2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
unit UnitMenuGenerators;
uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Forms, Graphics;
procedure GenerateSimpleMenu;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
{ Yes, a part is copied from AMXX-Edit v2. I'm too lazy to rewrite everything... }
{ gaben }
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
function AddOldMenu: Boolean ;
function AddOldPlayerMenu: Boolean ;
function GetFirst( eStart: String ; eSearchMain: Boolean ) : Integer ;
function GetLast( eStart: String ; eSearchMain: Boolean ) : Integer ;
function GetLine( eExpression: String ; eAllowFunction, eBreak: Boolean ) : Integer ;
function AddIfDoesntExist( eInclude: String ) : Boolean ;
function GetColoredMenu: String ;
function PluginInitLine: Integer ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
uses UnitCodeUtils, UnitfrmMain, UnitfrmMenuGenerator, UnitLanguages,
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
function GetLine( eExpression: String ; eAllowFunction, eBreak: Boolean ) : Integer ;
var i: integer ;
Result : = - 1 ;
for i : = 0 to frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if IsAtStart( eExpression, frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] , eAllowFunction) then begin
Result : = i;
if eBreak then
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure GenerateSimpleMenu;
var eRP, eVL: Integer ; // RegisterPlugin, VariableLine
eStr: TStringList;
eIndents, eInternalTitle: String ;
i: integer ;
{ Get Line Numbers }
eVL : = GetLine( '#define' , False , False ) ;
if eVL = - 1 then
eVL : = GetLine( '#include' , False , False ) ;
if eVL = - 1 then
eVL : = 0 ;
eRP : = PluginInitLine;
if eRP < > - 1 then begin
eInternalTitle : = StringReplace( frmMenuGenerator. txtNTitle. Text , #32 , '' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
// Register Vars
eVL : = eVL + 1 ;
eIndents : = GetIndents( eVL) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + 'new m' + eInternalTitle + ' // Menu' ) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + 'new mcb' + eInternalTitle + ' // Menu Callback' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eVL, eStr. Text ) ;
// Register function
eRP : = PluginInitLine;
eIndents : = GetIndents( eRP) ;
eStr. Clear;
eStr. Add( eIndents + '/* Menu ' + frmMenuGenerator. txtNTitle. Text + ' */' ) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + '/* Use menu_display(id, m' + eInternalTitle + ', 0) to show the menu to an user. */' ) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + 'm' + eInternalTitle + ' = menu_create("' + frmMenuGenerator. txtNTitle. Text + '", "mh_' + eInternalTitle + '")' ) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + 'mcb' + eInternalTitle + ' = menu_makecallback("mcb_' + eInternalTitle + '")' ) ;
for i : = 0 to frmMenuGenerator. lstNMenuItems. Items. Count - 1 do
eStr. Add( eIndents + 'menu_additem(m' + eInternalTitle + ', "' + frmMenuGenerator. lstNMenuItems. Items[ i] + '", "ma_' + eInternalTitle + '", ' + frmMenuGenerator. cboAccess. Text + ', mcb' + eInternalTitle + ')' ) ;
eStr. Add( eIndents + '/* Menu End */' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( eRP, eStr. Text ) ;
// Rest
eStr. Clear;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( '/* Menu ' + frmMenuGenerator. txtNTitle. Text + ' */' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public mh_' + eInternalTitle + '(id, menu, item) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( #9 + '/* This event is called when someone presses a key on this menu */' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public ma_' + eInternalTitle + '(id) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( #9 + '/* This event is called when an item was selected */' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public mcb_' + eInternalTitle + '(id, menu, item) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( #9 + '/* This is the callback-event, here you can set items enabled or disabled. */' ) ;
eStr. Add( #9 + '/* If you want to enable an item, use: return ITEM_ENABLED */' ) ;
eStr. Add( #9 + '/* If you want to disable an item, use: return ITEM_DISABLED */' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. AddStrings( eStr) ;
eStr. Free;
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, PChar( lInvalidPlugin) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
frmMain. mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
{ Normal Menu }
function AddOldMenu: Boolean ;
var eColoredMenu, DefinedKeys: String ;
i: integer ;
eStr: TStringList;
Result : = GetFirst( 'public Show' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text , True ) = - 1 ;
