Moved to other dirs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
#if defined _csstats_included
#define _csstats_included
/* Gets stats from given weapon index. If wpnindex is 0
* then the stats are from all weapons. If weapon has not been used function
* returns 0 in other case 1. Fields in stats are:
* 0 - kills
* 1 - deaths
* 2 - headshots
* 3 - teamkilling
* 4 - shots
* 5 - hits
* 6 - damage
* For body hits fields see */
native get_user_wstats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets round stats from given weapon index.*/
native get_user_wrstats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets overall stats which are stored in file on server
* and updated on every respawn or user disconnect.
* Function returns the position in stats by diff. kills to deaths. */
native get_user_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets round stats of player. */
native get_user_rstats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
/* Gets stats with which user have killed/hurt his victim. If victim is 0
* then stats are from all victims. If victim has not been hurt, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
native get_user_vstats(index,victim,stats[8],bodyhits[8],wpnname[]="",len=0);
/* Gets stats with which user have been killed/hurt. If killer is 0
* then stats are from all attacks. If killer has not hurt user, function
* returns 0 in other case 1. User stats are reset on his respawn. */
native get_user_astats(index,wpnindex,stats[8],bodyhits[8],wpnname[]="",len=0);
/* Resets life, weapon, victims and attackers user stats. */
native reset_user_wstats(index);
/* Gets overall stats which stored in stats.dat file in amx folder
* and updated on every mapchange or user disconnect.
* Function returns next index of stats entry or 0 if no more exists. */
native get_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8],name[],len);
/* Returns number of all entries in stats. */
native get_statsnum();
* new stats:
* 0 - total defusions
* 1 - bomb defused
* 2 - bomb plants
* 3 - bomb explosions
native get_user_stats2(index,stats[4]);
native get_stats2(index,stats[4]);
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
/* CSX functions
* (c) 2004, SidLuke
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _csx_included
#define _csx_included
#include <csstats>
* Forwards
/* Function is called after player to player attacks ,
* if players were damaged by teammate TA is set to 1 */
forward client_damage(attacker,victim,damage,wpnindex,hitplace,TA);
/* Function is called after player death ,
* if player was killed by teammate TK is set to 1 */
forward client_death(killer,victim,wpnindex,hitplace,TK);
forward grenade_throw( index,greindex,wId );
forward bomb_planting(planter);
forward bomb_planted(planter);
forward bomb_explode(planter,defuser);
forward bomb_defusing(defuser);
forward bomb_defused(defuser);
/************* Shared Natives Start ********************************/
/* Custom Weapon Support */
/* function will return index of new weapon */
native custom_weapon_add( wpnname[],melee = 0,logname[]="" );
/* Function will pass damage done by this custom weapon to stats module and other plugins */
native custom_weapon_dmg( weapon, att, vic, damage, hitplace=0 );
/* Function will pass info about custom weapon shot to stats module */
native custom_weapon_shot( weapon,index ); // weapon id , player id
/* function will return 1 if true */
native xmod_is_melee_wpn(wpnindex);
/* Returns weapon name. */
native xmod_get_wpnname(wpnindex,name[],len);
/* Returns weapon logname. */
native xmod_get_wpnlogname(wpnindex,name[],len);
/* Returns weapons array size */
native xmod_get_maxweapons();
/* Returns stats array size */
native xmod_get_stats_size();
/************* Shared Natives End ********************************/
@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
/* AMX Mod X
* Misc. Stats Plugin
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* originally developed by OLO
* This file is part of AMX Mod X.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
#include <amxmodx>
public MultiKill
public MultiKillSound
public BombPlanting
public BombDefusing
public BombPlanted
public BombDefused
public BombFailed
public BombPickUp
public BombDrop
public BombCountVoice
public BombCountDef
public BombReached
public ItalyBonusKill
public EnemyRemaining
public LastMan
public KnifeKill
public KnifeKillSound
public GrenadeKill
public GrenadeSuicide
public HeadShotKill
public HeadShotKillSound
public RoundCounterSound
public RoundCounter
public KillingStreak
public KillingStreakSound
public DoubleKill
public DoubleKillSound
public PlayerName
public FirstBloodSound
new g_streakKills[33][2]
new g_multiKills[33][2]
new g_C4Timer
new g_Defusing
new g_Planter
new Float:g_LastOmg
new g_LastAnnounce
new g_roundCount
new Float:g_doubleKill
new g_doubleKillId
new g_friend[33]
new g_firstBlood
new g_MultiKillMsg[7][] = {
"Multi-Kill! %s^n%L %d %L (%d %L)",
"Ultra-Kill!!! %s^n%L %d %L (%d %L)",
"%s IS ON A KILLING SPREE!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)",
"RAMPAGE!!! %s^n%L %d %L (%d hs)" ,
"%s IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)",
"%s IS A MONSTER!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)",
"%s IS GODLIKE!!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)"
new g_Sounds[7][] = {
new g_KillingMsg[7][] = {
"%s: Multi-Kill!",
"%s: Ultra-Kill!!!",
"%s: RAMPAGE!!!",
"%s IS GODLIKE!!!"
