// CstrikePlayer.cpp: implementation of the CCstrikePlayer class.

#include "CstrikePlayer.h"

#if defined _MSC_VER
	#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
		// MSVC8 - disable deprecation warnings for "unsafe" CRT functions

#include <string.h> // strcpy()

// Construction/Destruction

	modelled = false;
	inspectModel = false;

bool CCstrikePlayer::GetModelled()
	return modelled;

bool CCstrikePlayer::SetModelled(bool modelledIn)
	if (!modelledIn)

	return modelled = modelledIn;

const char* CCstrikePlayer::GetModel()
	return model;

void CCstrikePlayer::SetModel(const char* modelIn)
	strcpy(model, modelIn);

bool CCstrikePlayer::GetInspectModel()
	return inspectModel;

void CCstrikePlayer::SetInspectModel(bool inspectModelIn)
	inspectModel = inspectModelIn;