// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Pavol "PM" Marko
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
//     https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license

// XS Library
//  Version 0.1
//   Tolerance that is used for XS_FLEQ float nearly-equal comparisions
//    DEFAULT: 0.000005
//    Turn debug logging on
//     DEFAULT: 0
//    Buffer size for logging
//     DEFAULT: 512
//    Maximal parameter count for managed tasks
//     DEFAULT: 8
//    Maximal size of string parameter for tasks
//   Has to be power of 2 and has to be >= 8
//     DEFAULT: 512
//   Number of managed IDs for tasks.
//     DEFAULT: 2048
//    DEFAULT: 3072
//  NOTES:
//   On AMX, VexdUM is required for some math functions
//   xs__ / XS__ (2 underscores) stuff is meant to be intern
//  untested: never tested
//  half-tested: succesfully used in other applications; not extensively tested in xs though
//  tested: fully tested
//  If you have any useful functions / ideas for functions, please tell me.

#if defined _xs_included
#define _xs_included


#if !defined XS_FLEQ_TOLERANCE
	#define XS_FLEQ_TOLERANCE 0.000005

#if !defined XS_DEBUG
	#define XS_DEBUG 0

#if !defined XS_LOGBUFFER_SIZE
	#define XS_LOGBUFFER_SIZE 512

#if !defined XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS


	#define XS_TASK_MANAGEDIDS 2048

	#define XS_REPLACEBUF_SIZE 3072

enum xs_logtypes
	// must come last

stock const xs__logtypenames[xs_logtypes_count][] = {"DEBUG", "", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL ERROR", "DEBUG ASSERTION FAILED"};

// tested
stock xs_log(xs_logtypes:logtype, {Float,_}:...)
	// WARNING: Don't try to use assert in here; it uses this func
	// Don't log debug if not in debug mode
	#if !XS_DEBUG
		if (logtype == xs_debug)
	new buffer[XS_LOGBUFFER_SIZE+1];
	format_args(buffer, XS_LOGBUFFER_SIZE, 1 /* go from SECOND argument*/);
	new bool:addLogTypeName = strlen(xs__logtypenames[logtype]) ? true : false;
	// Use AMXX's logging system
	log_amx("%s%s%s", addLogTypeName ? xs__logtypenames[logtype] : "",
		addLogTypeName ? ": " : "", buffer);

// Assertion
// tested
stock xs_assertfunc({Float,_}:exp, const desc[])
	// Check exp
	if (exp)
		return 1; // ok
	// not ok
	// print info
	xs_log(xs__assertionfailed, "%s", desc);
	return 0;
#define xs_assert(%1,%2) if (!xs_assertfunc(%1,%2)) xs__global_null /= xs__global_null

// Assertion; only in debug mode
// untested; logical flow says it should work
	#define xs_assert_dbg(%1,%2) if (!xs_assertfunc(%1,%2)) xs__global_null /= xs__global_null
	#define xs_assert_dbg(%1,%2)

new xs__global_null = 0;

/****** MATH FUNCTIONS ******/

/****** BASIC STUFF ******/

// Returns -1 if num is negative, 0 if num is 0, 1 if num is positive
// tested
stock xs_sign(num)
	return (num < 0) ? -1 : ((num == 0) ? 0 : 1);

// Returns -1 if num is negative, 0 if num is 0, 1 if num is positive
// tested
stock xs_fsign(Float:num)
	return (num < 0.0) ? -1 : ((num == 0.0) ? 0 : 1);

// Returns absolute value
// tested
stock xs_abs(num)
	return (num < 0) ? -num : num;

// is power of 2? (== can be expressed as 1<<i)
// tested
stock xs_is_2power(x)
	return (x!=0) && ((x&(x-1))==0);

// degrees to radians
// tested
stock Float:xs_deg2rad(Float:x)
	return x * 0.017453292519943;

// tested
stock Float:xs_rad2deg(Float:x)
	return x * 57.29577951308232;

// untested, should work though
stock Float:xs_gra2rad(Float:x)
	return x * 0.015707963267948;

// untested, should work though
stock Float:xs_rad2gra(Float:x)
	return x * 63.66197723675813;

