/* Message Stocks * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). * */ #if defined _message_stocks_included #endinput #endif #define _message_stocks_included /* Creates a death message. */ stock dod_make_deathmsg(killer, victim, weaponNUM) { message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"), {0,0,0}, 0); write_byte(killer); write_byte(victim); write_byte(weaponNUM); message_end(); return 1; } /* Kills a user without a message. */ stock user_silentkill(index) { static msgid = 0; new msgblock; if (!msgid) { msgid = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"); } msgblock = get_msg_block(msgid); set_msg_block(msgid, BLOCK_ONCE); user_kill(index, 1); set_msg_block(msgid, msgblock); return 1; } /* Creates a death message. */ stock make_deathmsg(killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[]) { message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"), {0,0,0}, 0); write_byte(killer); write_byte(victim); new mod_name[32]; get_modname(mod_name, 31); if (equal(mod_name, "cstrike") || equal(mod_name, "czero") || equal(mod_name, "csv15") || equal(mod_name, "cs13")) write_byte(headshot); write_string(weapon); message_end(); return 1; } /** * Sends a custom or predefined text message to player. * Predefined texts are default game messages which will be translated * to player's game language. * * @note Set index to 0 to send text globally. * * @note There does not necessarily have to be a total of 6 arguments. * It will depend if message takes arguments, e.g.: * Predefined message: client_printex(id, print_chat, "#Game_join_ct", "Pimp Daddy") * Custom message : client_printex(id, print_chat, "%s is joining the Counter-Terrorist force", "Pimp Daddy") * * @param index Index of the player, use 0 to send to all players. * @param type The message destination. See print_* constants. * @param msg_name The custom or predefined message to send. * @param msg_param1 Optionnal message argument. * @param msg_param2 Optionnal message argument. * @param msg_param3 Optionnal message argument. * @param msg_param4 Optionnal message argument. * * @noreturn */ client_printex(index, type, const msg_name[], const msg_param1[] = "", const msg_param2[] = "", const msg_param3[] = "", const msg_param4[] = "") { static msgTextMsg; if (!msgTextMsg) { msgTextMsg = get_user_msgid("TextMsg"); } message_begin(index > 0 ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ALL, msgTextMsg, .player = index); write_byte(type); write_string(msg_name); if (msg_param1[0]) write_string(msg_param1); if (msg_param2[0]) write_string(msg_param2); if (msg_param3[0]) write_string(msg_param3); if (msg_param4[0]) write_string(msg_param4); message_end(); }