/-- This set of tests is for Unicode property support. It is compatible with Perl >= 5.15. --/ < forbid 9?=ABCDEFfGILMNPTUXZ< /^\pC\pL\pM\pN\pP\pS\pZ</8 \x7f\x{c0}\x{30f}\x{660}\x{66c}\x{f01}\x{1680}< 0: \x{7f}\x{c0}\x{30f}\x{660}\x{66c}\x{f01}\x{1680}< \np\x{300}9!\$ < 0: \x{0a}p\x{300}9!$ < ** Failers No match ap\x{300}9!\$ < No match /^\PC/8 X 0: X ** Failers 0: * \x7f No match /^\PL/8 9 0: 9 ** Failers 0: * \x{c0} No match /^\PM/8 X 0: X ** Failers 0: * \x{30f} No match /^\PN/8 X 0: X ** Failers 0: * \x{660} No match /^\PP/8 X 0: X ** Failers No match \x{66c} No match /^\PS/8 X 0: X ** Failers 0: * \x{f01} No match /^\PZ/8 X 0: X ** Failers 0: * \x{1680} No match /^\p{Cc}/8 \x{017} 0: \x{17} \x{09f} 0: \x{9f} ** Failers No match \x{0600} No match /^\p{Cf}/8 \x{601} 0: \x{601} ** Failers No match \x{09f} No match /^\p{Cn}/8 \x{e0000} 0: \x{e0000} ** Failers No match \x{09f} No match /^\p{Co}/8 \x{f8ff} 0: \x{f8ff} ** Failers No match \x{09f} No match /^\p{Ll}/8 a 0: a ** Failers No match Z No match \x{e000} No match /^\p{Lm}/8 \x{2b0} 0: \x{2b0} ** Failers No match a No match /^\p{Lo}/8 \x{1bb} 0: \x{1bb} \x{3400} 0: \x{3400} \x{3401} 0: \x{3401} \x{4d00} 0: \x{4d00} \x{4db4} 0: \x{4db4} \x{4db5} 0: \x{4db5} ** Failers No match a No match \x{2b0} No match \x{4db6} No match /^\p{Lt}/8 \x{1c5} 0: \x{1c5} ** Failers No match a No match \x{2b0} No match /^\p{Lu}/8 A 0: A ** Failers No match \x{2b0} No match /^\p{Mc}/8 \x{903} 0: \x{903} ** Failers No match X No match \x{300} No match /^\p{Me}/8 \x{488} 0: \x{488} ** Failers No match X No match \x{903} No match \x{300} No match /^\p{Mn}/8 \x{300} 0: \x{300} ** Failers No match X No match \x{903} No match /^\p{Nd}+/8 0123456789\x{660}\x{661}\x{662}\x{663}\x{664}\x{665}\x{666}\x{667}\x{668}\x{669}\x{66a} 0: 0123456789\x{660}\x{661}\x{662}\x{663}\x{664}\x{665}\x{666}\x{667}\x{668}\x{669} \x{6f0}\x{6f1}\x{6f2}\x{6f3}\x{6f4}\x{6f5}\x{6f6}\x{6f7}\x{6f8}\x{6f9}\x{6fa} 0: \x{6f0}\x{6f1}\x{6f2}\x{6f3}\x{6f4}\x{6f5}\x{6f6}\x{6f7}\x{6f8}\x{6f9} \x{966}\x{967}\x{968}\x{969}\x{96a}\x{96b}\x{96c}\x{96d}\x{96e}\x{96f}\x{970} 0: \x{966}\x{967}\x{968}\x{969}\x{96a}\x{96b}\x{96c}\x{96d}\x{96e}\x{96f} ** Failers No match X No match /^\p{Nl}/8 \x{16ee} 0: \x{16ee} ** Failers No match X No match \x{966} No match /^\p{No}/8 \x{b2} 0: \x{b2} \x{b3} 0: \x{b3} ** Failers No match X No match \x{16ee} No match /^\p{Pc}/8 \x5f 0: _ \x{203f} 0: \x{203f} ** Failers No match X No match - No match \x{58a} No match /^\p{Pd}/8 - 0: - \x{58a} 0: \x{58a} ** Failers No match X No match \x{203f} No match /^\p{Pe}/8 ) 0: ) ] 0: ] } 0: } \x{f3b} 0: \x{f3b} ** Failers No match X No match \x{203f} No match ( No match [ No match { No match \x{f3c} No match /^\p{Pf}/8 \x{bb} 0: \x{bb} \x{2019} 0: \x{2019} ** Failers No match X No match \x{203f} No match /^\p{Pi}/8 \x{ab} 0: \x{ab} \x{2018} 0: \x{2018} ** Failers No match X No match \x{203f} No match /^\p{Po}/8 ! 0: ! \x{37e} 0: \x{37e} ** Failers 0: * X No match \x{203f} No match /^\p{Ps}/8 ( 0: ( [ 0: [ { 0: { \x{f3c} 0: \x{f3c} ** Failers No match X No match ) No match ] No match } No match \x{f3b} No match /^\p{Sk}/8 \x{2c2} 0: \x{2c2} ** Failers No match X No match \x{9f2} No match /^\p{Sm}+/8 +<|~\x{ac}\x{2044} 0: +<|~\x{ac}\x{2044} ** Failers No match X No match \x{9f2} No match /^\p{So}/8 \x{a6} 0: \x{a6} \x{482} 0: \x{482} ** Failers No match X No match \x{9f2} No match /^\p{Zl}/8 \x{2028} 0: \x{2028} ** Failers No match X No match \x{2029} No match /^\p{Zp}/8 \x{2029} 0: \x{2029} ** Failers No match X No match \x{2028} No match /\p{Nd}+(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}AB 1: AB /\p{Nd}+?(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662} 1: \x{661}\x{662} /\p{Nd}{2,}(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}AB 1: AB /\p{Nd}{2,}?(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}A 1: \x{662}A /\p{Nd}*(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}AB 1: AB /\p{Nd}*?(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661} 1: \x{660}\x{661} /\p{Nd}{2}(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}A 1: \x{662}A /\p{Nd}{2,3}(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}AB 1: AB /\p{Nd}{2,3}?(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}A 1: \x{662}A /\p{Nd}?(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662} 1: \x{661}\x{662} /\p{Nd}??(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661} 1: \x{660}\x{661} /\p{Nd}*+(..)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}AB 1: AB /\p{Nd}*+(...)/8 \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 0: \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC 1: ABC /\p{Nd}*+(....)/8 ** Failers 0: ** F 1: ** F \x{660}\x{661}\x{662}ABC No match /(?