2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
unit UnitfrmMain;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, SpTBXItem, TB2Item, TBX, TB2Dock, TB2Toolbar, Menus, ImgList,
TBXSwitcher, { Themes -> } TBXAluminumTheme, TBXDreamTheme, TBXEosTheme,
TBXMonaiTheme, TBXNexos2Theme, TBXNexos3Theme, TBXNexos4Theme, TBXNexos5Theme,
TBXOffice11AdaptiveTheme, TBXOfficeCTheme, TBXOfficeKTheme, TBXOfficeXPTheme,
TBXReliferTheme, TBXSentimoXTheme, TBXTristanTheme, TBXTristan2Theme,
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
TBXXitoTheme, TBXMonaiXPTheme, TBXZezioTheme, TBXWhidbeyTheme,
TBXRomaTheme, TBXMirandaTheme, { <- Themes }
SpTBXTabs, ExtCtrls, SpTBXDkPanels, TFlatSplitterUnit,
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
SciLexer, SciLexerMemo, SciLexerMod, SciCallTips, ComCtrls,
StdCtrls, TBXDkPanels, TBXToolPals, SciPropertyMgr,
SciAutoComplete, sciKeyBindings,
sciPrint, ClipBrd, ActnList, SciSearchReplace,
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdFTP,
ShellAPI, IdFTPCommon, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze, JvComponent,
JvInspector, JvExControls, JvPluginManager, JvgLanguageLoader,
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
JvWndProcHook, CommCtrl, JvPageList, JvPageListTreeView,
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
TfrmMain = class( TForm)
TBXSwitcher: TTBXSwitcher;
ilImages: TImageList;
ppmOutput: TSpTBXPopupMenu;
tbxTopDock: TSpTBXDock;
tbxMenu: TSpTBXToolbar;
mnuFile: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuNew: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuEmptyPlugin: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewPlugin: TSpTBXItem;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
mnuHeaderPawn: TSpTBXItem;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuNewModule: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewUnit: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewHeaderCPP: TSpTBXItem;
sepFile1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuOpen: TSpTBXItem;
sepFile2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSave: TSpTBXItem;
mnuSaveAs: TSpTBXItem;
mnuSaveAllFiles: TSpTBXItem;
sepFile3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuClose: TSpTBXItem;
mnuCloseAllFiles: TSpTBXItem;
sepFile4: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuPrint: TSpTBXItem;
sepFile5: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuExit: TSpTBXItem;
mnuEdit: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuUndo: TSpTBXItem;
mnuRedo: TSpTBXItem;
sepEdit1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuCut: TSpTBXItem;
mnuCopy: TSpTBXItem;
mnuPaste: TSpTBXItem;
sepEdit2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSelectAll: TSpTBXItem;
mnuSearch: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuSearchDialog: TSpTBXItem;
mnuSearchAgain: TSpTBXItem;
sepSearch1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuReplace: TSpTBXItem;
sepSearch2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuGoToLine: TSpTBXItem;
mnuView: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuChangeTheme: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuThemes: TSpTBXThemeGroupItem;
mnuSelectHighlighter: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
mnuHPawn: TSpTBXItem;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuHCPP: TSpTBXItem;
mnuHSQL: TSpTBXItem;
mnuHXML: TSpTBXItem;
sepHighlighter: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuHNone: TSpTBXItem;
sepView2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuShowFileTB: TSpTBXItem;
mnuShowEditTB: TSpTBXItem;
mnuShowCodeSnippets: TSpTBXItem;
mnuShowCodeToolsWindow: TSpTBXItem;
mnuCompile: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuDoCompile: TSpTBXItem;
sepCompile1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuCompileAndStartHL: TSpTBXItem;
mnuCompileAndUpload: TSpTBXItem;
sepCompile2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocal: TSpTBXItem;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniWeb: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTools: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuIndenter: TSpTBXItem;
mnuUnindenter: TSpTBXItem;
sepTools1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSocketTerminal: TSpTBXItem;
sepTools2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuPluginsIniEditor: TSpTBXItem;
sepTools3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSettings: TSpTBXItem;
mnuGenerators: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuHudmessage: TSpTBXItem;
mnuMOTDGenerator: TSpTBXItem;
mnuHelp: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
mnuOpenHelp: TSpTBXItem;
sepHelp1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSearchForums: TSpTBXItem;
mnuOpenScriptingForum: TSpTBXItem;
tbxToolbar: TTBXToolbar;
mnuTNew: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTOpen: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTSave: TSpTBXItem;
sepToolbar1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuTSearch: TSpTBXItem;
sepToolbar2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuTCompile: TSpTBXItem;
tbxCodeSnippets: TSpTBXToolbar;
mnuCodeSnippets: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
mnuPawn: TSpTBXItem;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuCPP: TSpTBXItem;
sepCodeSnippets: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
tbxEdit: TSpTBXToolbar;
mnuTUndo: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTRedo: TSpTBXItem;
sepTEdit1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuTCopy: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTCut: TSpTBXItem;
mnuTPaste: TSpTBXItem;
sepTEdit2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuTSelectAll: TSpTBXItem;
tsMain: TSpTBXTabSet;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
tiPawn: TSpTBXTabItem;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
tiCPP: TSpTBXTabItem;
tsDocuments: TSpTBXTabSet;
tiDocument1: TSpTBXTabItem;
spcLeft1: TImage;
spcRight1: TImage;
sciCallTips: TSciCallTips;
sbStatus: TSpTBXStatusBar;
sepGenerators1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
infoNewAMXX: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
infoNewCPP: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
sepNew1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuPaster: TSpTBXItem;
tiOther: TSpTBXTabItem;
sciPropertyLoader: TSciPropertyLoader;
odOpen: TOpenDialog;
sdSave: TSaveDialog;
sepNew3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
infoNewOther: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
mnuNewTextfile: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewHTML: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewSQL: TSpTBXItem;
mnuNewXML: TSpTBXItem;
sepHelp2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuInfo: TSpTBXItem;
mnuFilename: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
sepStatus2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuCaret: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
sepStatus3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuModified: TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem;
sepStatus1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuShowCodeTools: TSpTBXItem;
mnuOther: TSpTBXItem;
mnuFoldAll: TSpTBXItem;
sepView1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
sciPrinter: TSciPrinter;
pnlParent: TPanel;
sciEditor: TScintilla;
splRight: TSplitter;
tcTools: TSpTBXTabControl;
tiTools: TSpTBXTabItem;
tiNotes: TSpTBXTabItem;
tsNotes: TSpTBXTabSheet;
imgRight4: TImage;
imgBottom4: TImage;
imgTop4: TImage;
imgLeft4: TImage;
tbxNotes: TSpTBXToolbar;
mnuBold: TSpTBXItem;
mnuItalic: TSpTBXItem;
mnuUnderline: TSpTBXItem;
sepNotes: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuSelectColor: TSpTBXSubmenuItem;
cpNotes: TTBXColorPalette;
rtfNotes: TRichEdit;
tsExplorer: TSpTBXTabSheet;
spcBottom2: TImage;
spcLeft2: TImage;
spcRight2: TImage;
lstOutput: TListBox;
splOutput: TSplitter;
mnuCopyMessage: TSpTBXItem;
mnuCopyAll: TSpTBXItem;
mnuSaveToFile: TSpTBXItem;
sepOutput: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
ppmEditor: TSpTBXPopupMenu;
mnuEditorCopy: TSpTBXItem;
mnuEditorPaste: TSpTBXItem;
mnuEditorCut: TSpTBXItem;
sepEditorMenu2: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuEditorUndo: TSpTBXItem;
mnuEditorRedo: TSpTBXItem;
sepEditorMenu3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuToogleBookmark: TSpTBXItem;
mnuGoToBookmark: TSpTBXItem;
mnuEditorDelete: TSpTBXItem;
sepEditorMenu1: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuEditorSelectAll: TSpTBXItem;
sciSearchReplace: TSciSearchReplace;
pnlLoading: TSpTBXPanel;
pbLoading: TSpTBXProgressBar;
cmdCancel: TSpTBXButton;
sciAutoComplete: TSciAutoComplete;
mnuHTML: TSpTBXItem;
ppmDocuments: TSpTBXPopupMenu;
mnuPClose: TSpTBXItem;
mnuPSave: TSpTBXItem;
sepDocuments: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuPCloseAllFiles: TSpTBXItem;
mnuMenuGenerator: TSpTBXItem;
pnlDock: TSpTBXMultiDock;
pnlCodeExplorer: TSpTBXDockablePanel;
trvExplorer: TTreeView;
pnlCodeInspector: TSpTBXDockablePanel;
JvInspectorDotNETPainter: TJvInspectorDotNETPainter;
jviCode: TJvInspector;
mnuConnectionGen: TSpTBXItem;
sepView3: TSpTBXSeparatorItem;
mnuShowCodeExplorer: TSpTBXItem;
mnuShowCodeInspector: TSpTBXItem;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuRestoreBackup: TSpTBXItem;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
procedure FormConstrainedResize( Sender: TObject; var MinWidth,
MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer ) ;
procedure mnuExitClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure OnCodeSnippetSelect( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cpNotesChange( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuBoldClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuItalicClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuUnderlineClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure rtfNotesMouseDown( Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
procedure rtfNotesKeyDown( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
procedure trvExplorerCollapsed( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
procedure trvExplorerExpanded( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
procedure mnuSettingsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tsMainActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject; ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
procedure tsDocumentsActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject;
ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
procedure FormShow( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTOpenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTSaveClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTSearchClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTCompileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEmptyPluginClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewPluginClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuHXMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuHNoneClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuOpenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewTextfileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewHTMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewSQLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewXMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSaveClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSaveAsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuThemesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuInfoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCloseClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowCodeToolsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure sciEditorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure sciEditorKeyDown( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
procedure sciEditorKeyUp( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
procedure mnuFoldAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tbxToolbarVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowFileTBClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tbxEditVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowEditTBClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tbxCodeSnippetsVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowCodeSnippetsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCopyMessageClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCopyAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSaveToFileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure ppmOutputInitPopup( Sender: TObject; PopupView: TTBView) ;
procedure mnuSearchForumsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuOpenScriptingForumClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuToogleBookmarkClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorDeleteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuEditorSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuGoToBookmarkClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSearchDialogClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuReplaceClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSearchAgainClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuGoToLineClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuPrintClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSaveAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure sciEditorKeyPress( Sender: TObject; var Key: Char ) ;
procedure mnuCloseAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuIndenterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuUnindenterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuPasterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuPluginsIniEditorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdCancelClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuSocketTerminalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure FormClose( Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction) ;
procedure trvExplorerDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure tiPawnClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
procedure tiCPPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tiOtherClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuOpenHelpClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuHudmessageClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuDoCompileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure lstOutputMouseMove( Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer ) ;
procedure lstOutputDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure lstOutputMouseDown( Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
procedure sciEditorMouseDown( Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
procedure lstOutputEnter( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCompileAndStartHLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuCompileAndUploadClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuRegisterPluginsIniWebClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure sciAutoCompleteBeforeShow( Sender: TObject;
