// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // Copyright (C) 2004 Lukasz Wlasinski. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // TFCX Module // #include "amxxmodule.h" #include "tfcx.h" int damage; int TA; int weapon; int aim; CPlayer *pAttacker; edict_t* tempEnt; int tempInt; bool ignoreDamage = false; void Client_ResetHUD(void* mValue){ if ( mPlayer ){ mPlayer->clearStats = gpGlobals->time + 0.25f; } } /* void Client_WeaponList(void* mValue){ static int wpnList; static int iSlot; static const char* wpnName; switch (mState++) { case 0: wpnName = (const char*)mValue; break; case 1: iSlot = *(int*)mValue; break; case 7: int iId = *(int*)mValue; if ( (iId < 0 || iId >= MAX_WEAPONS ) || ( wpnList & (1<<iId) ) ) break; wpnList |= (1<<iId); weaponData[iId].ammoSlot = iSlot; strcpy(weaponData[iId].fullName, wpnName ); weaponData[iId].name = weaponData[iId].fullName; char* wpnPrefix = strstr( weaponData[iId].fullName ,"tf_weapon_"); if ( wpnPrefix ) weaponData[iId].name = wpnPrefix + 10; } } */ void Client_Damage(void* mValue){ switch (mState++) { case 1: damage = *(int*)mValue; break; case 2: edict_t* enemy; if ( !mPlayer || !damage ) break; enemy = mPlayer->pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor; if ( FNullEnt( enemy ) ) break; if (enemy->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT) ) { // attacker is player and his active weapon pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(enemy); aim = pAttacker->aiming; weapon = pAttacker->current; switch(weapon){ case TFC_WPN_SPANNER: case TFC_WPN_AXE: case TFC_WPN_KNIFE: pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); // melee , save shot too break; case TFC_WPN_MEDIKIT: if ( pAttacker->teamId == mPlayer->teamId ) // ??? ignoreDamage = true; pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); // melee , save shot too break; } pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim); } else if ( !FNullEnt( enemy->v.owner ) ){ if ( enemy->v.owner->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT) ){ // caltrop, empgrenade, gasgrenade, napalmgrenade pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(enemy->v.owner); const char *szClass = STRING(enemy->v.classname); switch(szClass[10]){ case 'c': weapon = TFC_WPN_CALTROP; break; case 'e': weapon = TFC_WPN_EMPGRENADE; break; case 'g': weapon = TFC_WPN_GASGRENADE; break; case 'm': weapon = TFC_WPN_MEDIKIT; if ( pAttacker->teamId == mPlayer->teamId ) // ??? ignoreDamage = true; pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); break; case 'n': weapon = TFC_WPN_NAPALMGRENADE; break; case 'a': case 's': case '_': // hmm...nailgun_nail, fastswitch and this one may not be true... //PRINT_CONSOLE("Nail! Class:%d wpn:%d\n",pAttacker->classId,pAttacker->current); weapon = pAttacker->current; aim = pAttacker->aiming; break; case 'r': weapon = TFC_WPN_FLAMETHROWER; break; } if ( !weapon ) { switch(szClass[3]){ case 'e': weapon = TFC_WPN_TIMER; // TFC_WPN_MEDKIT ?? tempInt = *( (int*)mPlayer->pEdict->pvPrivateData + pdTimerOwner ); if (!tempInt) break; tempEnt = (edict_t*)tempInt; pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(tempEnt); if ( pAttacker->teamId == mPlayer->teamId ) // ??? ignoreDamage = true; pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); // ??? save shot too break; case 'f': weapon = TFC_WPN_FLAMES; // tf_fire break; } } if ( weapon ) pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim ); //else // PRINT_CONSOLE("*** DMG! Att:%d Vic:%d unknown weapon %s\n",pAttacker->index,mPlayer->index,STRING(enemy->v.classname)); } // nailgrenadenail->nailgrenade->player :))) I'm the best ! else if ( !FNullEnt(enemy->v.owner->v.owner) && enemy->v.owner->v.owner->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT ) ){ pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(enemy->v.owner->v.owner); weapon = TFC_WPN_NAILGRENADE; pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim ); } } else { // nailgrenade , mirvgrenade , normalgrenade , rockets if ( strstr("sentrygun",STRING(enemy->v.classname)) ){ tempInt = *( (int*)enemy->pvPrivateData + pdSentryGunOwner ); if ( !tempInt ) break; tempEnt = (edict_t*)tempInt; pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(tempEnt); weapon = TFC_WPN_SENTRYGUN; pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); // save shot too pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim ); } else if( g_grenades.find(enemy , &pAttacker , &weapon ) ){ if ( weapon == TFC_WPN_RPG && pAttacker->classId == TFC_PC_PYRO ){ weapon = TFC_WPN_IC; pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); } pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim ); } } break; } } void Client_Damage_End(void* mValue){ if ( !damage ) return; if ( !pAttacker ) pAttacker = mPlayer; if ( !ignoreDamage ){ TA = 0; if ( (mPlayer->teamId == pAttacker->teamId) && (mPlayer != pAttacker) ) TA = 1; if (g_damage_info > 0) MF_ExecuteForward(g_damage_info, pAttacker->index, mPlayer->index, damage, weapon, aim, TA); if( !mPlayer->IsAlive() ){ pAttacker->saveKill(mPlayer,weapon,( aim == 1 ) ? 1:0 ,TA); if (g_death_info > 0) MF_ExecuteForward(g_death_info, pAttacker->index, mPlayer->index, weapon, aim, TA); } } damage = 0; aim = 0; weapon = 0; pAttacker = NULL; ignoreDamage = false; } void Client_CurWeapon(void* mValue){ static int iState; static int iId; switch (mState++){ case 0: iState = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if (!iState) break; iId = *(int*)mValue; break; case 2: if (!mPlayer || !iState ) break; int iClip = *(int*)mValue; if ((iClip > -1) && (iClip < mPlayer->weapons[iId].clip)){ mPlayer->saveShot(iId); } mPlayer->weapons[iId].clip = iClip; mPlayer->current = iId; } } void Client_AmmoX(void* mValue){ static int iAmmo; switch (mState++){ case 0: iAmmo = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if (!mPlayer ) break; // SniperRifle, AC and AutoRifle ... if ( mPlayer->classId == TFC_PC_HWGUY ){ if ( mPlayer->current == TFC_WPN_AC && mPlayer->weapons[mPlayer->current].ammo > *(int*)mValue && iAmmo == weaponData[mPlayer->current].ammoSlot ) mPlayer->saveShot(mPlayer->current); } else if ( mPlayer->classId == TFC_PC_SNIPER ){ if ( (mPlayer->current == TFC_WPN_SNIPERRIFLE || mPlayer->current == TFC_WPN_AUTORIFLE) && mPlayer->weapons[mPlayer->current].ammo > *(int*)mValue && iAmmo == weaponData[mPlayer->current].ammoSlot ) mPlayer->saveShot(mPlayer->current); } // for(int i = 1; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; ++i) if (iAmmo == weaponData[i].ammoSlot) mPlayer->weapons[i].ammo = *(int*)mValue; } } void Client_AmmoPickup(void* mValue){ static int iSlot; switch (mState++){ case 0: iSlot = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if (!mPlayer ) break; for(int i = 1; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; ++i) if (weaponData[i].ammoSlot == iSlot) mPlayer->weapons[i].ammo += *(int*)mValue; } } void Client_ScoreInfo(void* mValue){ static int iIndex; static int iClass; switch (mState++){ case 0: iIndex = *(int*)mValue; break; case 3: iClass = *(int*)mValue; break; case 4: if ( iIndex > 0 && iIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients ){ GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I( iIndex )->teamId = *(int*)mValue; GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I( iIndex )->classId = iClass; } } }