[en] NO_OPTION = Couldn't find option(s) with such variable (name "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Stats configuration saved successfully STATS_CONF_FAILED = Failed to save stats configuration!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Stats configuration loaded successfully STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Failed to load stats configuration!!! STATS_CONF = Stats Configuration STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entries %i - %i of %i STATS_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_statscfg list %i' for more STATS_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_statscfg list 1' for begin STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled CANT_ADD_STATS = Can't add stats to the list, limit reached! COM_STATS_USAGE = Usage: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ... COM_STATS_COM = Commands: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - enable specified option COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - disable specified option COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - save stats configuration COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - load stats configuration COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - list stats status COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - add stats to the list NO_STATS = Stats plugins are not^ninstalled on this server^n SAVE_CONF = Save configuration [de] NO_OPTION = Finde keine Optionen mit dieser Variable (Name "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistik-Konfiguration erfolgreich gespeichert. STATS_CONF_FAILED = Fehler beim Speichern der Statistik-Konfiguration!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistik-Konfiguration erfolgreich geladen STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Fehler beim Laden der Statistik-Konfiguration!!! STATS_CONF = Statistik-Konfiguration STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Eintraege %i - %i von %i STATS_USE_MORE = Benutze 'amx_statscfg list %i' fuer mehr Info�s STATS_USE_BEGIN = Benutze 'amx_statscfg list 1' um zum Anfang zu gelangen CANT_ADD_STATS = Kann keine Statistik mehr hinzufuegen, das Limit ist erreicht! COM_STATS_USAGE = Benutze: amx_statscfg <Befehl> [Parameter] ... COM_STATS_COM = Befehl: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - gibt spezielle Option frei COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - sperrt spezielle Option COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - speichert Statistik-Konfiguration COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - laedt Statistik-Konfiguration COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Statistik-Status anzeigen COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - fuegt eine Statistik zur Liste hinzu NO_STATS = Statistik-Plugin ist nicht^nauf diesem Server installiert^n SAVE_CONF = Konfiguration speichern [sr] NO_OPTION = Nepostoji optcija(e) sa tom promenljivom (ime "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Podesavanja Statistike su uspesno snimljena STATS_CONF_FAILED = Podesavanja Statistike su neuspesno snimljena!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Podesavanja Statistike su uspesno ucitana STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Podesavanja Statistike su neuspesno ucitana!!! STATS_CONF = Podesavanja Statistike STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Vrednosti %i - %i od %i STATS_USE_MORE = Koristi 'amx_statscfg list %i' za jos STATS_USE_BEGIN = Koristi 'amx_statscfg list 1' za pocetak STATS_ENABLED = Stats enabled STATS_DISABLED = Stats disabled CANT_ADD_STATS = Nije moguce dodati statistiku na listu, limit popunjen! COM_STATS_USAGE = Koriscenje: amx_statscfg <komanda> [parametar] ... COM_STATS_COM = Komande: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - ukljuci opciju COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - iskljuci opciju COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - sacuvaj podesavanja statistike COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - ucitaj podesavanja statistike COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - prikazi status statistike COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - dodaj statistiku na kraj liste NO_STATS = Plugin za statistiku^nnije instaliran na ovom serveru^n SAVE_CONF = Sacuvaj konfiguraciju [tr] NO_OPTION = O isimde aranan secenek(ler) bulunamadi (isim "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistik configi basari ile saklandi STATS_CONF_FAILED = Statistik configi malesef saklanamadi!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistik configi basari ile yuklendi STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Statistik configi malesef yuklenemedi!!! STATS_CONF = Statistik configi STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Girisler %i - %i ve %i STATS_USE_MORE = 'amx_statscfg list %i' i kullanin dahasini gormek icin STATS_USE_BEGIN = 'amx_statscfg list 1' i kullanin baslatmak icin CANT_ADD_STATS = Statistik saklanamiyor, sinir asildi! COM_STATS_USAGE = Kullanim: amx_statscfg <emir> [parametre] ... COM_STATS_COM = Emirler: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - Ozellikle secilen secenekleri baslat COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - Ozellikle secilen secenekleri durdur COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - Statistik configini sakla COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - Statistik configini yukle COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Statistik durumunu listele COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <isim> <deger> - Listeye statistik ekleyin NO_STATS = Statistik plugini^nserverde mevcud degildir^n SAVE_CONF = Configleri sakla STATS_ENABLED = Statistik kullanima acik STATS_DISABLED = Statistik kullanima kapali [fr] NO_OPTION = Option(s) introuvable(s) avec cette variable (nom ^"%s^") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Sauvegarde de la configuration des stats effectuee STATS_CONF_FAILED = Echec de sauvegarde de la configuration des stats!