$lin) {
	 	$line = trim($lin);
	 	if($line == "")	continue;
	 	if(substr($line,0,7) == "#define")
	 	if(($line == "/**" && !$isanotherone) || $linescount == $line_num){
		 		$temp = explode(" ",$lines[1][0]);	 		
		 		$type = GetFunctionType($temp[0]);
		 	 	if($type > 0){
					MakeFunction($lines, implode("", $lines[1]) ,$type,$basename);
			$lines = Array();
			$isanotherone = false;
			$commented = true;	 	 	
		if($line == "{")
			$isanotherone = true;
		elseif($line{0} == "}")
			$isanotherone = false;
			$lines[0][] = $line;
		} else {
			$lines[1][] = $lin;
		if($line == "*/" && !$isanotherone)
		 	$commented = false;	 
	return implode("",$thelines);

function AddDefine($str){
 	if($str{0} == "_")
 	global $defines;
 	//Sryl, Preg match is just not working out, too much iregularitires
 	//The * will bug the preg_match
 	/*$str = str_replace("*","",$str);
	$pattern = '/([$A-Z|8|_^]+)\b([^.*]+)([	| |	]\/)/';
	if(!preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)){
		echo $str . "\n";
	$new = substr($str , $matches[2][1] + strlen($matches[2][0]) );
	if(strlen($new) > 0){
		$new = str_replace(
			Array ("/**", "<" , "","/"),
			Array ("", "" , "",""),
	$stage = 0;
	$stageinfo = Array('','','');

	$strlen = strlen($str);
	for($i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++){	 
	 	if(trim($str{$i}) == "" && $stage == 0){
	 	if($str{$i} == "/"){
			if(substr($str,$i,3) == "/**"){
				$i += 3;
		if($str{$i} == "*"){
			if(substr($str,$i,2) == '*/'){
		$stageinfo[$stage] .= $str{$i};
	foreach($stageinfo as $i => $a)
		$stageinfo[$i] = trim($a);
	if($stageinfo[1] != ""){
		$defines[] = Array (
			'variable' => $stageinfo[0],
			'value' => wordwrap(trim($stageinfo[1]) , 35, " " , true ),
			'comment' => isset($stageinfo[2]) ? trim($stageinfo[2]) : "",
	if($stageinfo[0] == "SOURCEMOD_VERSION"){
		global $version;
		$version = str_replace('"',"",$stageinfo[1]);

function MakeConstant($lines,$file){
 	global $consts;
 	$info = Array();
 	$content = Array();
	foreach($lines[0] as $line){
		if(substr($line,0,1) != "*") continue;
		$thesub = trim(substr($line,2));
		if($thesub == "") continue;
		$info[] = $thesub;		
	$theinfo = str_replace("@section","", implode("\n",$info));
	if(strpos($theinfo,"All rights reserved.")){
		$theinfo = "Unclassified";
		$newline = Array();
		foreach($lines[1] as $lin){
			$line = trim($lin);
			if(substr($line,0,7) == "#define" && $line{8} != "_")
				$newline[] = $line . "\n";
		if(count($newline) == 0)
		$lines[1] = $newline;		
	$consts[] = Array(
		'info' => $theinfo,
		'content' => trim(implode('',$lines[1])),
		'file' => $file,

function MakeFunction($lines,$function,$type,$file){ 
 	global $funcs;
 	$description = Array();
 	$funcinput = Array();
 	$return = Array();
 	$onerror = Array();
 	$notes = Array();
 	$depreached = 0;
 	$infostarted = false;
 	$lastone = 0;
	foreach($lines[0] as $line){
		if(substr($line,0,1) != "*") continue;
		$thesub = trim(substr($line,2));
		if($thesub == "") continue;
		if ($thesub{0} == "@")
			$infostarted = true;
			$description[] =  $thesub;