const Position: Integer ; ListToDisplay: TStrings;
var CancelDisplay: Boolean ) ;
procedure mnuMOTDGeneratorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure mnuHeaderPawnClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
procedure OnTabSelect( Sender: TTBCustomItem; Viewer: TTBItemViewer;
Selecting: Boolean ) ;
procedure mnuPCloseClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuPCloseAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuTNewClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuMenuGeneratorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure JvPluginManagerPlugInError( Sender: TObject;
AError: Exception) ;
procedure mnuNewModuleClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewUnitClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuNewHeaderCPPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure tcToolsActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject; ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
procedure sciEditorModified( Sender: TObject; const position,
modificationType: Integer ; text : PAnsiChar ; const len, linesAdded,
line, foldLevelNow, foldLevelPrev: Integer ) ;
procedure sciEditorDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure sciCallTipsBeforeShow( Sender: TObject;
const Position: Integer ; ListToDisplay: TStrings;
var CancelDisplay: Boolean ) ;
procedure sciEditorCallTipClick( Sender: TObject;
const position: Integer ) ;
procedure sciEditorAutoCSelection( Sender: TObject; text : PAnsiChar ) ;
procedure pnlCodeInspectorVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure pnlCodeExplorerVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowCodeExplorerClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuShowCodeInspectorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure mnuConnectionGenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
procedure trvExplorerClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure jviCodeItemValueChanged( Sender: TObject;
Item: TJvCustomInspectorItem) ;
procedure mnuRestoreBackupClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
procedure FormCreate( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
procedure UpdateNotes;
IRCPasterStop: Boolean ;
eErrorLine: Integer ;
SelectedTab: TSpTBXTabItem;
procedure OnCodeSnippetClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure OnCustomClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure SetErrorLine( eLine: Integer ) ;
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
procedure OnCopyData( var Msg: TWMCopyData) ; message WM_COPYDATA;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure OnMessage( var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean ) ;
procedure OnShortCut( var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
frmMain: TfrmMain;
eCPP: Boolean ;
uses UnitfrmSettings, UnitMainTools, UnitLanguages, UnitfrmInfo,
UnitCodeSnippets, UnitfrmSearch, UnitfrmReplace, UnitfrmGoToLine,
UnitfrmAllFilesForm, UnitCodeUtils, UnitfrmPluginsIniEditor,
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
UnitfrmSocketsTerminal, UnitCodeExplorerUpdater, UnitTextAnalyze,
UnitfrmHudMsgGenerator, UnitCompile, UnitfrmAutoIndent,
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
UnitfrmHTMLPreview, UnitCodeInspector, UnitfrmMOTDGen,
UnitfrmMenuGenerator, UnitfrmClose, UnitPlugins, UnitfrmConnGen,
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
UnitMenuGenerators, UnitfrmIRCPaster, MyEditFileClasses, UnitACCheck;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TfrmMain. FormConstrainedResize( Sender: TObject; var MinWidth,
MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer ) ;
pnlLoading. Left : = sciEditor. Left + 3 + ( sciEditor. Width div 2 ) - ( pnlLoading. Width div 2 ) ;
pnlLoading. Top : = tsDocuments. Top + sciEditor. Top + ( ( sciEditor. Height * 5 ) div 6 ) - ( pnlLoading. Height div 2 ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( Canvas. TextWidth( ActiveDoc. FileName) + 1 0 > mnuFilename. CustomWidth) then
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuFilename. Caption : = ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName)
mnuFilename. Caption : = ActiveDoc. FileName;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuExitClick( Sender: TObject) ;
end ;
{ Notes -> }
procedure TfrmMain. OnCodeSnippetSelect( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
mnuPawn. Checked : = Sender = mnuPawn;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuCPP. Checked : = Sender = mnuCPP;
mnuHTML. Checked : = Sender = mnuHTML;
mnuOther. Checked : = Sender = mnuOther;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
LoadCodeSnippets( ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Caption) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cpNotesChange( Sender: TObject) ;
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Color : = cpNotes. Color;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. UpdateNotes;
cpNotes. Color : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Color;
mnuBold. Checked : = fsBold in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style;
mnuItalic. Checked : = fsItalic in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style;
mnuUnderline. Checked : = fsUnderline in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuBoldClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if fsBold in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style then
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style - [ fsBold]
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style + [ fsBold] ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuItalicClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if fsItalic in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style then
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style - [ fsItalic]
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style + [ fsItalic] ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuUnderlineClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if fsUnderline in rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style then
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style - [ fsUnderline]
rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style : = rtfNotes. SelAttributes. Style + [ fsUnderline] ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. rtfNotesMouseDown( Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. rtfNotesKeyDown( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
end ;
{ <- Notes - Code-Explorer -> }
procedure TfrmMain. trvExplorerCollapsed( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
Node. ImageIndex : = 4 2 ;
Node. SelectedIndex : = 4 2 ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. trvExplorerExpanded( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
Node. ImageIndex : = 4 3 ;
Node. SelectedIndex : = 4 3 ;
end ;
{ <- Code Explorer }
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSettingsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eModified: Boolean ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.csl' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.bak' ) , False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.csl' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.bak' ) , False ) ;
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.csl' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.bak' ) , False ) ;
eModified : = ActiveDoc. Modified;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
frmSettings. lstFunctions. Clear;
for i : = 0 to eACList. Count - 1 do
frmSettings. lstFunctions. Items. Add( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Name ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmSettings. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
2005-11-19 20:37:44 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ Shortcuts }
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. lvShortcuts. Items. Count - 1 do
2005-08-26 23:22:30 +00:00
TSciKeyCommand( frmSettings. lvShortcuts. Items[ i] . Data) . ShortCut : = ( TextToShortCut( frmSettings. lvShortcuts. Items[ i] . SubItems[ 0 ] ) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ Tools }
if frmSettings. chkIndentGuides. Checked then
sciEditor. Indentation : = sciEditor. Indentation + [ IndentationGuides]
sciEditor. Indentation : = sciEditor. Indentation - [ IndentationGuides] ;
sciEditor. BraceHilite : = frmSettings. chkHighlightBraces. Checked;
sciEditor. ClearUndoAfterSave : = frmSettings. chkClearUndoAfterSave. Checked;
sciEditor. AutoCloseBraces : = frmSettings. chkAutoCloseBraces. Checked;
sciEditor. AutoCloseQuotes : = frmSettings. chkAutoCloseQuotes. Checked;
if frmSettings. chkWordWrap. Checked then
sciEditor. WordWrap : = sciWrap
sciEditor. WordWrap : = sciNoWrap;
case frmSettings. cboCodeFolding. ItemIndex of
0 : sciEditor. FoldMarkerType : = sciMarkArrows;
1 : sciEditor. FoldMarkerType : = sciMarkBox;
2 : sciEditor. FoldMarkerType : = sciMarkCircle;
3 : sciEditor. FoldMarkerType : = sciMarkPlusMinus;
end ;
if frmSettings. cboCodeFolding. ItemIndex = 4 then
sciEditor. Folding : = sciEditor. Folding - [ foldFold]
sciEditor. Folding : = sciEditor. Folding + [ foldFold] ;
sciEditor. Caret. ForeColor : = frmSettings. CaretFore;
sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor : = frmSettings. CaretBack;
sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible : = frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked;
sciEditor. Caret. Period : = StrToInt( frmSettings. txtPeriod. Text ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'MakeBaks' , frmSettings. chkMakeBaks. Checked) ;
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'DontLoadFilesTwice' , frmSettings. chkDontLoadFilesTwice. Checked) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'Auto-Indent' , frmSettings. chkAutoIndent. Checked) ;
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'IndentOpeningBrace' , frmAutoIndent. chkIndentOpeningBrace. Checked) ;
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'UnindentClosingBrace' , frmAutoIndent. chkUnindentPressingClosingBrace. Checked) ;
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'UnindentEmptyLine' , frmAutoIndent. chkUnindentLine. Checked) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'Disable_AC' , frmSettings. chkDisableAC. Checked) ;
2005-11-02 15:36:24 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'Disable_CT' , frmSettings. chkDisableCT. Checked) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Editor' , 'AutoHideCT' , frmSettings. chkAutoHideCT. Checked) ;
2005-11-02 15:36:24 +00:00
if frmSettings. chkAUDisable. Checked then
eConfig. WriteString( 'Editor' , 'AutoDisable' , frmSettings. txtAUDisable. Text )
eConfig. WriteString( 'Editor' , 'AutoDisable' , '-1' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ Editor }
if FileExists( sciPropertyLoader. FileName) then
sciPropertyLoader. Save;
{ Compiler }
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
eConfig. WriteString( 'Pawn-Compiler' , 'Path' , frmSettings. txtPawnCompilerPath. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Pawn-Compiler' , 'Args' , frmSettings. txtPawnArgs. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Pawn-Compiler' , 'DefaultOutput' , frmSettings. txtPawnOutput. Text ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eConfig. WriteString( 'CPP-Compiler' , 'Path' , frmSettings. txtCPPCompilerPath. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'CPP-Compiler' , 'Args' , frmSettings. txtCPPCompilerArguments. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'CPP-Compiler' , 'DefaultOutput' , frmSettings. txtCPPOutput. Text ) ;
{ HL }
eConfig. WriteString( 'Half-Life' , 'Filename' , frmSettings. txtHLExec. Text ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteString( 'Half-Life' , 'Params' , frmSettings. txtCustomParameters. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Half-Life' , 'AMXXListen' , frmSettings. txtAMXXDir. Text ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ FTP Settings }
eConfig. WriteString( 'FTP' , 'Host' , frmSettings. txtHost. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'FTP' , 'Port' , frmSettings. txtPort. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'FTP' , 'Username' , frmSettings. txtUsername. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'FTP' , 'Password' , frmSettings. txtPassword. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'FTP' , 'DefaultDir' , frmSettings. txtDefaultDir. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteBool( 'FTP' , 'Passive' , frmSettings. chkPassive. Checked) ;
{ FTP Proxy }
eConfig. WriteInteger( 'Proxy' , 'ProxyType' , frmSettings. cboProxy. ItemIndex) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Proxy' , 'Host' , frmSettings. txtProxyHost. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Proxy' , 'Port' , frmSettings. txtProxyPort. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Proxy' , 'Username' , frmSettings. txtUsername. Text ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteString( 'Proxy' , 'Password' , frmSettings. txtProxyPassword. Text ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ Misc }
eConfig. WriteString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginName' , frmSettings. txtDefaultName. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginVersion' , frmSettings. txtDefaultVersion. Text ) ;
eConfig. WriteString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginAuthor' , frmSettings. txtDefaultAuthor. Text ) ;
if frmSettings. optFileComment. Checked then
eConfig. WriteInteger( 'Misc' , 'SaveNotesTo' , 0 )
else if frmSettings. optConfig. Checked then
eConfig. WriteInteger( 'Misc' , 'SaveNotesTo' , 1 )
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteInteger( 'Misc' , 'SaveNotesTo' , 3 ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eConfig. WriteInteger( 'Misc' , 'CPUSpeed' , frmSettings. sldSpeed. Value) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eConfig. WriteString( 'Misc' , 'LangDir' , frmSettings. txtLangDir. Text ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eConfig. WriteBool( 'Misc' , 'ShowStatusbar' , frmSettings. chkShowStatusbar. Checked) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eACList. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\ACList.cfg' ) ;
2005-11-19 20:37:44 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
else begin
{ Restore Code-Snippets }
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.csl' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.csl' ) ;
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.csl' ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.bak' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.csl' ) , False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.bak' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.csl' ) , False ) ;
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.bak' ) , PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.csl' ) , False ) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eACList. LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\ACList.cfg' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
