#!/usr/bin/env bash trap "exit" INT if [ ! -d "amxmodx" ]; then git clone --recursive https://github.com/alliedmodders/amxmodx.git fi if [ ! -d "amxmodx/build_deps" ]; then mkdir amxmodx/build_deps fi download_archive () { if [ `command -v wget` ]; then wget "$url" -O "$dest" elif [ `command -v curl` ]; then curl -o $dest $url else echo "Failed to locate wget or curl. Please install one of these programs." exit 1 fi } ismac=0 iswin=0 if [ "$1" != "--no-mysql" ]; then ismac=0 iswin=0 archive_ext=tar.gz decomp="tar zxf" if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then ismac=1 elif [ `uname` != "Linux" ] && [ -n "${COMSPEC:+1}" ]; then iswin=1 archive_ext=zip decomp=unzip fi if [ $ismac -eq 1 ]; then mysqlver=mysql-5.5.40-osx10.6-x86 mysqlurl=http://cdn.mysql.com/archives/mysql-5.5/$mysqlver.$archive_ext elif [ $iswin -eq 1 ]; then mysqlver=mysql-5.5.57-win32 mysqlurl=http://cdn.mysql.com/archives/mysql-5.5/$mysqlver.$archive_ext # The folder in the zip archive does not contain the substring "-noinstall", so strip it mysqlver=${mysqlver/-noinstall} else mysqlver=mysql-5.5.57-linux-glibc2.12-i686 mysqlurl=http://cdn.mysql.com/archives/mysql-5.5/$mysqlver.$archive_ext fi if [ ! -d "mysql-5.5" ]; then url=$mysqlurl dest=mysql.$archive_ext download_archive $decomp mysql.$archive_ext mv $mysqlver mysql-5.5 rm mysql.$archive_ext fi fi checkout () { if [ ! -d "$name" ]; then git clone $repo -b $branch $name if [ -n "$origin" ]; then cd $name git remote rm origin git remote add origin $origin cd .. fi else cd $name git checkout $branch git pull origin $branch cd .. fi } name=metamod-am branch=master repo="https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-hl1" origin= checkout name=hlsdk branch=master repo="https://github.com/alliedmodders/hlsdk" origin= checkout python_cmd=`command -v python` if [ -z "$python_cmd" ]; then python_cmd=`command -v python3` if [ -z "$python_cmd" ]; then echo "No suitable installation of Python detected" exit 1 fi fi `$python_cmd -c "import ambuild2"` 2>&1 1>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "AMBuild is required to build SourceMod" `$python_cmd -m pip --version` 2>&1 1>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "The detected Python installation does not have PIP" echo "Installing the latest version of PIP available (VIA \"get-pip.py\")" get_pip="./get-pip.py" get_pip_url="https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" if [ `command -v wget` ]; then wget $get_pip_url -O $get_pip elif [ `command -v curl` ]; then curl -o $get_pip $get_pip_url else echo "Failed to locate wget or curl. Install one of these programs to download 'get-pip.py'." exit 1 fi $python_cmd $get_pip if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installation of PIP has failed" exit 1 fi fi repo="https://github.com/alliedmodders/ambuild" origin= branch=master name=ambuild checkout if [ $iswin -eq 1 ] || [ $ismac -eq 1 ]; then $python_cmd -m pip install ./ambuild else echo "Installing AMBuild at the user level. Location can be: ~/.local/bin" $python_cmd -m pip install --user ./ambuild fi fi if [ $iswin -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -d "amxmodx/build_deps/nasm-2.13.03" ]; then url=http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.03/win32/nasm-2.13.03-win32.zip dest=amxmodx/build_deps/nasm-2.13.03-win32.zip download_archive cd amxmodx/build_deps unzip nasm-2.13.03-win32.zip rm nasm-2.13.03-win32.zip mv nasm-2.13.03 nasm fi fi