		if ($infostarted && $thesub{0} != "@"){
			switch ($lastone) {
				case 0:
	//				if(!isset($funcinput[ count($funcinput) - 1 ]))
	//					echo $file . "\n" . $function . "\n\n";
					$funcinput[ count($funcinput) - 1 ] .= " " . $thesub; 
				case 1: $return[ count($return) - 1 ] .= " " . $thesub; break;
				case 2: $onerror[ count($onerror) - 1 ]  .= " " . $thesub; break;
				case 3: $notes[ count($notes) - 1 ] .= " " . $thesub; break;
				case 4: $description[ count($description) - 1 ] .= " " . $thesub; break;
		if(substr($thesub, 0, 7) == "@return"){
			$return[] = trim(substr($thesub, 7));
			$lastone = 1;
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 11) == "@deprecated"){
			$depreached = 1;
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 6) == "@error"){
			$onerror[] = trim(substr($thesub, 6));
			$lastone = 2;
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 9) == "@noreturn"){
			$return[] = 0;
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 5) == "@note"){
		 	$notes[] = substr($thesub, 5);
		 	$lastone = 3;
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 6) == "@param") {
			$funcinput[] = substr($thesub, 6);
			$lastone = 0;				
		} elseif(substr($thesub, 0, 6) == "@brief") {
			$description[] = substr($thesub, 6);
			$lastone = 4;
	/*$fullcommand = str_replace(
	$temp = explode("(",$function);
	$func = $temp[0];
	if(strpos($func, " ") !== false){
	 	$func = trim(substr( $func , strpos($func , " ") ));
	if(strpos($function, "{") !== false){
	 	$function = trim(substr( $function, 0, strpos($function, "{") ));
	$thestrpos = strpos($func,":");
	if($thestrpos !== false){
		$func = substr($func ,$thestrpos + 1);	

	$funcs[] = Array(
		'description' => implode("\n",$description),
	 	'input' => implode("\n",$funcinput),
	 	'function' => $func,
	 	'fullfunc' => trim($function),
	 	'return' => implode("\n",$return),
	 	'onerror' => implode("\n",$onerror),
	 	'notes' => implode("\n",$notes),
	 	'file' => $file,
	 	'typeof' => $type,
	 	'depreached' => $depreached