if mnuPawn. Checked then
LoadCodeSnippets( 'Pawn' )
else if mnuCPP. Checked then
LoadCodeSnippets( 'C++' )
else if mnuHTML. Checked then
LoadCodeSnippets( 'HTML' )
LoadCodeSnippets( 'Other' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Pawn.bak' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\C++.bak' ) ;
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Other.bak' ) ;
if FileExists( sciPropertyLoader. FileName) then
sciPropertyLoader. Load;
sciEditor. Modified : = eModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = eModified;
if eModified then
mnuModified. Caption : = lModified
mnuModified. Caption : = '' ;
sciEditor. Gutter1. MarginType : = gutLineNumber;
sciEditor. Gutter1. Width : = 4 0 ;
end ;
{ Change Tab -> }
procedure TfrmMain. tsMainActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject;
ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
if ( not Started) or ( frmMain. pnlLoading. Visible) then exit;
if ( lstOutput. Visible) then begin
if Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_OUTPUT, False ) then begin
splOutput. Hide;
lstOutput. Hide;
Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_OUTPUT, False ) ;
end ;
end ;
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
0 : begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuTNew. Caption : = 'New Plugin' ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
1 : begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuTNew. Caption : = 'New Unit' ;
sciCallTips. ApiStrings. Clear;
sciAutoComplete. AStrings. Clear;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2 : begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuTNew. Caption : = 'New Textfile' ;
sciCallTips. ApiStrings. Clear;
sciAutoComplete. AStrings. Clear;
end ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
ActivateProjects( ItemIndex, True ) ;
trvExplorer. Items. Clear;
FillCodeExplorer( GetCurrLang. Name ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tsDocumentsActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject;
ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
var Collection: TDocCollection;
if ( not Started) or ( pnlLoading. Visible) then exit;
if ( lstOutput. Visible) then begin
if Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_OUTPUT, False ) then begin
splOutput. Hide;
lstOutput. Hide;
Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_OUTPUT, False ) ;
end ;
end ;
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
0 : Collection : = PawnProjects; // Pawn
1 : Collection : = CPPProjects; // C++
2005-11-09 14:32:07 +00:00
else Collection : = OtherProjects; // Other
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Collection. Activate( ItemIndex, True ) ;
end ;
{ <- Change Tab | Settings -> }
procedure TfrmMain. FormShow( Sender: TObject) ;
if ( Screen. Cursor = crDefault) and ( not pnlLoading. Visible) then begin
Started : = True ;
TCodeExplorerUpdater. Create( False ) ;
end ;
end ;
{ <- Settings | Toolbars -> }
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTOpenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuOpen. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTSaveClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuSave. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTSearchClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuSearch. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTCompileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuDoCompile. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuUndo. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuRedo. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuCopy. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuCut. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuPaste. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuSelectAll. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEmptyPluginClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_EMPTYPLUGIN, True ) then exit;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 0 then
ActivateProjects( 0 , False ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
PawnProjects. Activate( PawnProjects. Add( '' ) , True ) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_EMPTYPLUGIN, False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewPluginClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_PLUGIN, True ) then exit;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 0 then
ActivateProjects( 0 , False ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
PawnProjects. Activate( PawnProjects. Add( '' ) , False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '#include <amxmodx>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '#include <amxmisc>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '#define PLUGIN "' + eConfig. ReadString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginName' , 'New Plugin' ) + '"' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '#define VERSION "' + eConfig. ReadString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginVersion' , '1.0' ) + '"' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '#define AUTHOR "' + eConfig. ReadString( 'Misc' , 'DefaultPluginAuthor' , 'Your name' ) + '"' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'public plugin_init() {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( ' register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( ' ' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( ' // Add your code here...' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_PLUGIN, False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuHXMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
SelectLanguage( ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Caption) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuHNoneClick( Sender: TObject) ;
SelectLanguage( 'null' ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuOpenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
var eExt: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
if Assigned( Sender) then begin
if not odOpen. Execute then
end ;
eExt : = ExtractFileExt( odOpen. FileName) ;
eExt : = LowerCase( eExt) ;
2005-09-09 16:49:41 +00:00
if ( eExt = '.sma' ) or ( eExt = '.inc' ) or ( eExt = '.inl' ) then begin // Pawn files
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 0 then
ActivateProjects( 0 , False ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
PawnProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
else if ( eExt = '.cpp' ) or ( eExt = '.h' ) then begin // C++ files
if not eCPP then
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lNoCPP) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING)
else begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 1 then
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 1 , False ) ;
CPPProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
else if ( eExt = '.htm' ) or ( eExt = '.html' ) then begin // HTML files
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName, 'HTML' ) ;
else if ( eExt = '.sql' ) then begin // SQL databases
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName, 'SQL' ) ;
else if ( eExt = '.xml' ) then begin // XML files
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName, 'XML' ) ;
else begin // Other files and/or Textfiles
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Open( odOpen. FileName, 'null' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewTextfileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_TEXTFILE, True ) then exit;
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Activate( OtherProjects. Add( '' ) , True ) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_TEXTFILE, False ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewHTMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_HTML, True ) then exit;
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
2005-11-09 14:32:07 +00:00
ActivateProjects( 2 , True ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
OtherProjects. Activate( OtherProjects. Add( '' , 'HTML' ) , True ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '<html>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 '<head>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 #9 '<title>Your Title</title>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 '</head>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 '<body>' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 #9 '<-- Your text here -->' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 '</body>' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '</html>' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_HTML, False ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewSQLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_SQL, True ) then exit;
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Activate( OtherProjects. Add( '' , 'SQL' ) , True ) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_SQL, False ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewXMLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_XML, True ) then exit;
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
ActivateProjects( 2 , False ) ;
OtherProjects. Activate( OtherProjects. Add( '' , 'XML' ) , True ) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_OTHER_XML, False ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. Undo
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. Undo;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSaveClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if ActiveDoc. Untitled then
mnuSaveAs. Click
else begin
ActiveDoc. Save;
mnuModified. Caption : = '' ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSaveAsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if sdSave. Execute then begin
ActiveDoc. FileName : = AddExtension( sdSave. FileName, ActiveDoc. Highlighter) ;
ActiveDoc. Save;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
// Don't know why tsDocuments.Items[0].Caption := '???'; not works, but this does:
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
TSpTBXTabItem( tsDocuments. Items[ ActiveDoc. Index ] ) . Caption : = ActiveDoc. Title;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuThemesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Started then
eConfig. WriteString( 'Misc' , 'Theme' , TBXCurrentTheme) ;
Plugin_ThemeChange( TBXCurrentTheme) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuInfoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Plugin_ShowHelp( HELP_ABOUT) then
frmInfo. ShowModal;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. Redo
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. Undo;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. Cut
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. CutToClipboard;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. Copy
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. CopyToClipboard;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. Paste
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. PasteFromClipboard;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-02-17 20:25:25 +00:00
if ActiveControl = sciEditor then
sciEditor. SelectAll
else if ActiveControl = rtfNotes then
rtfNotes. SelectAll;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCloseClick( Sender: TObject) ;
CloseDocument( ActiveDoc) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowCodeToolsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_CODETOOLS_MAIN, not tcTools. Visible) then exit;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
tcTools. Visible : = ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Checked;
splRight. Visible : = ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Checked;
mnuShowCodeTools. Checked : = ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Checked;
mnuShowCodeToolsWindow. Checked : = ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Checked;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Application. ProcessMessages;
Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_CODETOOLS_MAIN, tcTools. Visible) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuCaret. Caption : = Format( lLnCh, [ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber + 1 , sciEditor. GetCaretInLine + 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Plugin_EditorClick( False ) ;
Plugin_UpdateSel( sciEditor. SelStart, sciEditor. SelLength, sciEditor. GetFirstVisibleLine) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorKeyDown( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
var i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuCaret. Caption : = Format( lLnCh, [ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber + 1 , sciEditor. GetCaretInLine + 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Plugin_UpdateSel( sciEditor. SelStart, sciEditor. SelLength, sciEditor. GetFirstVisibleLine) ;
if Key = 4 6 then begin
mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
end ;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible < > frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked then
sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible : = frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor < > frmSettings. CaretBack then begin
sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor : = frmSettings. CaretBack;
sciEditor. Colors. SelBack : = clHighlight;
i : = sciEditor. SelLength;
sciEditor. SelLength : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. SelStart : = sciEditor. SelStart + i;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorKeyUp( Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ;
Shift: TShiftState) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
var eStr: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if not Started then exit;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
mnuCaret. Caption : = Format( lLnCh, [ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber + 1 , sciEditor. GetCaretInLine + 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Plugin_UpdateSel( sciEditor. SelStart, sciEditor. SelLength, sciEditor. GetFirstVisibleLine) ;
if ( Key = 1 3 ) and ( frmSettings. chkAutoIndent. Checked) and ( Trim( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) = '' ) then begin
if ( sciEditor. LanguageManager. SelectedLanguage = 'Pawn' ) or ( sciEditor. LanguageManager. SelectedLanguage = 'C++' ) then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr : = Trim( RemoveStringsAndComments( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber - 1 ] , True , True ) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ( Copy( eStr, Length( eStr) , 1 ) = '{' ) and ( frmAutoIndent. chkIndentOpeningBrace. Checked) then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. SelText : = #9 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ( eStr = '' ) and ( frmAutoIndent. chkUnindentLine. Checked) then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] : = Copy( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] , 1 , Length( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) - 1 ) ; // remove last indent..