if not Result then
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
{ Transform text }
eColoredMenu : = GetColoredMenu;
{ Add functions }
eStr. Add( Format( 'public Show%s(id) {' , [ frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text ] ) ) ;
eStr. Add( ' show_menu(id, Keys' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', "' + eColoredMenu + '", -1, "' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr[ eStr. Count - 1 ] : = eStr[ eStr. Count - 1 ] + ' // Display menu' ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, key) {' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then begin
eStr. Add( ' /* Menu:' ) ;
for i : = 0 to frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines. Count - 1 do
eStr. Add( ' * ' + frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ i] ) ;
eStr. Add( ' */' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
end ;
eStr. Add( ' switch (key) {' ) ;
DefinedKeys : = '' ;
for i : = 1 to Length( frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text ) do begin
if frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text [ i] = '0' then begin
DefinedKeys : = DefinedKeys + '|(1<<9)' ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr. Add( ' case 9: { // 0' )
eStr. Add( ' case 9: {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
else begin
DefinedKeys : = DefinedKeys + '|(1<<' + IntToStr( StrToInt( frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text [ i] ) - 1 ) + ')' ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( StrToInt( frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text [ i] ) - 1 ) + ': { // ' + frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text [ i] )
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( StrToInt( frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text [ i] ) - 1 ) + ': {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
end ;
end ;
Delete( DefinedKeys, 1 , 1 ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
DefinedKeys : = DefinedKeys + ' // Keys: ' + frmMenuGenerator. txtKeys. Text ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
// Insert
AddIfDoesntExist( 'amxmodx' ) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
i : = GetLast( '#define' , True ) + 1 ;
if i = 0 then
i : = GetLast( '#include' , True ) + 1 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i, Format( '#define Keys%s %s' , [ frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text , DefinedKeys] ) ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Text : = frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Text + #13 + eStr. Text ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkRegisterMenuCommand. Checked then begin
i : = GetFirst( 'register_plugin' , True ) + 2 ;
if i = 1 then
i : = GetFirst( 'public plugin_init()' , True ) + 2 ;
if i = 1 then begin
eStr. Clear;
eStr. Add( 'public plugin_init() {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' register_menucmd(register_menuid("' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '"), Keys' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', "Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( GetFirst( '#define' , True ) + 2 , '' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( GetFirst( '#define' , True ) + 3 , eStr. Text ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i, ' register_menucmd(register_menuid("' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '"), Keys' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', "Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
end ;
eStr. Free;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
frmMain. mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
{ Player Menu }
function AddOldPlayerMenu: Boolean ;
function PrepareItem( eItem: String ; eDisabled: Boolean ) : String ; // Remove colors etc.
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '\w' , '' , [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '\y' , '' , [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '\r' , '' , [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '\d' , '' , [ rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '%n' , '%i' , [ rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
eItem : = StringReplace( eItem, '%v' , '%s' , [ rfIgnoreCase] ) ;
if eDisabled then
eItem : = '\d' + eItem
eItem : = '\w' + eItem;
Result : = eItem + '^n' ;
end ;
var i: integer ;
eStr: TStringList;
ePlayersFrom, ePlayersTo: Integer ; // Players
ePlayerFormat: String ;
eNext, eExit: Integer ; // Next and Back/Exit
eNextText, eBackText, eExitText: String ;
eCurLineIndex: Integer ; // Current ..
