initial import of the bcompat plugins (userland layer)

This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2006-09-08 14:49:54 +00:00
parent 38e7b9ff58
commit 8df33abd70
13 changed files with 1995 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* AMX Mod Compatibility engine
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fun> //we want fun running for extra compatibility
#include <engine> //we want engine running for extra compatibility
#include <fakemeta>
#include <translator>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sqlx>
#define MOD_NORMAL 0
#define MOD_CSTRIKE 1
new g_ModType = MOD_NORMAL
new g_MaxPlayers
#include "core.sma"
#include "vexdum.sma"
#include "mysql.sma"
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("AMX Mod Compat Engine", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team")
g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
public plugin_natives()
new modname[32]
get_modname(modname, 31)
if (equali(modname, "cstrike") || equali(modname, "czero"))
public Plugin_ModuleFilter(const module[])
if (equali(module, "sqlx"))
public client_connect(id)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
* AMX Mod Compatibility engine
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
/* implicit compatibility */
register_native("VelocityByAim", "__VelocityByAim")
register_native("load_translations", "__load_translations")
register_native("is_user_authorized", "__is_user_authorized")
register_native("get_user_money", "__get_user_money")
register_native("set_user_money", "__set_user_money")
register_native("angle_to_vector", "__angle_to_vector")
register_native("fabs", "__fabs")
register_native("asin", "__asin")
register_native("sin", "__sin")
register_native("sinh", "__sinh")
register_native("acos", "__acos")
register_native("cos", "__cos")
register_native("cosh", "__cosh")
register_native("atan", "__atan")
register_native("atan2", "__atan2")
register_native("tan", "__tan")
register_native("tanh", "__tanh")
register_native("fsqroot", "__fsqroot")
register_native("fpower", "__fpower")
register_native("flog", "__flog")
public __VelocityByAim(plid, num)
new iIndex
new iVelocity
new Float:vRetValue[3]
iIndex = get_param(1)
iVelocity = get_param(2)
new ret = velocity_by_aim(iIndex, iVelocity, vRetValue)
set_array_f(3, vRetValue, 3)
return ret
public __load_translations(plid, num)
static file[255]
get_string(1, file, 254)
return load_translations(file)
public __is_user_authorized(plid, num)
return is_user_authorized(get_param(1))
public __get_user_money(plid, num)
return get_user_money(get_param(1))
public __set_user_money(plid, num)
return set_user_money(get_param(1), get_param(2), get_param(3))
public __angle_to_vector(plid, num)
new Float:angle[3]
new Float:vRetValue[3]
get_array_f(1, angle, 3)
new ret = angle_vector(angle, get_param(2), vRetValue)
set_array_f(3, vRetValue, 3)
return ret
public Float:__fabs(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatabs(value)
public Float:__asin(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatasin(value, radian)
public Float:__sin(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatsin(value, radian)
public Float:__sinh(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatsinh(value, radian)
public Float:__acos(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatacos(value, radian)
public Float:__cos(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatcos(value, radian)
public Float:__cosh(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatcosh(value, radian)
public Float:__atan(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatatan(value, radian)
public Float:__atan2(plid, num)
new Float:value1 = get_param_f(1)
new Float:value2 = get_param_f(2)
return floatatan2(value1, value2, radian)
public Float:__tan(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floattan(value, radian)
public Float:__tanh(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floattanh(value, radian)
public Float:__fsqroot(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
return floatsqroot(value)
public Float:__fpower(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
new Float:exponent = get_param_f(2)
return floatpower(value, exponent)
public Float:__flog(plid, num)
new Float:value = get_param_f(1)
new Float:base = get_param_f(2)
return floatlog(value, base)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
* AMX Mod Compatibility engine
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
new Connections[MAX_CONNECTIONS+1] = {0}
new ConnectionTracker[MAX_CONNECTIONS+1] = {0}
new ConnectionErrors[MAX_CONNECTIONS+1][255]
new ConnectionQueries[MAX_CONNECTIONS+1] = {0}
new QueryPositions[MAX_CONNECTIONS+1]
register_native("mysql_connect", "__mysql_connect")
register_native("mysql_query", "__mysql_query")
register_native("mysql_error", "__mysql_error")
register_native("mysql_close", "__mysql_close")
register_native("mysql_nextrow", "__mysql_nextrow")
register_native("mysql_getfield", "__mysql_getfield")
register_native("mysql_getresult", "__mysql_getresult")
register_native("mysql_affected_rows", "__mysql_affected_rows")
register_native("mysql_num_fields", "__mysql_num_fields")
register_native("mysql_num_rows", "__mysql_num_rows")
register_native("mysql_field_name", "__mysql_field_name")
register_native("mysql_insert_id", "__mysql_insert_id")
if (ConnectionTracker[0])
new idx = ConnectionTracker[ConnectionTracker[0]]
Connections[idx] = _:cn
return idx
} else {
if (Connections[0] > MAX_CONNECTIONS)
return 0
Connections[Connections[0]] = _:cn
return Connections[0]
return 0
if (idx < 1 || idx > MAX_CONNECTIONS || !Connections[idx])
return Empty_Handle
return Handle:Connections[idx]
Connections[idx] = 0
ConnectionTracker[ConnectionTracker[0]] = idx
ConnectionErrors[idx][0] = 0
ConnectionQueries[idx] = 0
QueryPositions[idx] = 0
* Unlike the previous this does not check for a matching connection.