sciEditor. SelStart : = sciEditor. SelStart + Length( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) ; // and jump to last position
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
Application. ProcessMessages;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UpdateCI( frmMain. sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuFoldAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
sciEditor. FoldAll;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tbxToolbarVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuShowFileTB. Checked : = tbxToolbar. Visible;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowFileTBClick( Sender: TObject) ;
tbxToolbar. Visible : = mnuShowFileTB. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tbxEditVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuShowEditTB. Checked : = tbxEdit. Visible;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowEditTBClick( Sender: TObject) ;
tbxEdit. Visible : = mnuShowEditTB. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tbxCodeSnippetsVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuShowCodeSnippets. Checked : = tbxCodeSnippets. Visible;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowCodeSnippetsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
tbxCodeSnippets. Visible : = mnuShowCodeSnippets. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. OnCodeSnippetClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Plugin_CodeSnippetClick( TSpTBXItem( Sender) . Caption, GetCat, GetSnippet( GetCat, ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Caption) ) then
sciEditor. SelText : = GetSnippet( GetCat, ( Sender as TSpTBXItem) . Caption) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCopyMessageClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if lstOutput. ItemIndex < > - 1 then
Clipboard. SetTextBuf( PChar( lstOutput. Items[ lstOutput. ItemIndex] ) ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCopyAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Clipboard. SetTextBuf( PChar( lstOutput. Items. Text ) ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSaveToFileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
sdSave. FilterIndex : = 7 ;
if sdSave. Execute then
lstOutput. Items. SaveToFile( sdSave. FileName) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. ppmOutputInitPopup( Sender: TObject; PopupView: TTBView) ;
mnuCopyMessage. Enabled : = lstOutput. ItemIndex < > - 1 ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSearchForumsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Plugin_ShowHelp( HELP_SEARCH) then
ShellExecute( Handle, 'open' , 'http://www.amxmodx.org/forums/search.php' , nil , nil , SW_SHOW) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuOpenScriptingForumClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Plugin_ShowHelp( HELP_FORUMS) then
ShellExecute( Handle, 'open' , 'http://www.amxmodx.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=8' , nil , nil , SW_SHOW) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorUndoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuUndo. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorRedoClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuRedo. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorCopyClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuCopy. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorCutClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuCut. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorPasteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuPaste. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuToogleBookmarkClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
sciEditor. Bookmark. Toggle( sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorDeleteClick( Sender: TObject) ;
sciEditor. Clear;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuEditorSelectAllClick( Sender: TObject) ;
sciEditor. SelectAll;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuGoToBookmarkClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
sciEditor. Bookmark. Next( True ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSearchDialogClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Plugin_Search( frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Items. Text , frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Text , True , False , frmSearch. chkCaseSensivity. Checked, frmSearch. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked, frmSearch. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkRegularExpression. Checked, frmSearch. chkForward. Checked) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmSearch. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
if not Plugin_Search( frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Items. Text , frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Text , False , False , frmSearch. chkCaseSensivity. Checked, frmSearch. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked, frmSearch. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkRegularExpression. Checked, frmSearch. chkForward. Checked) then
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
with sciSearchReplace do begin
SearchBackwards : = frmSearch. chkBackward. Checked;
SearchCaseSensitive : = frmSearch. chkCaseSensivity. Checked;
SearchFromCaret : = frmSearch. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked;
SearchSelectionOnly : = frmSearch. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked;
SearchWholeWords : = frmSearch. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked;
SearchRegex : = frmSearch. chkRegularExpression. Checked;
SearchText : = frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Text ;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
DoSearchReplaceText( False , frmSearch. chkBackward. Checked) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuReplaceClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var Stop: Boolean ;
if frmReplace. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
if not Plugin_SearchReplace( frmReplace. cboSearchFor. Text , frmReplace. cboReplaceWith. Text , frmReplace. cboSearchFor. Items. Text , frmReplace. cboReplaceWith. Items. Text , frmSearch. chkCaseSensivity. Checked, frmSearch. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked, frmSearch. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkRegularExpression. Checked, frmSearch. chkForward. Checked) then
2005-12-01 16:30:26 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
with sciSearchReplace do begin
SearchBackwards : = frmReplace. chkBackward. Checked;
SearchCaseSensitive : = frmReplace. chkCaseSensivity. Checked;
2005-12-01 16:30:26 +00:00
// I don't like this but it works so far
if ( frmReplace. chkReplaceAll. Checked) and ( Pos( LowerCase( frmReplace. cboSearchFor. Text ) , LowerCase( frmReplace. cboReplaceWith. Text ) ) < > 0 ) then
SearchFromCaret : = True
SearchFromCaret : = frmReplace. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
SearchSelectionOnly : = frmReplace. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked;
SearchWholeWords : = frmReplace. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked;
SearchRegex : = frmReplace. chkRegularExpression. Checked;
SearchText : = frmReplace. cboSearchFor. Text ;
Stop : = False ;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
DoSearchReplaceText( False , frmReplace. chkBackward. Checked) ;
if sciEditor. SelLength = 0 then
Stop : = True
sciEditor. SelText : = frmReplace. cboReplaceWith. Text ;
until ( not frmReplace. chkReplaceAll. Checked) or ( Stop) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSearchAgainClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
if not Plugin_Search( frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Items. Text , frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Text , False , True , frmSearch. chkCaseSensivity. Checked, frmSearch. chkWholeWordsOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkSearchFromCaret. Checked, frmSearch. chkSelectedTextOnly. Checked, frmSearch. chkRegularExpression. Checked, frmSearch. chkForward. Checked) then
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciSearchReplace. SearchText : = frmSearch. cboSearchFor. Text ;
sciSearchReplace. SearchFromCaret : = True ;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
sciSearchReplace. DoSearchReplaceText( False , frmSearch. chkBackward. Checked) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuGoToLineClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if frmGoToLine. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. GotoLineEnsureVisible( StrToInt( frmGoToLine. txtGoToLine. Text ) - 1 ) ;
UpdateCI( frmMain. sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPrintClick( Sender: TObject) ;
sciPrinter. Title : = ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName) ;
sciPrinter. PrintRange : = prAllPages;
if sciEditor. SelLength < > 0 then begin
case MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lPrintSelection) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of
mrYes: sciPrinter. PrintRange : = prSelection;
mrCancel: exit;
end ;
end ;
sciPrinter. Print;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSaveAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
var a, b: integer ;
Collection: TDocCollection;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
0 : Collection : = PawnProjects;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
1 : Collection : = CPPProjects;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
else Collection : = OtherProjects;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
frmAllFilesForm. Caption : = lSaveAllCaption1;
frmAllFilesForm. lblCaption. Caption : = lSaveAllCaption2;
frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Clear;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for a : = 0 to Collection. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if TDocument( Collection. Items[ a] ) . Modified then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Checked[ frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Items. AddObject( IntToStr( a + 1 ) + ') ' + ExtractFileName( TDocument( Collection. Items[ a] ) . FileName) , TObject( a) ) ] : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
if frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Items. Count = 0 then begin
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lNoFilesToSave) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
if frmAllFilesForm. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for a : = 0 to frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Checked[ a] then begin
b : = Integer( frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Items. Objects[ a] ) ;
if TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . Untitled then begin
if sdSave. Execute then begin
TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . FileName : = AddExtension( sdSave. FileName, TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . Highlighter) ;
TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . Save;
TSpTBXTabItem( tsDocuments. Items[ b] ) . Caption : = TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . Title;
TDocument( Collection. Items[ b] ) . Save;
if ActiveDoc = Collection. Items[ b] then
mnuModified. Caption : = '' ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorKeyPress( Sender: TObject; var Key: Char ) ;
if Started then begin
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
if not Plugin_KeyPress( Key) then begin
Key : = #0 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
if ( Key = '}' ) and ( frmSettings. chkAutoIndent. Checked) then begin
if ( Trim( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) = '' ) and ( frmAutoIndent. chkUnindentPressingClosingBrace. Checked) then begin
if ( sciEditor. LanguageManager. SelectedLanguage = 'Pawn' ) or ( sciEditor. LanguageManager. SelectedLanguage = 'C++' ) then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] : = Copy( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] , 1 , Length( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) - 1 ) ; // remove last indent..
sciEditor. SelStart : = sciEditor. SelStart + Length( sciEditor. Lines[ sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber] ) ; // and jump to last position
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCloseAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Collection: TDocCollection;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
0 : Collection : = PawnProjects;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
1 : Collection : = CPPProjects;
2005-11-02 14:17:00 +00:00
else Collection : = OtherProjects;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
frmAllFilesForm. Caption : = lCloseAllCaption1;
frmAllFilesForm. lblCaption. Caption : = lCloseAllCaption2;
frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Clear;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to Collection. Count - 1 do
frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Checked[ frmAllFilesForm. lstFiles. Items. Add( IntToStr( i + 1 ) + ') ' + ExtractFileName( TDocument( Collection. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ) ] : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmAllFilesForm. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = Collection. Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if not CloseDocument( TDocument( Collection. Items[ i] ) ) then
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuIndenterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuUnindenterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPasterClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eTo, eFrom: Integer ;
eLine: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if FindWindow( 'mirc' , nil ) = 0 then begin
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lNoMIRCWindowOpen) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
frmIRCPaster. chkDelay. Checked : = Pos( 'gamesurge' , LowerCase( mIRCGet( 'mIRC' , 'SERVER' , 'SERVER' ) ) ) = 0 ;
if frmIRCPaster. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
{ All }
if frmIRCPaster. optAll. Checked then begin
eFrom : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eTo : = sciEditor. Lines. Count - 1 ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
{ Special Lines }
else if frmIRCPaster. optLines. Checked then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eFrom : = StrToInt( frmIRCPaster. txtFrom. Text ) - 1 ;
eTo : = StrToInt( frmIRCPaster. txtTo. Text ) - 1 ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
{ Selected }
else begin
eFrom : = LineFromPos( sciEditor. SelStart) ;
eTo : = LineFromPos( sciEditor. SelStart + sciEditor. SelLength) ;
end ;
pbLoading. Max : = eTo - eFrom;
pbLoading. Position : = 0 ;
2005-09-09 16:49:41 +00:00
ShowProgress( True ) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
for i : = eFrom to eTo do begin
if ( FindWindow( 'mirc' , nil ) = 0 ) or ( Application. Terminated) or ( IRCPasterStop) then
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
pbLoading. Position : = i;
SetProgressStatus( 'Pasting code...' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
eLine : = sciEditor. Lines[ i] ;
eLine : = Trim( eLine) ;
eLine : = StringReplace( eLine, #9 , #32 , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
if frmIRCPaster. chkColors. Checked then
