/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ /* ===== util.cpp ======================================================== Utility code. Really not optional after all. */ #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "saverestore.h" #include #include "shake.h" #include "decals.h" #include "player.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "gamerules.h" float UTIL_WeaponTimeBase( void ) { #if defined( CLIENT_WEAPONS ) return 0.0; #else return gpGlobals->time; #endif } static unsigned int glSeed = 0; unsigned int seed_table[ 256 ] = { 28985, 27138, 26457, 9451, 17764, 10909, 28790, 8716, 6361, 4853, 17798, 21977, 19643, 20662, 10834, 20103, 27067, 28634, 18623, 25849, 8576, 26234, 23887, 18228, 32587, 4836, 3306, 1811, 3035, 24559, 18399, 315, 26766, 907, 24102, 12370, 9674, 2972, 10472, 16492, 22683, 11529, 27968, 30406, 13213, 2319, 23620, 16823, 10013, 23772, 21567, 1251, 19579, 20313, 18241, 30130, 8402, 20807, 27354, 7169, 21211, 17293, 5410, 19223, 10255, 22480, 27388, 9946, 15628, 24389, 17308, 2370, 9530, 31683, 25927, 23567, 11694, 26397, 32602, 15031, 18255, 17582, 1422, 28835, 23607, 12597, 20602, 10138, 5212, 1252, 10074, 23166, 19823, 31667, 5902, 24630, 18948, 14330, 14950, 8939, 23540, 21311, 22428, 22391, 3583, 29004, 30498, 18714, 4278, 2437, 22430, 3439, 28313, 23161, 25396, 13471, 19324, 15287, 2563, 18901, 13103, 16867, 9714, 14322, 15197, 26889, 19372, 26241, 31925, 14640, 11497, 8941, 10056, 6451, 28656, 10737, 13874, 17356, 8281, 25937, 1661, 4850, 7448, 12744, 21826, 5477, 10167, 16705, 26897, 8839, 30947, 27978, 27283, 24685, 32298, 3525, 12398, 28726, 9475, 10208, 617, 13467, 22287, 2376, 6097, 26312, 2974, 9114, 21787, 28010, 4725, 15387, 3274, 10762, 31695, 17320, 18324, 12441, 16801, 27376, 22464, 7500, 5666, 18144, 15314, 31914, 31627, 6495, 5226, 31203, 2331, 4668, 12650, 18275, 351, 7268, 31319, 30119, 7600, 2905, 13826, 11343, 13053, 15583, 30055, 31093, 5067, 761, 9685, 11070, 21369, 27155, 3663, 26542, 20169, 12161, 15411, 30401, 7580, 31784, 8985, 29367, 20989, 14203, 29694, 21167, 10337, 1706, 28578, 887, 3373, 19477, 14382, 675, 7033, 15111, 26138, 12252, 30996, 21409, 25678, 18555, 13256, 23316, 22407, 16727, 991, 9236, 5373, 29402, 6117, 15241, 27715, 19291, 19888, 19847 }; unsigned int U_Random( void ) { glSeed *= 69069; glSeed += seed_table[ glSeed & 0xff ]; return ( ++glSeed & 0x0fffffff ); } void U_Srand( unsigned int seed ) { glSeed = seed_table[ seed & 0xff ]; } /* ===================== UTIL_SharedRandomLong ===================== */ int UTIL_SharedRandomLong( unsigned int seed, int low, int high ) { unsigned int range; U_Srand( (int)seed + low + high ); range = high - low + 1; if ( !(range - 1) ) { return low; } else { int offset; int rnum; rnum = U_Random(); offset = rnum % range; return (low + offset); } } /* ===================== UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ===================== */ float UTIL_SharedRandomFloat( unsigned int seed, float low, float high ) { // unsigned int range; U_Srand( (int)seed + *(int *)&low + *(int *)&high ); U_Random(); U_Random(); range = static_cast(high - low); if ( !range ) { return low; } else { int tensixrand; float offset; tensixrand = U_Random() & 65535; offset = (float)tensixrand / 65536.0; return (low + offset * range ); } } void UTIL_ParametricRocket( entvars_t *pev, Vector vecOrigin, Vector vecAngles, edict_t *owner ) { pev->startpos = vecOrigin; // Trace out line to end pos TraceResult tr; UTIL_MakeVectors( vecAngles ); UTIL_TraceLine( pev->startpos, pev->startpos + gpGlobals->v_forward * 8192, ignore_monsters, owner, &tr); pev->endpos = tr.vecEndPos; // Now compute how long it will take based on current velocity Vector vecTravel = pev->endpos - pev->startpos; float travelTime = 0.0; if ( pev->velocity.Length() > 0 ) { travelTime = vecTravel.Length() / pev->velocity.Length(); } pev->starttime = gpGlobals->time; pev->impacttime = gpGlobals->time + travelTime; } int g_groupmask = 0; int g_groupop = 0; // Normal overrides void UTIL_SetGroupTrace( int groupmask, int op ) { g_groupmask = groupmask; g_groupop = op; ENGINE_SETGROUPMASK( g_groupmask, g_groupop ); } void UTIL_UnsetGroupTrace( void ) { g_groupmask = 0; g_groupop = 0; ENGINE_SETGROUPMASK( 0, 0 ); } // Smart version, it'll clean itself up when it pops off stack UTIL_GroupTrace::UTIL_GroupTrace( int groupmask, int op ) { m_oldgroupmask = g_groupmask; m_oldgroupop = g_groupop; g_groupmask = groupmask; g_groupop = op; ENGINE_SETGROUPMASK( g_groupmask, g_groupop ); } UTIL_GroupTrace::~UTIL_GroupTrace( void ) { g_groupmask = m_oldgroupmask; g_groupop = m_oldgroupop; ENGINE_SETGROUPMASK( g_groupmask, g_groupop ); } TYPEDESCRIPTION gEntvarsDescription[] = { DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( classname, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( globalname, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( origin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( oldorigin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( velocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( basevelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( movedir, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( angles, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( avelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( punchangle, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( v_angle, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( fixangle, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( idealpitch, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( pitch_speed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( ideal_yaw, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( yaw_speed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( modelindex, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( model, FIELD_MODELNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( viewmodel, FIELD_MODELNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( weaponmodel, FIELD_MODELNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( absmin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( absmax, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( mins, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( maxs, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( size, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( ltime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( nextthink, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( solid, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( movetype, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( skin, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( body, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( effects, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( gravity, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( friction, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( light_level, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( frame, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( scale, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( sequence, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( animtime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( framerate, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( controller, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( blending, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( rendermode, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( renderamt, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( rendercolor, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( renderfx, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( health, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( frags, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( weapons, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( takedamage, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( deadflag, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( view_ofs, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( button, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( impulse, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( chain, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( dmg_inflictor, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( enemy, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( aiment, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( owner, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( groundentity, FIELD_EDICT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( spawnflags, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( flags, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( colormap, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( team, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( max_health, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( teleport_time, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( armortype, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( armorvalue, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( waterlevel, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( watertype, FIELD_INTEGER ), // Having these fields be local to the individual levels makes it easier to test those levels individually. DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( target, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_GLOBAL_FIELD( targetname, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( netname, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( message, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( dmg_take, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( dmg_save, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( dmg, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( dmgtime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( noise, FIELD_SOUNDNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( noise1, FIELD_SOUNDNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( noise2, FIELD_SOUNDNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( noise3, FIELD_SOUNDNAME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( speed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( air_finished, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( pain_finished, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ENTITY_FIELD( radsuit_finished, FIELD_TIME ), }; #define ENTVARS_COUNT (sizeof(gEntvarsDescription)/sizeof(gEntvarsDescription[0])) #ifdef DEBUG edict_t *DBG_EntOfVars( const entvars_t *pev ) { if (pev->pContainingEntity != NULL) return pev->pContainingEntity; ALERT(at_console, "entvars_t pContainingEntity is NULL, calling into engine"); edict_t* pent = (*g_engfuncs.pfnFindEntityByVars)((entvars_t*)pev); if (pent == NULL) ALERT(at_console, "DAMN! Even the engine couldn't FindEntityByVars!"); ((entvars_t *)pev)->pContainingEntity = pent; return pent; } #endif //DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG void DBG_AssertFunction( BOOL fExpr, const char* szExpr, const char* szFile, int szLine, const char* szMessage) { if (fExpr) return; char szOut[512]; if (szMessage != NULL) sprintf(szOut, "ASSERT FAILED:\n %s \n(%s@%d)\n%s", szExpr, szFile, szLine, szMessage); else sprintf(szOut, "ASSERT FAILED:\n %s \n(%s@%d)", szExpr, szFile, szLine); ALERT(at_console, szOut); } #endif // DEBUG BOOL UTIL_GetNextBestWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pCurrentWeapon ) { return g_pGameRules->GetNextBestWeapon( pPlayer, pCurrentWeapon ); } // ripped this out of the engine float UTIL_AngleMod(float a) { if (a < 0) { a = a + 360 * ((int)(a / 360) + 1); } else if (a >= 360) { a = a - 360 * ((int)(a / 360)); } // a = (360.0/65536) * ((int)(a*(65536/360.0)) & 65535); return a; } float UTIL_AngleDiff( float destAngle, float srcAngle ) { float delta; delta = destAngle - srcAngle; if ( destAngle > srcAngle ) { if ( delta >= 180 ) delta -= 360; } else { if ( delta <= -180 ) delta += 360; } return delta; } Vector UTIL_VecToAngles( const Vector &vec ) { float rgflVecOut[3]; VEC_TO_ANGLES(vec, rgflVecOut); return Vector(rgflVecOut); } // float UTIL_MoveToOrigin( edict_t *pent, const Vector vecGoal, float flDist, int iMoveType ) void UTIL_MoveToOrigin( edict_t *pent, const Vector &vecGoal, float flDist, int iMoveType ) { float rgfl[3]; vecGoal.CopyToArray(rgfl); // return MOVE_TO_ORIGIN ( pent, rgfl, flDist, iMoveType ); MOVE_TO_ORIGIN ( pent, rgfl, flDist, iMoveType ); } int UTIL_EntitiesInBox( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int flagMask ) { edict_t *pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex( 1 ); CBaseEntity *pEntity; int count; count = 0; if ( !pEdict ) return count; for ( int i = 1; i < gpGlobals->maxEntities; i++, pEdict++ ) { if ( pEdict->free ) // Not in use continue; if ( flagMask && !(pEdict->v.flags & flagMask) ) // Does it meet the criteria? continue; if ( mins.x > pEdict->v.absmax.x || mins.y > pEdict->v.absmax.y || mins.z > pEdict->v.absmax.z || maxs.x < pEdict->v.absmin.x || maxs.y < pEdict->v.absmin.y || maxs.z < pEdict->v.absmin.z ) continue; pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); if ( !pEntity ) continue; pList[ count ] = pEntity; count++; if ( count >= listMax ) return count; } return count; } int UTIL_MonstersInSphere( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector ¢er, float radius ) { edict_t *pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex( 1 ); CBaseEntity *pEntity; int count; float distance, delta; count = 0; float radiusSquared = radius * radius; if ( !pEdict ) return count; for ( int i = 1; i < gpGlobals->maxEntities; i++, pEdict++ ) { if ( pEdict->free ) // Not in use continue; if ( !(pEdict->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT|FL_MONSTER)) ) // Not a client/monster ? continue; // Use origin for X & Y since they are centered for all monsters // Now X delta = center.x - pEdict->v.origin.x;//(pEdict->v.absmin.x + pEdict->v.absmax.x)*0.5; delta *= delta; if ( delta > radiusSquared ) continue; distance = delta; // Now Y delta = center.y - pEdict->v.origin.y;//(pEdict->v.absmin.y + pEdict->v.absmax.y)*0.5; delta *= delta; distance += delta; if ( distance > radiusSquared ) continue; // Now Z delta = center.z - (pEdict->v.absmin.z + pEdict->v.absmax.z)*0.5; delta *= delta; distance += delta; if ( distance > radiusSquared ) continue; pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); if ( !pEntity ) continue; pList[ count ] = pEntity; count++; if ( count >= listMax ) return count; } return count; } CBaseEntity *UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const Vector &vecCenter, float flRadius ) { edict_t *pentEntity; if (pStartEntity) pentEntity = pStartEntity->edict(); else pentEntity = NULL; pentEntity = FIND_ENTITY_IN_SPHERE( pentEntity, vecCenter, flRadius); if (!FNullEnt(pentEntity)) return CBaseEntity::Instance(pentEntity); return NULL; } CBaseEntity *UTIL_FindEntityByString( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szKeyword, const char *szValue ) { edict_t *pentEntity; if (pStartEntity) pentEntity = pStartEntity->edict(); else pentEntity = NULL; pentEntity = FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING( pentEntity, szKeyword, szValue ); if (!FNullEnt(pentEntity)) return CBaseEntity::Instance(pentEntity); return NULL; } CBaseEntity *UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName ) { return UTIL_FindEntityByString( pStartEntity, "classname", szName ); } CBaseEntity *UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName ) { return UTIL_FindEntityByString( pStartEntity, "targetname", szName ); } CBaseEntity *UTIL_FindEntityGeneric( const char *szWhatever, Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, szWhatever ); if (pEntity) return pEntity; CBaseEntity *pSearch = NULL; float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius; while ((pSearch = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSearch, szWhatever )) != NULL) { float flDist2 = (pSearch->pev->origin - vecSrc).Length(); flDist2 = flDist2 * flDist2; if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2) { pEntity = pSearch; flMaxDist2 = flDist2; } } return pEntity; } // returns a CBaseEntity pointer to a player by index. Only returns if the player is spawned and connected // otherwise returns NULL // Index is 1 based CBaseEntity *UTIL_PlayerByIndex( int playerIndex ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; if ( playerIndex > 0 && playerIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients ) { edict_t *pPlayerEdict = INDEXENT( playerIndex ); if ( pPlayerEdict && !pPlayerEdict->free ) { pPlayer = CBaseEntity::Instance( pPlayerEdict ); } } return pPlayer; } void UTIL_MakeVectors( const Vector &vecAngles ) { MAKE_VECTORS( vecAngles ); } void UTIL_MakeAimVectors( const Vector &vecAngles ) { float rgflVec[3]; vecAngles.CopyToArray(rgflVec); rgflVec[0] = -rgflVec[0]; MAKE_VECTORS(rgflVec); } #define SWAP(a,b,temp) ((temp)=(a),(a)=(b),(b)=(temp)) void UTIL_MakeInvVectors( const Vector &vec, globalvars_t *pgv ) { MAKE_VECTORS(vec); float tmp; pgv->v_right = pgv->v_right * -1; SWAP(pgv->v_forward.y, pgv->v_right.x, tmp); SWAP(pgv->v_forward.z, pgv->v_up.x, tmp); SWAP(pgv->v_right.z, pgv->v_up.y, tmp); } void UTIL_EmitAmbientSound( edict_t *entity, const Vector &vecOrigin, const char *samp, float vol, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch ) { float rgfl[3]; vecOrigin.CopyToArray(rgfl); if (samp && *samp == '!') { char name[32]; if (SENTENCEG_Lookup(samp, name) >= 0) EMIT_AMBIENT_SOUND(entity, rgfl, name, vol, attenuation, fFlags, pitch); } else EMIT_AMBIENT_SOUND(entity, rgfl, samp, vol, attenuation, fFlags, pitch); } static unsigned short FixedUnsigned16( float value, float scale ) { int output; output = static_cast(value * scale); if ( output < 0 ) output = 0; if ( output > 0xFFFF ) output = 0xFFFF; return (unsigned short)output; } static short FixedSigned16( float value, float scale ) { int output; output = static_cast(value * scale); if ( output > 32767 ) output = 32767; if ( output < -32768 ) output = -32768; return (short)output; } // Shake the screen of all clients within radius // radius == 0, shake all clients // UNDONE: Allow caller to shake clients not ONGROUND? // UNDONE: Fix falloff model (disabled)? // UNDONE: Affect user controls? void UTIL_ScreenShake( const Vector ¢er, float amplitude, float frequency, float duration, float radius ) { int i; float localAmplitude; ScreenShake shake; shake.duration = FixedUnsigned16( duration, 1<<12 ); // 4.12 fixed shake.frequency = FixedUnsigned16( frequency, 1<<8 ); // 8.8 fixed for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer || !(pPlayer->pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND) ) // Don't shake if not onground continue; localAmplitude = 0; if ( radius <= 0 ) localAmplitude = amplitude; else { Vector delta = center - pPlayer->pev->origin; float distance = delta.Length(); // Had to get rid of this falloff - it didn't work well if ( distance < radius ) localAmplitude = amplitude;//radius - distance; } if ( localAmplitude ) { shake.amplitude = FixedUnsigned16( localAmplitude, 1<<12 ); // 4.12 fixed MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgShake, NULL, pPlayer->edict() ); // use the magic #1 for "one client" WRITE_SHORT( shake.amplitude ); // shake amount WRITE_SHORT( shake.duration ); // shake lasts this long WRITE_SHORT( shake.frequency ); // shake noise frequency MESSAGE_END(); } } } void UTIL_ScreenShakeAll( const Vector ¢er, float amplitude, float frequency, float duration ) { UTIL_ScreenShake( center, amplitude, frequency, duration, 0 ); } void UTIL_ScreenFadeBuild( ScreenFade &fade, const Vector &color, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int alpha, int flags ) { fade.duration = FixedUnsigned16( fadeTime, 1<<12 ); // 4.12 fixed fade.holdTime = FixedUnsigned16( fadeHold, 1<<12 ); // 4.12 fixed fade.r = (int)color.x; fade.g = (int)color.y; fade.b = (int)color.z; fade.a = alpha; fade.fadeFlags = flags; } void UTIL_ScreenFadeWrite( const ScreenFade &fade, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsNetClient() ) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgFade, NULL, pEntity->edict() ); // use the magic #1 for "one client" WRITE_SHORT( fade.duration ); // fade lasts this long WRITE_SHORT( fade.holdTime ); // fade lasts this long WRITE_SHORT( fade.fadeFlags ); // fade type (in / out) WRITE_BYTE( fade.r ); // fade red WRITE_BYTE( fade.g ); // fade green WRITE_BYTE( fade.b ); // fade blue WRITE_BYTE( fade.a ); // fade blue MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_ScreenFadeAll( const Vector &color, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int alpha, int flags ) { int i; ScreenFade fade; UTIL_ScreenFadeBuild( fade, color, fadeTime, fadeHold, alpha, flags ); for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); UTIL_ScreenFadeWrite( fade, pPlayer ); } } void UTIL_ScreenFade( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &color, float fadeTime, float fadeHold, int alpha, int flags ) { ScreenFade fade; UTIL_ScreenFadeBuild( fade, color, fadeTime, fadeHold, alpha, flags ); UTIL_ScreenFadeWrite( fade, pEntity ); } void UTIL_HudMessage( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const hudtextparms_t &textparms, const char *pMessage ) { if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsNetClient() ) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, pEntity->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_TEXTMESSAGE ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.channel & 0xFF ); WRITE_SHORT( FixedSigned16( textparms.x, 1<<13 ) ); WRITE_SHORT( FixedSigned16( textparms.y, 1<<13 ) ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.effect ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.r1 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.g1 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.b1 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.a1 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.r2 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.g2 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.b2 ); WRITE_BYTE( textparms.a2 ); WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fadeinTime, 1<<8 ) ); WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fadeoutTime, 1<<8 ) ); WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.holdTime, 1<<8 ) ); if ( textparms.effect == 2 ) WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fxTime, 1<<8 ) ); if ( strlen( pMessage ) < 512 ) { WRITE_STRING( pMessage ); } else { char tmp[512]; strncpy( tmp, pMessage, 511 ); tmp[511] = 0; WRITE_STRING( tmp ); } MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_HudMessageAll( const hudtextparms_t &textparms, const char *pMessage ) { int i; for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pPlayer ) UTIL_HudMessage( pPlayer, textparms, pMessage ); } } extern int gmsgTextMsg, gmsgSayText; void UTIL_ClientPrintAll( int msg_dest, const char *msg_name, const char *param1, const char *param2, const char *param3, const char *param4 ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgTextMsg ); WRITE_BYTE( msg_dest ); WRITE_STRING( msg_name ); if ( param1 ) WRITE_STRING( param1 ); if ( param2 ) WRITE_STRING( param2 ); if ( param3 ) WRITE_STRING( param3 ); if ( param4 ) WRITE_STRING( param4 ); MESSAGE_END(); } void ClientPrint( entvars_t *client, int msg_dest, const char *msg_name, const char *param1, const char *param2, const char *param3, const char *param4 ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgTextMsg, NULL, client ); WRITE_BYTE( msg_dest ); WRITE_STRING( msg_name ); if ( param1 ) WRITE_STRING( param1 ); if ( param2 ) WRITE_STRING( param2 ); if ( param3 ) WRITE_STRING( param3 ); if ( param4 ) WRITE_STRING( param4 ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_SayText( const char *pText, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity->IsNetClient() ) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, NULL, pEntity->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( pEntity->entindex() ); WRITE_STRING( pText ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_SayTextAll( const char *pText, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgSayText, NULL ); WRITE_BYTE( pEntity->entindex() ); WRITE_STRING( pText ); MESSAGE_END(); } char *UTIL_dtos1( int d ) { static char buf[8]; sprintf( buf, "%d", d ); return buf; } char *UTIL_dtos2( int d ) { static char buf[8]; sprintf( buf, "%d", d ); return buf; } char *UTIL_dtos3( int d ) { static char buf[8]; sprintf( buf, "%d", d ); return buf; } char *UTIL_dtos4( int d ) { static char buf[8]; sprintf( buf, "%d", d ); return buf; } void UTIL_ShowMessage( const char *pString, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsNetClient() ) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgHudText, NULL, pEntity->edict() ); WRITE_STRING( pString ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_ShowMessageAll( const char *pString ) { int i; // loop through all players for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pPlayer ) UTIL_ShowMessage( pString, pPlayer ); } } // Overloaded to add IGNORE_GLASS void UTIL_TraceLine( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon, IGNORE_GLASS ignoreGlass, edict_t *pentIgnore, TraceResult *ptr ) { TRACE_LINE( vecStart, vecEnd, (igmon == ignore_monsters ? TRUE : FALSE) | (ignoreGlass?0x100:0), pentIgnore, ptr ); } void UTIL_TraceLine( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon, edict_t *pentIgnore, TraceResult *ptr ) { TRACE_LINE( vecStart, vecEnd, (igmon == ignore_monsters ? TRUE : FALSE), pentIgnore, ptr ); } void UTIL_TraceHull( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon, int hullNumber, edict_t *pentIgnore, TraceResult *ptr ) { TRACE_HULL( vecStart, vecEnd, (igmon == ignore_monsters ? TRUE : FALSE), hullNumber, pentIgnore, ptr ); } void UTIL_TraceModel( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int hullNumber, edict_t *pentModel, TraceResult *ptr ) { g_engfuncs.pfnTraceModel( vecStart, vecEnd, hullNumber, pentModel, ptr ); } TraceResult UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( ) { TraceResult tr; tr.fAllSolid = static_cast(gpGlobals->trace_allsolid); tr.fStartSolid = static_cast(gpGlobals->trace_startsolid); tr.fInOpen = static_cast(gpGlobals->trace_inopen); tr.fInWater = static_cast(gpGlobals->trace_inwater); tr.flFraction = gpGlobals->trace_fraction; tr.flPlaneDist = gpGlobals->trace_plane_dist; tr.pHit = gpGlobals->trace_ent; tr.vecEndPos = gpGlobals->trace_endpos; tr.vecPlaneNormal = gpGlobals->trace_plane_normal; tr.iHitgroup = gpGlobals->trace_hitgroup; return tr; } void UTIL_SetSize( entvars_t *pev, const Vector &vecMin, const Vector &vecMax ) { SET_SIZE( ENT(pev), vecMin, vecMax ); } float UTIL_VecToYaw( const Vector &vec ) { return VEC_TO_YAW(vec); } void UTIL_SetOrigin( entvars_t *pev, const Vector &vecOrigin ) { SET_ORIGIN(ENT(pev), vecOrigin ); } void UTIL_ParticleEffect( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecDirection, ULONG ulColor, ULONG ulCount ) { PARTICLE_EFFECT( vecOrigin, vecDirection, (float)ulColor, (float)ulCount ); } float UTIL_Approach( float target, float value, float speed ) { float delta = target - value; if ( delta > speed ) value += speed; else if ( delta < -speed ) value -= speed; else value = target; return value; } float UTIL_ApproachAngle( float target, float value, float speed ) { target = UTIL_AngleMod( target ); value = UTIL_AngleMod( target ); float delta = target - value; // Speed is assumed to be positive if ( speed < 0 ) speed = -speed; if ( delta < -180 ) delta += 360; else if ( delta > 180 ) delta -= 360; if ( delta > speed ) value += speed; else if ( delta < -speed ) value -= speed; else value = target; return value; } float UTIL_AngleDistance( float next, float cur ) { float delta = next - cur; if ( delta < -180 ) delta += 360; else if ( delta > 180 ) delta -= 360; return delta; } float UTIL_SplineFraction( float value, float scale ) { value = scale * value; float valueSquared = value * value; // Nice little ease-in, ease-out spline-like curve return 3 * valueSquared - 2 * valueSquared * value; } char* UTIL_VarArgs( char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsprintf (string, format,argptr); va_end (argptr); return string; } Vector UTIL_GetAimVector( edict_t *pent, float flSpeed ) { Vector tmp; GET_AIM_VECTOR(pent, flSpeed, tmp); return tmp; } int UTIL_IsMasterTriggered(string_t sMaster, CBaseEntity *pActivator) { if (sMaster) { edict_t *pentTarget = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME(NULL, STRING(sMaster)); if ( !FNullEnt(pentTarget) ) { CBaseEntity *pMaster = CBaseEntity::Instance(pentTarget); if ( pMaster && (pMaster->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_MASTER) ) return pMaster->IsTriggered( pActivator ); } ALERT(at_console, "Master was null or not a master!\n"); } // if this isn't a master entity, just say yes. return 1; } BOOL UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( int color ) { if ( color != DONT_BLEED ) { if ( color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED ) { if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_hblood") != 0 ) return TRUE; } else { if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_ablood") != 0 ) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } int UTIL_PointContents( const Vector &vec ) { return POINT_CONTENTS(vec); } void UTIL_BloodStream( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount ) { if ( !UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( color ) ) return; if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN && color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED ) color = 0; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BLOODSTREAM ); WRITE_COORD( origin.x ); WRITE_COORD( origin.y ); WRITE_COORD( origin.z ); WRITE_COORD( direction.x ); WRITE_COORD( direction.y ); WRITE_COORD( direction.z ); WRITE_BYTE( color ); WRITE_BYTE( min( amount, 255 ) ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_BloodDrips( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount ) { if ( !UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( color ) ) return; if ( color == DONT_BLEED || amount == 0 ) return; if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN && color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED ) color = 0; if ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() ) { // scale up blood effect in multiplayer for better visibility amount *= 2; } if ( amount > 255 ) amount = 255; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BLOODSPRITE ); WRITE_COORD( origin.x); // pos WRITE_COORD( origin.y); WRITE_COORD( origin.z); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexBloodSpray ); // initial sprite model WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexBloodDrop ); // droplet sprite models WRITE_BYTE( color ); // color index into host_basepal WRITE_BYTE( min( max( 3, amount / 10 ), 16 ) ); // size MESSAGE_END(); } Vector UTIL_RandomBloodVector( void ) { Vector direction; direction.x = RANDOM_FLOAT ( -1, 1 ); direction.y = RANDOM_FLOAT ( -1, 1 ); direction.z = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0, 1 ); return direction; } void UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( TraceResult *pTrace, int bloodColor ) { if ( UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( bloodColor ) ) { if ( bloodColor == BLOOD_COLOR_RED ) UTIL_DecalTrace( pTrace, DECAL_BLOOD1 + RANDOM_LONG(0,5) ); else UTIL_DecalTrace( pTrace, DECAL_YBLOOD1 + RANDOM_LONG(0,5) ); } } void UTIL_DecalTrace( TraceResult *pTrace, int decalNumber ) { short entityIndex; int index; int message; if ( decalNumber < 0 ) return; index = gDecals[ decalNumber ].index; if ( index < 0 ) return; if (pTrace->flFraction == 1.0) return; // Only decal BSP models if ( pTrace->pHit ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( pTrace->pHit ); if ( pEntity && !pEntity->IsBSPModel() ) return; entityIndex = ENTINDEX( pTrace->pHit ); } else entityIndex = 0; message = TE_DECAL; if ( entityIndex != 0 ) { if ( index > 255 ) { message = TE_DECALHIGH; index -= 256; } } else { message = TE_WORLDDECAL; if ( index > 255 ) { message = TE_WORLDDECALHIGH; index -= 256; } } MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( message ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.x ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.y ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.z ); WRITE_BYTE( index ); if ( entityIndex ) WRITE_SHORT( entityIndex ); MESSAGE_END(); } /* ============== UTIL_PlayerDecalTrace A player is trying to apply his custom decal for the spray can. Tell connected clients to display it, or use the default spray can decal if the custom can't be loaded. ============== */ void UTIL_PlayerDecalTrace( TraceResult *pTrace, int playernum, int decalNumber, BOOL bIsCustom ) { int index; if (!bIsCustom) { if ( decalNumber < 0 ) return; index = gDecals[ decalNumber ].index; if ( index < 0 ) return; } else index = decalNumber; if (pTrace->flFraction == 1.0) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_PLAYERDECAL ); WRITE_BYTE ( playernum ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.x ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.y ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.z ); WRITE_SHORT( (short)ENTINDEX(pTrace->pHit) ); WRITE_BYTE( index ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_GunshotDecalTrace( TraceResult *pTrace, int decalNumber ) { if ( decalNumber < 0 ) return; int index = gDecals[ decalNumber ].index; if ( index < 0 ) return; if (pTrace->flFraction == 1.0) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, pTrace->vecEndPos ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_GUNSHOTDECAL ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.x ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.y ); WRITE_COORD( pTrace->vecEndPos.z ); WRITE_SHORT( (short)ENTINDEX(pTrace->pHit) ); WRITE_BYTE( index ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_Sparks( const Vector &position ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, position ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SPARKS ); WRITE_COORD( position.x ); WRITE_COORD( position.y ); WRITE_COORD( position.z ); MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_Ricochet( const Vector &position, float scale ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, position ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_ARMOR_RICOCHET ); WRITE_COORD( position.x ); WRITE_COORD( position.y ); WRITE_COORD( position.z ); WRITE_BYTE( (int)(scale*10) ); MESSAGE_END(); } BOOL UTIL_TeamsMatch( const char *pTeamName1, const char *pTeamName2 ) { // Everyone matches unless it's teamplay if ( !g_pGameRules->IsTeamplay() ) return TRUE; // Both on a team? if ( *pTeamName1 != 0 && *pTeamName2 != 0 ) { if ( !stricmp( pTeamName1, pTeamName2 ) ) // Same Team? return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void UTIL_StringToVector( float *pVector, const char *pString ) { char *pstr, *pfront, tempString[128]; int j; strcpy( tempString, pString ); pstr = pfront = tempString; for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) // lifted from pr_edict.c { pVector[j] = atof( pfront ); while ( *pstr && *pstr != ' ' ) pstr++; if (!*pstr) break; pstr++; pfront = pstr; } if (j < 2) { /* ALERT( at_error, "Bad field in entity!! %s:%s == \"%s\"\n", pkvd->szClassName, pkvd->szKeyName, pkvd->szValue ); */ for (j = j+1;j < 3; j++) pVector[j] = 0; } } void UTIL_StringToIntArray( int *pVector, int count, const char *pString ) { char *pstr, *pfront, tempString[128]; int j; strcpy( tempString, pString ); pstr = pfront = tempString; for ( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) // lifted from pr_edict.c { pVector[j] = atoi( pfront ); while ( *pstr && *pstr != ' ' ) pstr++; if (!*pstr) break; pstr++; pfront = pstr; } for ( j++; j < count; j++ ) { pVector[j] = 0; } } Vector UTIL_ClampVectorToBox( const Vector &input, const Vector &clampSize ) { Vector sourceVector = input; if ( sourceVector.x > clampSize.x ) sourceVector.x -= clampSize.x; else if ( sourceVector.x < -clampSize.x ) sourceVector.x += clampSize.x; else sourceVector.x = 0; if ( sourceVector.y > clampSize.y ) sourceVector.y -= clampSize.y; else if ( sourceVector.y < -clampSize.y ) sourceVector.y += clampSize.y; else sourceVector.y = 0; if ( sourceVector.z > clampSize.z ) sourceVector.z -= clampSize.z; else if ( sourceVector.z < -clampSize.z ) sourceVector.z += clampSize.z; else sourceVector.z = 0; return sourceVector.Normalize(); } float UTIL_WaterLevel( const Vector &position, float minz, float maxz ) { Vector midUp = position; midUp.z = minz; if (UTIL_PointContents(midUp) != CONTENTS_WATER) return minz; midUp.z = maxz; if (UTIL_PointContents(midUp) == CONTENTS_WATER) return maxz; float diff = maxz - minz; while (diff > 1.0) { midUp.z = minz + diff/2.0; if (UTIL_PointContents(midUp) == CONTENTS_WATER) { minz = midUp.z; } else { maxz = midUp.z; } diff = maxz - minz; } return midUp.z; } extern DLL_GLOBAL short g_sModelIndexBubbles;// holds the index for the bubbles model void UTIL_Bubbles( Vector mins, Vector maxs, int count ) { Vector mid = (mins + maxs) * 0.5; float flHeight = UTIL_WaterLevel( mid, mid.z, mid.z + 1024 ); flHeight = flHeight - mins.z; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, mid ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BUBBLES ); WRITE_COORD( mins.x ); // mins WRITE_COORD( mins.y ); WRITE_COORD( mins.z ); WRITE_COORD( maxs.x ); // maxz WRITE_COORD( maxs.y ); WRITE_COORD( maxs.z ); WRITE_COORD( flHeight ); // height WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexBubbles ); WRITE_BYTE( count ); // count WRITE_COORD( 8 ); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_BubbleTrail( Vector from, Vector to, int count ) { float flHeight = UTIL_WaterLevel( from, from.z, from.z + 256 ); flHeight = flHeight - from.z; if (flHeight < 8) { flHeight = UTIL_WaterLevel( to, to.z, to.z + 256 ); flHeight = flHeight - to.z; if (flHeight < 8) return; // UNDONE: do a ploink sound flHeight = flHeight + to.z - from.z; } if (count > 255) count = 255; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BUBBLETRAIL ); WRITE_COORD( from.x ); // mins WRITE_COORD( from.y ); WRITE_COORD( from.z ); WRITE_COORD( to.x ); // maxz WRITE_COORD( to.y ); WRITE_COORD( to.z ); WRITE_COORD( flHeight ); // height WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexBubbles ); WRITE_BYTE( count ); // count WRITE_COORD( 8 ); // speed MESSAGE_END(); } void UTIL_Remove( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return; pEntity->UpdateOnRemove(); pEntity->pev->flags |= FL_KILLME; pEntity->pev->targetname = 0; } BOOL UTIL_IsValidEntity( edict_t *pent ) { if ( !pent || pent->free || (pent->v.flags & FL_KILLME) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void UTIL_PrecacheOther( const char *szClassname ) { edict_t *pent; pent = CREATE_NAMED_ENTITY( MAKE_STRING( szClassname ) ); if ( FNullEnt( pent ) ) { ALERT ( at_console, "NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther\n" ); return; } CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance (VARS( pent )); if (pEntity) pEntity->Precache( ); REMOVE_ENTITY(pent); } //========================================================= // UTIL_LogPrintf - Prints a logged message to console. // Preceded by LOG: ( timestamp ) < message > //========================================================= void UTIL_LogPrintf( char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start ( argptr, fmt ); vsprintf ( string, fmt, argptr ); va_end ( argptr ); // Print to server console ALERT( at_logged, "%s", string ); } //========================================================= // UTIL_DotPoints - returns the dot product of a line from // src to check and vecdir. //========================================================= float UTIL_DotPoints ( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecCheck, const Vector &vecDir ) { Vector2D vec2LOS; vec2LOS = ( vecCheck - vecSrc ).Make2D(); vec2LOS = vec2LOS.Normalize(); return DotProduct (vec2LOS , ( vecDir.Make2D() ) ); } //========================================================= // UTIL_StripToken - for redundant keynames //========================================================= void UTIL_StripToken( const char *pKey, char *pDest ) { int i = 0; while ( pKey[i] && pKey[i] != '#' ) { pDest[i] = pKey[i]; i++; } pDest[i] = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // // CSave // // -------------------------------------------------------------- static int gSizes[FIELD_TYPECOUNT] = { sizeof(float), // FIELD_FLOAT sizeof(int), // FIELD_STRING sizeof(int), // FIELD_ENTITY sizeof(int), // FIELD_CLASSPTR sizeof(int), // FIELD_EHANDLE sizeof(int), // FIELD_entvars_t sizeof(int), // FIELD_EDICT sizeof(float)*3, // FIELD_VECTOR sizeof(float)*3, // FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR sizeof(int *), // FIELD_POINTER sizeof(int), // FIELD_INTEGER sizeof(int *), // FIELD_FUNCTION sizeof(int), // FIELD_BOOLEAN sizeof(short), // FIELD_SHORT sizeof(char), // FIELD_CHARACTER sizeof(float), // FIELD_TIME sizeof(int), // FIELD_MODELNAME sizeof(int), // FIELD_SOUNDNAME }; // Base class includes common SAVERESTOREDATA pointer, and manages the entity table CSaveRestoreBuffer :: CSaveRestoreBuffer( void ) { m_pdata = NULL; } CSaveRestoreBuffer :: CSaveRestoreBuffer( SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata ) { m_pdata = pdata; } CSaveRestoreBuffer :: ~CSaveRestoreBuffer( void ) { } int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityIndex( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( pEntity == NULL ) return -1; return EntityIndex( pEntity->pev ); } int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityIndex( entvars_t *pevLookup ) { if ( pevLookup == NULL ) return -1; return EntityIndex( ENT( pevLookup ) ); } int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityIndex( EOFFSET eoLookup ) { return EntityIndex( ENT( eoLookup ) ); } int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityIndex( edict_t *pentLookup ) { if ( !m_pdata || pentLookup == NULL ) return -1; int i; ENTITYTABLE *pTable; for ( i = 0; i < m_pdata->tableCount; i++ ) { pTable = m_pdata->pTable + i; if ( pTable->pent == pentLookup ) return i; } return -1; } edict_t *CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityFromIndex( int entityIndex ) { if ( !m_pdata || entityIndex < 0 ) return NULL; int i; ENTITYTABLE *pTable; for ( i = 0; i < m_pdata->tableCount; i++ ) { pTable = m_pdata->pTable + i; if ( pTable->id == entityIndex ) return pTable->pent; } return NULL; } int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: EntityFlagsSet( int entityIndex, int flags ) { if ( !m_pdata || entityIndex < 0 ) return 0; if ( entityIndex > m_pdata->tableCount ) return 0; m_pdata->pTable[ entityIndex ].flags |= flags; return m_pdata->pTable[ entityIndex ].flags; } void CSaveRestoreBuffer :: BufferRewind( int size ) { if ( !m_pdata ) return; if ( m_pdata->size < size ) size = m_pdata->size; m_pdata->pCurrentData -= size; m_pdata->size -= size; } #ifndef _WIN32 extern "C" { unsigned _rotr ( unsigned val, int shift) { register unsigned lobit; /* non-zero means lo bit set */ register unsigned num = val; /* number to rotate */ shift &= 0x1f; /* modulo 32 -- this will also make negative shifts work */ while (shift--) { lobit = num & 1; /* get high bit */ num >>= 1; /* shift right one bit */ if (lobit) num |= 0x80000000; /* set hi bit if lo bit was set */ } return num; } } #endif unsigned int CSaveRestoreBuffer :: HashString( const char *pszToken ) { unsigned int hash = 0; while ( *pszToken ) hash = _rotr( hash, 4 ) ^ *pszToken++; return hash; } unsigned short CSaveRestoreBuffer :: TokenHash( const char *pszToken ) { unsigned short hash = (unsigned short)(HashString( pszToken ) % (unsigned)m_pdata->tokenCount ); #if _DEBUG static int tokensparsed = 0; tokensparsed++; if ( !m_pdata->tokenCount || !m_pdata->pTokens ) ALERT( at_error, "No token table array in TokenHash()!" ); #endif for ( int i=0; itokenCount; i++ ) { #if _DEBUG static qboolean beentheredonethat = FALSE; if ( i > 50 && !beentheredonethat ) { beentheredonethat = TRUE; ALERT( at_error, "CSaveRestoreBuffer :: TokenHash() is getting too full!" ); } #endif int index = hash + i; if ( index >= m_pdata->tokenCount ) index -= m_pdata->tokenCount; if ( !m_pdata->pTokens[index] || strcmp( pszToken, m_pdata->pTokens[index] ) == 0 ) { m_pdata->pTokens[index] = (char *)pszToken; return index; } } // Token hash table full!!! // [Consider doing overflow table(s) after the main table & limiting linear hash table search] ALERT( at_error, "CSaveRestoreBuffer :: TokenHash() is COMPLETELY FULL!" ); return 0; } void CSave :: WriteData( const char *pname, int size, const char *pdata ) { BufferField( pname, size, pdata ); } void CSave :: WriteShort( const char *pname, const short *data, int count ) { BufferField( pname, sizeof(short) * count, (const char *)data ); } void CSave :: WriteInt( const char *pname, const int *data, int count ) { BufferField( pname, sizeof(int) * count, (const char *)data ); } void CSave :: WriteFloat( const char *pname, const float *data, int count ) { BufferField( pname, sizeof(float) * count, (const char *)data ); } void CSave :: WriteTime( const char *pname, const float *data, int count ) { int i; Vector tmp, input; BufferHeader( pname, sizeof(float) * count ); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { float tmp = data[0]; // Always encode time as a delta from the current time so it can be re-based if loaded in a new level // Times of 0 are never written to the file, so they will be restored as 0, not a relative time if ( m_pdata ) tmp -= m_pdata->time; BufferData( (const char *)&tmp, sizeof(float) ); data ++; } } void CSave :: WriteString( const char *pname, const char *pdata ) { #ifdef TOKENIZE short token = (short)TokenHash( pdata ); WriteShort( pname, &token, 1 ); #else BufferField( pname, strlen(pdata) + 1, pdata ); #endif } void CSave :: WriteString( const char *pname, const int *stringId, int count ) { int i, size; #ifdef TOKENIZE short token = (short)TokenHash( STRING( *stringId ) ); WriteShort( pname, &token, 1 ); #else #if 0 if ( count != 1 ) ALERT( at_error, "No string arrays!\n" ); WriteString( pname, (char *)STRING(*stringId) ); #endif size = 0; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) size += strlen( STRING( stringId[i] ) ) + 1; BufferHeader( pname, size ); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { const char *pString = STRING(stringId[i]); BufferData( pString, strlen(pString)+1 ); } #endif } void CSave :: WriteVector( const char *pname, const Vector &value ) { WriteVector( pname, &value.x, 1 ); } void CSave :: WriteVector( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ) { BufferHeader( pname, sizeof(float) * 3 * count ); BufferData( (const char *)value, sizeof(float) * 3 * count ); } void CSave :: WritePositionVector( const char *pname, const Vector &value ) { if ( m_pdata && m_pdata->fUseLandmark ) { Vector tmp = value - m_pdata->vecLandmarkOffset; WriteVector( pname, tmp ); } WriteVector( pname, value ); } void CSave :: WritePositionVector( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ) { int i; Vector tmp, input; BufferHeader( pname, sizeof(float) * 3 * count ); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { Vector tmp( value[0], value[1], value[2] ); if ( m_pdata && m_pdata->fUseLandmark ) tmp = tmp - m_pdata->vecLandmarkOffset; BufferData( (const char *)&tmp.x, sizeof(float) * 3 ); value += 3; } } void CSave :: WriteFunction( const char *pname, const int *data, int count ) { const char *functionName; functionName = NAME_FOR_FUNCTION( *data ); if ( functionName ) BufferField( pname, strlen(functionName) + 1, functionName ); else ALERT( at_error, "Invalid function pointer in entity!" ); } void EntvarsKeyvalue( entvars_t *pev, KeyValueData *pkvd ) { int i; TYPEDESCRIPTION *pField; for ( i = 0; i < static_cast(ENTVARS_COUNT); i++ ) { pField = &gEntvarsDescription[i]; if ( !stricmp( pField->fieldName, pkvd->szKeyName ) ) { switch( pField->fieldType ) { case FIELD_MODELNAME: case FIELD_SOUNDNAME: case FIELD_STRING: (*(int *)((char *)pev + pField->fieldOffset)) = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue ); break; case FIELD_TIME: case FIELD_FLOAT: (*(float *)((char *)pev + pField->fieldOffset)) = atof( pkvd->szValue ); break; case FIELD_INTEGER: (*(int *)((char *)pev + pField->fieldOffset)) = atoi( pkvd->szValue ); break; case FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR: case FIELD_VECTOR: UTIL_StringToVector( (float *)((char *)pev + pField->fieldOffset), pkvd->szValue ); break; default: case FIELD_EVARS: case FIELD_CLASSPTR: case FIELD_EDICT: case FIELD_ENTITY: case FIELD_POINTER: ALERT( at_error, "Bad field in entity!!\n" ); break; } pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; return; } } } int CSave :: WriteEntVars( const char *pname, entvars_t *pev ) { return WriteFields( pname, pev, gEntvarsDescription, ENTVARS_COUNT ); } int CSave :: WriteFields( const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount ) { int i, j, actualCount, emptyCount; TYPEDESCRIPTION *pTest; int entityArray[MAX_ENTITYARRAY]; // Precalculate the number of empty fields emptyCount = 0; for ( i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++ ) { void *pOutputData; pOutputData = ((char *)pBaseData + pFields[i].fieldOffset ); if ( DataEmpty( (const char *)pOutputData, pFields[i].fieldSize * gSizes[pFields[i].fieldType] ) ) emptyCount++; } // Empty fields will not be written, write out the actual number of fields to be written actualCount = fieldCount - emptyCount; WriteInt( pname, &actualCount, 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++ ) { void *pOutputData; pTest = &pFields[ i ]; pOutputData = ((char *)pBaseData + pTest->fieldOffset ); // UNDONE: Must we do this twice? if ( DataEmpty( (const char *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize * gSizes[pTest->fieldType] ) ) continue; switch( pTest->fieldType ) { case FIELD_FLOAT: WriteFloat( pTest->fieldName, (float *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_TIME: WriteTime( pTest->fieldName, (float *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_MODELNAME: case FIELD_SOUNDNAME: case FIELD_STRING: WriteString( pTest->fieldName, (int *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_CLASSPTR: case FIELD_EVARS: case FIELD_EDICT: case FIELD_ENTITY: case FIELD_EHANDLE: if ( pTest->fieldSize > MAX_ENTITYARRAY ) ALERT( at_error, "Can't save more than %d entities in an array!!!\n", MAX_ENTITYARRAY ); for ( j = 0; j < pTest->fieldSize; j++ ) { switch( pTest->fieldType ) { case FIELD_EVARS: entityArray[j] = EntityIndex( ((entvars_t **)pOutputData)[j] ); break; case FIELD_CLASSPTR: entityArray[j] = EntityIndex( ((CBaseEntity **)pOutputData)[j] ); break; case FIELD_EDICT: entityArray[j] = EntityIndex( ((edict_t **)pOutputData)[j] ); break; case FIELD_ENTITY: entityArray[j] = EntityIndex( ((EOFFSET *)pOutputData)[j] ); break; case FIELD_EHANDLE: entityArray[j] = EntityIndex( (CBaseEntity *)(((EHANDLE *)pOutputData)[j]) ); break; default: break; } } WriteInt( pTest->fieldName, entityArray, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR: WritePositionVector( pTest->fieldName, (float *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_VECTOR: WriteVector( pTest->fieldName, (float *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: case FIELD_INTEGER: WriteInt( pTest->fieldName, (int *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_SHORT: WriteData( pTest->fieldName, 2 * pTest->fieldSize, ((char *)pOutputData) ); break; case FIELD_CHARACTER: WriteData( pTest->fieldName, pTest->fieldSize, ((char *)pOutputData) ); break; // For now, just write the address out, we're not going to change memory while doing this yet! case FIELD_POINTER: WriteInt( pTest->fieldName, (int *)(char *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; case FIELD_FUNCTION: WriteFunction( pTest->fieldName, (int *)(char *)pOutputData, pTest->fieldSize ); break; default: ALERT( at_error, "Bad field type\n" ); } } return 1; } void CSave :: BufferString( char *pdata, int len ) { char c = 0; BufferData( pdata, len ); // Write the string BufferData( &c, 1 ); // Write a null terminator } int CSave :: DataEmpty( const char *pdata, int size ) { for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { if ( pdata[i] ) return 0; } return 1; } void CSave :: BufferField( const char *pname, int size, const char *pdata ) { BufferHeader( pname, size ); BufferData( pdata, size ); } void CSave :: BufferHeader( const char *pname, int size ) { short hashvalue = TokenHash( pname ); if ( size > 1<<(sizeof(short)*8) ) ALERT( at_error, "CSave :: BufferHeader() size parameter exceeds 'short'!" ); BufferData( (const char *)&size, sizeof(short) ); BufferData( (const char *)&hashvalue, sizeof(short) ); } void CSave :: BufferData( const char *pdata, int size ) { if ( !m_pdata ) return; if ( m_pdata->size + size > m_pdata->bufferSize ) { ALERT( at_error, "Save/Restore overflow!" ); m_pdata->size = m_pdata->bufferSize; return; } memcpy( m_pdata->pCurrentData, pdata, size ); m_pdata->pCurrentData += size; m_pdata->size += size; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // // CRestore // // -------------------------------------------------------------- int CRestore::ReadField( void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount, int startField, int size, char *pName, void *pData ) { int i, j, stringCount, fieldNumber, entityIndex; TYPEDESCRIPTION *pTest; float time, timeData; Vector position; edict_t *pent; char *pString; time = 0; position = Vector(0,0,0); if ( m_pdata ) { time = m_pdata->time; if ( m_pdata->fUseLandmark ) position = m_pdata->vecLandmarkOffset; } for ( i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++ ) { fieldNumber = (i+startField)%fieldCount; pTest = &pFields[ fieldNumber ]; if ( !stricmp( pTest->fieldName, pName ) ) { if ( !m_global || !(pTest->flags & FTYPEDESC_GLOBAL) ) { for ( j = 0; j < pTest->fieldSize; j++ ) { void *pOutputData = ((char *)pBaseData + pTest->fieldOffset + (j*gSizes[pTest->fieldType]) ); void *pInputData = (char *)pData + j * gSizes[pTest->fieldType]; switch( pTest->fieldType ) { case FIELD_TIME: timeData = *(float *)pInputData; // Re-base time variables timeData += time; *((float *)pOutputData) = timeData; break; case FIELD_FLOAT: *((float *)pOutputData) = *(float *)pInputData; break; case FIELD_MODELNAME: case FIELD_SOUNDNAME: case FIELD_STRING: // Skip over j strings pString = (char *)pData; for ( stringCount = 0; stringCount < j; stringCount++ ) { while (*pString) pString++; pString++; } pInputData = pString; if ( strlen( (char *)pInputData ) == 0 ) *((int *)pOutputData) = 0; else { int string; string = ALLOC_STRING( (char *)pInputData ); *((int *)pOutputData) = string; if ( !FStringNull( string ) && m_precache ) { if ( pTest->fieldType == FIELD_MODELNAME ) PRECACHE_MODEL( (char *)STRING( string ) ); else if ( pTest->fieldType == FIELD_SOUNDNAME ) PRECACHE_SOUND( (char *)STRING( string ) ); } } break; case FIELD_EVARS: entityIndex = *( int *)pInputData; pent = EntityFromIndex( entityIndex ); if ( pent ) *((entvars_t **)pOutputData) = VARS(pent); else *((entvars_t **)pOutputData) = NULL; break; case FIELD_CLASSPTR: entityIndex = *( int *)pInputData; pent = EntityFromIndex( entityIndex ); if ( pent ) *((CBaseEntity **)pOutputData) = CBaseEntity::Instance(pent); else *((CBaseEntity **)pOutputData) = NULL; break; case FIELD_EDICT: entityIndex = *( int *)pInputData; pent = EntityFromIndex( entityIndex ); *((edict_t **)pOutputData) = pent; break; case FIELD_EHANDLE: // Input and Output sizes are different! pOutputData = (char *)pOutputData + j*(sizeof(EHANDLE) - gSizes[pTest->fieldType]); entityIndex = *( int *)pInputData; pent = EntityFromIndex( entityIndex ); if ( pent ) *((EHANDLE *)pOutputData) = CBaseEntity::Instance(pent); else *((EHANDLE *)pOutputData) = NULL; break; case FIELD_ENTITY: entityIndex = *( int *)pInputData; pent = EntityFromIndex( entityIndex ); if ( pent ) *((EOFFSET *)pOutputData) = OFFSET(pent); else *((EOFFSET *)pOutputData) = 0; break; case FIELD_VECTOR: ((float *)pOutputData)[0] = ((float *)pInputData)[0]; ((float *)pOutputData)[1] = ((float *)pInputData)[1]; ((float *)pOutputData)[2] = ((float *)pInputData)[2]; break; case FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR: ((float *)pOutputData)[0] = ((float *)pInputData)[0] + position.x; ((float *)pOutputData)[1] = ((float *)pInputData)[1] + position.y; ((float *)pOutputData)[2] = ((float *)pInputData)[2] + position.z; break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: case FIELD_INTEGER: *((int *)pOutputData) = *( int *)pInputData; break; case FIELD_SHORT: *((short *)pOutputData) = *( short *)pInputData; break; case FIELD_CHARACTER: *((char *)pOutputData) = *( char *)pInputData; break; case FIELD_POINTER: *((int *)pOutputData) = *( int *)pInputData; break; case FIELD_FUNCTION: if ( strlen( (char *)pInputData ) == 0 ) *((int *)pOutputData) = 0; else *((int *)pOutputData) = FUNCTION_FROM_NAME( (char *)pInputData ); break; default: ALERT( at_error, "Bad field type\n" ); } } } #if 0 else { ALERT( at_console, "Skipping global field %s\n", pName ); } #endif return fieldNumber; } } return -1; } int CRestore::ReadEntVars( const char *pname, entvars_t *pev ) { return ReadFields( pname, pev, gEntvarsDescription, ENTVARS_COUNT ); } int CRestore::ReadFields( const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount ) { unsigned short i, token; int lastField, fileCount; HEADER header; i = ReadShort(); ASSERT( i == sizeof(int) ); // First entry should be an int token = ReadShort(); // Check the struct name if ( token != TokenHash(pname) ) // Field Set marker { // ALERT( at_error, "Expected %s found %s!\n", pname, BufferPointer() ); BufferRewind( 2*sizeof(short) ); return 0; } // Skip over the struct name fileCount = ReadInt(); // Read field count lastField = 0; // Make searches faster, most data is read/written in the same order // Clear out base data for ( i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++ ) { // Don't clear global fields if ( !m_global || !(pFields[i].flags & FTYPEDESC_GLOBAL) ) memset( ((char *)pBaseData + pFields[i].fieldOffset), 0, pFields[i].fieldSize * gSizes[pFields[i].fieldType] ); } for ( i = 0; i < fileCount; i++ ) { BufferReadHeader( &header ); lastField = ReadField( pBaseData, pFields, fieldCount, lastField, header.size, m_pdata->pTokens[header.token], header.pData ); lastField++; } return 1; } void CRestore::BufferReadHeader( HEADER *pheader ) { ASSERT( pheader!=NULL ); pheader->size = ReadShort(); // Read field size pheader->token = ReadShort(); // Read field name token pheader->pData = BufferPointer(); // Field Data is next BufferSkipBytes( pheader->size ); // Advance to next field } short CRestore::ReadShort( void ) { short tmp = 0; BufferReadBytes( (char *)&tmp, sizeof(short) ); return tmp; } int CRestore::ReadInt( void ) { int tmp = 0; BufferReadBytes( (char *)&tmp, sizeof(int) ); return tmp; } int CRestore::ReadNamedInt( const char *pName ) { HEADER header; BufferReadHeader( &header ); return ((int *)header.pData)[0]; } char *CRestore::ReadNamedString( const char *pName ) { HEADER header; BufferReadHeader( &header ); #ifdef TOKENIZE return (char *)(m_pdata->pTokens[*(short *)header.pData]); #else return (char *)header.pData; #endif } char *CRestore::BufferPointer( void ) { if ( !m_pdata ) return NULL; return m_pdata->pCurrentData; } void CRestore::BufferReadBytes( char *pOutput, int size ) { ASSERT( m_pdata !=NULL ); if ( !m_pdata || Empty() ) return; if ( (m_pdata->size + size) > m_pdata->bufferSize ) { ALERT( at_error, "Restore overflow!" ); m_pdata->size = m_pdata->bufferSize; return; } if ( pOutput ) memcpy( pOutput, m_pdata->pCurrentData, size ); m_pdata->pCurrentData += size; m_pdata->size += size; } void CRestore::BufferSkipBytes( int bytes ) { BufferReadBytes( NULL, bytes ); } int CRestore::BufferSkipZString( void ) { char *pszSearch; int len; if ( !m_pdata ) return 0; int maxLen = m_pdata->bufferSize - m_pdata->size; len = 0; pszSearch = m_pdata->pCurrentData; while ( *pszSearch++ && len < maxLen ) len++; len++; BufferSkipBytes( len ); return len; } int CRestore::BufferCheckZString( const char *string ) { if ( !m_pdata ) return 0; int maxLen = m_pdata->bufferSize - m_pdata->size; int len = strlen( string ); if ( len <= maxLen ) { if ( !strncmp( string, m_pdata->pCurrentData, len ) ) return 1; } return 0; }