amxmodx: First batch of documentation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,168 +27,503 @@
#include <datapack>
#include <datapack>
#include <newmenus>
#include <newmenus>
/* Function is called just after server activation.
* Good place for configuration loading, commands and cvars registration. */
* Called just after server activation.
* @note Good place to initialize most of the plugin, such as registering
* cvars, commands or forwards, creating data structures for later use or
* generating and loading other required configuration.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_init();
forward plugin_init();
/* Called when the plugin is paused. */
* Called just before the plugin is paused from execution.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_pause();
forward plugin_pause();
/* Called when the plugin is unpaused. */
forward plugin_unpause();
/* Called when the mod tries to change the map. */
forward server_changelevel(map[]);
/* Function is called when all plugin_init from plugins
* were called, so all commmands and cvars should be already registered. */
forward plugin_cfg();
/* Function called before plugin unloading (server deactivation) */
forward plugin_end();
/* Called on log message. */
forward plugin_log();
/* Use here model_precache() and sound_precache() functions. */
forward plugin_precache();
/* Whenever player info is changed, this function is called. */
forward client_infochanged(id);
/* Called on client connection. */
forward client_connect(id);
/* Called when client gets valid STEAM id (usually
* between client_connect() and client_putinserver()). */
forward client_authorized(id);
/* Called when client is disconnecting from server. */
forward client_disconnect(id);
/* Called when client is sending command. */
forward client_command(id);
/* Called when client is entering to a game. */
forward client_putinserver(id);
/* Sets informations about plugin. Returns the plugin id of the calling plugin. */
native register_plugin(const plugin_name[],const version[],const author[]);
/* Precache model. Can be used only in plugin_precache() function.*/
native precache_model(const name[]);
/* Precache sound. Can be used only in plugin_precache() function.*/
native precache_sound(const name[]);
/* Precaches any file. */
native precache_generic(const szFile[]);
/* Sets info for player. */
native set_user_info(index,const info[],const value[]);
/* Gets info from player. */
native get_user_info(index,const info[],output[],len);
/* Sets info for server. */
native set_localinfo(const info[],const value[]);
/* Gets info from server. */
native get_localinfo(const info[],output[],len);
/* Shows text in MOTD window. When there is no header, the MOTD title
* will be the name of server. If message is filename, then a contents
* of this file will be displayed as MOTD. */
native show_motd(player,const message[],const header[]="");
/* Sends message to player. Set index to 0 to send text globaly. */
native client_print(index,type,const message[],any:...);
* Sends colored message to player. Set index to 0 to send text globally.
* Called just after the plugin is unpaused.
* This works only under Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
* The available colors identifiers are :
* @noreturn
* green ^4 ; use location color from this point forward
* red/blue/grey ^3 ; use team color from this point forward
forward plugin_unpause();
* red/blue/grey ^2 ; use team color up to the end of the player name. This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters.
* normal ^1 ; use normal color from this point forward
* Called when the mod tries to change the map.
* The team color is defined either with a sender's index, or a specific team color using print_team_* constants (print_team_blue, print_team_red, print_team_grey).
* @note This is *only* called if the mod itself handles the map change. The
* A message must start with a default color.
* server command "changelevel" which is also used by plugins will not
* trigger this forward. Unfortunately this means that in practice this
* forward is very unreliable, and will not be called in many situations.
* An example would be: client_print_color(id, print_team_red, "^4This is green ^3this is red, ^1this is your default chat text color");
* @param map Map that the mod tries to change to
* Another with index : client_print_color(id, idOther, "^4This is green ^3this idOther's team color, ^1this is your default chat text color");
* In multilingual file : KEY = ^1This is normal color, ^4this is green, ^1normal again ^3and now team color.
* @param index This is the player index (1 to maxplayer) you want to send the message, use 0 to send to all players.
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the mod change the map
* @param sender This is the player index you want to use the team color, see print_team_* constants if you want to force a color.
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to prevent the map change
* @param fmt Format string in which patterns gonna be replaced with argument list.
forward server_changelevel(map[]);
* @return 1 if the message has been sent,
* 0 if the index specified is a not connected player,
* or if a global message has not been sent because there are no humans players.
