// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // Copyright (C) 2004 Lukasz Wlasinski. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // DODX Module // #include "amxxmodule.h" #include "dodx.h" void Client_ResetHUD_End(void* mValue) { mPlayer->clearStats = gpGlobals->time + 0.25f; } void Client_RoundState(void* mValue) { if ( mPlayer ) return; int result = *(int*)mValue; if ( result == 1 ) { for (int i=1;i<=gpGlobals->maxClients;i++) { CPlayer *pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(i); if (pPlayer->ingame) { pPlayer->clearRound = gpGlobals->time + 0.25f; } } } } void Client_TeamScore(void* mValue) { static int index; switch(mState++) { case 0: index = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: switch (index) { case 1: AlliesScore = *(int*)mValue; break; case 2: AxisScore = *(int*)mValue; break; } break; } } void Client_ObjScore(void* mValue) { static CPlayer *pPlayer; static int score; switch(mState++) { case 0: pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(*(int*)mValue); break; case 1: score = *(int*)mValue; if ( (pPlayer->lastScore = score - (int)(pPlayer->savedScore)) && isModuleActive() ) { pPlayer->updateScore(pPlayer->current,pPlayer->lastScore); pPlayer->sendScore = (int)(gpGlobals->time + 0.25f); } pPlayer->savedScore = score; break; } } void Client_CurWeapon(void* mValue) { static int iState; static int iId; switch (mState++) { case 0: iState = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if (!iState) break; iId = *(int*)mValue; break; case 2: if(!iState || !isModuleActive()) break; int iClip = *(int*)mValue; mPlayer->old = mPlayer->current; mPlayer->current = iId; if(weaponData[iId].needcheck) { iId = get_weaponid(mPlayer); mPlayer->current = iId; } if(iClip > -1) { if(mPlayer->current == 17) { if(iClip+2 == mPlayer->weapons[iId].clip) mPlayer->saveShot(iId); } else { if ( iClip+1 == mPlayer->weapons[iId].clip) mPlayer->saveShot(iId); } } mPlayer->weapons[iId].clip = iClip; mCurWpnEnd = 1; break; }; } void Client_CurWeapon_End(void*) { if(mCurWpnEnd == 1 && mPlayer->index && mPlayer->current && mPlayer->old && (mPlayer->current != mPlayer->old)) MF_ExecuteForward(iFCurWpnForward, mPlayer->index, mPlayer->current, mPlayer->old); mCurWpnEnd = 0; } /* Nie ma damage event ... */ void Client_Health_End(void* mValue) { if ( !isModuleActive() ) return; if (!mPlayer) return; edict_t *enemy = mPlayer->pEdict->v.dmg_inflictor; int damage = (int)mPlayer->pEdict->v.dmg_take; if (!damage || !enemy) return; int weapon = 0; int aim = 0; mPlayer->pEdict->v.dmg_take = 0.0; CPlayer* pAttacker = NULL; if(enemy->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT)) { pAttacker = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(enemy); weapon = pAttacker->current; if ( weaponData[weapon].needcheck ) weapon = get_weaponid(pAttacker); aim = pAttacker->aiming; if ( weaponData[weapon].melee ) pAttacker->saveShot(weapon); } else { g_grenades.find(enemy , &pAttacker , weapon); } int TA = 0; if ( !pAttacker ) { pAttacker = mPlayer; } if ( pAttacker->index != mPlayer->index ) { pAttacker->saveHit( mPlayer , weapon , damage, aim ); if ( mPlayer->pEdict->v.team == pAttacker->pEdict->v.team ) TA = 1; } MF_ExecuteForward( iFDamage, pAttacker->index, mPlayer->index, damage, weapon, aim, TA ); if ( !mPlayer->IsAlive() ) { pAttacker->saveKill(mPlayer,weapon,( aim == 1 ) ? 1:0 ,TA); MF_ExecuteForward( iFDeath, pAttacker->index, mPlayer->index, weapon, aim, TA ); } } void Client_AmmoX(void* mValue) { static int iAmmo; switch (mState++) { case 0: iAmmo = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if (!mPlayer ) break; for(int i = 1; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; ++i) { if (iAmmo == weaponData[i].ammoSlot) mPlayer->weapons[i].ammo = *(int*)mValue; } } } void Client_AmmoShort(void* mValue) { static int iAmmo; switch (mState++) { case 0: iAmmo = *(int*)mValue; break; case 1: if(!mPlayer ) break; for(int i = 1; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; ++i) { if (iAmmo == weaponData[i].ammoSlot) mPlayer->weapons[i].ammo = *(int*)mValue; } } } // Called with a value of 90 at start 20 when someone scopes in and 0 when they scope out void Client_SetFOV(void* mValue) { if(!mPlayer) return; mPlayer->Scoping(*(int*)mValue); } void Client_SetFOV_End(void* mValue) { if(!mPlayer) return; mPlayer->ScopingCheck(); } void Client_Object(void* mValue) { if(!mPlayer) return; // First need to find out what was picked up const char *classname; edict_t* pObject = NULL; //const char* value; //if(mValue) //{ // value = (char*)mValue; //} if(!mPlayer->object.carrying) { // We grab the first object within the sphere of our player pObject = FindEntityInSphere(mPlayer->pEdict, mPlayer->pEdict, 50.0); // The loop through all the objects within the sphere while(pObject && !FNullEnt(pObject)) { classname = STRING(pObject->v.classname); if(strcmp(classname, "dod_object") == 0) { mPlayer->object.pEdict = pObject; mPlayer->object.do_forward = true; return; } pObject = FindEntityInSphere(pObject, mPlayer->pEdict, 50.0); } } else { mPlayer->object.do_forward = true; } } void Client_Object_End(void* mValue) { if(!mPlayer) return; float fposition[3]; if(mPlayer->object.do_forward) { mPlayer->object.do_forward = (mPlayer->object.do_forward) ? false : true; mPlayer->object.carrying = (mPlayer->object.carrying) ? false : true; mPlayer->object.pEdict->v.origin.CopyToArray(fposition); cell position[3]; position[0] = amx_ftoc(fposition[0]); position[1] = amx_ftoc(fposition[1]); position[2] = amx_ftoc(fposition[2]); cell pos = MF_PrepareCellArray(position, 3); MF_ExecuteForward(iFObjectTouched, mPlayer->index, ENTINDEX(mPlayer->object.pEdict), pos, mPlayer->object.carrying); if(!mPlayer->object.carrying) mPlayer->object.pEdict = NULL; } } // This seems to be only called when the player spawns void Client_PStatus(void* mValue) { switch(mState++) { case 0: MF_ExecuteForward(iFSpawnForward, *(int*)mValue); break; } }