKTOP_SESSION
- case "$DESKTOP_SESSION" in
- gnome)
- DE=Gnome;
- ;;
- LUMINA|Lumina)
- DE=Lumina;
- ;;
- LXDE|Lubuntu)
- ;;
- ;;
- xfce|xfce4|'Xfce Session')
- ;;
- 'budgie-desktop')
- DE=Budgie
- ;;
- Cinnamon)
- DE=Cinnamon
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [ x"$GDMSESSION" = x"" ]; then
- # fallback to checking $GDMSESSION
- case "$GDMSESSION" in
- Lumina*|LUMINA*|lumina*)
- DE=Lumina
- ;;
- MATE|mate)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [[ ${DE} == "Gnome" ]]; then
- if type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if xprop -name "unity-launcher" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="Unity"
- elif xprop -name "launcher" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
- xprop -name "panel" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="Unity"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${DE} == "KDE" ]]; then
- if [[ -n ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} ]]; then
- if [[ ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} == '5' ]]; then
- DE="KDE5"
- elif [[ ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} == '4' ]]; then
- DE="KDE4"
- fi
- elif [[ -n ${KDE_FULL_SESSION} ]]; then
- if [[ ${KDE_FULL_SESSION} == 'true' ]]; then
- DE="KDE"
- DEver_data=$( kded --version 2>/dev/null )
- DEver=$( grep -si '^KDE:' <<< "$DEver_data" | awk '{print $2}' )
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${DE} != "Not Present" ]]; then
- if [[ ${DE} == "Cinnamon" ]]; then
- if type -p >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(cinnamon --version)
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "Gnome" || ${DE} == "GNOME" ]]; then
- if type -p gnome-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(gnome-session --version 2> /dev/null)
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- elif type -p gnome-session-properties >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(gnome-session-properties --version 2> /dev/null)
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "KDE4" || ${DE} == "KDE5" ]]; then
- if type -p kded${DE#KDE} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(kded${DE#KDE} --version)
- for l in $(echo "${DEver// /_}"); do
- if [[ ${l//:*} == "KDE_Development_Platform" ]]; then
- DEver=${l//*:_}
- DE="KDE ${DEver//_*}"
- fi;
- done
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "Lumina" ]]; then
- if type -p Lumina-DE.real >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- lumina="$(type -p Lumina-DE.real)"
- elif type -p Lumina-DE >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- lumina="$(type -p Lumina-DE)"
- fi
- if [[ x"$lumina" != x ]]; then
- if grep -e '--version' "$lumina" >/dev/null; then
- DEver=$("$lumina" --version 2>&1 | tr -d \")
- DE="${DE} ${DEver}"
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "MATE" ]]; then
- if type -p mate-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(mate-session --version)
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "Unity" ]]; then
- if type -p unity >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(unity --version)
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- fi
- elif [[ ${DE} == "Deepin" ]]; then
- if [[ -f /etc/deepin-version ]]; then
- DEver="$(awk -F '=' '/Version/ {print $2}' /etc/deepin-version)"
- DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${DE}" == "Not Present" ]]; then
- if pgrep -U ${UID} lxsession >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if type -p lxpanel >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DEver=$(lxpanel -v)
- DE="${DE} $DEver"
- fi
- elif pgrep -U ${UID} lxqt-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="LXQt"
- elif pgrep -U ${UID} razor-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="RazorQt"
- elif pgrep -U ${UID} dtsession >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="CDE"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then
- if ps -U ${USER} | grep [F]inder >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DE="Aqua"
- fi
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" ]]; then
- # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724832%28VS.85%29.aspx
- winver=`wmic os get version | grep -o '^[0-9]'`
- if [ "$winver" == "6" ] || [ "$winver" == "1" ]; then DE='Aero'
- else DE='Luna'; fi
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding desktop environment...found as '$DE'"
-### DE Detection - End
-# WM Detection - Begin
-detectwm () {
- WM="Not Found"
- if [[ ${distro} != "Mac OS X" && ${distro} != "Cygwin" ]]; then
- if [[ -n ${DISPLAY} ]]; then
- for each in "${wmnames[@]}"; do
- PID="$(pgrep -U ${UID} "^$each$")"
- if [ "$PID" ]; then
- case $each in
- '2bwm') WM="2bwm";;
- '9wm') WM="9wm";;
- 'awesome') WM="Awesome";;
- 'beryl') WM="Beryl";;
- 'bspwm') WM="bspwm";;
- 'blackbox') WM="BlackBox";;
- 'budgie-wm') WM="BudgieWM";;
- 'chromeos-wm') WM="chromeos-wm";;
- 'cinnamon') WM="Muffin";;
- 'compiz') WM="Compiz";;
- 'deepin-wm') WM="deepin-wm";;
- 'dminiwm') WM="dminiwm";;
- 'dwm') WM="dwm";;
- 'dtwm') WM="dtwm";;
- 'e16') WM="E16";;
- 'emerald') WM="Emerald";;
- 'enlightenment') WM="E17";;
- 'fluxbox') WM="FluxBox";;
- 'fvwm') WM="FVWM";;
- 'herbstluftwm') WM="herbstluftwm";;
- 'icewm') WM="IceWM";;
- 'kwin') WM="KWin";;
- 'metacity') WM="Metacity";;
- 'monsterwm') WM="monsterwm";;
- 'musca') WM="Musca";;
- 'notion') WM="Notion";;
- 'openbox') WM="OpenBox";;
- 'pekwm') WM="PekWM";;
- 'ratpoison') WM="Ratpoison";;
- 'sawfish') WM="Sawfish";;
- 'scrotwm') WM="ScrotWM";;
- 'spectrwm') WM="SpectrWM";;
- 'stumpwm') WM="StumpWM";;
- 'subtle') WM="subtle";;
- 'swm') WM="swm";;
- 'wmaker') WM="WindowMaker";;
- 'wmfs') WM="WMFS";;
- 'wmii') WM="wmii";;
- 'xfwm4') WM="Xfwm4";;
- 'i3') WM="i3";;
- 'xmonad.*') WM="XMonad";;
- esac
- fi
- if [[ ${WM} != "Not Found" ]]; then
- break 1
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${WM} == "Not Found" ]]; then
- if type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- WM=$(xprop -root _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK)
- if [[ "$WM" =~ 'not found' ]]; then
- WM="Not Found"
- elif [[ "$WM" =~ 'Not found' ]]; then
- WM="Not Found"
- elif [[ "$WM" =~ '[Ii]nvalid window id format' ]]; then
- WM="Not Found"
- elif [[ "$WM" =~ "no such" ]]; then
- WM="Not Found"
- else
- WM=${WM//* }
- WM=$(xprop -id ${WM} 8s _NET_WM_NAME)
- WM=$(echo $(WM=${WM//*= }; echo ${WM//\"}))
- fi
- fi
- else
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then
- WM=${WM,,}
- else
- WM="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${WM})"
- fi
- else
- WM="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${WM})"
- fi
- case ${WM} in
- '2bwm') WM="2bwm";;
- 'awesome') WM="Awesome";;
- 'beryl') WM="Beryl";;
- 'blackbox') WM="BlackBox";;
- 'budgiewm') WM="BudgieWM";;
- 'cinnamon') WM="Cinnamon";;
- 'chromeos-wm') WM="chromeos-wm";;
- 'compiz') WM="Compiz";;
- 'deepin-wm') WM="Deepin WM";;
- 'dminiwm') WM="dminiwm";;
- 'dwm') WM="dwm";;
- 'e16') WM="E16";;
- 'echinus') WM="echinus";;
- 'emerald') WM="Emerald";;
- 'enlightenment') WM="E17";;
- 'fluxbox') WM="FluxBox";;
- 'fvwm') WM="FVWM";;
- 'herbstluftwm') WM="herbstluftwm";;
- 'icewm') WM="IceWM";;
- 'kwin') WM="KWin";;
- 'metacity') WM="Metacity";;
- 'monsterwm') WM="monsterwm";;
- 'musca') WM="Musca";;
- *'gala'*) WM="Gala";;
- 'mutter'*) WM="Mutter";;
- 'gnome shell'*) WM="Mutter";;
- 'muffin') WM="Muffin";;
- 'notion') WM="Notion";;
- 'openbox') WM="OpenBox";;
- 'pekwm') WM="PekWM";;
- 'ratpoison') WM="Ratpoison";;
- 'sawfish') WM="Sawfish";;
- 'scrotwm') WM="ScrotWM";;
- 'spectrwm') WM="SpectrWM";;
- 'stumpwm') WM="StumpWM";;
- 'subtle') WM="subtle";;
- 'swm') WM="swm";;
- 'wmaker') WM="WindowMaker";;
- 'wmfs') WM="WMFS";;
- 'wmii') WM="wmii";;
- 'xfwm4') WM="Xfwm4";;
- 'xmonad') WM="XMonad";;
- 'i3') WM="i3";;
- esac
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ ${distro} == "Mac OS X" && "${WM}" == "Not Found" ]]; then
- if ps -U ${USER} | grep Finder >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- WM="Quartz Compositor"
- fi
- elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" ]]; then
- bugn=$(tasklist | grep -o 'bugn' | tr -d '\r \n')
- wind=$(tasklist | grep -o 'Windawesome' | tr -d '\r \n')
- if [ "$bugn" = "bugn" ]; then WM="bug.n"
- elif [ "$wind" = "Windawesome" ]; then WM="Windawesome"
- else WM="DWM"; fi
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding window manager...found as '$WM'"
-# WM Detection - End
-# WM Theme Detection - BEGIN
-detectwmtheme () {
- Win_theme="Not Found"
- case $WM in
- '2bwm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- '9wm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'Awesome') if [ -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/awesome/rc.lua ]; then Win_theme="$(grep -e '^[^-].*\(theme\|beautiful\).*lua' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/awesome/rc.lua | grep '[a-zA-Z0-9]\+/[a-zA-Z0-9]\+.lua' -o | cut -d'/' -f1 | head -n1)"; fi;;
- 'BlackBox') if [ -f $HOME/.blackboxrc ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' $HOME/.blackboxrc)"; fi;;
- 'Beryl') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'bspwm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'BudgieWM')
- Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)"
- Win_theme="${Win_theme//\'}"
- ;;
- 'Cinnamon'|'Muffin')
- de_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.theme name)"
- de_theme=${de_theme//"'"}
- win_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences theme)"
- win_theme=${win_theme//"'"}
- Win_theme="${de_theme} (${win_theme})"
- ;;
- 'Compiz'|'Mutter'*|'GNOME Shell'|'Gala')
- if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)"
- Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"}
- elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- Win_theme=$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)
- fi
- ;;
- 'Deepin WM')
- if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- Win_theme="$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)"
- Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"}
- fi
- ;;
- 'dminiwm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'dwm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'E16') Win_theme="$(awk -F"= " '/theme.name/ {print $2}' $HOME/.e16/e_config--0.0.cfg)";;
- 'E17'|'Enlightenment')
- if [ "$(which eet 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- econfig="$(eet -d $HOME/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg config | awk '/value \"file\" string.*.edj/{ print $4 }')"
- econfigend="${econfig##*/}"
- Win_theme=${econfigend%.*}
- fi
- ;;
- #E17 doesn't store cfg files in text format so for now get the profile as opposed to theme. atyoung
- #TODO: Find a way to extract and read E17 .cfg files ( google seems to have nothing ). atyoung
- 'E17') Win_theme=${E_CONF_PROFILE};;
- 'echinus') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'Emerald') if [ -f $HOME/.emerald/theme/theme.ini ]; then Win_theme="$(for a in /usr/share/emerald/themes/* $HOME/.emerald/themes/*; do cmp "$HOME/.emerald/theme/theme.ini" "$a/theme.ini" &>/dev/null && basename "$a"; done)"; fi;;
- 'Finder') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'FluxBox'|'Fluxbox') if [ -f $HOME/.fluxbox/init ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' $HOME/.fluxbox/init)"; fi;;
- 'FVWM') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'i3') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'IceWM') if [ -f $HOME/.icewm/theme ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"[\",/]" '!/#/ {print $2}' $HOME/.icewm/theme)"; fi;;
- 'KWin'*)
- if [[ -z $KDE_CONFIG_DIR ]]; then
- if type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde5-config --localprefix)
- elif type -p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde4-config --localprefix)
- elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde-config --localprefix)
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $KDE_CONFIG_DIR ]]; then
- if [[ -f $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kwinrc ]]; then
- Win_theme=$(awk '/PluginLib=kwin3_/{gsub(/PluginLib=kwin3_/,"",$0); print $0; exit}' $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kwinrc)
- fi
- if [[ -z $Win_theme ]]; then
- if [[ -f $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdebugrc ]]; then
- Win_theme=$(awk '/(decoration)/ {gsub(/\[/,"",$1); print $1; exit}' $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdebugrc)
- if [[ -z $Win_theme ]]; then
- Win_theme="Not Applicable"
- fi
- else
- Win_theme="Not Applicable"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $Win_theme != 'Not Applicable' ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then
- Win_theme=${Win_theme^}
- else
- Win_theme="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${Win_theme:0:1})${Win_theme:1}"
- fi
- else
- Win_theme="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${Win_theme:0:1})${Win_theme:1}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- 'Marco')
- Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.mate.Marco.general theme)"
- Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"}
- ;;
- 'Metacity') if [ "`gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`" ]; then Win_theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)"; fi ;;
- 'monsterwm') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'Musca') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'Notion') Win_theme="Not Applicable";;
- 'OpenBox'|'Openbox')
- if [ -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/openbox/rc.xml ]; then
- Win_theme="$(awk -F"[<,>]" '/]" '//dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [ -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ]; then
- gtkFont=$(str1=$(defaults read com.googlecode.iTerm2|grep -m 1 "Normal Font");echo ${str1:29:${#str1}-29-2})
- fi
- fi
- else
- case $DE in
- 'KDE'*) # Desktop Environment found as "KDE"
- if type - p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde4-config --localprefix)
- if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then
- if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then
- KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals"
- fi
- fi
- elif type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde5-config --localprefix)
- if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then
- if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then
- KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals"
- fi
- fi
- elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde-config --localprefix)
- if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then
- if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then
- KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${KDE_CONFIG_FILE} ]]; then
- if grep -q "widgetStyle=" "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F"=" '/widgetStyle=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}")
- elif grep -q "colorScheme=" "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F"=" '/colorScheme=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}")
- fi
- if grep -q "Theme=" "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F"=" '/Theme=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}")
- fi
- if grep -q "Font=" "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then
- gtkFont=$(awk -F"=" '/font=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}")
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -f $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 ]]; then
- gtk2Theme=$(grep '^gtk-theme-name' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
- gtk2Theme=${gtk2Theme//\"/}
- gtkIcons=$(grep '^gtk-icon-theme-name' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
- gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//\"/}
- gtkFont=$(grep 'font_name' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
- gtkFont=${gtkFont//\"/}
- fi
- if [[ -f $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini ]]; then
- gtk3Theme=$(grep '^gtk-theme-name=' $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
- fi
- ;;
- 'Cinnamon'*) # Desktop Environment found as "Cinnamon"
- if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface gtk-theme)
- gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"}
- gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme}
- gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface icon-theme)
- gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"}
- gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-name)
- gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"}
- if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then gtkBackground=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri); fi
- fi
- ;;
- 'GNOME'*|'Gnome'*|'Unity'*|'Budgie') # Desktop Environment found as "GNOME"
- if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme)
- gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"}
- gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme}
- gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme)
- gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"}
- gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name)
- gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"}
- if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then gtkBackground=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri); fi
- elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtk2Theme=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme)
- gtkIcons=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme)
- gtkFont=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name)
- if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then
- gtkBackgroundFull=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename)
- gtkBackground=$(echo "$gtkBackgroundFull" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- 'MATE'*) # MATE desktop environment
- #if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2&>1; then
- gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface gtk-theme)
- # gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"}
- gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme}
- gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface icon-theme)
- gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"}
- gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface font-name)
- gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"}
- #fi
- ;;
- 'XFCE'*) # Desktop Environment found as "XFCE"
- if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtk2Theme=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName)
- fi
- if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtkIcons=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName)
- fi
- if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- gtkFont=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName)
- fi
- ;;
- 'LXDE'*)
- if [ -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/lxde/config ]; then
- lxdeconf="/lxde/config"
- elif [ "$distro" == "Trisquel" ]; then
- lxdeconf=""
- elif [ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" ]; then
- lxdeconf=""
- else
- lxdeconf="/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf"
- fi
- # TODO: Clean me.
