unit UnitPlugins; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Messages, Forms, ComCtrls; type TCodeSnippetClick = function (pTitle, pCategory: PChar; pCode: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TFileAction = function (pFilename: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TDocChange = function (pIndex: DWord; pFilename: PChar; pHighlighter: PChar; pRestoreCaret: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; TProjectsChange = function (pOldIndex, pNewIndex: DWord): Integer; cdecl; TCreateNewFile = function (Item: PByte): Integer; cdecl; TDisplaySearch = function (pSearchList: PChar; pSelected: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TSearch = function (pExpression: PChar; pCaseSensivity, pWholeWords, pSearchFromCaret, pSelectedOnly, pRegEx, pForward: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; TSearchReplace = function (pExpression, pReplace, pExpList, pRepList: PChar; pCaseSensivity, pWholeWords, pSearchFromCaret, pSelectedOnly, pRegEx, pForward: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; TVisibleControlChange = function (pControl: DWord; pShow: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; TCompile = function (pCompileType: DWord; Lang, Filename: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TShowHelp = function (pHelpType: DWord): Integer; cdecl; TCustomItemClick = function (pCaption: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TThemeChanged = function (pTheme: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TModified = function (pText: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TKeyPress = function (var pKey: Char): Integer; cdecl; TEditorClick = function (pDoubleClick: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; TUpdateSel = function (pSelStart, pSelLength, pFirstVisibleLine: DWord): Integer; cdecl; TCallTipShow = function (pList: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TCallTipClick = function (pPosition: DWord): Integer; cdecl; TAutoCompleteShow = function (pList: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TAutoCompleteSelect = function (pText: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TAppMsg = function (pHwnd: HWND; pMessage: DWord; pWParam, pLParam: Integer; pTime: DWord; pPt: TPoint): Integer; cdecl; TUpdateCodeTools = function (pLang, pFilename, pCurrProjects: PChar): Integer; cdecl; TOutputEvent = function (pItemIndex: Integer): Integer; cdecl; type TIntegerArray = array of Integer; type TLoadInfo = record { Plugin Values } sPluginName: PChar; sPluginDescription: PChar; { Form Handles } hAllFilesForm: HWND; hAutoIndent: HWND; hClose: HWND; hConnGen: HWND; hGoToLine: HWND; hHTMLPreview: HWND; hHudMsgGenerator: HWND; hInfo: HWND; hMainForm: HWND; hMenuGenerator: HWND; hMOTDGen: HWND; hPluginsIniEditor: HWND; hReplace: HWND; hSearch: HWND; hSelectColor: HWND; hSettings: HWND; hSocketsTerminal: HWND; hSplashscreen: HWND; { Important Control Handles } hOutput: HWND; hCodeExplorer: HWND; hCodeInspector: HWND; // even if it won't be useful hNotes: HWND; { Other } pApplication: Pointer; // this is only useful for Delphi developers end; type PLoadInfo = ^TLoadInfo; TLoadPlugin = procedure (var LoadInfo: PLoadInfo); cdecl; TUnloadPlugin = procedure; cdecl; procedure SendToMainApp(eData: String); function LoadPlugin(ListItem: TListItem): Boolean; procedure UnloadPlugin(ListItem: TListItem); function Plugin_CodeSnippetClick(Title, Category: String; Code: String): Boolean; function Plugin_FileLoad(Filename: String; Loading: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_FileSave(Filename: String; Saving: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_DocChange(Index: Integer; Filename, Highlighter: String; RestoreCaret, Changing: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_ProjectsChange(OldIndex, NewIndex: Integer; Changing: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_CreateNewFile(Item: Byte; Creating: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_Search(SearchList, Selected: String; Displaying, SearchAgain: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_SearchReplace(Expression, Replace, ExpList, RepList: String; CaseSensivity, WholeWords, SearchFromCaret, SelectedOnly, RegEx, Forward: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_VisibleControlChange(Control: Integer; Show: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_Compile(CompileType: Integer; Lang, Filename: String; Compiling: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_ShowHelp(HelpType: Integer): Boolean; function Plugin_CustomItemClick(Caption: String): Boolean; function Plugin_ThemeChange(Theme: String): Boolean; function Plugin_Modified(Code: PChar): Boolean; function Plugin_KeyPress(var Key: Char): Boolean; function Plugin_EditorClick(DoubleClick: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_UpdateSel(SelStart, SelLength, FirstVisibleLine: Integer): Boolean; function Plugin_CallTipShow(List: PChar): Boolean; function Plugin_CallTipClick(Position: Integer): Boolean; function Plugin_AutoCompleteShow(List: PChar): Boolean; function Plugin_AutoCompleteSelect(Text: PChar): Boolean; function Plugin_AppMsg(hwnd: HWND; Message: DWord; wParam, lParam: Integer; time: DWord; pt: TPoint): Boolean; function Plugin_UpdateCodeExplorer(Lang, Filename, CurrProjects: String; Updating: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_UpdateCodeInspector(Lang, Filename, CurrProjects: String; Updating: Boolean): Boolean; function Plugin_OutputDblClick(ItemIndex: Integer): Boolean; function Plugin_OutputPopup(ItemIndex: Integer): Boolean; const { Return values for dlls } PLUGIN_CONTINUE = 0; // continue... PLUGIN_STOP = 1; // stop calling funcs and don't handle the command PLUGIN_HANDLED = 2; // don't handle the command { Compile values } COMP_DEFAULT = 0; COMP_STARTHL = 1; COMP_UPLOAD = 2; { Help values } HELP_DEFAULT = 0; HELP_SEARCH = 1; HELP_FORUMS = 2; HELP_ABOUT = 3; { Controls for visible state } CTRL_OUTPUT = 0; // Output list CTRL_CODETOOLS_MAIN = 1; // Code-Tools window CTRL_CODETOOLS_ITEM = 2; // Code-Tools tab CTRL_NOTES = 3; // Notes tab { Languages } NEW_PAWN_PLUGIN = 0; NEW_PAWN_EMPTYPLUGIN = 1; NEW_PAWN_HEADER = 2; NEW_CPP_MODULE = 3; NEW_CPP_UNIT = 4; NEW_CPP_HEADER = 5; NEW_OTHER_TEXTFILE = 6; NEW_OTHER_HTML = 7; NEW_OTHER_SQL = 8; NEW_OTHER_XML = 9; implementation uses UnitfrmSettings, UnitMainTools, UnitfrmAllFilesForm, UnitfrmAutoIndent, UnitfrmClose, UnitfrmConnGen, UnitfrmGoToLine, UnitfrmHTMLPreview, UnitfrmHudMsgGenerator, UnitfrmInfo, UnitfrmMain, UnitfrmMenuGenerator, UnitfrmMOTDGen, UnitfrmPluginsIniEditor, UnitfrmReplace, UnitfrmSearch, UnitfrmSelectColor, UnitfrmSocketsTerminal, UnitfrmSplashscreen, UnitLanguages; function LoadPlugin(ListItem: TListItem): Boolean; var eLoadInfo: TLoadInfo; LoadInfo: PLoadInfo; eHandle: Cardinal; eFunc, eFunc2: TLoadPlugin; begin Result := False; with eLoadInfo do begin sPluginName := 'Untitled'; sPluginDescription := 'No description'; { Handles } hAllFilesForm := frmAllFilesForm.Handle; hAutoIndent := frmAutoIndent.Handle; hClose := frmClose.Handle; hConnGen := frmConnGen.Handle; hGoToLine := frmGoToLine.Handle; hHTMLPreview := frmHTMLPreview.Handle; hHudMsgGenerator := frmHudMsgGenerator.Handle; hInfo := frmInfo.Handle; hMainForm := frmMain.Handle; hMenuGenerator := frmMenuGenerator.Handle; hMOTDGen := frmMOTDGen.Handle; hPluginsIniEditor := frmPluginsIniEditor.Handle; hReplace := frmReplace.Handle; hSearch := frmSearch.Handle; hSelectColor := frmSelectColor.Handle; hSettings := frmSettings.Handle; hSocketsTerminal := frmSocketsTerminal.Handle; hSplashscreen := frmSplashscreen.Handle; { Important Control Handles } hOutput := frmMain.lstOutput.Handle; hCodeExplorer := frmMain.trvExplorer.Handle; hCodeInspector := frmMain.jviCode.Handle; // even if it won't be useful hNotes := frmMain.rtfNotes.Handle; { Other } pApplication := @Application; // this is only useful for Delphi developers end; eHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'plugins\' + ListItem.SubItems[0])); if eHandle = 0 then exit; @eFunc := GetProcAddress(eHandle, 'pftPluginLoad'); @eFunc2 := GetProcAddress(eHandle, 'pftPluginUnload'); if @eFunc2 <> nil then begin if @eFunc <> nil then begin ListItem.Data := Pointer(eHandle); ListItem.SubItems[2] := 'Loaded'; LoadInfo := @eLoadInfo; eFunc(LoadInfo); ListItem.Caption := eLoadInfo.sPluginName; ListItem.SubItems[1] := eLoadInfo.sPluginDescription; end else MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar('Error loading plugin:' + #13 + 'pftPluginLoad function not found.'), PChar(ExtractFileName(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'plugins\' + ListItem.SubItems[0])), MB_ICONERROR); end else MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar('Error loading plugin:' + #13 + 'pftPluginUnload function not found.'), PChar(ExtractFileName(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'plugins\' + ListItem.SubItems[0])), MB_ICONERROR); end; procedure UnloadPlugin(ListItem: TListItem); var eFunc: TUnloadPlugin; begin @eFunc := GetProcAddress(Cardinal(ListItem.Data), 'pftPluginUnload'); if @eFunc <> nil then eFunc; FreeLibrary(Cardinal(ListItem.Data)); ListItem.Data := nil; ListItem.Caption := '-'; ListItem.SubItems[1] := '-'; ListItem.SubItems[2] := 'Unloaded'; end; procedure SendToMainApp(eData: String); var HTargetWnd: HWND; ACopyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct; begin with ACopyDataStruct do begin dwData := 0; cbData := Length(eData) + 1; lpData := PChar(eData); end; HTargetWnd := FindWindow('TfrmMain', 'AMXX-Studio'); if HTargetWnd <> 0 then SendMessage(HTargetWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, LongInt(@ACopyDataStruct)); end; function