2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
unit UnitfrmMain;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
2007-02-05 21:13:15 +00:00
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, mxFlatControls, JvPageList,
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
ExtCtrls, JvExControls, JvComponent, TFlatButtonUnit, jpeg, TFlatEditUnit,
TFlatGaugeUnit, ImgList, FileCtrl, Registry, CheckLst, TFlatComboBoxUnit,
TFlatCheckBoxUnit, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection,
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
IdTCPClient, IdFTP, IdException, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze,
2007-02-05 21:13:15 +00:00
IdIntercept, IdLogBase, IdLogFile, JclFileUtils, TFlatRadioButtonUnit;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
TfrmMain = class( TForm)
jplWizard: TJvPageList;
jspWelcome: TJvStandardPage;
pnlButtons: TPanel;
bvlSpace: TBevel;
cmdNext: TFlatButton;
cmdCancel: TFlatButton;
imgInstall: TImage;
lblWelcome: TLabel;
lblInfo1: TLabel;
lblInfo2: TLabel;
lblInfo3: TLabel;
jspLicense: TJvStandardPage;
pnlLicense: TPanel;
imgIcon1: TImage;
lblTitle1: TLabel;
lblSubTitle1: TLabel;
freLicense: TmxFlatRichEdit;
frbAgree: TFlatRadioButton;
ftbDontAgree: TFlatRadioButton;
jspInstallMethod: TJvStandardPage;
pnlHeader2: TPanel;
imgIcon2: TImage;
lblTitle2: TLabel;
lblSubTitle2: TLabel;
cmdBack: TFlatButton;
jspFTP: TJvStandardPage;
pnlHeader3: TPanel;
imgIcon3: TImage;
lblTitle3: TLabel;
lblSubTitle3: TLabel;
lblStep1: TLabel;
pnlFTPData: TPanel;
lblHost: TLabel;
txtHost: TFlatEdit;
lblUserName: TLabel;
txtUserName: TFlatEdit;
txtPassword: TFlatEdit;
lblPassword: TLabel;
txtPort: TFlatEdit;
lblPort: TLabel;
lblStep2: TLabel;
cmdConnect: TFlatButton;
pnlDirectory: TPanel;
trvDirectories: TTreeView;
jspInstallProgress: TJvStandardPage;
pnlHeader5: TPanel;
imgIcon5: TImage;
lblTitle5: TLabel;
lblSubTitle5: TLabel;
ggeAll: TFlatGauge;
lblProgress: TLabel;
ggeItem: TFlatGauge;
rtfDetails: TmxFlatRichEdit;
lblDetails: TLabel;
bvlSpace2: TBevel;
ilImages: TImageList;
bvlSpacer1: TBevel;
bvlSpacer2: TBevel;
bvlSpacer3: TBevel;
bvlSpacer5: TBevel;
jspSelectMod: TJvStandardPage;
pnlSelectMod: TPanel;
imgIcon6: TImage;
lblSelectMod: TLabel;
lblSelectModInfo: TLabel;
bvlSelectMod: TBevel;
lblInfo: TLabel;
chkPassive: TFlatCheckBox;
cmdProxySettings: TFlatButton;
IdAntiFreeze: TIdAntiFreeze;
lblStep4: TLabel;
cboGameAddon: TFlatComboBox;
tmrSpeed: TTimer;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
IdLogFile: TIdLogFile;
2006-02-02 10:07:00 +00:00
lblInfo4: TLabel;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
trvMods: TTreeView;
lblRemoteInstallation: TLabel;
lblRemoteHint: TLabel;
pnlRemote: TPanel;
frbFTP: TFlatRadioButton;
lblLocalHint: TLabel;
lblLocalInstallation: TLabel;
lblLocalHintItalic: TLabel;
2006-04-12 10:26:19 +00:00
pnlLocal: TPanel;
frbDedicatedServer: TFlatRadioButton;
frbListenServer: TFlatRadioButton;
frbStandaloneServer: TFlatRadioButton;
frbSelectMod: TFlatRadioButton;
2006-07-04 17:36:41 +00:00
shpMods: TShape;
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
lblSelectModNote: TLabel;
lblStep3: TLabel;
pnlOS: TPanel;
optWindows: TFlatRadioButton;
2013-02-13 01:20:11 -06:00
optLinux: TFlatRadioButton;
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
lblStep5: TLabel;
2006-07-04 17:36:41 +00:00
lblFTP: TLabel;
2013-02-13 01:20:11 -06:00
optMac: TFlatRadioButton;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
procedure jvwStepsCancelButtonClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdCancelClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdNextClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure CheckNext( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdBackClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdConnectClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure jplWizardChange( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure FormCreate( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure cmdProxySettingsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure txtPortChange( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure trvDirectoriesExpanded( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