- if grep -q "sNet\/ThemeName" ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf 2>/dev/null; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'=' '/sNet\/ThemeName/ {print $2}' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf)
- fi
- if grep -q IconThemeName ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf 2>/dev/null; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F'=' '/sNet\/IconThemeName/ {print $2}' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf)
- fi
- if grep -q FontName ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf 2>/dev/null; then
- gtkFont=$(awk -F'=' '/sGtk\/FontName/ {print $2}' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}$lxdeconf)
- fi
- ;;
- # /home/me/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Session/Settings.xml
- *) # Lightweight or No DE Found
- if [ -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" ]; then
- if grep -q gtk-theme $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-theme/ {print $2}' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0)
- fi
- if grep -q icon-theme $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-icon-theme/ {print $2}' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0)
- fi
- if grep -q font $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0; then
- gtkFont=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-font-name/ {print $2}' $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0)
- fi
- fi
- # $HOME/.gtkrc.mine theme detect only
- if [ -f "$HOME/.gtkrc.mine" ]; then
- if grep -q "^include" $HOME/.gtkrc.mine; then
- gtk2Theme=$(grep '^include.*gtkrc' $HOME/.gtkrc.mine | awk -F "/" '{ print $5 }')
- fi
- if grep -q "^gtk-icon-theme-name" $HOME/.gtkrc.mine; then
- gtkIcons=$(grep '^gtk-icon-theme-name' $HOME/.gtkrc.mine | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')
- fi
- fi
- # /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc compatability
- if [[ -f /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! -f $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 && ! -f $HOME/.gtkrc.mine ]]; then
- if grep -q gtk-theme-name /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-theme-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)
- fi
- if grep -q gtk-fallback-theme-name /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! [ "x$gtk2Theme" = "x" ]; then
- gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-fallback-theme-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)
- fi
- if grep -q icon-theme /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^icon-theme/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)
- fi
- if grep -q gtk-fallback-icon-theme /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! [ "x$gtkIcons" = "x" ]; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-fallback-icon-theme/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)
- fi
- if grep -q font /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then
- gtkFont=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-font-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)
- fi
- fi
- # EXPERIMENTAL gtk3 Theme detection
- if [ -f "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then
- if grep -q gtk-theme-name $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini; then
- gtk3Theme=$(awk -F'=' '/^gtk-theme-name/ {print $2}' $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)
- fi
- fi
- # Proper gtk3 Theme detection
- #if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 2>/dev/null)
- # gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"}
- #fi
- # ROX-Filer icon detect only
- if [ -a "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/Options" ]; then
- gtkIcons=$(awk -F'[>,<]' '/^icon_theme/ {print $3}' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/Options)
- fi
- # E17 detection
- if [ $E_ICON_THEME ]; then
- gtkIcons=${E_ICON_THEME}
- gtk2Theme="Not available."
- gtkFont="Not available."
- fi
- # Background Detection (feh, nitrogen)
- if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then
- if [ -a $HOME/.fehbg ]; then
- gtkBackgroundFull=$(awk -F"'" '/feh --bg/{print $2}' $HOME/.fehbg 2>/dev/null)
- gtkBackground=$(echo "$gtkBackgroundFull" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')
- elif [ -a ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg ]; then
- gtkBackground=$(awk -F"/" '/file=/ {print $NF}' ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg)
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$distro" == "Cygwin" -a "$gtkFont" == "Not Found" ]; then
- if [ -f "$HOME/.minttyrc" ]; then
- gtkFont="$(grep '^Font=.*' "$HOME/.minttyrc" | grep -o '[0-9A-z ]*$')"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- verboseOut "Finding GTK2 theme...found as '$gtk2Theme'"
- verboseOut "Finding GTK3 theme...found as '$gtk3Theme'"
- verboseOut "Finding icon theme...found as '$gtkIcons'"
- verboseOut "Finding user font...found as '$gtkFont'"
- [[ $gtkBackground ]] && verboseOut "Finding background...found as '$gtkBackground'"
-# GTK Theme\Icon\Font Detection - END
-# Android-specific detections
-detectdroid () {
- distro_ver=$(getprop ro.build.version.release)
- hostname=$(getprop net.hostname)
- _device=$(getprop ro.product.device)
- _model=$(getprop ro.product.model)
- device="${_model} (${_device})"
- if [[ $(getprop ro.build.host) == "cyanogenmod" ]]; then
- rom=$(getprop ro.cm.version)
- else
- rom=$(getprop ro.build.display.id)
- fi
- baseband=$(getprop ro.baseband)
- cpu=$(grep '^Processor' /proc/cpuinfo)
- cpu=$(echo "$cpu" | sed 's/Processor.*: //')
-# End Detection Phase
-takeShot () {
- if [[ -z $screenCommand ]]; then
- if [[ "${upload}" == "1" ]]; then
- shotfiles[1]=${shotfile}
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- displays="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep 'Resolution:' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')"
- for (( i=2; i<=$displays; i++))
- do
- shotfiles[$i]="$(echo ${shotfile} | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1_${i}./")"
- done
- printf "Taking shot in 3.. "; sleep 1; printf "2.. "; sleep 1; printf "1.. "; sleep 1; printf "0.\n"; screencapture -x ${shotfiles[@]} &> /dev/null
- else scrot -cd3 "${shotfile}"; fi
- if [ -f "${shotfile}" ]; then
- verboseOut "Screenshot saved at '${shotfiles[@]}'"
- printf "${bold}==>${c0} Uploading your screenshot now..."
- case "${uploadLoc}" in
- 'teknik')
- baseurl='https://u.teknik.io'
- uploadurl='https://api.teknik.io/upload/post'
- ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[@]}" ${uploadurl})
- desturl="${ret##*url\":\"}"
- desturl="${desturl%%\"*}"
- desturl="${desturl//\\}"
- ;;
- 'mediacrush')
- baseurl='https://mediacru.sh'
- uploadurl='https://mediacru.sh/api/upload/file'
- ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[@]};type=image/png" ${uploadurl})
- filehash=$(echo "${ret}" | grep "hash" | cut -d '"' -f4)
- desturl="${baseurl}/${filehash}"
- ;;
- 'imgur')
- baseurl='http://imgur.com'
- uploadurl='http://imgur.com/upload'
- ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[@]}" ${uploadurl})
- filehash="${ret##*hash\":\"}"
- filehash="${filehash%%\"*}"
- desturl="${baseurl}/${filehash}"
- ;;
- 'pomf')
- baseurl='http://a.pomf.se'
- uploadurl='http://pomf.se/upload.php'
- ret=$(curl --silent -sf -F files[]="@${shotfiles[@]}" ${uploadurl})
- filehash="${ret##*url\":\"}"
- filehash="${filehash%%\"*}"
- desturl="${baseurl}/${filehash}"
- ;;
- 'hmp')
- baseurl='http://i.hmp.me/m'
- uploadurl='http://hmp.me/ap/?uf=1'
- ret=$(curl -sf -F a="@${shotfiles[@]};type=image/png" ${uploadurl})
- desturl="${ret##*img_path\":\"}"
- desturl="${desturl%%\"*}"
- desturl="${desturl//\\}"
- ;;
- 'local-example')
- baseurl="http://www.example.com"
- serveraddr="www.example.com"
- scptimeout="20"
- serverdir="/path/to/directory"
- scp -qo ConnectTimeout="${scptimeout}" "${shotfiles[@]}" "${serveraddr}:${serverdir}"
- desturl="${baseurl}/${shotfile}"
- ;;
- esac
- printf "your screenshot can be viewed at ${desturl}\n"
- else
- errorOut "ERROR: Problem saving screenshot to ${shotfiles[@]}"
- fi
- else
- shotfiles[1]=${shotfile}
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- displays="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep 'Resolution:' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')"
- for (( i=2; i<=$displays; i++))
- do
- shotfiles[$i]="$(echo ${shotfile} | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1_${i}./")"
- done
- printf "Taking shot in 3.. "; sleep 1; printf "2.. "; sleep 1; printf "1.. "; sleep 1; printf "0.\n"; screencapture -x ${shotfiles[@]} &> /dev/null
- else scrot -cd3 "${shotfile}"; fi
- if [ -f "${shotfile}" ]; then
- verboseOut "Screenshot saved at '${shotfiles[@]}'"
- else
- errorOut "ERROR: Problem saving screenshot to ${shotfiles[@]}"
- fi
- fi
- else
- $screenCommand
- fi
-asciiText () {
-# Distro logos and ASCII outputs
- if [[ "$asc_distro" ]]; then myascii="${asc_distro}"
- elif [[ "$art" ]]; then myascii="custom"
- elif [[ "$fake_distro" ]]; then myascii="${fake_distro}"
- else myascii="${distro}"; fi
- case ${myascii} in
- "custom") source "$art" ;;
- "Arch Linux - Old")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c1 __ %s"
-"$c1 _=(SDGJT=_ %s"
-"$c1 _GTDJHGGFCVS) %s"
-"$c1 JDJDIJHRORVFSBSVL$c2-=+=,_ %s"
-"$c1 ,LMDSDSWH' \`DCBOSI$c2 DRDS], %s"
-"$c1 SDDFDFH' !YEWD,$c2 )HDROD %s"
-"$c1 !KMDOCG &GSU|$c2\_GFHRGO\' %s"
-"$c1 HKLSGP'$c2 __$c1\TKM0$c2\GHRBV)' %s"
-"$c1 JSNRVW'$c2 __+MNAEC$c1\IOI,$c2\BN' %s"
-"$c1 HELK['$c2 __,=OFFXCBGHC$c1\FD) %s"
-"$c1 ?KGHE $c2\_-#DASDFLSV='$c1 'EF %s"
-"$c1 'EHTI !H %s"
-"$c1 \`0F' '! %s"
-" %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Arch Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light
- c2=$(getColor 'cyan') # Dark
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1} -\`"
-"${c1} .o+\` %s"
-"${c1} \`ooo/ %s"
-"${c1} \`+oooo: %s"
-"${c1} \`+oooooo: %s"
-"${c1} -+oooooo+: %s"
-"${c1} \`/:-:++oooo+: %s"
-"${c1} \`/++++/+++++++: %s"
-"${c1} \`/++++++++++++++: %s"
-"${c1} \`/+++o"${c2}"oooooooo"${c1}"oooo/\` %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"./"${c2}"ooosssso++osssssso"${c1}"+\` %s"
-"${c2} .oossssso-\`\`\`\`/ossssss+\` %s"
-"${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. %s"
-"${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. %s"
-"${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- %s"
-"${c2} \`/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- %s"
-"${c2} \`+sso+:-\` \`.-/+oso: %s"
-"${c2} \`++:. \`-/+/%s"
-"${c2} .\` \`/%s")
- ;;
- "Mint")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-"$c2 MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+\` %s"
-"$c2 MMd "$c1"/++ "$c2"-sNMd: %s"
-"$c2 MMNso/\` "$c1"dMM \`.::-. .-::.\` "$c2".hMN: %s"
-"$c2 ddddMMh "$c1"dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: "$c2"\`NMm %s"