function db_query($query){
	$q = mysql_query($query);
		echo "\n" . mysql_error() . "\n" . $query . "
"; } return $q; } function GetFileAddr(){ $lines = file("http://www.sourcemod.net/builds.php"); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $lin) { if(substr($lin, 0, 13) == "
  • ", $a); return $b[0]; } } } } } function DownloadNew(){ global $thebasedir; copy( GetFileAddr() ,'build.zip'); $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open('build.zip') === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($thebasedir . "/build/" ); $zip->close(); } else { exit( 'Failed to zip' ); } } function full_rmdir( $dir ){ if ( !is_writable( $dir ) ){ if ( !@chmod( $dir, 0777 ) ){ return FALSE; } } $d = dir( $dir ); while ( FALSE !== ( $entry = $d->read() ) ){ if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ){ continue; } $entry = $dir . '/' . $entry; if ( is_dir( $entry ) ){ if ( !$this->full_rmdir( $entry ) ){ return FALSE; } continue; } if ( !@unlink( $entry ) ){ $d->close(); return FALSE; } } $d->close(); return rmdir( $dir ); } function FindFileID($file){ global $tableinfo; foreach($tableinfo['sm_smfiles'] as $fname => $id) if($file == $fname) return $id; return -1; } function FindUnusedid($arrayname){ global $tableinfo; // if(!isset($tableinfo[ $arrayname ])) // return 0; $tempinfo = array_flip($tableinfo[ $arrayname ]); $i = 0; //Hope this works!! while( TRUE ){ if(!isset($tempinfo[ $i ])) return $i; $i++; } } if($downloadnew) DownloadNew(); if(strlen(trim($dir)) == 0) $dir = $thebasedir . '/build/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include'; $files = Array(); if(!($dir_handle = opendir($dir))){ exit('Could not open ' . $dir); } while($file = readdir($dir_handle)){ if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if(substr($file, -4, 4) == ".inc"){ $filedir = $dir . "/" . $file; // if($file == "version.inc"){ // GetVersion($filedir); // } else { $files[] = Array( 'Addr' => $filedir, 'name' => $file, // 'fcount' => 0, // 'ccount' => 0, 'content' => DecodeTheFile($filedir), ); // } } } closedir($dir_handle); $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($database) or die('Could not select database'); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `sm_smconst`"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `sm_smfilescon`"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `sm_smdefine`"); db_query("UPDATE sm_smfunctions SET depreached = 2 WHERE typeof <> 4"); //db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `smfiles`"); //db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `smfunctions`"); $tables = Array ( 'sm_smfiles' => Array ('filename','id'), 'sm_smfunctions' => Array ('func','id'), ); foreach ($tables as $name => $table){ $result = db_query('SELECT ' . $table[0] . ',' . $table[1] . ' FROM ' . $name); $tableinfo[$name] = Array(); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $tableinfo[$name][$line[0]] = $line[1]; } mysql_free_result($result); } foreach($files as $file){ $onlyname = str_replace('.inc','',$file['name']); if(!isset($tableinfo['sm_smfiles'][ $file['name'] ])){ //0 is a ID, so count will make it just right... $tableinfo['sm_smfiles'][ $file['name'] ] = FindUnusedid('sm_smfiles'); db_query('INSERT INTO sm_smfiles(id,name,filename) VALUES ('. $tableinfo['sm_smfiles'][ $file['name'] ] .',"'.$onlyname.'","'.$file['name'].'")'); } db_query('INSERT INTO `sm_smfilescon` VALUES ('. $tableinfo['sm_smfiles'][ $file['name'] ] .',\''. addslashes( $file['content'] ) .'\')'); $javascript .= 'SMfiles['. $tableinfo['sm_smfiles'][ $file['name'] ] .'] = "'. $onlyname .'"' . "\n"; } foreach($funcs as $go){ $gop = str_replace('"', '\"', $go ); $fid = FindFileID($gop['file']); $javacontent = PrepareJava($gop['description'] ); if(isset($tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ])){ $sql = 'UPDATE sm_smfunctions SET fullfunc = "'.$gop['fullfunc'].'", description = "'.$gop['description'].'", `treturn` = "'.$gop['return'].'", `onerror` = "'.$gop['onerror'].'", `funcinput` = "'.$gop['input'].'", inc = '.$fid.', incname = "'.$gop['file'].'", typeof ='.$gop['typeof'].', depreached = '.$gop['depreached'].' WHERE id = '. $tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ] .''; } else { $tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ] = FindUnusedid('sm_smfunctions'); $sql = 'INSERT INTO sm_smfunctions(id,func,fullfunc,description,`treturn`,`onerror`,`funcinput`,inc,incname,typeof,version) VALUES ('. $tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ] .', "'.$gop['function'].'", "'.$gop['fullfunc'].'", "'.$javacontent.'", "'.$gop['return'].'", "'.$gop['onerror'].'", "'.$gop['input'].'", '.$fid.', "'.$gop['file'].'", '.$gop['typeof'].', \''.$version.'\' )'; } $javascript .= 'SMfunctions['. $tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ] .'] = Array ("'.$gop['function'].'","'.$javacontent.'");' . "\n"; $filefunclist[$fid][] = $tableinfo['sm_smfunctions'][ $gop['function'] ]; $query = db_query($sql); } foreach($consts as $go){ $gop = str_replace('"', '\"', $go ); $fid = FindFileID($gop['file']); $sql = 'INSERT INTO sm_smconst(fileid,descrip,`fulltext`) VALUES ('.$fid.', "'.$gop['info'].'", "'.$gop['content'].'" )'; $query = db_query($sql); } foreach($filefunclist as $id => $go){ $javascript .= 'SMfiledata['. $id .'] = Array ('. implode(",",$go) .');' . "\n"; } foreach($defines as $id => $go){ $gop = str_replace('"', '\"', $go ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `sm_smdefine` (`id`,`variable` ,`value` ,`comment`) VALUES ('.$id.',"'.$gop['variable'].'", "'.$gop['value'].'", "'.$gop['comment'].'")'; $javascript .= 'SMconstant['.$id.'] = Array ("'. PrepareJava($gop['variable']) .'","'. PrepareJava($gop['value']) .'","'. PrepareJava($gop['comment']) .'");' . "\n"; db_query($sql); } db_query('UPDATE `sm_sminfo` SET infob = "'.$version.'" WHERE master = "version"'); foreach($tableinfo['sm_smfiles'] as $fid){ db_query('UPDATE sm_smfiles SET `fcount` = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sm_smfunctions WHERE inc = '.$fid.'), `ccount` = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sm_smconst WHERE fileid = '.$fid.') WHERE id = '.$fid.''); } $res = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM sm_smfunctions WHERE depreached = 2"); while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) !== FALSE) { db_query("DELETE FROM sm_smposts WHERE func = " . $row[0]); db_query("DELETE FROM sm_smfunctions WHERE id = " . $row[0]); } mysql_free_result($res); mysql_close($link); //$filename = "SMfuncs.js"; if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } echo $javascript; // Write $somecontent to our opened file. if (fwrite($handle, $javascript) === FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } fclose($handle); ?>