// Only works when there is no whitespace between %1, the comma and %2...
// tested
#define XS_FLEQ(%1,%2) (((%1) <= ((%2) + XS_FLEQ_TOLERANCE)) && ((%1) >= ((%2) - XS_FLEQ_TOLERANCE)))

// 1/sqrt
// tested
stock Float:xs_rsqrt(Float:x)
	return 1.0 / floatsqroot(x);

// sqrt
// tested
stock Float:xs_sqrt(Float:x)
	return floatsqroot(x);

// These functions generate errors if you use the macros with wrong parameter count.
stock Float:xs_fabs(Float:pa)
	#pragma unused pa
	new rawr = you_need_one_param_for_fabs;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_asin(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_asin;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_sin(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_sin;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_acos(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_acos;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_cos(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_cos;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_atan(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_atan;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_atan2(Float:pa,Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_atan2;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr
stock Float:xs_tan(Float:pa, Float:pb)
	#pragma unused pa,pb
	new rawr = you_need_two_params_for_tan;
	rawr = warning_below_shows_line_number;
	#pragma unused rawr

#define xs_fabs(%1) floatabs(%1)
#define xs_asin(%1,%2) floatasin(%1, %2)
#define xs_sin(%1,%2) floatsin(%1, %2)
#define xs_acos(%1,%2) floatacos(%1, %2)
#define xs_cos(%1,%2) floatcos(%1, %2)
#define xs_atan(%1,%2) floatatan(%1, %2)
#define xs_atan2(%1,%2) floatatan2(%1, %2)
#define xs_tan(%1,%2) floattan(%1, %2)

/****** RANDOM NUMBERS ******/
// This routine comes from the book "Inner Loops" by Rick Booth, Addison-Wesley
// (ISBN 0-201-47960-5). This is a "multiplicative congruential random number
// generator" that has been extended to 31-bits

stock xs__internalseed=0x546875;

#define XS__IL_RMULT 1103515245

// tested
stock xs_seed(seed)
	xs__internalseed = seed;

// tested
stock xs_irand()
	new lo, hi, ll, lh, hh, hl;
	new result;
	lo = xs__internalseed & 0xffff;
	hi = xs__internalseed >> 16;
	xs__internalseed = xs__internalseed * XS__IL_RMULT + 12345;
	ll = lo * (XS__IL_RMULT  & 0xffff);
	lh = lo * (XS__IL_RMULT >> 16    );
	hl = hi * (XS__IL_RMULT  & 0xffff);
	hh = hi * (XS__IL_RMULT >> 16    );
	result = xs_abs(((ll + 12345) >> 16) + lh + hl + (hh << 16));
	return result;

// tested
stock Float:xs_frand()
	return float(xs_irand()) / float(xs_get_maxnum());		// -1/2 should be the biggest possible positive number

// tested
stock xs_irand_range(pmin, pmax)
	xs_assert_dbg(pmax - pmin >= 0, "xs_irand_range: pmin > pmax");
	new i = pmin + floatround(xs_frand() * float(pmax - pmin));
	if (i > pmax)
		i = pmax;
	return i;

/****** VECTORS & PLANES ******/

// *** vectors

// Set vec components to values
// tested
stock xs_vec_set(Float:vec[], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
	vec[0] = x;
	vec[1] = y;
	vec[2] = z;

// Add vec
// tested
stock xs_vec_add(const Float:in1[], const Float:in2[], Float:out[])
	out[0] = in1[0] + in2[0];
	out[1] = in1[1] + in2[1];
	out[2] = in1[2] + in2[2];

// Subtract vec
// untested, but should work
stock xs_vec_sub(const Float:in1[], const Float:in2[], Float:out[])
	out[0] = in1[0] - in2[0];
	out[1] = in1[1] - in2[1];
	out[2] = in1[2] - in2[2];

// Are vectors equal?
// untested, but should work
stock bool:xs_vec_equal(const Float:vec1[], const Float:vec2[])
	return (vec1[0] == vec2[0]) && (vec1[1] == vec2[1]) && (vec1[2] == vec2[2]);