GetDLLHandles: TIntegerArray; var i, eCount: integer; begin SetLength(Result, 0); eCount := 0; if not Started then exit; for i := 0 to frmSettings.lvPlugins.Items.Count -1 do begin if frmSettings.lvPlugins.Items[i].Data <> nil then begin SetLength(Result, eCount +1); Result[eCount] := Cardinal(frmSettings.lvPlugins.Items[i].Data); Inc(eCount, 1); end; end; end; function Plugin_CodeSnippetClick(Title, Category: String; Code: String): Boolean; var Func: TCodeSnippetClick; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCodeSnippetClick'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Title), PChar(Category), PChar(Code)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_FileLoad(Filename: String; Loading: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TFileAction; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Loading then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftLoading') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftLoaded'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Filename)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_FileSave(Filename: String; Saving: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TFileAction; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Saving then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftSaving') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftSaved'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Filename)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_DocChange(Index: Integer; Filename, Highlighter: String; RestoreCaret, Changing: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TDocChange; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Changing then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftDocChanging') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftDocChanged'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Index, PChar(Filename), PChar(Highlighter), RestoreCaret) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_ProjectsChange(OldIndex, NewIndex: Integer; Changing: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TProjectsChange; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Changing then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftProjectsChanging') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftProjectsChanged'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(OldIndex, NewIndex) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_CreateNewFile(Item: Byte; Creating: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TCreateNewFile; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Creating then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCreatingNewFile') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCreatedNewFile'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PByte(Item)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_Search(SearchList, Selected: String; Displaying, SearchAgain: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TDisplaySearch; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Displaying then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftDisplayingSearch') else if SearchAgain then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftSearchAgain') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftSearch'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(SearchList), PChar(Selected)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_SearchReplace(Expression, Replace, ExpList, RepList: String; CaseSensivity, WholeWords, SearchFromCaret, SelectedOnly, RegEx, Forward: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TSearchReplace; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftSearchReplace'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Expression), PChar(Replace), PChar(ExpList), PChar(RepList), CaseSensivity, WholeWords, SearchFromCaret, SelectedOnly, RegEx, Forward) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_VisibleControlChange(Control: Integer; Show: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TVisibleControlChange; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftVisibleControlChange'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Control, Show) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_Compile(CompileType: Integer; Lang, Filename: String; Compiling: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TCompile; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Compiling then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCompiling') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCompile'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(CompileType, PChar(Lang), PChar(Filename)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_ShowHelp(HelpType: Integer): Boolean; var Func: TShowHelp; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftShowHelp'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(HelpType) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_CustomItemClick(Caption: String): Boolean; var Func: TCustomItemClick; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCustomItemClick'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Caption)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_ThemeChange(Theme: String): Boolean; var Func: TThemeChanged; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftThemeChanged'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Theme)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_Modified(Code: PChar): Boolean; var Func: TModified; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftModified'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Code) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_KeyPress(var Key: Char): Boolean; var Func: TKeyPress; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftKeyPress'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Key) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_EditorClick(DoubleClick: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TEditorClick; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if DoubleClick then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftDoubleClick') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftClick'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(DoubleClick) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_UpdateSel(SelStart, SelLength, FirstVisibleLine: Integer): Boolean; var Func: TUpdateSel; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftUpdateSel'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(SelStart, SelLength, FirstVisibleLine) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_CallTipShow(List: PChar): Boolean; var Func: TCallTipShow; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCallTipShow'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(List) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_CallTipClick(Position: Integer): Boolean; var Func: TCallTipClick; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftCallTipClick'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Position) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_AutoCompleteShow(List: PChar): Boolean; var Func: TAutoCompleteShow; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftAutoCompleteShow'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(List) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_AutoCompleteSelect(Text: PChar): Boolean; var Func: TAutoCompleteSelect; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftAutoCompleteSelect'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(Text) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_AppMsg(hwnd: HWND; Message: DWord; wParam, lParam: Integer; time: DWord; pt: TPoint): Boolean; var Func: TAppMsg; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftMessage'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam, time, pt) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_UpdateCodeExplorer(Lang, Filename, CurrProjects: String; Updating: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TUpdateCodeTools; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Updating then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftUpdatingCodeExplorer') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftUpdatedCodeExplorer'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Lang), PChar(Filename), PChar(CurrProjects)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_UpdateCodeInspector(Lang, Filename, CurrProjects: String; Updating: Boolean): Boolean; var Func: TUpdateCodeTools; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin if Updating then @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftUpdatingCodeInspector') else @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftUpdatedCodeInspector'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(PChar(Lang), PChar(Filename), PChar(CurrProjects)) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_OutputDblClick(ItemIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Func: TOutputEvent; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftOutputDoubleClick'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(ItemIndex) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; function Plugin_OutputPopup(ItemIndex: Integer): Boolean; var Func: TOutputEvent; i: integer; Handles: TIntegerArray; begin Result := True; Handles := GetDLLHandles; for i := 0 to High(Handles) do begin @Func := GetProcAddress(Handles[i], 'pftOutputPopup'); if @Func <> nil then begin case Func(ItemIndex) of PLUGIN_HANDLED: Result := False; PLUGIN_STOP: begin Result := False; exit; end; end; end; end; end; end.