; AMX Mod X Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon from the line

; ------------------------------
; Fun - provides extra functions
; ------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ----------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; PostgreSQL
; Microsoft SQL

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------
; Array - advanced arrays in scripting
; ------------------------------------

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------
; Day of Defeat Fun - adds functions specific to DoD
; --------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Day of Defeat X - adds stats and addition DoD functions
; -------------------------------------------------------