eCurLine: String ; // .. line
DefinedKeys: String ; // Action Keys
Result : = GetFirst( 'public Show' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text , True ) = - 1 ;
if not Result then begin
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, 'Menu already exists. Please choose another name.' , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
end ;
Kick player
$ players( 1 , 8 , % n. % v)
$ next( 9 , 9 . Next)
$ex itorback( 0 , 0 . Exit, 0 . Back)
eCurLine : = frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ 0 ] ;
eCurLineIndex : = 0 ;
eNext : = - 1 ;
eExit : = - 1 ;
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
// Prepare Values
{ Players }
eCurLineIndex : = GetFirst( '$players' , False ) ;
eCurLine : = frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ eCurLineIndex] ;
ePlayersFrom : = StrToInt( Between( LowerCase( Trim( eCurLine) ) , '$players(' , ',' ) ) ;
ePlayersTo : = StrToInt( Between( Trim( LowerCase( eCurLine) ) , ',' , ',' ) ) ;
while CountChars( eCurLine, ',' ) > 1 do
Delete( eCurLine, 1 , 1 ) ;
ePlayerFormat : = Between( LowerCase( eCurLine) , ',' , ')' ) ;
{ Next }
if GetFirst( '$next' , False ) < > - 1 then begin
eCurLineIndex : = GetFirst( '$next' , False ) ;
eCurLine : = frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ eCurLineIndex] ;
eNext : = StrToInt( Trim( Between( eCurLine, '(' , ',' ) ) ) ;
eNextText : = Between( eCurLine, ',' , ')' ) ;
end ;
{ Exit or Back }
if GetFirst( '$exitorback' , False ) < > - 1 then begin
eCurLineIndex : = GetFirst( '$exitorback' , False ) ;
eCurLine : = frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ eCurLineIndex] ;
eExit : = StrToInt( Trim( Between( eCurLine, '(' , ',' ) ) ) ;
eExitText : = Between( eCurLine, ',' , ',' ) ;
while CountChars( eCurLine, ',' ) > 1 do
Delete( eCurLine, 1 , 1 ) ;
eBackText : = Between( eCurLine, ',' , ')' ) ;
end ;
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, PChar( Format( 'Syntax error at line %s: ' + #13 + '%s' , [ IntToStr( eCurLineIndex + 1 ) , frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ eCurLineIndex] ] ) ) , 'Error' , MB_ICONERROR) ;
Result : = False ;
end ;
// Check Keys
{ Players }
if ( ePlayersFrom < 0 ) or ( ePlayersFrom > ePlayersTo) then begin
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, 'Invalid start key (players)' , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Result : = False ;
end ;
if ( ePlayersTo < 0 ) or ( ePlayersTo > 9 ) then begin
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, 'Invalid stop key (players)' , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Result : = False ;
end ;
{ Next, Exit and Custom keys}
eCurLine : = '' ;
for i : = ePlayersFrom to ePlayersTo do
eCurLine : = eCurLine + IntToStr( i) ;
if Pos( IntToStr( eNext) , eCurLine) > 0 then begin
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, PChar( Format( '"Next" key already in use (%s). Delete it or choose another one and try again.' , [ IntToStr( eNext) ] ) ) , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Result : = False ;
end ;
if Pos( IntToStr( eExit) , eCurLine) > 0 then begin
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, PChar( Format( '"Exit" key already in use (%s). Delete it or choose another one and try again.' , [ IntToStr( eExit) ] ) ) , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Result : = False ;
end ;
eCurLine : = eCurLine + IntToStr( eNext) ;
eCurLine : = eCurLine + IntToStr( eExit) ;
// Insert Code
{ Includes }
AddIfDoesntExist( 'amxmodx' ) ;
AddIfDoesntExist( 'amxmisc' ) ;
{ Define Keys }
DefinedKeys : = '' ;
if Length( eCurLine) < > 0 then begin
for i : = 1 to Length( eCurLine) do begin
if eCurLine[ i] = '0' then
DefinedKeys : = DefinedKeys + '|(1<<9)'
else begin
eCurLine[ i] : = IntToStr( StrToInt( eCurLine[ i] ) - 1 ) [ 1 ] ;
DefinedKeys : = DefinedKeys + '|(1<<' + eCurLine[ i] + ')' ;
end ;
end ;
Delete( DefinedKeys, 1 , 1 ) ;
end ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
i : = GetLast( '#define' , True ) + 1 ;
if i = 0 then
i : = GetLast( '#include' , True ) + 1 ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i, Format( '#define Keys%s %s' , [ frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text , DefinedKeys] ) ) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i + 1 , '' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i + 2 , 'new MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i + 3 , 'new MenuPlayers' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '[32]' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
{ Register }
i : = GetFirst( 'register_plugin' , True ) + 2 ;
if i = 1 then
i : = GetFirst( 'public plugin_init()' , True ) + 2 ;
if i = 1 then begin
eStr. Clear;
eStr. Add( 'public plugin_init() {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' register_menucmd(register_menuid("' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '"), Keys' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', "Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( GetFirst( '#define' , True ) + 2 , '' ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( GetFirst( '#define' , True ) + 3 , eStr. Text ) ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i, ' register_menucmd(register_menuid("' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '"), Keys' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', "Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
