True dmacias72 False Network:Messenger Quassel Notify The Quassel Notify plugin allows you to receive Pushbullet notifications based on keywords from Quassel Core Server. It uses PyQuassel which is a pure python implementation of QuasselClient. Doesn't depend on any PySide or PyQt libraries. 2016-10-02 ###2016.10.02 - add: Python 3.5.2 for unRAID 6.2 ###2016.06.23 - fix: compile separate Python 3.5.1 for unRAID 6.1 ###2016.05.28 - add log file ###2016.05.22 - fix: get token from notification settings - fix: clear settings when stopping ###2016.05.20 - add dynamix plugin update api ###2016.05.19 - initial unRAID 6 release.