mIRCDDE( 'mIRC' , 'COMMAND' , '/msg ' + frmIRCPaster. txtChannel. Text + #32 + GetColoredLine( i) )
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
mIRCDDE( 'mIRC' , 'COMMAND' , '/msg ' + frmIRCPaster. txtChannel. Text + #32 + eLine) ;
if frmIRCPaster. chkDelay. Checked then
Delay( eConfig. ReadInteger( 'Misc' , 'IRCPasteDelay' , 2 5 0 0 ) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPluginsIniEditorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
frmPluginsIniEditor. txtFile. Clear;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if FileExists( GetAMXXDir( True ) + 'configs\plugins.ini' ) then
frmPluginsIniEditor. chkEditLocal. Click
else if ( frmSettings. txtHost. Text < > '' ) and ( frmPluginsIniEditor. chkEditFTP. Checked) then
frmPluginsIniEditor. chkEditFTP. Click
frmPluginsIniEditor. chkEditLocal. Click;
if frmPluginsIniEditor. txtFile. Text = '' then exit;
if frmPluginsIniEditor. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
if frmPluginsIniEditor. chkEditFTP. Checked then begin
if not IdFTP. Connected then begin
if TryConnect < > 0 then
end ;
IdFTP. ChangeDir( frmSettings. txtDefaultDir. Text + 'configs/' ) ;
IdFTP. Disconnect;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lInvalidDirectory) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
frmPluginsIniEditor. txtFile. Lines. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' ) ;
IdFTP. TransferType : = ftASCII;
IdFTP. Put( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' , 'plugins.ini' ) ;
DeleteFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
frmPluginsIniEditor. txtFile. Lines. SaveToFile( frmPluginsIniEditor. odOpen. FileName) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdCancelClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Cancel : = True ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuSocketTerminalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
frmSocketsTerminal. ShowModal;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. FormClose( Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction) ;
var i, k: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eRoot: TTreeNode;
eItem: TDocument;
eSavedFiles: TStringList;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-09 16:49:41 +00:00
ActiveDoc. Code : = sciEditor. Lines. Text ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Clear;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
{ Pawn Projects }
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eRoot : = frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Add( nil , tsMain. Items[ 0 ] . Caption) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to PawnProjects. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ i] ) . Modified then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
frmClose. trvFiles. Items. AddChild( eRoot, IntToStr( i + 1 ) + '. ' + ExtractFileName( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
if eRoot. Count = 0 then
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
eRoot. Destroy
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eRoot. Expand( False ) ;
{ C++ Projects }
eRoot : = frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Add( nil , tsMain. Items[ 1 ] . Caption) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to CPPProjects. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ i] ) . Modified then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
frmClose. trvFiles. Items. AddChild( eRoot, IntToStr( i + 1 ) + '. ' + ExtractFileName( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
if eRoot. Count = 0 then
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
eRoot. Destroy
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eRoot. Expand( False ) ;
{ Other Projects }
2005-11-09 16:48:21 +00:00
eRoot : = frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Add( nil , tsMain. Items[ 2 ] . Caption) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to OtherProjects. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ i] ) . Modified then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
frmClose. trvFiles. Items. AddChild( eRoot, IntToStr( i + 1 ) + '. ' + ExtractFileName( TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
if eRoot. Count = 0 then
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
eRoot. Destroy
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eRoot. Expand( False ) ;
eSavedFiles : = TStringList. Create;
eSavedFiles. Clear;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] . Data < > nil then
eSavedFiles. Add( 'LOADED ' + frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] . SubItems[ 0 ] )
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eSavedFiles. Add( 'UNLOADED ' + frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] . SubItems[ 0 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eSavedFiles. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Plugins.cfg' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eSavedFiles. Clear;
if frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Count < > 0 then begin
frmClose. cmdSave. Caption : = lCloseCaption;
if ( frmClose. ShowModal = mrOk) then begin
if frmClose. cmdSave. Caption = lSaveCaption then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to frmClose. trvFiles. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
{ Pawn Projects }
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] . Text = tsMain. Items[ 0 ] . Caption then begin
with frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] do begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for k : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmClose. trvFiles. Checked[ Item[ k] ] then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eItem : = TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ StrToInt( Copy( Item[ k] . Text , 1 , Pos( '.' , Item[ k] . Text ) - 1 ) ) - 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
// Process item here
if not eItem. Untitled then
eItem. Save
else begin
frmMain. sdSave. FilterIndex : = 1 ;
if frmMain. sdSave. Execute then begin
eItem. FileName : = AddExtension( frmMain. sdSave. FileName, eItem. Highlighter) ;
eItem. Save;
else begin
Action : = caNone;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
{ C++ Projects }
if frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] . Text = tsMain. Items[ 1 ] . Caption then begin
with frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] do begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for k : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmClose. trvFiles. Checked[ Item[ k] ] then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eItem : = TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ StrToInt( Copy( Item[ k] . Text , 1 , Pos( '.' , Item[ k] . Text ) - 1 ) ) - 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
// Process item here
if not eItem. Untitled then
eItem. Save
else begin
frmMain. sdSave. FilterIndex : = 2 ;
if frmMain. sdSave. Execute then begin
eItem. FileName : = AddExtension( frmMain. sdSave. FileName, eItem. Highlighter) ;
eItem. Save;
else begin
Action : = caNone;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
{ Other Projects }
if frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] . Text = tsMain. Items[ 2 ] . Caption then begin
with frmClose. trvFiles. Items[ i] do begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for k : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if frmClose. trvFiles. Checked[ Item[ k] ] then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eItem : = TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ StrToInt( Copy( Item[ k] . Text , 1 , Pos( '.' , Item[ k] . Text ) - 1 ) ) - 1 ] ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
// Process item here
if not eItem. Untitled then
eItem. Save
else begin
frmMain. sdSave. FilterIndex : = 0 ;
if frmMain. sdSave. Execute then begin
eItem. FileName : = AddExtension( frmMain. sdSave. FileName, eItem. Highlighter) ;
eItem. Save;
else begin
Action : = caNone;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
Application. Terminate;
else begin
Action : = caNone;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Application. Terminate;
2005-11-05 17:39:12 +00:00
for i : = 0 to PawnProjects. Count - 1 do begin
if ( not TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ i] ) . Untitled) then
eSavedFiles. Add( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-11-05 17:39:12 +00:00
for i : = 0 to CPPProjects. Count - 1 do begin
if ( not TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ i] ) . Untitled) then
eSavedFiles. Add( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ;
end ;
for i : = 0 to OtherProjects. Count - 1 do begin
if ( not TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ i] ) . Untitled) then
eSavedFiles. Add( TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ i] ) . FileName) ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eSavedFiles. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\Cache.cfg' ) ;
2005-09-11 14:32:16 +00:00
eSavedFiles. Free;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eACList. Free;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Started : = False ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. trvExplorerDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Assigned( trvExplorer. Selected) then begin
if ( trvExplorer. Selected. ImageIndex < > 4 2 ) and ( trvExplorer. Selected. ImageIndex < > 4 3 ) then begin
sciEditor. GotoLineEnsureVisible( Integer( trvExplorer. Selected. Data) ) ;
sciEditor. SetFocus;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UpdateCI( frmMain. sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. tiPawnClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
trvExplorer. Enabled : = True ;
jviCode. Enabled : = True ;
mnuGenerators. Visible : = True ;
mnuIndenter. Enabled : = True ;
mnuCompile. Visible : = True ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocal. Enabled : = True ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniWeb. Enabled : = True ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UpdateCI( frmMain. sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tiCPPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
trvExplorer. Enabled : = False ;
jviCode. Clear;
AddField( '' , 'This language is not supported.' , '' ) ;
jviCode. Enabled : = False ;
mnuGenerators. Visible : = False ;
mnuIndenter. Enabled : = True ;
mnuCompile. Visible : = True ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocal. Enabled : = False ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniWeb. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tiOtherClick( Sender: TObject) ;
trvExplorer. Enabled : = False ;
jviCode. Clear;
AddField( '' , 'This language is not supported.' , '' ) ;
jviCode. Enabled : = False ;
mnuGenerators. Visible : = False ;
mnuIndenter. Enabled : = False ;
mnuCompile. Visible : = False ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocal. Enabled : = False ;
mnuRegisterPluginsIniWeb. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuOpenHelpClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if Plugin_ShowHelp( HELP_DEFAULT) then
ShellExecute( Handle, 'open' , 'http://www.amxmodx.org/doc/' , nil , nil , SW_SHOW) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuHudmessageClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
function Dot( eIn: string ) : string ;
Result : = StringReplace( eIn, ',' , '.' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
var eStr: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmHudMsgGenerator. chkXCenter. Checked : = False ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. chkYCenter. Checked : = False ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. txtXPos. Text : = '0,00' ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. txtYPos. Text : = '0,00' ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. lblHudMsg. Left : = 0 ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. lblHudMsg. Top : = 0 ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. lblHudMsg. Font. Color : = clRed;
frmHudMsgGenerator. txtText. Text : = '' ;
frmHudMsgGenerator. CurrColor : = clRed;
if frmHudMsgGenerator. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
eStr : = Format( GetIndents + 'set_hudmessage(%u, %u, %u, %s, %s, 0, 6.0, %s)' , [ GetRValue( frmHudMsgGenerator. CurrColor) , GetGValue( frmHudMsgGenerator. CurrColor) , GetBValue( frmHudMsgGenerator. CurrColor) , Dot( frmHudMsgGenerator. txtXPos. Text ) , Dot( frmHudMsgGenerator. txtYPos. Text ) , Dot( frmHudMsgGenerator. txtTimeToShow. Text ) ] ) ;
eStr : = eStr + #13 #10 + GetIndents + 'show_hudmessage(id, "' + frmHudMsgGenerator. txtText. Text + '")' ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber, eStr) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuDoCompileClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_Compile( COMP_DEFAULT, GetCurrLang. Name , ActiveDoc. FileName, True ) then
2005-09-09 16:49:41 +00:00
if ( LowerCase( ExtractFileExt( ActiveDoc. FileName) ) = '.inl' ) or ( LowerCase( ExtractFileExt( ActiveDoc. FileName) ) = '.inc' ) or ( LowerCase( ExtractFileExt( ActiveDoc. FileName) ) = '.h' ) then exit;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 then
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
DoCompilePawn( COMP_DEFAULT)
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
else if ( LowerCase( ExtractFileExt( ActiveDoc. FileName) ) = '.htm' ) or ( LowerCase( ExtractFileExt( ActiveDoc. FileName) ) = '.html' ) then begin
if IEInstalled then
frmHTMLPreview. Show
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lInternetExplorerRequired) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. lstOutputMouseMove( Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
X, Y: Integer ) ;
var eItem: Integer ;
eItem : = lstOutput. ItemAtPos( Point( X, Y) , True ) ;
if eItem = - 1 then
lstOutput. Hint : = ''
else begin
if ( lstOutput. Hint < > lstOutput. Items[ eItem] ) and ( Canvas. TextWidth( lstOutput. Items[ eItem] ) > lstOutput. Width) then
lstOutput. Hint : = lstOutput. Items[ eItem] ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. lstOutputDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var eLine: Integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if not Plugin_OutputDblClick( lstOutput. ItemIndex) then
if ( lstOutput. ItemIndex < > - 1 ) then begin
eStr : = lstOutput. Items[ lstOutput. ItemIndex] ;
while Pos( #32 , eStr) < > 0 do
Delete( eStr, 1 , 1 ) ;
if IsNumeric( eStr) then begin
eLine : = StrToInt( eStr) ;
SetErrorLine( eLine) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. lstOutputMouseDown( Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
if ( Button = mbRight) and ( Plugin_OutputPopup( lstOutput. ItemIndex) ) then begin
lstOutput. ItemIndex : = lstOutput. ItemAtPos( Point( X, Y) , True ) ;
mnuCopyMessage. Enabled : = lstOutput. ItemAtPos( Point( X, Y) , True ) < > - 1 ;
ppmOutput. Popup( Mouse. CursorPos. X, Mouse. CursorPos. Y) ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. SetErrorLine( eLine: Integer ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eLine : = eLine - 1 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. SetFocus;
sciEditor. SelLength : = 0 ;
sciEditor. GotoLineEnsureVisible( eLine) ;
sciEditor. SelLength : = Length( sciEditor. Lines[ eLine] ) ;
sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible : = True ;
sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor : = clMaroon;