* Unless a plugin breaks I'm not going to take that step.
public __mysql_connect(plid, num)
static host[255], user[128], pass[128], dbname[128], error[512]
new errcode
get_string(1, host, 254)
get_string(2, user, 127)
get_string(3, pass, 127)
get_string(4, dbname, 127)
new Handle:info = SQL_MakeDbTuple(host, user, pass, dbname)
new Handle:cn = SQL_Connect(info, errcode, error, 511)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
set_string(5, error, get_param(6))
return 0
new idx = MakeConnectionIndex(cn)
if (idx == 0)
set_string(5, "Reached max unclosed connections", get_param(6))
return 0
ConnectionQueries[idx] = 0
return idx
public __mysql_query(plid, num)
static queryString[4096]
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn
if ((cn=GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)) == Empty_Handle)
return 0
vdformat(queryString, 4095, 2, 3)
new Handle:query = SQL_PrepareQuery(cn, "%s", queryString)
if (!SQL_Execute(query))
SQL_QueryError(query, ConnectionErrors[cn_idx], 254)
return 0
if (ConnectionQueries[cn_idx])
ConnectionQueries[cn_idx] = _:query
QueryPositions[cn_idx] = 0
return 1
public __mysql_error(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
if (Connections[cn_idx] < 1)
static error[255]
format(error, 254, "Invalid connection index: %d", cn_idx)
set_string(2, error, get_param(3))
return 1
set_string(2, ConnectionErrors[cn_idx], get_param(3))
return 1
public __mysql_close(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query != Empty_Handle)
return 1
public __mysql_nextrow(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
if (QueryPositions[cn_idx] != 0)
if (SQL_MoreResults(query))
return ++QueryPositions[cn_idx]
return 0
public __mysql_getresult(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
if (!SQL_MoreResults(query))
return 0
static name[64]
get_string(2, name, 63)
new column = SQL_FieldNameToNum(query, name)
if (column == -1)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid column name: %s", name)
return 0
switch (num)
case 2:
return SQL_ReadResult(query, column)
case 3:
new Float:fma
SQL_ReadResult(query, column, fma)
set_param_byref(3, _:fma)
case 4:
static str[2048]
SQL_ReadResult(query, column, str, 2047)
set_string(3, str, get_param_byref(4))
return 1
public __mysql_getfield(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
if (!SQL_MoreResults(query))
return 0
switch (num)
case 2:
return SQL_ReadResult(query, get_param(2)-1)
case 3:
new Float:fma
SQL_ReadResult(query, get_param(2)-1, fma)
set_param_byref(3, _:fma)
case 4:
static str[2048]
SQL_ReadResult(query, get_param(2)-1, str, 2047)
set_string(3, str, get_param_byref(4))
return 1
public __mysql_affected_rows(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
return SQL_AffectedRows(query)
public __mysql_num_fields(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
return SQL_NumColumns(query)
public __mysql_insert_id(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
return SQL_GetInsertId(query)
public __mysql_num_rows(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
return SQL_NumResults(query)
public __mysql_field_name(plid, num)
new cn_idx = get_param(1)
new Handle:cn = GetConnectionIndex(cn_idx)
if (cn == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new Handle:query = Handle:ConnectionQueries[cn_idx]
if (query == Empty_Handle)
return 0
new column = get_param(2) - 1
if (column < 0 || column >= SQL_NumColumns(query))
return 0
new field[64]
SQL_FieldNumToName(query, column, field, 63)
set_string(3, field, get_param(4))
return 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
* AMX Mod Compatibility engine
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
#include <VexdUM_const>
#include <VexdUM_stock>
/* Forwards */
new g_FwdTouch
new g_FwdThink
new g_FwdSpawn
new g_FwdClientPreThink
new g_FwdClientPostThink
new g_FwdEmitSound
new g_FwdEmitAmbientSound
new g_FwdSetModel
new g_FwdTraceLine
new g_FwdSetCliKeyValue
new g_FwdKeyValue
new g_PlayerModels[33][64]
new g_PlayerModeled[33]
new g_LastTrace = 0
/* Fakemeta Hooks */
register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "Hook_FM_EmitSound")
register_forward(FM_EmitAmbientSound, "Hook_FM_EmitAmbientSound")
register_forward(FM_SetModel, "Hook_FM_SetModel")
register_forward(FM_TraceLine, "Hook_FM_TraceLine")
register_forward(FM_SetClientKeyValue, "Hook_FM_SetClientKeyValue")
register_forward(FM_KeyValue, "Hook_FM_KeyValue")
register_forward(FM_Touch, "Hook_FM_Touch")
register_forward(FM_Think, "Hook_FM_Think")
register_forward(FM_Spawn, "Hook_FM_Spawn")
register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "Hook_FM_PlayerPreThink")
register_forward(FM_PlayerPostThink, "Hook_FM_PlayerPostThink")
register_forward(FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "Hook_ClientUserInfoChanged")
/* Global Forwards */
g_FwdTouch = CreateMultiForward("entity_touch", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)
