/* Messaging functions (now part of Core) * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _coremsg_included #endinput #endif #define _coremsg_included #define BLOCK_NOT 0 #define BLOCK_ONCE 1 #define BLOCK_SET 2 enum { ARG_BYTE = 1, /* int */ ARG_CHAR, /* int */ ARG_SHORT, /* int */ ARG_LONG, /* int */ ARG_ANGLE, /* float */ ARG_COORD, /* float */ ARG_STRING, /* string */ ARG_ENTITY, /* int */ } /* Sets/Gets what engine messages are blocked. */ native set_msg_block(iMessage, iMessageFlags); native get_msg_block(iMessage); /* Lets you directly hook a message in the engine! * You can overwrite the message before anything happens and either let the message continue * or fully block it. Here is how it works: * If you hook a message, the message is stored but not sent. You have the opportunity to * not only execute code, but to get/set the contents of the message, before you choose to * either block it or let it go on its way. The hooked function will be passed a msg_id, msg_dest, and entity index. */ native register_message(iMsgId, szFunction[]); /* The get/set _msg commands will fail if used outside a hooked message scope. * They should never be used unless inside a registered message function. * There are eight different ways of sending a message, five are ints, two are floats, and one is string. * These are denoted by iArgType. argn is the number * of the argument. Exceeding the bounds of 1 to get_msg_args() is a bad idea. * As of AMX Mod X 1.5, the middle parameter of set_* no longer does anything. * You cannot change the message argument type (as this would crash the mod anyway) */ /* Gets number of arguments that were passed to this message */ native get_msg_args(); /* Gets the argument type of argument argn */ native get_msg_argtype(argn); /* Gets the value of argn. */ native get_msg_arg_int(argn); native Float:get_msg_arg_float(argn); native get_msg_arg_string(argn, szReturn[], iLength); /* sets the value of argn. */ native set_msg_arg_int(argn, argtype, iValue); native set_msg_arg_float(argn, argtype, Float:fValue); native set_msg_arg_string(argn, szString[]); /* Gets the origin of a message */ native get_msg_origin(Float:_Origin[3]);