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// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
// Natural Selection NextMap Plugin
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
enum mapdata {
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#define MAX_MAPS 128
#define INFO_READ_TIME 5.0
new g_mapCycle[MAX_MAPS][mapdata]
new g_numMaps, g_numPlayers, g_nextPos
new bool:g_mapChanging, bool:g_changeMapDelay
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("NextMap",AMXX_VERSION_STR,"AMXX Dev Team")
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
register_cvar("amx_mapnum_ignore", "0")
register_event("TextMsg", "voteMap", "a", "1=3", "2&executed votemap")
register_event("PlayHUDNot", "roundEnded", "bc", "1=0", "2=57")
register_clcmd("say nextmap", "sayNextMap", 0, "- displays nextmap")
stock bool:ValidMap(mapname[])
if ( is_map_valid(mapname) )
return true;
// If the is_map_valid check failed, check the end of the string
new len = strlen(mapname) - 4;
// The mapname was too short to possibly house the .bsp extension
if (len < 0)
return false;
if ( equali(mapname[len], ".bsp") )
// If the ending was .bsp, then cut it off.
// the string is byref'ed, so this copies back to the loaded text.
mapname[len] = '^0';
// recheck
if ( is_map_valid(mapname) )
return true;
return false;
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
public server_changelevel() {
if (g_mapChanging)
// Check if the cvar "amx_nextmap" has changed since the map loaded as it overrides the min/max settings.
new szCvarNextMap[32]
get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", szCvarNextMap, charsmax(szCvarNextMap))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if ( !equal(szCvarNextMap, g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME]) ) {
if (ValidMap(szCvarNextMap)) {
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (g_changeMapDelay)
set_task(INFO_READ_TIME, "changeMap", 0, szCvarNextMap, sizeof(szCvarNextMap))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
new szNextMap[32]
if (ValidMap(szNextMap)) {
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (g_changeMapDelay)
set_task(INFO_READ_TIME, "changeMap", 0, szNextMap, sizeof(szNextMap))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
} else
return BLOCK_NOT // When NS trys to change map it disables gameplay, so we MUST change map.
// This is a backup incase something unexpected happens to make sure we change map.
g_mapChanging = true
public getNextValidMap(szNextMap[]) {
/* Test min/max player settings.
First test with number of players when the round ended, then with the current number of players,
as this is how NS does it.
new startPos = g_nextPos
if (!get_cvar_num("amx_mapnum_ignore")) {
new curNumPlayers = get_playersnum()
if (g_numPlayers == 0) g_numPlayers = curNumPlayers
new looped
while(looped < 2) {
new minPlayers = g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][MIN]
new maxPlayers = g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][MAX]
2015-02-01 18:20:55 +00:00
if (maxPlayers == 0) maxPlayers = MAX_PLAYERS
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (minPlayers <= g_numPlayers <= maxPlayers) break
if (minPlayers <= curNumPlayers <= maxPlayers) {
g_numPlayers = curNumPlayers
if (++g_nextPos == g_numMaps) {
g_nextPos = 0
copy(szNextMap, 31, g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME])
if (startPos != g_nextPos) { // Next Map wasn't valid due to min/max player settings
client_print(0, print_chat, "Too %s players for %s. Next valid map: %s",
(g_mapCycle[startPos][MIN] <= g_numPlayers) ? "many" : "few", g_mapCycle[startPos][NAME], g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME])
new szPos[8]
num_to_str(g_nextPos, szPos, charsmax(szPos))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
set_localinfo("amx_nextmap_pos", szPos)
set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME])
g_changeMapDelay = true
public voteMap() {
new szVoteMap[128]
read_data(2, szVoteMap, charsmax(szVoteMap)) // "YO | Cheesy Peteza executed votemap 2 (co_angst 1/5)"
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
new start, end, szData[64]
for (new i; i<strlen(szVoteMap); ++i) {
if ( szVoteMap[i] == '(' ) start = i
if ( szVoteMap[i] == ')' ) end = i
new j
for (new i=start+1; i<end; ++i) {
szData[j++] = szVoteMap[i] // "co_angst 1/5"
szData[j] = 0
replace(szData, charsmax(szData), "/", " ") // "co_angst 1 5"
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
new szMapName[32], szVote1[3], szVote2[3], iVote1, iVote2
parse(szData, szMapName, charsmax(szMapName), szVote1, charsmax(szVote1), szVote2, charsmax(szVote2))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
iVote1 = str_to_num(szVote1)
iVote2 = str_to_num(szVote2)
if (iVote1 != 0 && iVote1 == iVote2) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "Voting successful, changing map to %s", szMapName)
set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", szMapName)
g_changeMapDelay = true
findNextMap() {
new szPos[8]
get_localinfo("amx_nextmap_pos", szPos, charsmax(szPos))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
new pos = str_to_num(szPos)
new curmap[32]
get_mapname(curmap, charsmax(curmap))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if ( equal(g_mapCycle[pos][NAME], curmap) ) {
g_nextPos = pos + 1
if (g_nextPos == g_numMaps)
g_nextPos = 0
} else { // Map was changed manually.
