/* AMX Mod X * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * originally developed by OLO * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. */ #include "amxmodx.h" #include "CPlugin.h" #include "CForward.h" #include "CFile.h" #include "amx.h" #include "natives.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "libraries.h" extern const char *no_function; CPluginMngr::CPlugin* CPluginMngr::loadPlugin(const char* path, const char* name, char* error, int debug) { CPlugin** a = &head; while (*a) a = &(*a)->next; *a = new CPlugin(pCounter++, path, name, error, debug); return (*a); } void CPluginMngr::unloadPlugin(CPlugin** a) { CPlugin* next = (*a)->next; delete *a; *a = next; --pCounter; } void CPluginMngr::Finalize() { if (m_Finalized) return; pNatives = BuildNativeTable(); CPlugin *a = head; while (a) { if (a->getStatusCode() == ps_running) { amx_Register(a->getAMX(), pNatives, -1); a->Finalize(); } a = a->next; } m_Finalized = true; } int CPluginMngr::loadPluginsFromFile(const char* filename, bool warn) { char file[256]; FILE *fp = fopen(build_pathname_r(file, sizeof(file) - 1, "%s", filename), "rt"); if (!fp) { if (warn) { AMXXLOG_Error("[AMXX] Plugins list not found (file \"%s\")", filename); } return 1; } // Find now folder char pluginName[256], error[256], debug[256]; int debugFlag = 0; const char *pluginsDir = get_localinfo("amxx_pluginsdir", "addons/amxmodx/plugins"); String line; List::iterator block_iter; while (!feof(fp)) { pluginName[0] = '\0'; debug[0] = '\0'; debugFlag = 0; line.clear(); line._fread(fp); /** quick hack */ char *ptr = const_cast(line.c_str()); while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == ';') { *ptr = '\0'; } else { ptr++; } } sscanf(line.c_str(), "%s %s", pluginName, debug); if (!isalnum(*pluginName)) { continue; } if (isalnum(*debug) && !strcmp(debug, "debug")) { debugFlag = 1; } bool skip = false; for (block_iter = m_BlockList.begin(); block_iter != m_BlockList.end(); block_iter++) { if ((*block_iter)->compare(pluginName) == 0) { skip = true; break; } } if (skip || !strcmp(debug, "disabled")) { continue; } if (findPlugin(pluginName) != NULL) { continue; } CPlugin* plugin = loadPlugin(pluginsDir, pluginName, error, debugFlag); if (plugin->getStatusCode() == ps_bad_load) { char errorMsg[255]; sprintf(errorMsg, "%s (plugin \"%s\")", error, pluginName); plugin->setError(errorMsg); AMXXLOG_Error("[AMXX] %s", plugin->getError()); } } fclose(fp); return pCounter; } void CPluginMngr::clear() { CPlugin**a = &head; while (*a) unloadPlugin(a); m_Finalized = false; if (pNatives) { delete [] pNatives; pNatives = NULL; } List::iterator iter = m_BlockList.begin(); while (iter != m_BlockList.end()) { delete (*iter); iter = m_BlockList.erase(iter); } m_BlockList.clear(); } CPluginMngr::CPlugin* CPluginMngr::findPlugin(AMX *amx) { CPlugin*a = head; while (a && &a->amx != amx) a = a->next; return a; } CPluginMngr::CPlugin* CPluginMngr::findPlugin(int index) { CPlugin*a = head; while (a && index--) a = a->next; return a; } CPluginMngr::CPlugin* CPluginMngr::findPlugin(const char* name) { if (!name) return 0; int len = strlen(name); if (!len) return 0; CPlugin*a = head; while (a && strncmp(a->name.c_str(), name, len)) a = a->next; return a; } void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::AddToFailCounter(unsigned int i) { failcounter += i; if ((failcounter >= 3) && (status )) { errorMsg.assign("This plugin is non-GPL which violates AMX Mod X's license."); status = ps_bad_load; } } const char* CPluginMngr::CPlugin::getStatus() const { switch (status) { case ps_running: { if (m_Debug) { return "debug"; } else { return "running"; } break; } case ps_paused: return "paused"; case ps_bad_load: return "bad load"; case ps_stopped: return "stopped"; case ps_locked: return "locked"; } return "error"; } CPluginMngr::CPlugin::CPlugin(int i, const char* p, const char* n, char* e, int d) : name(n), title(n) { const char* unk = "unknown"; failcounter = 0; title.assign(unk); author.assign(unk); version.assign(unk); char file[256]; char* path = build_pathname_r(file, sizeof(file) - 1, "%s/%s", p, n); code = 0; memset(&amx, 0, sizeof(AMX)); int err = load_amxscript(&amx, &code, path, e, d); if (err == AMX_ERR_NONE) { status = ps_running; } else { status = ps_bad_load; } amx.userdata[UD_FINDPLUGIN] = this; paused_fun = 0; next = 0; id = i; if (status == ps_running) { m_PauseFwd = registerSPForwardByName(&amx, "plugin_pause", FP_DONE); m_UnpauseFwd = registerSPForwardByName(&amx, "plugin_unpause", FP_DONE); if (amx.flags & AMX_FLAG_DEBUG) { m_Debug = true; } else { m_Debug = false; } } } CPluginMngr::CPlugin::~CPlugin() { unload_amxscript(&amx, &code); } int AMXAPI native_handler(AMX *amx, int index) { Handler *pHandler = (Handler *)amx->userdata[UD_HANDLER]; char name[sNAMEMAX + 1]; amx_GetNative(amx, index, name); return pHandler->HandleNative(name, index, 0); } static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL invalid_native(AMX *amx, cell *params) { //A script has accidentally called an invalid native! give them a // first chance to block the resulting error. Handler *pHandler = (Handler *)amx->userdata[UD_HANDLER]; //this should never happen if (!pHandler) { LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_INVNATIVE, "Invalid native attempt"); return 0; } //this should never happen because this native won't be called // if the plugin isn't filtering. if (!pHandler->IsNativeFiltering()) { LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_INVNATIVE, "Invalid native attempt"); return 0; } char name[sNAMEMAX + 1]; int native = (int)(_INT_PTR)(amx->usertags[UT_NATIVE]); int err = amx_GetNative(amx, native, name); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) name[0] = '\0'; //1 - because we're trapping usage if (!pHandler->HandleNative(name, native, 1)) { amx->usertags[UT_NATIVE] = (void *)native; LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_INVNATIVE, NULL); return 0; } //Someday maybe allow native filters to write their own return value? return 0; } void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::Finalize() { char buffer[128]; int old_status = status; if (CheckModules(&amx, buffer)) { if (amx_Register(&amx, core_Natives, -1) != AMX_ERR_NONE) { Handler *pHandler = (Handler *)amx.userdata[UD_HANDLER]; int res = 0; if (pHandler->IsNativeFiltering()) res = amx_CheckNatives(&amx, native_handler); if (!res) { status = ps_bad_load; sprintf(buffer, "Plugin uses an unknown function (name \"%s\") - check your modules.ini.", no_function); errorMsg.assign(buffer); amx.error = AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND; } else { amx_RegisterToAny(&amx, invalid_native); } } } else { status = ps_bad_load; errorMsg.assign(buffer); amx.error = AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND; } if (old_status != status) { AMXXLOG_Log("[AMXX] Plugin \"%s\" failed to load: %s", name.c_str(), errorMsg.c_str()); } } void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::pauseFunction(int id) { } void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::unpauseFunction(int id) { } void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::setStatus(int a) { status = a; g_commands.clearBufforedInfo(); // ugly way } // Pause a plugin void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::pausePlugin() { if (isValid()) { // call plugin_pause if provided if (m_PauseFwd != -1) executeForwards(m_PauseFwd); setStatus(ps_paused); } } // Unpause a plugin void CPluginMngr::CPlugin::unpausePlugin() { if (isValid() && (getStatusCode() != ps_stopped)) { // set status first so the function will be marked executable setStatus(ps_running); // call plugin_unpause if provided if (m_UnpauseFwd != -1) { executeForwards(m_UnpauseFwd); } } } char *CPluginMngr::ReadIntoOrFromCache(const char *file, size_t &bufsize) { List::iterator iter; plcache_entry *pl; for (iter=m_plcache.begin(); iter!=m_plcache.end(); iter++) { pl = (*iter); if (pl->path.compare(file) == 0) { bufsize = pl->bufsize; return pl->buffer; } } pl = new plcache_entry; pl->file = new CAmxxReader(file, sizeof(cell)); pl->buffer = NULL; if (pl->file->GetStatus() != CAmxxReader::Err_None || pl->file->IsOldFile()) { delete pl->file; delete pl; return NULL; } pl->bufsize = pl->file->GetBufferSize(); if (pl->bufsize) { pl->buffer = new char[pl->bufsize]; pl->file->GetSection(pl->buffer); } if (!pl->buffer || pl->file->GetStatus() != CAmxxReader::Err_None) { delete [] pl->buffer; delete pl->file; delete pl; return NULL; } pl->path.assign(file); bufsize = pl->bufsize; m_plcache.push_back(pl); return pl->buffer; } void CPluginMngr::InvalidateCache() { List::iterator iter; plcache_entry *pl; for (iter=m_plcache.begin(); iter!=m_plcache.end(); iter++) { pl = (*iter); delete [] pl->buffer; delete pl->file; delete pl; } m_plcache.clear(); } void CPluginMngr::InvalidateFileInCache(const char *file, bool freebuf) { List::iterator iter; plcache_entry *pl; for (iter=m_plcache.begin(); iter!=m_plcache.end(); iter++) { pl = (*iter); if (pl->path.compare(file) == 0) { if (freebuf) delete [] pl->buffer; delete pl->file; delete pl; m_plcache.erase(iter); return; } } } void CPluginMngr::CacheAndLoadModules(const char *plugin) { size_t progsize; char *prog = ReadIntoOrFromCache(plugin, progsize); if (!prog) return; AMX_HEADER hdr; memcpy(&hdr, prog, sizeof(AMX_HEADER)); uint16_t magic = hdr.magic; amx_Align16(&magic); if (magic != AMX_MAGIC) { return; } if (hdr.file_version < MIN_FILE_VERSION || hdr.file_version > CUR_FILE_VERSION) { return; } if ((hdr.defsize != sizeof(AMX_FUNCSTUB)) && (hdr.defsize != sizeof(AMX_FUNCSTUBNT))) { return; } amx_Align32((uint32_t*)&hdr.nametable); uint16_t *namelength=(uint16_t*)((unsigned char*)prog + (unsigned)hdr.nametable); amx_Align16(namelength); if (*namelength>sNAMEMAX) { return; } if (hdr.stp <= 0) { return; } AMX amx; memset(&amx, 0, sizeof(AMX)); amx.base = (unsigned char *)prog; int num; char name[sNAMEMAX+1]; num = amx_GetLibraries(&amx); for (int i=0; i expects; CVector defaults; CStack delstack; for (int i=0; icmd == LibCmd_ForceLib) { RunLibCommand(dc); } else if ( (dc->cmd == LibCmd_ExpectClass) || (dc->cmd == LibCmd_ExpectLib) ) { expects.push_back(dc); } else if (dc->cmd == LibCmd_DefaultLib) { defaults.push_back(dc); } } } } for (size_t i=0; i