procedure FormDestroy( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure IdFTPWork( Sender: TObject; AWorkMode: TWorkMode;
const AWorkCount: Integer ) ;
procedure FormClose( Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction) ;
procedure tmrSpeedTimer( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-08-01 00:19:25 +00:00
procedure trvDirectoriesExpanding( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
var AllowExpansion: Boolean ) ;
procedure trvDirectoriesCollapsing( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
var AllowCollapse: Boolean ) ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
procedure jspFTPShow( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-04-12 10:26:19 +00:00
procedure frbFTPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
procedure frbLocalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
procedure trvModsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
procedure trvDirectoriesMouseDown( Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
procedure trvDirectoriesChange( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
OldProgress: Integer ;
CurrProgress: Integer ;
procedure ExceptionHandler( Sender: TObject; E: Exception) ;
end ;
frmMain: TfrmMain;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
gMultiAccount: Boolean ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
2013-02-13 01:20:11 -06:00
const VERSION = '1.8.2' ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
uses UnitFunctions, UnitScanMods, UnitfrmProxy, UnitInstall,
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TfrmMain. jvwStepsCancelButtonClick( Sender: TObject) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdCancelClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspFTP) and ( cmdConnect. Caption = 'Connecting...' ) then begin
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
Cancel : = True ;
IdFTP. Disconnect;
// oh, hello BAILOPAN!
end ;
cmdCancel. Caption : = 'Close' ;
else if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspInstallProgress) then begin
if Cancel then
else if MessageBox( Handle, 'Do you really want to cancel the installation?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
Application. OnException : = ExceptionHandler;
Cancel : = True ;
if IdFTP. Connected then
IdFTP. Quit;
end ;
cmdCancel. Caption : = 'Close' ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdNextClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var ePath: String ;
eRegistry: TRegistry;
ChosenMod: TMod;
eStr: TStringList;
CurNode: TTreeNode;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
i, k: integer ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if jplWizard. ActivePage = jspFTP then begin
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
if not IdFTP. Connected then
IdFTP. Connect;
MessageBox( Handle, 'Cannot connect to server. Please check your connection and try again.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
{ FTP }
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
ePath : = '/' ;
CurNode : = trvDirectories. Selected;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
if ( Assigned( CurNode) ) then begin
ePath : = '/' + CurNode. Text + ePath;
CurNode : = CurNode. Parent;
until ( not Assigned( CurNode) ) ;
end ;
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
IdFTP. ChangeDir( ePath) ;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( 'Cannot change directory to "' + ePath + '". Please check your settings and try again.' ) , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
2006-05-13 20:49:37 +00:00
IdFTP. List( eStr, '' , False ) ;
// worst "exception" ever. bad indy!
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if eStr. IndexOf( 'liblist.gam' ) = - 1 then begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'Invalid directory. Please select your mod directory and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
eStr. Free;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
eStr. Free;
// design stuff
trvDirectories. Enabled : = False ;
cmdConnect. Enabled : = False ;
optWindows. Enabled : = False ;
2013-02-13 01:20:11 -06:00
optLinux. Enabled : = False ;
optMac. Enabled : = False ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
cboGameAddon. Enabled : = False ;
// preinstall...