* Called when all plugins went through plugin_init
* @note When this forward is called most plugins should have registered their
* cvars and commands already.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_cfg();
* Called just before server deactivation and subsequent
* unloading of the plugin.
* @note The plugin is required to manually free Handles it has acquired, such
* as those from dynamic data structures. Failing to do that will result
* in the plugin and AMXX leaking memory.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_end();
* Called when a message is about to be logged.
* @note Message data and information can be retrieved using the read_log* set
* of functions.
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the log message through
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to stop the log message
forward plugin_log();
* This forward allows you to add models, sounds and generic files to the
* precache tables using the precache_* set of functions.
* @note Adding files to the precaching tables will trigger the client to
* download them to its local filesystem.
* @note There is a hard upper limit of entries in the precaching tables for
* every game, this limit is 512 in most cases. The entries will be filled
* and indexed incrementally. Going over this limit will crash the server.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_precache();
* Called when a clients info has changed
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_infochanged(id);
* Called when a client is connecting.
* @note This forward is called too early to do anything that directly affects
* the client.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_connect(id);
* Called when the client gets a valid SteamID.
* @note This may occur before or after client_putinserver has been called.
* @note This is called for bots, and the SteamID will be "BOT"
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_authorized(id);
* Called when a client is disconnecting from the server.
* @note By this point it is already too late to do anything that directly
* affects the client.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_disconnect(id);
* Called when a client attempts to execute a command.
* @note The command and its arguments can be read using the read_arg* set of
* functions.
* @param id Client index
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the client execute the command
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to stop the command
forward client_command(id);
* Called when a client is entering the game.
* @note It is not defined whether the client already has a SteamID when this
* forward is called. client_authorized may occur either before or after
* this.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_putinserver(id);
* Sets informations about the calling plugin.
* @param plugin_name Name of the plugin
* @param version Version of the plugin
* @param author Author of the plugin
* @return Plugin id of the calling plugin
native register_plugin(const plugin_name[], const version[], const author[]);
* Precaches a model file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @param name Path to the model file
* @return Cache id of the model, even if the file was already precached
native precache_model(const name[]);
* Precaches a sound file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @note The filepath is always relative to the "sound" folder, and the file has
* to be a wav file. Precaching a file with this will add it to the engine
* sound table, making it available for usage in emit_sound for example.
* @note Precaching other filetypes (such as mp3 music), optionally in different
* locations, has to be done with precache_generic.
* @param name Path to the sound file
* @return Cache id of the sound, even if the file was already precached
native precache_sound(const name[]);
* Precaches a generic file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @note Precaching sounds with this will not add them to the engine sound tables.
* @param szFile Path to the file
* @return Cache id of the file, even if the file was already precached
native precache_generic(const szFile[]);
* Sets info on the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param info Info key
* @param value New value
* @noreturn
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native set_user_info(index,const info[], const value[]);
* Gets info from the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param info Info key
* @param output Buffer to copy value to
* @param len Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
native get_user_info(index, const info[], output[], len);
* Sets info on the server.
* @param info Info key
* @param value New value
* @noreturn
native set_localinfo(const info[], const value[]);
* Gets info from the server.
* @param info Info key
* @param output Buffer to copy value to
* @param len Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_localinfo(const info[], output[], len);
* Shows text or a file in MOTD window.
* @param player Client index, use 0 to display to all players
* @param message Message to display inside the MOTD window. If this is a
* filename the contents of this file will be displayed.
* @param header Text for the MOTD header. If this is empty the servers
* hostname will be displayed instead.
* @noreturn
native show_motd(player, const message[], const header[]="");
* Sends a message to the client.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all players
* @param type Message type, see print_* destination constants in amxconst
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
* client with the highest index.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native client_print(index, type, const message[], any:...);
* Sends colored chat messages to clients.
* @note This only works in Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero.