g_nextPos = pos
new looped
while( equal(g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME], curmap) && looped < 2 ) { // Don't let the nextmap be the same as this one
if (++g_nextPos == g_numMaps) {
g_nextPos = 0
set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", g_mapCycle[g_nextPos][NAME])
num_to_str(g_nextPos, szPos, charsmax(szPos))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
set_localinfo("amx_nextmap_pos", szPos)
readMapCycle() {
new szMapCycleFile[32]
get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", szMapCycleFile, charsmax(szMapCycleFile))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
new length, line = 0
new szBuffer[64], szMapName[32], szMapPlayerNum[32]
if ( file_exists(szMapCycleFile) ) {
while( read_file(szMapCycleFile, line++, szBuffer, charsmax(szBuffer), length) ) { // ns_lost "\minplayers\16\maxplayers\32\"
parse(szBuffer, szMapName, charsmax(szMapName), szMapPlayerNum, charsmax(szMapPlayerNum))
if ( !isalpha(szMapName[0]) || !ValidMap(szMapName) ) continue
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
copy(g_mapCycle[g_numMaps][NAME], charsmax(g_mapCycle[][NAME]), szMapName)
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
for (new i; i<strlen(szMapPlayerNum); ++i) { // " minplayers 16 maxplayers 32 "
if (szMapPlayerNum[i] == '\')
szMapPlayerNum[i] = ' '
new szKey1[11], szKey2[11], szValue1[3], szValue2[3]
parse(szMapPlayerNum, szKey1, charsmax(szKey1), szValue1, charsmax(szValue1), szKey2, charsmax(szKey2), szValue2, charsmax(szValue2))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (equal(szKey1, "minplayers"))
2015-02-01 18:20:55 +00:00
g_mapCycle[g_numMaps][MIN] = clamp(str_to_num(szValue1), 0, MAX_PLAYERS)
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (equal(szKey2, "maxplayers"))
2015-02-01 18:20:55 +00:00
g_mapCycle[g_numMaps][MAX] = clamp(str_to_num(szValue2), 0, MAX_PLAYERS)
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (++g_numMaps == MAX_MAPS) break
public roundEnded() {
g_numPlayers = get_playersnum()
set_task(8.0, "sayNextMapTimeLeft")
public sayNextMap(){
new szName[32]
get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", szName, charsmax(szName))
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
client_print(0, print_chat, "Next Map: %s", szName)
public sayNextMapTimeLeft(){
new szName[32], szText[128]
get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", szName, charsmax(szName))
format(szText, charsmax(szText), "Next Map: %s", szName)
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")) {
new a = get_timeleft()
format(szText, charsmax(szText), "%s Time Left: %d:%02d", szText, (a / 60) , (a % 60) )
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
2005-12-02 23:34:11 +00:00
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s", szText)
2004-09-10 15:57:24 +00:00
public changeMap(szMapName[])
server_cmd("changelevel %s", szMapName)