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
MakeDir( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp' ) ;
DownloadFile( 'liblist.gam' , ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp\liblist.gam' ) ;
2006-09-11 16:53:26 +00:00
IdFTP. ChangeDir( ePath + 'addons/metamod/' ) ;
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
ForceDirectories( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp\addons\metamod\' ) ;
DownloadFile( 'plugins.ini' , ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp\addons\metamod\plugins.ini' ) ;
2006-09-11 16:53:26 +00:00
IdFTP. ChangeDir( ePath) ;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( 'Cannot change directory to "' + ePath + '". Please check your settings and try again.' ) , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
ChosenMod : = modNone;
case cboGameAddon. ItemIndex of
1 : ChosenMod : = modCS;
2 : ChosenMod : = modDoD;
3 : ChosenMod : = modNS;
4 : ChosenMod : = modTFC;
5 : ChosenMod : = modTS;
6 : ChosenMod : = modCS;
7 : ChosenMod : = modESF;
end ;
if optWindows. Checked then
eOS : = osWindows
2013-02-13 01:20:11 -06:00
else if optLinux. Checked then
eOS : = osLinux
eOS : = osMac;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
jspInstallProgress. Show;
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
frmMain. Height : = 3 8 2 ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
rtfDetails. Lines. Text : = 'Starting Pre-Installation, this may take a few minutes...' ;
rtfDetails. Lines. Add( '' ) ;
Sleep( 1 5 0 0 ) ;
ggeAll. Progress : = 0 ;
ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
cmdNext. Hide;
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
InstallCustom( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp\' , ChosenMod, eOS) ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
if Cancel then
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
AddStatus( '' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( '' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( '- - - - -' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( 'Uploading all files...' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( '' , clBlack, False ) ;
Sleep( 1 5 0 0 ) ;
// ... then upload ...
ggeAll. Progress : = 0 ;
ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
InstallFTP( ChosenMod, eOS) ;
else if jplWizard. ActivePage = jspInstallProgress then
else if jplWizard. ActivePage = jspSelectMod then begin
{ Dedicated Server }
if ( frbDedicatedServer. Checked) or ( frbStandaloneServer. Checked) then begin
jspInstallProgress. Show;
ChosenMod : = modNone;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
ePath : = LowerCase( GetModPathName( trvMods. Selected. Text ) ) ;
if gMultiAccount then
2007-08-12 21:24:27 +00:00
SteamPath : = GetSteamAppsDir + trvMods. Selected. Parent. Text + '\dedicated server\' ; // setting this path for a user with only one account is not necessary
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// ask for additional mods...
if ( ePath = 'cstrike' ) or ( ePath = 'czero' ) then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Counter-Strike addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modCS;
end ;
if ePath = 'dod' then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Day of Defeat addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modDoD;
end ;
if ePath = 'ns' then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Natural Selection addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modNS;
end ;
if ePath = 'tfc' then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Team Fortress Classic addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modTFC;
end ;
if ePath = 'ts' then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install The Specialists addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modTS;
end ;
2005-08-03 01:17:27 +00:00
if ePath = 'esf' then begin
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Earth' 's Special Forces addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modESF;
end ;
// install it
if frbDedicatedServer. Checked then begin
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + ePath) then
InstallDedicated( SteamPath + ePath + '\' , ChosenMod, True )
else begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'Error: The directory of the mod you selected doesn' 't exist any more. Run Dedicated Server with the chosen mod and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
Application. Terminate;
end ;
else begin
if DirectoryExists( StandaloneServer + ePath) then
InstallDedicated( StandaloneServer + ePath + '\' , ChosenMod, False )
else begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'Error: The directory of the mod you selected doesn' 't exist (any more). Run Half-Life Dedicated Server with the chosen mod again and restart.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONERROR) ;
Application. Terminate;
end ;
end ;
end ;
{ Listen Server }
if frbListenServer. Checked then begin
ChosenMod : = modNone;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
if gMultiAccount then
2007-08-12 21:24:27 +00:00
SteamPath : = GetSteamAppsDir + trvMods. Selected. Parent. Text + '\' ; // setting this path for a user with only one account is not necessary
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
ePath : = trvMods. Selected. Text ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + ePath + '\' + GetModPathName( ePath) ) then
ePath : = SteamPath + ePath + '\' + GetModPathName( ePath)
else if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + 'half-life\' + ePath) then
ePath : = SteamPath + 'half-life\' + ePath
else if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + 'half-life\' + GetModPathName( ePath) ) then
ePath : = SteamPath + 'half-life\' + GetModPathName( ePath)
else if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + GetModPathName( ePath) ) then
ePath : = SteamPath + GetModPathName( ePath) ;
if Pos( SteamPath, ePath) = 0 then
MessageBox( Handle, 'An error occured. Please report this bug to the AMX Mod X team and post a new thread on the forums of www.amxmodx.org.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONSTOP)
else begin
2006-07-22 01:06:32 +00:00
ePath : = LowerCase( ePath) ; // fixes case-sensivity bug
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if not FileExists( ePath + '\liblist.gam' ) then begin
2006-04-16 00:54:16 +00:00
// added for HLDM
if FileExists( ExtractFilePath( ePath) + 'liblist.gam' ) then
ePath : = ExtractFilePath( ePath)
else begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'You have to play this game once before installing AMX Mod X. Do that and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
jspInstallProgress. Show;
if ( Pos( '\cstrike' , ePath) < > Pos( '\counter-strike' , ePath) ) or ( Pos( '\condition zero' , ePath) < > Pos( 'czero' , ePath) ) then begin // Counter-Strike & Condition Zero
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Counter-Strike addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modCS;
else if Pos( '\day of defeat' , ePath) < > Pos( '\dod' , ePath) then begin // Day of Defeat
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Day of Defeat addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modDoD;
else if Pos( '\team fortress classic' , ePath) < > Pos( '\tfc' , ePath) then begin // Team Fortress Classic
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Team Fortress Classic addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modTFC;
else if Pos( 'half-life\ts' , ePath) < > 0 then begin // The Specialists
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install The Specialists addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modTS;
else if Pos( 'half-life\ns' , ePath) < > 0 then begin // Natural Selection
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Natural Selection addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modNS;
2006-07-22 01:06:32 +00:00
else if Pos( 'half-life\esf' , ePath) < > 0 then begin // Natural Selection
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Install Earth' 's Special Forces addon?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then
ChosenMod : = modESF;
end ;
2006-07-22 01:06:32 +00:00
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
ePath : = ePath + '\' ;
InstallListen( ePath, ChosenMod) ;
end ;
end ;
{ Custom mod below }
else if jplWizard. ActivePage < > jspInstallMethod then
jplWizard. NextPage
else begin
if frbDedicatedServer. Checked then begin // Dedicated Server
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
ePath : = GetSteamAppsDir;
if ePath = '' then
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't installed Steam yet! Download it at www.steampowered.com, install Dedicated Server and try again.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING)
else begin
trvMods. Items. Clear;
with GetSteamAccounts do begin
if Count = 1 then begin
gMultiAccount : = False ;
SteamPath : = ePath + Strings[ 0 ] + '\dedicated server\' ;
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath, False ) ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. Add( nil , eStr[ i] ) ;
eStr. Free;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
else begin
gMultiAccount : = True ;
for i : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
SteamPath : = ePath + Strings[ i] + '\dedicated server\' ;
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath) then begin
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath, False ) ;
2006-05-19 22:09:43 +00:00
if eStr. Count < > 0 then begin
CurNode : = trvMods. Items. Add( nil , Strings[ i] ) ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
2006-05-19 22:09:43 +00:00
for k : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. AddChild( CurNode, eStr[ k] ) ;
eStr. Free;
CurNode. Expand( False ) ;
end ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
if trvMods. Items. Count = 0 then
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't used dedicated server yet. Please start it once before installing AMX Mod X.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONERROR)
else begin
jspSelectMod. Show;
trvMods. Selected : = nil ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
else if frbListenServer. Checked then begin // Listen Server
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
ePath : = GetSteamAppsDir;
if ePath = '' then
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't installed Steam yet! Download it at www.steampowered.com, install Dedicated Server and try again.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING)
else begin
trvMods. Items. Clear;
with GetSteamAccounts do begin
if Count = 1 then begin
gMultiAccount : = False ;
SteamPath : = ePath + Strings[ 0 ] + '\' ;
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath, True ) ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. Add( nil , eStr[ i] ) ;
eStr. Free;
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + 'half-life' ) then begin
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath + 'half-life\' , False ) ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. Add( nil , eStr[ i] ) ;
eStr. Free;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
else begin
gMultiAccount : = True ;
for i : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
SteamPath : = ePath + Strings[ i] + '\' ;
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath) then begin
2006-05-19 22:09:43 +00:00
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath, False ) ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
CurNode : = trvMods. Items. Add( nil , Strings[ i] ) ;
for k : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. AddChild( CurNode, eStr[ k] ) ;
eStr. Free;
2006-05-19 22:09:43 +00:00
CurNode. Expand( False ) ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
if DirectoryExists( SteamPath + 'half-life' ) then begin
eStr : = GetAllMods( SteamPath + 'half-life' , False ) ;
for k : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. AddChild( CurNode, eStr[ k] ) ;
eStr. Free;
end ;
2006-05-19 22:09:43 +00:00
if CurNode. Count = 0 then
CurNode. Free;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
if trvMods. Items. Count = 0 then
2007-08-12 21:24:27 +00:00
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't installed any Steam games yet. It is necessary to do that if you want to install AMX Mod X on a listen server.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONERROR)
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
else begin
jspSelectMod. Show;
trvMods. Selected : = nil ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
else if frbStandaloneServer. Checked then begin // Standalone Server
eRegistry : = TRegistry. Create;
eRegistry. RootKey : = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
if eRegistry. OpenKey( 'Software\Valve\HLServer' , False ) then begin
StandaloneServer : = IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( eRegistry. ReadString( 'InstallPath' ) ) ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
if DirectoryExists( StandaloneServer) then begin
with GetAllMods( StandaloneServer, False ) do begin
gMultiAccount : = False ;
for i : = 0 to Count - 1 do
trvMods. Items. Add( nil , Strings[ i] ) ;
end ;
jspSelectMod. Show;
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't installed Half-Life Dedicated Server yet!' , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
MessageBox( Handle, 'You haven' 't installed Half-Life Dedicated Server yet!' , 'Error' , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
eRegistry. Free;
end ;
else if frbSelectMod. Checked then begin
{ Custom mod }
if frmSelectModPath. ShowModal = mrOk then begin
jspInstallProgress. Show;
ChosenMod : = modNone;
case frmSelectModPath. cboGameAddon. ItemIndex of
1 : ChosenMod : = modCS;
2 : ChosenMod : = modDoD;
3 : ChosenMod : = modNS;
4 : ChosenMod : = modTFC;
5 : ChosenMod : = modTS;
6 : ChosenMod : = modCS;
7 : ChosenMod : = modESF;
end ;
InstallCustom( frmSelectModPath. trvDirectory. SelectedFolder. PathName + '\' , ChosenMod, osWindows) ;
end ;
else if frbFTP. Checked then begin // FTP
2006-12-19 19:50:20 +00:00
frmMain. Height : = 4 2 1 ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
jspFTP. Show;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. CheckNext( Sender: TObject) ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = frbAgree. Checked;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdBackClick( Sender: TObject) ;
2006-06-05 23:20:59 +00:00
if jplWizard. ActivePage = jspFTP then begin
frmMain. Height : = 3 8 2 ;
jspInstallMethod. Show;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
else begin
jplWizard. PrevPage;
cmdBack. Visible : = jplWizard. ActivePageIndex < > 0 ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdConnectClick( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
eStr: TStringList;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
CurNode, HomeNode, OldNode: TTreeNode;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
Path: String ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
if ( Trim( txtHost. Text ) = '' ) or ( Trim( txtUsername. Text ) = '' ) then
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
MessageBox( Handle, 'Please fill in each field!' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING)
else if cmdConnect. Caption = 'Connect' then begin
// ... design stuff ...
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
cmdConnect. Enabled : = False ;
cmdProxySettings. Enabled : = False ;
txtHost. Enabled : = False ;
txtPort. Enabled : = False ;
txtUsername. Enabled : = False ;
txtPassword. Enabled : = False ;
chkPassive. Enabled : = False ;
cmdConnect. Caption : = 'Connecting...' ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
cmdCancel. Caption : = '&Cancel' ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// ... set values ...
IdFTP. Host : = txtHost. Text ;
IdFTP. Port : = StrToInt( txtPort. Text ) ;
IdFTP. Username : = txtUsername. Text ;
IdFTP. Passive : = chkPassive. Checked;
IdFTP. Password : = txtPassword. Text ;
// ... connect and check values etc ...
IdFTP. Connect( True , 1 5 0 0 0 ) ;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
// ... get initial directory ...
Path : = IdFTP. RetrieveCurrentDir;
// ... "fix" path ...
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
eStr. Text : = StringReplace( Path, '/' , #13 , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
for i : = eStr. Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
if eStr[ i] = '' then
eStr. Delete( i) ;
end ;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
if ( Copy( Path, Length( Path) - 1 , 1 ) < > '/' ) then
Path : = Path + '/' ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
// ... connect successful, change captions ...
trvDirectories. Enabled : = True ;
cmdConnect. Enabled : = True ;
cmdConnect. Caption : = 'Disconnect' ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
cmdCancel. Caption : = '&Close' ;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
cmdNext. Enabled : = True ;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
// ... change to / and create all the directories ...
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
HomeNode : = nil ;
if ( Path < > '/' ) then
2007-02-12 19:35:01 +00:00
IdFTP. ChangeDir( '/' ) ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
trvDirectories. Items. BeginUpdate;
with GetAllDirs do begin
for i : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
CurNode : = trvDirectories. Items. Add( nil , Strings[ i] ) ;
if ( Pos( '/' + CurNode. Text + '/' , Path) = 0 ) then begin
trvDirectories. Items. AddChild( CurNode, 'Scanning...' ) ;
CurNode. Data : = Pointer( 2 ) ;
else begin
HomeNode : = CurNode;
CurNode. Data : = Pointer( 1 ) ;
2007-02-12 19:35:01 +00:00
end ;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
trvDirectories. Items. EndUpdate;
trvDirectories. TopItem : = HomeNode;
IdFTP. ChangeDir( Path) ;
trvDirectories. Items. EndUpdate;
if ( IdFTP. Connected) then
IdFTP. ChangeDir( Path)
IdFTP. Connect;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
end ;
// ... find directories in start path ...
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
CurNode : = HomeNode;
OldNode : = nil ;
for i : = 1 to eStr. Count - 1 do begin
if ( Assigned( CurNode) ) then begin
CurNode : = trvDirectories. Items. AddChild( CurNode, eStr[ i] ) ;
if ( Assigned( OldNode) ) then
OldNode. Expand( False ) ;
CurNode. Data : = Pointer( 1 ) ;
OldNode : = CurNode;
2007-02-12 19:32:32 +00:00
end ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
if ( Assigned( CurNode) ) then begin
trvDirectories. Items. AddChild( CurNode, 'Scanning...' ) ;
CurNode. Data : = Pointer( 2 ) ;
end ;
// ... expand home node ...
if ( Assigned( HomeNode) ) and ( HomeNode < > CurNode) then begin
HomeNode. Data : = Pointer( 0 ) ;
trvDirectories. TopItem : = HomeNode;
HomeNode. Expand( False ) ;
HomeNode. Data : = Pointer( 1 ) ;
end ;
eStr. Free;
// ... scan for directories in home dir ...
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
if Assigned( CurNode) then
CurNode. Expand( False ) ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
trvDirectories. TopItem : = HomeNode;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
on E: Exception do begin
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// reset button properties
cmdConnect. Enabled : = True ;
txtHost. Enabled : = True ;
txtPort. Enabled : = True ;
txtUsername. Enabled : = True ;
txtPassword. Enabled : = True ;
chkPassive. Enabled : = True ;
cmdProxySettings. Enabled : = True ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
cmdConnect. Caption : = 'Connect' ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
cmdCancel. Caption : = '&Cancel' ;
if Cancel then begin
Cancel : = False ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// analyze messages
if Pos( 'Login incorrect.' , E. Message ) < > 0 then begin // login failed
MessageBox( Handle, 'Login incorrect. Check your FTP settings and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
txtUsername. SetFocus;
txtUsername. SelectAll;
else if Pos( 'Host not found.' , E. Message ) < > 0 then begin // host not found
MessageBox( Handle, 'The entered host couldn' 't be found. Check your settings and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
txtHost. SetFocus;
txtHost. SelectAll;
else if Pos( 'Connection refused.' , E. Message ) < > 0 then begin // wrong port (?)
MessageBox( Handle, 'The host refused the connection. Check your port and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
txtPort. SetFocus;
txtPort. SelectAll;
else if E is EIdProtocolReplyError then begin // wrong port
MessageBox( Handle, 'The port you entered is definitely wrong. Check it and try again.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ;
txtPort. SetFocus;
txtPort. SelectAll;
MessageBox( Handle, PChar( E. Message ) , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONWARNING) ; // unknown error
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// ... connect failed, leave procedure ...
end ;
end ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
else begin
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
IdFTP. Quit;
trvDirectories. Items. Clear;
trvDirectories. Enabled : = False ;
cmdConnect. Enabled : = True ;
cmdProxySettings. Enabled : = True ;
txtHost. Enabled : = True ;
txtPort. Enabled : = True ;
txtUsername. Enabled : = True ;
txtPassword. Enabled : = True ;
chkPassive. Enabled : = True ;
cmdConnect. Caption : = 'Connect' ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
cmdCancel. Caption : = '&Close' ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. jplWizardChange( Sender: TObject) ;
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspInstallProgress) then begin
cmdNext. Caption : = '&Finish' ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
cmdBack. Visible : = False ;
else begin
cmdNext. Caption : = '&Next >' ;
cmdNext. Enabled : = True ;
cmdBack. Visible : = jplWizard. ActivePageIndex < > 0 ;
end ;
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspLicense) then
cmdNext. Enabled : = frbAgree. Checked;
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspFTP) then
cmdNext. Enabled : = False ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. FormCreate( Sender: TObject) ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
if LowerCase( ParamStr( 1 ) ) = '-logftp' then begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'FTP installation will be logged to FTP.log!' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
IdLogFile. Filename : = ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'FTP.log' ;
2005-09-01 17:11:48 +00:00
IdLogFile. Active : = True ;
end ;
2007-08-11 14:06:03 +00:00
if not DirectoryExists( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'files\base' ) then begin
MessageBox( Handle, 'You cannot copy this program and then run it to install AMX Mod X. Please download and install the full AMX Mod X package and start this installer again from the start menu.' , 'Error' , MB_ICONERROR) ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
Application. Terminate;
else begin
FileList : = TStringList. Create;
DirList : = TStringList. Create;
rtfDetails. Clear;
end ;
2006-09-13 21:11:53 +00:00
2006-09-16 23:26:24 +00:00
// delete files, then directories
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
if ( DirectoryExists( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp' ) ) then
DelTree( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp' ) ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. cmdProxySettingsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
frmProxy. ShowModal;
// Apply Proxy Settings
case frmProxy. cboProxy. ItemIndex of
0 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmNone; // none
1 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmHttpProxyWithFtp; // HTTP Proxy with FTP
2 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmOpen; // Open
3 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmSite; // Site
4 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmTransparent; // Transparent
5 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmUserPass; // User (Password)
6 : IdFTP. ProxySettings. ProxyType : = fpcmUserSite; // User (Site)
end ;
IdFTP. ProxySettings. Host : = frmProxy. txtHost. Text ;
IdFTP. ProxySettings. UserName : = frmProxy. txtPort. Text ;
IdFTP. ProxySettings. Password : = frmProxy. txtPassword. Text ;
IdFTP. ProxySettings. Port : = StrToInt( frmProxy. txtPort. Text ) ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. txtPortChange( Sender: TObject) ;
var i: integer ;
if txtPort. Text = '' then
txtPort. Text : = '21'
else begin
// check if value is numeric...
for i : = Length( txtPort. Text ) downto 1 do begin
if Pos( txtPort. Text [ i] , '0123456789' ) = 0 then begin
txtPort. Text : = '21' ;
txtPort. SelStart : = 4 ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. trvDirectoriesExpanded( Sender: TObject;
Node: TTreeNode) ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
function NodeExists( const SNode: TTreeNode; const Text : String ) : Boolean ;
var i: integer ;
Result : = False ;
for i : = 0 to SNode. Count - 1 do begin
if ( SNode. Item[ i] . Text = Text ) then begin
Result : = True ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
var ePath: String ;
CurNode: TTreeNode;
i: integer ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
if ( Integer( Node. Data) < > 0 ) then begin // no directories added yet
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
// get complete path
ePath : = '/' ;
CurNode : = Node;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
if ( Assigned( CurNode) ) then begin
ePath : = '/' + CurNode. Text + ePath;
CurNode : = CurNode. Parent;
until ( not Assigned( CurNode) ) ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
// change dir and add directories in it
IdFTP. ChangeDir( ePath) ;
with GetAllDirs do begin
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
if ( Integer( Node. Data) = 2 ) and ( Node. Count > 0 ) then
Node. Item[ 0 ] . Free;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
for i : = 0 to Count - 1 do begin
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
if ( not NodeExists( Node, Strings[ i] ) ) then begin
CurNode : = trvDirectories. Items. AddChild( Node, Strings[ i] ) ;
trvDirectories. Items. AddChild( CurNode, 'Scanning...' ) ;
CurNode. Data : = Pointer( 2 ) ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
if ( Integer( Node. Data) = 2 ) and ( Node. Count > 0 ) then
Node. Item[ 0 ] . Free;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
Node. Data : = Pointer( 0 ) ; // scan done
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. FormDestroy( Sender: TObject) ;
FileList. Free;
DirList. Free;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. IdFTPWork( Sender: TObject; AWorkMode: TWorkMode;
const AWorkCount: Integer ) ;
if AWorkCount > 1 5 then begin
ggeItem. Progress : = AWorkCount;
CurrProgress : = AWorkCount;
end ;
if Cancel then
IdFTP. Abort;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. FormClose( Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction) ;
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspFTP) and ( IdFTP. Connected) then
IdFTP. Quit;
if ( jplWizard. ActivePage = jspInstallProgress) and ( ggeAll. Progress < > ggeAll. MaxValue) and ( not Cancel) then begin
if MessageBox( Handle, 'Do you really want to cancel the installation?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
Application. OnException : = ExceptionHandler;
Cancel : = True ;
if IdFTP. Connected then
IdFTP. Quit;
2006-09-16 23:26:24 +00:00
else begin
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
Action : = caNone;
2006-09-16 23:26:24 +00:00
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
2006-09-16 23:26:24 +00:00
2007-03-05 21:37:48 +00:00
if ( DirectoryExists( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp' ) ) then
DelTree( ExtractFilePath( Application. ExeName) + 'temp' ) ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. ExceptionHandler( Sender: TObject; E: Exception) ;
// we don't want any exceptions after close, so leave this empty
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. tmrSpeedTimer( Sender: TObject) ;
Caption : = CalcSpeed( OldProgress, CurrProgress) ;
OldProgress : = CurrProgress;
end ;
2005-08-01 00:19:25 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. trvDirectoriesExpanding( Sender: TObject;
Node: TTreeNode; var AllowExpansion: Boolean ) ;
Node. ImageIndex : = 1 ;
Node. SelectedIndex : = 1 ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. trvDirectoriesCollapsing( Sender: TObject;
Node: TTreeNode; var AllowCollapse: Boolean ) ;
Node. ImageIndex : = 0 ;
Node. SelectedIndex : = 0 ;
end ;
2006-01-29 17:24:49 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. jspFTPShow( Sender: TObject) ;
Cancel : = False ;
end ;
2006-04-12 10:26:19 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. frbFTPClick( Sender: TObject) ;
frbDedicatedServer. Checked : = False ;
frbListenServer. Checked : = False ;
frbStandaloneServer. Checked : = False ;
frbSelectMod. Checked : = False ;
end ;
procedure TfrmMain. frbLocalClick( Sender: TObject) ;
frbFTP. Checked : = False ;
end ;
2006-04-16 00:25:49 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. trvModsClick( Sender: TObject) ;
if gMultiAccount then
cmdNext. Enabled : = ( Assigned( trvMods. Selected) ) and ( Assigned( trvMods. Selected. Parent) )
cmdNext. Enabled : = ( Assigned( trvMods. Selected) ) ;
end ;
2006-12-09 18:23:52 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. trvDirectoriesMouseDown( Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ) ;
var Node: TTreeNode;
Node : = trvDirectories. GetNodeAt( X, Y) ;
if ( Assigned( Node) ) then begin
if ( Node. DisplayRect( True ) . Right < X) then
trvDirectories. Selected : = nil ;
end ;
end ;
2007-03-07 20:38:42 +00:00
procedure TfrmMain. trvDirectoriesChange( Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode) ;
if ( Screen. Cursor < > crHourGlass) and ( Assigned( Node) ) and ( Integer( Node. Data) = 1 ) then
Node. Expand( False ) ;
end ;
2005-07-21 23:08:23 +00:00
end .