// Are vectors nearly equal?
// tested
stock bool:xs_vec_nearlyequal(const Float:vec1[], const Float:vec2[])
	return XS_FLEQ(vec1[0], vec2[0]) && XS_FLEQ(vec1[1], vec2[1]) && XS_FLEQ(vec1[2], vec2[2]);

// multiply vector by scalar
// tested
stock xs_vec_mul_scalar(const Float:vec[], Float:scalar, Float:out[])
	out[0] = vec[0] * scalar;
	out[1] = vec[1] * scalar;
	out[2] = vec[2] * scalar;

// divide vector by scalar
// untested, but should work
stock xs_vec_div_scalar(const Float:vec[], Float:scalar, Float:out[])
	new Float:__tmp = 1.0 / scalar;
	out[0] = vec[0] * __tmp;
	out[1] = vec[1] * __tmp;
	out[2] = vec[2] * __tmp;

// Compute vector length
// tested
stock Float:xs_vec_len(const Float:vec[])
	return xs_sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1] + vec[2]*vec[2]);

// Normalize vec
// tested
stock xs_vec_normalize(const Float:vec[], Float:out[])
	new Float:invlen = xs_rsqrt(vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[1]*vec[1] + vec[2]*vec[2]);
	out[0] = vec[0] * invlen;
	out[1] = vec[1] * invlen;
	out[2] = vec[2] * invlen;

// Store the cross product of vec1 and vec2 in out
// tested
stock xs_vec_cross(const Float:vec1[], const Float:vec2[], Float:out[])
	out[0] = vec1[1]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[1];
	out[1] = vec1[2]*vec2[0] - vec1[0]*vec2[2];
	out[2] = vec1[0]*vec2[1] - vec1[1]*vec2[0];

// Compute vec1 dot vec2
// tested
stock Float:xs_vec_dot(const Float:vec1[], const Float:vec2[])
	return vec1[0]*vec2[0] + vec1[1]*vec2[1] + vec1[2]*vec2[2];

// Negate vec into out
// untested, but should work
stock xs_vec_neg(const Float:vec[], Float:out[])
	out[0] = -vec[0];
	out[1] = -vec[1];
	out[2] = -vec[2];

// Copy vec
// untested, but should work
stock xs_vec_copy(const Float:vecIn[], Float:vecOut[])
	vecOut[0] = vecIn[0];
	vecOut[1] = vecIn[1];
	vecOut[2] = vecIn[2];

// Compute angle between vec1 and vec2
// tested
stock Float:xs_vec_angle(const Float:vec1[], const Float:vec2[])
	return xs_rad2deg(xs_acos(xs_vec_dot(vec1, vec2), radian));

// Reflect vec about normal
// untested
stock xs_vec_reflect(const Float:vec[], const Float:normal[], Float:out[])
	// normalize(vec) - (normal * 2.0 * (tmp . normal)) * length(vec)
	new Float:tmp1[3];
	xs_vec_normalize(vec, tmp1);
	// tmp1 - (normal * 2.0 * (tmp . normal)) * length(vec)
	new Float:tmp2[3];
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(normal, 2.0, tmp2);
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(tmp2, xs_vec_dot(tmp1, normal), tmp2);
	// tmp1 - tmp2 * length(vec)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(tmp2, xs_vec_len(vec), tmp2);
	// tmp1 - tmp2
	xs_vec_sub(tmp1, tmp2, out);

// Turn a 3D vector into a 2D vector
stock xs_vec_make2d(const Float:vec[3], Float:out[2])
	out[0] = vec[0];
	out[1] = vec[1];

// *** planes

// normal
#define XS_PLANE_A 0
#define XS_PLANE_B 1
#define XS_PLANE_C 2
// plane shift distance
#define XS_PLANE_D 3

// Set a plane to specific values
// tested
stock xs_plane_set(Float:plane[], Float:a, Float:b, Float:c, Float:d)
	plane[XS_PLANE_A] = a;
	plane[XS_PLANE_B] = b;
	plane[XS_PLANE_C] = c;
	plane[XS_PLANE_D] = d;

// Construct a plane out of 3 points
// tested
stock xs_plane_3p(Float:plane[], const Float:p1[], const Float:p2[], const Float:p3[])
	new Float:normalA[3], Float:normalB[3];
	// normalA = Normalize(p3 - p1);
	normalA[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
	normalA[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
	normalA[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];
	xs_vec_normalize(normalA, normalA);
	// normalB = Normalize(p3 - p2);
	normalB[0] = p3[0] - p2[0];
	normalB[1] = p3[1] - p2[1];
	normalB[2] = p3[2] - p2[2];
	xs_vec_normalize(normalB, normalB);
	// plane normal = Normalize(normalA cross normalB)
	xs_vec_cross(normalA, normalB, plane);
	xs_vec_normalize(plane, plane);
	// plane shift distance = (-p1) dot plane normal
	new Float:__tmp[3];
	xs_vec_neg(plane, __tmp);
	plane[XS_PLANE_D] = xs_vec_dot(__tmp, p1);

// untested, but should work
stock bool:xs_plane_equal(const Float:plane1[], const Float:plane2[])
	if (	(plane1[0] == plane2[0]) &&
		(plane1[1] == plane2[1]) &&
		(plane1[2] == plane2[2]) &&
		(plane1[3] == plane2[3]))
		return true;
	return false;

// untested, but should work
stock bool:xs_plane_nearlyequal(const Float:plane1[], const Float:plane2[])
	if (	XS_FLEQ(plane1[0], plane2[0]) &&
		XS_FLEQ(plane1[1], plane2[1]) &&
		XS_FLEQ(plane1[2], plane2[2]) &&
		XS_FLEQ(plane1[3], plane2[3]))
		return true;
	return false;

// Compute distance between plane and point
// tested
stock Float:xs_plane_dst2point(const Float:plane[], const Float:point[])
	// return normal dot point + D
	return xs_vec_dot(plane, point) + plane[XS_PLANE_D];

// Checks whether plane intersects with the ray starting and rayStart and going to rayDir direction.
// If yes, returns true and sets out to the intersection point
// Otherwise, returns false
// tested
stock bool:xs_plane_rayintersect(const Float:plane[], const Float:rayStart[], const Float:rayDir[], Float:out[])
	new Float:a = xs_vec_dot(plane, rayDir);
	if (a == 0.0)
		return false;		// ray is parallel to plane
	// if (distance plane<->(rayStart + rayDir) > distance plane<->rayStart) and both have the same sign, the ray
	// goes away from the plane
	new Float:rsplusrd[3];
	xs_vec_add(rayStart, rayDir, rsplusrd);
	new Float:dst1 = xs_plane_dst2point(plane, rsplusrd);
	new Float:dst2 = xs_plane_dst2point(plane, rayStart);
	if (xs_fabs(dst1) > xs_fabs(dst2) && xs_fsign(dst1) == xs_fsign(dst2))
		return false;
	// out = rayStart - rayDir * ((distance plane<->rayStart) / a)
	new Float:__tmp[3];
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(rayDir, xs_plane_dst2point(plane, rayStart) / a, __tmp);
	// out = rayStart - tmp
	xs_vec_sub(rayStart, __tmp, out);
	return true;

// Is point on plane?
// tested
stock bool:xs_point_onplane(const Float:plane[], const Float:point[])
	return XS_FLEQ(xs_plane_dst2point(plane, point), 0.0);

// Project point on plane
// tested
stock xs_projpoint_onplane(const Float:plane[], const Float:point[], Float:out[])
	new Float:__tmp[3];
	// out = point - (plane normal * distance point<->plane)
	xs_vec_copy(plane, __tmp);
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(__tmp, xs_plane_dst2point(plane, point), __tmp);
	xs_vec_sub(point, __tmp, out);

// Copy plane
// untested, but should work
stock xs_plane_copy(const Float:planeIn[], Float:planeOut[])
	planeOut[0] = planeIn[0];
	planeOut[1] = planeIn[1];
	planeOut[2] = planeIn[2];
	planeOut[3] = planeIn[3];

// Compute forward, right and up vector from angles
// half-tested

// angle indexes
#define	XS_PITCH				0		// up / down
#define	XS_YAW					1		// left / right
#define	XS_ROLL					2		// fall over

stock xs_anglevectors(const Float:angles[3], Float:fwd[3], Float:right[3], Float:up[3])
	// sin (s) and cos (c) for yaw (y), pitch (p) and roll (r)
	new Float:sr, Float:sp, Float:sy, Float:cr, Float:cp, Float:cy;
	sy = xs_sin(angles[XS_YAW], degrees);
	cy = xs_cos(angles[XS_YAW], degrees);
	sp = xs_sin(angles[XS_PITCH], degrees);
	cp = xs_cos(angles[XS_PITCH], degrees);
	sr = xs_sin(angles[XS_ROLL], degrees);
	cr = xs_cos(angles[XS_ROLL], degrees);
	fwd[0] = cp*cy;
	fwd[1] = cp*sy;
	fwd[2] = -sp;
	right[0] = (-1*sr*sp*cy + -1*cr*-sy);
	right[1] = (-1*sr*sp*sy + -1*cr*cy);
	right[2] = -1*sr*cp;
	up[0] = (cr*sp*cy + -sr*-sy);
	up[1] = (cr*sp*sy + -sr*cy);
	up[2] = cr*cp;
/****** STRING FUNCS *******/

// tested
stock xs_strchr(const str[], chr)
	for (new i = 0; str[i] != 0; ++i)
		if (str[i] == chr)
			return i;
	return -1;

// by JGHG, adapted
// removes charstotrim number of charactes from stringtotrim's
//  - beginning if fromleft is true
//  - end if fromleft is false
// tested
stock xs_strtrim(stringtotrim[], charstotrim, bool:fromleft = true)
	if (charstotrim <= 0)
	if (fromleft)
		new maxlen = strlen(stringtotrim);
		if (charstotrim > maxlen)
			charstotrim = maxlen;

		// In format, input and output regions can overlap
		format(stringtotrim, maxlen, "%s", stringtotrim[charstotrim]);
		new maxlen = strlen(stringtotrim) - charstotrim;
		if (maxlen < 0)
			maxlen = 0;

		// In format, input and output regions can overlap
		format(stringtotrim, maxlen, "%s", stringtotrim);

// by xeroblood, adapted
// copies characters from oldmsg to newmsg, starting at start and ending at end (_includes_ end).
// terminates newmsg with 0
// if outlen is positive, it specifies the maximal number of characters to be copied.
// otherwise, assumes that newmsg is at least end-start+1 characters long.
// tested
stock xs_strmid(const oldmsg[], newmsg[], start, end, outlen=-1)
	new len = strlen(oldmsg);
	if(start < 0)
		start = 0;
	++end;		// Include end
	if(end <= start || end > len)
		end = len;

	new j = 0, i = start;
	for(; (i < end) && (outlen--);)
		newmsg[j++] = oldmsg[i++];
	newmsg[j] = 0;

// by xeroblood, adapted
// maxelems: maximal number of elements in output, elemsize: maximal size of one element
// tested
stock xs_explode(const input[], output[][], delimiter, maxelems, elemsize)
	new nIdx = 0;
	new nLen = 0;

	new copied = 0;
	while(nLen < strlen(input) && nIdx < maxelems)
		copied = copyc(output[nIdx++], elemsize, input[nLen], delimiter);
		if (copied == elemsize)
			// maybe it got force-stopped because of maxsize
			// so check whether we have to skip something
			if (input[nLen + copied] != delimiter && input[nLen + copied] != 0)
				new found = xs_strchr(input[nLen + copied], delimiter);
				if (found == -1)
				copied += found;
		nLen += copied + 1;	// +1: skip delimiter
	return nIdx;

// returns number of cells written.
stock xs_implode(output[], outsize, delimiter, const input[][], elemsnum)
	new pos = 0;
	new copied;
	for (new i = 0; i < elemsnum; ++i)
		copied = copy(output[pos], outsize - pos, input[i]);
		pos += copied;
		if (pos >= outsize)
			return outsize;
		// append delimiter
		output[pos] = delimiter;
		// last check
		if (pos >= outsize)
			return outsize;
	output[--pos] = 0;		// The last char would be delimiter, so skip it.
	return pos;

stock xs__replace_buf[XS_REPLACEBUF_SIZE];
// Replace all occurencies of what in text with with
// Returns number of (also partially if trimmed by len) replaced items.
stock xs_replace(text[], len, const what[], const with[])
	new occur = 0;
	new i = 0;
	new bufPos = 0;
	new replaceLen = strlen(with);
	new whatLen = strlen(what);
	for (; text[i]; ++i)
		if (text[i] == what[0])
			new posInWhat=0;
			new j;
			for (j = i; j-i < replaceLen && text[j]; ++j, ++posInWhat)
				if (text[j] != what[posInWhat])
			if (whatLen == posInWhat)
				for (new i2 = 0; i2 < replaceLen && bufPos < XS_REPLACEBUF_SIZE; ++i2)
					xs__replace_buf[bufPos++] = with[i2];
				i = j - 1;
				if (bufPos >= XS_REPLACEBUF_SIZE)
					return occur;
		if (bufPos >= XS_REPLACEBUF_SIZE)
			return occur;
		xs__replace_buf[bufPos++] = text[i];
	xs__replace_buf[bufPos] = 0;
	copy(text, len, xs__replace_buf);
	return occur;

// replaces all occurencies of what in text with with
// Returns number of replaced items.
stock xs_replace_char(text[], len, what, with)
	// let the xs_replace function do the work
	new arr[4];
	arr[0] = what;
	arr[1] = 0;
	arr[2] = with;
	arr[3] = 0;
	return xs_replace(text, len, arr[0], arr[2]);

/****** MISC FUNCS *******/
// sets namestr to name of the command identified by cid
// half-tested
stock xs_concmd_name(cid, namestr[], namelen)
	new dummy1;
	new dummy2[1];
	get_concmd(cid, namestr, namelen, dummy1, dummy2, 0, 0);

// Checks whether there are at least num free visible slots
// half-tested
stock bool:xs_freevisibleslots(num)
	new maxplayers = get_cvar_num("sv_visiblemaxplayers");
	if (maxplayers <= 0)
		maxplayers = MaxClients;
	return (get_playersnum(1) <= maxplayers-num) ? true : false;

// Returns biggest possible positive number
stock xs__maxnum = 0;
// tested
stock xs_get_maxnum()
	if (!xs__maxnum)
		// build it
		xs__maxnum = ((1 << (cellbits - 2)) - 1 ) | (1 << (cellbits - 2));
		new bits = get_cellsize() * 8 - 1;
		for (new i = 0; i < bits; ++i)
			xs__maxnum |= 1 << i;
	return xs__maxnum;

// tested
stock xs_get_minnum()
	return xs_get_maxnum() + 1;

// *** The following two functions were created by Damaged Soul.

// Max messages reserved by engine (DO NOT MODIFY)
// Max possible messages for mod, is 255 really the limit?

// Returns max number of messages for mod
stock xs_get_maxmessages()
	new name[2];
		if (!get_user_msgname(i, name, 1))
			return i - 1;

// Returns true if msgid is a valid message
stock bool:xs_is_msg_valid(msgid)
	new name[2];
	new retval = get_user_msgname(msgid, name, 1);
	if (msgid < 1 || (msgid > XS__MAX_ENGINE_MESSAGES && !retval))
		return false;
	return true;

/****** MANAGED TASKS ******/

// ***** managed task ids
stock xs_find_freetaskid()
	for (new i = 1; i <= XS_TASK_MANAGEDIDS; ++i)
		if (!task_exists(i))
			return i;
	return -1;

// ***** managed tasks
enum xs_paramtypes
	xs_invalid = 0,

// new task
stock xs__TaskParam[	1 +						// number of parameters
			XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS +						// parameter types
			(XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char) * XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS];		// space for len + value

stock Float:xs__TaskInterval = 0.0;
stock xs__TaskFlags[5];
stock xs__TaskFunc[48];
stock xs__TaskId;
stock xs__TaskRepeat;

#define xs__TaskParamCount xs__TaskParam[0]
#define xs__TaskParamType[%1] xs__TaskParam[1 + %1]

#define xs__TaskParamValue[%1] xs__TaskParam[1 + XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS + (%1 * (XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char))]

// incoming task
stock xs__ITaskParam[	1 +						// number of parameters
			XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS +						// parameter types
			(XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char) * XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS];		// space for len + value
stock xs__ITaskId;

#define xs__ITaskParamCount xs__ITaskParam[0]
#define xs__ITaskParamType[%1] xs__ITaskParam[1 + %1]

#define xs__ITaskParamValue[%1] xs__ITaskParam[1 + XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS + (%1 * (XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char))]

// tested
stock xs_task_begin(Float:interval, const func[], id = 0, const flags[] = "", repeat = 0)
	xs_assert(xs__TaskInterval == 0.0, "New xs_task_begin called before xs_task_end");
	xs__TaskInterval = interval;
	if (xs__TaskInterval < 0.1)
		xs__TaskInterval = 0.1;
	copy(xs__TaskFunc, 47, func);
	xs__TaskId = id;
	copy(xs__TaskFlags, 4, flags);
	xs__TaskRepeat = repeat;
	xs__TaskParamCount = 0;

// tested
stock xs_task_pushint(value, bool:__isfl=false /*internal use only*/)
	xs_assert(xs__TaskInterval, "xs_task_push* called without xs_task_begin");
	if (xs__TaskParamCount >= XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS)
		return 0;
	xs__TaskParamType[xs__TaskParamCount] = __isfl ? xs_float : xs_int;
	xs__TaskParamValue[xs__TaskParamCount] = value;
	return 1;

// tested
stock xs_task_pushfl(Float:value)
	return xs_task_pushint(_:value, true);

// tested
stock xs_task_pushstr(const value[])
	xs_assert(xs__TaskInterval, "xs_task_push* called without xs_task_begin");
	if (xs__TaskParamCount >= XS_TASK_MAXPARAMS)
		return 0;
	xs__TaskParamType[xs__TaskParamCount] = xs_string;
	strpack(xs__TaskParamValue[xs__TaskParamCount], value);
	return 1;

// tested
stock xs_task_end()
	xs_assert(xs__TaskInterval, "xs_task_end called without xs_task_begin");
	// find a task id if needed
	if (xs__TaskId == -1)
		xs__TaskId = xs_find_freetaskid();
		if (xs__TaskId == -1)
			// not found
			xs__TaskInterval = 0.0;
			return -1;
	set_task(xs__TaskInterval, xs__TaskFunc, xs__TaskId, xs__TaskParam, 
		1 + xs__TaskParamCount * (XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char), xs__TaskFlags, xs__TaskRepeat);
	xs__TaskInterval = 0.0;
	return xs__TaskId;

// tested
#define XS_MAKE_TASKFUNC(%1) public %1(const _xs__taskparam[], _xs__taskid) if(xs__task_setup(_xs__taskparam, _xs__taskid))

// tested
stock xs__task_setup(const param[], taskid)
	xs__ITaskId = taskid;
	new len = 1 + param[0] * (XS_TASK_MAXPARAMSIZE char);
	for (new i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		xs__ITaskParam[i] = param[i];
	return 1;

// tested
stock xs_task_readid()
	return xs__ITaskId;

// tested
stock xs_task_paramcount()
	return xs__ITaskParamCount;

// tested
stock xs_paramtypes:xs_task_paramtype(paramid)
	if (paramid < 0 || paramid >= xs__ITaskParamCount)
		return xs_invalid;
	return xs_paramtypes:xs__ITaskParamType[paramid];

// tested
stock xs_task_paramint(paramid)
	if (paramid < 0 || paramid >= xs__ITaskParamCount)
		return 0;
	if (xs__ITaskParamType[paramid] != _:xs_int)
		return 0;
	return xs__ITaskParamValue[paramid];

// tested
stock Float:xs_task_paramfl(paramid)
	if (paramid < 0 || paramid >= xs__ITaskParamCount)
		return 0.0;
	if (xs__ITaskParamType[paramid] != _:xs_float)
		return 0.0;
	return Float:xs__ITaskParamValue[paramid];

// tested
stock xs_task_paramstr(paramid, out[], maxlen)
	#pragma unused maxlen
	if (paramid < 0 || paramid >= xs__ITaskParamCount)
		return 0;
	if (xs__ITaskParamType[paramid] != _:xs_string)
		return 0;
	strunpack(out, xs__ITaskParamValue[paramid]);
	return 1;