* @note The colors can be modified inside of the format string using special
* characters. These characters can be included using the escape character
* green x04 ; use location color from this point forward
* red/blue/grey x03 ; use team color from this point forward
* red/blue/grey x02 ; use team color to the end of the player name
* ; This only works at the start of the string,
* ; and precludes using other control characters
* default x01 ; use default color from this point forward
* @note The team color is defined by the sender's index or a specific team
* color using the print_team_* constants in amxconst
* @note Usage examples:
* client_print_color(id, print_team_red, "^4Green ^3Red ^1Default")
* client_print_color(id, id2, "^4Green ^3id2's team color, ^1Default")
* @note Including colors in ML can be done using the same escaping method:
* EXAMPLE_ML_KEY = ^4Green ^3Team color ^1Default.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all players
* @param sender Client index used as the sender, defining the team color
* used in the message. Use print_team_* constants to force
* a specific color.
* @param fmt Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
* client with the highest index.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native client_print_color(index, sender, const message[], any:...);
native client_print_color(index, sender, const message[], any:...);
/* Sends message to player by engine. Set index to 0 to send text globaly. */
native engclient_print(player,type,const message[],any:...);
* Sends a message to the client via the engine.
/* Sends message to console. */
* @param player Client index, use 0 to display to all players
native console_print(id,const message[],any:...);
* @param type Message type, see print_* destination constants in amxconst
* @param message Formatting rules
/* Sends command to console. */
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
native console_cmd(id,const cmd[],any:...);
* @return The number of printed characters.
/* Registers event on which a given function will be called
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* Flags:
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* "a" - global event.
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
* "b" - specified to client (human player and bot).
* client with the highest index.
* "c" - send only once when repeated to other players.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* "d" - call if is send to dead player.
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
* "e" - to alive.
* "f" - to human player only ("b" flag must be set).
native engclient_print(player, type, const message[], any:...);
* "g" - to bot only ("b" flag must be set).
* NOTE: Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with old plugins,
* the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if you use d or e.
* Examples for conditions:
* "2=c4" - 2nd parameter of message must be sting "c4".
* "3>10" - 3rd parameter must be greater then 10.
* "3!4" - 3rd must be different from 4.
* "2&Buy" - 2nd parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring.
* "2!Buy" - 2nd parameter of message can't contain "Buy" substring. */
native register_event(const event[],const function[],const flags[],const cond[]="", ... );
/* Registers log event on which the given function will be called
* Examples for conditions:
* "0=World triggered" "1=Game_Commencing"
* "1=say"
* "3=Terrorists_Win"
* "1=entered the game"
* "0=Server cvar"
native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ... );
* Sets format for hudmessage.
* Sends a message to the console of a client or the server.
* Note - as of AMX Mod X 1.61, setting the channel to -1
* will automatically choose the next available HUD channel for a player.
* @param index Client index, or 0 to print to the server console
* Note - if you plan to make a permanent message, don't forget to specify a channel (1-4)
* @param message Formatting rules
* to avoid flickering effect due to auto-channeling.
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native console_print(id, const message[], any:...);
* Executes a command from the specified client or the server console.
* @param id Client index, or 0 to print to the server console
* @param cmd Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The length of the formatted command.
native console_cmd(id, const cmd[], any:...);
* Registers a function to be called on a given game event.
* @note Examples for event conditions:
* "2=c4" - Second parameter of message must be the string "c4"
* "3>10" - Third parameter of message must be greater than 10
* "3!4" - Third parameter of message must not be equal to 4
* "2&Buy" - Second parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring
* "2!Buy" - Second parameter of message must not equal "Buy"
* @note Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with older
* plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if you
* use flags "d" or "e".
* @param event Name of event that should be hooked
* @param function Name of callback function
* @param flags Flags used for filtering events, the valid flags are:
* "a" - Global event (sent to every client)
* "b" - Event sent to single client
* "c" - Call only once when repeated to multiple clients
* "d" - Call only if sent to dead player
* "e" - Call only if sent to alive player
* "f" - Call only if sent to human player ("b" flag required)
* "g" - Call only if sent to bot ("b" flag required)
* @param cond Condition string used for filtering events, built as:
* "<argument number><comparison operator><value>"
* Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
* The comparison operator may be:
* - "=" for equality comparison (all argument types)
* - "!" for inequality comparison (all argument types)
* - "&" for bitwise and (int argument) or substring
* comparison (string argument)
* - "<" for less than comparison (int/float arguments)
* - ">" for greater than comparison (int/float arguments)
* The argument is compared to the specified value accordingly
* @param ... Any number of additional conditions
* @return 1 on successfully registering event
* 0 on failure
* @error Invalid event name or invalid callback function
native register_event(const event[], const function[], const flags[], const cond[]="", ...);
* Registers a function to be called on a given log event.
