<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Containers> <Plugin>True</Plugin> <PluginURL>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/cmdline.plg</PluginURL> <PluginAuthor>dmacias72</PluginAuthor> <Beta>False</Beta> <Category>Tools:System</Category> <Name>Command Line</Name> <Description> Command Line implements Shell In A Box. A web server that can export arbitrary command line tools to a web based terminal emulator. A Command Line tool is created under the Tools menu. Backup and restore user home directory on system shutdown and start. Also includes screenfetch for command line screenshots. </Description> <Support>http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=42683.0</Support> <Icon>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/cmdline.png</Icon> <Date>2016-03-11</Date> <Changes> ###2016.03.11 - add connect button on settings page - add setting button on tools page - rename plugin to cmdline since it is more than just shellinabox - fix: conform screenfetch OS: to 80 columns (remove brackets) - condense and restructure code ###2016.02.20 - fix: update plugin ovewriting home directory with saved ###2016.02.11a - fix screenfetch error if emhttp/var.ini were not ready ###2016.02.11 - fix: chmod error - fix: shutdown not saving ###2016.02.10 - remove array event scripts and move to rc script - start and stop with system not array - add: choice for command line screenshot - add: choice to backup settings in root directory on shutdown - add: backup restore on reboot e.g. mc settings, bash history - add: selection of all users of group users for runas ###2016.01.07c - add option to disable SSL ###2016.01.07b - remove install cert button for now ###2016.01.07a - fix cert link ###2016.01.07 - add ip address connection option - add install certificate button - fix starting service with changed settings not saving - default config file ###2016.01.06 - change package path to plugin directory - fix Tool/Command Line page misspelled cfg file and defaulting to port 8088 instead of 4200 ###2015.12.30 - remove old plugin directory on install ###2015.12.21 - move repo to unRAID-plugins - change plugin name to shellinabox-plugin - convert install and remove scripts - add package md5 and unRAID version check ###2015.10.23 - fix "no version information" log errors ###2015.09.20 - update shellinabox packages to 2.19 (revision e30c33d) - fix color styles ###2015.09.07 - fix start and stop scripts ###2015.09.06 - use markdown syntax and parse_plugin_cfg - change color styles ###2015.09.05 - fixed start event - add more color styles - fixed icon and image on black theme ###2015.09.04 - start and stop events - update run as user - update image ###2015.09.03 - initial commit </Changes> </Containers>