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2006-08-27 02:22:59 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
===== combat.cpp ========================================================
functions dealing with damage infliction & death
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "func_break.h"
#include "player.h"
extern DLL_GLOBAL Vector g_vecAttackDir;
extern DLL_GLOBAL int g_iSkillLevel;
extern Vector VecBModelOrigin( entvars_t* pevBModel );
extern entvars_t *g_pevLastInflictor;
unsigned short g_sGibbed;
unsigned short g_sTeleport;
unsigned short g_sTrail;
unsigned short g_sExplosion;
unsigned short g_usPowerUp;
// HACKHACK -- The gib velocity equations don't work
void CGib :: LimitVelocity( void )
float length = pev->velocity.Length();
// ceiling at 1500. The gib velocity equation is not bounded properly. Rather than tune it
// in 3 separate places again, I'll just limit it here.
if ( length > 1500.0 )
pev->velocity = pev->velocity.Normalize() * 1500; // This should really be sv_maxvelocity * 0.75 or something
void CGib :: SpawnStickyGibs( entvars_t *pevVictim, Vector vecOrigin, int cGibs )
int i;
if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
// no sticky gibs in germany right now!
for ( i = 0 ; i < cGibs ; i++ )
CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );
pGib->Spawn( "models/stickygib.mdl" );
pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0,2);
if ( pevVictim )
pGib->pev->origin.x = vecOrigin.x + RANDOM_FLOAT( -3, 3 );
pGib->pev->origin.y = vecOrigin.y + RANDOM_FLOAT( -3, 3 );
pGib->pev->origin.z = vecOrigin.z + RANDOM_FLOAT( -3, 3 );
pGib->pev->origin.x = pevVictim->absmin.x + pevVictim->size.x * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
pGib->pev->origin.y = pevVictim->absmin.y + pevVictim->size.y * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
pGib->pev->origin.z = pevVictim->absmin.z + pevVictim->size.z * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;
// mix in some noise
pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.15, 0.15 );
pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.15, 0.15 );
pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.15, 0.15 );
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 900;
pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 250, 400 );
pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 250, 400 );
// copy owner's blood color
pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;
pGib->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
UTIL_SetSize ( pGib->pev, Vector ( 0, 0 ,0 ), Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
pGib->SetTouch ( &CGib::StickyGibTouch );
pGib->SetThink (NULL);
void CGib :: SpawnHeadGib( entvars_t *pevVictim )
CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );
if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );// throw one head
pGib->pev->body = 0;
pGib->Spawn( "models/hgibs.mdl" );// throw one head
pGib->pev->body = 0;
if ( pevVictim )
pGib->pev->origin = pevVictim->origin + pevVictim->view_ofs;
edict_t *pentPlayer = FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( pGib->edict() );
if ( RANDOM_LONG ( 0, 100 ) <= 5 && pentPlayer )
// 5% chance head will be thrown at player's face.
entvars_t *pevPlayer;
pevPlayer = VARS( pentPlayer );
pGib->pev->velocity = ( ( pevPlayer->origin + pevPlayer->view_ofs ) - pGib->pev->origin ).Normalize() * 300;
pGib->pev->velocity.z += 100;
pGib->pev->velocity = Vector (RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(200,300));
pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );
// copy owner's blood color
pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;
void CGib :: SpawnRandomGibs( entvars_t *pevVictim, int cGibs, int human )
int cSplat;
for ( cSplat = 0 ; cSplat < cGibs ; cSplat++ )
CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL );
if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );
pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0,GERMAN_GIB_COUNT-1);
if ( human )
// human pieces
pGib->Spawn( "models/hgibs.mdl" );
pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(1,HUMAN_GIB_COUNT-1);// start at one to avoid throwing random amounts of skulls (0th gib)
// aliens
pGib->Spawn( "models/agibs.mdl" );
pGib->pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0,ALIEN_GIB_COUNT-1);
if ( pevVictim )
// spawn the gib somewhere in the monster's bounding volume
pGib->pev->origin.x = pevVictim->absmin.x + pevVictim->size.x * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
pGib->pev->origin.y = pevVictim->absmin.y + pevVictim->size.y * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) );
pGib->pev->origin.z = pevVictim->absmin.z + pevVictim->size.z * (RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0 , 1 ) ) + 1; // absmin.z is in the floor because the engine subtracts 1 to enlarge the box
// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
pGib->pev->velocity = g_vecAttackDir * -1;
// mix in some noise
pGib->pev->velocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
pGib->pev->velocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
pGib->pev->velocity.z += RANDOM_FLOAT ( -0.25, 0.25 );
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * RANDOM_FLOAT ( 300, 400 );
pGib->pev->avelocity.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 200 );
pGib->pev->avelocity.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 100, 300 );
// copy owner's blood color
pGib->m_bloodColor = (CBaseEntity::Instance(pevVictim))->BloodColor();
if ( pevVictim->health > -50)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 0.7;
else if ( pevVictim->health > -200)
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 2;
pGib->pev->velocity = pGib->pev->velocity * 4;
pGib->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
UTIL_SetSize ( pGib->pev, Vector( 0 , 0 , 0 ), Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// WaitTillLand - in order to emit their meaty scent from
// the proper location, gibs should wait until they stop
// bouncing to emit their scent. That's what this function
// does.
void CGib :: WaitTillLand ( void )
if (!IsInWorld())
UTIL_Remove( this );
if ( pev->velocity == g_vecZero )
SetThink (&CBaseEntity::SUB_StartFadeOut);
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + m_lifeTime;
// wait and check again in another half second.
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.5;
// Gib bounces on the ground or wall, sponges some blood down, too!
void CGib :: BounceGibTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther )
Vector vecSpot;
TraceResult tr;
//if ( RANDOM_LONG(0,1) )
// return;// don't bleed everytime
if (pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND)
pev->velocity = pev->velocity * 0.9;
pev->angles.x = 0;
pev->angles.z = 0;
pev->avelocity.x = 0;
pev->avelocity.z = 0;
if ( g_Language != LANGUAGE_GERMAN && m_cBloodDecals > 0 && m_bloodColor != DONT_BLEED )
vecSpot = pev->origin + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 8 );//move up a bit, and trace down.
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector ( 0, 0, -24 ), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), & tr);
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, m_bloodColor );
if ( m_material != matNone && RANDOM_LONG(0,2) == 0 )
float volume;
float zvel = fabs(pev->velocity.z);
volume = 0.8 * min(1.0, ((float)zvel) / 450.0);
CBreakable::MaterialSoundRandom( edict(), (Materials)m_material, volume );
// Sticky gib puts blood on the wall and stays put.
void CGib :: StickyGibTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther )
Vector vecSpot;
TraceResult tr;
SetThink ( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 10;
if ( !FClassnameIs( pOther->pev, "worldspawn" ) )
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pev->origin, pev->origin + pev->velocity * 32, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), & tr);
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, m_bloodColor );
pev->velocity = tr.vecPlaneNormal * -1;
pev->angles = UTIL_VecToAngles ( pev->velocity );
pev->velocity = g_vecZero;
pev->avelocity = g_vecZero;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
// GibMonster - create some gore and get rid of a monster's
// model.
void CBaseMonster :: GibMonster( void )
TraceResult tr;
BOOL gibbed = FALSE;
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "common/bodysplat.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_hgibs") != 0 ) // Only the player will ever get here
if ( IsPlayer() )
g_sGibbed, 0.0, (float *)&pev->origin, (float *)&g_vecAttackDir, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*CGib::SpawnHeadGib( pev );
CGib::SpawnRandomGibs( pev, 4, 1 ); // throw some human gibs.*/
gibbed = TRUE;
// GetDeathActivity - determines the best type of death
// anim to play.
Activity CBaseMonster :: GetDeathActivity ( void )
Activity deathActivity;
BOOL fTriedDirection;
float flDot;
TraceResult tr;
Vector vecSrc;
if ( pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO )
// don't run this while dying.
return m_IdealActivity;
vecSrc = Center();
fTriedDirection = FALSE;
deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE;// in case we can't find any special deaths to do.
UTIL_MakeVectors ( pev->angles );
flDot = DotProduct ( gpGlobals->v_forward, g_vecAttackDir * -1 );
switch ( m_LastHitGroup )
// try to pick a region-specific death.
deathActivity = ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT;
deathActivity = ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT;
// try to pick a death based on attack direction
fTriedDirection = TRUE;
if ( flDot > 0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD;
else if ( flDot <= -0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD;
// try to pick a death based on attack direction
fTriedDirection = TRUE;
if ( flDot > 0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD;
else if ( flDot <= -0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD;
// can we perform the prescribed death?
if ( LookupActivity ( deathActivity ) == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE )
// no! did we fail to perform a directional death?
if ( fTriedDirection )
// if yes, we're out of options. Go simple.
deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE;
// cannot perform the ideal region-specific death, so try a direction.
if ( flDot > 0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD;
else if ( flDot <= -0.3 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD;
if ( LookupActivity ( deathActivity ) == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE )
// if we're still invalid, simple is our only option.
deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE;
if ( deathActivity == ACT_DIEFORWARD )
// make sure there's room to fall forward
UTIL_TraceHull ( vecSrc, vecSrc + gpGlobals->v_forward * 64, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, edict(), &tr );
if ( tr.flFraction != 1.0 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE;
if ( deathActivity == ACT_DIEBACKWARD )
// make sure there's room to fall backward
UTIL_TraceHull ( vecSrc, vecSrc - gpGlobals->v_forward * 64, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, edict(), &tr );
if ( tr.flFraction != 1.0 )
deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE;
return deathActivity;
// GetSmallFlinchActivity - determines the best type of flinch
// anim to play.
Activity CBaseMonster :: GetSmallFlinchActivity ( void )
Activity flinchActivity;
BOOL fTriedDirection;
float flDot;
fTriedDirection = FALSE;
UTIL_MakeVectors ( pev->angles );
flDot = DotProduct ( gpGlobals->v_forward, g_vecAttackDir * -1 );
switch ( m_LastHitGroup )
// pick a region-specific flinch
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_HEAD;
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH;
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM;
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM;
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG;
flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG;
// just get a generic flinch.
flinchActivity = ACT_SMALL_FLINCH;
// do we have a sequence for the ideal activity?
if ( LookupActivity ( flinchActivity ) == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE )
flinchActivity = ACT_SMALL_FLINCH;
return flinchActivity;
BOOL CBaseMonster::ShouldGibMonster( int iGib )
if ( ( iGib == GIB_NORMAL && pev->health < GIB_HEALTH_VALUE ) || ( iGib == GIB_ALWAYS ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void CBaseMonster::CallGibMonster( void )
BOOL fade = FALSE;
if ( HasHumanGibs() )
if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_hgibs") == 0 )
fade = TRUE;
else if ( HasAlienGibs() )
if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_agibs") == 0 )
fade = TRUE;
pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;// do something with the body. while monster blows up
if ( fade )
pev->effects = EF_NODRAW; // make the model invisible.
pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
// don't let the status bar glitch for players.with <0 health.
if (pev->health < -99)
pev->health = 0;
if ( ShouldFadeOnDeath() && !fade )
// fade out - slowly fades a entity out, then removes it.
void CBaseEntity :: SUB_StartFadeOut ( void )
if (pev->rendermode == kRenderNormal)
pev->renderamt = 255;
pev->rendermode = kRenderTransTexture;
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->avelocity = g_vecZero;
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
SetThink ( &CBaseEntity::SUB_FadeOut );
void CBaseEntity :: SUB_FadeOut ( void )
if ( pev->renderamt > 7 )
pev->renderamt -= 7;
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
pev->renderamt = 0;
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.2;
SetThink ( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );
// Throw a chunk
void CGib :: Spawn( const char *szGibModel )
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
pev->friction = 0.55; // deading the bounce a bit
// sometimes an entity inherits the edict from a former piece of glass,
// and will spawn using the same render FX or rendermode! bad!
pev->renderamt = 255;
pev->rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pev->renderfx = kRenderFxNone;
pev->solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;/// hopefully this will fix the VELOCITY TOO LOW crap
pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("gib");
SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), szGibModel);
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector( 0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0));
pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 4;
m_lifeTime = 25;
SetThink ( &CGib::WaitTillLand );
SetTouch ( &CGib::BounceGibTouch );
m_material = matNone;
m_cBloodDecals = 5;// how many blood decals this gib can place (1 per bounce until none remain).
The damage is coming from inflictor, but get mad at attacker
This should be the only function that ever reduces health.
bitsDamageType indicates the type of damage sustained, ie: DMG_SHOCK
Time-based damage: only occurs while the monster is within the trigger_hurt.
When a monster is poisoned via an arrow etc it takes all the poison damage at once.
int CBaseMonster :: TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
float flTake;
Vector vecDir;
if (!pev->takedamage)
return 0;
if ( !IsAlive() )
return DeadTakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );
if ( pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO )
// no pain sound during death animation.
PainSound();// "Ouch!"
