// FUN MODULE TO DO HERE: http://www.amxmod.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=37
// Check later if all of these really are needed!
meta_globals_t*gpMetaGlobals;// Variables provided to plugins.
gamedll_funcs_t*gpGamedllFuncs;// Pair of function tables provided by game DLL.
mutil_funcs_t*gpMetaUtilFuncs;// Meta Utility Function table type.
enginefuncs_tg_engfuncs;// Engine hands this to DLLs for functionality callbacks
globalvars_t*gpGlobals;// JGHG says: contains info on server, like maxclients, (time?) etc, stringbase is here :-) seems to be used with entity classnames...
// Must provide at least one of these...
NULL,// pfnGetEntityAPI HL SDK; called before game DLL
NULL,// pfnGetEntityAPI_Post META; called after game DLL
NULL,// pfnGetEntityAPI2 HL SDK2; called before game DLL
NULL,// pfnGetEntityAPI2_Post META; called after game DLL
NULL,// pfnGetNewDLLFunctions HL SDK2; called before game DLL
NULL,// pfnGetNewDLLFunctions_Post META; called after game DLL
GetEngineFunctions,// pfnGetEngineFunctions META; called before HL engine
NULL// pfnGetEngineFunctions_Post META; called after HL engine
pfnamx_engine_g*g_engAmxFunc;// These seem to be meta/amxmod related
pfnmodule_engine_g*g_engModuleFunc;// These seem to be meta/amxmod related