-"$c2 NMm "$c1"dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN\` "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 NMm "$c1"dMM -MMm \`MMM dMM. "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 NMm "$c1"dMM -MMm \`MMM dMM. "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 NMm "$c1"dMM .mmd \`mmm yMM. "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 NMm "$c1"dMM\` ..\` ... ydm. "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 hMM- "$c1"+MMd/-------...-:sdds "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 -NMm- "$c1":hNMNNNmdddddddddy/\` "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 -dMNs-"$c1"\`\`-::::-------.\`\` "$c2"dMM %s"
-"$c2 \`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "LMDE")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" "${c1}"\`.-::---.. %s"
-"${c2} .:++++ooooosssoo:. %s"
-"${c2} .+o++::. \`.:oos+. %s"
-"${c2} :oo:.\` -+oo"${c1}": %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"+o/\` ."${c1}"::::::"${c2}"-. .++-"${c1}"\` %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"/s/ .yyyyyyyyyyo: +o-"${c1}"\` %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"so .ss ohyo\` :s-"${c1}": %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"s/ .ss h m myy/ /s\`"${c1}"\` %s"
-"${c2} \`s: \`oo s m Myy+-o:\` %s"
-"${c2} \`oo :+sdoohyoydyso/. %s"
-"${c2} :o. .:////////++: %s"
-"${c2} \`/++ "${c1}"-:::::- %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"++- %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"\`"${c2}"/+- %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"."${c2}"+/. %s"
-"${c2} "${c1}"."${c2}":+-. %s"
-"${c2} \`--.\`\` %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Ubuntu")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- c3=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 ./+o+- %s"
-"$c1 yyyyy- $c2-yyyyyy+ %s"
-"$c1 $c1://+//////$c2-yyyyyyo %s"
-"$c3 .++ $c1.:/++++++/-$c2.+sss/\` %s"
-"$c3 .:++o: $c1/++++++++/:--:/- %s"
-"$c3 o:+o+:++.$c1\`..\`\`\`.-/oo+++++/ %s"
-"$c3 .:+o:+o/.$c1 \`+sssoo+/ %s"
-"$c1 .++/+:$c3+oo+o:\`$c1 /sssooo. %s"
-"$c1 /+++//+:$c3\`oo+o$c1 /::--:. %s"
-"$c1 \+/+o+++$c3\`o++o$c2 ++////. %s"
-"$c1 .++.o+$c3++oo+:\`$c2 /dddhhh. %s"
-"$c3 .+.o+oo:.$c2 \`oddhhhh+ %s"
-"$c3 \+.++o+o\`$c2\`-\`\`\`\`.:ohdhhhhh+ %s"
-"$c3 \`:o+++ $c2\`ohhhhhhhhyo++os: %s"
-"$c3 .o:$c2\`.syhhhhhhh/$c3.oo++o\` %s"
-"$c2 /osyyyyyyo$c3++ooo+++/ %s"
-"$c2 \`\`\`\`\` $c3+oo+++o\: %s"
-"$c3 \`oo++. %s")
- ;;
- "Debian")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" $c1 _,met\$\$\$\$\$gg. %s"
-" $c1 ,g\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$P. %s"
-" $c1 ,g\$\$P\"\" \"\"\"Y\$\$.\". %s"
-" $c1 ,\$\$P' \`\$\$\$. %s"
-" $c1',\$\$P ,ggs. \`\$\$b: %s"
-" $c1\`d\$\$' ,\$P\"\' $c2.$c1 \$\$\$ %s"
-" $c1 \$\$P d\$\' $c2,$c1 \$\$P %s"
-" $c1 \$\$: \$\$. $c2-$c1 ,d\$\$' %s"
-" $c1 \$\$\; Y\$b._ _,d\$P' %s"
-" $c1 Y\$\$. $c2\`.$c1\`\"Y\$\$\$\$P\"' %s"
-" $c1 \`\$\$b $c2\"-.__ %s"
-" $c1 \`Y\$\$ %s"
-" $c1 \`Y\$\$. %s"
-" $c1 \`\$\$b. %s"
-" $c1 \`Y\$\$b. %s"
-" $c1 \`\"Y\$b._ %s"
-" $c1 \`\"\"\"\" %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Raspbian")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" $c1 .',;:cc;,'. .,;::c:,,. %s"
-" $c1,ooolcloooo: 'oooooccloo: %s"
-" $c1.looooc;;:ol :oc;;:ooooo' %s"
-" $c1;oooooo: ,ooooooc. %s"
-" $c1.,:;'. .;:;'. %s"
-" $c2.... ..'''''. .... %s"
-" $c2.''. ..'''''. ..''. %s"
-" $c2.. ..... ..... .. %s"
-" $c2. .''''''' .''''''. . %s"
-" $c2.'' .'''''''' .'''''''. ''. %s"
-" $c2''' ''''''' .'''''' ''' %s"
-" $c2.' ........... ... .'. %s"
-" $c2.... ''''''''. .''. %s"
-" $c2'''''. ''''''''. .''''' %s"
-" $c2'''''. .'''''. .'''''. %s"
-" $c2..''. . .''.. %s"
-" $c2.''''''' %s"
-" $c2...... %s")
- ;;
- "CrunchBang")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"████████████████████████████"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"████████████████████████████"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"████████████████████████████"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"████████████████████████████"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" "$c1"███"$c2" %s"
-"$c2 %s")
- ;;
- "CRUX")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light cyan')
- c2=$(getColor 'yellow')
- c3=$(getColor 'white')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=(""
-"${c1} odddd %s"
-"${c1} oddxkkkxxdoo %s"
-"${c1} ddcoddxxxdoool %s"
-"${c1} xdclodod olol %s"
-"${c1} xoc xdd olol %s"
-"${c1} xdc ${c2}k00${c1}Okdlol %s"
-"${c1} xxd${c2}kOKKKOkd${c1}ldd %s"
-"${c1} xdco${c2}xOkdlo${c1}dldd %s"
-"${c1} ddc:cl${c2}lll${c1}oooodo %s"
-"${c1} odxxdd${c3}xkO000kx${c1}ooxdo %s"
-"${c1} oxdd${c3}x0NMMMMMMWW0od${c1}kkxo %s"
-"${c1} oooxd${c3}0WMMMMMMMMMW0o${c1}dxkx %s"
-"${c1} docldkXW${c3}MMMMMMMWWN${c1}Odolco %s"
-"${c1} xx${c2}dx${c1}kxxOKN${c3}WMMWN${c1}0xdoxo::c %s"
-"${c2} xOkkO${c1}0oo${c3}odOW${c2}WW${c1}XkdodOxc:l %s"
-"${c2} dkkkxkkk${c3}OKX${c2}NNNX0Oxx${c1}xc:cd %s"
-"${c2} odxxdx${c3}xllod${c2}ddooxx${c1}dc:ldo %s"
-"${c2} lodd${c1}dolccc${c2}ccox${c1}xoloo"
- ;;
- "Chrome OS")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- c3=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow
- c4=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- c5=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; c5="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 .,:loool:,. %s"
-"$c2 .,coooooooooooooc,. %s"
-"$c2 .,lllllllllllllllllllll,. %s"
-"$c2 ;ccccccccccccccccccccccccc; %s"
-"$c1 '${c2}ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. %s"
-"$c1 ,oo${c2}c::::::::okO${c5}000${c3}0OOkkkkkkkkkkk: %s"
-"$c1 .ooool${c2};;;;:x${c5}K0${c4}kxxxxxk${c5}0X${c3}K0000000000. %s"
-"$c1 :oooool${c2};,;O${c5}K${c4}ddddddddddd${c5}KX${c3}000000000d %s"
-"$c1 lllllool${c2};l${c5}N${c4}dllllllllllld${c5}N${c3}K000000000 %s"
-"$c1 lllllllll${c2}o${c5}M${c4}dccccccccccco${c5}W${c3}K000000000 %s"
-"$c1 ;cllllllllX${c5}X${c4}c:::::::::c${c5}0X${c3}000000000d %s"
-"$c1 .ccccllllllO${c5}Nk${c4}c;,,,;cx${c5}KK${c3}0000000000. %s"
-"$c1 .cccccclllllxOO${c5}OOO${c1}Okx${c3}O0000000000; %s"
-"$c1 .:ccccccccllllllllo${c3}O0000000OOO, %s"
-"$c1 ,:ccccccccclllcd${c3}0000OOOOOOl. %s"
-"$c1 '::ccccccccc${c3}dOOOOOOOkx:. %s"
-"$c1 ..,::cccc${c3}xOOOkkko;. %s"
-"$c1 ..,:${c3}dOkxl:. %s")
- ;;
- "Gentoo")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 -/oyddmdhs+:. %s"
-"$c2 -o"$c1"dNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+"$c2"-\` %s"
-"$c2 -y"$c1"NMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy"$c2"+- %s"
-"$c2 \`o"$c1"mMMMMMMMMMMMMNmdmmmmddhhy"$c2"/\` %s"
-"$c2 om"$c1"MMMMMMMMMMMN"$c2"hhyyyo"$c1"hmdddhhhd"$c2"o\` %s"
-"$c2.y"$c1"dMMMMMMMMMMd"$c2"hs++so/s"$c1"mdddhhhhdm"$c2"+\` %s"
-"$c2 oy"$c1"hdmNMMMMMMMN"$c2"dyooy"$c1"dmddddhhhhyhN"$c2"d. %s"
-"$c2 :o"$c1"yhhdNNMMMMMMMNNNmmdddhhhhhyym"$c2"Mh %s"
-"$c2 .:"$c1"+sydNMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhhmM"$c2"my %s"
-"$c2 /m"$c1"MMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhmMNh"$c2"s: %s"
-"$c2 \`o"$c1"NMMMMMMMNNNmmmddddhhdmMNhs"$c2"+\` %s"
-"$c2 \`s"$c1"NMMMMMMMMNNNmmmdddddmNMmhs"$c2"/. %s"
-"$c2 /N"$c1"MMMMMMMMNNNNmmmdddmNMNdso"$c2":\` %s"
-"$c2+M"$c1"MMMMMMNNNNNmmmmdmNMNdso"$c2"/- %s"
-"$c2yM"$c1"MNNNNNNNmmmmmNNMmhs+/"$c2"-\` %s"
-"$c2/h"$c1"MMNNNNNNNNMNdhs++/"$c2"-\` %s"
-"$c2\`/"$c1"ohdmmddhys+++/:"$c2".\` %s"
-"$c2 \`-//////:--. %s")
- ;;
- "Funtoo")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-" %s"
-" %s"
-" %s"
-"${c1} _______ ____ %s"
-"${c1} /MMMMMMM/ /MMMM| _____ _____ %s"
-"${c1} __/M${c2}.MMM.${c1}M/_____________|M${c2}.M${c1}MM|/MMMMM\/MMMMM\ %s"
-"${c1}|MMMM${c2}MM'${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}.MMMM..MMMM.${c1}MM\ %s"
-"${c1}|MM${c2}MMMMMMM${c1}/m${c2}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM| %s"
-"${c1}|MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MMMMM${c2}\MMM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM| %s"
-"${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMM${c1}MMMM${c2}'MMMM''MMMM'${c1}MM/ %s"
-"${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMM${c1}MMM\MMMMM/\MMMMM/ %s"
-"${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMMMM'${c1}M| %s"
-"${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM'${c1}M/ %s"
-" %s"
-" %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Fedora")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 /:-------------:\ %s"
-"$c2 :-------------------:: %s"
-"$c2 :-----------"$c1"/shhOHbmp"$c2"---:\\ %s"
-"$c2 /-----------"$c1"omMMMNNNMMD "$c2"---: %s"
-"$c2 :-----------"$c1"sMMMMNMNMP"$c2". ---: %s"
-"$c2 :-----------"$c1":MMMdP"$c2"------- ---\ %s"
-"$c2 ,------------"$c1":MMMd"$c2"-------- ---: %s"
-"$c2 :------------"$c1":MMMd"$c2"------- .---: %s"
-"$c2 :---- "$c1"oNMMMMMMMMMNho"$c2" .----: %s"
-"$c2 :-- ."$c1"+shhhMMMmhhy++"$c2" .------/ %s"
-"$c2 :- -------"$c1":MMMd"$c2"--------------: %s"
-"$c2 :- --------"$c1"/MMMd"$c2"-------------; %s"
-"$c2 :- ------"$c1"/hMMMy"$c2"------------: %s"
-"$c2 :--"$c1" :dMNdhhdNMMNo"$c2"------------; %s"
-"$c2 :---"$c1":sdNMMMMNds:"$c2"------------: %s"
-"$c2 :------"$c1":://:"$c2"-------------:: %s"
-"$c2 :---------------------:// %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Chapeau")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 .-/-. %s"
-"$c2 ////////. %s"
-"$c2 ////////"$c1"y+"$c2"//. %s"
-"$c2 ////////"$c1"mMN"$c2"/////. %s"
-"$c2 ////////"$c1"mMN+"$c2"////////. %s"
-"$c2 ////////////////////////. %s"
-"$c2 /////////+"$c1"shhddhyo"$c2"+////////. %s"
-"$c2 ////////"$c1"ymMNmdhhdmNNdo"$c2"///////. %s"
-"$c2 ///////+"$c1"mMms"$c2"////////"$c1"hNMh"$c2"///////. %s"
-"$c2 ///////"$c1"NMm+"$c2"//////////"$c1"sMMh"$c2"/////// %s"
-"$c2 //////"$c1"oMMNmmmmmmmmmmmmMMm"$c2"/////// %s"
-"$c2 //////"$c1"+MMmssssssssssssss+"$c2"/////// %s"
-"$c2 \`//////"$c1"yMMy"$c2"//////////////////// %s"
-"$c2 \`//////"$c1"smMNhso++oydNm"$c2"//////// %s"
-"$c2 \`///////"$c1"ohmNMMMNNdy+"$c2"/////// %s"
-"$c2 \`//////////"$c1"++"$c2"////////// %s"
-"$c2 \`////////////////. %s"
-"$c2 -////////- %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Korora")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white')
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c1 ____________ %s"
-"$c1 _add55555555554"$c2": %s"
-"$c1 _w?'"$c2"\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`'"$c1")k"$c2": %s"
-"$c1 _Z'"$c2"\`"$c1" ]k"$c2": %s"
-"$c1 m("$c2"\`"$c1" )k"$c2": %s"
-"$c1 _.ss"$c2"\`"$c1"m["$c2"\`"$c1", ]e"$c2": %s"
-"$c1 .uY\"^\`"$c2"\`"$c1"Xc"$c2"\`"$c1"?Ss. d("$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 jF'"$c2"\`"$c1" \`@. "$c2"\`"$c1"Sc .jr"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 jr"$c2"\`"$c1" \`?n_ "$c2"\`"$c1"$; _a2\""$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 .m"$c2":"$c1" \`~M"$c2"\`"$c1"1k"$c2"\`"$c1"5?!\`"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 :#"$c2":"$c1" "$c2"\`"$c1")e"$c2"\`\`\` %s"
-"$c1 :m"$c2":"$c1" ,#'"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 :#"$c2":"$c1" .s2'"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 :m,________.aa7^"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c1 :#baaaaaaas!J'"$c2"\` %s"