g_FwdThink = CreateMultiForward("entity_think", ET_STOP, FP_CELL)
g_FwdSpawn = CreateMultiForward("entity_spawn", ET_STOP, FP_CELL)
g_FwdClientPreThink = CreateMultiForward("client_prethink", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL)
g_FwdClientPostThink = CreateMultiForward("client_postthink", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL)
g_FwdEmitSound = CreateMultiForward("emitsound", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_STRING)
g_FwdEmitAmbientSound = CreateMultiForward("emitambientsound", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_STRING)
g_FwdSetModel = CreateMultiForward("set_model", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_STRING)
g_FwdTraceLine = CreateMultiForward("traceline", ET_STOP, FP_CELL)
g_FwdSetCliKeyValue = CreateMultiForward("setclientkeyvalue", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_STRING)
g_FwdKeyValue = CreateMultiForward("keyvalue", ET_STOP, FP_CELL)
/* implicit compatibility */
register_native("is_entity", "__is_entity")
register_native("find_entity", "__find_entity")
register_native("find_entity_sphere", "__find_entity_sphere")
register_native("in_view_cone", "__in_view_cone")
register_native("get_offset_int", "__get_offset_int")
register_native("set_offset_int", "__set_offset_int")
register_native("trace_line", "__trace_line")
register_native("traceline_get_int", "__traceline_get_int")
register_native("traceline_set_int", "__traceline_set_int")
register_native("traceline_get_edict", "__traceline_get_edict")
register_native("traceline_set_edict", "__traceline_set_edict")
register_native("traceline_set_float", "__traceline_set_float")
register_native("can_see", "__can_see")
register_native("user_spawn", "__user_spawn")
register_native("get_maxentities", "__get_maxentities")
register_native("PointContents", "__PointContents")
register_native("DispatchKeyValue", "__DispatchKeyValue")
if (g_ModType == MOD_CSTRIKE)
register_native("set_user_model", "__cs_set_user_model")
} else {
register_native("set_user_model", "__set_user_model")
g_PlayerModels[id][0] = 0
g_PlayerModeled[id] =0
SetClientKeyValue(id, const key[], const value[])
new buffer = engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, id)
return engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, buffer, key, value)
GetClientKeyValue(id, const key[], value[], maxlen)
new buffer = engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, id)
engfunc(EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, buffer, key, value, maxlen)
public __is_entity(plid, num)
new ent = get_param(1)
return is_entity(ent)
public __find_entity(plid, num)
static entstr[256]
new startEnt, type
startEnt = get_param(1)
get_string(2, entstr, 255)
type = get_param(3)
return find_entity(startEnt, entstr, type)
public __find_entity_sphere(plid, num)
new ent
new Float:orig[3]
new Float:radius
ent = get_param(1)
get_array_f(2, orig, 3)
radius = get_param_f(3)
return find_entity_sphere(ent, orig, radius)
public __in_view_cone(plid, num)
new ent
new Float:orig[3]
ent = get_param(1)
get_array_f(2, orig, 3)
return in_view_cone(ent, orig)
public __get_offset_int(plid, num)
new ent = get_param(1)
new offs = get_param(2)
new linux = get_param(3)
return get_pdata_int(ent, offs, linux)
public __set_offset_int(plid, num)
return set_offset_int(get_param(1), get_param(2), get_param(3), get_param(4))
public __trace_line(plid, num)
new ent = get_param(1)
new Float:vStart[3], Float:vEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]
get_array_f(2, vStart, 3)
get_array_f(3, vEnd, 3)
if (ent == FM_NULLENT)
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, vStart, vEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS, 0, 0)
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, vStart, vEnd, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, ent, 0)
get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_vecEndPos, vReturn)
set_array_f(4, vReturn, 3)
new traceHit = get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_pHit)
if (!pev_valid(traceHit))
return traceHit
public __traceline_get_int(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new iValue = 0
switch (iSet)
case TR_INT_fAllSolid:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_AllSolid)
case TR_INT_fStartSolid:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_StartSolid)
case TR_INT_fInOpen:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_InOpen)
case TR_INT_fInWater:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_InWater)
case TR_INT_iHitgroup:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_iHitgroup)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return iValue
public __traceline_set_int(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new iValue = get_param(2)
switch (iSet)
