// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Misc. Stats Plugin // #include #include #include #include public MultiKill public MultiKillSound public BombPlanting public BombDefusing public BombPlanted public BombDefused public BombFailed public BombPickUp public BombDrop public BombCountVoice public BombCountDef public BombReached public ItalyBonusKill public EnemyRemaining public LastMan public LastManHealth public KnifeKill public KnifeKillSound public GrenadeKill public GrenadeSuicide public HeadShotKill public HeadShotKillSound public RoundCounterSound public RoundCounter public KillingStreak public KillingStreakSound public DoubleKill public DoubleKillSound public PlayerName public FirstBloodSound public BombPlantedSound public BombDefusedSound public BombFailedSound public BombCountHUD public LastManSound public GrenadeKillSound public GrenadeSuicideSound const SOUNDFILE_PATH_MAXLEN = 64 const SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN = SOUNDFILE_PATH_MAXLEN - 10 // 64 (sound/ [ 54 ] .wav) critical value for fast dl new g_streakKills[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][2] new g_multiKills[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][2] new g_C4Timer new g_Defusing new g_Planter new Float:g_LastOmg new g_LastAnnounce new g_roundCount new Float:g_doubleKill new g_doubleKillId new g_friend[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new g_firstBlood new g_center1_sync new g_announce_sync new g_status_sync new g_left_sync new g_bottom_sync new g_he_sync new g_pcvar_mp_c4timer, g_c4timer_value const TASK_BOMB_TIMER = 8038 const TASK_DELAYED_NEW_ROUND = 98038 new g_connected[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new g_msounds[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new const _msound[] = "_msound" new g_MultiKillMsg[7][] = { "Multi-Kill! %s^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "Ultra-Kill!!! %s^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "%s IS ON A KILLING SPREE!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "RAMPAGE!!! %s^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "%s IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "%s IS A MONSTER!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)", "%s IS GODLIKE!!!!^n%L %d %L (%d %L)" } new g_Sounds[7][SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = { "misc/multikill", "misc/ultrakill", "misc/killingspree", "misc/rampage", "misc/unstoppable", "misc/monsterkill", "misc/godlike" } new g_firstbloodsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/firstblood" new g_lastmansound_1vsothers[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/oneandonly" new g_lastmansound_duel[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/maytheforce" new g_hssound_killer[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/headshot" new g_hssound_victim[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/headshot" new g_knifekillsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/humiliation" new g_doublekillsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/doublekill" new g_roundcountersound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "misc/prepare" new g_grenadekillsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "djeyl/grenade" new g_grenadesuicidesound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "djeyl/witch" new g_bombplantedsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "djeyl/c4powa" new g_bombdefusedsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "djeyl/laugh" new g_bombfailedsound[SOUND_SHORTPATH_MAXLEN] = "djeyl/witch" new g_KillingMsg[7][] = { "%s: Multi-Kill!", "%s: Ultra-Kill!!!", "%s IS ON A KILLING SPREE!!!", "%s: RAMPAGE!!!", "%s IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!", "%s IS A MONSTER!", "%s IS GODLIKE!!!" } new g_KinfeMsg[4][] = { "KNIFE_MSG_1", "KNIFE_MSG_2", "KNIFE_MSG_3", "KNIFE_MSG_4" } new g_LastMessages[4][] = { "LAST_MSG_1", "LAST_MSG_2", "LAST_MSG_3", "LAST_MSG_4" } new g_HeMessages[4][] = { "HE_MSG_1", "HE_MSG_2", "HE_MSG_3", "HE_MSG_4" } new g_SHeMessages[4][] = { "SHE_MSG_1", "SHE_MSG_2", "SHE_MSG_3", "SHE_MSG_4" } new g_HeadShots[7][] = { "HS_MSG_1", "HS_MSG_2", "HS_MSG_3", "HS_MSG_4", "HS_MSG_5", "HS_MSG_6", "HS_MSG_7" } new const g_teamsNames[CsTeams][] = { "", "TERRORIST" , "CT", "" }; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("CS Misc. Stats", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") register_dictionary("miscstats.txt") register_dictionary("statsx.txt") register_event("TextMsg", "eRestart", "a", "2&#Game_C", "2&#Game_w") register_event("SendAudio", "eEndRound", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin", "2&%!MRAD_rounddraw") register_event("HLTV", "Event_HLTV_New_Round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") // cache