-"$c2 \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` %s")
- ;;
- "gNewSense")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c1 ..,,,,.. %s"
-"$c1 .oocchhhhhhhhhhccoo. %s"
-"$c1 .ochhlllllllc hhhhhh ollllllhhco. %s"
-"$c1 ochlllllllllll hhhllllllhhh lllllllllllhco %s"
-"$c1 .cllllllllllllll hlllllo +hllh llllllllllllllc. %s"
-"$c1 ollllllllllhco\'\' hlllllo +hllh \`\`ochllllllllllo %s"
-"$c1 hllllllllc\' hllllllllllllh \`cllllllllh %s"
-"$c1 ollllllh +llllllllllll+ hllllllo %s"
-"$c1 \`cllllh. ohllllllho .hllllc\' %s"
-"$c1 ochllc. ++++ .cllhco %s"
-"$c1 \`+occooo+. .+ooocco+\' %s"
-"$c1 \`+oo++++ ++++oo+\' %s"
-"$c1 %s")
- ;;
- "BLAG")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light purple')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c1 d %s"
-"$c1 ,MK: %s"
-"$c1 xMMMX: %s"
-"$c1 .NMMMMMX; %s"
-"$c1 lMMMMMMMM0clodkO0KXWW: %s"
-"$c1 .NMMMMMNd. \`':ldko %s"
-"$c1 OMMMK: %s"
-"$c1 oWk, %s"
-"$c1 ;: %s")
- ;;
- "FreeBSD")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # white
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s" # user@host
-" "$c1"\`\`\` "$c2"\` %s" # OS
-" "$c1"\` \`.....---..."$c2"....--.\`\`\` -/ %s" # Kernel
-" "$c1"+o .--\` "$c2"/y:\` +. %s" # Uptime
-" "$c1" yo\`:. "$c2":o \`+- %s" # Packages
-" "$c1"y/ "$c2"-/\` -o/ %s" # Shell
-" "$c1".- "$c2"::/sy+:. %s" # Resolution
-" "$c1"/ "$c2"\`-- / %s" # DE
-" "$c1"\`: "$c2":\` %s" # WM
-" "$c1"\`: "$c2":\` %s" # WM Theme
-" "$c1"/ "$c2"/ %s" # GTK2 Theme
-" "$c1".- "$c2"-. %s" # GTK3 Theme
-" "$c1"-- "$c2"-. %s" # Icon Theme
-" "$c1"\`:\` "$c2"\`:\` %s" # Font
-" "$c2".-- \`--. %s" # Disk
-" "$c2" .---.....----. %s" # CPU
-" %s" # GPU
-" %s" # RAM
- ;;
- "FreeBSD - Old")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # white
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 , , %s" # user@host
-"$c2 /( )\` %s" # OS
-"$c2 \ \___ / | %s" # Kernel
-"$c2 /- "$c1"_$c2 \`-/ ' %s" # Uptime
-"$c2 ($c1/\/ \ $c2\ /\\ %s" # Packages
-"$c1 / / |$c2 \` \\ %s" # Shell
-"$c1 O O )$c2 / | %s" # Resolution
-"$c1 \`-^--'\`$c2< ' %s" # DE
-"$c2 (_.) _ ) / %s" # WM
-"$c2 \`.___/\` / %s" # WM Theme
-"$c2 \`-----' / %s" # GTK2 Theme
-"$c1 <----. "$c2"__/ __ \\ %s" # GTK3 Theme
-"$c1 <----|===="$c2"O}}}$c1==$c2} \} \/$c1==== %s" # Icon Theme
-"$c1 <----' $c2\`--' \`.__,' \\ %s" # Font
-"$c2 | | %s" # Disk
-"$c2 \ / /\\ %s" # CPU
-"$c2 ______( (_ / \______/ %s" # GPU
-"$c2 ,' ,-----' | %s" # RAM
-"$c2 \`--{__________)"
- ;;
- "OpenBSD")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'yellow') # Light Yellow
- c2=$(getColor 'brown') # Bold Yellow
- c3=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light Cyan
- c4=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- c5=$(getColor 'dark grey')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="$my_lcolor"; c2="${my_color}"; fi
- startline="3"
- fulloutput=(
-" "$c3" _ "
-" "$c3"(_) "
-""$c1" | . "
-""$c1" . |L /| . "$c3" _ %s"
-""$c1" _ . |\ _| \--+._/| . "$c3"(_) %s"
-""$c1" / ||\| Y J ) / |/| ./ %s"
-""$c1" J |)'( | \` F\`.'/ "$c3" _ %s"
-""$c1" -<| F __ .-< "$c3"(_) %s"
-""$c1" | / .-'"$c3". "$c1"\`. /"$c3"-. "$c1"L___ %s"
-""$c1" J \ < "$c3"\ "$c1" | | "$c5"O"$c3"\\\\"$c1"|.-' "$c3" _ %s"
-""$c1" _J \ .- \\\\"$c3"/ "$c5"O "$c3"| "$c1"| \ |"$c1"F "$c3"(_) %s"
-""$c1" '-F -<_. \ .-' \`-' L__ %s"
-""$c1"__J _ _. >-' "$c2")"$c4"._. "$c1"|-' %s "
-""$c1" \`-|.' /_. "$c4"\_| "$c1" F %s "
-""$c1" /.- . _.< %s"
-""$c1" /' /.' .' \`\ %s"
-""$c1" /L /' |/ _.-'-\ %s "
-""$c1" /'J ___.---'\| %s"
-""$c1" |\ .--' V | \`. \` %s "
-""$c1" |/\`. \`-. \`._) %s"
-""$c1" / .-.\ %s"
-""$c1" \ ( \`\ "
-""$c1" \`.\ "
- ;;
- "DragonFlyBSD")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light red') # Red
- c2=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c3=$(getColor 'yellow') #
- c4=$(getColor 'light red')
- fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" "$c1" | %s"
-" "$c1" .-. %s"
-" "$c3" ()"$c1"I"$c3"() %s"
-" "$c1" \"==.__:-:__.==\" %s"
-" "$c1"\"==.__/~|~\__.==\" %s"
-" "$c1"\"==._( Y )_.==\" %s"
-" "$c2".-'~~\"\"~=--...,__"$c1"\/|\/"$c2"__,...--=~\"\"~~'-. %s"
-" "$c2"( ..="$c1"\\\\="$c1"/"$c2"=.. )%s"
-" "$c2"\`'-. ,.-\"\`;"$c1"/=\\\\"$c2" ;\"-.,_ .-'\`%s"
-" "$c2" \`~\"-=-~\` .-~\` "$c1"|=|"$c2" \`~-. \`~-=-\"~\` %s"
-" "$c2" .-~\` /"$c1"|=|"$c2"\ \`~-. %s"
-" "$c2" .~\` / "$c1"|=|"$c2" \ \`~. %s"
-" "$c2" .-~\` .' "$c1"|=|"$c2" \\\\\`. \`~-. %s"
-" "$c2" (\` _,.-=\"\` "$c1" |=|"$c2" \`\"=-.,_ \`) %s"
-" "$c2" \`~\"~\"\` "$c1" |=|"$c2" \`\"~\"~\` %s"
-" "$c1" /=\ %s"
-" "$c1" \=/ %s"
-" "$c1" ^ %s"
- ;;
- "NetBSD")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'orange') # Orange
- c2=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-" "$c1"__,gnnnOCCCCCOObaau,_ %s"
-" "$c2"_._ "$c1"__,gnnCCCCCCCCOPF\"'' %s"
-" "$c2"(N\\\\\\\\"$c1"XCbngg,._____.,gnnndCCCCCCCCCCCCF\"___,,,,___ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\\\\\\\\"$c1"XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOF\"' %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\\\\\\\\"$c1"XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOF\"' %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\\\\\\\\"$c1"XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCPF\"' %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\\\\\\\\"$c1"\"PCOCCCOCCFP\"\" %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\N\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NN\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NN\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NNA. %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NNA, %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NNN, %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NNN\ %s"
-" "$c2"\\\\NNN\ "
-" "$c2"\\\\NNNA")
- ;;
- "Mandriva"|"Mandrake")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- c2=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-"$c2 \`\` %s"
-"$c2 \`-. %s"
-"$c1 \` $c2.--- %s"
-"$c1 -/ $c2-::--\` %s"
-"$c1 \`++ $c2\`----...\`\`\`-:::::. %s"
-"$c1 \`os. $c2.::::::::::::::-\`\`\` \` \` %s"
-"$c1 +s+ $c2.::::::::::::::::---...--\` %s"
-"$c1 -ss: $c2\`-::::::::::::::::-.\`\`.\`\` %s"
-"$c1 /ss- $c2.::::::::::::-.\`\` \` %s"
-"$c1 +ss: $c2.::::::::::::- %s"
-"$c1 /sso $c2.::::::-::::::- %s"
-"$c1 .sss/ $c2-:::-.\` .::::: %s"
-"$c1 /sss+. $c2..\`$c1 \`--\` $c2.::: %s"
-"$c1 -ossso+/:://+/-\` $c2.:\` %s"
-"$c1 -/+ooo+/-. $c2\` %s"
-" %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "openSUSE")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green
- c2=$c0$bold
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 .;ldkO0000Okdl;. %s"
-"$c2 .;d00xl:^''''''^:ok00d;. %s"
-"$c2 .d00l' 'o00d. %s"
-"$c2 .d0Kd'"$c1" Okxol:;,. "$c2":O0d. %s"
-"$c2 .OK"$c1"KKK0kOKKKKKKKKKKOxo:, "$c2"lKO. %s"
-"$c2 ,0K"$c1"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0P^"$c2",,,"$c1"^dx:"$c2" ;00, %s"
-"$c2 .OK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKk'"$c2".oOPPb."$c1"'0k."$c2" cKO. %s"
-"$c2 :KK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK: "$c2"kKx..dd "$c1"lKd"$c2" 'OK: %s"
-"$c2 dKK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKOx0KKKd "$c2"^0KKKO' "$c1"kKKc"$c2" dKd %s"
-"$c2 dKK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKK;.;oOKx,.."$c2"^"$c1"..;kKKK0."$c2" dKd %s"
-"$c2 :KK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKK0o;...^cdxxOK0O/^^' "$c2".0K: %s"
-"$c2 kKK"$c1"KKKKKKKKKKKKK0x;,,......,;od "$c2"lKk %s"
-"$c2 '0K"$c1"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKOo^ "$c2"c00' %s"
-"$c2 'kK"$c1"KKOxddxkOO00000Okxoc;'' "$c2".dKk' %s"
-"$c2 l0Ko. .c00l' %s"
-"$c2 'l0Kk:. .;xK0l' %s"
-"$c2 'lkK0xl:;,,,,;:ldO0kl' %s"
-"$c2 '^:ldxkkkkxdl:^' %s")
- ;;
- "Slackware")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- c2=$(getColor 'white') # Bold White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("$c1 :::::::"
-"$c1 ::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::"${c2}"cllcccccllllllll"${c1}":::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::::::"${c2}"lc dc"${c1}"::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::"${c2}"cl clllccllll oc"${c1}"::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::::::"${c2}"o lc"${c1}"::::::::"${c2}"co oc"${c1}":::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::"${c2}"o cccclc"${c1}":::::"${c2}"clcc"${c1}":::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::::::::"${c2}"lc cclccclc"${c1}"::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::::::"${c2}"lcclcc lc"${c1}":::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::"${c2}"cclcc"${c1}":::::"${c2}"lccclc oc"${c1}"::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::"${c2}"o l"${c1}"::::::::::"${c2}"l lc"${c1}"::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::"${c2}"cll"${c1}":"${c2}"o clcllcccll o"${c1}"::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::"${c2}"occ"${c1}":"${c2}"o clc"${c1}"::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::"${c2}"ocl"${c1}":"${c2}"ccslclccclclccclclc"${c1}"::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::"${c2}"oclcccccccccccccllllllllllllll"${c1}"::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::"${c2}"lcc1lcccccccccccccccccccccccco"${c1}":::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"$c1 ::::::::::::::::::::::"
-"$c1 ::::::::::::")
- ;;
- "unRAID")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green
- c3=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("$c1 :++====+===:. "
-"$c1 ++$c3.,...=+=.~$c1=====~. %s"
-"$c1 =+.$c3++$c2++$c3.$c2=++==$c3=.$c1======= %s"
-"$c1 +,$c3++$c2+,++$c3.$c2+++===$c3..$c1======== %s"
-"$c1 ,+$c3..$c2+++~++$c3~$c2++====$c3...$c1========= %s"
-"$c1 +$c3...$c2+++++++++:=+$c3.$c2=$c3==$c1~========~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3:$c2++$c3.$c2+++++++=~==$c3.$c2===$c3=.$c1========~~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3.,$c2+++$c3.$c2++++=++=$c3+$c2==.==$c3=.$c1=======~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ,,$c3++$c2++++$c3.$c2+=+:==$c3:$c2======$c3=,$c1======~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3+$c2+++++++$c3.$c2++~+=~======$c3=.$c1~=====~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 =$c3=+$c2:+=+++++=+=~+=======$c3..$c1=====~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3......:+++~..=========$c3=,$c1=====~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 =$c3.+$c2+++,=++=+=+========$c3==$c1======~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ~$c3=+$c2:+++~+=++++=$c3.$c2======$c3=.$c1=====~~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 =$c3++$c2+++++$c3.$c2++++==+$c3,$c2=~==$c3=,$c1======~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3=+$c2+:++$c3.$c2+++++:===$c3.$c2=,=$c3=$c1~=====~~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +.$c3++$c2++$c3,$c2++++=~+====$c3.$c2~$c3:.$c1======~~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +~$c3++$c2,$c3.$c2+++++$c3,$c2~=====$c3...$c1======~~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 +$c3..$c2.+$c3:$c2++++$c3.$c2==~===$c3..$c1=======~~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ~+.$c3++$c2+++++$c3.$c2===~$c3=.$c1========~~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ++.$c3++$c2+++$c3..$c2===$c3::$c1=========~~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ++$c3.,~.....$c1===========~~~ %s"
