<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <!DOCTYPE PLUGIN [ <!ENTITY name "speedtest"> <!ENTITY author "dmacias72"> <!ENTITY version "2016.05.15"> <!ENTITY launch "Settings/SpeedtestSettings"> <!ENTITY gitURL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/&author;/unRAID-plugins/master"> <!ENTITY pluginURL "&gitURL;/plugins/&name;.plg"> <!ENTITY pkgURL "&gitURL;/source/packages"> <!ENTITY pkgs "/boot/packages"> <!ENTITY plgpath "/boot/config/plugins/&name;"> <!ENTITY plgname "&name;-&version;-x86_64-1"> <!ENTITY emhttp "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;"> ]> <PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" launch="&launch;" version="&version;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;"> <!-- This Plugin installs speedtest-cli for unRaid 6.1 All dependencies are installed as needed and is controlable from the webgui. --> <CHANGES> ###2016.05.15 - fix: tabs not working due to image path ###2016.05.06 - add: tabs for settings, scheduler and history - add: dynamix plugin update api - add: help info ###2016.03.14 - update package locations ###2016.03.12 - fix: install python 2.7.11 for unRAID 6.2+ - fix: install python 2.7.9 for unRAID 6.1 ###2016.02.28 - fix: chart and table sync on changes - fix: filters save - fix: page refresh after manual test - fix: various minor css and code - add settings icon - removed stacked charts - add: persistent chart selection cookie - tested working on clean install OSX 10.11 and Safari 9.0 - tested working on upgrade to OSX 10.11.3 and Safari 9.03 ###2016.02.25 - fix: chart filter cookie - fix: after deletion of row next image not shown ###2016.02.24 - add modified speedtest.py script - remove obsolete dependencies from plugin install - fix share image function hopefully for Safari - add scheduler and history button to settings page ###2016.02.23 - update packages to NerdPack versions ###2016.02.21 - add save chart type to cookie - add save chart data type cookie - move row click to table column click ###2016.02.14 - fix: move delete all outside icon tag - fix: no quotes on table row id - add: animation to table row delete - move: tablesorter to document ready - add: function to save filters on page refresh - add: charts: line, area, vertical, horizontal - date format to fixed yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm day for sorting and charts - update tablesorter ###2016.01.17 - remove symlink to speedtest-linux ###2016.01.16 - minor diplay changes - add tablesorter as a separate package ###2016.01.15 - fix filter save - add filter reset button - add speedtest-linux command ###2016.01.12 - add checks for failed speedtest ###2016.01.02 - added tablesorter pager plugin - fix tablesort css padding - click on row to show share image - save sort and filter settings - added default cfg ###2015.12.29 - update tablesorter to v2.25.0 combined - add tablesorter filters to table - save speedtest host server - add shadow box display when running speedtest ###2015.12.20a - Added cron settings page - Separated into proper webgui locations - Speedtest settings under Settings - Speedtest Cron Settings under Settings/Scheduler - Speedtest App under Tools/Speedtest ###2015.12.20 - added speedtest-xml script to /usr/sbin/ for cron jobs - added logging to speedtest.php for start and completion of the script ###2015.12.19 - changed icon thanks to hernandito - convert to stand alone script for cron jobs - rearrange setting page layout - one click remove ###2015.12.11c - update package name - update install and remove scripts ###2015.12.10 - add date and time to table - add switchbuttons - update packages ###2015.10.19 - typos ###2015.10.18b - update to python 2.7.9 ###2015.10.18a - update install script ###2015.10.17 - initial commit </CHANGES> <!-- The 'tablesorter' package file. --> <FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/tablesorter/tablesorter-2016.02.12-x86_64-1.txz" Run="/sbin/upgradepkg --install-new"> <URL>&gitURL;/archive/tablesorter-2016.02.12-x86_64-1.txz</URL> <MD5>d25fb1235efaa5f71c790b8d71ed7337</MD5> </FILE> <FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.1/python-2.7.9-x86_64-1.txz"> <URL>&gitURL;/packages/6.1/python-2.7.9-x86_64-1.txz</URL> <MD5>7d5f6d12757c59e5f08ca25bd63aab78</MD5> </FILE> <FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.2/python-2.7.11-x86_64-2.txz"> <URL>&gitURL;/packages/6.2/python-2.7.11-x86_64-2.txz</URL> <MD5>5ff7e4c8a7ef742fbf12a6ae25914df7</MD5> </FILE> <FILE Name="&pkgs;/pyOpenSSL-0.15.1-x86_64-1_slack.txz" Run="/sbin/upgradepkg --install-new"> <URL>&pkgURL;/pyOpenSSL-0.15.1-x86_64-1_slack.txz</URL> <MD5>b422874df919df6baa10774bd2ddc2cc</MD5> </FILE> <FILE Name="&plgpath;/&name;.cfg"> <INLINE> <![CDATA[ SECURE="no" UNITS="bits" SHARE="share" LIST="auto" SERVER="" hour="3" mode="2" min="0" ]]> </INLINE> </FILE> <!-- The 'plugin' package file. --> <FILE Name="&plgpath;/&plgname;.txz"> <URL>&gitURL;/archive/&plgname;.txz</URL> </FILE> <!-- The 'plugin' package MD5 hash. --> <FILE Name="&plgpath;/&plgname;.md5"> <URL>&gitURL;/archive/&plgname;.md5</URL> </FILE> <!-- The 'install' script. --> <FILE Run="/bin/bash"> <INLINE> #Verify unRAID Version source /etc/unraid-version VER=${version:0:3} if [[ $VER == 6.0 ]]; then echo "unRAID version 6.1 or higher is required" exit 1 fi # Verify and install plugin package sum1=$(/usr/bin/md5sum &plgpath;/&plgname;.txz) sum2=$(/usr/bin/cat &plgpath;/&plgname;.md5) if [ "${sum1:0:32}" != "${sum2:0:32}" ]; then echo "Wrong 'plugin' package md5 hash." rm &plgpath;/&plgname;.txz rm &plgpath;/&plgname;.md5 exit 1 else if [[ $VER == 6.1 ]]; then echo "\nInstalling dependencies for unRAID 6.1" upgradepkg --install-new /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/$VER/python-2.7.9-x86_64-1.txz fi if [[ $VER == 6.2 ]]; then echo "\nInstalling dependencies for unRAID 6.2" upgradepkg --install-new /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/$VER/python-2.7.11-x86_64-2.txz fi upgradepkg --install-new &plgpath;/&plgname;.txz # Cleaning old source files find &plgpath;/ -type f -iname "&name;*.txz" ! -iname "*&version;*" -delete find &plgpath;/ -type f -iname "&name;*.md5" ! -iname "*&version;*" -delete echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate" echo " Copyright 2016, &author;" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" fi </INLINE> </FILE> <!-- The 'remove' script. --> <FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove"> <INLINE> removepkg &plgpath;/&plgname;.txz rm -rf &emhttp; rm -f &plgpath;/&plgname;.txz rm -f &plgpath;/&plgname;.md5 # Remove cron entry rm -f /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/speedtest.cron /usr/local/sbin/update_cron echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been removed." echo " Copyright 2016, &author;" echo " Version: &version;" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" </INLINE> </FILE> </PLUGIN>