program AMXInstaller; { AMXX Installer for AMX Mod X by the AMXX Development Team Used components: - Indy 9 ( - FlatStyle Components ( - mxFlatPack Component Pack ( - JVCL Lib Pack 3.0 ( AMXX Installer for AMX Mod X is developed under GNU Public License and comes WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! } uses madExcept, madLinkDisAsm, madListHardware, madListProcesses, madListModules, Forms, UnitfrmMain in 'UnitfrmMain.pas' {frmMain}, UnitFunctions in 'UnitFunctions.pas', UnitScanMods in 'UnitScanMods.pas', UnitfrmProxy in 'UnitfrmProxy.pas' {frmProxy}, UnitInstall in 'UnitInstall.pas', UnitSelectModPath in 'UnitSelectModPath.pas' {frmSelectModPath}; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'AMX Mod X Installer'; Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain); frmMain.lblWelcome.Caption := 'Welcome to the AMX Mod X Installer ' + VERSION + ' Setup Wizard'; frmMain.lblInfo1.Caption := 'This wizard will guide you through the installation of AMX Mod X ' + VERSION + '.'; frmMain.lblSubTitle1.Caption := 'Please review the following license terms before installing AMX Mod X ' + VERSION + '.'; frmMain.lblSelectModInfo.Caption := 'Please select the mod AMX Mod X ' + VERSION + ' shall be installed to.'; frmMain.lblTitle3.Caption := 'Installing AMX Mod X ' + VERSION + ' via FTP'; frmMain.lblTitle5.Caption := 'Installing AMX Mod X ' + VERSION; frmMain.lblSubTitle5.Caption := 'Please wait while AMX Mod X ' + VERSION + ' is being installed.'; Application.CreateForm(TfrmProxy, frmProxy); Application.CreateForm(TfrmSelectModPath, frmSelectModPath); Application.Run; end.