#include "amxxmodule.h" #include "mysql2_header.h" #include "threading.h" using namespace SourceMod; using namespace SourceHook; MainThreader g_Threader; ThreadWorker *g_pWorker = NULL; extern DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pFunctionTable; StringPool g_StringPool; IMutex *g_QueueLock = NULL; CStack<MysqlThread *> g_ThreadQueue; CStack<MysqlThread *> g_FreeThreads; float g_lasttime = 0.0f; void ShutdownThreading() { if (g_pWorker) { g_pWorker->Stop(true); delete g_pWorker; g_pWorker = NULL; } g_QueueLock->Lock(); while (!g_ThreadQueue.empty()) { delete g_ThreadQueue.front(); g_ThreadQueue.pop(); } while (!g_FreeThreads.empty()) { delete g_FreeThreads.front(); g_FreeThreads.pop(); } g_QueueLock->Unlock(); g_QueueLock->DestroyThis(); FreeHandleTable(); } //public QueryHandler(state, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size) //native SQL_ThreadQuery(Handle:cn_tuple, const handler[], const query[], const data[]="", dataSize=0); static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL SQL_ThreadQuery(AMX *amx, cell *params) { if (!g_pWorker) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Thread worker was unable to start."); return 0; } SQL_Connection *cn = (SQL_Connection *)GetHandle(params[1], Handle_Connection); if (!cn) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid handle: %d", params[1]); return 0; } int len; const char *handler = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &len); int fwd = MF_RegisterSPForwardByName(amx, handler, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_STRING, FP_CELL, FP_ARRAY, FP_CELL, FP_DONE); if (fwd < 1) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Function not found: %s", handler); return 0; } MysqlThread *kmThread; g_QueueLock->Lock(); if (g_FreeThreads.empty()) { kmThread = new MysqlThread(); } else { kmThread = g_FreeThreads.front(); g_FreeThreads.pop(); } g_QueueLock->Unlock(); kmThread->SetInfo(cn->host, cn->user, cn->pass, cn->db, cn->port); kmThread->SetForward(fwd); kmThread->SetQuery(MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[3], 1, &len)); kmThread->SetCellData(MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[4]), (ucell)params[5]); g_pWorker->MakeThread(kmThread); return 1; } MysqlThread::MysqlThread() { m_fwd = 0; m_data = NULL; m_datalen = 0; m_maxdatalen = 0; } MysqlThread::~MysqlThread() { if (m_fwd) { MF_UnregisterSPForward(m_fwd); m_fwd = 0; } delete [] m_data; m_data = NULL; } void MysqlThread::SetCellData(cell data[], ucell len) { if (len > m_maxdatalen) { delete [] m_data; m_data = new cell[len]; m_maxdatalen = len; } if (len) { m_datalen = len; memcpy(m_data, data, len*sizeof(cell)); } } void MysqlThread::SetForward(int forward) { m_fwd = forward; } void MysqlThread::SetInfo(const char *host, const char *user, const char *pass, const char *db, int port) { m_host.assign(host); m_user.assign(user); m_pass.assign(pass); m_db.assign(db); m_port = port; } void MysqlThread::SetQuery(const char *query) { m_query.assign(query); } void MysqlThread::RunThread(IThreadHandle *pHandle) { DatabaseInfo info; info.database = m_db.c_str(); info.pass = m_pass.c_str(); info.user = m_user.c_str(); info.host = m_host.c_str(); info.port = m_port; memset(&m_qrInfo, 0, sizeof(m_qrInfo)); IDatabase *pDatabase = g_Mysql.Connect(&info, &m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info.errorcode, m_qrInfo.amxinfo.error, 254); IQuery *pQuery = NULL; if (!pDatabase) { m_qrInfo.connect_success = false; m_qrInfo.query_success = false; } else { m_qrInfo.connect_success = true; pQuery = pDatabase->PrepareQuery(m_query.c_str()); if (!pQuery->Execute(&m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info, m_qrInfo.amxinfo.error, 254)) { m_qrInfo.query_success = false; } else { m_qrInfo.query_success = true; } } if (m_qrInfo.query_success && m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info.rs) { m_atomicResult.CopyFrom(m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info.rs); m_qrInfo.amxinfo.pQuery = NULL; m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info.rs = &m_atomicResult; } if (pQuery) { pQuery->FreeHandle(); pQuery = NULL; } if (pDatabase) { pDatabase->FreeHandle(); pDatabase = NULL; } } void MysqlThread::Invalidate() { m_atomicResult.FreeHandle(); } void MysqlThread::OnTerminate(IThreadHandle *pHandle, bool cancel) { if (cancel) { Invalidate(); g_QueueLock->Lock(); g_FreeThreads.push(this); g_QueueLock->Unlock(); } else { g_QueueLock->Lock(); g_ThreadQueue.push(this); g_QueueLock->Unlock(); } } void NullFunc(void *ptr, unsigned int num) { } //public QueryHandler(state, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size) void MysqlThread::Execute() { cell data_addr; if (m_datalen) { data_addr = MF_PrepareCellArray(m_data, m_datalen); } else { static cell tmpdata[1] = {0}; data_addr = MF_PrepareCellArray(tmpdata, 1); } int state = 0; if (!m_qrInfo.connect_success) { state = -2; } else if (!m_qrInfo.query_success) { state = -1; } if (state != 0) { MF_ExecuteForward(m_fwd, (cell)state, (cell)0, m_qrInfo.amxinfo.error, m_qrInfo.amxinfo.info.errorcode, data_addr, m_datalen); } else { unsigned int hndl = MakeHandle(&m_qrInfo.amxinfo, Handle_Query, NullFunc); MF_ExecuteForward(m_fwd, (cell)0, (cell)hndl, "", (cell)0, data_addr, m_datalen); FreeHandle(hndl); } } /***************** * METAMOD STUFF * *****************/ void OnPluginsLoaded() { if (g_pWorker) { return; } if (!g_StringPool.IsThreadable()) { g_StringPool.SetMutex(g_Threader.MakeMutex()); g_QueueLock = g_Threader.MakeMutex(); } g_pWorker = new ThreadWorker(&g_Threader, 250); if (!g_pWorker->Start()) { delete g_pWorker; g_pWorker = NULL; } g_pFunctionTable->pfnSpawn = NULL; g_lasttime = 0.0f; return; } void StartFrame() { if (g_pWorker && (g_lasttime < gpGlobals->time)) { g_lasttime = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; g_QueueLock->Lock(); size_t remaining = g_ThreadQueue.size(); if (remaining) { MysqlThread *kmThread; do { kmThread = g_ThreadQueue.front(); g_ThreadQueue.pop(); g_QueueLock->Unlock(); kmThread->Execute(); kmThread->Invalidate(); g_FreeThreads.push(kmThread); g_QueueLock->Lock(); } while (!g_ThreadQueue.empty()); } g_QueueLock->Unlock(); } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } void OnPluginsUnloading() { if (!g_pWorker) return; g_pWorker->Stop(false); delete g_pWorker; g_pWorker = NULL; } /*********************** * ATOMIC RESULT STUFF * ***********************/ AtomicResult::AtomicResult() { m_IsFree = true; m_CurRow = 0; m_AllocFields = 0; m_AllocRows = 0; m_Rows = NULL; m_Fields = NULL; } AtomicResult::~AtomicResult() { if (!m_IsFree) { FreeHandle(); } if (m_AllocFields) { delete [] m_Fields; m_AllocFields = 0; m_Fields = NULL; } if (m_AllocRows) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_AllocRows; i++) delete [] m_Rows[i]; delete [] m_Rows; m_AllocRows = 0; m_Rows = NULL; } } unsigned int AtomicResult::RowCount() { return m_RowCount; } bool AtomicResult::IsNull(unsigned int columnId) { return (GetString(columnId) == NULL); } unsigned int AtomicResult::FieldCount() { return m_FieldCount; } bool AtomicResult::FieldNameToNum(const char *name, unsigned int *columnId) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_FieldCount; i++) { if (strcmp(g_StringPool.GetString(m_Fields[i]), name) == 0) { if (*columnId) *columnId = i; return true; } } return false; } const char *AtomicResult::FieldNumToName(unsigned int num) { if (num >= m_FieldCount) return NULL; return g_StringPool.GetString(m_Fields[num]); } double AtomicResult::GetDouble(unsigned int columnId) { return atof(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } float AtomicResult::GetFloat(unsigned int columnId) { return atof(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } int AtomicResult::GetInt(unsigned int columnId) { return atoi(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } const char *AtomicResult::GetRaw(unsigned int columnId, size_t *length) { //we don't support this yet... *length = 0; return ""; } const char *AtomicResult::GetStringSafe(unsigned int columnId) { const char *str = GetString(columnId); return str ? str : ""; } const char *AtomicResult::GetString(unsigned int columnId) { if (columnId >= m_FieldCount) return NULL; return g_StringPool.GetString(m_Rows[m_CurRow][columnId]); } IResultRow *AtomicResult::GetRow() { return static_cast<IResultRow *>(this); } bool AtomicResult::IsDone() { if (m_CurRow >= m_RowCount) return true; return false; } void AtomicResult::NextRow() { m_CurRow++; } void AtomicResult::_InternalClear() { if (m_IsFree) return; m_IsFree = true; g_StringPool.StartHardLock(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_FieldCount; i++) g_StringPool.FreeString(m_Fields[i]); for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_RowCount; i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<m_FieldCount; j++) g_StringPool.FreeString(m_Rows[i][j]); } g_StringPool.StopHardLock(); } void AtomicResult::FreeHandle() { _InternalClear(); } void AtomicResult::CopyFrom(IResultSet *rs) { if (!m_IsFree) { _InternalClear(); } m_IsFree = false; m_FieldCount = rs->FieldCount(); m_RowCount = rs->RowCount(); if (m_RowCount > m_AllocRows) { /** allocate new array, zero it */ stridx_t **newRows = new stridx_t *[m_RowCount]; memset(newRows, 0, m_RowCount * sizeof(stridx_t *)); /** if we have a new field count, just delete all the old stuff. */ if (m_FieldCount > m_AllocFields) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_AllocRows; i++) { delete [] m_Rows[i]; newRows[i] = new stridx_t[m_FieldCount]; } for (unsigned int i=m_AllocRows; i<m_RowCount; i++) newRows[i] = new stridx_t[m_FieldCount]; } else { /** copy the old pointers */ memcpy(newRows, m_Rows, m_AllocRows * sizeof(stridx_t *)); for (unsigned int i=m_AllocRows; i<m_RowCount; i++) newRows[i] = new stridx_t[m_AllocFields]; } delete [] m_Rows; m_Rows = newRows; m_AllocRows = m_RowCount; } if (m_FieldCount > m_AllocFields) { delete [] m_Fields; m_Fields = new stridx_t[m_FieldCount]; m_AllocFields = m_FieldCount; } m_CurRow = 0; g_StringPool.StartHardLock(); IResultRow *row; unsigned int idx = 0; while (!rs->IsDone()) { row = rs->GetRow(); for (size_t i=0; i<m_FieldCount; i++) m_Rows[idx][i] = g_StringPool.MakeString(row->GetString(i)); rs->NextRow(); idx++; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_FieldCount; i++) m_Fields[i] = g_StringPool.MakeString(rs->FieldNumToName(i)); g_StringPool.StopHardLock(); } /********************* * STRING POOL STUFF * *********************/ StringPool::StringPool() { m_mutex = NULL; m_stoplock = false; } StringPool::~StringPool() { if (m_stoplock) StopHardLock(); if (m_mutex) UnsetMutex(); for (size_t i=0; i<m_Strings.size(); i++) delete m_Strings[i]; m_Strings.clear(); m_UseTable.clear(); while (!m_FreeStrings.empty()) m_FreeStrings.pop(); } bool StringPool::IsThreadable() { return (m_mutex != NULL); } const char *StringPool::GetString(stridx_t idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= (int)m_Strings.size() || !m_UseTable[idx]) return NULL; return m_Strings[idx]->c_str(); } void StringPool::FreeString(stridx_t idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= (int)m_Strings.size()) return; if (!m_stoplock && m_mutex) m_mutex->Lock(); if (m_UseTable[idx]) { m_FreeStrings.push(idx); m_UseTable[idx] = 0; } if (!m_stoplock && m_mutex) m_mutex->Unlock(); } stridx_t StringPool::MakeString(const char *str) { if (!str) return StringPool::NullString; if (!m_stoplock && m_mutex) m_mutex->Lock(); stridx_t idx; if (m_FreeStrings.empty()) { idx = static_cast<stridx_t>(m_Strings.size()); SourceHook::String *shString = new SourceHook::String(str); m_Strings.push_back(shString); m_UseTable.push_back(1); } else { idx = m_FreeStrings.front(); m_FreeStrings.pop(); m_UseTable[idx] = 1; m_Strings[idx]->assign(str); } if (!m_stoplock && m_mutex) m_mutex->Unlock(); return idx; } void StringPool::SetMutex(IMutex *m) { m_mutex = m; } void StringPool::UnsetMutex() { if (m_mutex) { m_mutex->DestroyThis(); m_mutex = NULL; } } void StringPool::StartHardLock() { if (m_stoplock) return; m_mutex->Lock(); m_stoplock = true; } void StringPool::StopHardLock() { if (!m_stoplock) return; m_mutex->Unlock(); m_stoplock = false; } AMX_NATIVE_INFO g_ThreadSqlNatives[] = { {"SQL_ThreadQuery", SQL_ThreadQuery}, {NULL, NULL}, };