-"$c1 ++++===============:")
- ;;
- "Red Hat Enterprise Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-"$c2 \`.-..........\` %s"
-"$c2 \`////////::.\`-/. %s"
-"$c2 -: ....-////////. %s"
-"$c2 //:-::///////////\` %s"
-"$c2 \`--::: \`-://////////////: %s"
-"$c2 //////- \`\`.-:///////// .\` %s"
-"$c2 \`://////:-.\` :///////::///:\` %s"
-"$c2 .-/////////:---/////////////: %s"
-"$c2 .-://////////////////////. %s"
-"$c1 yMN+\`.-$c2::///////////////-\` %s"
-"$c1 .-\`:NMMNMs\` \`..-------..\` %s"
-"$c1 MN+/mMMMMMhoooyysshsss %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Frugalware")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="3"
- fulloutput=("${c2} \`++/::-.\`"
-"${c2} /o+++++++++/::-.\`"
-"${c2} \`o+++++++++++++++o++/::-.\`"
-"${c2} /+++++++++++++++++++++++oo++/:-.\`\` %s"
-"${c2} .o+ooooooooooooooooooosssssssso++oo++/:-\` %s"
-"${c2} ++osoooooooooooosssssssssssssyyo+++++++o: %s"
-"${c2} -o+ssoooooooooooosssssssssssssyyo+++++++s\` %s"
-"${c2} o++ssoooooo++++++++++++++sssyyyyo++++++o: %s"
-"${c2} :o++ssoooooo"${c1}"/-------------"${c2}"+syyyyyo+++++oo %s"
-"${c2} \`o+++ssoooooo"${c1}"/-----"${c2}"+++++ooosyyyyyyo++++os: %s"
-"${c2} /o+++ssoooooo"${c1}"/-----"${c2}"ooooooosyyyyyyyo+oooss %s"
-"${c2} .o++++ssooooos"${c1}"/------------"${c2}"syyyyyyhsosssy- %s"
-"${c2} ++++++ssooooss"${c1}"/-----"${c2}"+++++ooyyhhhhhdssssso %s"
-"${c2} -s+++++syssssss"${c1}"/-----"${c2}"yyhhhhhhhhhhhddssssy. %s"
-"${c2} sooooooyhyyyyyh"${c1}"/-----"${c2}"hhhhhhhhhhhddddyssy+ %s"
-"${c2} :yooooooyhyyyhhhyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhdddddyssy\` %s"
-"${c2} yoooooooyhyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddysy/ %s"
-"${c2}-ysooooooydhhhhhhhhhhhddddddddddddddddssy %s"
-"${c2} .-:/+osssyyyysyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssy: %s"
-"${c2} \`\`.-/+oosysssssssssssssssssssssss %s"
-"${c2} \`\`.:/+osyysssssssssssssh. %s"
-"${c2} \`-:/+osyyssssyo"
-"${c2} .-:+++\`")
- ;;
- "Peppermint")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c2} 8ZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMM %s"
-"${c2} .ZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMM. %s"
-"${c1} MM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZ %s"
-"${c1} MMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZM %s"
-"${c1} MMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZ. %s"
-"${c1} MMMMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZZZI %s"
-"${c1} MMMMMMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZ"${c1}"MM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMM %s"
-"${c2} .ZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMMMMM"${c2}"IZZ"${c1}"MM"${c2}"ZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMMMM %s"
-"${c2} ZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZ"${c1}"M"${c2}"ZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMMMMMM %s"
-"${c2} ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"M"${c2}"Z"${c1}"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s"
-"${c2} .ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMM"${c2}"Z"${c1}"M"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMM %s"
-"${c2} .ZZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMM"${c2}"7ZZ"${c1}"MM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZZ7"${c1}"M %s"
-"${c2} ZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMM"${c2}"ZZZZ"${c1}"MMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZ77 %s"
-"${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZ77 %s"
-"${c1} MMMMMMMMMM"${c2}"7ZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMM"${c2}"ZZ77 %s"
-"${c1} .MMMMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMM"${c2}"Z7Z %s"
-"${c1} MMMMM"${c2}"ZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMMMM %s"
-"${c2} NZZZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MMMMM %s"
-"${c2} ZZZZZZZZZ"${c1}"MM")
- ;;
- "Solus")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Light Gray
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} e e %s"
-"${c1} eee ee %s"
-"${c1} eeee eee %s"
-"${c2} wwwwwwwww"${c1}"eeeeee %s"
-"${c2} wwwwwwwwwwwwwww"${c1}"eee %s"
-"${c2} wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"${c1}"eeeeeeee %s"
-"${c2} wwwww "${c1}"eeeee"${c2}"wwwwww"${c1}"eeee %s"
-"${c2} www "${c1}"eeee"${c2}"wwwwww"${c1}"e %s"
-"${c2} ww "${c1}"ee"${c2}"wwwwww %s"
-"${c2} w wwwww %s"
-"${c2} wwwww %s"
-"${c2} wwwww %s"
-"${c2} wwwww %s"
-"${c2} wwww %s"
-"${c2} wwww %s"
-"${c2} wwww %s"
-"${c2} www %s"
-"${c2} ww %s")
- ;;
- "Mageia")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light Cyan
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("$c2 .°°. %s"
-"$c2 °° .°°. %s"
-"$c2 .°°°. °° %s"
-"$c2 . . %s"
-"$c2 °°° .°°°. %s"
-"$c2 .°°°. '___' %s"
-"$c1 .${c2}'___' $c1 . %s"
-"$c1 :dkxc;'. ..,cxkd; %s"
-"$c1 .dkk. kkkkkkkkkk .kkd. %s"
-"$c1 .dkk. ';cloolc;. .kkd %s"
-"$c1 ckk. .kk; %s"
-"$c1 xO: cOd %s"
-"$c1 xO: lOd %s"
-"$c1 lOO. .OO: %s"
-"$c1 .k00. .00x %s"
-"$c1 .k00; ;00O. %s"
-"$c1 .lO0Kc;,,,,,,;c0KOc. %s"
-"$c1 ;d00KKKKKK00d; %s"
-"$c1 .,KKKK,. ")
- ;;
- "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple
- c2=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeee"${c2}"//////////"${c1}"eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeee"${c2}"///////////////"${c1}"eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeee"${c2}"/// ////"${c1}"eeee %s"
-"${c1} eeee"${c2}"// ///"${c1}"eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eee "${c2}"///"${c1}"eeeee %s"
-"${c1}ee "${c2}"//"${c1}"eeeeee %s"
-"${c1}e "${c2}"/"${c1}"eeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeee %s"
-"${c1} eee %s"
-"${c1} ee %s"
-"${c1} e %s")
- ;;
- "Viperr")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Gray
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} wwzapd dlzazw %s"
-"${c1} an"${c2}"#"${c1}"zncmqzepweeirzpas"${c2}"#"${c1}"xz %s"
-"${c1} apez"${c2}"##"${c1}"qzdkawweemvmzdm"${c2}"##"${c1}"dcmv %s"
-"${c1}zwepd"${c2}"####"${c1}"qzdweewksza"${c2}"####"${c1}"ezqpa %s"
-"${c1}ezqpdkapeifjeeazezqpdkazdkwqz %s"
-"${c1} ezqpdksz"${c2}"##"${c1}"wepuizp"${c2}"##"${c1}"wzeiapdk %s"
-"${c1} zqpakdpa"${c2}"#"${c1}"azwewep"${c2}"#"${c1}"zqpdkqze %s"
-"${c1} apqxalqpewenwazqmzazq %s"
-"${c1} mn"${c2}"##"${c1}"=="${c2}"#######"${c1}"=="${c2}"##"${c1}"qp %s"
-"${c1} qw"${c2}"##"${c1}"="${c2}"#######"${c1}"="${c2}"##"${c1}"zl %s"
-"${c1} z0"${c2}"######"${c1}"="${c2}"######"${c1}"0a %s"
-"${c1} qp"${c2}"#####"${c1}"="${c2}"#####"${c1}"mq %s"
-"${c1} az"${c2}"####"${c1}"==="${c2}"####"${c1}"mn %s"
-"${c1} ap"${c2}"#########"${c1}"qz %s"
-"${c1} 9qlzskwdewz %s"
-"${c1} zqwpakaiw %s"
-"${c1} qoqpe %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "LinuxDeepin")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eee eeeeeee eeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1}ee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee ee %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeeee eeeeeeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeee eeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeee eee eee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeee ee eeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeee eee eee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeeeeeee eeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeee eeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eeeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}e eee eeeeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e %s"
-"${c1}eeeeeeeeeeeee ee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeee eee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Deepin")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'cyan') # Bold Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} ............ %s"
-"${c1} .';;;;;. .,;,. %s"
-"${c1} .,;;;;;;;. ';;;;;;;. %s"
-"${c1} .;::::::::' .,::;;,''''',. %s"
-"${c1} ,'.:::::::: .;;'. '; %s"
-"${c1} ;' 'cccccc, ,' :: '.. .: %s"
-"${c1} ,, :ccccc. ;: .c, '' :. ,; %s"
-"${c1} .l. cllll' ., .lc :; .l' l. %s"
-"${c1} .c :lllc ;cl: .l' .ll. :' %s"
-"${c1} .l 'looc. . ,o: 'oo' c, %s"
-"${c1} .o. .:ool::coc' .ooo' o. %s"
-"${c1} :: ..... .;dddo ;c %s"
-"${c1} l:... .';lddddo. ,o %s"
-"${c1} lxxxxxdoolllodxxxxxxxxxc :l %s"
-"${c1} ,dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl. 'o, %s"
-"${c1} ,dkkkkkkkkkkkkko;. .;o; %s"
-"${c1} .;okkkkkdl;. .,cl:. %s"
-"${c1} .,:cccccccc:,. %s")
- ;;
- "Chakra")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} _ _ _ \"kkkkkkkk. %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkk., \'kkkkkkkkk, %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkk., \'kkkkkkkkk. %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,\'kkkkkkkk, %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk\'kkkkkkk. %s"
-"${c1} \"\'\'\"\'\'\',;::,,\"\'\'kkk\'\'kkkkk; __ %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkk, \"k\'\'kkkkk\' ,kkkk %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkk\' ., \' .: \'kkkk\',kkkkkk %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkk\'.k\' , ,kkkk;kkkkkkkkk %s"
-"${c1} ,kkkkkkkk\';kk \'k \"\'k\',kkkkkkkkkkkk %s"
-"${c1} .kkkkkkkkk.kkkk.\'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk\' %s"
-"${c1} ;kkkkkkkk\'\'kkkkkk;\'kkkkkkkkkkkkk\'\' %s"
-"${c1} \'kkkkkkk; \'kkkkkkkk.,\"\"\'\'\"\'\'\"\" %s"
-"${c1} \'\'kkkk; \'kkkkkkkkkk., %s"
-"${c1} \';\' \'kkkkkkkkkkkk., %s"
-"${c1} ';kkkkkkkkkk\' %s"
-"${c1} ';kkkkkk\' %s"
-"${c1} \"\'\'\" %s")
- ;;
- "Fuduntu")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Gray
- c2=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow
- c3=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- c4=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1} \`dwoapfjsod\`"${c2}" \`dwoapfjsod\`"
-"${c1} \`xdwdsfasdfjaapz\`"${c2}" \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\` %s"
-"${c1} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\`"${c2}" \`wadladfladlafsozmm\` %s"
-"${c1} \`aodowpwafjwodisosoaas\`"${c2}" \`odowpwafjwodisosoaaso\` %s"
-"${c1} \`adowofaowiefawodpmmxs\`"${c2}" \`dowofaowiefawodpmmxso\` %s"
-"${c1} \`asdjafoweiafdoafojffw\`"${c2}" \`sdjafoweiafdoafojffwq\` %s"
-"${c1} \`dasdfjalsdfjasdlfjdd\`"${c2}" \`asdfjalsdfjasdlfjdda\` %s"
-"${c1} \`dddwdsfasdfjaapzxaw\`"${c2}" \`ddwdsfasdfjaapzxawo\` %s"
-"${c1} \`dddwoapfjsowzocmw\`"${c2}" \`ddwoapfjsowzocmwp\` %s"
-"${c1} \`ddasowjfowiejao\`"${c2}" \`dasowjfowiejaow\` %s"
-" %s"
-"${c3} \`ddasowjfowiejao\`"${c4}" \`dasowjfowiejaow\` %s"