<=A\p{Nd})XYZ/8 A2XYZ 0: XYZ 123A5XYZPQR 0: XYZ ABA\x{660}XYZpqr 0: XYZ ** Failers No match AXYZ No match XYZ No match /(?<!\pL)XYZ/8 1XYZ 0: XYZ AB=XYZ.. 0: XYZ XYZ 0: XYZ ** Failers No match WXYZ No match /[\P{Nd}]+/8 abcd 0: abcd ** Failers 0: ** Failers 1234 No match /\D+/8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /\P{Nd}+/8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /[\D]+/8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /[\P{Nd}]+/8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /[\D\P{Nd}]+/8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /\pL/8 a 0: a A 0: A /\pL/8i a 0: a A 0: A /\p{Lu}/8 A 0: A aZ 0: Z ** Failers 0: F abc No match /\p{Ll}/8 a 0: a Az 0: z ** Failers 0: a ABC No match /A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0}/8 A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} 0: A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} ** Failers No match a\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} No match A\x{3b1}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} No match A\x{391}\x{1044F}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} No match A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff5a}\x{1fb0} No match A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb8} No match /A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0}/8i A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} 0: A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} a\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} 0: a\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} A\x{3b1}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} 0: A\x{3b1}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} A\x{391}\x{1044F}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} 0: A\x{391}\x{1044f}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0} A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff5a}\x{1fb0} 0: A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff5a}\x{1fb0} A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb8} 0: A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb8} /\x{391}+/8i \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{391} 0: \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{391} /\x{391}{3,5}(.)/8i \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{391}X 0: \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{391}X 1: X /\x{391}{3,5}?(.)/8i \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{391}X 0: \x{391}\x{3b1}\x{3b1}\x{3b1} 1: \x{3b1} /[\x{391}\x{ff3a}]/8i \x{391} 0: \x{391} \x{ff3a} 0: \x{ff3a} \x{3b1} 0: \x{3b1} \x{ff5a} 0: \x{ff5a} /^[\X]/8 X123 0: X *** Failers No match AXYZ No match /^(\X*)C/8 A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BC 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}B A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} /^(\X*?)C/8 A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BC 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}B A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BC 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}B /^(\X*)(.)/8 A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BC 2: A A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 1: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} 2: C /^(\X*?)(.)/8 A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301} 0: A 1: 2: A A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BCA\x{300}\x{301}C 0: A 1: 2: A /^\X(.)/8 *** Failers 0: ** 1: * A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302} No match /^\X{2,3}(.)/8 A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}X 1: X A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301} 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C 1: C A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}X 1: X A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}DA\x{300}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}D 1: D /^\X{2,3}?(.)/8 A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}X 1: X A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301} 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C 1: C A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C 1: C A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C\x{300}\x{301}DA\x{300}X 0: A\x{300}\x{301}B\x{300}C 1: C /^\X/8 A 0: A A\x{300}BC 0: A\x{300} A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302}BC 0: A\x{300}\x{301}\x{302} \x{300} 0: \x{300} /^\p{Han}+/8 \x{2e81}\x{3007}\x{2f804}\x{31a0} 0: \x{2e81}\x{3007}\x{2f804} ** Failers No match \x{2e7f} No match /^\P{Katakana}+/8 \x{3105} 0: \x{3105} ** Failers 0: ** Failers \x{30ff} No match /^[\p{Arabic}]/8 \x{06e9} 0: \x{6e9} \x{060b} 0: \x{60b} \x{061c} 0: \x{61c} ** Failers No match X\x{06e9} No match /^[\P{Yi}]/8 \x{2f800} 0: \x{2f800} ** Failers 0: * \x{a014} No match \x{a4c6} No match /^\p{Any}X/8 AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X ** Failers No match X No match /^\P{Any}X/8 ** Failers No match AX No match /^\p{Any}?X/8 XYZ 0: X AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X ** Failers No match ABXYZ No match /^\P{Any}?X/8 XYZ 0: X ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match ABXYZ No match /^\p{Any}+X/8 AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X A\x{1234}XYZ 0: A\x{1234}X ** Failers No match XYZ No match /^\P{Any}+X/8 ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match A\x{1234}XYZ No match XYZ No match /^\p{Any}*X/8 XYZ 0: X AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X A\x{1234}XYZ 0: A\x{1234}X ** Failers No match /^\P{Any}*X/8 XYZ 0: X ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match A\x{1234}XYZ No match /^[\p{Any}]X/8 AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X ** Failers No match X No match /^[\P{Any}]X/8 ** Failers No match AX No match /^[\p{Any}]?X/8 XYZ 0: X AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X ** Failers No match ABXYZ No match /^[\P{Any}]?X/8 XYZ 0: X ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match ABXYZ No match /^[\p{Any}]+X/8 AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X A\x{1234}XYZ 0: A\x{1234}X ** Failers No match XYZ No match /^[\P{Any}]+X/8 ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match A\x{1234}XYZ No match XYZ No match /^[\p{Any}]*X/8 XYZ 0: X AXYZ 0: AX \x{1234}XYZ 0: \x{1234}X A\x{1234}XYZ 0: A\x{1234}X ** Failers No match /^[\P{Any}]*X/8 XYZ 0: X ** Failers No match AXYZ No match \x{1234}XYZ No match A\x{1234}XYZ No match /^\p{Any}{3,5}?/8 abcdefgh 0: abc \x{1234}\n\r\x{3456}xyz 0: \x{1234}\x{0a}\x{0d} /^\p{Any}{3,5}/8 abcdefgh 0: abcde \x{1234}\n\r\x{3456}xyz 0: \x{1234}\x{0a}\x{0d}\x{3456}x /^\P{Any}{3,5}?/8 ** Failers No match abcdefgh No match \x{1234}\n\r\x{3456}xyz No match /^\p{L&}X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX \x{1c5}XY 0: \x{1c5}X ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^[\p{L&}]X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX \x{1c5}XY 0: \x{1c5}X ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^\p{L&}+X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX AbcdeXyz 0: AbcdeX \x{1c5}AbXY 0: \x{1c5}AbX abcDEXypqreXlmn 0: abcDEXypqreX ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^[\p{L&}]+X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX AbcdeXyz 0: AbcdeX \x{1c5}AbXY 0: \x{1c5}AbX abcDEXypqreXlmn 0: abcDEXypqreX ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^\p{L&}+?X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX AbcdeXyz 0: AbcdeX \x{1c5}AbXY 0: \x{1c5}AbX abcDEXypqreXlmn 0: abcDEX ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^[\p{L&}]+?X/8 AXY 0: AX aXY 0: aX AbcdeXyz 0: AbcdeX \x{1c5}AbXY 0: \x{1c5}AbX abcDEXypqreXlmn 0: abcDEX ** Failers No match \x{1bb}XY No match \x{2b0}XY No match !XY No match /^\P{L&}X/8 !XY 0: !X \x{1bb}XY 0: \x{1bb}X \x{2b0}XY 0: \x{2b0}X ** Failers No match \x{1c5}XY No match AXY No match /^[\P{L&}]X/8 !XY 0: !X \x{1bb}XY 0: \x{1bb}X \x{2b0}XY 0: \x{2b0}X ** Failers No match \x{1c5}XY No match AXY No match /^(\p{Z}[^\p{C}\p{Z}]+)*$/ \xa0! 0: \xa0! 1: \xa0! /^[\pL](abc)(?1)/ AabcabcYZ 0: Aabcabc 1: abc /([\pL]=(abc))*X/ L=abcX 0: L=abcX 1: L=abc 2: abc /^\p{Balinese}\p{Cuneiform}\p{Nko}\p{Phags_Pa}\p{Phoenician}/8 \x{1b00}\x{12000}\x{7c0}\x{a840}\x{10900} 0: \x{1b00}\x{12000}\x{7c0}\x{a840}\x{10900} /Check property support in non-UTF-8 mode/ /\p{L}{4}/ 123abcdefg 0: abcd 123abc\xc4\xc5zz 0: abc\xc4 /\X{1,3}\d/ \x8aBCD No match /\X?\d/ \x8aBCD No match /\P{L}?\d/ \x8aBCD No match /[\PPP\x8a]{1,}\x80/ A\x80 0: A\x80 /^[\p{Arabic}]/8 \x{604} 0: \x{604} \x{60e} 0: \x{60e} \x{656} 0: \x{656} \x{657} 0: \x{657} \x{658} 0: \x{658} \x{659} 0: \x{659} \x{65a} 0: \x{65a} \x{65b} 0: \x{65b} \x{65c} 0: \x{65c} \x{65d} 0: \x{65d} \x{65e} 0: \x{65e} \x{65f} 0: \x{65f} \x{66a} 0: \x{66a} \x{6e9} 0: \x{6e9} \x{6ef} 0: \x{6ef} \x{6fa} 0: \x{6fa} ** Failers No match \x{650} No match \x{651} No match \x{652} No match \x{653} No match \x{654} No match \x{655} No match /^\p{Cyrillic}/8 \x{1d2b} 0: \x{1d2b} /^\p{Common}/8 \x{589} 0: \x{589} \x{60c} 0: \x{60c} \x{61f} 0: \x{61f} \x{964} 0: \x{964} \x{965} 0: \x{965} /^\p{Inherited}/8 \x{64b} 0: \x{64b} \x{654} 0: \x{654} \x{655} 0: \x{655} \x{200c} 0: \x{200c} ** Failers No match \x{64a} No match \x{656} No match /^\p{Shavian}/8 \x{10450} 0: \x{10450} \x{1047f} 0: \x{1047f} /^\p{Deseret}/8 \x{10400} 0: \x{10400} \x{1044f} 0: \x{1044f} /^\p{Osmanya}/8 \x{10480} 0: \x{10480} \x{1049d} 0: \x{1049d} \x{104a0} 0: \x{104a0} \x{104a9} 0: \x{104a9} ** Failers No match \x{1049e} No match \x{1049f} No match \x{104aa} No match /\p{Carian}\p{Cham}\p{Kayah_Li}\p{Lepcha}\p{Lycian}\p{Lydian}\p{Ol_Chiki}\p{Rejang}\p{Saurashtra}\p{Sundanese}\p{Vai}/8 \x{102A4}\x{AA52}\x{A91D}\x{1C46}\x{10283}\x{1092E}\x{1C6B}\x{A93B}\x{A8BF}\x{1BA0}\x{A50A}==== 0: \x{102a4}\x{aa52}\x{a91d}\x{1c46}\x{10283}\x{1092e}\x{1c6b}\x{a93b}\x{a8bf}\x{1ba0}\x{a50a} /\x{a77d}\x{1d79}/8i \x{a77d}\x{1d79} 0: \x{a77d}\x{1d79} \x{1d79}\x{a77d} 0: \x{1d79}\x{a77d} /\x{a77d}\x{1d79}/8 \x{a77d}\x{1d79} 0: \x{a77d}\x{1d79} ** Failers No match \x{1d79}\x{a77d} No match /(A)\1/8i AA 0: AA 1: A Aa 0: Aa 1: A aa 0: aa 1: a aA 0: aA 1: a /(\x{10a})\1/8i \x{10a}\x{10a} 0: \x{10a}\x{10a} 1: \x{10a} \x{10a}\x{10b} 0: \x{10a}\x{10b} 1: \x{10a} \x{10b}\x{10b} 0: \x{10b}\x{10b} 1: \x{10b} \x{10b}\x{10a} 0: \x{10b}\x{10a} 1: \x{10b} /The next two tests are for property support in non-UTF-8 mode/ /(?:\p{Lu}|\x20)+/ \x41\x20\x50\xC2\x54\xC9\x20\x54\x4F\x44\x41\x59 0: A P\xc2T\xc9 TODAY /[\p{Lu}\x20]+/ \x41\x20\x50\xC2\x54\xC9\x20\x54\x4F\x44\x41\x59 0: A P\xc2T\xc9 TODAY /\p{Avestan}\p{Bamum}\p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}\p{Imperial_Aramaic}\p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi}\p{Inscriptional_Parthian}\p{Javanese}\p{Kaithi}\p{Lisu}\p{Meetei_Mayek}\p{Old_South_Arabian}\p{Old_Turkic}\p{Samaritan}\p{Tai_Tham}\p{Tai_Viet}/8 \x{10b00}\x{a6ef}\x{13007}\x{10857}\x{10b78}\x{10b58}\x{a980}\x{110c1}\x{a4ff}\x{abc0}\x{10a7d}\x{10c48}\x{0800}\x{1aad}\x{aac0} 0: \x{10b00}\x{a6ef}\x{13007}\x{10857}\x{10b78}\x{10b58}\x{a980}\x{110c1}\x{a4ff}\x{abc0}\x{10a7d}\x{10c48}\x{800}\x{1aad}\x{aac0} /^\w+/8W Az_\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d}1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} 0: Az_\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d}1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} /^[[:xdigit:]]*/8W 1a\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} 0: 1a /^\d+/8W 1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} 0: 1\x{660}\x{bef} /^[[:digit:]]+/8W 1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} 0: 1\x{660}\x{bef} /^>\s+/8W >\x{20}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{9}\x{b} 0: > \x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{09}\x{0b} /^>\pZ+/8W >\x{20}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{9}\x{b} 0: > \x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f} /^>[[:space:]]*/8W >\x{20}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{9}\x{b} 0: > \x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{09}\x{0b} /^>[[:blank:]]*/8W >\x{20}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{180e}\x{2000}\x{202f}\x{9}\x{b}\x{2028} 0: > \x{a0}\x{1680}\x{180e}\x{2000}\x{202f}\x{09} /^[[:alpha:]]*/8W Az\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d} 0: Az\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d} /^[[:alnum:]]*/8W Az\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d}1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} 0: Az\x{aa}\x{c0}\x{1c5}\x{2b0}\x{3b6}\x{1d7c9}\x{2fa1d}1\x{660}\x{bef}\x{16ee} /^[[:cntrl:]]*/8W \x{0}\x{09}\x{1f}\x{7f}\x{9f} 0: \x{00}\x{09}\x{1f}\x{7f} /^[[:graph:]]*/8W A\x{a1}\x{a0} 0: A\x{a1} /^[[:print:]]*/8W A z\x{a0}\x{a1} 0: A z\x{a0}\x{a1} /^[[:punct:]]*/8W .+\x{a1}\x{a0} 0: .+\x{a1} /\p{Zs}*?\R/ ** Failers No match a\xFCb No match /\p{Zs}*\R/ ** Failers No match a\xFCb No match /ⱥ/8i ⱥ 0: \x{2c65} Ⱥx 0: \x{23a} Ⱥ 0: \x{23a} /[ⱥ]/8i ⱥ 0: \x{2c65} Ⱥx 0: \x{23a} Ⱥ 0: \x{23a} /Ⱥ/8i Ⱥ 0: \x{23a} ⱥ 0: \x{2c65} /-- These are tests for extended grapheme clusters --/ /^\X/8+ G\x{34e}\x{34e}X 0: G\x{34e}\x{34e} 0+ X \x{34e}\x{34e}X 0: \x{34e}\x{34e} 0+ X \x04X 0: \x{04} 0+ X \x{1100}X 0: \x{1100} 0+ X \x{1100}\x{34e}X 0: \x{1100}\x{34e} 0+ X \x{1b04}\x{1b04}X 0: \x{1b04}\x{1b04} 0+ X *These match up to the roman letters 0: * 0+ These match up to the roman letters \x{1111}\x{1111}L,L 0: \x{1111}\x{1111} 0+ L,L \x{1111}\x{1111}\x{1169}L,L,V 0: \x{1111}\x{1111}\x{1169} 0+ L,L,V \x{1111}\x{ae4c}L, LV 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c} 0+ L, LV \x{1111}\x{ad89}L, LVT 0: \x{1111}\x{ad89} 0+ L, LVT \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169}L, LV, V 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169} 0+ L, LV, V \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169}\x{1169}L, LV, V, V 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169}\x{1169} 0+ L, LV, V, V \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169}\x{11fe}L, LV, V, T 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169}\x{11fe} 0+ L, LV, V, T \x{1111}\x{ad89}\x{11fe}L, LVT, T 0: \x{1111}\x{ad89}\x{11fe} 0+ L, LVT, T \x{1111}\x{ad89}\x{11fe}\x{11fe}L, LVT, T, T 0: \x{1111}\x{ad89}\x{11fe}\x{11fe} 0+ L, LVT, T, T \x{ad89}\x{11fe}\x{11fe}LVT, T, T 0: \x{ad89}\x{11fe}\x{11fe} 0+ LVT, T, T *These match just the first codepoint (invalid sequence) 0: * 0+ These match just the first codepoint (invalid sequence) \x{1111}\x{11fe}L, T 0: \x{1111} 0+ \x{11fe}L, T \x{ae4c}\x{1111}LV, L 0: \x{ae4c} 0+ \x{1111}LV, L \x{ae4c}\x{ae4c}LV, LV 0: \x{ae4c} 0+ \x{ae4c}LV, LV \x{ae4c}\x{ad89}LV, LVT 0: \x{ae4c} 0+ \x{ad89}LV, LVT \x{1169}\x{1111}V, L 0: \x{1169} 0+ \x{1111}V, L \x{1169}\x{ae4c}V, LV 0: \x{1169} 0+ \x{ae4c}V, LV \x{1169}\x{ad89}V, LVT 0: \x{1169} 0+ \x{ad89}V, LVT \x{ad89}\x{1111}LVT, L 0: \x{ad89} 0+ \x{1111}LVT, L \x{ad89}\x{1169}LVT, V 0: \x{ad89} 0+ \x{1169}LVT, V \x{ad89}\x{ae4c}LVT, LV 0: \x{ad89} 0+ \x{ae4c}LVT, LV \x{ad89}\x{ad89}LVT, LVT 0: \x{ad89} 0+ \x{ad89}LVT, LVT \x{11fe}\x{1111}T, L 0: \x{11fe} 0+ \x{1111}T, L \x{11fe}\x{1169}T, V 0: \x{11fe} 0+ \x{1169}T, V \x{11fe}\x{ae4c}T, LV 0: \x{11fe} 0+ \x{ae4c}T, LV \x{11fe}\x{ad89}T, LVT 0: \x{11fe} 0+ \x{ad89}T, LVT *Test extend and spacing mark 0: * 0+ Test extend and spacing mark \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{0711}L, LV, extend 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{711} 0+ L, LV, extend \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1b04}L, LV, spacing mark 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1b04} 0+ L, LV, spacing mark \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1b04}\x{0711}\x{1b04}L, LV, spacing mark, extend, spacing mark 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1b04}\x{711}\x{1b04} 0+ L, LV, spacing mark, extend, spacing mark *Test CR, LF, and control 0: * 0+ Test CR, LF, and control \x0d\x{0711}CR, extend 0: \x{0d} 0+ \x{711}CR, extend \x0d\x{1b04}CR, spacingmark 0: \x{0d} 0+ \x{1b04}CR, spacingmark \x0a\x{0711}LF, extend 0: \x{0a} 0+ \x{711}LF, extend \x0a\x{1b04}LF, spacingmark 0: \x{0a} 0+ \x{1b04}LF, spacingmark \x0b\x{0711}Control, extend 0: \x{0b} 0+ \x{711}Control, extend \x09\x{1b04}Control, spacingmark 0: \x{09} 0+ \x{1b04}Control, spacingmark *There are no Prepend characters, so we can't test Prepend, CR 0: * 0+ There are no Prepend characters, so we can't test Prepend, CR /^(?>\X{2})X/8+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ /^\X{2,4}X/8+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ /^\X{2,4}?X/8+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0: \x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1111}\x{ae4c}X 0+ /\X*Z/8Y A\x{300} No match /\X*(.)/8Y A\x{1111}\x{ae4c}\x{1169} 0: A\x{1111} 1: \x{1111} /\X?abc/8Y \xff\x7f\x00\x00\x03\x00\x41\xcc\x80\x41\x{300}\x61\x62\x63\x00\>06\? 0: A\x{300}abc /-- --/ /\x{1e9e}+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /[z\x{1e9e}]+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /\x{00df}+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /[z\x{00df}]+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /\x{1f88}+/8i \x{1f88}\x{1f80} 0: \x{1f88}\x{1f80} /[z\x{1f88}]+/8i \x{1f88}\x{1f80} 0: \x{1f88}\x{1f80} /-- Characters with more than one other case; test in classes --/ /[z\x{00b5}]+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /[z\x{039c}]+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /[z\x{03bc}]+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /[z\x{00c5}]+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /[z\x{00e5}]+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /[z\x{212b}]+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /[z\x{01c4}]+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /[z\x{01c5}]+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /[z\x{01c6}]+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /[z\x{01c7}]+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /[z\x{01c8}]+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /[z\x{01c9}]+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /[z\x{01ca}]+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /[z\x{01cb}]+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /[z\x{01cc}]+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /[z\x{01f1}]+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /[z\x{01f2}]+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /[z\x{01f3}]+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /[z\x{0345}]+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /[z\x{0399}]+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /[z\x{03b9}]+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /[z\x{1fbe}]+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /[z\x{0392}]+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /[z\x{03b2}]+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /[z\x{03d0}]+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /[z\x{0395}]+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /[z\x{03b5}]+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /[z\x{03f5}]+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /[z\x{0398}]+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /[z\x{03b8}]+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /[z\x{03d1}]+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /[z\x{03f4}]+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /[z\x{039a}]+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /[z\x{03ba}]+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /[z\x{03f0}]+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /[z\x{03a0}]+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /[z\x{03c0}]+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /[z\x{03d6}]+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /[z\x{03a1}]+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /[z\x{03c1}]+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /[z\x{03f1}]+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /[z\x{03a3}]+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /[z\x{03c2}]+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /[z\x{03c3}]+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /[z\x{03a6}]+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /[z\x{03c6}]+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /[z\x{03d5}]+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /[z\x{03c9}]+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /[z\x{03a9}]+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /[z\x{2126}]+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /[z\x{1e60}]+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /[z\x{1e61}]+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /[z\x{1e9b}]+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /-- Perl 5.12.4 gets these wrong, but 5.15.3 is OK --/ /[z\x{004b}]+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /[z\x{006b}]+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /[z\x{212a}]+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /[z\x{0053}]+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /[z\x{0073}]+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /[z\x{017f}]+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /-- --/ /(ΣΆΜΟΣ) \1/8i ΣΆΜΟΣ ΣΆΜΟΣ 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} ΣΆΜΟΣ σάμος 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} σάμος σάμος 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} σάμος σάμοσ 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c3} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} σάμος ΣΆΜΟΣ 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} /(σάμος) \1/8i ΣΆΜΟΣ ΣΆΜΟΣ 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} ΣΆΜΟΣ σάμος 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} σάμος σάμος 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} σάμος σάμοσ 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c3} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} σάμος ΣΆΜΟΣ 0: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} 1: \x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} /(ΣΆΜΟΣ) \1*/8i ΣΆΜΟΣ\x20 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} ΣΆΜΟΣ ΣΆΜΟΣσάμοςσάμος 0: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2}\x{3c3}\x{3ac}\x{3bc}\x{3bf}\x{3c2} 1: \x{3a3}\x{386}\x{39c}\x{39f}\x{3a3} /-- Perl matches these --/ /\x{00b5}+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /\x{039c}+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /\x{03bc}+/8i \x{00b5}\x{039c}\x{03bc} 0: \x{b5}\x{39c}\x{3bc} /\x{00c5}+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /\x{00e5}+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /\x{212b}+/8i \x{00c5}\x{00e5}\x{212b} 0: \x{c5}\x{e5}\x{212b} /\x{01c4}+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /\x{01c5}+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /\x{01c6}+/8i \x{01c4}\x{01c5}\x{01c6} 0: \x{1c4}\x{1c5}\x{1c6} /\x{01c7}+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /\x{01c8}+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /\x{01c9}+/8i \x{01c7}\x{01c8}\x{01c9} 0: \x{1c7}\x{1c8}\x{1c9} /\x{01ca}+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /\x{01cb}+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /\x{01cc}+/8i \x{01ca}\x{01cb}\x{01cc} 0: \x{1ca}\x{1cb}\x{1cc} /\x{01f1}+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /\x{01f2}+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /\x{01f3}+/8i \x{01f1}\x{01f2}\x{01f3} 0: \x{1f1}\x{1f2}\x{1f3} /\x{0345}+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /\x{0399}+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /\x{03b9}+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /\x{1fbe}+/8i \x{0345}\x{0399}\x{03b9}\x{1fbe} 0: \x{345}\x{399}\x{3b9}\x{1fbe} /\x{0392}+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /\x{03b2}+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /\x{03d0}+/8i \x{0392}\x{03b2}\x{03d0} 0: \x{392}\x{3b2}\x{3d0} /\x{0395}+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /\x{03b5}+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /\x{03f5}+/8i \x{0395}\x{03b5}\x{03f5} 0: \x{395}\x{3b5}\x{3f5} /\x{0398}+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /\x{03b8}+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /\x{03d1}+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /\x{03f4}+/8i \x{0398}\x{03b8}\x{03d1}\x{03f4} 0: \x{398}\x{3b8}\x{3d1}\x{3f4} /\x{039a}+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /\x{03ba}+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /\x{03f0}+/8i \x{039a}\x{03ba}\x{03f0} 0: \x{39a}\x{3ba}\x{3f0} /\x{03a0}+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /\x{03c0}+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /\x{03d6}+/8i \x{03a0}\x{03c0}\x{03d6} 0: \x{3a0}\x{3c0}\x{3d6} /\x{03a1}+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /\x{03c1}+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /\x{03f1}+/8i \x{03a1}\x{03c1}\x{03f1} 0: \x{3a1}\x{3c1}\x{3f1} /\x{03a3}+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /\x{03c2}+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /\x{03c3}+/8i \x{03A3}\x{03C2}\x{03C3} 0: \x{3a3}\x{3c2}\x{3c3} /\x{03a6}+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /\x{03c6}+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /\x{03d5}+/8i \x{03a6}\x{03c6}\x{03d5} 0: \x{3a6}\x{3c6}\x{3d5} /\x{03c9}+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /\x{03a9}+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /\x{2126}+/8i \x{03c9}\x{03a9}\x{2126} 0: \x{3c9}\x{3a9}\x{2126} /\x{1e60}+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /\x{1e61}+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /\x{1e9b}+/8i \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} 0: \x{1e60}\x{1e61}\x{1e9b} /\x{1e9e}+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /\x{00df}+/8i \x{1e9e}\x{00df} 0: \x{1e9e}\x{df} /\x{1f88}+/8i \x{1f88}\x{1f80} 0: \x{1f88}\x{1f80} /\x{1f80}+/8i \x{1f88}\x{1f80} 0: \x{1f88}\x{1f80} /-- Perl 5.12.4 gets these wrong, but 5.15.3 is OK --/ /\x{004b}+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /\x{006b}+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /\x{212a}+/8i \x{004b}\x{006b}\x{212a} 0: Kk\x{212a} /\x{0053}+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /\x{0073}+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /\x{017f}+/8i \x{0053}\x{0073}\x{017f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /^\p{Any}*\d{4}/8 1234 0: 1234 123 No match /^\X*\w{4}/8 1234 0: 1234 123 No match /^A\s+Z/8W A\x{2005}Z 0: A\x{2005}Z A\x{85}\x{180e}\x{2005}Z 0: A\x{85}\x{180e}\x{2005}Z /^A[\s]+Z/8W A\x{2005}Z 0: A\x{2005}Z A\x{85}\x{180e}\x{2005}Z 0: A\x{85}\x{180e}\x{2005}Z /^[[:graph:]]+$/8W Letter:ABC 0: Letter:ABC Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} 0: Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} Number:9\x{660} 0: Number:9\x{660} Punctuation:\x{66a},; 0: Punctuation:\x{66a},; Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} 0: Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} 0: Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} 0: \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} 0: \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} 0: \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} 0: \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} \x{feff} 0: \x{feff} \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} 0: \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} \x{110bd} 0: \x{110bd} \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} 0: \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} \x{e0001} 0: \x{e0001} \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} 0: \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} ** Failers No match \x{09} No match \x{0a} No match \x{1D} No match \x{20} No match \x{85} No match \x{a0} No match \x{61c} No match \x{1680} No match \x{180e} No match \x{2028} No match \x{2029} No match \x{202f} No match \x{2065} No match \x{2066} No match \x{2067} No match \x{2068} No match \x{2069} No match \x{3000} No match \x{e0002} No match \x{e001f} No match \x{e0080} No match /^[[:print:]]+$/8W Space: \x{a0} 0: Space: \x{a0} \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005} 0: \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005} \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} 0: \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} \x{202f}\x{205f} 