* @note Examples for log conditions:
* "0=World triggered" "1=Game_Commencing"
* "1=say"
* "3=Terrorists_Win"
* "1=entered the game"
* "0=Server cvar"
* @param function Name of callback function
* @param argsnum Number of arguments of the log event
* @param ... Any number of conditions used for filtering events
* A condition string is built as:
* "<argument number><comparison operator><string>"
* Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
* The comparison operator may be:
* - "=" for equality comparison
* - "&" for substring comparison
* The argument is compared to the specified string accordingly
* @return 1 on successfully registering event
* 0 on failure
* @error Invalid callback function
native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
* Sets display parameters for hudmessages.
* @note As of AMXX 1.61, setting the channel to -1 will automatically choose
* the next available HUD channel for the client.
* @note There are four different HUD channels available on the client (1-4).
* Sending a hudmessage to a channel will overwrite any existing messages
* already displaying on that channel.
* @note If you plan to create a permanent message don't forget to specify a
* specific channel to avoid possible flickering due to auto-channeling
* @note For the hudmessage coordinates x and y, -1.0 will center the message
* on the respective axis.
* @note These parameters stay until the next call to set_hudmessage overwrites
* them. Multiple calls to show_hudmessage will therefore re-use the same
* parameters.
* @param red Red component of hudmessage color
* @param green Green component of hudmessage color
* @param blue Blue component of hudmessage color
* @param x Location of the message on the x axis in percent
* @param y Location of the message on the y axis in percent
* @param effects Display effect
* @param fxtime Duration of the effect
* @param holdtime Time the message stays on screen
* @param fadeintime Time it takes for the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes for the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @param channel Channel to use on the client
* @noreturn
native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2,channel=-1);
native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2,channel=-1);
/* Displays HUD message to given player. */
/* Displays HUD message to given player. */
* Displays a message on the client HUD.
* @note Use set_hudmessage to define how the message should look on screen.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
* client with the highest index.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native show_hudmessage(index,const message[],any:...);
native show_hudmessage(index,const message[],any:...);
* Sets the Director HUD parameters for drawing text.
* Sets the Director HUD parameters for drawing text.
* These parameters are stored globally, although nothing other than this function and set_hudmessage modify them.
* These parameters are stored globally, although nothing other than this function and set_hudmessage modify them.
* You must call this function before drawing text. If you are drawing text to multiple clients, you can set the
* You must call this function before drawing text. If you are drawing text to multiple clients, you can set the
* parameters once, since they won't be modified. However, as soon as you pass control back to other plugins,
* parameters once, since they won't be modified. However, as soon as you pass control back to other plugins,
* you must reset the parameters next time you draw.
* you must reset the parameters next time you draw.
* @param red The red color value.
* @param red The red color value.
* @param green The green color value.
* @param green The green color value.
* @param blue The blue color value.
* @param blue The blue color value.
@ -197,14 +532,14 @@ native show_hudmessage(index,const message[],any:...);
* @param effects The effect value. 0 = fade in/fade out, 1 is flickery credits, 2 is write out (training room).
* @param effects The effect value. 0 = fade in/fade out, 1 is flickery credits, 2 is write out (training room).
* @param fxtime The duration of chosen effect (may not apply to all effects).
* @param fxtime The duration of chosen effect (may not apply to all effects).
* @param holdtime The Number of seconds to hold the text.
* @param holdtime The Number of seconds to hold the text.
* @param fadeintime The number of seconds to spend fading in.
* @param fadeintime The number of seconds to spend fading in.
* @param fadeoutime The number of seconds to spend fading out.
* @param fadeoutime The number of seconds to spend fading out.
native set_dhudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2);
native set_dhudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2);
* Shows a Director HUD message to a client. Usually such message has a bigger letter size.
* Shows a Director HUD message to a client. Usually such message has a bigger letter size.
* Ideally used to show static/persistent message.
* Ideally used to show static/persistent message.
* Unlike classic HUD message which is channel-based, Director HUD message is stack-based. Don't expect same behavior.
* Unlike classic HUD message which is channel-based, Director HUD message is stack-based. Don't expect same behavior.