-"${c3} \`dddwoapfjsowzocmw\`"${c4}" \`ddwoapfjsowzocmwp\` %s"
-"${c3} \`dddwdsfasdfjaapzxaw\`"${c4}" \`ddwdsfasdfjaapzxawo\` %s"
-"${c3} \`dasdfjalsdfjasdlfjdd\`"${c4}" \`asdfjalsdfjasdlfjdda\` %s"
-"${c3} \`asdjafoweiafdoafojffw\`"${c4}" \`sdjafoweiafdoafojffwq\` %s"
-"${c3} \`adowofaowiefawodpmmxs\`"${c4}" \`dowofaowiefawodpmmxso\` %s"
-"${c3} \`aodowpwafjwodisosoaas\`"${c4}" \`odowpwafjwodisosoaaso\` %s"
-"${c3} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\`"${c4}" \`wadladfladlafsozmm\` %s"
-"${c3} \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\`"${c4}" \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\`"
-"${c3} \`woapfjsod\`"${c4}" \`woapfjsod\`")
- ;;
- "Mac OS X")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green
- c2=$(getColor 'brown') # Yellow
- c3=$(getColor 'light red') # Orange
- c4=$(getColor 'red') # Red
- c5=$(getColor 'purple') # Purple
- c6=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; c5="${my_lcolor}"; c6="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("\n${c1} -/+:. %s"
-"${c1} :++++. %s"
-"${c1} /+++/. %s"
-"${c1} .:-::- .+/:-\`\`.::- %s"
-"${c1} .:/++++++/::::/++++++/:\` %s"
-"${c2} .:///////////////////////:\` %s"
-"${c2} ////////////////////////\` %s"
-"${c3} -+++++++++++++++++++++++\` %s"
-"${c3} /++++++++++++++++++++++/ %s"
-"${c4} /sssssssssssssssssssssss. %s"
-"${c4} :ssssssssssssssssssssssss- %s"
-"${c5} osssssssssssssssssssssssso/\` %s"
-"${c5} \`syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+\` %s"
-"${c6} \`ossssssssssssssssssssss/ %s"
-"${c6} :ooooooooooooooooooo+. %s"
-"${c6} \`:+oo+/:-..-:/+o+/- %s\n")
- ;;
- "Mac OS X - Classic")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light blue
- c3=$(getColor 'light grey') # Gray
- c4=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Ggray
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c3}\n .. %s"
-"${c3} dWc %s"
-"${c3} ,X0' %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}0Mk${c2}::::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}KWo${c2}:::::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;;;${c3}KWo${c2}:::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;;${c3}0Md${c2}::::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;${c3}xW0${c2}:::::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}KMc${c2}::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}lWX${c2}:::::::::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}xWWXXXXNN7${c2}::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}WK${c2}:::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;${c4}TKX0ko.${c1};;;;;;;${c3}kMx${c2}:::${c3}.cOKNF${c2}::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;${c4}\`kO0KKKKKKK${c3}NMNXK0OP*${c2}:::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}kMx${c2}:::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}WX${c2}:::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c3} lMc %s"
-"${c3} kN. %s"
-"${c3} o' %s\n")
- ;;
- "Windows"|"Cygwin")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light red') # Red
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Green
- c3=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue
- c4=$(getColor 'yellow') # Yellow
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} ,.=:!!t3Z3z., %s"
-"${c1} :tt:::tt333EE3 %s"
-"${c1} Et:::ztt33EEEL${c2} @Ee., .., %s"
-"${c1} ;tt:::tt333EE7${c2} ;EEEEEEttttt33# %s"
-"${c1} :Et:::zt333EEQ.${c2} \$EEEEEttttt33QL %s"
-"${c1} it::::tt333EEF${c2} @EEEEEEttttt33F %s"
-"${c1} ;3=*^\`\`\`\"*4EEV${c2} :EEEEEEttttt33@. %s"
-"${c3} ,.=::::!t=., ${c1}\`${c2} @EEEEEEtttz33QF %s"
-"${c3} ;::::::::zt33)${c2} \"4EEEtttji3P* %s"
-"${c3} :t::::::::tt33.${c4}:Z3z..${c2} \`\`${c4} ,..g. %s"
-"${c3} i::::::::zt33F${c4} AEEEtttt::::ztF %s"
-"${c3} ;:::::::::t33V${c4} ;EEEttttt::::t3 %s"
-"${c3} E::::::::zt33L${c4} @EEEtttt::::z3F %s"
-"${c3}{3=*^\`\`\`\"*4E3)${c4} ;EEEtttt:::::tZ\` %s"
-"${c3} \`${c4} :EEEEtttt::::z7 %s"
-"${c4} \"VEzjt:;;z>*\` %s")
- ;;
- "Windows 10")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} .., %s"
-"${c1} ....,,:;+ccllll %s"
-"${c1} ...,,+:; cllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} ,cclllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} \`'ccllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} \`'\"\"*:: :ccllllllllllllllll %s"
-"${c1} \`\`\`\`''\"*::cll %s"
-"${c1} \`\` %s")
- ;;
- "Haiku")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- if [ "$haikualpharelease" == "yes" ]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'black_haiku') # Black
- c2=$(getColor 'light grey') # Light Gray
- else
- c1=$(getColor 'black') # Black
- c2=${c1}
- fi
- c3=$(getColor 'green') # Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c1} :dc' %s"
-"${c1} 'l:;'${c2},${c1}'ck. .;dc:. %s"
-"${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. .;; ':o. %s"
-"${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. ol ${c2}.${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. oc ${c2}..${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. oc ${c2}..${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1}.Ol,. co ${c2}...''${c1}Oc;kkodxOdddOoc,. %s"
-"${c1} ';lxxlxOdxkxk0kd${c3}oooll${c1}dl${c3}ccc:${c1}clxd; %s"
-"${c1} ..${c3}oOolllllccccccc:::::${c1}od; %s"
-"${c1} cx:ooc${c3}:::::::;${c1}cooolcX. %s"
-"${c1} cd${c2}.${c1}''cloxdoollc' ${c2}...${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1} cd${c2}......${c1}k;${c2}.${c1}xl${c2}.... .${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1} .::c${c2};..${c1}cx;${c2}.${c1}xo${c2}..... .${c1}0. %s"
-"${c1} '::c'${c2}...${c1}do${c2}..... .${c1}K, %s"
-"${c1} cd,.${c2}....:${c1}O,${c2}...... %s"
-"${c1} ':clod:'${c2}...... %s"
-"${c1} ${c2}. %s")
- ;;
- "Trisquel")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- c2=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c1} ▄▄▄▄▄▄ %s"
-"${c1} ▄█████████▄ %s"
-"${c1} ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ████▀ ▀████ %s"
-"${c1} ▄██████████▄ ████▀ ▄▄ ▀███ %s"
-"${c1} ▄███▀▀ ▀▀████ ███▄ ▄█ ███ %s"
-"${c1} ▄███ ▄▄▄ ████▄ ▀██████ ▄███ %s"
-"${c1} ███ █▀▀██▄ █████▄ ▀▀ ▄████ %s"
-"${c1} ▀███ ███ ███████▄▄ ▄▄██████ %s"
-"${c1} ▀███▄ ▄███ █████████████${c2}████▀ %s"
-"${c1} ▀█████████ ███████${c2}███▀▀▀ %s"
-"${c1} ▀▀███▀▀ ██${c2}████▀▀ %s"
-"${c2} ██████▀ ▄▄▄▄ %s"
-"${c2} █████▀ ████████ %s"
-"${c2} █████ ███▀ ▀███ %s"
-"${c2} ████▄ ██▄▄▄ ███ %s"
-"${c2} █████▄ ▀▀ ▄██ %s"
-"${c2} ██████▄▄▄████ %s"
-"${c2} ▀▀█████▀▀ %s")
- ;;
- "Manjaro")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "Logos")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green
- c2=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"$c1 ..:.:. $c2%s"
-"$c1 ..:.:.:.:. $c2%s"
-"$c1 ..:.:.:.:.:.:. $c2%s"
-"$c1 ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. $c2%s"
-"$c1 .:.::;.::::..:.:.:. $c2%s"
-"$c1 .:.:.::.::.::.;;/ $c2%s"
-"$c1 .:.::.:::///// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ..;;/////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 /////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ////////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ///////////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 /////////////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ////////////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ////////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ////////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 ////// $c2%s"
-"$c1 // $c2%s")
- ;;
- "Manjaro-tree")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1="\e[1;32m" # Green
- c2="\e[1;33m" # Yellow
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c1} ### %s"
-"${c1} ### #### %s"
-"${c1} ### #### %s"
-"${c1} ##### ##### %s"
-"${c1} ################# %s"
-"${c1} ### ##### #### %s"
-"${c1} ## ${c2}OOO ${c1}### %s"
-"${c1} # ${c2}WW ${c1}## %s"
-"${c1} ${c2}WW ${c1}# %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-"${c2} WW %s"
-" %s")
- ;;
- "elementary OS"|"elementary os")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-" %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeee eeeee eee eeee %s"
-"${c1} eeee eeee eee eeee %s"
-"${c1}eee eee eee eee %s"
-"${c1}eee eee eee eee %s"
-"${c1}ee eee eeee eeee %s"
-"${c1}ee eee eeeee eeeeee %s"
-"${c1}ee eee eeeee eeeee ee %s"
-"${c1}eee eeee eeeeee eeeee eee %s"
-"${c1}eee eeeeeeeeee eeeeee eee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeee eeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeee eeeeeee %s"
-"${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s")
- ;;
- "Android")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="2"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c2} ╲ ▁▂▂▂▁ ╱"
-"${c2} ▄███████▄ "
-"${c2} ▄██${c1} ${c2}███${c1} ${c2}██▄ %s"
-"${c2} ▄███████████▄ %s"
-"${c2} ▄█ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █▄ %s"
-"${c2} ██ █████████████ ██ %s"
-"${c2} ██ █████████████ ██ %s"
-"${c2} ██ █████████████ ██ %s"
-"${c2} ██ █████████████ ██ %s"
-"${c2} █████████████ %s"
-"${c2} ███████████ %s"
-"${c2} ██ ██"
-"${c2} ██ ██")
- ;;
- "Scientific Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue')
- c2=$(getColor 'light red')
- c3=$(getColor 'white')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1} =/;;/-"
-"${c1} +: // %s"
-"${c1} /; /; %s"
-"${c1} -X H. %s"
-"${c1} .//;;;:;;-, X= :+ .-;:=;:;#;. %s"
-"${c1} M- ,=;;;#:, ,:#;;:=, ,@ %s"
-"${c1} :# :#.=/++++/=.$= #= %s"
-"${c1} ,#; #/:+/;,,/++:+/ ;+. %s"
-"${c1} ,+/. ,;@+, ,#H;, ,/+, %s"
-"${c1} ;+;;/= @. ${c2}.H${c3}#${c2}#X ${c1}-X :///+; %s"
-"${c1} ;+=;;;.@, ${c3}.X${c2}M${c3}@$. ${c1}=X.//;=#/. %s"
-"${c1} ,;: :@#= =\$H: .+#- %s"
-"${c1} ,#= #;-///==///-// =#, %s"
-"${c1} ;+ :#-;;;:;;;;-X- +: %s"
-"${c1} @- .-;;;;M- =M/;;;-. -X %s"
-"${c1} :;;::;;-. #- :+ ,-;;-;:== %s"
-"${c1} ,X H. %s"
-"${c1} ;/ #= %s"
-"${c1} // +; %s"
-"${c1} '////'")
- ;;
- "BackTrack Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1}.............."
-"${c1} ..,;:ccc,. %s"
-"${c1} ......''';lxO. %s"
-"${c1}.....''''..........,:ld; %s"
-"${c1} .';;;:::;,,.x, %s"
-"${c1} ..'''. 0Xxoc:,. ... %s"
-"${c1} .... ,ONkc;,;cokOdc',. %s"
-"${c1} . OMo ':"${c2}"dd"${c1}"o. %s"
-"${c1} dMc :OO; %s"
-"${c1} 0M. .:o. %s"
-"${c1} ;Wd %s"
-"${c1} ;XO, %s"
-"${c1} ,d0Odlc;,.. %s"
-"${c1} ..',;:cdOOd::,. %s"
-"${c1} .:d;.':;. %s"
-"${c1} 'd, .' %s"
-"${c1} ;l ..%s"
-"${c1} .o %s"
-"${c1} c %s"
-"${c1} .'"
-"${c1} .")
- ;;
- "Kali Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'black') # Light Red
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1}.............."
-"${c1} ..,;:ccc,. %s"
-"${c1} ......''';lxO. %s"
-"${c1}.....''''..........,:ld; %s"
-"${c1} .';;;:::;,,.x, %s"
-"${c1} ..'''. 0Xxoc:,. ... %s"
-"${c1} .... ,ONkc;,;cokOdc',. %s"
-"${c1} . OMo ':"${c2}"dd"${c1}"o. %s"
-"${c1} dMc :OO; %s"
-"${c1} 0M. .:o. %s"
-"${c1} ;Wd %s"
-"${c1} ;XO, %s"
-"${c1} ,d0Odlc;,.. %s"
-"${c1} ..',;:cdOOd::,. %s"
-"${c1} .:d;.':;. %s"
-"${c1} 'd, .' %s"
-"${c1} ;l ..%s"
-"${c1} .o %s"
-"${c1} c %s"
-"${c1} .'"
-"${c1} .")
- ;;
- "Sabayon")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c2} ........... %s"
-"${c2} .. .. %s"
-"${c2} .. .. %s"
-"${c2} .. ${c1}o ${c2}.. %s"
-"${c2} .. ${c1}:W' ${c2}.. %s"
-"${c2} .. ${c1}.d. ${c2}.. %s"
-"${c2}:. ${c1}.KNO ${c2}.: %s"
-"${c2}:. ${c1}cNNN. ${c2}.: %s"
-"${c2}: ${c1}dXXX, ${c2}: %s"
-"${c2}: ${c1}. dXXX, .cd, ${c2}: %s"
-"${c2}: ${c1}'kc .. dKKK. ,ll;:' ${c2}: %s"
-"${c2}: ${c1}.xkkxc;..dkkkc',cxkkl ${c2}: %s"
-"${c2}:. ${c1}.,cdddddddddddddo:. ${c2}.: %s"
-"${c2} .. ${c1}:lllllll: ${c2}.. %s"
-"${c2} .. ${c1}',,,,, ${c2}.. %s"
-"${c2} .. .. %s"
-"${c2} .. .. %s"
-"${c2} ............... %s")
- ;;
- "KaOS")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue')
- c2=$(getColor 'light grey')
- c3=$(getColor 'red')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-"${c1} ████████ ████████ %s"
-"${c1} ██████ ██████ %s"
-"${c1} ████ ████ %s"
-"${c1} █ █ %s"
-"${c1} █ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c2} ████████ ████████%s"
-"${c1} █ ${c2} ██████ ██████ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c2} ████ ████ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c2} █ █ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c2} █ %s"
-"${c1} ${c3}███████ ███████ %s"
-"${c1} ${c3} █████ █████${c2} █ %s"
-"${c1} █${c3} ███ ███ ${c2} █ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c3} █ ${c2} █ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c3}█ ${c2} █ %s"
-"${c1} █ ${c3}█ ${c2} █ %s")
- ;;
- "CentOS")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'yellow') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # White
- c3=$(getColor 'light blue') # White
- c4=$(getColor 'light purple') # White
- c5=$(getColor 'white') # White
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} .. %s"
-"${c1} .PLTJ. %s"
-"${c1} <><><><> %s"
-" ${c2}KKSSV' 4KKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKL.'VSSKK %s"
-" ${c2}KKV' 4KKKKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKKAL 'VKK %s"
-" ${c2}V' ' 'VKKKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKKV' ' 'V %s"
-" ${c2}.4MA.' 'VKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKV' '.4Mb. %s"
-"${c4} . ${c2}KKKKKA.' 'V ${c1}LJ${c4} V' '.4KKKKK ${c3}. %s"
-"${c4} .4D ${c2}KKKKKKKA.'' ${c1}LJ${c4} ''.4KKKKKKK ${c3}FA. %s"
-"${c4} %s"
-"${c4} 'VD ${c3}KKKKKKKK'.. ${c2}LJ ${c1}..'KKKKKKKK ${c3}FV %s"
-"${c4} ' ${c3}VKKKKK'. .4 ${c2}LJ ${c1}K. .'KKKKKV ${c3}' %s"
-" ${c3} 'VK'. .4KK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKA. .'KV' %s"
-" ${c3}A. . .4KKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKKA. . .4 %s"
-" ${c3}KKA. 'KKKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKKK' .4KK %s"
-" ${c3}KKSSA. VKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKV .4SSKK %s"
-"${c2} <><><><> %s"
-"${c2} 'MKKM' %s"
-"${c2} ''")
- ;;
- "Jiyuu Linux")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1}+++++++++++++++++++++++. %s"
-"${c1}ss:-......-+so/:----.os- %s"
-"${c1}ss +s/ os- %s"
-"${c1}ss :s+ os- %s"
-"${c1}ss os. os- %s"
-"${c1}ss .so os- %s"
-"${c1}ss :s+ os- %s"
-"${c1}ss /s/ os- %s"
-"${c1}ss /s: os- %s"
-"${c1}ss +s- os- %s"
-"${c1}ss-.....os:..........os- %s"
-"${c1}++++++++os+++++++++oooo. %s"
-"${c1} os. ./oo/. %s"
-"${c1} os. ./oo: %s"
-"${c1} os. ./oo: %s"
-"${c1} os oo+- %s"
-"${c1} os+- %s"
-"${c1} /. %s")
- ;;
- "Antergos")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Light Blue
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="1"
- fulloutput=("${c1} \`.-/::/-\`\`"
-"${c1} .-/osssssssso/. %s"
-"${c1} :osyysssssssyyys+- %s"
-"${c1} \`.+yyyysssssssssyyyyy+. %s"
-"${c1} \`/syyyyyssssssssssyyyyys-\` %s"
-"${c1} \`/yhyyyyysss${c2}++${c1}ssosyyyyhhy/\` %s"
-"${c1} .ohhhyyyys${c2}o++/+o${c1}so${c2}+${c1}syy${c2}+${c1}shhhho. %s"
-"${c1} .shhhhys${c2}oo++//+${c1}sss${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}+s${c1}hhhhs. %s"
-"${c1} -yhhhhs${c2}+++++++o${c1}ssso${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}s+o${c1}hhddy: %s"
-"${c1} -yddhhy${c2}o+++++o${c1}syyss${c2}++++${c1}yyy${c2}yooy${c1}hdddy- %s"
-"${c1} .yddddhs${c2}o++o${c1}syyyyys${c2}+++++${c1}yyhh${c2}sos${c1}hddddy\` %s"
-"${c1}\`odddddhyosyhyyyyyy${c2}++++++${c1}yhhhyosddddddo %s"
-"${c1}.dmdddddhhhhhhhyyyo${c2}+++++${c1}shhhhhohddddmmh. %s"
-"${c1}ddmmdddddhhhhhhhso${c2}++++++${c1}yhhhhhhdddddmmdy %s"
-"${c1}dmmmdddddddhhhyso${c2}++++++${c1}shhhhhddddddmmmmh %s"
-"${c1}-dmmmdddddddhhys${c2}o++++o${c1}shhhhdddddddmmmmd- %s"
-"${c1} .smmmmddddddddhhhhhhhhhdddddddddmmmms. %s"
-"${c1} \`+ydmmmdddddddddddddddddddmmmmdy/. %s"
-"${c1} \`.:+ooyyddddddddddddyyso+:.\`")
- ;;
- "Void")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'green') # Dark Green
- c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green
- c3=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Black
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c2} __.;=====;.__ %s"
-"${c2} _.=+==++=++=+=+===;. %s"
-"${c2} -=+++=+===+=+=+++++=_ %s"
-"${c1} . "${c2}"-=:\`\` \`--==+=++==. %s"
-"${c1} _vi, "${c2}"\` --+=++++: %s"
-"${c1} .uvnvi. "${c2}"_._ -==+==+. %s"
-"${c1} .vvnvnI\` "${c2}".;==|==;. :|=||=|. %s"
-"${c3} +QmQQm"${c1}"pvvnv; "${c3}"_yYsyQQWUUQQQm #QmQ#"${c2}":"${c3}"QQQWUV\$QQmL %s"
-"${c3} -QQWQW"${c1}"pvvo"${c3}"wZ?.wQQQE"${c2}"==<"${c3}"QWWQ/QWQW.QQWW"${c2}"(: "${c3}"jQWQE %s"
-"${c3} -\$QQQQmmU' jQQQ@"${c2}"+=<"${c3}"QWQQ)mQQQ.mQQQC"${c2}"+;${c3}jWQQ@' %s"
-"${c3} -\$WQ8Y"${c1}"nI: ${c3}QWQQwgQQWV"${c2}"\`"${c3}"mWQQ.jQWQQgyyWW@! %s"
-"${c1} -1vvnvv. "${c2}"\`~+++\` ++|+++ %s"
-"${c1} +vnvnnv, "${c2}"\`-|=== %s"
-"${c1} +vnvnvns. . "${c2}":=- %s"
-"${c1} -Invnvvnsi..___..=sv=. "${c2}"\` %s"
-"${c1} +Invnvnvnnnnnnnnvvnn;. %s"
-"${c1} ~|Invnvnvvnvvvnnv}+\` %s"
-"${c1} -~\"|{*l}*|\"\"~ %s")
- ;;
- "NixOS")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'blue')
- c2=$(getColor 'light blue')
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} ::::. ${c2}'::::: ::::' %s"
-"${c1} '::::: ${c2}':::::. ::::' %s"
-"${c1} ::::: ${c2}'::::.::::: %s"
-"${c1} .......:::::..... ${c2}:::::::: %s"
-"${c1} ::::::::::::::::::. ${c2}:::::: ${c1}::::. %s"
-"${c1} ::::::::::::::::::::: ${c2}:::::. ${c1}.::::' %s"
-"${c2} ..... ::::' ${c1}:::::' %s"
-"${c2} ::::: '::' ${c1}:::::' %s"
-"${c2} ........::::: ' ${c1}:::::::::::. %s"
-"${c2}::::::::::::: ${c1}::::::::::::: %s"
-"${c2} ::::::::::: ${c1}.. ${c1}::::: %s"
-"${c2} .::::: ${c1}.::: ${c1}::::: %s"
-"${c2} .::::: ${c1}::::: ${c1}''''' ${c2}..... %s"
-"${c2} ::::: ${c1}':::::. ${c2}......:::::::::::::' %s"
-"${c2} ::: ${c1}::::::. ${c2}':::::::::::::::::' %s"
-"${c1} .:::::::: ${c2}':::::::::: %s"
-"${c1} .::::''::::. ${c2}'::::. %s"
-"${c1} .::::' ::::. ${c2}'::::. %s"
-"${c1} .:::: :::: ${c2}'::::. %s")
- ;;
- "SailfishOS")
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=("${c1} .+eWWW %s"
-"${c1} .+ee+++eee e. %s"
-"${c1} .ee++eeeeeeee +e. %s"
-"${c1} .e++ee++eeeeeee+eee+e+ %s"
-"${c1} ee.e+.ee+eee++eeeeee+ %s"
-"${c1} W.+e.e+.e++ee+eee %s"
-"${c1} W.+e.W.ee.W++ee' %s"
-"${c1} +e.W W.e+.W.W+ %s"
-"${c1} W.e.+e.W W W. %s"
-"${c1} e e e +e.W.W %s"
-"${c1} .W W W. %s"
-"${c1} W.+e.W. %s"
-"${c1} W++e.ee+. %s"
-"${c1} ++ +ee++eeeee++. %s"
-"${c1} ' '+++e 'ee. %s"
-"${c1} ee %s"
-"${c1} ee %s"
-"${c1} e %s")
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "$(echo "${kernel}" | grep 'Linux' )" ]; then
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'white') # White
- c2=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Light Gray
- c3=$(getColor 'yellow') # Light Yellow
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
-" %s"
-" %s"
-"$c2 #####$c0 %s"
-"$c2 ####### %s"
-"$c2 ##"$c1"O$c2#"$c1"O$c2## %s"
-"$c2 #$c3#####$c2# %s"
-"$c2 ##$c1##$c3###$c1##$c2## %s"
-"$c2 #$c1##########$c2## %s"
-"$c2 #$c1############$c2## %s"
-"$c2 #$c1############$c2### %s"
-"$c3 ##$c2#$c1###########$c2##$c3# %s"
-"$c3 ######$c2#$c1#######$c2#$c3###### %s"
-"$c3 #######$c2#$c1#####$c2#$c3####### %s"
-"$c3 #####$c2#######$c3##### %s"
-" %s"
-" %s"
-" %s")
- elif [[ "$(echo "${kernel}" | grep 'GNU' )" || "$(echo "${kernel}" | grep 'Hurd' )" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(
-" _-\`\`\`\`\`-, ,- '- . %s"
-" .' .- - | | - -. \`. %s"
-" /.' / \`. \\ %s"
-" :/ : _... ..._ \`\` : %s"
-" :: : /._ .\`:'_.._\\. || : %s"
-" :: \`._ ./ ,\` : \\ . _.'' . %s"
-" \`:. / | -. \\-. \\\\\_ / %s"
-" \\:._ _/ .' .@) \\@) \` \`\\ ,.' %s"
-" _/,--' .- .\\,-.\`--\`. %s"
-" ,'/'' (( \\ \` ) %s"
-" /'/' \\ \`-' ( %s"
-" '/'' \`._,-----' %s"
-" ''/' .,---' %s"
-" ''/' ;: %s"
-" ''/'' ''/ %s"
-" ''/''/'' %s"
-" '/'/' %s"
-" \`; %s")
-# Source: https://www.gnu.org/graphics/alternative-ascii.en.html
-# Copyright (C) 2003, Vijay Kumar
-# Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this image under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
- else
- if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then
- c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green
- fi
- if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi
- startline="0"
- fulloutput=(" %s"
- " %s"
- " %s"
- " %s"
- " %s"
- " %s")
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # Truncate lines based on terminal width.