sciEditor. Colors. SelBack : = clMaroon;
eErrorLine : = eLine;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorMouseDown( Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
var i: integer ;
if not Started then exit;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible < > frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked then
sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible : = frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor < > frmSettings. CaretBack then begin
sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor : = frmSettings. CaretBack;
sciEditor. Colors. SelBack : = clHighlight;
i : = sciEditor. SelLength;
sciEditor. SelLength : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. SelStart : = sciEditor. SelStart + i;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UpdateCI( frmMain. sciEditor. GetCurrentLineNumber) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. lstOutputEnter( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible < > frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked then
sciEditor. Caret. LineVisible : = frmSettings. chkShowCaret. Checked;
if sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor < > frmSettings. CaretBack then begin
sciEditor. Caret. LineBackColor : = frmSettings. CaretBack;
sciEditor. Colors. SelBack : = clHighlight;
i : = sciEditor. SelLength;
sciEditor. SelLength : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. SelStart : = sciEditor. SelStart + i;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCompileAndStartHLClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_Compile( COMP_STARTHL, GetCurrLang. Name , ActiveDoc. FileName, True ) then
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 then
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
DoCompilePawn( COMP_STARTHL) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuCompileAndUploadClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if not Plugin_Compile( COMP_UPLOAD, GetCurrLang. Name , ActiveDoc. FileName, True ) then
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 then
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
DoCompilePawn( COMP_UPLOAD) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuRegisterPluginsIniLocalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
function RemComments( eLine: string ) : string ;
var a, b: integer ;
if Length( eLine) > 0 then begin
b : = 0 ;
for a : = 1 to Length( eLine) - 1 do begin
if ( eLine[ a] = ';' ) or ( eLine[ a] = '/' ) then begin
b : = a;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( b = 0 ) and ( Pos( ' debug' , LowerCase( eLine) ) < > 0 ) then
b : = Pos( ' debug' , LowerCase( eLine) ) ;
if b < > 0 then
eLine : = Trim( Copy( eLine, 1 , b - 1 ) ) ;
end ;
Result : = Trim( eLine) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
var eStr: TStringList;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
i: integer ;
eFound: Boolean ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ActiveDoc. Untitled then begin
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lNoUntitledRegister) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
if FileExists( GetAMXXDir( True ) + 'configs\plugins.ini' ) then begin
eFound : = False ;
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. LoadFromFile( GetAMXXDir( True ) + 'configs\plugins.ini' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ( Copy( eStr[ i] , 1 , 1 ) < > ';' ) and ( Copy( eStr[ i] , 1 , 2 ) < > '//' ) then begin
if LowerCase( RemComments( eStr[ i] ) ) = LowerCase( ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName) , '.amxx' ) ) then begin
eFound : = True ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
if eFound then
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lAlreadyRegistered) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION)
else begin
eStr. Add( ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName) , '.amxx' ) ) ;
eStr. SaveToFile( GetAMXXDir( True ) + 'configs\plugins.ini' ) ;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lSuccessfulRegistered) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
eStr. Destroy;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuRegisterPluginsIniWebClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
function RemComments( eLine: string ) : string ;
var a, b: integer ;
if Length( eLine) > 0 then begin
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
b : = Length( eLine) + 1 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for a : = 1 to Length( eLine) - 1 do begin
if ( eLine[ a] = ';' ) or ( eLine[ a] = '/' ) then begin
b : = a;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eLine : = Trim( Copy( eLine, 1 , b - 1 ) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Result : = eLine;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
var eStr: TStringList;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
i: integer ;
eFound: Boolean ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ActiveDoc. Untitled then begin
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lNoUntitledRegister) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
if not IdFTP. Connected then begin
if TryConnect < > 0 then
end ;
IdFTP. ChangeDir( frmSettings. txtDefaultDir. Text + 'configs/' ) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
IdFTP. TransferType : = ftASCII;
IdFTP. Get( 'plugins.ini' , ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' , True ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lFailedUpdatePluginsIni) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
2005-11-05 11:20:52 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
eFound : = False ;
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ( Copy( eStr[ i] , 1 , 1 ) < > ';' ) and ( Copy( eStr[ i] , 1 , 2 ) < > '//' ) then begin
if LowerCase( RemComments( eStr[ i] ) ) = LowerCase( ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName) , '.amxx' ) ) then begin
eFound : = True ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
if eFound then begin
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lAlreadyRegistered) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
IdFTP. Disconnect;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
else begin
eStr. Add( ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName( ActiveDoc. FileName) , '.amxx' ) ) ;
eStr. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' ) ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr. Free;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
IdFTP. Put( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'plugins.ini' , 'plugins.ini' ) ;
IdFTP. Disconnect;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lSuccessfulRegistered) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lFailedUpdatePluginsIni) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
2005-11-05 11:20:52 +00:00
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciAutoCompleteBeforeShow( Sender: TObject;
const Position: Integer ; ListToDisplay: TStrings;
var CancelDisplay: Boolean ) ;
2006-01-11 18:02:42 +00:00
function Matchstrings( Source, pattern: string ) : Boolean ;
var pSource: array [ 0 .. 2 5 5 ] of Char ;
pPattern: array [ 0 .. 2 5 5 ] of Char ;
function MatchPattern( element, pattern: PChar ) : Boolean ;
function IsPatternWild( pattern: PChar ) : Boolean ;
Result : = StrScan( pattern, '*' ) < > nil ;
if not Result then Result : = StrScan( pattern, '?' ) < > nil ;
end ;
if 0 = StrComp( pattern, '*' ) then
Result : = True
else if ( element^ = Chr( 0 ) ) and ( pattern^ < > Chr( 0 ) ) then
Result : = False
else if element^ = Chr( 0 ) then
Result : = True
case pattern^ of
'*' : if MatchPattern( element, @ pattern[ 1 ] ) then
Result : = True
Result : = MatchPattern( @ element[ 1 ] , pattern) ;
'?' : Result : = MatchPattern( @ element[ 1 ] , @ pattern[ 1 ] ) ;
if element^ = pattern^ then
Result : = MatchPattern( @ element[ 1 ] , @ pattern[ 1 ] )
Result : = False ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
StrPCopy( pSource, Source) ;
StrPCopy( pPattern, pattern) ;
Result : = MatchPattern( pSource, pPattern) ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
var eCurrStyle: Integer ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eFunction: String ;
2006-01-11 18:02:42 +00:00
eCmpList: TStringList;
i, k, j: integer ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if not Plugin_AutoCompleteShow( ListToDisplay. GetText) then begin
CancelDisplay : = True ;
end ;
if ( Started) and ( Assigned( GetStyleAt( sciEditor. SelStart) ) ) then begin
eCurrStyle : = GetStyleAt( sciEditor. SelStart) . StyleNumber;
2006-01-11 18:02:42 +00:00
if ( ActiveDoc. Highlighter = 'Pawn' ) then begin
eFunction : = LowerCase( GetCurrFunc) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
if eFunction < > '' then begin
for i : = 0 to eACList. Count - 1 do begin
if eFunction = LowerCase( Trim( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Name ) ) then begin
if TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items. Count > GetFunctionPos then begin
2006-01-11 18:02:42 +00:00
if ( Trim( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items[ GetFunctionPos] ) < > '' ) then begin
if ( Pos( '*' , TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items[ GetFunctionPos] ) = 0 ) and ( Pos( '?' , TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items[ GetFunctionPos] ) = 0 ) then
ListToDisplay. Text : = StringReplace( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items[ GetFunctionPos] , '; ' , #13 , [ rfReplaceAll] )
else begin
eCmpList : = TStringList. Create;
eCmpList. Text : = StringReplace( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items[ GetFunctionPos] , '; ' , #13 , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
for k : = eCmpList. Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
if ( Pos( '*' , eCmpList[ k] ) < > 0 ) or ( Pos( '?' , eCmpList[ k] ) < > 0 ) then begin
for j : = 0 to ListToDisplay. Count - 1 do begin
if Trim( ListToDisplay[ j] ) < > '' then begin
if ( LowerCase( ListToDisplay[ j] [ 1 ] ) = LowerCase( eCmpList[ k] [ 1 ] ) ) then begin
if ( MatchStrings( LowerCase( ListToDisplay[ j] ) , LowerCase( eCmpList[ k] ) ) ) then
eCmpList. Add( ListToDisplay[ j] ) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
eCmpList. Delete( k) ;
end ;
end ;
ListToDisplay. Assign( eCmpList) ;
eCmpList. Free;
end ;
end ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-11-25 21:44:18 +00:00
end ;
if ( eCurrStyle = 1 1 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 1 0 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 9 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 8 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 5 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 4 ) or ( eCurrStyle = 0 ) or ( eCurrStyle > = 3 4 ) then
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
CancelDisplay : = False
CancelDisplay : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuMOTDGeneratorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var eStr: TStringList;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
i: integer ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if ( GetCurrLang. Name = 'HTML' ) then begin
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. Text : = StringReplace( sciEditor. Lines. Text , #9 , '' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
2005-11-09 14:32:07 +00:00
eStr. Text : = StringReplace( sciEditor. Lines. Text , '"' , '^"' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do begin
if i = eStr. Count - 1 then
eStr[ i] : = '"' + eStr[ i] + '"'
eStr[ i] : = '"' + eStr[ i] + '^n" +' ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmMOTDGen. txtMOTD. Lines. Assign( eStr) ;
2005-11-09 16:48:21 +00:00
frmMOTDGen. lblLength. Caption : = 'Length: ' + IntToStr( Length( eStr. Text ) ) ;
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
eStr. Destroy;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmMOTDGen. ShowModal;
else begin
mnuNewHTML. Click;
if IEInstalled then
frmHTMLPreview. Show;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lUseMOTDAgain) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
end ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. mnuHeaderPawnClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if not Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_HEADER, True ) then exit;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 0 then
ActivateProjects( 0 , False ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
PawnProjects. Activate( PawnProjects. Add( 'Untitled.inc' ) , False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '/* Header generated by AMXX-Studio*/' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_Pawn_HEADER, False ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. OnTabSelect( Sender: TTBCustomItem;
Viewer: TTBItemViewer; Selecting: Boolean ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RBUTTON) < > 0 ) and ( not pnlLoading. Visible) and ( not Selecting) then begin
SelectedTab : = TSpTBXTabItem( Sender) ;
ppmDocuments. Popup( Mouse. CursorPos. X, Mouse. CursorPos. Y) ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPCloseClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var Collection: TDocCollection;
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
0 : Collection : = PawnProjects; // Pawn
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
1 : Collection : = CPPProjects; // C++
else Collection : = OtherProjects; // Other
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
if tsDocuments. Items. IndexOf( SelectedTab) < > - 1 then
CloseDocument( TDocument( Collection. Items[ tsDocuments. Items. IndexOf( SelectedTab) ] ) ) ;
Application. ProcessMessages; // :o
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuPCloseAllFilesClick( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuCloseAllFiles. Click;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuTNewClick( Sender: TObject) ;
case tsMain. ActiveTabIndex of
0 : mnuNewPlugin. Click;
1 : mnuNewUnit. Click;
2 : mnuNewTextfile. Click;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuMenuGeneratorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
frmMenuGenerator. jplMain. ActivePage : = frmMenuGenerator. jspSelectType;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmMenuGenerator. ShowModal;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. JvPluginManagerPlugInError( Sender: TObject;
AError: Exception) ;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lPluginError + #13 + AError. Message ) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewModuleClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_CPP_MODULE, True ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewUnitClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_CPP_UNIT, True ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuNewHeaderCPPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Plugin_CreateNewFile( NEW_CPP_HEADER, True ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tcToolsActiveTabChange( Sender: TObject;
ItemIndex: Integer ) ;
Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_CODETOOLS_ITEM, ItemIndex = 0 ) ;
Plugin_VisibleControlChange( CTRL_NOTES, ItemIndex = 1 ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorModified( Sender: TObject; const position,
modificationType: Integer ; text : PAnsiChar ; const len, linesAdded, line,
foldLevelNow, foldLevelPrev: Integer ) ;
if Started then