* You can have up to 8 messages displatying at once. If you try more, the first will be overwritten, then second, etc.
* You can have up to 8 messages displatying at once. If you try more, the first will be overwritten, then second, etc.
@ -236,7 +571,7 @@ native read_datatype();
/* Gets log message. Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
/* Gets log message. Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
native read_logdata(output[],len);
native read_logdata(output[],len);
/* Returns number of log arguments.
/* Returns number of log arguments.
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
native read_logargc();
native read_logargc();
@ -284,7 +619,7 @@ native get_amxx_verstring(buffer[], length);
/* If player is not attacked function returns 0, in other
/* If player is not attacked function returns 0, in other
* case returns index of attacking player. On second and third
* case returns index of attacking player. On second and third
* parameter you may get info about weapon and body hit place.
* parameter you may get info about weapon and body hit place.
* As of 1.75, get_user_attacker can return a non-player index if the player was attacked by a non-player entity.
* As of 1.75, get_user_attacker can return a non-player index if the player was attacked by a non-player entity.
native get_user_attacker(index,...);
native get_user_attacker(index,...);
@ -315,7 +650,7 @@ native get_user_ip(index,ip[],len, without_port = 0);
set "setweapon" to 0 to turn the bit off, set to 1 to turn it on. */
set "setweapon" to 0 to turn the bit off, set to 1 to turn it on. */
native user_has_weapon(index,weapon,setweapon=-1);
native user_has_weapon(index,weapon,setweapon=-1);
/* Returns id of currently carried weapon. Gets also
/* Returns id of currently carried weapon. Gets also
* ammount of ammo in clip and backpack. */
* ammount of ammo in clip and backpack. */
native get_user_weapon(index,&clip=0,&ammo=0);
native get_user_weapon(index,&clip=0,&ammo=0);
@ -329,7 +664,7 @@ native num_to_word(num,output[],len);
* then a name of team is set. */
* then a name of team is set. */
native get_user_team(index, team[]="", len = 0);
native get_user_team(index, team[]="", len = 0);
/* Returns player playing time in seconds.
/* Returns player playing time in seconds.
* If flag is set then result is without connection time. */
* If flag is set then result is without connection time. */
native get_user_time(index, flag = 0);
native get_user_time(index, flag = 0);
@ -341,17 +676,17 @@ native get_user_ping(index, &ping, &loss);
* 0 - current position.
* 0 - current position.
* 1 - position from eyes (weapon aiming).
* 1 - position from eyes (weapon aiming).
* 2 - end position from player position.
* 2 - end position from player position.
* 3 - end position from eyes (hit point for weapon).
* 3 - end position from eyes (hit point for weapon).
* 4 - position of last bullet hit (only CS). */
* 4 - position of last bullet hit (only CS). */
native get_user_origin(index, origin[3], mode = 0);
native get_user_origin(index, origin[3], mode = 0);
/* Returns all carried weapons as bit sum. Gets
/* Returns all carried weapons as bit sum. Gets
* also theirs indexes.
* also theirs indexes.
* Note that num is incremental - if you pass 0, you get
* Note that num is incremental - if you pass 0, you get
* 32 weapons towards the total. Afterwards, num will
* 32 weapons towards the total. Afterwards, num will
* will contain the number of weapons retrieved.
* will contain the number of weapons retrieved.
* However, subsequent calls to get_user_weapons() will
* However, subsequent calls to get_user_weapons() will
* return the next batch of weapons, in case the mod
* return the next batch of weapons, in case the mod
* supports more than 32 weapons.
* supports more than 32 weapons.
* This means to call get_user_weapons() on the same
* This means to call get_user_weapons() on the same
* inputs twice, you must reset num to 0 to get the
* inputs twice, you must reset num to 0 to get the
@ -391,7 +726,7 @@ native log_message(const message[],any:...);
/* Sends log message to specified file. */
/* Sends log message to specified file. */
native log_to_file(const file[],const message[],any:...);
native log_to_file(const file[],const message[],any:...);
/* Returns number of players put in server.
/* Returns number of players put in server.