{ Show Menu Functions (thx to xeroblood for code example) }
eStr. Clear;
eStr. Add( 'public Show' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ' = 0)' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' return PLUGIN_HANDLED' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, position) {' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr. Add( ' // Menu stuff //' ) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' if (position < 0) { return 0; }' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new i, k' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new MenuBody[255]' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new CurrentKey = ' + IntToStr( ePlayersFrom - 1 ) ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new Start = position * ' + IntToStr( ePlayersTo - ePlayersFrom) ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new Num' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new UserName[32]' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' get_players(MenuPlayers' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ', Num)' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' if (Start >= Num) { Start = position = MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ' = 0; }' ) ;
eCurLine : = GetColoredMenu;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
eCurLine : = Copy( eCurLine, 1 , Pos( '$players' , eCurLine) - 5 ) ;
Insert( '\R%d/%d' , eCurLine, Pos( '^n' , eCurLine) ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' new Len = format(MenuBody, 255, "' + eCurLine + '", position+1, (Num / ' + IntToStr( ePlayersTo - ePlayersFrom) + ' + ((Num % ' + IntToStr( ePlayersTo - ePlayersFrom) + ') ? 1 : 0 )) )' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new End = Start + ' + IntToStr( ePlayersTo - ePlayersFrom) ) ;
if eExit = 0 then
eStr. Add( ' new Keys = (1<<9)' )
eStr. Add( ' new Keys = (1<<' + IntToStr( eExit - 1 ) + ')' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' if (End > Num) { End = Num; }' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' for(i=Start;i<End;i++) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' k = MenuPlayers' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '[i]' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' get_user_name(k, UserName, 31)' ) ;
// Any conditions?
// if (frmMenuGenerator.chkImmunity.Checked) and (frmMenuGenerator.chkAlive.Checked) then
// eStr.Add(' if ((get_user_flags(k) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY) || !is_user_alive(k)) {')
// else if (frmMenuGenerator.chkImmunity.Checked) then
// eStr.Add(' if (get_user_flags(k) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY) {')
// else if (frmMenuGenerator.chkAlive.Checked) then
// eStr.Add(' if (!is_user_alive(k)) {');
// if (frmMenuGenerator.chkImmunity.Checked) or (frmMenuGenerator.chkAlive.Checked) then begin
// eStr.Add(' CurrentKey++');
// eStr.Add(' Len += format(MenuBody[Len], (255-Len), "' + PrepareItem(ePlayerFormat, True) + '", CurrentKey, UserName)');
// eStr.Add(' }');
// eStr.Add(' else {');
// eStr.Add(' Keys |= (1<<CurrentKey++)');
// eStr.Add(' Len += format(MenuBody[Len], (255-Len), "' + PrepareItem(ePlayerFormat, False) + '", CurrentKey, UserName)');
// eStr.Add(' }');
// end
// else begin
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' Keys |= (1<<CurrentKey++)' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' Len += format(MenuBody[Len], (255-Len), "' + PrepareItem( e PlayerFormat, False ) + '", CurrentKey, UserName)' ) ;
// end;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' if (End != Num) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' format(MenuBody[Len], (255-Len), "^n\w' + eNextText + '^n%s", position ? "\w' + eBackText + '" : "\w' + eExitText + '")' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' Keys |= (1<<' + IntToStr( eNext - 1 ) + ')' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' else {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' format(MenuBody[Len], (255-Len), "^n%s", position ? "\w' + eBackText + '" : "\w' + eExitText + '")' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
2005-11-06 14:52:50 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' show_menu(id, Keys, MenuBody, -1, "' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '")' ) ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
eStr. Add( ' return 0' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( 'public Pressed' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, key) {' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' switch (key) {' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then begin
if eNext < > 0 then
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( eNext - 1 ) + ': ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, ++MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ') // More Option' )
eStr. Add( ' case 9: ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, ++MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ') // More Option' ) ;
if eExit < > 0 then
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( eExit - 1 ) + ': ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, --MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ') // Back Option' )