c4 timer value register_logevent("LogEvent_Round_Start", 2, "1=Round_Start") // replaces ugly register_event("RoundTime", "eNewRound", "bc") register_event("StatusValue", "setTeam", "bef", "1=1") register_event("StatusValue", "showStatus", "bef", "1=2", "2!0") register_event("StatusValue", "hideStatus", "bef", "1=1", "2=0") new mapname[32], n = get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)) if ((get_map_objectives() & MapObjective_Bomb) || (equali(mapname, "de_", 3) || equali(mapname, "csde_", 5))) { register_event("StatusIcon", "eGotBomb", "be", "1=1", "1=2", "2=c4") register_event("TextMsg", "eBombPickUp", "bc", "2&#Got_bomb") register_event("TextMsg", "eBombDrop", "bc", "2&#Game_bomb_d") register_event("BarTime", "eStopDefuse", "b", "1=0") } else if (equali(mapname, "cs_italy") || equali(mapname, "cs_italy_cz")) { register_event("23", "chickenKill", "a", "1=108", "15=4") register_event("23", "radioKill", "a", "1=108", n == 8 ? "15=2" : "15=8") // cz radio is wood } g_center1_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_announce_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_status_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_left_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_bottom_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_he_sync = CreateHudSyncObj() g_pcvar_mp_c4timer = get_cvar_pointer("mp_c4timer") g_c4timer_value = get_pcvar_num( g_pcvar_mp_c4timer ) register_clcmd("say /msounds", "cmdSwitchSounds", _, " - switches sounds on and off") register_clcmd("say_team /msounds", "cmdSwitchSounds", _, " - switches sounds on and off") } public plugin_precache() { // parse sounds and precache them new szConfigsDir[64], szCfgFile[64] get_configsdir(szConfigsDir, charsmax(szConfigsDir)) formatex(szCfgFile, charsmax(szCfgFile), "%s/stats.ini", szConfigsDir) new buffer[256] // initialize xvars so we can know later if sounds have to be precached or not. // xvars gonna be initialized again in statscfg.amxx plugin_init, this is ok. new fp = fopen(szCfgFile, "rt") if( fp ) { new xvarname[32], xvarid while( fgets(fp, buffer, charsmax(buffer)) ) { trim(buffer) if( buffer[0] != ';' ) { parse(buffer, xvarname, charsmax(xvarname)) if ((xvarid = get_xvar_id(xvarname)) != -1) { set_xvar_num(xvarid, 1) } } } fclose(fp) } formatex(szCfgFile, charsmax(szCfgFile), "%s/miscstats.ini", szConfigsDir) fp = fopen(szCfgFile, "rt") if( fp ) { new szSoundKey[32], szSoundFile[SOUNDFILE_PATH_MAXLEN] while( fgets(fp, buffer, charsmax(buffer)) ) { trim(buffer) if( buffer[0] != ';' && parse(buffer, szSoundKey, charsmax(szSoundKey), szSoundFile, charsmax(szSoundFile)) == 2 ) { if( equal(szSoundKey, "FirstBloodSound") ) { copy_sound(g_firstbloodsound, charsmax(g_firstbloodsound), szSoundFile) if( FirstBloodSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_firstbloodsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "LastManVsOthersSound") ) { copy_sound(g_lastmansound_1vsothers, charsmax(g_lastmansound_1vsothers), szSoundFile) if( LastManSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_lastmansound_1vsothers) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "LastManDuelSound") ) { copy_sound(g_lastmansound_duel, charsmax(g_lastmansound_duel), szSoundFile) if( LastManSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_lastmansound_duel) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "HeadShotKillSoundKiller") ) { copy_sound(g_hssound_killer, charsmax(g_hssound_killer), szSoundFile) if( HeadShotKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_hssound_killer) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "HeadShotKillSoundVictim") ) { copy_sound(g_hssound_victim, charsmax(g_hssound_victim), szSoundFile) if( HeadShotKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_hssound_victim) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "KnifeKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_knifekillsound, charsmax(g_knifekillsound), szSoundFile) if( KnifeKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_knifekillsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "DoubleKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_doublekillsound, charsmax(g_doublekillsound), szSoundFile) if( DoubleKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_doublekillsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "RoundCounterSound") ) { copy_sound(g_roundcountersound, charsmax(g_roundcountersound), szSoundFile) if( RoundCounterSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_roundcountersound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "GrenadeKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_grenadekillsound, charsmax(g_grenadekillsound), szSoundFile) if( GrenadeKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_grenadekillsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "GrenadeSuicideSound") ) { copy_sound(g_grenadesuicidesound, charsmax(g_grenadesuicidesound), szSoundFile) if( GrenadeSuicideSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_grenadesuicidesound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "BombPlantedSound") ) { copy_sound(g_bombplantedsound, charsmax(g_bombplantedsound), szSoundFile) if( BombPlantedSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_bombplantedsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "BombDefusedSound") ) { copy_sound(g_bombdefusedsound, charsmax(g_bombdefusedsound), szSoundFile) if( BombDefusedSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_bombdefusedsound) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "BombFailedSound") ) { copy_sound(g_bombfailedsound, charsmax(g_bombfailedsound), szSoundFile) if( BombFailedSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_bombfailedsound) } else { // KillingStreakSound and MultiKillSound if( equal(szSoundKey, "MultiKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[0], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[0]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "UltraKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[1], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[1]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "KillingSpreeSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[2], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[2]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "RampageSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[3], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[3]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "UnstopableSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[4], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[4]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "MonsterKillSound") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[5], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[5]) } else if( equal(szSoundKey, "GodLike") ) { copy_sound(g_Sounds[6], charsmax(g_Sounds[]), szSoundFile) if( KillingStreakSound || MultiKillSound ) precache_sound_custom(g_Sounds[6]) } } } } fclose(fp) } } precache_sound_custom( const sound[] ) { new fullpathsound[SOUNDFILE_PATH_MAXLEN] formatex(fullpathsound, charsmax(fullpathsound), "sound/%s.wav", sound) if( file_exists(fullpathsound) ) { precache_sound(fullpathsound[6]) } else { log_amx("Could not locate <%s> file", fullpathsound) } } copy_sound(dest[], len, src[]) { new n = copy(dest, len, src[ 6 * equali(src, "sound/", 6) ]) if( n > 4 && equal(dest[n-4], ".wav") ) { dest[n-4] = EOS } } public plugin_cfg() { new g_addStast[] = "amx_statscfg add ^"%s^" %s" server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_MULTI_KILL", "MultiKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_MULTI_KILL_SOUND", "MultiKillSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_PLANTING", "BombPlanting") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DEFUSING", "BombDefusing") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_PLANTED", "BombPlanted") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_PLANTED_SOUND", "BombPlantedSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC", "BombDefused") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DEF_SUCC_SOUND", "BombDefusedSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL", "BombFailed") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DEF_FAIL_SOUND", "BombFailedSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_PICKUP", "BombPickUp") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_DROP", "BombDrop") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_CD_HUD", "BombCountHUD") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_CD_VOICE", "BombCountVoice") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_CD_DEF", "BombCountDef") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_BOMB_SITE", "BombReached") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_ITALY_BONUS", "ItalyBonusKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_LAST_MAN", "LastMan") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_LAST_MAN_HEALTH", "LastManHealth") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_LAST_MAN_SOUND", "LastManSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_KNIFE_KILL", "KnifeKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_KNIFE_KILL_SOUND", "KnifeKillSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HE_KILL", "GrenadeKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HE_KILL_SOUND", "GrenadeKillSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HE_SUICIDE", "GrenadeSuicide") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HE_SUICIDE_SOUND", "GrenadeSuicideSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HS_KILL", "HeadShotKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_HS_KILL_SOUND", "HeadShotKillSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_ROUND_CNT", "RoundCounter") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_ROUND_CNT_SOUND", "RoundCounterSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_KILL_STR", "KillingStreak") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_KILL_STR_SOUND", "KillingStreakSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_ENEMY_REM", "EnemyRemaining") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_DOUBLE_KILL", "DoubleKill") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_DOUBLE_KILL_SOUND", "DoubleKillSound") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_PLAYER_NAME", "PlayerName") server_cmd(g_addStast, "ST_FIRST_BLOOD_SOUND", "FirstBloodSound") } public client_connect(id) { if( is_user_bot(id) ) { g_msounds[id] = 0 return; } new info[2] if( !get_user_info(id, _msound, info, charsmax(info)) || info[0] != '0' ) { g_msounds[id] = 1 } else { g_msounds[id] = 0 } } public client_putinserver(id) { g_multiKills[id] = {0, 0} g_streakKills[id] = {0, 0} g_connected[id] = true } public client_disconnected(id) { g_connected[id] = false } public client_death(killer, victim, wpnindex, hitplace, TK) { if (wpnindex == CSW_C4) return new headshot = (hitplace == HIT_HEAD) ? 1 : 0 new selfkill = (killer == victim) ? 1 : 0 new victim_alive = is_user_alive(victim) // happens on ClientKill if (g_firstBlood) { g_firstBlood = 0 if (FirstBloodSound) play_sound(0, g_firstbloodsound) } if ((KillingStreak || KillingStreakSound) && !TK) { g_streakKills[victim][1]++ g_streakKills[victim][0] = 0 if (!selfkill) { g_streakKills[killer][0]++ g_streakKills[killer][1] = 0 new a = g_streakKills[killer][0] - 3 if ((a > -1) && !(a % 2)) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(killer, name, charsmax(name)) if ((a >>= 1) > 6) a = 6 if (KillingStreak) { set_hudmessage(0, 100, 255, 0.05, 0.50, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_left_sync, g_KillingMsg[a], name) } if (KillingStreakSound) { play_sound(0, g_Sounds[a]) } } } } if (MultiKill || MultiKillSound) { if (!selfkill && !TK && killer) { g_multiKills[killer][0]++ g_multiKills[killer][1] += headshot new param[2] param[0] = killer param[1] = g_multiKills[killer][0] set_task(4.0 + float(param[1]), "checkKills", killer, param, sizeof(param)) } } new const CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(victim); if (EnemyRemaining && CS_TEAM_T <= team <= CS_TEAM_CT && is_user_connected(victim)) { new const victimTeammatesCount = get_playersnum_ex(GetPlayers_ExcludeDead | GetPlayers_MatchTeam, g_teamsNames[team]); if (victimTeammatesCount) { new killerTeammatesList[MAX_PLAYERS], killerTeammatesCount; get_players_ex(killerTeammatesList, killerTeammatesCount, GetPlayers_ExcludeDead | GetPlayers_MatchTeam, g_teamsNames[CsTeams:(any:team % 2 + 1)]); if (killerTeammatesCount) { set_hudmessage(255, 255, 255, 0.02, 0.85, 2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02, 3.0, -1); for (new teammate; teammate < killerTeammatesCount; ++teammate) { victimTeammatesCount > 1 ? ShowSyncHudMsg(killerTeammatesList[teammate], g_bottom_sync, "%l", "REMAINING_ENEMIES", victimTeammatesCount) : ShowSyncHudMsg(killerTeammatesList[teammate], g_bottom_sync, "%l","REMAINING_ENEMY"); } } } } if (LastMan || LastManSound) { new cts[MAX_PLAYERS], ts[MAX_PLAYERS], ctsnum, tsnum, b get_players(cts, ctsnum, "ae", "CT") get_players(ts, tsnum, "ae", "TERRORIST") if( victim_alive ) { switch( team ) { case CS_TEAM_T: { for(b=0; b 1) { g_LastAnnounce = cts[0] oposite = tsnum _team = CS_TEAM_T } else if (tsnum == 1 && ctsnum > 1) { g_LastAnnounce = ts[0] oposite = ctsnum _team = CS_TEAM_CT } if (g_LastAnnounce) { if( LastMan ) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(g_LastAnnounce, name, charsmax(name)) set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.38, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) if( LastManHealth ) { ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_center1_sync, "%s (%d HP) vs. %d %s%s: %L", name, get_user_health(g_LastAnnounce), oposite, g_teamsNames[_team], (oposite == 1) ? "" : "S", LANG_PLAYER, g_LastMessages[random_num(0, 3)]) } else { ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_center1_sync, "%s vs. %d %s%s: %L", name, oposite, g_teamsNames[_team], (oposite == 1) ? "" : "S", LANG_PLAYER, g_LastMessages[random_num(0, 3)]) } } if ( LastManSound && g_connected[g_LastAnnounce] ) { play_sound(g_LastAnnounce, g_lastmansound_1vsothers) } } } } if (wpnindex == CSW_KNIFE && (KnifeKill || KnifeKillSound)) { if (KnifeKill) { new killer_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], victim_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(killer, killer_name, charsmax(killer_name)) get_user_name(victim, victim_name, charsmax(victim_name)) set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_he_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, g_KinfeMsg[random_num(0, 3)], killer_name, victim_name) } if (KnifeKillSound) play_sound(0, g_knifekillsound) } if (wpnindex == CSW_HEGRENADE) { new killer_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], victim_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] if( GrenadeKill || GrenadeSuicide ) { get_user_name(killer, killer_name, charsmax(killer_name)) get_user_name(victim, victim_name, charsmax(victim_name)) set_hudmessage(255, 100, 100, -1.0, 0.25, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) } if (!selfkill) { if (GrenadeKill) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_he_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, g_HeMessages[random_num(0, 3)], killer_name, victim_name) if (GrenadeKillSound) play_sound(0, g_grenadekillsound) } else { if (GrenadeSuicide) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_he_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, g_SHeMessages[random_num(0, 3)], victim_name) if (GrenadeSuicideSound) play_sound(0, g_grenadesuicidesound) } } if (headshot && (HeadShotKill || HeadShotKillSound)) { if (HeadShotKill && wpnindex) { new killer_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], victim_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], weapon_name[32], message[256], players[MAX_PLAYERS], pnum, plr xmod_get_wpnname(wpnindex, weapon_name, charsmax(weapon_name)) get_user_name(killer, killer_name, charsmax(killer_name)) get_user_name(victim, victim_name, charsmax(victim_name)) get_players(players, pnum, "ch") for (new i = 0; i < pnum; i++) { plr = players[i] formatex(message, charsmax(message), "%L", plr, g_HeadShots[random_num(0, 6)]) replace(message, charsmax(message), "$vn", victim_name) replace(message, charsmax(message), "$wn", weapon_name) replace(message, charsmax(message), "$kn", killer_name) set_hudmessage(100, 100, 255, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(plr, g_announce_sync, "%s", message) } } if (HeadShotKillSound) { play_sound(victim, g_hssound_victim) if( victim != killer ) play_sound(killer, g_hssound_killer) } } if ((DoubleKill || DoubleKillSound) && !selfkill) { new Float:nowtime = get_gametime() if (g_doubleKill == nowtime && g_doubleKillId == killer) { if (DoubleKill) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(killer, name, charsmax(name)) set_hudmessage(255, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_center1_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DOUBLE_KILL", name) } if (DoubleKillSound) play_sound(0, g_doublekillsound) } g_doubleKill = nowtime g_doubleKillId = killer } } public hideStatus(id) { if (PlayerName) { ClearSyncHud(id, g_status_sync) } } public setTeam(id) g_friend[id] = read_data(2) public showStatus(id) { if( PlayerName) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], pid = read_data(2) get_user_name(pid, name, charsmax(name)) new color1 = 0, color2 = 0 if (cs_get_user_team(pid) == CS_TEAM_T) color1 = 255 else color2 = 255 if (g_friend[id] == 1) // friend { new wpnid = get_user_weapon(pid) new wpnname[32] if (wpnid) xmod_get_wpnname(wpnid, wpnname, charsmax(wpnname)) set_hudmessage(color1, 50, color2, -1.0, 0.60, 1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_status_sync, "%s -- %d HP / %d AP / %s", name, get_user_health(pid), get_user_armor(pid), wpnname) } else { set_hudmessage(color1, 50, color2, -1.0, 0.60, 1, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, 0.01, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_status_sync, "%s", name) } } } public Event_HLTV_New_Round() { g_c4timer_value = get_pcvar_num( g_pcvar_mp_c4timer ) ++g_roundCount g_firstBlood = 1 g_C4Timer = 0 if (RoundCounterSound) play_sound(0, g_roundcountersound) if (RoundCounter) { set_task(0.2, "Delayed_New_Round", TASK_DELAYED_NEW_ROUND) } } public Delayed_New_Round() { set_hudmessage(200, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_announce_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "PREPARE_FIGHT", g_roundCount) } public LogEvent_Round_Start() { if (KillingStreak) { new appl[MAX_PLAYERS], ppl, i get_players(appl, ppl, "ac") for (new a = 0; a < ppl; ++a) { i = appl[a] if (g_streakKills[i][0] >= 2) client_print(i, print_chat, "* %L", i, "KILLED_ROW", g_streakKills[i][0]) else if (g_streakKills[i][1] >= 2) client_print(i, print_chat, "* %L", i, "DIED_ROUNDS", g_streakKills[i][1]) } } } public eRestart() { eEndRound() g_roundCount = 0 g_firstBlood = 1 } public eEndRound() { g_C4Timer = -2 g_LastOmg = 0.0 remove_task(TASK_BOMB_TIMER) g_LastAnnounce = 0 } public checkKills(param[]) { new id = param[0] new a = param[1] if (a == g_multiKills[id][0]) { a -= 3 if (a > -1) { if (a > 6) { a = 6 } if (MultiKill) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)) set_hudmessage(255, 0, 100, 0.05, 0.50, 2, 0.02, 6.0, 0.01, 0.1, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_left_sync, g_MultiKillMsg[a], name, LANG_PLAYER, "WITH", g_multiKills[id][0], LANG_PLAYER, "KILLS", g_multiKills[id][1], LANG_PLAYER, "HS") } if (MultiKillSound) { play_sound(0, g_Sounds[a]) } } g_multiKills[id] = {0, 0} } } public chickenKill() { if (ItalyBonusKill) announceEvent(0, "KILLED_CHICKEN") } public radioKill() { if (ItalyBonusKill) announceEvent(0, "BLEW_RADIO") } announceEvent(id, message[]) { new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)) set_hudmessage(255, 100, 50, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_announce_sync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, message, name) } public eBombPickUp(id) { if (BombPickUp) announceEvent(id, "PICKED_BOMB") } public eBombDrop() { if (BombDrop) announceEvent(g_Planter, "DROPPED_BOMB") } public eGotBomb(id) { g_Planter = id if (BombReached && read_data(1) == 2 && g_LastOmg < get_gametime()) { g_LastOmg = get_gametime() + 15.0 announceEvent(g_Planter, "REACHED_TARGET") } } public bombTimer() { if (--g_C4Timer > 0) { if( BombCountHUD ) { new r, g if( g_C4Timer < 10 ) { r = 255, g = 0 } else { r = (((max(g_c4timer_value - g_C4Timer - 10,0)) * 255000) / (g_c4timer_value - 10)) / 1000 g = 255 - r } set_hudmessage(r, g, 0, -1.0, 0.75, g_C4Timer <= 10 ? 1 : 0, 0.01, 1.1, 0.001, 0.001, .channel = -1) show_hudmessage(0, "C4: %ds", g_C4Timer) } if (BombCountVoice) { if (g_C4Timer == 30 || g_C4Timer == 20) { new temp[64] num_to_word(g_C4Timer, temp, charsmax(temp)) format(temp, charsmax(temp), "^"vox/%s seconds until explosion^"", temp) play_sound(0, temp) } else if (g_C4Timer < 11) { new temp[64] num_to_word(g_C4Timer, temp, charsmax(temp)) format(temp, charsmax(temp), "^"vox/%s^"", temp) play_sound(0, temp) } } if (BombCountDef && g_Defusing && is_user_alive(g_Defusing)) client_print(g_Defusing, print_center, "%d", g_C4Timer) } else remove_task(TASK_BOMB_TIMER) } public eStopDefuse(id) { if( id == g_Defusing ) { g_Defusing = 0 } } public bomb_planted(planter) { g_Defusing = 0 if (BombPlanted) announceEvent(planter, "SET_UP_BOMB") if (BombPlantedSound) play_sound(0, g_bombplantedsound) g_C4Timer = g_c4timer_value + 1 bombTimer() set_task(1.0, "bombTimer", TASK_BOMB_TIMER, "", 0, "b") } public bomb_planting(planter) { if (BombPlanting) announceEvent(planter, "PLANT_BOMB") } public bomb_defusing(defuser) { if (BombDefusing) announceEvent(defuser, "DEFUSING_BOMB") g_Defusing = defuser } public bomb_defused(defuser) { if (BombDefused) announceEvent(defuser, "DEFUSED_BOMB") if (BombDefusedSound) play_sound(0, g_bombdefusedsound) } public bomb_explode(planter, defuser) { if( defuser ) { if (BombFailed) announceEvent(defuser, "FAILED_DEFU") if (BombFailedSound) play_sound(0, g_bombfailedsound) } } play_sound(id, sound[]) { if( id ) { if( g_msounds[id] ) { client_cmd(id, "spk %s", sound) } } else { new players[MAX_PLAYERS], pnum, id get_players(players, pnum, "ch") for(--pnum; pnum>=0; pnum--) { id = players[pnum] if ( g_connected[id] && g_msounds[id] ) client_cmd(id, "spk %s", sound) } } } public cmdSwitchSounds( id ) { g_msounds[id] = !g_msounds[id] client_print(id, print_chat, "MSounds %L", id, g_msounds[id] ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED") set_user_info(id, _msound, g_msounds[id] ? "1" : "0") // will this save setting for next map is player has cl_filterstuffcmd 0 ??? client_cmd(id, "setinfo %s %s", _msound, g_msounds[id] ? "1" : "0") }