case TR_INT_fAllSolid:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_AllSolid, iValue)
case TR_INT_fStartSolid:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_StartSolid, iValue)
case TR_INT_fInOpen:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_InOpen, iValue)
case TR_INT_fInWater:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_InWater, iValue)
case TR_INT_iHitgroup:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_iHitgroup, iValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return 0
return 1
public __traceline_get_edict(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new iValue = 0
switch (iSet)
case TR_ENT_pHit:
iValue = get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_pHit)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return iValue
public __traceline_set_edict(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new iValue = get_param(2)
switch (iSet)
case TR_ENT_pHit:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_pHit, iValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return 0
return 1
public Float:__traceline_get_float(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new Float:fValue = 0.0
switch (iSet)
case TR_FL_flFraction:
get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_flFraction, fValue)
case TR_FL_flPlaneDist:
get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_flPlaneDist, fValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return fValue
public __traceline_set_float(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new Float:fValue = get_param_f(2)
switch (iSet)
case TR_FL_flFraction:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_flFraction, fValue)
case TR_FL_flPlaneDist:
get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_flPlaneDist, fValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return 0
return 1
public __traceline_get_vector(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new Float:vValue[3]
switch (iSet)
case TR_VEC_vecEndPos:
get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_vecEndPos, vValue)
case TR_VEC_vecPlaneNormal:
get_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_vecPlaneNormal, vValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return 0
set_array_f(2, vValue, 3)
return 1
public __traceline_set_vector(plid, num)
new iSet = get_param(1)
new Float:vValue[3]
get_array_f(2, vValue, 3)
switch (iSet)
case TR_VEC_vecEndPos:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_vecEndPos, vValue)
case TR_VEC_vecPlaneNormal:
set_tr2(g_LastTrace, TraceResult:TR_vecPlaneNormal, vValue)
log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid TR_ parameter")
return 0
return 1
public __can_see(plid, num)
return can_see(get_param(1), get_param(2))
public __user_spawn(plid, num)
return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, get_param(1))
public __set_user_model(plid, num)
new id = get_param(1)
if (id < 1 || id > g_MaxPlayers)
return 0
new model[64]
get_string(2, model, 63)
if (model[0] == 0)
if (!g_PlayerModeled[id])
return 0
g_PlayerModeled[id] = 0
g_PlayerModels[id][0] = 0
dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientUserInfoChanged, id)
} else {
copy(g_PlayerModels[id], 63, model)
g_PlayerModeled[id] = 1
SetClientKeyValue(id, "model", model)
return 1
public __cs_set_user_model(plid, num)
new id = get_param(1)
new model[64]
get_string(2, model, 63)
return cs_set_user_model(id, model)
public __get_maxentities(plid, num)
return get_maxentities()
public __PointContents(plid, num)
new Float:vCheckAt[3]
get_array_f(1, vCheckAt, 3)
return point_contents(vCheckAt)
public __DispatchKeyValue(plid, num)
new ent = get_param(1)
new szClassname[32], szKey[32], szValue[32]
if (pev_valid(ent))
get_string(2, szKey, 31)
get_string(3, szValue, 31)
pev(ent, pev_classname, szClassname, 31)
set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, szClassname)
set_kvd(0, KV_KeyName, szKey)
set_kvd(0, KV_Value, szValue)
set_kvd(0, KV_fHandled, 0)
dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue, ent, 0)
return 1
***** HOOKS *********************
public Hook_ClientUserInfoChanged(id, buffer)
if (g_PlayerModeled[id] && (pev(id, pev_deadflag) == DEAD_NO))
public Hook_FM_EmitSound(entid, channel, const sample[]) //we don't care about the rest
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdEmitSound, ret, entid, sample)
public Hook_FM_EmitAmbientSound(entid, Float:pos[3], const sample[]) //we don't care about the rest
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdEmitAmbientSound, ret, entid, sample)
public Hook_FM_SetModel(entid, const model[])
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdSetModel, ret, entid, model)
public Hook_FM_TraceLine(Float:v1[3], Float:v2[3], noMonsters, skip_ent, ptr)
g_LastTrace = ptr
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, v1, v2, noMonsters, skip_ent, ptr)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdTraceLine, ret, skip_ent)