- if [ "$truncateSet" == "Yes" ]; then
- for ((i=0; i<${#fulloutput[@]}; i++)); do
- my_out=$(printf "${fulloutput[i]}$c0\n" "${out_array}")
- my_out_full=$(echo "$my_out" | cat -v)
- termWidth=$(tput cols)
- SHOPT_EXTGLOB_STATE=$(shopt -p extglob)
- if [[ ${SHOPT_STATE} == "-u" ]]; then
- shopt -s extglob
- fi
- stringReal="${my_out_full//\^\[\[@([0-9]|[0-9];[0-9][0-9])m}"
- if [[ ${SHOPT_STATE} == "-u" ]]; then
- shopt -u extglob
- fi
- if [[ "${#stringReal}" -le "${termWidth}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${my_out}"$c0
- elif [[ "${#stringReal}" -gt "${termWidth}" ]]; then
- for ((j=0; j<=${#my_out_full}; j++)); do
- if [[ "${my_out_full:${j}:3}" == '^[[' ]]; then
- if [[ "${my_out_full:${j}:5}" =~ ^\^\[\[[[:digit:]]m$ ]]; then
- if [[ ${j} -eq 0 ]]; then
- j=$((${j} + 5))
- else
- j=$((${j} + 4))
- fi
- elif [[ "${my_out_full:${j}:8}" =~ ^\^\[\[[[:digit:]]\;[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]m ]]; then
- if [[ ${j} -eq 0 ]]; then
- j=$((${j} + 8))
- else
- j=$((${j} + 7))
- fi
- fi
- else
- if [[ ${NORMAL_CHAR_COUNT} -ge ${termWidth} ]]; then
- echo -e "${my_out:0:$((${j} - 5))}"$c0
- break 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ "$i" -ge "$startline" ]]; then
- unset out_array[0]
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" )
- fi
- done
- elif [[ "$portraitSet" = "Yes" ]]; then
- for ((i=0; $i<${#fulloutput[*]}; i++)); do
- printf "${fulloutput[$i]}$c0\n"
- done
- printf "\n"
- for ((i=0; $i<${#fulloutput[*]}; i++)); do
- [[ -z "$out_array" ]] && continue
- printf "%s\n" "${out_array}"
- unset out_array[0]
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" )
- done
- elif [[ "$display_logo" == "Yes" ]]; then
- for ((i=0; i<${#fulloutput[*]}; i++)); do
- printf "${fulloutput[i]}\n"
- done
- else
- #n=${#fulloutput[*]}
- for ((i=0; i<${#fulloutput[*]}; i++)); do
- # echo "${out_array[@]}"
- febreeze=$(awk 'BEGIN{srand();print int(rand()*(1000-1))+1 }')
- if [[ "${febreeze}" == "411" || "${febreeze}" == "188" || "${febreeze}" == "15" || "${febreeze}" == "166" || "${febreeze}" == "609" ]]; then
- f_size=${#fulloutput[*]}
- o_size=${#out_array[*]}
- f_max=$(( 32768 / f_size * f_size ))
- #o_max=$(( 32768 / o_size * o_size ))
- for ((a=f_size-1; a>0; a--)); do
- while (( (rand=$RANDOM) >= f_max )); do :; done
- rand=$(( rand % (a+1) ))
- tmp=${fulloutput[a]} fulloutput[a]=${fulloutput[rand]} fulloutput[rand]=$tmp
- done
- for ((b=o_size-1; b>0; b--)); do
- rand=$(( rand % (b+1) ))
- tmp=${out_array[b]} out_array[b]=${out_array[rand]} out_array[rand]=$tmp
- done
- fi
- printf "${fulloutput[i]}$c0\n" "${out_array}"
- if [[ "$i" -ge "$startline" ]]; then
- unset out_array[0]
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" )
- fi
- done
- fi
- # Done with ASCII output
-infoDisplay () {
- textcolor="\033[0m"
- [[ "$my_hcolor" ]] && textcolor="${my_hcolor}"
- #TODO: Centralize colors and use them across the board so we only change them one place.
- myascii="${distro}"
- [[ "${asc_distro}" ]] && myascii="${asc_distro}"
- case ${myascii} in
- "Arch Linux - Old"|"Fedora"|"Korora"|"Chapeau"|"Mandriva"|"Mandrake"|"Chakra"|"ChromeOS"|"Sabayon"|"Slackware"|"Mac OS X"|"Trisquel"|"Kali Linux"|"Jiyuu Linux"|"Antergos"|"KaOS"|"Logos"|"gNewSense"|"NixOS"|"SailfishOS") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light blue');;
- "Arch Linux"|"Frugalware"|"Mageia"|"Deepin"|"CRUX") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light cyan');;
- "Mint"|"LMDE"|"openSUSE"|"LinuxDeepin"|"DragonflyBSD"|"Manjaro"|"Manjaro-tree"|"Android"|"Void") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light green');;
- "Ubuntu"|"FreeBSD"|"FreeBSD - Old"|"Debian"|"Raspbian"|"BSD"|"Red Hat Enterprise Linux"|"Peppermint"|"Cygwin"|"Fuduntu"|"Scientific Linux"|"DragonFlyBSD"|"BackTrack Linux") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light red');;
- "CrunchBang"|"Solus"|"Viperr"|"elementary"*) labelcolor=$(getColor 'dark grey');;
- "Gentoo"|"Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Funtoo"|"Funtoo-text"|"BLAG") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light purple');;
- "Haiku") labelcolor=$(getColor 'green');;
- "NetBSD") labelcolor=$(getColor 'orange');;
- "unRAID") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light green');;
- "CentOS"|*) labelcolor=$(getColor 'yellow');;
- esac
- [[ "$my_lcolor" ]] && labelcolor="${my_lcolor}"
- if [[ "$art" ]]; then source "$art"; fi
- if [[ "$no_color" == "1" ]]; then labelcolor=""; bold=""; c0=""; textcolor=""; fi
- # Some verbosity stuff
- [[ "$screenshot" == "1" ]] && verboseOut "Screenshot will be taken after info is displayed."
- [[ "$upload" == "1" ]] && verboseOut "Screenshot will be transferred/uploaded to specified location."
- #########################
- # Info Variable Setting #
- #########################
- if [[ "$distro" == "unRAID" ]]; then
- if [ -e /var/local/emhttp/var.ini ]; then
- source /var/local/emhttp/var.ini
- else
- fsState="n/a"
- mdNumDisks="n/a"
- mdResync="0"
- mdResyncPos="0"
- cacheNumDevices="n/a"
- fsNumUnmountable="n/a"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Android" ]]; then
- myhostname=$(echo -e "${labelcolor}${hostname}"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myhostname" )
- mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $distro_ver"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydistro" )
- mydevice=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Device:$textcolor $device"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydevice" )
- myrom=$(echo -e "$labelcolor ROM:$textcolor $rom"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myrom" )
- mybaseband=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Baseband:$textcolor $baseband"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mybaseband" )
- mykernel=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Kernel:$textcolor $kernel"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mykernel" )
- myuptime=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Uptime:$textcolor $uptime"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myuptime" )
- mycpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor CPU:$textcolor $cpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mycpu" )
- mygpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GPU:$textcolor $cpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygpu" )
- mymem=$(echo -e "$labelcolor RAM:$textcolor $mem"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mymem" )
- else
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "host" ]]; then myinfo=$(echo -e "${labelcolor}${myUser}$textcolor${bold}@${c0}${labelcolor}${myHost}"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myinfo" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "distro" ]]; then
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- sysArch=`str1=$(ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi);echo ${str1: -4: 2}bit`
- prodVers=`prodVers=$(sw_vers|grep ProductVersion);echo ${prodVers:15}`
- buildVers=`buildVers=$(sw_vers|grep BuildVersion);echo ${buildVers:14}`
- if [ -n "$distro_more" ]; then mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro_more $sysArch")
- else mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $sysArch $distro $prodVers $buildVers"); fi
- elif [[ "$distro" == "Cygwin" ]]; then
- distro="$(wmic os get caption | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d')"
- if [[ "$(wmic os get version | grep -o '^10\.')" == "10." ]]; then
- distro="$distro (v$(wmic os get version | grep '^10\.' | tr -d ' '))"
- fi
- sysArch=$(wmic os get OSArchitecture | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d')
- mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $sysArch")
- elif [[ "$distro" == "unRAID" ]]; then
- OSversion=$(cat /etc/slackware-version)
- mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $version ($OSversion)")
- else
- if [ -n "$distro_more" ]; then mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro_more")
- else mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $sysArch"); fi
- fi
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydistro" )
- ((display_index++))
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "kernel" ]]; then mykernel=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Kernel:$textcolor $kernel"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mykernel" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "uptime" ]]; then myuptime=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Uptime:$textcolor $uptime"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myuptime" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "pkgs" ]]; then
- if [[ "$distro" == "unRAID" ]]; then
- resync="n/a"
- [[ ! $mdResync == "0" ]] && resync=$(($mdResyncPos*100/$mdResync))%
- mypkgs=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Array:$textcolor$fsState$labelcolor Parity Check:$textcolor$resync")
- else
- mypkgs=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Packages:$textcolor $pkgs")
- fi
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mypkgs" )
- ((display_index++))
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "shell" ]]; then
- if [[ "$distro" == "unRAID" ]]; then
- myshell=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Disks:$textcolor$mdNumDisks$labelcolor Cache:$textcolor$cacheNumDevices$labelcolor Disabled:$textcolor$fsNumUnmountable")
- else
- myshell=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Shell:$textcolor $myShell")
- fi
- out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myshell" )
- ((display_index++))
- fi
- if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" || "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then
- if [ -n "${xResolution}" ]; then
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then
- if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then
- myde=$(echo -e "$labelcolor DE:$textcolor $DE"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myde" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then mywm=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM:$textcolor $WM"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywm" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wmtheme" ]]; then
- if [[ "${Win_theme}" == "Not Applicable" || "${Win_theme}" == "Not Found" ]]; then
- :
- else
- mywmtheme=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM Theme:$textcolor $Win_theme"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywmtheme" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gtk" ]]; then
- if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then
- if [[ "$gtkFont" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkFont" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- if [ -n "$gtkFont" ]; then
- myfont=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Font:$textcolor $gtkFont"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myfont" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- else
- if [[ "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- if [ -n "$gtk2Theme" ]; then
- mygtk2="${gtk2Theme} [GTK2]"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$gtk3Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk3Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- if [ -n "$mygtk2" ]; then
- mygtk3=", ${gtk3Theme} [GTK3]"
- else
- mygtk3="${gtk3Theme} [GTK3]"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$gtk_2line" == "yes" ]]; then
- mygtk2=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK2 Theme:$textcolor $gtk2Theme"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk2" ); ((display_index++))
- mygtk3=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK3 Theme:$textcolor $gtk3Theme"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk3" ); ((display_index++))
- else
- if [[ "$gtk2Theme" == "$gtk3Theme" ]]; then
- if [[ "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- mygtk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK Theme:$textcolor ${gtk2Theme} [GTK2/3]"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- else
- mygtk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK Theme:$textcolor ${mygtk2}${mygtk3}"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$gtkIcons" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkIcons" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- if [ -n "$gtkIcons" ]; then
- myicons=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Icon Theme:$textcolor $gtkIcons"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myicons" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$gtkFont" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkFont" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- if [ -n "$gtkFont" ]; then
- myfont=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Font:$textcolor $gtkFont"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myfont" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- # [ "$gtkBackground" ] && mybg=$(echo -e "$labelcolor BG:$textcolor $gtkBackground"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mybg" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ "$fake_distro" == "Cygwin" || "$fake_distro" == "Windows 10" ]]; then
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" && -n "$xResolution" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then
- if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then
- myde=$(echo -e "$labelcolor DE:$textcolor $DE"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myde" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then mywm=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM:$textcolor $WM"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywm" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wmtheme" ]]; then
- if [[ "${Win_theme}" == "Not Applicable" || "${Win_theme}" == "Not Found" ]]; then
- :
- else
- mywmtheme=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM Theme:$textcolor $Win_theme"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywmtheme" ); ((display_index++))
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ "$distro" == "Haiku" ]]; then
- if [ -n "${xResolution}" ]; then
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ "${fake_distro}" != "Cygwin" && "$fake_distro" != "Windows 10" ]] && if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "disk" ]]; then mydisk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Disk:$textcolor $diskusage"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydisk" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "cpu" ]]; then mycpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor CPU:$textcolor $cpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mycpu" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gpu" ]] && [[ "$gpu" != "Not Found" ]]; then mygpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GPU:$textcolor $gpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygpu" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "mem" ]]; then mymem=$(echo -e "$labelcolor RAM:$textcolor $mem"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mymem" ); ((display_index++)); fi
- fi
- if [[ "$display_type" == "ASCII" ]]; then
- asciiText
- else
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "host" ]]; then echo -e " $myinfo"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "distro" ]]; then echo -e "$mydistro"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "kernel" ]]; then echo -e "$mykernel"; fi
- if [[ "${distro}" == "Android" ]]; then
- echo -e "$mydevice"
- echo -e "$myrom"
- echo -e "$mybaseband"
- echo -e "$mykernel"
- echo -e "$myuptime"
- echo -e "$mycpu"
- echo -e "$mymem"
- else
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "uptime" ]]; then echo -e "$myuptime"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "pkgs" ]]; then echo -e "$mypkgs"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "shell" ]]; then echo -e "$myshell"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then echo -e "$myres"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then
- if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then echo -e "$myde"; fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then
- echo -e "$mywm"
- if [[ "${Win_theme}" != "Not Applicable" && "${Win_theme}" != "Not Found" ]]; then
- echo -e "$mywmtheme"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gtk" ]]; then
- echo -e "$mygtk2"
- echo -e "$mygtk3"
- echo -e "$myicons"
- echo -e "$myfont"
- fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "disk" ]]; then echo -e "$mydisk"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "cpu" ]]; then echo -e "$mycpu"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gpu" ]]; then echo -e "$mygpu"; fi
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "mem" ]]; then echo -e "$mymem"; fi
- fi
- fi
-# Let's Do This!
-if [[ -f "$HOME/.screenfetchOR" ]]; then
- source $HOME/.screenfetchOR
-if [[ "$overrideDisplay" ]]; then
- verboseOut "Found 'd' flag in syntax. Overriding display..."
- IFS=';'
- for i in ${overrideDisplay}; do
- modchar="${i:0:1}"
- if [[ "${modchar}" == "-" ]]; then
- i=${i/${modchar}}
- IFS=,
- for n in $i; do
- if [[ ! "${display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then
- echo "The var $n is not currently being displayed."
- else
- display=( "${display[@]/${n}}" )
- fi
- done
- elif [[ "${modchar}" == "+" ]]; then
- i=${i/${modchar}}
- IFS=,
- for n in $i; do
- if [[ "${valid_display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then
- if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then
- echo "The $n var is already being displayed."
- else
- display+=($n)
- fi
- else
- echo "The var $n is not a valid display var."
- fi
- done
- else
- i="${i//,/ }"
- display=( $i )
- fi
- done
-# Check for android
-#if type -p getprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-# distro="Android"
-# detectmem
-# detectuptime
-# detectkernel
-# detectdroid
-# infoDisplay
-# exit 0
-for i in "${display[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "$i" == "" ]]; then
- if [[ $i =~ wm ]]; then
- ! [[ $WM ]] && detectwm;
- ! [[ $Win_theme ]] && detectwmtheme;
- else
- if [[ "${display[*]}" =~ "$i" ]]; then
- if [[ "$errorSuppress" == "1" ]]; then detect${i} 2>/dev/null
- else
- exec 3> >(stderrOut)
- detect${i} 2>&3
- exec 3>&-
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
-[ "$screenshot" == "1" ] && takeShot
-[ "$exportTheme" == "1" ] && themeExport
-exit 0
\ No newline at end of file