program AMXX_Edit_v2; { AMXX-Edit v2 Editor for AMX Mod X scripts, coded by Basic-Master © by AMX Mod X Development Team This application uses the following components: DelphiSci: (based on Scintilla library: FlatStyle by Maik Porkert (found on GlyFX Icons: (using GlyFX Icon Pack of Delphi 2005 PE) Modified CorelButton (see CorelButton.pas, original by ConquerWare) Indy 9 Socket Components: [JEDI component library, only necersarry for Exception Dialog (] AMXX-Edit v2 is published under GNU General Public License and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY (see GPL.txt for more information) } //{$DEFINE EXCEPTION_DEBUG} // Remove comments only when you want to trace exceptions uses Forms, Windows, Classes, SysUtils, UnitfrmMain in 'UnitfrmMain.pas' {frmMain}, UnitfrmOptions in 'UnitfrmOptions.pas' {frmSettings}, UnitfrmDebug in 'UnitfrmDebug.pas' {frmDebug}, UnitFunc in 'UnitFunc.pas', UnitfrmAbout in 'UnitfrmAbout.pas' {frmAbout}, UnitfrmGoToLine in 'UnitfrmGoToLine.pas' {frmGoToLine}, UnitfrmSaveDialog in 'UnitfrmSaveDialog.pas' {frmSaveDialog}, UnitTextAnalyze in 'UnitTextAnalyze.pas', UnitfrmMenuMaker in 'UnitfrmMenuMaker.pas' {frmMenuMaker}, UnitAddMenu in 'UnitAddMenu.pas', UnitfrmSelectMenu in 'UnitfrmSelectMenu.pas' {frmSelectMenu}, UnitHowToMakePlayerMenu in 'UnitHowToMakePlayerMenu.pas' {frmHowToMakePlayerMenu}, UnitfrmSockets in 'UnitfrmSockets.pas' {frmSocketTerminal}, UnitReadThread in 'UnitReadThread.pas', UnitfrmLoopGenerator in 'UnitfrmLoopGenerator.pas' {frmLoopGenerator}, UnitfrmExceptionHandler in 'UnitfrmExceptionHandler.pas' {ExceptionDialog}; {$R *.res} var i: integer; begin if (FindWindow('TfrmMain', 'AMXX-Edit v2') <> 0) then begin // Don't allow 2 starts... for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin if FileExists(ParamStr(i)) then SendOpen(ParamStr(i)); // ... and send open message to the other app end; ShowWindow(FindWindow('TfrmMain', 'AMXX-Edit v2'), SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(FindWindow('TfrmMain', 'AMXX-Edit v2')); exit; end; Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'AMXX-Edit v2'; Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain); Application.CreateForm(TfrmSettings, frmSettings); Application.CreateForm(TfrmDebug, frmDebug); Application.CreateForm(TfrmAbout, frmAbout); Application.CreateForm(TfrmGoToLine, frmGoToLine); Application.CreateForm(TfrmSaveDialog, frmSaveDialog); Application.CreateForm(TfrmMenuMaker, frmMenuMaker); Application.CreateForm(TfrmSelectMenu, frmSelectMenu); Application.CreateForm(TfrmHowToMakePlayerMenu, frmHowToMakePlayerMenu); Application.CreateForm(TfrmSocketTerminal, frmSocketTerminal); Application.CreateForm(TfrmLoopGenerator, frmLoopGenerator); Load; Apply; Application.Run; end.