new g_KinfeMsg[4][] = {
new g_LastMessages[4][] = {
new g_HeMessages[4][] = {
new g_SHeMessages[4][] = {
new g_HeadShots[7][] = {
new g_teamsNames[4][] = {
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("CS Misc. Stats",AMXX_VERSION_STR,"AMXX Dev Team")
register_event("SendAudio", "eEndRound", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin","2&%!MRAD_ctwin","2&%!MRAD_rounddraw")
register_event("RoundTime", "eNewRound", "bc")
new mapname[32]
if (equali(mapname,"de_",3)||equali(mapname,"csde_",5)) {
register_event("StatusIcon", "eGotBomb", "be", "1=1", "1=2", "2=c4")
register_event("TextMsg", "eBombPickUp", "bc", "2&#Got_bomb")
register_event("TextMsg", "eBombDrop", "bc", "2&#Game_bomb_d")
else if ( equali( mapname , "cs_italy" ) ) {
register_event( "23" , "chickenKill", "a" , "1=108" , /*"12=106",*/ "15=4" )
register_event( "23" , "radioKill", "a" , "1=108" , /*"12=294",*/ "15=2" )
public plugin_cfg() {
new g_addStast[] = "amx_statscfg add ^"%s^" %s"
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Planting","BombPlanting")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Defusing","BombDefusing")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Planted","BombPlanted")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Defuse Succ.","BombDefused")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Def. Failure","BombFailed")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb PickUp","BombPickUp")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Drop","BombDrop")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Count Down","BombCountVoice")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Count Down (def)","BombCountDef")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Bomb Site Reached","BombReached")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Italy Bonus Kill","ItalyBonusKill")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Last Man","LastMan")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Knife Kill","KnifeKill")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Knife Kill Sound","KnifeKillSound")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Grenade Kill","GrenadeKill")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Grenade Suicide","GrenadeSuicide")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"HeadShot Kill","HeadShotKill")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"HeadShot Kill Sound","HeadShotKillSound")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Round Counter","RoundCounter")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Round Counter Sound","RoundCounterSound")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Killing Streak","KillingStreak")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Killing Streak Sound","KillingStreakSound")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Enemy Remaining","EnemyRemaining")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Double Kill","DoubleKill")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Double Kill Sound","DoubleKillSound")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"Player Name","PlayerName")
server_cmd(g_addStast,"First Blood Sound","FirstBloodSound")
public client_putinserver(id)
g_multiKills[id] = g_streakKills[ id ] = { 0 , 0 }
public client_death(killer,victim,wpnindex,hitplace,TK) {
new headshot = ( hitplace == HIT_HEAD ) ? 1:0
if ( g_firstBlood ) {
g_firstBlood = 0
if ( FirstBloodSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/firstblood")
if ( (KillingStreak || KillingStreakSound) && !TK ) {
g_streakKills[ killer ][ 0 ]++
g_streakKills[ killer ][ 1 ] = 0
g_streakKills[ victim ][ 1 ]++
g_streakKills[ victim ][ 0 ] = 0
new a = g_streakKills[ killer ][ 0 ] - 3
if ( (a > -1) && !( a % 2 ) ) {
new name[32]
get_user_name( killer , name , 31 )
if ( (a >>= 1) > 6 ) a = 6
if ( KillingStreak ){