2005-09-07 22:20:28 +00:00
Plugin_Modified( text ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorDblClick( Sender: TObject) ;
Plugin_EditorClick( True ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciCallTipsBeforeShow( Sender: TObject;
const Position: Integer ; ListToDisplay: TStrings;
var CancelDisplay: Boolean ) ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
var i: integer ;
eFunction: String ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
CancelDisplay : = not Plugin_CallTipShow( ListToDisplay. GetText) ;
2005-11-19 20:37:44 +00:00
eFunction : = GetCurrFunc;
2005-11-25 21:44:18 +00:00
if ( frmSettings. chkAutoHideCT. Checked) and ( not CancelDisplay) and ( eFunction < > '' ) then begin
2005-11-19 20:37:44 +00:00
eFunction : = LowerCase( eFunction) ;
for i : = 0 to eACList. Count - 1 do begin
if eFunction = LowerCase( Trim( TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Name ) ) then begin
if TACFunction( eACList. Items[ i] ) . Items. Count > GetFunctionPos then begin
CancelDisplay : = True ;
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorCallTipClick( Sender: TObject;
const position: Integer ) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
var i: integer ;
eFunc: String ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
if not Plugin_CallTipClick( position) then begin
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. CallTipCancel;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
end ;
eFunc : = LowerCase( GetCurrFunc) ;
for i : = 0 to sciCallTips. ApiStrings. Count - 1 do begin
if Pos( eFunc, LowerCase( sciCallTips. ApiStrings[ i] ) ) = 1 then begin
eFunc : = UpdateIncPath( Between( sciCallTips. ApiStrings[ i] , '-> ' , ',' ) ) ;
if eFunc < > '' then begin
sciEditor. CallTipCancel;
PawnProjects. Open( eFunc) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. sciEditorAutoCSelection( Sender: TObject;
text : PAnsiChar ) ;
Plugin_AutoCompleteSelect( text ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. OnCustomClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Plugin_CustomItemClick( ( Sender as TTBXCustomItem) . Caption) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. pnlCodeInspectorVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuShowCodeInspector. Checked : = pnlCodeInspector. Visible;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. pnlCodeExplorerVisibleChanged( Sender: TObject) ;
mnuShowCodeExplorer. Checked : = pnlCodeExplorer. Visible;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowCodeExplorerClick( Sender: TObject) ;
pnlCodeExplorer. Visible : = mnuShowCodeExplorer. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuShowCodeInspectorClick( Sender: TObject) ;
pnlCodeInspector. Visible : = mnuShowCodeInspector. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuConnectionGenClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var eIncluded: Integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eRegLine: Integer ;
eIndents: string ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eRegLine : = PluginInitLine;
if ( frmConnGen. ShowModal = mrOk) and ( eRegLine < > - 1 ) then begin
// Add include and add var
eIncluded : = GetLast( '#include' , True ) ;
if eIncluded = - 1 then
eIncluded : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eIncluded + 1 , 'new sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text ) ;
eRegLine : = eRegLine + 1 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
AddIfDoesntExist( 'sockets' ) ;
// CVar stuff
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eIndents : = GetIndents( eRegLine + 1 ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 2 , eIndents + '/* Init CVars for the socket "' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '" */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 3 , eIndents + 'if (cvar_exists("amx_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '_socket")) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 4 , eIndents + #9 + 'sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ' = get_cvar_num("amx_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '_socket")' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 5 , eIndents + #9 + 'read_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '()' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 6 , eIndents + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 7 , eIndents + 'else' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 8 , eIndents + #9 + 'register_cvar("amx_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '_socket", "0", FCVAR_PROTECTED&FCVAR_UNLOGGED)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRegLine + 9 , eIndents + '/* End */' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
// Functions
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '/* Socket ' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ' */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'public connect_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '() {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'new error = 0' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ' = socket_open("' + frmConnGen. txtHost. Text + '", ' + frmConnGen. txtPort. Text + ', ' + frmConnGen. cboProtocol. Text + ', error)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'if (sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ' > 0) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + '/* Connect successful */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'read_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '()' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '}' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'else {' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'switch (error) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + #9 + 'case 1: { /* Error creating socket */ }' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + #9 + 'case 2: { /* Could not resolve hostname */ }' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + #9 + 'case 3: { /* Could not connect to given host:port */ }' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'public read_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '() {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'if (socket_change(sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ', 100)) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'new buf[512], lines[30][100], count = 0' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'socket_recv(sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ', buf, 511)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'count = ExplodeString(lines, 50, 119, buf, 13)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'for(new i=0;i<count;i++) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + #9 + '/* Process items here */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'if (sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ' != 0)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'set_task(0.5, "read_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '")' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'else {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'set_cvar_num("amx_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '_socket", 0)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'disconnect_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '()' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'public write_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '(text[512]) {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'socket_send(sck' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + ', text, 511)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'public disconnect_' + frmConnGen. txtName. Text + '() {' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + '/* Disconnected */' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
if GetLine( 'stock ExplodeString' , True , True ) = - 1 then begin
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( 'stock ExplodeString( p_szOutput[][], p_nMax, p_nSize, p_szInput[], p_szDelimiter ) { // Function by xeroblood' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'new nIdx = 0, l = strlen(p_szInput)' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'new nLen = (1 + copyc( p_szOutput[nIdx], p_nSize, p_szInput, p_szDelimiter ))' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'while( (nLen < l) && (++nIdx < p_nMax) )' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + #9 + 'nLen += (1 + copyc( p_szOutput[nIdx], p_nSize, p_szInput[nLen], p_szDelimiter ))' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( #9 + 'return nIdx' ) ;
sciEditor. Lines. Add( '}' ) ;
end ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. OnCopyData( var Msg: TWMCopyData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
procedure RemoveItemFromTreeView( eCaption: String ; eParent: TTreeNode = nil ) ;
var i: integer ;
if Assigned( eParent) then begin
for i : = 0 to eParent. Count - 1 do begin
if eParent. Item[ i] . Text = eCaption then begin
eParent. Item[ i] . Free;
else if eParent. Item[ i] . Count > 0 then
RemoveItemFromTreeView( eCaption, eParent. Item[ i] ) ;
end ;
else begin
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. trvSettings. Items. Count - 1 do begin
if frmSettings. trvSettings. Items[ i] . Text = eCaption then begin
frmSettings. trvSettings. Items[ i] . Free;
else if frmSettings. trvSettings. Items[ i] . Count > 0 then
RemoveItemFromTreeView( eCaption, frmSettings. trvSettings. Items[ i] ) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
var eData: string ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
eIntData: Integer ;
eMessage: Integer ;
eBMP: TBitmap;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eTemp: string ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
eItem: TSpTBXItem;
ePage: TJvStandardPage;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
ePanel: TPanel;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
eStr: TStringList;
eValues: array of string ;
i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eData : = string( PChar( Msg. CopyDataStruct. lpData) ) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
eIntData : = Msg. CopyDataStruct. dwData;
eMessage : = Msg. From;
Msg. Result : = 1 ;
case eMessage of
2005-09-09 16:49:41 +00:00
SCM_SHOWPROGRESS: ShowProgress( eIntData = 1 ) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
pbLoading. Position : = eIntData;
SetProgressStatus( eData) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_LOADCODESNIPPETS: LoadCodeSnippets( eData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Plugin_CodeSnippetClick( eData, GetCat, GetSnippet( GetCat, eData) ) then
sciEditor. SelText : = GetSnippet( GetCat, eData) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_SELECTLANGUAGE: SelectLanguage( eData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
odOpen. FileName : = eData;
mnuOpenClick( nil ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_CURRPROJECTS: Msg. Result : = tsMain. ActiveTabIndex;
SCM_COMPILE: mnuDoCompile. Click;
SCM_COMPILE_UPLOAD: mnuCompileAndUpload. Click;
SCM_COMPILE_STARTHL: mnuCompileAndStartHL. Click;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eBMP : = TBitmap. Create;
eBMP. LoadFromFile( eData) ;
if eIntData = - 1 then
Msg. Result : = ilImages. Add( eBMP, nil )
Msg. Result : = ilImages. AddMasked( eBMP, eIntData) ;
eBMP. Destroy;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Pos( '->' , eData) < > 0 then begin
eTemp : = Copy( eData, 1 , Pos( '->' , eData) - 1 ) ;
eData : = Copy( eData, Pos( '->' , eData) + 2 , Length( eData) ) ;
eTemp : = '' ;
eItem : = TSpTBXItem. Create( tbxMenu. Items) ;
with eItem do begin
Caption : = eData;
Images : = ilImages;
ImageIndex : = eIntData;
OnClick : = OnCustomClick;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eTemp) ) then
GetMenuItem( eTemp) . Add( eItem)
tbxMenu. Items. Add( eItem) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Pos( '->' , eData) < > 0 then begin
eTemp : = Copy( eData, 1 , Pos( '->' , eData) - 1 ) ;
eData : = Copy( eData, Pos( '->' , eData) + 2 , Length( eData) ) ;
eTemp : = '' ;
eItem : = TSpTBXSubMenuItem. Create( tbxMenu. Items) ;
with eItem do begin
Caption : = eData;
Images : = ilImages;
ImageIndex : = eIntData;
OnClick : = OnCustomClick;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eTemp) ) then
GetMenuItem( eTemp) . Add( eItem)
tbxMenu. Items. Add( eItem) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eData) ) then
GetMenuItem( eData) . Click
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eData) ) then
GetMenuItem( eData) . Visible : = True
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eData) ) then
GetMenuItem( eData) . Visible : = False
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if eData < > '' then begin
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items. Count - 1 do begin
if LowerCase( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] . SubItems[ 0 ] ) = LowerCase( eData) then begin
LoadPlugin( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] ) ;
Msg. Result : = 1 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
LoadPlugin( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ eIntData] ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if eData < > '' then begin
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items. Count - 1 do begin
if LowerCase( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] . SubItems[ 0 ] ) = LowerCase( eData) then begin
UnloadPlugin( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ i] ) ;
Msg. Result : = 1 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UnloadPlugin( frmSettings. lvPlugins. Items[ eIntData] ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Pos( '->' , eData) < > 0 then begin
eTemp : = Copy( eData, 1 , Pos( '->' , eData) - 1 ) ;
eData : = Copy( eData, Pos( '->' , eData) + 2 , Length( eData) ) ;
eTemp : = '' ;
ePage : = TJvStandardPage. Create( frmSettings. jplSettings) ;
ePage. Caption : = eData;
TJvPageIndexNode( frmSettings. trvSettings. Items. AddChild( FindSettingsNode( eTemp) , eData) ) . PageIndex : = ePage. PageIndex;
ePanel : = TPanel. Create( ePage) ;
ePanel. BevelInner : = bvNone;
ePanel. BevelOuter : = bvNone;
ePanel. Align : = alClient;
Msg. Result : = ePanel. Handle;
end ;
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
for i : = 0 to frmSettings. jplSettings. PageCount - 1 do begin
if TJvStandardPage( frmSettings. jplSettings. Pages[ i] ) . Caption = eData then begin
TJvStandardPage( frmSettings. jplSettings. Pages[ i] ) . Free;
Msg. Result : = 1 ;
end ;
end ;
if Msg. Result = 1 then
RemoveItemFromTreeView( eData) ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. Text : = eData;
if eStr. Count = 3 then
AddField( eStr[ 0 ] , eStr[ 1 ] , eStr[ 2 ] )
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
eStr. Destroy;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. Text : = eData;
if eStr. Count > 3 then begin
SetLength( eValues, eStr. Count - 2 ) ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 4 do
eValues[ i] : = eStr[ i + 3 ] ;
AddCombo( eStr[ 0 ] , eStr[ 1 ] , eStr[ 2 ] , eValues) ;
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
eStr. Destroy;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. Text : = eData;
if eStr. Count = 2 then begin
if Assigned( GetCIItem( eStr[ 0 ] ) ) then
GetCIItem( eStr[ 0 ] ) . DisplayValue : = eStr[ 1 ]
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
