]> ##&name; ###2019.01.24 - update settings icon to fa font ###2018.09.20 - add autov to css and js - remove support link from readme ###2018.02.17 - update tablesorter to 2.29.5 - add auto dependency selection for borgbackup and pip ###2017.10.03a - fix uninstall toggle css - fix uninstall package toggle - move cdnjs to local ###2017.10.01b - fix stickyheaders for new themes - show status for installed packages but no dpwnloaded - update tablesorter to 2.29.0 ###2017.09.24 - show status of packages that are not installed ###2017.07.08 - fix check for downloaded package ###2017.06.17 - combine delete and uninstall switch - add cleanup of old packages - add support for azure and gray themes - change to separate repo - update tablesorter ###2017.02.06 - fix support link - add perl toggle for vim ###2017.01.31 - move local tablesorter to cdn - add support link to readme ###2016.10.20 - fix: php7 compatibility ###2016.10.09 - fix: not creating package directory ###2016.10.08 - fix: false positive of installed packages - fix: packagemanager bug if cookies are missing ###2016.09.18 - fix: packagemanager array errors ###2016.09.16 - fix: empty package list on new install or upgrade - update tablesorter to 2.27.6 ###2016.09.10 - add: popup for unRAID version change or empty downloads folder - add: always compare package checksums - fix: remove corrupted packages - fix: remove failed downloads - fix: add package desc and json to scandir filter ###2016.03.15 - enable apply button if update ready - fix: remove old package settings from config after package update - create separate package repos for 6.1 and 6.2 - update plugin for unRAID 6.2 compatibility - update packages for 6.2 ###2016.02.23 - fix: search for a partial match of packages used in other plugins ###2016.02.17 - remove curl progress bar - separate plugin depends by comma - only show update status of selected packages when processing ###2016.02.15 - update tablesorter - fix spacing of processing messages - remove array start event package install - move initial package install to plugin install ###2016.02.08 - fix permissions on event script ###2016.02.02 - add check for other plugin dependencies on uninstall ###2016.01.25 - Merge eschultz pull request - tweaks to tablesorter to restore saved filters - minor optimizations ###2016.01.24 - Merged eschultz's package repo and following fixes - Fixed first time running warnings about missing packages.json / desc files - Fixed bug preventing Select All from being toggle-able - Fixed bug in Select All and dependent package checkboxes / race condition - Eliminated vertical space gap between page header and table ###2016.01.16a - add metric parser to sort units ###2016.01.16 - minor diplay changes - add tablesorter as a separate package ###2016.01.15 - fix filter save - add filter reset button ###2016.01.10a-c - fix name of package description file ###2016.01.10 - added dynamic package description tootips - updated tablesorter to v2.25.0 - add tablesorter widgets (filter, saveSort, stickyHeaders, hover-highlight) - added cli options to packagemanager script ###2015.12.30 - create packages directory on install ###2015.12.15a - remove command output ###2015.12.15 - minor fixes ###2015.12.14 - add update functions - add delete package function - fix some minor bugs ###2015.12.13 - initial commit of wrapper plugin for packages in repo ###2015.12.07 - Added perl 5.22.0 - Added vim 7.4.898 (thanks Ryan Detzel) ###2015.09.09 - Keep all packages installed after NerdPack uninstall so we don't break other plugin's dependancies. (thanks David Coppit) ###2015.08.09 - Added p7zip 9.38.1 ###2015.07.31 - Added iperf 3.0.11 ###2015.06.27 - Added sshfs 2.5 ###2015.06.23 - Added python 2.7.9 (fixes iotop dependency) ###2015.05.16 - Added subversion 1.7.16 - Added MD5 checks for all packages ###2015.05.15 - Added lftp 4.6.1 - Replaced installpkg with upgradepkg to allow package upgrading - Added removal of packages upon uninstall of NerdPack ###2015.04.29 - Added git 2.3.5 ###2015.04.24 - Added strace 4.10 ###2015.04.23 - Added bwm-ng 0.6 ###2015.02.07 - Added unrar 5.2.5 ###2015.01.06 - Inital release. includes: - iftop 1.0pre2 - iotop 0.6 - screen 4.2.1 - lshw B.02.17 - kbd 1.15.3 - inotify-tools 3.14 - cpio 2.11 &gitURL;/archive/&plgNAME;.txz &gitURL;/archive/&plgNAME;.md5 #Verify Unraid Version source /etc/unraid-version VER=${version:0:3} if [[ $VER == 6.0 ]]; then echo "Unraid version 6.1 or higher is required" exit 1 fi # Verify and install plugin package sum1=$(/usr/bin/md5sum &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz) sum2=$(/usr/bin/cat &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.md5) if [ "${sum1:0:32}" != "${sum2:0:32}" ]; then echo "Wrong 'plugin' package md5 hash." rm &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz \ &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.md5 exit 1 else count=`ls -1 /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/*.txz 2>/dev/null | wc -l` if [ $count != 0 ]; then if [ ! -d &plgPATH;/packages/6.1 ]; then mkdir -p &plgPATH;/packages/6.1 fi echo "Moving package files..." mv &plgPATH;/packages/*txz &plgPATH;/packages/6.1 fi if [ ! -d &plgPATH;/packages/$VER ]; then echo "Creating package directory.." mkdir -p &plgPATH;/packages/$VER #check for previous version OLD=$(echo | awk "{print ${VER} - 0.1}") if [ -d &plgPATH;/packages/${OLD} ]; then count2=`ls -1 /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/${OLD}/*.txz 2>/dev/null | wc -l` if [ $count2 != 0 ]; then echo "Copying package files..." cp &plgPATH;/packages/${OLD}/* &plgPATH;/packages/${VER}/ fi else #check for two versions ago OLD2=$(echo | awk "{print ${VER} - 0.2}") if [ -d &plgPATH;/packages/${OLD2} ]; then count3=`ls -1 /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/${OLD2}/*.txz 2>/dev/null | wc -l` if [ $count3 != 0 ]; then echo "Copying package files..." cp &plgPATH;/packages/${OLD2}/* &plgPATH;/packages/${VER}/ fi fi fi fi upgradepkg --install-new &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz /usr/sbin/packagemanager # Cleaning old source files find &plgPATH;/ -type f -iname "&name;*.txz" ! -iname "*&version;*" -delete find &plgPATH;/ -type f -iname "&name;*.md5" ! -iname "*&version;*" -delete echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate" echo " Copyright 2016-2019, &author;, eschultz" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" fi removepkg &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz rm -rf &emhttp; rm -f &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz rm -f &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.md5 echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been removed." echo " Copyright 2016-2019, &author;, eschultz" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo ""