/* AMX Mod X script. * Admin Base Plugin * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * originally developed by OLO * * This file is part of AMX Mod X. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. */ // Uncomment for SQL version // #define USING_SQL #include #include #if defined USING_SQL #include #endif //new Vector:AdminList; new AdminCount; new PLUGINNAME[] = "AMX Mod X" #define ADMIN_LOOKUP (1<<0) #define ADMIN_NORMAL (1<<1) #define ADMIN_STEAM (1<<2) #define ADMIN_IPADDR (1<<3) #define ADMIN_NAME (1<<4) new g_cmdLoopback[16] // pcvars new amx_mode; new amx_password_field; new amx_default_access; public plugin_init() { #if defined USING_SQL register_plugin("Admin Base (SQL)", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") #else register_plugin("Admin Base", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") #endif register_dictionary("admin.txt") register_dictionary("common.txt") amx_mode=register_cvar("amx_mode", "1") amx_password_field=register_cvar("amx_password_field", "_pw") amx_default_access=register_cvar("amx_default_access", "") register_cvar("amx_vote_ratio", "0.02") register_cvar("amx_vote_time", "10") register_cvar("amx_vote_answers", "1") register_cvar("amx_vote_delay", "60") register_cvar("amx_last_voting", "0") register_cvar("amx_show_activity", "2") register_cvar("amx_votekick_ratio", "0.40") register_cvar("amx_voteban_ratio", "0.40") register_cvar("amx_votemap_ratio", "0.40") set_cvar_float("amx_last_voting", 0.0) #if defined USING_SQL register_srvcmd("amx_sqladmins", "adminSql") register_cvar("amx_sql_table", "admins") #endif register_cvar("amx_sql_host", "") register_cvar("amx_sql_user", "root") register_cvar("amx_sql_pass", "") register_cvar("amx_sql_db", "amx") register_cvar("amx_sql_type", "mysql") register_concmd("amx_reloadadmins", "cmdReload", ADMIN_CFG) register_concmd("amx_addadmin", "addadminfn", ADMIN_RCON, " [password] [authtype] - add specified player as an admin to users.ini") format(g_cmdLoopback, 15, "amxauth%c%c%c%c", random_num('A', 'Z'), random_num('A', 'Z'), random_num('A', 'Z'), random_num('A', 'Z')) register_clcmd(g_cmdLoopback, "ackSignal") remove_user_flags(0, read_flags("z")) // Remove 'user' flag from server rights new configsDir[64] get_configsdir(configsDir, 63) server_cmd("exec %s/amxx.cfg", configsDir) // Execute main configuration file server_cmd("exec %s/sql.cfg", configsDir) // Create a vector of 5 cells to store the info. //AdminList=vector_create(5); #if defined USING_SQL server_cmd("amx_sqladmins") #else format(configsDir, 63, "%s/users.ini", configsDir) loadSettings(configsDir) // Load admins accounts #endif } public addadminfn(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new idtype = ADMIN_STEAM | ADMIN_LOOKUP if (read_argc() >= 5) { new t_arg[16] read_argv(4, t_arg, 15) if (equali(t_arg, "steam") || equali(t_arg, "steamid") || equali(t_arg, "auth")) { idtype = ADMIN_STEAM } else if (equali(t_arg, "ip")) { idtype = ADMIN_IPADDR } else if (equali(t_arg, "name") || equali(t_arg, "nick")) { idtype = ADMIN_NAME if (equali(t_arg, "name")) idtype |= ADMIN_LOOKUP } else { console_print(id, "[%s] Unknown id type ^"%s^", use one of: steamid, ip, name", PLUGINNAME, t_arg) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } new arg[33] read_argv(1, arg, 32) new player = -1 if (idtype & ADMIN_STEAM) { if (containi(arg, "STEAM_0:") == -1) { idtype |= ADMIN_LOOKUP player = cmd_target(id, arg, 10) } else { new _steamid[44] static _players[32], _num, _pv get_players(_players, _num) for (new _i=0; _i<_num; _i++) { _pv = _players[_i] get_user_authid(_pv, _steamid, sizeof(_steamid)-1) if (!_steamid[0]) continue if (equal(_steamid, arg)) { player = _pv break } } if (player < 1) { idtype &= ~ADMIN_LOOKUP } } } else if (idtype & ADMIN_NAME) { player = cmd_target(id, arg, 10) if (player) idtype |= ADMIN_LOOKUP else idtype &= ~ADMIN_LOOKUP } else if (idtype & ADMIN_IPADDR) { new len = strlen(arg) new dots, chars for (new i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (arg[i] == '.') { if (!chars || chars > 3) break if (++dots > 3) break chars = 0 } else { chars++ } if (dots != 3 || !chars || chars > 3) { idtype |= ADMIN_LOOKUP player = find_player("dh", arg) } } } if (idtype & ADMIN_LOOKUP && !player) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "CL_NOT_FOUND") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new flags[64] read_argv(2, flags, 63) new password[64] if (read_argc() >= 4) read_argv(3, password, 63) new auth[33] new Comment[33]; // name of player to pass to comment field if (idtype & ADMIN_LOOKUP) { get_user_name(player, Comment, sizeof(Comment)-1) if (idtype & ADMIN_STEAM) { get_user_authid(player, auth, 32) } else if (idtype & ADMIN_IPADDR) { get_user_ip(player, auth, 32) } else if (idtype & ADMIN_NAME) { get_user_name(player, auth, 32) } } else { copy(auth, 32, arg) } new type[16], len if (idtype & ADMIN_STEAM) len += format(type[len], 15-len, "c") else if (idtype & ADMIN_IPADDR) len += format(type[len], 15-len, "d") if (strlen(password) > 0) len += format(type[len], 15-len, "a") else len += format(type[len], 15-len, "e") AddAdmin(id, auth, flags, password, type, Comment) cmdReload(id, ADMIN_CFG, 0) if (player > 0) { new name[32] get_user_info(player, "name", name, 31) accessUser(player, name) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } AddAdmin(id, auth[], accessflags[], password[], flags[], comment[]="") { #if defined USING_SQL new error[128], errno new Handle:info = SQL_MakeStdTuple() new Handle:sql = SQL_Connect(info, errno, error, 127) if (sql == Empty_Handle) { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_CON", error) //backup to users.ini #endif // Make sure that the users.ini file exists. new configsDir[64] get_configsdir(configsDir, 63) format(configsDir, 63, "%s/users.ini", configsDir) if (!file_exists(configsDir)) { console_print(id, "[%s] File ^"%s^" doesn't exist.", PLUGINNAME, configsDir) return } // Make sure steamid isn't already in file. new line = 0, textline[256], len const SIZE = 63 new line_steamid[SIZE + 1], line_password[SIZE + 1], line_accessflags[SIZE + 1], line_flags[SIZE + 1], parsedParams // while ((line = read_file(configsDir, line, textline, 255, len))) { if (len == 0 || equal(textline, ";", 1)) continue // comment line parsedParams = parse(textline, line_steamid, SIZE, line_password, SIZE, line_accessflags, SIZE, line_flags, SIZE) if (parsedParams != 4) continue // Send warning/error? if (containi(line_flags, flags) != -1 && equal(line_steamid, auth)) { console_print(id, "[%s] %s already exists!", PLUGINNAME, auth) return } } // If we came here, steamid doesn't exist in users.ini. Add it. new linetoadd[512] if (comment[0]==0) { formatex(linetoadd, 511, "^r^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", auth, password, accessflags, flags) } else { formatex(linetoadd, 511, "^r^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ; %s", auth, password, accessflags, flags, comment) } console_print(id, "Adding:^n%s", linetoadd) if (!write_file(configsDir, linetoadd)) console_print(id, "[%s] Failed writing to %s!", PLUGINNAME, configsDir) #if defined USING_SQL } new table[32] get_cvar_string("amx_sql_table", table, 31) new Handle:query = SQL_PrepareQuery(sql, "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE (`auth` = '%s')", table, auth) if (!SQL_Execute(query)) { SQL_QueryError(query, error, 127) server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_LOAD_ADMINS", error) console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_LOAD_ADMINS", error) } else if (SQL_NumResults(query)) { console_print(id, "[%s] %s already exists!", PLUGINNAME, auth) } else { console_print(id, "Adding to database:^n^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", auth, password, accessflags, flags) SQL_QueryAndIgnore(sql, "REPLACE INTO `%s` (`auth`, `password`, `access`, `flags`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", table, auth, password, accessflags, flags) } SQL_FreeHandle(query) SQL_FreeHandle(sql) SQL_FreeHandle(info) #endif } public plugin_cfg() { set_task(6.1, "delayed_load") } public delayed_load() { new configFile[128], curMap[64], configDir[128] get_configsdir(configDir, sizeof(configDir)-1) get_mapname(curMap, sizeof(curMap)-1) new i=0; while (curMap[i] != '_' && curMap[i++] != '^0') {/*do nothing*/} if (curMap[i]=='_') { // this map has a prefix curMap[i]='^0'; formatex(configFile, sizeof(configFile)-1, "%s/maps/prefix_%s.cfg", configDir, curMap); if (file_exists(configFile)) { server_cmd("exec %s", configFile); } } get_mapname(curMap, sizeof(curMap)-1) formatex(configFile, sizeof(configFile)-1, "%s/maps/%s.cfg", configDir, curMap) if (file_exists(configFile)) { server_cmd("exec %s", configFile) } } loadSettings(szFilename[]) { new File=fopen(szFilename,"r"); if (File) { new Text[512]; new Flags[32]; new Access[32] new AuthData[44]; new Password[32]; while (!feof(File)) { fgets(File,Text,sizeof(Text)-1); // comment if (Text[0]==';') { continue; } Flags[0]=0; Access[0]=0; AuthData[0]=0; Password[0]=0; // not enough parameters if (parse(Text,AuthData,sizeof(AuthData)-1,Password,sizeof(Password)-1,Access,sizeof(Access)-1,Flags,sizeof(Flags)-1) < 2) { continue; } admins_push(AuthData,Password,read_flags(Access),read_flags(Flags)); AdminCount++; } fclose(File); } if (AdminCount == 1) { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "LOADED_ADMIN"); } else { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "LOADED_ADMINS", AdminCount); } return 1; } #if defined USING_SQL public adminSql() { new table[32], error[128], type[12], errno new Handle:info = SQL_MakeStdTuple() new Handle:sql = SQL_Connect(info, errno, error, 127) get_cvar_string("amx_sql_table", table, 31) SQL_GetAffinity(type, 11) if (sql == Empty_Handle) { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_CON", error) //backup to users.ini new configsDir[64] get_configsdir(configsDir, 63) format(configsDir, 63, "%s/users.ini", configsDir) loadSettings(configsDir) // Load admins accounts return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new Handle:query if (equali(type, "sqlite")) { if (!sqlite_TableExists(sql, table)) { SQL_QueryAndIgnore(sql, "CREATE TABLE %s ( auth TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', password TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', access TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', flags TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' )", table) } query = SQL_PrepareQuery(sql, "SELECT auth, password, access, flags FROM %s", table) } else { SQL_QueryAndIgnore(sql, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` ( `auth` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL, `access` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL, `flags` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ) COMMENT = 'AMX Mod X Admins'", table) query = SQL_PrepareQuery(sql,"SELECT `auth`,`password`,`access`,`flags` FROM `%s`", table) } if (!SQL_Execute(query)) { SQL_QueryError(query, error, 127) server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_CANT_LOAD_ADMINS", error) } else if (!SQL_NumResults(query)) { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "NO_ADMINS") } else { AdminCount = 0 /** do this incase people change the query order and forget to modify below */ new qcolAuth = SQL_FieldNameToNum(query, "auth") new qcolPass = SQL_FieldNameToNum(query, "password") new qcolAccess = SQL_FieldNameToNum(query, "access") new qcolFlags = SQL_FieldNameToNum(query, "flags") new AuthData[44]; new Password[44]; new Access[32]; new Flags[32]; while (SQL_MoreResults(query)) { SQL_ReadResult(query, qcolAuth, AuthData, sizeof(AuthData)-1); SQL_ReadResult(query, qcolPass, Password, sizeof(Password)-1); SQL_ReadResult(query, qcolAccess, Access, sizeof(Access)-1); SQL_ReadResult(query, qcolFlags, Flags, sizeof(Flags)-1); admins_push(AuthData,Password,read_flags(Access),read_flags(Flags)); ++AdminCount; SQL_NextRow(query) } if (AdminCount == 1) { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_LOADED_ADMIN") } else { server_print("[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_LOADED_ADMINS", AdminCount) } SQL_FreeHandle(query) SQL_FreeHandle(sql) SQL_FreeHandle(info) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } #endif public cmdReload(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED //strip original flags (patch submitted by mrhunt) remove_user_flags(0, read_flags("z")) #if !defined USING_SQL new filename[128] get_configsdir(filename, 127) format(filename, 63, "%s/users.ini", filename) AdminCount = 0; loadSettings(filename); // Re-Load admins accounts if (id != 0) { if (AdminCount == 1) { console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "LOADED_ADMIN"); } else { console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "LOADED_ADMINS", AdminCount); } } #else AdminCount = 0 adminSql() if (id != 0) { if (AdminCount == 1) console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_LOADED_ADMIN") else console_print(id, "[AMXX] %L", LANG_SERVER, "SQL_LOADED_ADMINS", AdminCount) } #endif new players[32], num, pv new name[32] get_players(players, num) for (new i=0; i<%s><>^" became an admin (account ^"%s^") (access ^"%s^") (address ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, AuthData, sflags, ip) } else { admins_lookup(index,AdminProp_Password,Password,sizeof(Password)-1); if (equal(password, Password)) { result |= 12 set_user_flags(id, Access) new sflags[32] get_flags(Access, sflags, 31) log_amx("Login: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" became an admin (account ^"%s^") (access ^"%s^") (address ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, AuthData, sflags, ip) } else { result |= 1 if (Flags & FLAG_KICK) { result |= 2 log_amx("Login: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" kicked due to invalid password (account ^"%s^") (address ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, AuthData, ip) } } } } else if (get_pcvar_float(amx_mode) == 2.0) { result |= 2 } else { new defaccess[32] get_pcvar_string(amx_default_access, defaccess, 31) if (!strlen(defaccess)) { copy(defaccess, 32, "z") } new idefaccess = read_flags(defaccess) if (idefaccess) { result |= 8 set_user_flags(id, idefaccess) } } return result } accessUser(id, name[] = "") { remove_user_flags(id) new userip[32], userauthid[32], password[32], passfield[32], username[32] get_user_ip(id, userip, 31, 1) get_user_authid(id, userauthid, 31) if (name[0]) { copy(username, 31, name) } else { get_user_name(id, username, 31) } get_pcvar_string(amx_password_field, passfield, 31) get_user_info(id, passfield, password, 31) new result = getAccess(id, username, userauthid, userip, password) if (result & 1) { client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* %L^"", id, "INV_PAS") } if (result & 2) { client_cmd(id, "%s", g_cmdLoopback) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (result & 4) { client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* %L^"", id, "PAS_ACC") } if (result & 8) { client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* %L^"", id, "PRIV_SET") } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_infochanged(id) { if (!is_user_connected(id) || !get_pcvar_num(amx_mode)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } new newname[32], oldname[32] get_user_name(id, oldname, 31) get_user_info(id, "name", newname, 31) if (!equali(newname, oldname)) { accessUser(id, newname) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public ackSignal(id) { server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%L^"", get_user_userid(id), id, "NO_ENTRY") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public client_authorized(id) return get_pcvar_num(amx_mode) ? accessUser(id) : PLUGIN_CONTINUE public client_putinserver(id) { if (!is_dedicated_server() && id == 1) return get_pcvar_num(amx_mode) ? accessUser(id) : PLUGIN_CONTINUE return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }