Cvars: Moving cvars stuffs in its own files
cvars.cpp renamed to CvarManager.cpp all cvars natives moved to a new cvars.cpp file Pawn include is updated as wall.
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ binary.sources = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
#include "CvarManager.h"
#include "amxmodx.h"
#include <CDetour/detours.h>
CvarManager g_CvarManager;
* Returns true to call original function, otherwise false to block it.
bool Cvar_DirectSet_Custom(cvar_t* var, const char* value)
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
if (!var || !value // Sanity checks against bogus pointers.
|| strcmp(var->string, value) == 0 // Make sure old and new values are different to not trigger callbacks.
|| !g_CvarManager.CacheLookup(var->name, &info) // No data in cache, nothing to call.
|| info->hooks.empty()) // No hooked cvars, nothing to call.
return true;
int lastResult = 0;
int result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < info->hooks.length(); ++i)
CvarPlugin* p = info->hooks[i];
if (p->forward->state == Forward::FSTATE_OK) // Our callback can be enable/disabled by natives.
result = executeForwards(p->forward->id, reinterpret_cast<cvar_t*>(var), var->string, value);
if (result >= lastResult)
lastResult = result;
return !!!lastResult;
DETOUR_DECL_STATIC2(Cvar_DirectSet, void, struct cvar_s*, var, const char*, value)
if (Cvar_DirectSet_Custom(var, value))
DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(Cvar_DirectSet)(var, value);
CvarManager::CvarManager() : m_AmxmodxCvars(0), m_HookDetour(nullptr)
void CvarManager::CreateCvarHook(void)
// void PF_Cvar_DirectSet(struct cvar_s *var, const char *value) // = pfnCvar_DirectSet
// {
// Cvar_DirectSet(var, value); // <- We want to hook this.
// }
byte *baseAddress = (byte *)g_engfuncs.pfnCvar_DirectSet;
uintptr_t *functionAddress = nullptr;
#if defined(WIN32)
// 55 push ebp
// 8B EC mov ebp, esp
// 8B 45 0C mov eax, [ebp+arg_4]
// 8B 4D 08 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
// 50 push eax
// 51 push ecx
// E8 XX XX XX XX call Cvar_DirectSet
const byte opcodeJump = 0xE8;
// E9 XX XX XX XX jmp Cvar_DirectSet
const byte opcodeJump = 0xE9;
const byte opcodeJumpSize = 5;
const byte opcodeJumpByteSize = 1;
const int maxBytesLimit = 20;
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxBytesLimit; ++i, ++baseAddress)
if (*baseAddress == opcodeJump)
functionAddress = (uintptr_t *)(&baseAddress[opcodeJumpSize] + *(uintptr_t *)&baseAddress[opcodeJumpByteSize]);
if (functionAddress)
m_HookDetour = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC_FIXED(Cvar_DirectSet, (void *)functionAddress);
if (m_HookDetour)
cvar_t* CvarManager::CreateCvar(const char* name, const char* value, float fvalue, int flags, const char* plugin, int plugnId)
cvar_t* var = nullptr;
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
if (!CacheLookup(name, &info))
// Not cached - Is cvar already exist?
var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name);
// Whether it exists, we need to prepare a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
// Shared datas.
info->name = name;
info->plugin = plugin;
info->pluginId = plugnId;
if (var)
// Cvar already exists. Just copy.
// "string" will be set after. "value" and "next" are automatically set.
info->var = var;
info->defaultval = var->string;
info->amxmodx = false;
// Registers a new cvar.
static cvar_t cvar_reg_helper;
// "string" will be set after. "value" and "next" are automatically set.
|||| = info->name.chars();
cvar_reg_helper.string = "";
cvar_reg_helper.flags = flags;
// Adds cvar to global list.
// Registering can fail if name is already a registered command.
var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name);
// If so, we can't go further.
if (!var)
delete info;
return nullptr;
// If ok, we got a valid pointer, we can copy.
info->var = var;
info->defaultval = value;
info->amxmodx = true;
// Keeps track count of cvars registered by AMXX.
// Add a new entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(name, info);
// Make sure that whether an existing or new cvar is set to the given value.
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, value);
return info->var;
cvar_t* CvarManager::FindCvar(const char* name)
cvar_t* var = nullptr;
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
// Do we have already cvar in cache?
if (CacheLookup(name, &info))
return info->var;
// Cvar doesn't exist.
if (!(var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name)))
return nullptr;
// Create a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
info->var = var;
info->name = name;
info->plugin = "";
info->pluginId = -1;
info->amxmodx = false;
// Add entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(name, info);
return var;
CvarInfo* CvarManager::FindCvar(size_t index)
// Used by get_plugins_cvar native.
// For compatibility, only cvars registered by AMXX are concerned.
size_t iter_id = 0;
for (CvarsList::iterator iter = m_Cvars.begin(); iter != m_Cvars.end(); iter++)
if (iter->amxmodx && iter_id++ == index)
return *(iter);
return nullptr;
bool CvarManager::CacheLookup(const char* name, CvarInfo** info)
return m_Cache.retrieve(name, info);
Forward* CvarManager::HookCvarChange(cvar_t* var, AMX* amx, cell param, const char** callback)
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
// A cvar is guaranteed to be in cache if pointer is got from
// get_cvar_pointer and register_cvar natives. Though it might be
// provided by another way. If by any chance we run in such
// situation, we create a new entry right now.
if (!CacheLookup(var->name, &info))
// Create a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
info->var = var;
info->name = var->name;
info->plugin = "";
info->pluginId = -1;
info->amxmodx = false;
// Add entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(info->name.chars(), info);
int length;
*callback = get_amxstring(amx, param, 0, length);
int forwardId = registerSPForwardByName(amx, *callback, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_DONE);
// Invalid callback, it could be: not a public function, wrongly named, or simply missing.
if (forwardId == -1)
return nullptr;
// Detour is disabled on map change.
Forward* forward = new Forward(forwardId, *callback);
info->hooks.append(new CvarPlugin(g_plugins.findPlugin(amx)->getId(), forward));
return forward;
size_t CvarManager::GetRegCvarsCount()
return m_AmxmodxCvars;
void CvarManager::OnConsoleCommand()
print_srvconsole("Registered cvars:\n");
print_srvconsole(" %-24.23s %-24.23s %-16.15s\n", "name", "value", "plugin");
size_t index = 0;
ke::AString pluginName;
if (CMD_ARGC() > 2) // Searching for cvars registered to a plugin
pluginName = CMD_ARGV(2);
for (CvarsList::iterator iter = m_Cvars.begin(); iter != m_Cvars.end(); iter++)
CvarInfo* ci = (*iter);
if (ci->amxmodx && (!pluginName.length() || strncmp(ci->name.chars(), pluginName.chars(), pluginName.length()) == 0))
print_srvconsole(" [%3d] %-24.23s %-24.23s %-16.15s\n", ++index, ci->name.chars(), ci->var->string, ci->plugin.chars());
void CvarManager::OnPluginUnloaded()
// Clear only plugin hooks list.
for (CvarsList::iterator cvar = m_Cvars.begin(); cvar != m_Cvars.end(); cvar++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*cvar)->hooks.length(); ++i)
delete (*cvar)->hooks[i];
// There is no point to enable detour if at next map change
// no plugins hook cvars.
void CvarManager::OnAmxxShutdown()
// Free everything.
for (CvarsList::iterator cvar = m_Cvars.begin(); cvar != m_Cvars.end(); cvar = m_Cvars.erase(cvar))
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*cvar)->hooks.length(); ++i)
delete (*cvar)->hooks[i];
delete (*cvar);
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ OBJECTS = meta_api.cpp CFile.cpp CVault.cpp vault.cpp float.cpp file.cpp modules
optimizer.cpp format.cpp messages.cpp libraries.cpp vector.cpp sorting.cpp \
nongpl_matches.cpp CFlagManager.cpp datastructs.cpp \
trie_natives.cpp CDataPack.cpp datapacks.cpp stackstructs.cpp \
CTextParsers.cpp textparse.cpp \
CTextParsers.cpp textparse.cpp CvarManager.cpp cvars.cpp \
../public/memtools/CDetour/detours.cpp ../public/memtools/CDetour/asm/asm.c
@ -22,25 +22,6 @@
extern CFlagManager FlagMan;
CVector<CAdminData *> DynamicAdmins;
char CVarTempBuffer[64];
const char *invis_cvar_list[5] = {"amxmodx_version", "amxmodx_modules", "amx_debug", "amx_mldebug", "amx_client_languages"};
bool CheckBadConList(const char *cvar, int type)
int i = 0;
while (NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].cvar != NULL)
if (NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].type == type
&& strcmp(NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].cvar, cvar) == 0)
return true;
return false;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_xvar_id(AMX *amx, cell *params)
@ -112,36 +93,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL emit_sound(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 7 param */
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL enable_cvar_hook(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 7 param */
Forward* forward = reinterpret_cast<Forward*>(params[1]);
if (!forward)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar hook handle: %p", forward);
return 0;
forward->state = Forward::FSTATE_OK;
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL disable_cvar_hook(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 7 param */
Forward* forward = reinterpret_cast<Forward*>(params[1]);
if (!forward)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar hook handle: %p", forward);
return 0;
forward->state = Forward::FSTATE_STOP;
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL server_print(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
int len;
@ -1939,170 +1890,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL client_cmd(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 2 param */
return len;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return set_amxstring_utf8(amx, params[2], ptr->string ? ptr->string : "", ptr->string ? strlen(ptr->string) : 0, params[3] + 1); // EOS
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 3 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
const char *value = var ? var->string : "";
length = var ? strlen(value) : 0;
return set_amxstring_utf8(amx, params[2], value, length, params[3] + 1); // + EOS
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return amx_ftoc(ptr->value);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return var ? amx_ftoc(var->value) : 0;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%f", amx_ctof(params[2]));
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 2 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%f", amx_ctof(params[2]));
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return (int)ptr->value;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return var ? (int)var->value : 0;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 2 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
int value = params[2];
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%d", value);
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 2 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 1, length));
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 2 param */
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
int len;
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, get_amxstring(amx,params[2],0,len));
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL log_message(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
int len;
@ -2655,33 +2442,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL task_exists(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
return g_tasksMngr.taskExists(params[1], params[2] ? 0 : amx);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL cvar_exists(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
int ilen;
return (g_CvarManager.FindCvar(get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen)) ? 1 : 0);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL register_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 3 param */
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
const char* value = get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 1, length);
int flags = params[3];
float fvalue = amx_ctof(params[4]);
CPluginMngr::CPlugin *plugin = g_plugins.findPluginFast(amx);
if (CheckBadConList(name, 0))
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.CreateCvar(name, value, fvalue, flags, plugin->getName(), plugin->getId());
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(var);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_ping(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 3 param */
int index = params[1];
@ -3067,30 +2827,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL remove_quotes(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 1 param */
return 0;
//native get_plugins_cvar(id, name[], namelen, &flags=0, &plugin_id=0, &pcvar_handle=0);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_plugins_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params)
CvarInfo* info = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(params[1]);
if (info)
set_amxstring(amx, params[2], info->name.chars(), params[3]);
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[4]) = info->var->flags;
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[5]) = info->pluginId;
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[6]) = reinterpret_cast<cell>(info->var);
return 1;
return 0;
//native get_plugins_cvarsnum();
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_plugins_cvarsnum(AMX *amx, cell *params)
return g_CvarManager.GetRegCvarsCount();
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_aiming(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 4 param */
int index = params[1];
@ -3134,80 +2870,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_aiming(AMX *amx, cell *params) /* 4 param *
return amx_ftoc(pfloat);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL remove_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
if (!strcmp(sCvar, "amx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "amxmodx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "fun_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "sv_cheats"))
return 0;
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
if (pCvar)
pCvar->flags &= ~((int)(params[2]));
return 1;
return 0;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return ptr->flags;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
return pCvar ? pCvar->flags : 0;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
ptr->flags = static_cast<int>(params[2]);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
if (!strcmp(sCvar, "amx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "amxmodx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "fun_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "sv_cheats"))
return 0;
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
if (pCvar)
pCvar->flags |= (int)(params[2]);
return 1;
return 0;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL force_unmodified(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int a;
@ -4156,102 +3818,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL int3(AMX *amx, cell *params)
#if defined AMD64
static bool g_warned_ccqv = false;
// native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultfunc[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL query_client_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int numParams = params[0] / sizeof(cell);
if (numParams != 3 && numParams != 5)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid number of parameters passed!");
return 0;
#if defined AMD64
if (!g_warned_ccqv)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMXX] Client CVAR Querying is not available on AMD64 (one time warn)");
g_warned_ccqv = true;
return 0;
if (!g_NewDLL_Available)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Client CVAR querying is not enabled - check MM version!");
return 0;
int id = params[1];
if (id < 1 || id > gpGlobals->maxClients)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid player id %d", id);
return 0;
CPlayer *pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(id);
if (!pPlayer->initialized || pPlayer->IsBot())
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Player %d is either not connected or a bot", id);
return 0;
int dummy;
const char *cvarname = get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 0, dummy);
const char *resultfuncname = get_amxstring(amx, params[3], 1, dummy);
// public clientcvarquery_result(id, const cvar[], const result[], [const param[]])
int iFunc;
if (numParams == 5 && params[4] != 0)
iFunc = registerSPForwardByName(amx, resultfuncname, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_ARRAY, FP_DONE);
iFunc = registerSPForwardByName(amx, resultfuncname, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_DONE);
if (iFunc == -1)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Function \"%s\" is not present", resultfuncname);
return 0;
ClientCvarQuery_Info *queryObject = new ClientCvarQuery_Info;
queryObject->resultFwd = iFunc;
queryObject->requestId = MAKE_REQUESTID(PLID);
if (numParams == 5 && params[4] != 0)
queryObject->paramLen = params[4] + 1;
queryObject->params = new cell[queryObject->paramLen];
if (!queryObject->params)
delete queryObject;
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_MEMORY, "Hmm. Out of memory?");
return 0;
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(queryObject->params), reinterpret_cast<const void *>(get_amxaddr(amx, params[5])), queryObject->paramLen * sizeof(cell));
queryObject->params[queryObject->paramLen - 1] = 0;
} else {
queryObject->params = NULL;
queryObject->paramLen = 0;
QUERY_CLIENT_CVAR_VALUE2(pPlayer->pEdict, cvarname, queryObject->requestId);
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL amx_abort(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int err = params[1];
@ -4480,16 +4046,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL DestroyForward(AMX *amx, cell *params)
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_pointer(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int len;
char *name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, len);
cvar_t *ptr = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(ptr);
CVector<cell *> g_hudsync;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL CreateHudSyncObj(AMX *amx, cell *params)
@ -4861,29 +4417,6 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL has_map_ent_class(AMX *amx, cell *params)
return len && !FNullEnt(FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING(NULL, "classname", name));
// hook_cvar_change(cvarHandle, const callback[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL hook_cvar_change(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t* var = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t*>(params[1]);
if (!var)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar handle: %p", var);
return 0;
const char* callback;
Forward* forward = g_CvarManager.HookCvarChange(var, amx, params[2], &callback);
if (!forward)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid callback function: %s", callback);
return 0;
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(forward);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL is_rukia_a_hag(AMX *amx, cell *params)
return 1;
@ -4918,10 +4451,7 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"client_print_color", client_print_color},
{"console_cmd", console_cmd},
{"console_print", console_print},
{"cvar_exists", cvar_exists},
{"emit_sound", emit_sound},
{"enable_cvar_hook", enable_cvar_hook},
{"disable_cvar_hook", disable_cvar_hook},
{"engclient_cmd", engclient_cmd},
{"engclient_print", engclient_print},
{"find_player", find_player},
@ -4933,11 +4463,6 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"get_concmd", get_concmd},
{"get_concmdsnum", get_concmdsnum},
{"get_concmd_plid", get_concmd_plid},
{"get_cvar_flags", get_cvar_flags},
{"get_cvar_float", get_cvar_float},
{"get_cvar_num", get_cvar_num},
{"get_cvar_pointer", get_cvar_pointer},
{"get_cvar_string", get_cvar_string},
{"get_flags", get_flags},
{"get_func_id", get_func_id},
{"get_gametime", get_gametime},
@ -4949,16 +4474,10 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"get_modname", get_modname},
{"get_module", get_module},
{"get_modulesnum", get_modulesnum},
{"get_pcvar_flags", get_pcvar_flags},
{"get_pcvar_float", get_pcvar_float},
{"get_pcvar_num", get_pcvar_num},
{"get_pcvar_string", get_pcvar_string},
{"get_players", get_players},
{"get_playersnum", get_playersnum},
{"get_plugin", get_plugin},
{"get_pluginsnum", get_pluginsnum},
{"get_plugins_cvar", get_plugins_cvar},
{"get_plugins_cvarsnum", get_plugins_cvarsnum},
{"get_srvcmd", get_srvcmd},
{"get_srvcmdsnum", get_srvcmdsnum},
{"get_systime", get_systime},
@ -4995,7 +4514,6 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"get_xvar_id", get_xvar_id},
{"get_xvar_num", get_xvar_num},
{"has_map_ent_class", has_map_ent_class},
{"hook_cvar_change", hook_cvar_change},
{"int3", int3},
{"is_amd64_server", is_amd64_server},
{"is_dedicated_server", is_dedicated_server},
@ -5028,7 +4546,6 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"precache_model", precache_model},
{"precache_sound", precache_sound},
{"precache_generic", precache_generic},
{"query_client_cvar", query_client_cvar},
{"random_float", random_float},
{"random_num", random_num},
{"read_argc", read_argc},
@ -5043,7 +4560,6 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"read_logdata", read_logdata},
{"register_clcmd", register_clcmd},
{"register_concmd", register_concmd},
{"register_cvar", register_cvar},
{"register_dictionary", register_dictionary},
{"register_event", register_event},
{"register_logevent", register_logevent},
@ -5052,25 +4568,16 @@ AMX_NATIVE_INFO amxmodx_Natives[] =
{"register_plugin", register_plugin},
{"register_srvcmd", register_srvcmd},
{"require_module", require_module},
{"remove_cvar_flags", remove_cvar_flags},
{"remove_quotes", remove_quotes},
{"remove_task", remove_task},
{"remove_user_flags", remove_user_flags},
{"server_cmd", server_cmd},
{"server_exec", server_exec},
{"server_print", server_print},
{"set_cvar_flags", set_cvar_flags},
{"set_cvar_float", set_cvar_float},
{"set_cvar_num", set_cvar_num},
{"set_cvar_string", set_cvar_string},
{"set_fail_state", set_fail_state},
{"set_dhudmessage", set_dhudmessage},
{"set_hudmessage", set_hudmessage},
{"set_localinfo", set_localinfo},
{"set_pcvar_flags", set_pcvar_flags},
{"set_pcvar_float", set_pcvar_float},
{"set_pcvar_string", set_pcvar_string},
{"set_pcvar_num", set_pcvar_num},
{"set_task", set_task},
{"set_user_flags", set_user_flags},
{"set_user_info", set_user_info},
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
#include "CLang.h"
#include "fakemeta.h"
#include "amxxlog.h"
#include "cvars.h"
#include "CvarManager.h"
#define AMXXLOG_Log g_log.Log
#define AMXXLOG_Error g_log.LogError
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_SortNatives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_DataStructNatives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_StackNatives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_TextParserNatives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_CvarNatives[];
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define DLLOAD(path) (DLHANDLE)LoadLibrary(path)
@ -7,342 +7,520 @@
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
#include "cvars.h"
#include "CvarManager.h"
#include "amxmodx.h"
#include <CDetour/detours.h>
#include "nongpl_matches.h"
CvarManager g_CvarManager;
char CVarTempBuffer[64];
const char *invis_cvar_list[5] = { "amxmodx_version", "amxmodx_modules", "amx_debug", "amx_mldebug", "amx_client_languages" };
* Returns true to call original function, otherwise false to block it.
bool Cvar_DirectSet_Custom(cvar_t* var, const char* value)
// register_cvar(const name[], const string[], flags=0, Float:fvalue=0.0)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL register_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params)
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
const char* value = get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 1, length);
if (!var || !value // Sanity checks against bogus pointers.
|| strcmp(var->string, value) == 0 // Make sure old and new values are different to not trigger callbacks.
|| !g_CvarManager.CacheLookup(var->name, &info) // No data in cache, nothing to call.
|| info->hooks.empty()) // No hooked cvars, nothing to call.
int flags = params[3];
float fvalue = amx_ctof(params[4]);
CPluginMngr::CPlugin *plugin = g_plugins.findPluginFast(amx);
if (CheckBadConList(name, 0))
return true;
int lastResult = 0;
int result;
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.CreateCvar(name, value, fvalue, flags, plugin->getName(), plugin->getId());
for (size_t i = 0; i < info->hooks.length(); ++i)
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(var);
// cvar_exists(const cvar[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL cvar_exists(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
return (g_CvarManager.FindCvar(get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen)) ? 1 : 0);
// get_cvar_pointer(const cvar[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_pointer(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int len;
char *name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, len);
cvar_t *ptr = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(ptr);
// hook_cvar_change(cvarHandle, const callback[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL hook_cvar_change(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t* var = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t*>(params[1]);
if (!var)
CvarPlugin* p = info->hooks[i];
if (p->forward->state == Forward::FSTATE_OK) // Our callback can be enable/disabled by natives.
result = executeForwards(p->forward->id, reinterpret_cast<cvar_t*>(var), var->string, value);
if (result >= lastResult)
lastResult = result;
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar handle: %p", var);
return 0;
return !!!lastResult;
const char* callback;
Forward* forward = g_CvarManager.HookCvarChange(var, amx, params[2], &callback);
DETOUR_DECL_STATIC2(Cvar_DirectSet, void, struct cvar_s*, var, const char*, value)
if (Cvar_DirectSet_Custom(var, value))
if (!forward)
DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(Cvar_DirectSet)(var, value);
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Function \"%s\" is not present", callback);
return 0;
return reinterpret_cast<cell>(forward);
CvarManager::CvarManager() : m_AmxmodxCvars(0), m_HookDetour(nullptr)
// enable_cvar_hook(cvarhook:handle);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL enable_cvar_hook(AMX *amx, cell *params)
Forward* forward = reinterpret_cast<Forward*>(params[1]);
if (!forward)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar hook handle: %p", forward);
return 0;
forward->state = Forward::FSTATE_OK;
return 1;
// disable_cvar_hook(cvarhook:handle);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL disable_cvar_hook(AMX *amx, cell *params)
Forward* forward = reinterpret_cast<Forward*>(params[1]);
if (!forward)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid cvar hook handle: %p", forward);
return 0;
forward->state = Forward::FSTATE_STOP;
return 1;
void CvarManager::CreateCvarHook(void)
// get_cvar_flags(const cvar[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
// void PF_Cvar_DirectSet(struct cvar_s *var, const char *value) // = pfnCvar_DirectSet
// {
// Cvar_DirectSet(var, value); // <- We want to hook this.
// }
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
byte *baseAddress = (byte *)g_engfuncs.pfnCvar_DirectSet;
uintptr_t *functionAddress = nullptr;
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
#if defined(WIN32)
// 55 push ebp
// 8B EC mov ebp, esp
// 8B 45 0C mov eax, [ebp+arg_4]
// 8B 4D 08 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
// 50 push eax
// 51 push ecx
// E8 XX XX XX XX call Cvar_DirectSet
const byte opcodeJump = 0xE8;
// E9 XX XX XX XX jmp Cvar_DirectSet
const byte opcodeJump = 0xE9;
return pCvar ? pCvar->flags : 0;
// get_cvar_float(const cvarname[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return var ? amx_ftoc(var->value) : 0;
// get_cvar_num(const cvarname[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
return var ? (int)var->value : 0;
// get_cvar_string(const cvarname[], output[], iLen)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_cvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
const char *value = var ? var->string : "";
length = var ? strlen(value) : 0;
return set_amxstring_utf8(amx, params[2], value, length, params[3] + 1); // + EOS
// set_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
if (!strcmp(sCvar, "amx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "amxmodx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "fun_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "sv_cheats"))
return 0;
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
if (pCvar)
pCvar->flags |= (int)(params[2]);
return 1;
return 0;
// set_cvar_float(const cvar[], Float:value)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%f", amx_ctof(params[2]));
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
// set_cvar_num(const cvarname[], value)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
int value = params[2];
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%d", value);
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
// set_cvar_string(const cvar[], const value[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_cvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int length;
const char* name = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, length);
cvar_t* var = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(name);
if (var)
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 1, length));
return 1;
// get_pcvar_flags(pcvar)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return ptr->flags;
// Float:get_pcvar_float(pcvar)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return amx_ftoc(ptr->value);
// get_pcvar_num(pcvar)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return (int)ptr->value;
// get_pcvar_string(pcvar, string[], maxlen)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_pcvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
return set_amxstring_utf8(amx, params[2], ptr->string ? ptr->string : "", ptr->string ? strlen(ptr->string) : 0, params[3] + 1); // EOS
// set_pcvar_flags(pcvar, flags)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
ptr->flags = static_cast<int>(params[2]);
return 1;
// set_pcvar_float(pcvar, Float:num)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_float(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%f", amx_ctof(params[2]));
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
// set_pcvar_num(pcvar, num)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_num(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
UTIL_Format(CVarTempBuffer, sizeof(CVarTempBuffer) - 1, "%d", params[2]);
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, &CVarTempBuffer[0]);
return 1;
// set_pcvar_string(pcvar, const string[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_pcvar_string(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cvar_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<cvar_t *>(params[1]);
if (!ptr)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid CVAR pointer");
return 0;
int len;
CVAR_DIRECTSET(ptr, get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 0, len));
return 1;
// remove_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags=-1)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL remove_cvar_flags(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int ilen;
char* sCvar = get_amxstring(amx, params[1], 0, ilen);
if (!strcmp(sCvar, "amx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "amxmodx_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "fun_version") || !strcmp(sCvar, "sv_cheats"))
return 0;
cvar_t* pCvar = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(sCvar);
if (pCvar)
pCvar->flags &= ~((int)(params[2]));
return 1;
return 0;
// get_plugins_cvar(id, name[], namelen, &flags=0, &plugin_id=0, &pcvar_handle=0)
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_plugins_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params)
CvarInfo* info = g_CvarManager.FindCvar(params[1]);
if (info)
set_amxstring(amx, params[2], info->name.chars(), params[3]);
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[4]) = info->var->flags;
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[5]) = info->pluginId;
*get_amxaddr(amx, params[6]) = reinterpret_cast<cell>(info->var);
return 1;
return 0;
// get_plugins_cvarsnum()
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_plugins_cvarsnum(AMX *amx, cell *params)
return g_CvarManager.GetRegCvarsCount();
#if defined AMD64
static bool g_warned_ccqv = false;
// query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultfunc[])
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL query_client_cvar(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int numParams = params[0] / sizeof(cell);
if (numParams != 3 && numParams != 5)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid number of parameters passed!");
return 0;
#if defined AMD64
if (!g_warned_ccqv)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[AMXX] Client CVAR Querying is not available on AMD64 (one time warn)");
g_warned_ccqv = true;
return 0;
const byte opcodeJumpSize = 5;
const byte opcodeJumpByteSize = 1;
const int maxBytesLimit = 20;
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxBytesLimit; ++i, ++baseAddress)
if (!g_NewDLL_Available)
if (*baseAddress == opcodeJump)
functionAddress = (uintptr_t *)(&baseAddress[opcodeJumpSize] + *(uintptr_t *)&baseAddress[opcodeJumpByteSize]);
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Client CVAR querying is not enabled - check MM version!");
return 0;
if (functionAddress)
m_HookDetour = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC_FIXED(Cvar_DirectSet, (void *)functionAddress);
int id = params[1];
if (m_HookDetour)
if (id < 1 || id > gpGlobals->maxClients)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid player id %d", id);
return 0;
cvar_t* CvarManager::CreateCvar(const char* name, const char* value, float fvalue, int flags, const char* plugin, int plugnId)
cvar_t* var = nullptr;
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
CPlayer *pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(id);
if (!CacheLookup(name, &info))
if (!pPlayer->initialized || pPlayer->IsBot())
// Not cached - Is cvar already exist?
var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name);
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Player %d is either not connected or a bot", id);
return 0;
// Whether it exists, we need to prepare a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
int dummy;
const char *cvarname = get_amxstring(amx, params[2], 0, dummy);
const char *resultfuncname = get_amxstring(amx, params[3], 1, dummy);
// Shared datas.
info->name = name;
info->plugin = plugin;
info->pluginId = plugnId;
// public clientcvarquery_result(id, const cvar[], const result[], [const param[]])
int iFunc;
if (var)
if (numParams == 5 && params[4] != 0)
iFunc = registerSPForwardByName(amx, resultfuncname, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_ARRAY, FP_DONE);
iFunc = registerSPForwardByName(amx, resultfuncname, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_DONE);
if (iFunc == -1)
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Function \"%s\" is not present", resultfuncname);
return 0;
ClientCvarQuery_Info *queryObject = new ClientCvarQuery_Info;
queryObject->resultFwd = iFunc;
queryObject->requestId = MAKE_REQUESTID(PLID);
if (numParams == 5 && params[4] != 0)
queryObject->paramLen = params[4] + 1;
queryObject->params = new cell[queryObject->paramLen];
if (!queryObject->params)
// Cvar already exists. Just copy.
// "string" will be set after. "value" and "next" are automatically set.
info->var = var;
info->defaultval = var->string;
info->amxmodx = false;
// Registers a new cvar.
static cvar_t cvar_reg_helper;
// "string" will be set after. "value" and "next" are automatically set.
|||| = info->name.chars();
cvar_reg_helper.string = "";
cvar_reg_helper.flags = flags;
// Adds cvar to global list.
// Registering can fail if name is already a registered command.
var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name);
// If so, we can't go further.
if (!var)
delete info;
return nullptr;
// If ok, we got a valid pointer, we can copy.
info->var = var;
info->defaultval = value;
info->amxmodx = true;
// Keeps track count of cvars registered by AMXX.
delete queryObject;
LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_MEMORY, "Hmm. Out of memory?");
return 0;
// Add a new entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(name, info);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(queryObject->params), reinterpret_cast<const void *>(get_amxaddr(amx, params[5])), queryObject->paramLen * sizeof(cell));
// Make sure that whether an existing or new cvar is set to the given value.
CVAR_DIRECTSET(var, value);
queryObject->params[queryObject->paramLen - 1] = 0;
else {
queryObject->params = NULL;
queryObject->paramLen = 0;
return info->var;
QUERY_CLIENT_CVAR_VALUE2(pPlayer->pEdict, cvarname, queryObject->requestId);
return 1;
cvar_t* CvarManager::FindCvar(const char* name)
AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_CvarNatives[] =
cvar_t* var = nullptr;
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
{"register_cvar", register_cvar},
{"cvar_exists", cvar_exists},
{"get_cvar_pointer", get_cvar_pointer},
// Do we have already cvar in cache?
if (CacheLookup(name, &info))
return info->var;
{"hook_cvar_change", hook_cvar_change},
{"enable_cvar_hook", enable_cvar_hook},
{"disable_cvar_hook", disable_cvar_hook},
// Cvar doesn't exist.
if (!(var = CVAR_GET_POINTER(name)))
return nullptr;
{"get_cvar_flags", get_cvar_flags},
{"get_cvar_float", get_cvar_float},
{"get_cvar_num", get_cvar_num},
{"get_cvar_string", get_cvar_string},
// Create a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
info->var = var;
info->name = name;
info->plugin = "";
info->pluginId = -1;
info->amxmodx = false;
{"set_cvar_flags", set_cvar_flags},
{"set_cvar_float", set_cvar_float},
{"set_cvar_num", set_cvar_num},
{"set_cvar_string", set_cvar_string},
// Add entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(name, info);
{"get_pcvar_flags", get_pcvar_flags},
{"get_pcvar_float", get_pcvar_float},
{"get_pcvar_num", get_pcvar_num},
{"get_pcvar_string", get_pcvar_string},
return var;
{"set_pcvar_flags", set_pcvar_flags},
{"set_pcvar_float", set_pcvar_float},
{"set_pcvar_string", set_pcvar_string},
{"set_pcvar_num", set_pcvar_num},
CvarInfo* CvarManager::FindCvar(size_t index)
// Used by get_plugins_cvar native.
// For compatibility, only cvars registered by AMXX are concerned.
{"remove_cvar_flags", remove_cvar_flags},
size_t iter_id = 0;
{"get_plugins_cvar", get_plugins_cvar},
{"get_plugins_cvarsnum", get_plugins_cvarsnum},
for (CvarsList::iterator iter = m_Cvars.begin(); iter != m_Cvars.end(); iter++)
if (iter->amxmodx && iter_id++ == index)
return *(iter);
{"query_client_cvar", query_client_cvar},
return nullptr;
bool CvarManager::CacheLookup(const char* name, CvarInfo** info)
return m_Cache.retrieve(name, info);
Forward* CvarManager::HookCvarChange(cvar_t* var, AMX* amx, cell param, const char** callback)
CvarInfo* info = nullptr;
// A cvar is guaranteed to be in cache if pointer is got from
// get_cvar_pointer and register_cvar natives. Though it might be
// provided by another way. If by any chance we run in such
// situation, we create a new entry right now.
if (!CacheLookup(var->name, &info))
// Create a new entry.
info = new CvarInfo();
info->var = var;
info->name = var->name;
info->plugin = "";
info->pluginId = -1;
info->amxmodx = false;
// Add entry in the caches.
m_Cache.insert(info->name.chars(), info);
int length;
*callback = get_amxstring(amx, param, 0, length);
int forwardId = registerSPForwardByName(amx, *callback, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING, FP_DONE);
// Invalid callback, it could be: not a public function, wrongly named, or simply missing.
if (forwardId == -1)
return nullptr;
// Detour is disabled on map change.
Forward* forward = new Forward(forwardId, *callback);
info->hooks.append(new CvarPlugin(g_plugins.findPlugin(amx)->getId(), forward));
return forward;
size_t CvarManager::GetRegCvarsCount()
return m_AmxmodxCvars;
void CvarManager::OnConsoleCommand()
print_srvconsole("Registered cvars:\n");
print_srvconsole(" %-24.23s %-24.23s %-16.15s\n", "name", "value", "plugin");
size_t index = 0;
ke::AString pluginName;
if (CMD_ARGC() > 2) // Searching for cvars registered to a plugin
pluginName = CMD_ARGV(2);
for (CvarsList::iterator iter = m_Cvars.begin(); iter != m_Cvars.end(); iter++)
CvarInfo* ci = (*iter);
if (ci->amxmodx && (!pluginName.length() || strncmp(ci->name.chars(), pluginName.chars(), pluginName.length()) == 0))
print_srvconsole(" [%3d] %-24.23s %-24.23s %-16.15s\n", ++index, ci->name.chars(), ci->var->string, ci->plugin.chars());
void CvarManager::OnPluginUnloaded()
// Clear only plugin hooks list.
for (CvarsList::iterator cvar = m_Cvars.begin(); cvar != m_Cvars.end(); cvar++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*cvar)->hooks.length(); ++i)
delete (*cvar)->hooks[i];
// There is no point to enable detour if at next map change
// no plugins hook cvars.
void CvarManager::OnAmxxShutdown()
// Free everything.
for (CvarsList::iterator cvar = m_Cvars.begin(); cvar != m_Cvars.end(); cvar = m_Cvars.erase(cvar))
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*cvar)->hooks.length(); ++i)
delete (*cvar)->hooks[i];
delete (*cvar);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "trie_natives.h"
#include "CDataPack.h"
#include "textparse.h"
#include "cvars.h"
#include "CvarManager.h"
plugin_info_t Plugin_info =
@ -553,6 +553,7 @@ int set_amxnatives(AMX* amx, char error[128])
amx_Register(amx, g_DatapackNatives, -1);
amx_Register(amx, g_StackNatives, -1);
amx_Register(amx, g_TextParserNatives, -1);
amx_Register(amx, g_CvarNatives, -1);
//we're not actually gonna check these here anymore
amx->flags |= AMX_FLAG_PRENIT;
@ -319,6 +319,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\CPlugin.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\CTask.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\CTextParsers.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\CvarManager.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\cvars.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\CVault.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="..\datapacks.cpp" />
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\CString.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\CTask.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\CTextParsers.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\cvars.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\CvarManager.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\CVault.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\CVector.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\datastructs.h" />
@ -192,15 +192,18 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\..\public\sdk\amxxmodule.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="..\cvars.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\..\public\memtools\CDetour\detours.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="..\..\public\memtools\CDetour\asm\asm.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\CvarManager.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\cvars.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\amx.h">
@ -347,9 +350,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\..\public\sdk\moduleconfig.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\cvars.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\public\memtools\CDetour\detourhelpers.h">
@ -359,6 +359,9 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\..\public\memtools\CDetour\asm\asm.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\CvarManager.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ResourceCompile Include="..\version.rc">
@ -30,3 +30,19 @@ NONGPL_CVAR_T NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[] =
{"amx_gg", 1},
{NULL, 0},
bool CheckBadConList(const char *cvar, int type)
int i = 0;
while (NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].cvar != NULL)
if (NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].type == type
&& strcmp(NONGPL_CVAR_LIST[i].cvar, cvar) == 0)
return true;
return false;
@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ struct NONGPL_CVAR_T
extern bool CheckBadConList(const char *cvar, int type);
@ -105,20 +105,6 @@ public stock const MaxClients; /* Maximum number of players the server supports
#define PLUGIN_HANDLED 1 /* stop other plugins */
#define PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN 2 /* to use in client_command(), continue all plugins but stop the command */
* CVAR flags for register_cvar()
#define FCVAR_ARCHIVE 1 /* Set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc */
#define FCVAR_USERINFO 2 /* Changes the client's info string */
#define FCVAR_SERVER 4 /* Notifies players when changed */
#define FCVAR_EXTDLL 8 /* Defined by external DLL */
#define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL 16 /* Defined by the client dll */
#define FCVAR_PROTECTED 32 /* It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value */
#define FCVAR_SPONLY 64 /* This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server. */
#define FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY 128 /* This cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters ( e.g., used for player name etc ). */
#define FCVAR_UNLOGGED 256 /* If this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console if we are creating a log */
#define FCVAR_NOEXTRAWHITEPACE 512 /* Strip trailing/leading white space from this cvar */
* IDs of weapons in CS
@ -1404,159 +1404,6 @@ native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[]="", const arg2[]="");
native server_cmd(const command[], any:...);
* Sets a cvar to a given string value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_string function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_string(const cvar[], const value[]);
* Returns if a cvar is registered on the server.
* @param cvar Cvar name to check
* @return 1 if the cvar exists, 0 otherwise
native cvar_exists(const cvar[]);
* Removes specified flags from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Not permitted for the "amx_version", "amxmodx_version", "fun_version"
* and "sv_cheats" cvars.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function removes the flags using a bitwise-and operation.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to remove flags from
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to remove
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native remove_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags=-1);
* Sets specified flags to a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Not permitted for the "amx_version", "amxmodx_version", "fun_version"
* and "sv_cheats" cvars.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function just adds the flags using a bitwise-or operation. After
* it has run the flags may not exactly equal the specified bitflag sum.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to remove flags from
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to set
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native set_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags);
* Returns flags of a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to retrieve flags from
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native get_cvar_flags(const cvar[]);
* Sets a cvar to a given float value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_float function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_float(const cvar[], Float:value);
* Returns a floating value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_float function.
* @param cvarname Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to float
native Float:get_cvar_float(const cvarname[]);
* Returns an integer value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_num function.
* @param cvarname Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to int
native get_cvar_num(const cvarname[]);
* Sets a cvar to a given integer value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_num function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_num(const cvarname[], value);
* Gets a string value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_string function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @param output Buffer to copy cvar value to
* @param iLen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer.
native get_cvar_string(const cvarname[], output[], iLen);
* Retrieves the name of the currently played map.
@ -1964,31 +1811,6 @@ native get_concmd_plid(cid, flag_mask, id_type);
native get_concmdsnum(flag, id=-1);
* Returns the number of plugin-registered cvars.
* @return Number of registered cvars
native get_plugins_cvarsnum();
* Retrieves information about a plugin-registered cvar.
* @note The returned cvar pointer should be used with the get_pcvar_* and
* set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param num Cvar index, this does not equal the cvar pointer, it is
* the internal index, incremented for each registered cvar
* @param name Buffer to copy cvar name to
* @param namelen Maximum buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store cvar flags to
* @param plugin_id Variable to store id of the registering plugin to
* @param pcvar_handle Variable to store cvar pointer to
* @return 1 on success, 0 if index is invalid
native get_plugins_cvar(num, name[], namelen, &flags=0, &plugin_id=0, &pcvar_handle=0);
* Returns unique menu id of a menu.
@ -2058,23 +1880,6 @@ native server_exec();
native emit_sound(index, channel, const sample[], Float:vol, Float:att, flags, pitch);
* Registers a new cvar for the engine.
* @note For a list of possible cvar flags see FCVAR_* constants in
* @note If an already existing cvar is registered it will not be duplicated.
* @note The returned cvar pointer should be used with the get_pcvar_* and
* set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param name Cvar name
* @param string Default cvar value
* @param flags Cvar flags
* @param fvalue Unused
* @return Unique cvar pointer
native register_cvar(const name[], const string[], flags=0, Float:fvalue=0.0);
* Returns a random floating point value generated by the engine.
@ -2806,35 +2611,6 @@ native set_array(param, const source[], size);
native set_array_f(param, const Float:source[], size);
* Dispatches a client cvar query, allowing the plugin to query for its value on
* the client.
* @note The callback will be called in the following manner:
* public cvar_query_callback(id, const cvar[], const value[], const param[])
* id - Client index
* cvar - Cvar queried
* value - Cvar value on the client
* param - Extra data [optional]
* @param id Client index
* @param cvar Cvar to query
* @param resultFunc Callback function
* @param paramlen Size of extra data
* @param params Extra data to pass through to callback
* @noreturn
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients or the client is not connected, an error
* will be thrown.
* If the callback function is invalid, cvar querying is
* unavailable or the querying process runs out of memory,
* an error will be thrown.
native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const params[]="");
* Allows to trap error messages that occur in a plugin.
@ -3220,110 +2996,6 @@ native ExecuteForward(forward_handle, &ret, any:...);
native DestroyForward(forward_handle);
* Returns the cvar pointer of the specified cvar.
* @note A pointer is also returned by register_cvar(). Plugins can (and should)
* retrieve and use pointers for already existing mod cvars.
* @param cvar Cvar name to find
* @return Cvar pointer on success, 0 if cvar was not found
native get_cvar_pointer(const cvar[]);
* Returns flags of a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve flags from
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar pointer is invalid
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_flags(pcvar);
* Sets specified flags to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function directly sets the provided bitflag, unlike set_cvar_flags
* which adds them using a bitwise OR.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set flags of
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to set
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_flags(pcvar, flags);
* Returns an integer value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to int
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_num(pcvar);
* Sets an integer value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set value of
* @param num Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_num(pcvar, num);
* Returns a float value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to float
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native Float:get_pcvar_float(pcvar);
* Sets a float value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set value of
* @param num Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_float(pcvar, Float:num);
* Returns a string value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @param string Buffer to copy cvar value to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer.
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_string(pcvar, string[], maxlen);
* Sets a string value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @param string Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_string(pcvar, const string[]);
* Sets all elements of array to a specified value.
@ -12,6 +12,58 @@
#define _cvars_included
* CVAR flags for register_cvar()
#define FCVAR_ARCHIVE 1 /* Set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc */
#define FCVAR_USERINFO 2 /* Changes the client's info string */
#define FCVAR_SERVER 4 /* Notifies players when changed */
#define FCVAR_EXTDLL 8 /* Defined by external DLL */
#define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL 16 /* Defined by the client dll */
#define FCVAR_PROTECTED 32 /* It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value */
#define FCVAR_SPONLY 64 /* This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server. */
#define FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY 128 /* This cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters ( e.g., used for player name etc ). */
#define FCVAR_UNLOGGED 256 /* If this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console if we are creating a log */
#define FCVAR_NOEXTRAWHITEPACE 512 /* Strip trailing/leading white space from this cvar */
* Registers a new cvar for the engine.
* @note For a list of possible cvar flags see FCVAR_* constants in
* @note If an already existing cvar is registered it will not be duplicated.
* @note The returned cvar pointer should be used with the get_pcvar_* and
* set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param name Cvar name
* @param string Default cvar value
* @param flags Cvar flags
* @param fvalue Unused
* @return Unique cvar pointer
native register_cvar(const name[], const string[], flags=0, Float:fvalue=0.0);
* Returns if a cvar is registered on the server.
* @param cvar Cvar name to check
* @return 1 if the cvar exists, 0 otherwise
native cvar_exists(const cvar[]);
* Returns the cvar pointer of the specified cvar.
* @note A pointer is also returned by register_cvar(). Plugins can (and should)
* retrieve and use pointers for already existing mod cvars.
* @param cvar Cvar name to find
* @return Cvar pointer on success, 0 if cvar was not found
native get_cvar_pointer(const cvar[]);
* Creates a hook for when a console variable's value is changed.
@ -49,4 +101,292 @@ native disable_cvar_hook(cvarhook:handle);
native enable_cvar_hook(cvarhook:handle);
* Returns flags of a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to retrieve flags from
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native get_cvar_flags(const cvar[]);
* Sets specified flags to a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Not permitted for the "amx_version", "amxmodx_version", "fun_version"
* and "sv_cheats" cvars.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function just adds the flags using a bitwise-or operation. After
* it has run the flags may not exactly equal the specified bitflag sum.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to remove flags from
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to set
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native set_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags);
* Removes specified flags from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Not permitted for the "amx_version", "amxmodx_version", "fun_version"
* and "sv_cheats" cvars.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function removes the flags using a bitwise-and operation.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_flags function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to remove flags from
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to remove
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
native remove_cvar_flags(const cvar[], flags=-1);
* Gets a string value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_string function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @param output Buffer to copy cvar value to
* @param iLen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer.
native get_cvar_string(const cvarname[], output[], iLen);
* Sets a cvar to a given string value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_string function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_string(const cvar[], const value[]);
* Returns a floating value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_float function.
* @param cvarname Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to float
native Float:get_cvar_float(const cvarname[]);
* Sets a cvar to a given float value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_float function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_float(const cvar[], Float:value);
* Returns an integer value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_num function.
* @param cvarname Cvar name to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to int
native get_cvar_num(const cvarname[]);
* Sets a cvar to a given integer value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engine's cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_num function.
* @param cvar Cvar name to set value of
* @param value Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_num(const cvarname[], value);
* Returns flags of a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve flags from
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar pointer is invalid
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_flags(pcvar);
* Sets specified flags to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @note For a list of possible flags see the FCVAR_* constants in
* @note This function directly sets the provided bitflag, unlike set_cvar_flags
* which adds them using a bitwise OR.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set flags of
* @param flags Bitflag sum of flags to set
* @return 1 on success, 0 if cvar does not exist or is not permitted
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_flags(pcvar, flags);
* Returns an integer value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to int
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_num(pcvar);
* Sets an integer value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set value of
* @param num Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_num(pcvar, num);
* Returns a float value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to float
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native Float:get_pcvar_float(pcvar);
* Sets a float value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to set value of
* @param num Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_float(pcvar, Float:num);
* Returns a string value from a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @param string Buffer to copy cvar value to
* @param maxlen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer.
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native get_pcvar_string(pcvar, string[], maxlen);
* Sets a string value to a cvar via direct pointer access.
* @param pcvar Pointer to cvar to retrieve value from
* @param string Value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid cvar pointer is specified, an error is thrown.
native set_pcvar_string(pcvar, const string[]);
* Returns the number of plugin-registered cvars.
* @return Number of registered cvars
native get_plugins_cvarsnum();
* Retrieves information about a plugin-registered cvar.
* @note The returned cvar pointer should be used with the get_pcvar_* and
* set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param num Cvar index, this does not equal the cvar pointer, it is
* the internal index, incremented for each registered cvar
* @param name Buffer to copy cvar name to
* @param namelen Maximum buffer size
* @param flags Variable to store cvar flags to
* @param plugin_id Variable to store id of the registering plugin to
* @param pcvar_handle Variable to store cvar pointer to
* @return 1 on success, 0 if index is invalid
native get_plugins_cvar(num, name[], namelen, &flags=0, &plugin_id=0, &pcvar_handle=0);
* Dispatches a client cvar query, allowing the plugin to query for its value on
* the client.
* @note The callback will be called in the following manner:
* public cvar_query_callback(id, const cvar[], const value[], const param[])
* id - Client index
* cvar - Cvar queried
* value - Cvar value on the client
* param - Extra data [optional]
* @param id Client index
* @param cvar Cvar to query
* @param resultFunc Callback function
* @param paramlen Size of extra data
* @param params Extra data to pass through to callback
* @noreturn
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients or the client is not connected, an error
* will be thrown.
* If the callback function is invalid, cvar querying is
* unavailable or the querying process runs out of memory,
* an error will be thrown.
native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const params[]="");
Reference in New Issue
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