set_hudmessage(0, 100, 255, 0.05, 0.55, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 3)
show_hudmessage(0,g_KillingMsg[ a ], name )
if ( KillingStreakSound ) client_cmd( 0, "spk misc/%s", g_Sounds[ a ] )
if ( MultiKill || MultiKillSound ) {
if (killer && !TK ) {
g_multiKills[killer][1] += headshot
new param[2]
param[0] = killer
param[1] = g_multiKills[killer][0]
set_task( 4.0 + float( param[1] ) ,"checkKills",0,param,2)
if ( EnemyRemaining ) {
new ppl[32], pplnum
new team = get_user_team( victim ) - 1
get_players(ppl,pplnum,"e", g_teamsNames[1 - team] )
if (pplnum) {
new eppl[32], epplnum
if (epplnum) {
new message[128],team_name[32]
set_hudmessage(255,255,255,0.02,0.85,2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02, 3.0, 3)
for(new a=0; a<pplnum; ++a){
if ( LastMan ) {
new cts[32], ts[32], ctsnum, tsnum
get_players(cts,ctsnum,"ae", g_teamsNames[1] )
get_players(ts,tsnum,"ae", g_teamsNames[0] )
if ( ctsnum == 1 && tsnum == 1 ) {
new ctname[32], tname[32]
set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3)
show_hudmessage(0,"%s vs. %s",ctname,tname)
client_cmd(0,"spk misc/maytheforce")
else if ( !g_LastAnnounce ) {
new oposite = 0, team = 0
if ( ctsnum == 1 && tsnum > 1 ) {
g_LastAnnounce = cts[0]
oposite = tsnum
team = 0
else if ( tsnum == 1 && ctsnum > 1 ) {
g_LastAnnounce = ts[0]
oposite = ctsnum
team = 1
if (g_LastAnnounce) {
new name[32]
set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3)
show_hudmessage(0,"%s (%d HP) vs. %d %s%s: %L",name,
g_teamsNames[team],(oposite==1)?"":"S",LANG_PLAYER,g_LastMessages[ random_num(0,3) ] )
client_cmd(g_LastAnnounce,"spk misc/oneandonly")
if ( wpnindex == 29 && ( KnifeKill || KnifeKillSound ) ) {
if ( KnifeKill ) {
new killer_name[32],victim_name[32]
set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)
show_hudmessage(0,"%L",LANG_PLAYER,g_KinfeMsg[ random_num(0,3) ],killer_name,victim_name)
if ( KnifeKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/humiliation")
if ( wpnindex == 4 && (GrenadeKill || GrenadeSuicide) ) {
new killer_name[32],victim_name[32]
set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)
if ( killer != victim ) {
if ( GrenadeKill ) show_hudmessage(0,"%L",LANG_PLAYER,g_HeMessages[ random_num(0,3)],killer_name,victim_name)
else if ( GrenadeSuicide ) show_hudmessage(0,"%L",LANG_PLAYER,g_SHeMessages[ random_num(0,3) ],victim_name)
if ( headshot && (HeadShotKill || HeadShotKillSound) ) {
if ( HeadShotKill ) {
new killer_name[32], victim_name[32], weapon_name[32], message[128], players[32], pnum
for (new i=0;i<pnum;i++) {
format( message, 127, "%L",players[i],g_HeadShots[ random_num(0,6) ] )
replace( message, 127 , "$vn", victim_name )
replace( message, 127 , "$wn", weapon_name )
replace( message, 127 , "$kn", killer_name )
set_hudmessage(100, 100, 255, -1.0, 0.29, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)
show_hudmessage(players[i],message )
if ( HeadShotKillSound ) {
client_cmd(killer,"spk misc/headshot")
client_cmd(victim,"spk misc/headshot")
if ( DoubleKill || DoubleKillSound ) {
new Float:nowtime = get_gametime()
if ( g_doubleKill == nowtime && g_doubleKillId == killer ) {
if ( DoubleKill ) {
new name[32]
get_user_name( killer , name , 31 )
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 3)
show_hudmessage(0,"%L",LANG_PLAYER,"DOUBLE_KILL",name )
if ( DoubleKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/doublekill")
g_doubleKill = nowtime
g_doubleKillId = killer
public hideStatus(id) {
if ( PlayerName ) {
set_hudmessage(0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 4)
public setTeam(id)
g_friend[id] = read_data(2)
public showStatus(id) {
if ( PlayerName ) {
new name[32],pid = read_data(2)
new color1 = 0,color2 = 0
if ( get_user_team(pid)==1 )
color1 = 255
color2 = 255
if (g_friend[id]==1) { // friend
new clip, ammo, wpnid = get_user_weapon(pid,clip,ammo)