//!!!LATER - make armor consideration here!
flTake = flDamage;
// set damage type sustained
m_bitsDamageType |= bitsDamageType;
// grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit).
vecDir = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
if (!FNullEnt( pevInflictor ))
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity :: Instance( pevInflictor );
if (pInflictor)
vecDir = ( pInflictor->Center() - Vector ( 0, 0, 10 ) - Center() ).Normalize();
vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize();
// add to the damage total for clients, which will be sent as a single
// message at the end of the frame
// todo: remove after combining shotgun blasts?
if ( IsPlayer() )
if ( pevInflictor )
pev->dmg_inflictor = ENT(pevInflictor);
pev->dmg_take += flTake;
// check for godmode or invincibility
if ( pev->flags & FL_GODMODE )
return 0;
// if this is a player, move him around!
if ( ( !FNullEnt( pevInflictor ) ) && (pev->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK) && (!pevAttacker || pevAttacker->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) )
pev->velocity = pev->velocity + vecDir * -DamageForce( flDamage );
// do the damage
pev->health -= flTake;
// HACKHACK Don't kill monsters in a script. Let them break their scripts first
if ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT )
SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );
return 0;
if ( pev->health <= 0 )
g_pevLastInflictor = pevInflictor;
if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_ALWAYSGIB )
Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS );
else if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_NEVERGIB )
Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_NEVER );
Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_NORMAL );
g_pevLastInflictor = NULL;
return 0;
// react to the damage (get mad)
if ( (pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) && !FNullEnt(pevAttacker) )
if ( pevAttacker->flags & (FL_MONSTER | FL_CLIENT) )
{// only if the attack was a monster or client!
// enemy's last known position is somewhere down the vector that the attack came from.
if (pevInflictor)
if (m_hEnemy == 0 || pevInflictor == m_hEnemy->pev || !HasConditions(bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY))
m_vecEnemyLKP = pevInflictor->origin;
m_vecEnemyLKP = pev->origin + ( g_vecAttackDir * 64 );
MakeIdealYaw( m_vecEnemyLKP );
// add pain to the conditions
// !!!HACKHACK - fudged for now. Do we want to have a virtual function to determine what is light and
// heavy damage per monster class?
if ( flDamage > 0 )
if ( flDamage >= 20 )
return 1;
// DeadTakeDamage - takedamage function called when a monster's
// corpse is damaged.
int CBaseMonster :: DeadTakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
Vector vecDir;
// grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit).
vecDir = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
if (!FNullEnt( pevInflictor ))
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity :: Instance( pevInflictor );
if (pInflictor)
vecDir = ( pInflictor->Center() - Vector ( 0, 0, 10 ) - Center() ).Normalize();
vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize();
#if 0// turn this back on when the bounding box issues are resolved.
pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
pev->origin.z += 1;
// let the damage scoot the corpse around a bit.
if ( !FNullEnt(pevInflictor) && (pevAttacker->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) )
pev->velocity = pev->velocity + vecDir * -DamageForce( flDamage );
// kill the corpse if enough damage was done to destroy the corpse and the damage is of a type that is allowed to destroy the corpse.
if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_GIB_CORPSE )
if ( pev->health <= flDamage )
pev->health = -50;
Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS );
return 0;
// Accumulate corpse gibbing damage, so you can gib with multiple hits
pev->health -= flDamage * 0.1;
return 1;
float CBaseMonster :: DamageForce( float damage )
float force = damage * ((32 * 32 * 72.0) / (pev->size.x * pev->size.y * pev->size.z)) * 5;
if ( force > 1000.0)
force = 1000.0;
return force;
// RadiusDamage - this entity is exploding, or otherwise needs to inflict damage upon entities within a certain range.
// only damage ents that can clearly be seen by the explosion!
void RadiusDamage( Vector vecSrc, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
TraceResult tr;
float flAdjustedDamage, falloff;
Vector vecSpot;
if ( flRadius )
falloff = flDamage / flRadius;
falloff = 1.0;
int bInWater = (UTIL_PointContents ( vecSrc ) == CONTENTS_WATER);
vecSrc.z += 1;// in case grenade is lying on the ground
if ( !pevAttacker )
pevAttacker = pevInflictor;
// iterate on all entities in the vicinity.
