unit UnitCodeExplorerUpdater; interface uses Classes, Forms, SysUtils, ComCtrls, Windows, ScintillaLanguageManager, Dialogs, CommCtrl; type TCodeExplorerUpdater = class(TThread) private eConstants: TStringList; eDefined: TStringList; eCVars: TStringList; eIncluded: TStringList; eMethodsDefault, eMethodsEvents, eStocks: TStringList; eNatives: TStringList; eForwards: TStringList; eVariables: TStringList; eCode: TStringList; eAutoComplete, eCallTips, eKeywords: string; eLastActive: Integer; eActive: Integer; protected procedure Execute; override; procedure GetCode; procedure SetValuesPawn; end; function GetNode(eText: string): TTreeNode; implementation uses UnitfrmMain, UnitLanguages, UnitMainTools, UnitCodeUtils, UnitTextAnalyze, UnitfrmSettings, UnitPlugins; { TCodeExplorerUpdater } procedure TCodeExplorerUpdater.Execute; function CheckAU: Boolean; begin Result := True; if (eLastActive = eActive) and (frmSettings.chkAUDisable.Checked) then begin if frmMain.sciEditor.Lines.Count > StrToIntDef(frmSettings.txtAUDisable.Text, 1500) then Result := False; end; eLastActive := eActive; end; var eStr: TStringList; begin eCode := TStringList.Create; eConstants := TStringList.Create; eDefined := TStringList.Create; eCVars := TStringList.Create; eIncluded := TStringList.Create; eMethodsDefault := TStringList.Create; eMethodsEvents := TStringList.Create; eStocks := TStringList.Create; eNatives := TStringList.Create; eForwards := TStringList.Create; eVariables := TStringList.Create; eStr := TStringList.Create; repeat Synchronize(GetCode); eAutoComplete := ''; eCallTips := ''; eKeywords := ''; if (not Application.Terminated) and (Started) and (not frmMain.pnlLoading.Visible) and (frmMain.trvExplorer.Visible) then begin if (Plugin_UpdateCodeExplorer(GetCurrLang.Name, ActiveDoc.FileName, frmMain.tsMain.Items[frmMain.tsMain.ActiveTabIndex].Caption, True)) and (frmMain.tsMain.ActiveTabIndex = 0) then begin try if CheckAU then begin if Plugin_UpdateCodeExplorer(GetCurrLang.Name, ActiveDoc.FileName, frmMain.tsMain.Items[frmMain.tsMain.ActiveTabIndex].Caption, True) then begin // analyze code with ParseCodePawn(eCode, ExtractFileName(ActiveDoc.FileName)) do begin eConstants.Assign(Constants); eDefined.Assign(Defined); eCVars.Assign(CVars); eIncluded.Assign(Included); eMethodsDefault.Assign(MethodsDefault); eMethodsEvents.Assign(Events); eStocks.Assign(Stocks); eNatives.Assign(Natives); eForwards.Assign(Forwards); eVariables.Assign(Variables); eAutoComplete := eAutoComplete + #13 + AutoComplete.Text; eCallTips := eCallTips + #13 + CallTips.Text; eKeywords := eKeywords + #13 + HighlightKeywords.Text; DestroyResult; end; // apply changes Synchronize(SetValuesPawn); end; end; except if FindWindow(nil, 'Delphi 7') <> 0 then // This is "Debug Mode" //madExcept.HandleException; end; end; Sleep(1000); end else Sleep(50); until not Started; eCode.Free; eConstants.Free; eDefined.Free; eCVars.Free; eIncluded.Free; eMethodsDefault.Free; eMethodsEvents.Free; eStocks.Free; eNatives.Free; eForwards.Free; eVariables.Free; eStr.Free; end; procedure TCodeExplorerUpdater.GetCode; begin eCode.Assign(frmMain.sciEditor.Lines); eActive := ActiveDoc.Index; end; function GetNode(eText: string): TTreeNode; var i: integer; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.Count - 1 do begin if (frmMain.trvExplorer.Items[i].Text = eText) then begin if (frmMain.trvExplorer.Items[i].ImageIndex = 42) or (frmMain.trvExplorer.Items[i].ImageIndex = 43) then begin Result := frmMain.trvExplorer.Items[i]; exit; end; end; end; end; procedure TCodeExplorerUpdater.SetValuesPawn; var exConstants, exDefined, exIncluded, exMethods, exDefault, exEvents, exStocks, exNatives, exForwards, exVariables, exCVars: Boolean; i, eSelStart, eSelLength: integer; LineMaxSubord: integer; eStr: TStringList; eScrollPosX, eScrollPosY: Integer; eTempNode: TTreeNode; eSelected: Integer; begin if Application.Terminated then exit; if (frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.Count = 0) or (eActive <> ActiveDoc.Index) then exit; if Assigned(frmMain.trvExplorer.Selected) then eSelected := frmMain.trvExplorer.Selected.AbsoluteIndex else eSelected := -1; frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.BeginUpdate; try eScrollPosX := GetScrollPos(frmMain.trvExplorer.Handle, SB_HORZ); eScrollPosY := GetScrollPos(frmMain.trvExplorer.Handle, SB_VERT); // Get Expanded-State and delete children with GetNode('Constants') do begin exConstants := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('CVars') do begin exCVars := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Defined') do begin exDefined := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Included') do begin exIncluded := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Default') do begin exDefault := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Events') do begin exEvents := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Stocks') do begin exStocks := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Methods') do begin exMethods := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Natives') do begin exNatives := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Forwards') do begin exForwards := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; with GetNode('Variables') do begin exVariables := (Expanded) and (Count <> 0); DeleteChildren; end; // Create new children with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChild(GetNode('Defined'), 'CVars') do begin ImageIndex := 42; SelectedIndex := 42; end; with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChild(GetNode('Methods'), 'Default') do begin ImageIndex := 42; SelectedIndex := 42; end; with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChild(GetNode('Methods'), 'Events') do begin ImageIndex := 42; SelectedIndex := 42; end; with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChild(GetNode('Methods'), 'Stocks') do begin ImageIndex := 42; SelectedIndex := 42; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Constants'); for i := 0 to eConstants.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eConstants[i], Pointer(eConstants.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 48; SelectedIndex := 48; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Defined'); for i := 0 to eDefined.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eDefined[i], Pointer(eDefined.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 48; SelectedIndex := 48; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('CVars'); for i := 0 to eCVars.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eCVars[i], Pointer(eCVars.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 35; SelectedIndex := 35; end; end; // Sort items eIncluded.Sort; eMethodsDefault.Sort; eMethodsEvents.Sort; eStocks.Sort; eNatives.Sort; eForwards.Sort; eVariables.Sort; // Add items eTempNode := GetNode('Included'); for i := 0 to eIncluded.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eIncluded[i], Pointer(eIncluded.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 34; SelectedIndex := 34; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Default'); for i := 0 to eMethodsDefault.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eMethodsDefault[i], Pointer(eMethodsDefault.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 12; SelectedIndex := 12; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Events'); for i := 0 to eMethodsEvents.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eMethodsEvents[i], Pointer(eMethodsEvents.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 47; SelectedIndex := 47; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Stocks'); for i := 0 to eStocks.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eStocks[i], Pointer(eStocks.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 12; SelectedIndex := 12; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Natives'); for i := 0 to eNatives.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eNatives[i], Pointer(eNatives.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 47; SelectedIndex := 47; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Forwards'); for i := 0 to eForwards.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eForwards[i], Pointer(eForwards.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 47; SelectedIndex := 47; end; end; eTempNode := GetNode('Variables'); for i := 0 to eVariables.Count - 1 do begin with frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.AddChildObject(eTempNode, eVariables[i], Pointer(eVariables.Objects[i])) do begin ImageIndex := 35; SelectedIndex := 35; end; end; GetNode('Constants').Expanded := exConstants; GetNode('Defined').Expanded := exDefined; GetNode('CVars').Expanded := exCVars; GetNode('Included').Expanded := exIncluded; GetNode('Methods').Expanded := exMethods; GetNode('Default').Expanded := exDefault; GetNode('Events').Expanded := exEvents; GetNode('Stocks').Expanded := exStocks; GetNode('Natives').Expanded := exNatives; GetNode('Forwards').Expanded := exForwards; GetNode('Variables').Expanded := exVariables; SetScrollPos(frmMain.trvExplorer.Handle, SB_HORZ, eScrollPosX, False); SetScrollPos(frmMain.trvExplorer.Handle, SB_VERT, eScrollPosY, False); if eSelected <> -1 then frmMain.trvExplorer.Items[eSelected].Selected := True; except // well, yes. end; frmMain.trvExplorer.Items.EndUpdate; if (not frmMain.pnlLoading.Visible) and (not frmMain.sciEditor.AutoCActive) and (not frmMain.sciEditor.CallTipActive) then begin frmMain.sciAutoComplete.AStrings.Text := eAutoComplete; for i := frmMain.sciAutoComplete.AStrings.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if Length(Trim(frmMain.sciAutoComplete.AStrings[i])) <= 1 then frmMain.sciAutoComplete.AStrings.Delete(i); end; frmMain.sciCallTips.ApiStrings.Text := eCallTips; for i := frmMain.sciCallTips.ApiStrings.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if Length(Trim(frmMain.sciCallTips.ApiStrings[i])) <= 1 then frmMain.sciCallTips.ApiStrings.Delete(i); end; with TSciKeywords(TSciLangItem(frmMain.sciEditor.LanguageManager.LanguageList.Find('Pawn').Keywords.Items[1])) do begin eStr := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to frmMain.sciEditor.Lines.Count - 1 do begin if not frmMain.sciEditor.GetFoldExpanded(i) then eStr.Add(IntToStr(i)); end; Keywords.Text := eKeywords; frmMain.sciEditor.LanguageManager.Update; for i := 0 to frmMain.sciEditor.Lines.Count - 1 do begin if eStr.IndexOf(IntToStr(i)) <> -1 then begin LineMaxSubord := frmMain.sciEditor.GetLastChild(i, -1); frmMain.sciEditor.SetFoldExpanded(i, False); if LineMaxSubord > i then frmMain.sciEditor.HideLines(i + 1, LineMaxSubord); end; end; eStr.Free; end; end; Plugin_UpdateCodeExplorer(GetCurrLang.Name, ActiveDoc.FileName, frmMain.tsMain.Items[frmMain.tsMain.ActiveTabIndex].Caption, False); end; end.