eStr. Text : = eData;
if eStr. Count = 2 then begin
if Assigned( GetCIItem( eStr[ 0 ] ) ) then
GetCIItem( eStr[ 0 ] ) . DisplayName : = eStr[ 1 ]
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetCIItem( eData) ) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( GetCIItem( eData) . DisplayValue) )
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( '' ) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetCIItemByValue( eData) ) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( GetCIItemByValue( eData) . DisplayName) )
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( '' ) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_COUNT: Msg. Result : = jviCode. Root. Count;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GETCIItem( eData) ) then
jviCode. Root. Delete( GETCIItem( eData) )
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_NEWFILE: PawnProjects. Add( eData, '' ) ;
SCM_Pawn_SAVEFILE: begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( eData = '' ) and ( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled) then
Msg. Result : = 0
PawnProjects. Save( eIntData, eData) ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_CLOSEFILE: PawnProjects. Close( eIntData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled then
Msg. Result : = 1
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
Msg. Result : = - 1 ;
end ;
end ;
SCM_Pawn_ACTIVATE: begin
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 0 then
ActivateProjects( 0 , eIntData = 1 )
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_ACTIVATEDOC: PawnProjects. Activate( eIntData, Pos( 'r' , eData) < > 0 , Pos( 's' , eData) < > 0 ) ;
SCM_Pawn_GETNOTES: begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( GetRTFText( rtfNotes) ) )
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_SETNOTES: begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
SetRTFText( rtfNotes, eData)
TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText : = eData;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_GETFILENAME: Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . FileName) ) ;
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_FILECOUNT: Msg. Result : = PawnProjects. Count;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
SCM_Pawn_GETTEXT: begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 0 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( sciEditor. Lines. GetText)
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( PawnProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Code) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if eCPP then
CPPProjects. Add( eData)
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
if eCPP then begin
if ( eData = '' ) and ( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled) then
Msg. Result : = 0
CPPProjects. Save( eIntData, eData) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if eCPP then
CPPProjects. Close( eIntData)
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled then
Msg. Result : = 1
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
Msg. Result : = - 1 ;
end ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( eCPP) and ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 1 ) then
ActivateProjects( 1 , eIntData = 1 )
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if eCPP then
CPPProjects. Activate( eIntData, Pos( 'r' , eData) < > 0 , Pos( 's' , eData) < > 0 )
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eCPP : = eIntData = 1 ;
if eCPP then begin
tiCPP. Enabled : = True ;
mnuNewHeaderCPP. Enabled : = True ;
mnuNewModule. Enabled : = True ;
mnuNewUnit. Enabled : = True ;
else begin
tiCPP. Enabled : = False ;
mnuNewHeaderCPP. Enabled : = False ;
mnuNewModule. Enabled : = False ;
mnuNewUnit. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 1 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( GetRTFText( rtfNotes) ) )
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 1 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
SetRTFText( rtfNotes, eData)
TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText : = eData;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_CPP_GETFILENAME: Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . FileName) ) ;
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
SCM_CPP_FILECOUNT: Msg. Result : = CPPProjects. Count;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 1 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( sciEditor. Lines. GetText)
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Code) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_OTHER_NEWFILE: OtherProjects. Add( eData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( eData = '' ) and ( TDocument( CPPProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled) then
Msg. Result : = 0
OtherProjects. Save( eIntData, eData) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_OTHER_CLOSEFILE: OtherProjects. Delete( eIntData) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Untitled then
Msg. Result : = 1
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
Msg. Result : = - 1 ;
end ;
end ;
if tsMain. ActiveTabIndex < > 2 then
ActivateProjects( 2 , eIntData = 1 )
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
SCM_OTHER_ACTIVATEDOC: OtherProjects. Activate( eIntData, Pos( 'r' , eData) < > 0 , Pos( 's' , eData) < > 0 ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 2 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( GetRTFText( rtfNotes) ) )
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 2 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
SetRTFText( rtfNotes, eData)
TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . NotesText : = eData;
end ;
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
SCM_OTHER_GETFILENAME: Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . FileName) ) ;
SCM_OTHER_FILECOUNT: Msg. Result : = OtherProjects. Count;
if ( tsMain. ActiveTabIndex = 2 ) and ( tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex = eIntData) then
Msg. Result : = Integer( sciEditor. Lines. GetText)
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TDocument( OtherProjects. Items[ eIntData] ) . Code) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
splOutput. Show;
lstOutput. Show;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
splOutput. Hide;
lstOutput. Hide;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_OUTPUT_ADD: Msg. Result : = lstOutput. Items. Add( eData) ;
SCM_OUTPUT_CLEAR: lstOutput. Items. Clear;
SCM_OUTPUT_DELETE: lstOutput. Items. Delete( eIntData) ;
SCM_OUTPUT_GETTEXT: Msg. Result : = Integer( lstOutput. Items. GetText) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( lstOutput. Items[ eIntData] ) ) ;
Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( '' ) ) ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
end ;
SCM_OUTPUT_INDEXOF: Msg. Result : = lstOutput. Items. IndexOf( eData) ;
SCM_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT: Msg. Result : = tsDocuments. ActiveTabIndex;
SCM_ACTIVE_PROJECTS: Msg. Result : = tsMain. ActiveTabIndex;
SCM_EDITOR_SETTEXT: sciEditor. Lines. SetText( Msg. CopyDataStruct. lpData) ;
SCM_EDITOR_GETTEXT: Msg. Result : = Integer( sciEditor. Lines. GetText) ;
SCM_EDTIOR_SETCALLTIPS: sciCallTips. ApiStrings. Text : = eData;
SCM_EDITOR_SHOWCALLTIP: sciEditor. CallTipShow( eIntData, Msg. CopyDataStruct. lpData) ;
SCM_EDITOR_SETAUTOCOMPLETE: sciAutoComplete. AStrings. Text : = eData;
SCM_EDITOR_SHOWAUTOCOMPLETE: sciEditor. AutoCShow( eIntData, Msg. CopyDataStruct. lpData) ;
SCM_EDITOR_GETSELSTART: Msg. Result : = sciEditor. SelStart;
2005-10-13 14:49:40 +00:00
SCM_EDITOR_GETSELLENGTH: Msg. Result : = sciEditor. SelLength;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_EDITOR_SETSELSTART: sciEditor. SelStart : = eIntData;
SCM_EDITOR_SETSELLENGH: sciEditor. SelLength : = eIntData;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eData) ) then begin
if Assigned( GetMenuItem( eData) . Parent) then
GetMenuItem( eData) . Parent. Remove( GetMenuItem( eData) )
tbxMenu. Items. Remove( GetMenuItem( eData) ) ;
Msg. Result : = 1 ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
2005-09-03 20:00:46 +00:00
SCM_REMOVE_IMAGE: ilImages. Delete( eIntData) ;
SCM_SETTHEME: TBXSetTheme( eData) ;
SCM_GETTHEME: Msg. Result : = Integer( PChar( TBXCurrentTheme) ) ;
end ;
Msg. Result : = 0 ;
end ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. OnMessage( var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean ) ;
Handled : = not Plugin_AppMsg( Msg. hwnd, Msg. message , Msg. wParam, Msg. lParam, Msg. time, Msg. pt) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. OnShortCut( var Msg: TWMKey;
var Handled: Boolean ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
function TriggerMenuShortcut( eShortcut: TShortcut; Item: TTBCustomItem) : Boolean ;
var i: integer ;
Result : = False ;
for i : = 0 to Item. Count - 1 do begin
if Item. Items[ i] . ShortCut = eShortcut then begin
Item. Items[ i] . OnClick( Self) ;
Result : = True ;
TriggerMenuShortcut( eShortcut, Item. Items[ i] ) ;
end ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
end ;
var i: integer ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
eShortcut: TShortcut;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if not Started then
if not Plugin_Shortcut( Msg. CharCode, Msg. KeyData) then begin
Handled : = True ;
end ;
// Check frmSettings shortcut
if ( frmSettings. Visible) and ( frmSettings. txtShortcut. Focused) then begin
if ( Msg. CharCode = VK_CONTROL) or ( Msg. CharCode = VK_MENU) or ( Msg. CharCode = VK_SHIFT) then begin
frmSettings. txtShortcut. Clear;
if ssShift in KeyDataToShiftState( Msg. KeyData) then
frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text : = frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text + 'Shift+' ;
if ssCtrl in KeyDataToShiftState( Msg. KeyData) then
frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text : = frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text + 'Ctrl+' ;
if ssAlt in KeyDataToShiftState( Msg. KeyData) then
frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text : = frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text + 'Alt+' ;
frmSettings. txtShortcut. Text : = ShortcutToText( Shortcut( Msg. CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState( Msg. KeyData) ) ) ;
Handled : = True ;
end ;
if GetActiveWindow < > frmMain. Handle then exit;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
// stop IRC Paster if escape is pressed
if ( Msg. CharCode = VK_ESCAPE) then begin
frmMain. IRCPasterStop : = True ;
if frmMain. sciEditor. CallTipActive then
frmMain. sciEditor. CallTipCancel;
if frmMain. sciEditor. AutoCActive then
frmMain. sciEditor. AutoCCancel;
end ;
eShortcut : = Shortcut( Msg. CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState( Msg. KeyData) ) ;
// Some menu commands are suppressed by the controlchars thingy, so they will be triggered manually
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to tbxMenu. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
if TriggerMenuShortcut( eShortcut, tbxMenu. Items[ i] ) then
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
Handled : = True ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to tbxToolbar. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
if tbxToolbar. Items[ i] . ShortCut = eShortcut then begin
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
Handled : = True ;
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
tbxToolbar. Items[ i] . OnClick( Self) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
end ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to tbxEdit. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
if tbxEdit. Items[ i] . ShortCut = eShortcut then begin
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
Handled : = True ;
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
tbxEdit. Items[ i] . OnClick( Self) ;
end ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to ppmEditor. Items. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
if ppmEditor. Items[ i] . ShortCut = eShortcut then begin
Handled : = True ;
ppmEditor. Items[ i] . OnClick( Self) ;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
end ;
end ;
Application. ProcessMessages;
2005-09-11 11:15:22 +00:00
if Handled then exit;
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
// Control chars
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'E' ) , [ ssCtrl] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'H' ) , [ ssCtrl] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'K' ) , [ ssCtrl] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'S' ) , [ ssCtrl] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'B' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'C' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'D' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'E' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'F' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'G' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'H' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'K' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'N' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'O' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'P' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'Q' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'R' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'V' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'W' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'X' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if ( eShortcut = Shortcut( Ord( 'Y' ) , [ ssCtrl, ssShift] ) ) then
Handled : = True ;
if Handled then begin
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
for i : = 0 to frmMain. sciEditor. KeyCommands. Count - 1 do begin
2005-09-10 21:55:22 +00:00
if TSciKeyCommand( frmMain. sciEditor. KeyCommands. Items[ i] ) . ShortCut = eShortcut then
Handled : = False ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. trvExplorerClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-11-02 14:17:00 +00:00
if Assigned( trvExplorer. Selected) then begin
if trvExplorer. Selected. ImageIndex > = 4 2 then exit;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
UpdateCI( Integer( trvExplorer. Selected. Data) ) ;
2005-11-02 14:17:00 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. jviCodeItemValueChanged( Sender: TObject;
Item: TJvCustomInspectorItem) ;
2005-11-02 14:17:00 +00:00
if GetCurrLang. Name = 'Pawn' then
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. mnuRestoreBackupClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if MessageBox( Handle, PChar( lAskRestore) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
2005-10-30 10:33:16 +00:00
sciEditor. Lines. LoadFromFile( ActiveDoc. FileName + '.bak' ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. FormCreate( Sender: TObject) ;
sciEditor. StreamClass : = TSciMyStream;
2005-12-11 16:45:02 +00:00
sciEditor. OnCallTipClick : = sciEditorCallTipClick; // god why doesn't delphi save this
2005-11-18 23:35:58 +00:00
eACList : = TmxJsCollection. Create( TACFunction) ;
eACList. Collectionname : = 'Autocomplete_List' ;
eACList. LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'config\ACList.cfg' ) ;
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00
end ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end .
2005-10-07 21:52:48 +00:00