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Chargement de la configuration des stats effectue STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Echec du chargement de la configuration des stats!!! STATS_CONF = Configuration des Stats STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entrees %i - %i sur %i STATS_USE_MORE = Utilise 'amx_statscfg list %i' pour la suite STATS_USE_BEGIN = Utilise 'amx_statscfg list 1' pour le debut CANT_ADD_STATS = Limite atteinte, impossible d'ajouter plus de stats! COM_STATS_USAGE = Utilisation: amx_statscfg <commande> [parametres] ... COM_STATS_COM = Commandes: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - active l'option specifiee COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - desactive l'option specifiee COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - sauve la configuration des stats COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - charge la configuration des stats COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - liste le status des stats COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nom> <variable> - ajoute des stats a la liste NO_STATS = Les plugins de stats ne sont pas^ninstalles sur ce serveur^n SAVE_CONF = Sauver la configuration STATS_ENABLED = Stats activees STATS_DISABLED = Stats desactivees [sv] NO_OPTION = Kunde inte hitta val(en) med en dylik variabel (namn "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statistikinst'a'llningar sparade STATS_CONF_FAILED = Misslyckades att spara inst'a'llningar. STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statistikinst'a'llningar laddade STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Misslyckades att ladda inst'a'llningar. STATS_CONF = Statistikinst'a'llningar STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Post %i - %i av %i STATS_USE_MORE = Skriv 'amx_statscfg list %i' f'o'r mer STATS_USE_BEGIN = Skriv 'amx_statscfg list 1' f'o'r b'o'rjan CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan inte ladda till listan, begr'a'nsning nadd! COM_STATS_USAGE = Skriv: amx_statscfg <kommando> [parametrar] ... COM_STATS_COM = Kommandon: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variabel> - aktivera markerat val COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variabel> - stoppa markerat val COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - spara statistikinst'a'llningar COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - ladda statistikinst'a'llningar COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lista statistikstatus COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <namn> <variabel> - addera statistik till listan NO_STATS = Statistikplugins e inte installerade pa denna server^n SAVE_CONF = Spara inst'a'llningar [da] NO_OPTION = Kunne ikke finde mulighed(er)med en saadan variabel (name "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Statestik Konfiguration gemt STATS_CONF_FAILED = Gem Statestik konfiguration mislykkedes!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Statestik Konfiguration indlaest STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Indlaes statestik konfiguration mislykkedes!!! STATS_CONF = Statestik Konfiguration STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Indskrivninger %i - %i af %i STATS_USE_MORE = Brug 'amx_statscfg list %i' for mere STATS_USE_BEGIN = Brug 'amx_statscfg list 1' for at begynde STATS_ENABLED = Statstik slaaet til STATS_DISABLED = Statestik slaaet fra CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan ikke tilfoeje statestik til listen, graense naaet! COM_STATS_USAGE = Brug: amx_statscfg <kommando> [parameters]... COM_STATS_COM = Kommandoer: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - Starter specificeret mulighed COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - Stopper specificeret mulighed COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - Gem statestik konfiguration COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - Indlaes Statestik konfiguration COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Lister statestik status COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <navn> <variable> - Tilfoejer statestik til listen NO_STATS = Statestik plugins er ikke ^ninstalleret paa denne server^n SAVE_CONF = Gem Konfiguration [pl] NO_OPTION = Nie mozna znalesc opcji z podana zmienna (nazwa "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracja statystyk zapisana STATS_CONF_FAILED = Nie udalo sie zapisac konfiguracji statystyk STATS_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguracja statystyk zaladowana STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Nie udalo sie zaladowac konfiguracji statystyk STATS_CONF = Konfiguracja statystyk STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Wpisy %i - %i z %i STATS_USE_MORE = Uzyj 'amx_statscfg list %i' po wiecej STATS_USE_BEGIN = Uzyj 'amx_statscfg list 1' do poczatku CANT_ADD_STATS = Nie mozna dodac statystyk, limit przekroczony COM_STATS_USAGE = Uzycie: amx_statscfg <komenda> [parametr] ... COM_STATS_COM = Komendy: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <zmienna> - wlacz konkretne opcje COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <zmienna> - wylacz konkretne opcje COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - zapisz konfiguracje statystyk COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - zaladuj konfiguracje statystyk COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - pokaz status statystyk COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <zmienna> - dodaj statystyki do listy NO_STATS = Pluginy statystyk nie^nistnieja na serwerze^n SAVE_CONF = Zapisz konfiguracje [nl] NO_OPTION = Kon opties met zo'n variabele niet vinden (naam "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Stats configuratie bewaren gelukt STATS_CONF_FAILED = Bewaren van stats configuratie mislukt!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Stats configuratie laden gelukt STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Laden van stats configuratie mislukt!!! STATS_CONF = Stats Configuratie STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Ingangen %i - %i van de %i STATS_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_statscfg list %i' for more STATS_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_statscfg list 1' for begin STATS_ENABLED = Stats ingeschakeld STATS_DISABLED = Stats uitgeschakeld CANT_ADD_STATS = Kan stats niet bij de lijst voegen, limiet bereikt! COM_STATS_USAGE = Gebruik: amx_statscfg <commando> [parameters] ... COM_STATS_COM = Commando's: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variabele> - schakel gespecificeerde optie in COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variabele> - schakel gespecificeerde optie uit COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - bewaar stats configuration COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - laad stats configuration COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - lijst stats status COM_STATS_ADD = ^tvoeg toe <naam> <variabele> - voeg stats toe aan de lijst NO_STATS = Stats plugins zijn niet^ngeinstalleerd op deze server^n SAVE_CONF = Bewaar configuratie [es] NO_OPTION = No se encontraron opcion(es) con dicha variable (nombre "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Configuracion de estadisticas guardada con exito STATS_CONF_FAILED = No se pudo guardar la configuracion de estadisticas!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Configuracion de estadisticas cargada con exito STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = No se pudo cargar la configuracion de estadisticas!!! STATS_CONF = Configuracion de Estadisticas STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i STATS_USE_MORE = Escribe 'amx_statscfg list %i' para mostrar mas STATS_USE_BEGIN = Escribe 'amx_statscfg list 1' para volver al principio STATS_ENABLED = Estadisticas activadas STATS_DISABLED = Estadisticas desactivadas CANT_ADD_STATS = No se pudieron anyadir mas estadisticas a la lista, se ha alcanzado el limite! COM_STATS_USAGE = Uso: amx_statscfg <comando> [parametros] ... COM_STATS_COM = Comandos: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - activa la opcion especificada COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - desactiva la opcion especificada COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - guarda la configuracion de las estadisticas COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - carga la configuracion de las estadisticas COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - muestra el estado de las estadisticas COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nombre> <variable> - anyade estadisticas a la lista NO_STATS = No hay plugins estadisticos^ninstalados en este servidor^n SAVE_CONF = Guardar configuracion [bp] NO_OPTION = Nao pode achar opcao(oes) com tal(is) variavel(is) (nome "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Configuracao de Stats salva com sucesso STATS_CONF_FAILED = Falhou ao salvar a configuracao de Stats!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Configuracao de Stats carregada com sucesso STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Falhou ao carregar configuracao de Stats!!! STATS_CONF = Configuracao de Stats STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i STATS_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_statscfg listando %i' para ver mais STATS_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_statscfg listando 1' para voltar ao inicio STATS_ENABLED = Stats ativado STATS_DISABLED = Stats desativado CANT_ADD_STATS = Nao pode acrescentar stats a lista, limite maximo alcancado! COM_STATS_USAGE = Use: amx_statscfg <comando> [parametros]... COM_STATS_COM = Comandos: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variavel> - habilitar opcao desejada COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variavel> - desabilitar opcao desejada COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - salvar configuracao de stats COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - carregar configuracao de stats COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - listar estado de stats COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <nome> <variavel> - acrescentar stats a lista NO_STATS = plugins de Stats nao esta^ninstalado neste server^n SAVE_CONF = Salvar configuracao [cz] NO_OPTION = Nemuzu najit volbu s takovou promennou (jmeno "%s") STATS_CONF_SAVED = Konfigurace statistik ulozena STATS_CONF_FAILED = Konfigurace statistik se NEULOZILA!!! STATS_CONF_LOADED = Konfigurace statistik nactena STATS_CONF_FAIL_LOAD = Konfigurace statistik se NENACETLA!!! STATS_CONF = Konfigurace statistik STATS_ENTRIES_OF = Polozky %i - %i z %i STATS_USE_MORE = Napis 'amx_statscfg list %i' pro vice STATS_USE_BEGIN = Napis 'amx_statscfg list 1' pro zacatek STATS_ENABLED = Statistiky povoleny STATS_DISABLED = Statistiky zakazany CANT_ADD_STATS = Nemuzu pridat statistiky do seznamu, limit prekrocen!!! COM_STATS_USAGE = Napis: amx_statscfg <command> [parameters] ... COM_STATS_COM = Prikazy: COM_STATS_ON = ^ton <variable> - povoli specifickou volbu COM_STATS_OFF = ^toff <variable> - zakaze specifickou volbu COM_STATS_SAVE = ^tsave - ulozi konfiguraci statistik COM_STATS_LOAD = ^tload - nacte konfiguraci statistik COM_STATS_LIST = ^tlist [id] - Seznam statistik COM_STATS_ADD = ^tadd <name> <variable> - prida statistiku do seznamu NO_STATS = Statistika neni^ninstalovana na tomto serveru^n SAVE_CONF = Ulozit konfiguraci