new wpnname[32]
set_hudmessage(color1,50,color2,-1.0,0.60,1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, 4)
show_hudmessage(id,"%s -- %d HP / %d AP / %s",name,
else {
set_hudmessage(color1,50,color2,-1.0,0.60,1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, 4)
public eNewRound()
if ( read_data(1) == floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0) ) {
g_firstBlood = 1
g_C4Timer = 0
if ( RoundCounter ) {
set_hudmessage(200, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)
show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "PREPARE_FIGHT", g_roundCount )
if ( RoundCounterSound ) client_cmd( 0 , "spk misc/prepare" )
if ( KillingStreak ) {
new appl[32],ppl, i
get_players(appl,ppl, "ac" )
for (new a = 0; a < ppl; ++a) {
i = appl[ a ]
if ( g_streakKills[ i ][ 0 ] >= 2 )
client_print( i , print_chat , "* %L", i, "KILLED_ROW", g_streakKills[ i ][ 0 ] )
else if ( g_streakKills[ i ][ 1 ] >= 2 )
client_print( i , print_chat , "* %L", i, "DIED_ROUNDS", g_streakKills[ i ][ 1 ] )
public eRestart() {
g_roundCount = 0
g_firstBlood = 1
public eEndRound() {
g_C4Timer = -2
g_LastOmg = 0.0
g_LastAnnounce = 0
public checkKills(param[]) {
new id = param[0]
new a = param[1]
if (a == g_multiKills[id][0]) {
a -= 3
if ( a > -1 ) {
if ( MultiKill ) {
new name[32]
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 100, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, 2)
if ( a > 6 ) a = 6
if ( MultiKillSound ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/%s",g_Sounds[a])
g_multiKills[id] = { 0,0 }
public chickenKill()
if ( ItalyBonusKill ) announceEvent( 0 , "KILLED_CHICKEN" )
public radioKill() {
if ( ItalyBonusKill ) announceEvent( 0 , "BLEW_RADIO" )
announceEvent( id, message[] ) {
new name[32]
get_user_name(id, name , 31)
set_hudmessage(255, 100, 50, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1)
public eBombPickUp(id)
if (BombPickUp) announceEvent(id , "PICKED_BOMB")
public eBombDrop()
if (BombDrop) announceEvent(g_Planter , "DROPPED_BOMB")
public eGotBomb(id) {
g_Planter = id
if ( BombReached && read_data(1)==2 && g_LastOmg<get_gametime()) {
g_LastOmg = get_gametime() + 15.0
announceEvent(g_Planter, "REACHED_TARGET" )
public bombTimer() {
if (--g_C4Timer > 0) {
if (BombCountVoice) {
if (g_C4Timer == 30 || g_C4Timer == 20) {
new temp[48]
client_cmd(0,"spk ^"vox/%s seconds until explosion^"",temp)
else if (g_C4Timer < 11) {
new temp[48]
client_cmd(0,"spk ^"vox/%s^"",temp)
if (BombCountDef && g_Defusing) client_print(g_Defusing,print_center,"%d",g_C4Timer)
else remove_task(8038)
public bomb_planted(planter){
g_Defusing = 0
if (BombPlanted) announceEvent(planter, "SET_UP_BOMB" )
g_C4Timer = get_cvar_num("mp_c4timer")
public bomb_planting(planter)
if (BombPlanting) announceEvent(planter, "PLANT_BOMB" )
public bomb_defusing(defuser){
if (BombDefusing) announceEvent(defuser, "DEFUSING_BOMB" )
g_Defusing = defuser
public bomb_defused(defuser)
if (BombDefused) announceEvent(defuser, "DEFUSED_BOMB" )
public bomb_explode(planter,defuser)
if (BombFailed && defuser) announceEvent(defuser , "FAILED_DEFU" )
public plugin_modules()
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
WITH = with
KNIFE_MSG_1 = %s sliced and diced %s
KNIFE_MSG_2 = %s pulled out knife and gutted %s
KNIFE_MSG_3 = %s sneaks carefully behind and knifed %s
KNIFE_MSG_4 = %s knived %s
LAST_MSG_1 = Now all depend on you!
LAST_MSG_2 = I hope you still have a healthpack.
LAST_MSG_3 = All your teammates were killed. Good luck!
LAST_MSG_4 = Now you are alone. Have fun!
HE_MSG_1 = %s sends a little gift to %s
HE_MSG_2 = %s throws a small present to %s
HE_MSG_3 = %s made a precision throw to %s
HE_MSG_4 = %s got a big explosion for %s
SHE_MSG_1 = %s detonated himself with a grenade
SHE_MSG_2 = %s trys the effect of an HE Grenade
SHE_MSG_3 = %s swallows grenades whole!