* If flag is set then also connecting are counted. */
* If flag is set then also connecting are counted. */
native get_playersnum(flag=0);
native get_playersnum(flag=0);
@ -436,7 +771,7 @@ native get_flags(flags,output[],len);
* "g" - don't look in alive players.
* "g" - don't look in alive players.
* "h" - skip bots.
* "h" - skip bots.
* "i" - skip real players.
* "i" - skip real players.
* "j" - return index of last found player.
* "j" - return index of last found player.
* "k" - with given userid.
* "k" - with given userid.
* "l" - ignore case sensitivity. */
* "l" - ignore case sensitivity. */
native find_player(const flags[], ... );
native find_player(const flags[], ... );
@ -455,9 +790,9 @@ native client_cmd(index,const command[],any:...);
* @param index Index of the client, use 0 to send to all clients.
* @param index Index of the client, use 0 to send to all clients.
* @param command The client command to execute on.
* @param command The client command to execute on.
* @param arg1 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg1 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg2 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg2 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @noreturn
* @noreturn
native engclient_cmd(index,const command[],const arg1[]="",const arg2[]="");
native engclient_cmd(index,const command[],const arg1[]="",const arg2[]="");
@ -467,14 +802,14 @@ native engclient_cmd(index,const command[],const arg1[]="",const arg2[]="");
* Function is excellent for forcing to do an action related to a game (not settings!).
* Function is excellent for forcing to do an action related to a game (not settings!).
* The command must stand alone but in arguments you can use spaces.
* The command must stand alone but in arguments you can use spaces.
* @note This is similar to engclient_cmd with the difference all plugins hooking
* @note This is similar to engclient_cmd with the difference all plugins hooking
* the command will be notified as well.
* the command will be notified as well.
* @param index Index of the client, use 0 to send to all clients.
* @param index Index of the client, use 0 to send to all clients.
* @param command The client command to execute on.
* @param command The client command to execute on.
* @param arg1 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg1 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg2 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @param arg2 Optionnal. The command arguments.
* @noreturn
* @noreturn
native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "");
native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "");
@ -535,7 +870,7 @@ native get_time(const format[],output[],len);
* Last parameter sets time to format. */
* Last parameter sets time to format. */
native format_time(output[],len, const format[],time = -1);
native format_time(output[],len, const format[],time = -1);
/* Returns system time in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
/* Returns system time in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
* Offset is given in seconds.*/
* Offset is given in seconds.*/
native get_systime(offset = 0);
native get_systime(offset = 0);
@ -555,7 +890,7 @@ native parse_time(const input[],const format[], time = -1);
* "d" - do task on time before a map timelimit. */
* "d" - do task on time before a map timelimit. */
native set_task(Float:time,const function[],id = 0,const parameter[]="",len = 0,const flags[]="", repeat = 0);
native set_task(Float:time,const function[],id = 0,const parameter[]="",len = 0,const flags[]="", repeat = 0);
/* Removes all tasks with given id. If outside var is
/* Removes all tasks with given id. If outside var is
* set then a task can be removed also when
* set then a task can be removed also when
* was set in another plugin. */
* was set in another plugin. */
native remove_task(id = 0, outside = 0);
native remove_task(id = 0, outside = 0);
@ -575,21 +910,21 @@ native get_user_flags(index,id=0);
/* Removes flags for player. */
/* Removes flags for player. */
native remove_user_flags(index,flags=-1,id=0);
native remove_user_flags(index,flags=-1,id=0);
/* Registers function which will be called from client console.
/* Registers function which will be called from client console.
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Returns the command ID.
* Returns the command ID.
native register_clcmd(const client_cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
native register_clcmd(const client_cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
/* Registers function which will be called from any console.
/* Registers function which will be called from any console.
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 1 to make FlagManager always include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Set FlagManager to 0 to make FlagManager never include this command
* Returns the command ID.
* Returns the command ID.
native register_concmd(const cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
native register_concmd(const cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="", FlagManager=-1);
/* Registers function which will be called from server console.
/* Registers function which will be called from server console.
* Returns the command ID.
* Returns the command ID.
native register_srvcmd(const server_cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="");
native register_srvcmd(const server_cmd[],const function[],flags=-1, const info[]="");
@ -725,7 +1060,7 @@ native get_modulesnum();
native is_plugin_loaded(const name[], bool:usefilename=false);
native is_plugin_loaded(const name[], bool:usefilename=false);
/* Gets info about plugin by given index.