public Hook_FM_SetClientKeyValue(id, const infobuffer[], const key[], const value[])
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdSetCliKeyValue, ret, id, key, value)
public Hook_FM_KeyValue(ent, kvd)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdKeyValue, ret, ent)
public Hook_FM_Touch(ent1, ent2)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdTouch, ret, ent1, ent2)
public Hook_FM_Think(entid)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdThink, ret, entid)
public Hook_FM_Spawn(entid)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdSpawn, ret, entid)
public Hook_FM_PlayerPreThink(id)
new ret
ExecuteForward(g_FwdClientPreThink, ret, id)
public Hook_FM_PlayerPostThink(id)
new ret
if (g_PlayerModeled[id])
new model[64]
GetClientKeyValue(id, "model", model, 63)
if (!equal(g_PlayerModels[id], model))
SetClientKeyValue(id, "model", g_PlayerModels[id])
ExecuteForward(g_FwdClientPostThink, ret, id)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* VexdUM backwards compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if !defined _fakemeta_included
#include <fakemeta>
#if !defined _engine_included
#include <engine>
#if defined _vexd_bcompat_included
#define _vexd_bcompat_included
#include <VexdUM_const>
native radius_damage(inflictor, Float:dmg, Float:orig[3], Float:rad, bit = DMG_BULLET, wpnName[]="", hs = 0);
native set_user_model(id, const Model[]="");
native DispatchKeyValue(ent, szKey[], szValue[]);
// Trace a line from Start(X, Y, Z) to End(X, Y, Z), will return the point hit in vReturn[3]
// Will return an entindex if an entity is hit.
native trace_line(ent, Float:vStart[3], Float:vEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]);
native traceline_get_int(iVar);
native traceline_set_int(iVar, iVal);
native Float:traceline_get_float(iVar);
native traceline_set_float(iVar, Float:fVal);
native traceline_get_vector(iVar, Float:vVal[3]);
native traceline_set_vector(iVar, Float:vVal[3]);
native traceline_get_edict(iVar);
native traceline_set_edict(iVar, iEnt);
/* Wrapper around pfn_touch */
forward entity_touch(entity1, entity2);
/* Wrapper around pfn_think */
forward entity_think(entity);
/* Wrapper around pfn_spawn */
forward entity_spawn(entity);
/* Wrapper around client_PreThink */
forward client_prethink(id);
/* Wrapper around client_PostThink */
forward client_postthink(id);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called when an Emitting Sound is played Server-Side
forward emitsound(entity, const sample[]);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called when an Emitting Ambient Sound is played Server-Side
forward emitambientsound(entity, const sample[]);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called when a model spawns
forward set_model(entity, const model[]);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called whatever an entity looks at
forward traceline(entity);
//:TODO: ?
// Called when a monster is hurt by VexdUM damage natives
// forward monster_hurt(monster, attacker, damage);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called when a keyvalue is set on a player
forward setclientkeyvalue(id, key[], value[]);
//From AMX Mod:
// Called when an entity gets a keyvalue set on it from the engine.
// Use copy_keyvalue to get the keyvalue information
forward keyvalue(entity);
#include <VexdUM_stock>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#if defined _vexdum_const_included
#define _vexdum_const_included
// TraceLine Integer
enum {
TR_INT_fAllSolid, // if true, plane is not valid
TR_INT_fStartSolid, // if true, the initial point was in a solid area
TR_INT_iHitgroup, // 0 == generic, non zero is specific body part
// TraceLine Float
enum {
TR_FL_flFraction, // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
// TraceLine Vector
enum {
TR_VEC_vecEndPos, // final position
TR_VEC_vecPlaneNormal, // surface normal at impact
// TraceLine Edict
enum {
TR_ENT_pHit, // entity the surface is on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
/* VexdUM stocks backwards compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _vexd_bcompat_stocks_included
#define _vexd_bcompat_stocks_included
#if !defined _engine_included
#include <engine>
stock is_entity(ent)
return pev_valid(ent);
stock get_offset_int(ent, offset, linos = 5)
return get_pdata_int(ent, offset, linos);
stock set_offset_int(ent, offset, value, linos = 5)
return set_pdata_int(ent, offset, value, linos);
stock in_view_cone(ent, Float:Orig[3])
return is_in_viewcone(ent, Orig);
stock get_maxentities()
return global_get(glb_maxEntities);
stock can_see(ent1, ent2)
if (is_entity(ent1) && is_entity(ent2))
new flags = pev(ent1, pev_flags);
if (flags & EF_NODRAW || flags & FL_NOTARGET)
return 0;
new Float:lookerOrig[3];
new Float:targetOrig[3];
new Float:temp[3];
pev(ent1, pev_origin, lookerOrig);
pev(ent1, pev_view_ofs, temp);
lookerOrig[0] += temp[0];
lookerOrig[1] += temp[1];
lookerOrig[2] += temp[2];
pev(ent2, pev_origin, targetOrig);
pev(ent2, pev_view_ofs, temp);
targetOrig[0] += temp[0];
targetOrig[1] += temp[1];
targetOrig[2] += temp[2];
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, lookerOrig, targetOrig, 0, ent1, 0);
if (get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_InOpen) && get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_InWater))
return 0;
} else {
new Float:flFraction;
get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_Fraction, flFraction);
if (flFraction == 1.0 || (get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_Hit) == ent2))
return 1;
return 0;
//From AMX Mod:
// Find an entity in the world, will return -1 if nothing is found
// type = 0: "classname"
// type = 1: "globalname"
// type = 2: "model"
// type = 3: "target"
// type = 4: "targetname"
// type = 5: "netname"
// type = 6: "message"
// type = 7: "noise"
// type = 8: "noise1"
// type = 9: "noise2"
// type = 10: "noise3"
// type = 11: "viewmodel"
// type = 12: "weaponmodel"
stock find_entity(ent, szValue[], type=0)
static _g_FindEntTypes[13][] =
if (type < 0 || type >= 13)
type = 0;
return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, _g_FindEntTypes[type], szValue);
//From AMX Mod:
// Find an entity within a given origin and radius
stock find_entity_sphere(ent, Float:Orig[3], Float:Rad)
return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, ent, Orig, Rad);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
/* Vexd Utility backwards compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _Vexd_Utilities_included
#define _Vexd_Utilities_included
#include <engine>
stock Entvars_Get_Int(iIndex, iVariable)
return entity_get_int(iIndex, iVariable)
stock Entvars_Set_Int(iIndex, iVariable, iNewValue)
return entity_set_int(iIndex, iVariable, iNewValue)
stock Float:Entvars_Get_Float(iIndex, iVariable)
return entity_get_float(iIndex, iVariable)
stock Entvars_Set_Float(iIndex, iVariable, Float:fNewValue)
return entity_set_float(iIndex, iVariable, fNewValue)
stock Entvars_Get_Vector(iIndex, iVariable, Float:vRetVector[3])
return entity_get_vector(iIndex, iVariable, vRetVector)
stock Entvars_Set_Vector(iIndex, iVariable, Float:vNewVector[3])
return entity_set_vector(iIndex, iVariable, vNewVector)
stock Entvars_Get_Edict(iIndex, iVariable)
return entity_get_edict(iIndex, iVariable)
stock Entvars_Set_Edict(iIndex, iVariable, iNewIndex)
return entity_set_edict(iIndex, iVariable, iNewIndex)
stock Entvars_Get_String(iIndex, iVariable, szReturnValue[], iReturnLen)
return entity_get_string(iIndex, iVariable, szReturnValue, iReturnLen)
stock Entvars_Set_String(iIndex, iVariable, szNewValue[])
return entity_set_string(iIndex, iVariable, szNewValue)
stock Entvars_Get_Byte(iIndex, iVariable)
return entity_get_byte(iIndex, iVariable)
stock Entvars_Set_Byte(iIndex, iVariable, iNewValue)
return entity_set_byte(iIndex, iVariable, iNewValue)
stock CreateEntity(szClassname[])
return create_entity(szClassname)
stock ENT_SetModel(iIndex, szModel[])
return entity_set_model(iIndex, szModel)
stock ENT_SetOrigin(iIndex, Float:fNewOrigin[3])
return entity_set_origin(iIndex, fNewOrigin)
stock FindEntity(iIndex, szValue[])
return find_ent_by_class(iIndex, szValue)
stock RemoveEntity(iIndex)
return remove_entity(iIndex)
stock TraceLn(iIgnoreEnt, Float:fStart[3], Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3])
return trace_line(iIgnoreEnt, fStart, fEnd, vReturn)
stock TraceNormal(iIgnoreEnt, Float:fStart[3], Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3])
return trace_normal(iIgnoreEnt, fStart, fEnd, vReturn)
stock VecToAngles(Float:fVector[3], Float:vReturn[3])
return vector_to_angle(fVector, vReturn)
stock Float:VecLength(Float:vVector[3])
return vector_length(vVector)
stock Float:VecDist(Float:vVector[3], Float:vVector2[3])
return vector_distance(vVector, vVector2)
stock MessageBlock(iMessage, iMessageFlags)
return set_msg_block(iMessage, iMessageFlags)
stock GetMessageBlock(iMessage)
return get_msg_block(iMessage)
stock Float:HLTime()
return halflife_time()
stock FakeTouch(iToucher, iTouched)
return fake_touch(iToucher, iTouched)
stock AttachView(iIndex, iTargetIndex)
return attach_view(iIndex, iTargetIndex)
stock SetView(iIndex, ViewType)
return set_view(iIndex, ViewType)
stock SetSpeak(iIndex, iSpeakFlags)
return set_speak(iIndex, iSpeakFlags)
forward vexd_pfntouch(pToucher, pTouched)
forward ServerFrame()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
/* AMX Mod X Backwards Compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _amxmod_included
#define _amxmod_included
#if !defined AMXMOD_BCOMPAT
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>
#include <maths>
stock AMX_VERSION[] = "1.76-BC"
/* Core will identify us as an "old plugin" this way. */