eStr. Add( ' case 9: ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, --MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ') // Back Option' ) ;
else begin
if eNext < > 0 then
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( eNext - 1 ) + ': ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, ++MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ')' )
eStr. Add( ' case 9: ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, ++MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ')' ) ;
if eExit < > 0 then
eStr. Add( ' case ' + IntToStr( eExit - 1 ) + ': ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, --MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ')' )
eStr. Add( ' case 9: ShowMenu' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '(id, --MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ')' ) ;
end ;
eStr. Add( ' default: {' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr. Add( ' // Get User ID and Username' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new PlayerID = MenuPlayers' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + '[MenuPos' + frmMenuGenerator. txtMenuName. Text + ' * ' + IntToStr( ePlayersTo - ePlayersFrom) + ' + key]' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' new UserName[32]' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' get_user_name(PlayerID, UserName, 31)' ) ;
if frmMenuGenerator. chkAddComment. Checked then
eStr. Add( ' // Do actions here' )
eStr. Add( ' ' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' }' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' return PLUGIN_HANDLED' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Text : = frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Text + #13 + eStr. Text ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
MessageBox( frmMenuGenerator. Handle, PChar( 'An error occured while inserting code!' ) , 'Warning' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
end ;
eStr. Free;
2005-11-19 19:46:29 +00:00
frmMain. mnuModified. Caption : = lModified;
ActiveDoc. Modified : = True ;
2005-08-26 18:29:39 +00:00
end ;
{ Functions }
function GetFirst( eStart: String ; eSearchMain: Boolean ) : Integer ;
var i: integer ;
eStart : = LowerCase( Trim( eStart) ) ;
Result : = - 1 ;
if eSearchMain then begin
for i : = 0 to frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if Pos( eStart, LowerCase( Trim( frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] ) ) ) = 1 then begin
Result : = i;
end ;
end ;
else begin
for i : = 0 to frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if Pos( eStart, LowerCase( Trim( frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ i] ) ) ) = 1 then begin
Result : = i;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
function GetLast( eStart: String ; eSearchMain: Boolean ) : Integer ;
var i: integer ;
eStart : = LowerCase( Trim( eStart) ) ;
Result : = - 1 ;
if eSearchMain then begin
for i : = 0 to frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if Pos( eStart, LowerCase( Trim( frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] ) ) ) = 1 then
Result : = i;
end ;
else begin
for i : = 0 to frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if Pos( eStart, LowerCase( Trim( frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines[ i] ) ) ) = 1 then
Result : = i;
end ;
end ;
end ;
function AddIfDoesntExist( eInclude: String ) : Boolean ;
var i: integer ;
Result : = True ;
eInclude : = LowerCase( eInclude) ;
for i : = 0 to frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Count - 1 do begin
if ( Pos( '<' , frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] ) < > 0 ) or ( Pos( '"' , frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] ) < > 0 ) then begin
if LowerCase( Between( frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] , '<' , '>' ) ) = eInclude then
if LowerCase( Between( frmMain. sciEditor. Lines[ i] , '"' , '"' ) ) = eInclude then
end ;
end ;
i : = GetLast( '#include' , True ) ;
if i = - 1 then
i : = 0 ;
frmMain. sciEditor. Lines. Insert( i, '#include <' + eInclude + '>' ) ;
end ;
function GetColoredMenu: String ;
var i: integer ;
eCurColor: TColor;
eCurColor : = clWhite;
Result : = '' ;
for i : = 0 to Length( frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines. Text ) - 1 do begin
frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. SelStart : = i;
if frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. SelAttributes. Color < > eCurColor then begin
eCurColor : = frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. SelAttributes. Color;
case eCurColor of
clWhite : Result : = Result + '\w' ;
clYellow: Result : = Result + '\y' ;
clRed : Result : = Result + '\r' ;
clGray : Result : = Result + '\d' ;
end ;
end ;
Result : = Result + frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. Lines. Text [ i+ 1 ] ;
end ;
frmMenuGenerator. rtfMenu. SelStart : = 0 ;
Result : = StringReplace( Result , #13 , '^n' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
Result : = StringReplace( Result , #10 , '' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
end ;
function PluginInitLine: Integer ;
Result : = GetLine( 'register_concmd' , True , False ) ;
if Result = - 1 then
Result : = GetLine( 'register_clcmd' , True , False ) ;
if Result = - 1 then
Result : = GetLine( 'register_plugin' , True , True ) ;
if Result = - 1 then
Result : = GetLine( 'public plugin_init' , True , True ) ;
end ;
end .