SHE_MSG_4 = %s explodes!
HS_MSG_1 = $kn killed $vn with a well^nplaced shot to the head!
HS_MSG_2 = $kn removed $vn's^nhead with the $wn
HS_MSG_3 = $kn turned $vn's head^ninto pudding with the $wn
HS_MSG_4 = $vn got pwned by $kn
HS_MSG_5 = $vn's head has been^nturned into red jello
HS_MSG_6 = $kn has superb aim with the $wn,^nas $vn well knows.
HS_MSG_7 = $vn's head stayed in $kn's^ncrosshairs a bit too long...
DOUBLE_KILL = Wow! %s made a double kill!!!
PREPARE_FIGHT = Prepare to FIGHT!^nRound %d
KILLED_ROW = You've killed %d in a row so far
DIED_ROUNDS = Careful! You've died %d rounds in a row now...
KILLED_CHICKEN = Somebody killed a chicken!!!
BLEW_RADIO = Somebody blew up the radio!!!
REACHED_TARGET = Omg! %s reached the target!
PLANT_BOMB = %s is planting the bomb!
DEFUSING_BOMB = %s is defusing the bomb...
SET_UP_BOMB = %s set us up the bomb!!!
DEFUSED_BOMB = %s defused the bomb!
FAILED_DEFU = %s failed to defuse the bomb...
PICKED_BOMB = %s picked up the bomb...
DROPPED_BOMB = %s dropped the bomb!!!
REMAINING = %d %s Remaining...
KILLS = kills
HS = hs
WITH = z
KNIFE_MSG_1 = %s pokroil na plasterki %s
KNIFE_MSG_2 = Doktor %s zoperowal nozem %s. ^nNiestety pacjent zmarl.
KNIFE_MSG_3 = %s wycial scyzorykiem serce %s
KNIFE_MSG_4 = %s uzyl noza na %s
LAST_MSG_1 = Cala reszta kibicuje ci zza grobu.
LAST_MSG_2 = Wyglada na to, ze kumple cie zostawili...
LAST_MSG_3 = Tylko tobie zycie sie nie znudzilo. Narazie...
LAST_MSG_4 = Czy zauwazyles ze poluja juz tylko na ciebie?
HE_MSG_1 = %s wyslal prezent do %s
HE_MSG_2 = %s rzucil conieco do %s
HE_MSG_3 = %s celnie rzucil w kierunku %s
HE_MSG_4 = %s zrobil duze bum dla %s
SHE_MSG_1 = %s rozwalil sie za pomoca granata
SHE_MSG_2 = %s dowiedzial sie co to granat
SHE_MSG_3 = %s jest kamikaze
SHE_MSG_4 = %s odlecial na 3 metry
HS_MSG_1 = $kn zrobil $vn trzecie oko!
HS_MSG_2 = $kn pozbawil $vn^nglowy z niewielka pomoca $wn
HS_MSG_3 = $vn zawdziecza $kn brak glowy
HS_MSG_4 = $vn zalozyl sie o glowe z kn^ni przegral...
HS_MSG_5 = $kn przekonal sie ze $vn cos jednak w glowie mial.
HS_MSG_6 = Lowca glow $kn dziekuje $vn za kolejne trofeum.
HS_MSG_7 = $vn nie ma glowy do tej gry.
DOUBLE_KILL = WoW! %s zabil od razu dwoch !
PREPARE_FIGHT = Przygotuj sie!^nRunda %d
KILLED_ROW = Zabiles %d razy pod rzad jak narazie
DIED_ROUNDS = Uwazaj! Zginales %d rund(y) pod rzad...
KILLED_CHICKEN = Ktos zabil kurczaka!!!
BLEW_RADIO = Ktos wysadzil radio!!!
REACHED_TARGET = O boshe! %s dostal sie do celu!
PLANT_BOMB = %s podklada bombe!
DEFUSING_BOMB = %s rozbraja bombe...
SET_UP_BOMB = %s nastawil bombe!!!
DEFUSED_BOMB = %s rozbroil bombe!
FAILED_DEFU = %s nie rozbroil bomby...
PICKED_BOMB = %s podniosl bombe...
DROPPED_BOMB = %s upuscil bombe!!!
CT = Anty-Terrorysta
CTS = Anty-Terrorystow
TERRORIST = Terrorysta
TERRORISTS = Terrorystow
REMAINING = Jeszcze %d %s do zabicia...
KILLS = zabojstwami
HS = w glowe
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