while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEntity, vecSrc, flRadius )) != NULL)
if ( pEntity->pev->takedamage != DAMAGE_NO )
// UNDONE: this should check a damage mask, not an ignore
if ( iClassIgnore != CLASS_NONE && pEntity->Classify() == iClassIgnore )
{// houndeyes don't hurt other houndeyes with their attack
// blast's don't tavel into or out of water
if (bInWater && pEntity->pev->waterlevel == 0)
if (!bInWater && pEntity->pev->waterlevel == 3)
vecSpot = pEntity->BodyTarget( vecSrc );
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecSrc, vecSpot, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pevInflictor), &tr );
if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 || tr.pHit == pEntity->edict() )
{// the explosion can 'see' this entity, so hurt them!
if (tr.fStartSolid)
// if we're stuck inside them, fixup the position and distance
tr.vecEndPos = vecSrc;
tr.flFraction = 0.0;
// decrease damage for an ent that's farther from the bomb.
flAdjustedDamage = ( vecSrc - tr.vecEndPos ).Length() * falloff;
flAdjustedDamage = flDamage - flAdjustedDamage;
if ( flAdjustedDamage < 0 )
flAdjustedDamage = 0;
// ALERT( at_console, "hit %s\n", STRING( pEntity->pev->classname ) );
if (tr.flFraction != 1.0)
ClearMultiDamage( );
pEntity->TraceAttack( pevInflictor, flAdjustedDamage, (tr.vecEndPos - vecSrc).Normalize( ), &tr, bitsDamageType );
ApplyMultiDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker );
pEntity->TakeDamage ( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flAdjustedDamage, bitsDamageType );
void CBaseMonster :: RadiusDamage(entvars_t* pevInflictor, entvars_t* pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType )
::RadiusDamage( pev->origin, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * 2.5, iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType );
void CBaseMonster :: RadiusDamage( Vector vecSrc, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType )
::RadiusDamage( vecSrc, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * 2.5, iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType );
// TraceAttack
void CBaseMonster::TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType)
Vector vecOrigin = ptr->vecEndPos - vecDir * 4;
ALERT ( at_console, "%d\n", ptr->iHitgroup );
if ( pev->takedamage )
AddMultiDamage( pevAttacker, this, flDamage, bitsDamageType );
int blood = BloodColor();
if ( blood != DONT_BLEED )
SpawnBlood(vecOrigin, blood, flDamage);// a little surface blood.
void CBaseEntity :: TraceBleed( float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType )
if (BloodColor() == DONT_BLEED)
if (flDamage == 0)
// make blood decal on the wall!
TraceResult Bloodtr;
Vector vecTraceDir;
float flNoise;
int cCount;
int i;
if (flDamage < 10)
flNoise = 0.1;
cCount = 1;
else if (flDamage < 25)
flNoise = 0.2;
cCount = 2;
flNoise = 0.3;
cCount = 4;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cCount ; i++ )
vecTraceDir = vecDir * -1;// trace in the opposite direction the shot came from (the direction the shot is going)
vecTraceDir.x += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
vecTraceDir.y += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
vecTraceDir.z += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
UTIL_TraceLine( ptr->vecEndPos, ptr->vecEndPos + vecTraceDir * -172, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &Bloodtr);
if ( Bloodtr.flFraction != 1.0 )
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &Bloodtr, BloodColor() );
void CBaseMonster :: MakeDamageBloodDecal ( int cCount, float flNoise, TraceResult *ptr, const Vector &vecDir )
// make blood decal on the wall!
TraceResult Bloodtr;
Vector vecTraceDir;
int i;
if ( !IsAlive() )
// dealing with a dead monster.
if ( pev->max_health <= 0 )
// no blood decal for a monster that has already decalled its limit.
for ( i = 0 ; i < cCount ; i++ )
vecTraceDir = vecDir;
vecTraceDir.x += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
vecTraceDir.y += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
vecTraceDir.z += RANDOM_FLOAT( -flNoise, flNoise );
UTIL_TraceLine( ptr->vecEndPos, ptr->vecEndPos + vecTraceDir * 172, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &Bloodtr);
WRITE_COORD( ptr->vecEndPos.x );
WRITE_COORD( ptr->vecEndPos.y );
WRITE_COORD( ptr->vecEndPos.z );
WRITE_COORD( Bloodtr.vecEndPos.x );
WRITE_COORD( Bloodtr.vecEndPos.y );
WRITE_COORD( Bloodtr.vecEndPos.z );
if ( Bloodtr.flFraction != 1.0 )
UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &Bloodtr, BloodColor() );