public __b_old_plugin = 1;
public __b_ident_vers()
return __b_old_plugin;
stock user_spawn(index)
return spawn(index);
stock get_logfile( name[], len )
return get_time("admin%m%d.log",name,len);
stock get_user_money(index)
return cs_get_user_money(index);
stock set_user_money(index,money,flash=1)
return cs_set_user_money(index,money,flash);
stock numtostr(num,string[],len)
return num_to_str(num,string,len);
stock strtonum(const string[])
return str_to_num(string);
stock build_path(path[], len, {Float,_}:... ) {
format_args(path, len, 2)
new pathlen = strlen(path)
new basedir[32]
if(containi(path, "$basedir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amxx_basedir", basedir, 31)
if(!basedir[0]) copy(basedir, 31, "addons/amxmodx")
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$basedir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$basedir", basedir)
new dir[64], subdir[63]
if(containi(path, "$configdir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", dir, 63)
if(!dir[0]) format(dir, 63, "%s/configs", basedir)
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$configdir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$configdir", dir)
dir[0] = '^0'
if(containi(path, "$langdir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amxx_datadir", subdir, 63)
if(!subdir[0]) format(subdir, 63, "%s/data", basedir)
format(dir, 63, "%s/amxmod-lang", subdir)
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$langdir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$langdir", dir)
dir[0] = '^0'
if(containi(path, "$modulesdir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amxx_modules", dir, 63)
if(!dir[0]) format(dir, 63, "%s/modules", basedir)
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$modulesdir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$modulesdir", dir)
dir[0] = '^0'
if(containi(path, "$pluginsdir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amx_pluginsdir", dir, 63)
if(!dir[0]) format(dir, 63, "%s/plugins", basedir)
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$pluginsdir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$pluginsdir", dir)
dir[0] = '^0'
if(containi(path, "$logdir") != -1) {
get_localinfo("amx_logs", dir, 63)
if(!dir[0]) format(dir, 63, "%s/logs", basedir)
if((pathlen+strlen(basedir)-strlen("$logdir")) < len) {
replace(path, len, "$logdir", dir)
return 1
stock is_user_authorized(id)
static auth[32];
get_user_authid(id, auth, 31);
if (auth[0] == 0 || equali(auth, "STEAM_ID_PENDING"))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Vector AMX Mod compatibility */
stock angle_to_vector(Float:vector[3], FRU, Float:ret[3])
return angle_vector(vector, FRU, ret)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* AMX Mod math functions backwards compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _maths_bcompat_included
#define _maths_bcompat_included
#if !defined _float_included
#include <float>
stock Float:fabs(Float:value)
return floatabs(value)
stock Float:asin(Float:value)
return floatasin(value, radian)
stock Float:sin(Float:value)
return floatsin(value, radian)
stock Float:sinh(Float:value)
return floatsinh(value, radian)
stock Float:acos(Float:value)
return floatacos(value, radian)
stock Float:cos(Float:value)
return floatcos(value, radian)
stock Float:cosh(Float:value)
retuen floatcosh(value, radian)
stock Float:atan(Float:value)
return floatatan(value, radian)
stock Float:atan2(Float:value1, Float:value2)
return floatatan2(value1, value2, radian)
stock Float:tan(Float:value)
return floattan(value, radian)
stock Float:tanh(Float:value)
return floattanh(value, radian)
stock Float:fsqroot(Float:value)
return floatsqroot(value)
stock Float:fpower(Float:value, Float:exponent)
return floatpower(value, exponent)
stock Float:flog(Float:value, Float:base=10.0)
return floatlog(value, base)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#if defined _mysql_included
#define _mysql_included
#include <sqlx>
native mysql_connect(host[], user[], pass[], dbname[], error[], maxlength);
native mysql_query(sql, query[], {Float,_}:... );
native mysql_error(sql, dest[], maxlength);
native mysql_close(sql);
native mysql_nextrow(sql);
native mysql_getfield(sql, fieldnum, {Float,_}:... );
native mysql_getresult(sql, field[], {Float,_}:... );
native mysql_affected_rows(sql);
native mysql_num_fields(sql);
native mysql_num_rows(sql);
native mysql_field_name(sql, field, name[], length);
native mysql_insert_id(sql);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* AMX Mod X Backwards Compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if defined _amxmod_translator_included
#define _amxmod_translator_included
#define _translator_included
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmod>
#include <amxmisc>
//From AMX Mod. This is implemented in Core due to the nature of the
// translation engine and what AMX Mod did.