/* Gets info about plugin by given index.
* Function returns -1 if plugin doesn't exist with given index.
* Function returns -1 if plugin doesn't exist with given index.
* Note: the [...] portion should not be used, and is only for backward compatibility.
* Note: the [...] portion should not be used, and is only for backward compatibility.
* Use index of -1 to use the calling plugin's ID.
* Use index of -1 to use the calling plugin's ID.
@ -742,7 +1077,7 @@ native get_pluginsnum();
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name).
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name).
* "d" - set "stopped" status when pausing whole plugin.
* "d" - set "stopped" status when pausing whole plugin.
* In this status plugin is unpauseable.
* In this status plugin is unpauseable.
* Example: pause("ac","myplugin.amxx")
* Example: pause("ac","myplugin.amxx")
* Note: There used to be the b and e flags as well,
* Note: There used to be the b and e flags as well,
* which have been deprecated and are no longer used.
* which have been deprecated and are no longer used.
@ -794,7 +1129,7 @@ native callfunc_push_intrf(&value);
native callfunc_push_floatrf(& Float: value);
native callfunc_push_floatrf(& Float: value);
/* If copyback is 1 (default), any changes are copied back.
/* If copyback is 1 (default), any changes are copied back.
* Note that this will defy the 'const' specifier for push_str(),
* Note that this will defy the 'const' specifier for push_str(),
* which is only kept for special backwards compatibility.
* which is only kept for special backwards compatibility.
native callfunc_push_str(const VALUE[], bool:copyback=true);
native callfunc_push_str(const VALUE[], bool:copyback=true);
@ -868,7 +1203,7 @@ native log_error(error, const fmt[], any:...);
// More Dynamic Native System Stuff
// More Dynamic Native System Stuff
// Each of these natives affects one of the parameters sent to your native.
// Each of these natives affects one of the parameters sent to your native.
// Parameters go from 1 to n, just like in modules, and it is important to
// Parameters go from 1 to n, just like in modules, and it is important to
// remember two things: The parameters are actually coming from another plugin
// remember two things: The parameters are actually coming from another plugin
// (and just like modules, you must use these special natives).
// (and just like modules, you must use these special natives).
// two: you CANNOT call your native from inside your native. This is very bad.
// two: you CANNOT call your native from inside your native. This is very bad.
@ -877,7 +1212,7 @@ native log_error(error, const fmt[], any:...);
//You only need to use it on by-reference parameters.
//You only need to use it on by-reference parameters.
native param_convert(num);
native param_convert(num);
// Gets a string from the calling plugin
// Gets a string from the calling plugin
native get_string(param, dest[], maxlen);
native get_string(param, dest[], maxlen);
// Sets a string in the calling plugin
// Sets a string in the calling plugin
@ -913,7 +1248,7 @@ native query_client_cvar(id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const
* Allows you to trap error messages that occur in your plugin.
* Allows you to trap error messages that occur in your plugin.
* You can use this to override the debug messages that occur when your plugin
* You can use this to override the debug messages that occur when your plugin
* causes some sort of runtime error. Your handler will be called in this style:
* causes some sort of runtime error. Your handler will be called in this style:
@ -957,15 +1292,15 @@ native dbg_fmt_error(buffer[], maxLength);
* Sets a native filter. This must be first set in plugin_natives(), but future calls will
* Sets a native filter. This must be first set in plugin_natives(), but future calls will
* simply set a new filter.
* simply set a new filter.
* This filter will allow your plugin to load even if its modules aren't loaded. For example,
* This filter will allow your plugin to load even if its modules aren't loaded. For example,
* if Fun isn't loaded and you use set_user_frags, your plugin will still load. However, if you
* if Fun isn't loaded and you use set_user_frags, your plugin will still load. However, if you
* attempt to call this native, your filter will intercept it with these parameters:
* attempt to call this native, your filter will intercept it with these parameters:
* public function native_filter(const native[], index, trap)
* public function native_filter(const native[], index, trap)
* native - name of native
* native - name of native
* index - index of native
* index - index of native
* trap - 0 if native couldn't be found, 1 if native use was attempted
* trap - 0 if native couldn't be found, 1 if native use was attempted
* If you return PLUGIN_HANDLED, no error is thrown. If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE,
* If you return PLUGIN_HANDLED, no error is thrown. If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE,
* your plugin will have a run-time-error. To print your own error, or change the default,
* your plugin will have a run-time-error. To print your own error, or change the default,
* you can return PLUGIN_HANDLED or return PLUGIN_CONTINUE and use set_error_filter.
* you can return PLUGIN_HANDLED or return PLUGIN_CONTINUE and use set_error_filter.
* If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE when trap is 0, the plugin will ABORT AND FAIL TO LOAD!
* If you return PLUGIN_CONTINUE when trap is 0, the plugin will ABORT AND FAIL TO LOAD!
@ -974,20 +1309,20 @@ native dbg_fmt_error(buffer[], maxLength);
native set_native_filter(const handler[]);
native set_native_filter(const handler[]);
* This function sets a module/library filter. It will let you intercept the automatic requirement
* This function sets a module/library filter. It will let you intercept the automatic requirement
* of a module and return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to fail load or PLUGIN_HANDLED to imply that load
* of a module and return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to fail load or PLUGIN_HANDLED to imply that load
* can continue even without the module.
* can continue even without the module.
* This is the most unforgiving of the filter functions. You can ONLY call it during plugin_natives,
* This is the most unforgiving of the filter functions. You can ONLY call it during plugin_natives,
* and any error that occurs is not filtered -- instead your plugin will fail to load as if you
* and any error that occurs is not filtered -- instead your plugin will fail to load as if you
* Your handler will be called with this prototype:
* Your handler will be called with this prototype:
* public module_filter(const library[], LibType:type);
* public module_filter(const library[], LibType:type);
* library - library or class name of the module that is required
* library - library or class name of the module that is required
* libtype - The type of requirement being checked (library/module or class).
* libtype - The type of requirement being checked (library/module or class).
* set_module_filter() returns 0 on success (unlike most natives).
* set_module_filter() returns 0 on success (unlike most natives).
@ -1005,7 +1340,7 @@ native set_module_filter(const handler[]);
native abort(error, const fmt[]="", any:...);
native abort(error, const fmt[]="", any:...);
* Checks if a specific module is loaded. This is the exact same method AMX Mod X
* Checks if a specific module is loaded. This is the exact same method AMX Mod X
* uses to see if a module is required by a plugin. For example:
* uses to see if a module is required by a plugin. For example:
* module_exists("cstrike")
* module_exists("cstrike")
* module_exists("dbi")
* module_exists("dbi")
@ -1027,7 +1362,7 @@ native next_hudchannel(player);
* for each section of the screen that contains overlapping HUD messages.
* for each section of the screen that contains overlapping HUD messages.
* For example, if you use both sides of the screen to display three messages
* For example, if you use both sides of the screen to display three messages
* that can potentially overlap, each side counts as a synchronizable area.
* that can potentially overlap, each side counts as a synchronizable area.
* You can then use ShowSyncHudMsg() to correctly synchronize displaying the
* You can then use ShowSyncHudMsg() to correctly synchronize displaying the
* HUD message with any other messages potentially in its class. Note that this
* HUD message with any other messages potentially in its class. Note that this
* does not yet do anything like reserve screen area, its sole purpose is to be
* does not yet do anything like reserve screen area, its sole purpose is to be
* able to wipe an old message on an auto-channel and ensure that it will not
* able to wipe an old message on an auto-channel and ensure that it will not
@ -1042,7 +1377,7 @@ native CreateHudSyncObj(num=0, ...);
* it proceeds to write another. It will only do this in the case
* it proceeds to write another. It will only do this in the case
* of that channel not having been cleared already.
* of that channel not having been cleared already.
* Target can be 0 for all players or 1-get_maxplayers().
* Target can be 0 for all players or 1-get_maxplayers().
* You must use set_hudmessage, although the channel parameter is
* You must use set_hudmessage, although the channel parameter is
* entirely ignored.
* entirely ignored.
native ShowSyncHudMsg(target, syncObj, const fmt[], any:...);
native ShowSyncHudMsg(target, syncObj, const fmt[], any:...);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user