0: \x{202f}\x{205f} \x{3000} 0: \x{3000} Letter:ABC 0: Letter:ABC Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} 0: Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} Number:9\x{660} 0: Number:9\x{660} Punctuation:\x{66a},; 0: Punctuation:\x{66a},; Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} 0: Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} 0: Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} \x{180e} 0: \x{180e} \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} 0: \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} 0: \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} \x{202f} 0: \x{202f} \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} 0: \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} 0: \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} \x{feff} 0: \x{feff} \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} 0: \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} \x{110bd} 0: \x{110bd} \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} 0: \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} \x{e0001} 0: \x{e0001} \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} 0: \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} ** Failers 0: ** Failers \x{09} No match \x{1D} No match \x{85} No match \x{61c} No match \x{2028} No match \x{2029} No match \x{2065} No match \x{2066} No match \x{2067} No match \x{2068} No match \x{2069} No match \x{e0002} No match \x{e001f} No match \x{e0080} No match /^[[:punct:]]+$/8W \$+<=>^`|~ 0: $+<=>^`|~ !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{} 0: !"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\]_{} \x{a1}\x{a7} 0: \x{a1}\x{a7} \x{37e} 0: \x{37e} ** Failers No match abcde No match /^[[:^graph:]]+$/8W \x{09}\x{0a}\x{1D}\x{20}\x{85}\x{a0}\x{61c}\x{1680}\x{180e} 0: \x{09}\x{0a}\x{1d} \x{85}\x{a0}\x{61c}\x{1680}\x{180e} \x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}\x{2068}\x{2069} 0: \x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}\x{2068}\x{2069} \x{3000}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080} 0: \x{3000}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080} ** Failers No match Letter:ABC No match Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} No match Number:9\x{660} No match Punctuation:\x{66a},; No match Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} No match Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} No match \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} No match \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} No match \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} No match \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} No match \x{feff} No match \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} No match \x{110bd} No match \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} No match \x{e0001} No match \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} No match /^[[:^print:]]+$/8W \x{09}\x{1D}\x{85}\x{61c}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067} 0: \x{09}\x{1d}\x{85}\x{61c}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067} \x{2068}\x{2069}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080} 0: \x{2068}\x{2069}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080} ** Failers No match Space: \x{a0} No match \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005} No match \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} No match \x{202f}\x{205f} No match \x{3000} No match Letter:ABC No match Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b} No match Number:9\x{660} No match Punctuation:\x{66a},; No match Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc} No match Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f} No match \x{180e} No match \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f} No match \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e} No match \x{202f} No match \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064} No match \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f} No match \x{feff} No match \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb} No match \x{110bd} No match \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a} No match \x{e0001} No match \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f} No match /^[[:^punct:]]+$/8W abcde 0: abcde ** Failers No match \$+<=>^`|~ No match !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{} No match \x{a1}\x{a7} No match \x{37e} No match /[RST]+/8iW Ss\x{17f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /[R-T]+/8iW Ss\x{17f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /[q-u]+/8iW Ss\x{17f} 0: Ss\x{17f} /-- End of testinput6 --/