/* Translation backend, used by _T (since natives can't return arrays). */
native translate(const string[], destid=-1, forcelang=-1);
stock _T(const string[], destid=-1, forcelang=-1)
new TranslationResult[2] = {0, 0}
TranslationResult[0] = translate(string, destid, forcelang)
return TranslationResult
stock load_translations(const file[])
static dir[255], path[255];
get_datadir(dir, 254);
format(path, 254, "%s/amxmod-lang/%s.txt", dir, file);
new fp
if (!(fp=fopen(path, "r")))
abort(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Could not find file: %s", path);
return 0;
static buffer[1024];
new lang[3];
new TransKey:bad_key = TransKey:-1;
new TransKey:cur_key = bad_key;
new len;
while (!feof(fp))
buffer[0] = 0;
fgets(fp, buffer, 1023);
len = strlen(buffer);
if (len == 0)
if (isspace(buffer[len-1]))
buffer[--len] = 0;
if (buffer[0] == '"')
cur_key = CreateLangKey(buffer);
AddTranslation("en", cur_key, buffer);
if (isspace(buffer[0]))
if ((cur_key != bad_key) && (buffer[2] == ':' && buffer[3] == '"'))
lang[0] = buffer[0];
lang[1] = buffer[1];
lang[2] = 0;
AddTranslation(lang, cur_key, buffer[3]);
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
/* Xtrafun backwards compatibility
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
* These natives were originally made by SpaceDude, EJ, and JustinHoMi.
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
#if !defined _xtrafun_included
#define _xtrafun_included
#if !defined _engine_included
#include <>
/* Gets the velocity of an entity */
stock get_entity_velocity(index, velocity[3]) {
new Float:vector[3]
entity_get_vector(index, EV_VEC_velocity, vector)
FVecIVec(vector, velocity)
/* Sets the velocity of an entity */
stock set_entity_velocity(index, velocity[3]) {
new Float:vector[3]
IVecFVec(velocity, vector)
entity_set_vector(index, EV_VEC_velocity, vector)
/* Gets the origin of an entity */
stock get_entity_origin(index, origin[3]) {
new Float:vector[3]
entity_get_vector(index, EV_VEC_origin, vector)
FVecIVec(vector, origin)
/* Sets the origin of an entity */
stock set_entity_origin(index, origin[3]) {
new Float:vector[3]
IVecFVec(origin, vector)
entity_set_vector(index, EV_VEC_origin, vector)
/* Get the index of the grenade belonging to index.
* Model of grenade is returned in model[].
* Specify the grenadeindex to start searching from,
* or leave it at 0 to search from the start.
* Returns grenade index.
* Paths + models of grenades in Counter-Strike:
* HEGRENADE = "models/w_hegrenade.mdl"
* FLASHBANG = "models/w_flashbang.mdl"
* SMOKEGRENADE = "models/w_smokegrenade.mdl" */
stock get_grenade_index(index, model[], len, grenadeindex = 0) {
new entfind = grenadeindex
new entowner = index
for (;;) {
entfind = find_ent_by_class(entfind, "grenade")
if (entfind && is_valid_ent(entfind)) {
if (entity_get_edict(entFind, EV_ENT_owner) == entowner) {
entity_get_string(entfind, EV_SZ_model, model)
return entfind
else {
// Eventually comes here if loop fails to find a grenade with specified owner.
return 0;
/* Find the number of entities in the game */
stock current_num_ents() {
return entity_count();
enum {
classname = 0,
/* Find an entity ID from start_from_ent id (use 0 to start from
* the beginning, category is either "classname", "target" or
* "targetname", value is the name you are searching for */
stock find_entity(start_from_ent, category, value[]) {
switch (category) {
case target: return find_ent_by_target(start_from_ent, value)
case targetname: return find_ent_by_tname(start_from_ent, value)
return find_ent_by_class(start_from_ent, value)
#endif // _xtrafun_included