// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Ham Sandwich Module // #include "amxxmodule.h" #include "ham_const.h" #include "hooklist.h" #include "offsets.h" extern hook_t hooklist[]; enum { LEX_INVALID = 0, LEX_UNKNOWN, LEX_START_SEC, LEX_END_SEC, LEX_MIRROR, LEX_PEV, LEX_BASE, LEX_END }; const char *tokens[] = { "", // LEX_INVALID "", // LEX_UNKNOWN "@section", // LEX_START_SEC "@end", // LEX_END_SEC "@mirror", // LEX_MIRROR "pev", // LEX_PEV "base", // LEX_BASE "", // LEX_END }; static void trim_line(char *input); static void read_mirror(char *input); static void skip_to_end_of_section(FILE *fp); static int lex(char*& buffer); int lex(char*& buffer) { trim_line(buffer); size_t len; for (int i=0; i<LEX_END; i++) { if (tokens[i]!=NULL && *(tokens[i])!='\0') { len=strlen(tokens[i]); if (strncmp(buffer,tokens[i],len)==0) { buffer+=len+1; return i; } } } return LEX_UNKNOWN; } // How we handle "mirrors" // We just note down the current mod name, and every time // we come across a mirror with the destination that matches // the current mod name, we change the current mod name to // the source for that mirror. char CurrentModName[64]; static void read_mirror(char *input) { char *data=input; char *data2; char source[64]; char dest[64]; char old; while ( *data!=' ' && *data!='\t' && *data!='\0') { data++; } old=*data; *data='\0'; // mark down the source UTIL_Format(source, sizeof(source)-1, "%s", input); *data=old; while ( *data==' ' || *data=='\t') { data++; } data2=data; while ( *data!=' ' && *data!='\t' && *data!='\0') { data++; } old=*data; *data='\0'; UTIL_Format(dest, sizeof(dest)-1, "%s", data2); *data=old; if (strcmp(dest, CurrentModName)==0) { UTIL_Format(CurrentModName, sizeof(CurrentModName)-1, "%s", source); } } static void trim_line(char *input) { char *oldinput=input; char *start=input; while ( *start==' ' || *start=='\t' || *start=='\r' || *start=='\n') { start++; } // Overwrite the whitespace if (start != input) { while ((*input++=*start++)!='\0') /* do nothing */ ; } start=oldinput; start+=strlen(start) - 1; while ( start >= oldinput && ( *start == '\0' || *start == ' ' || *start == '\r' || *start == '\n' || *start == '\t')) { start--; } start++; *start='\0'; // Now find any comments and cut off at the start while (*start != '\0') { if (*start == ';') { *start='\0'; break; } start++; } } void skip_to_end_of_section(FILE *fp) { char buffer[1024]; while (!feof(fp)) { buffer[0]='\0'; fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fp); trim_line(buffer); char *b=&buffer[0]; if (lex(b)==LEX_END_SEC) { break; } } } static const char* get_localinfo( const char* name , const char* def = 0 ) { const char* b = LOCALINFO( (char*)name ); if (((b==0)||(*b==0)) && def ) SET_LOCALINFO((char*)name,(char*)(b = def) ); return b; } int read_start_section(char *data) { if (strncasecmp(data, CurrentModName, strlen(CurrentModName))==0) { data+=strlen(CurrentModName)+1; trim_line(data); #ifdef _WIN32 if (strcmp(data, "windows")==0) #elif defined(__linux__) if (strcmp(data, "linux")==0) #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (strcmp(data, "mac")==0) #endif { return 1; } } return 0; } int read_number(char *input) { char *end; /* Temporary pointer, needed for strtoul(). */ // if begins with 0x or 0X it's to be interpretted as hex if (*input=='0' && (*(input+1)=='x' || *(input+1)=='X')) { return strtoul(input,&end,16); } // otherwise it's to be interpretted as base 10 return strtoul(input,&end,10); } void process_pev(char *data) { trim_line(data); Offsets.SetPev(read_number(data)); } void process_base(char *data) { trim_line(data); Offsets.SetBase(read_number(data)); } void process_key(char *data) { size_t size=0; char *a=data; while (*a != ' ' && *a != '\t' && *a != '\0') { a++; size++; } if (size==0) { return; } int set=0; for (int i=0; i< HAM_LAST_ENTRY_DONT_USE_ME_LOL; i++) { if (strncmp(data, hooklist[i].name, size)==0) { data+=size+1; trim_line(data); int value=read_number(data); hooklist[i].isset=1; hooklist[i].vtid=value; set=1; break; } } if (set==0) { printf("stray key in process_key: %s\n", data); } } int ReadConfig(void) { char FileName[512]; MF_BuildPathnameR(FileName,sizeof(FileName)-1,"%s",get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir","addons/amxmodx/configs")); strncat(FileName,"/hamdata.ini",sizeof(FileName)-1); FILE *fp=fopen(FileName,"r"); UTIL_Format(CurrentModName, sizeof(CurrentModName)-1, "%s", MF_GetModname()); if (!fp) { MF_Log("Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.", FileName); return -1; } char data[2048]; int insec=0; while (!feof(fp)) { data[0]='\0'; fgets(data, sizeof(data)-1, fp); char *b=&data[0]; switch(lex(b)) { case LEX_PEV: { if (insec) { process_pev(b); } break; }; case LEX_BASE: { if (insec) { process_base(b); } break; }; case LEX_MIRROR: { read_mirror(b); break; }; case LEX_START_SEC: { insec=read_start_section(b); if (!insec) { skip_to_end_of_section(fp); } break; }; case LEX_END_SEC: { insec=0; break; }; case LEX_UNKNOWN: { if (insec) { process_key(b); } }; } } return 1; }