/* AMX Mod X constants
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
*  originally developed by OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).

#if defined _newmenus_included
#define _newmenus_included

#define MEXIT_ALL		1		/* Menu will have an exit option (default)*/
#define MEXIT_FORCE		2		/* Menu will have an exit option, even when pagination is disabled. 
 * There have to be less than 10 items in the menu or it won't appear. The exit 
 * option will be appended to the last item with no extra slot padding. If you 
 * want it in the 10th slot you have to pad it manually with menu_addblank2 */
#define MEXIT_NEVER		-1		/* Menu will not have an exit option */

#define MPROP_PERPAGE	1		/* Number of items per page (param1 = number, 0=no paginating, 7=default) */
#define MPROP_BACKNAME	2		/* Name of the back button (param1 = string) */
#define MPROP_NEXTNAME	3		/* Name of the next button (param1 = string) */
#define MPROP_EXITNAME	4		/* Name of the exit button (param1 = string) */
#define MPROP_TITLE		5		/* Menu title text (param1 = string) */
#define MPROP_EXIT		6		/* Exit functionality (param1 = number, see MEXIT constants) */
#define MPROP_NOCOLORS	8		/* Sets whether colors are not auto (param1 = number, 0=default) */
#define MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR	10	/* Color indicator to use for numbers (param1 = string, "\r"=default) */

#define MEXIT_NORMAL	0		/* DEPRECATED, do not use (has no effect) */
#define MENUPAD_NONE	0		/* DEPRECATED, do not use (has no effect) */
#define MENUPAD_PAGE	1		/* DEPRECATED, do not use (has no effect) */
#define MPROP_ORDER		7		/* DEPRECATED, do not use (has no effect) */
#define MPROP_PADMENU	9		/* DEPRECATED, do not use (has no effect) */

 * @brief Creates a new menu object.
 * The handler function should be prototyped as:
 * public <function>(id, menu, item)
 *  id     - Client the menu is being acted upon.
 *  menu   - Menu resource identifier.
 *  item   - Item the client selected.  If less than 0, the menu was 
 *           cancelled and the item is a status code.  menu_display 
 *			 should never be called immediately if the item is a status 
 *			 code, for re-entrancy reasons.
 * The handler function should always return PLUGIN_HANDLED to block 
 * any old menu handlers from potentially feeding on the menu, unless 
 * that is the desired functionality.
 * @param title 		Title the menu should use.
 * @param handler		Name of the handler function.  The function will be invoked 
 *						once and only once to every menu_display() call.
 * @param ml			Unused (should be 0).
 * @return				Menu resource identifier which must be destroyed via 
 *						menu_destroy().  All menus are destroyed when the plugin 
 *						unloads.
 * @error				Function name not found.
native menu_create(const title[], const handler[], ml=0);

 * Creates a menu item callback handler.  
 * The handler function should be prototyped as:
 * public <function>(id, menu, item)
 *  id      - Client index being displayed to.
 *  menu    - Menu resource identifier.
 *  item    - Item being drawn.
 * <return> - ITEM_IGNORE to use the default functionality.  ITEM_ENABLED to 
 *            explicitly enable or ITEM_DISABLED to explicitly disable.
 * @param function		Function name.
 * @return				Menu callback ID.
native menu_makecallback(const function[]);

 * Adds an menu to a menu.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param name			Item text to display.
 * @param info			Item info string for internal information.
 * @param paccess		Access required by the player viewing the menu.
 * @param callback		If set to a valid ID from menu_makecallback(), the 
 *						callback will be invoked before drawing the item.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_additem(menu, const name[], const info[]="", paccess=0, callback=-1);

 * Returns the number of pages in a menu.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @return				Number of pages in the menu.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_pages(menu);

 * Returns the number of items in a menu.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @return				Number of items in the menu.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_items(menu);

 * Displays a menu to one client.  This should never be called from a handler 
 * when the item is less than 0 (i.e. calling this from a cancelled menu will 
 * result in an error).
 * Starting with 1.8.3 this allows to specify a menu timeout similar to the 
 * show_menu native. If the menu exists on the client past the timeout *any* 
 * further action will send the MENU_TIMEOUT status code to the menu handler.
 * That includes actions which would otherwise send MENU_EXIT, such as the
 * client selecting an item or disconnecting and calling menu_cancel or 
 * menu_destroy on a live menu.
 * @param id			Client index.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param page			Page to start from (starting from 0).
 * @param time			If >=0 menu will timeout after this many seconds
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid menu resource or client index.
native menu_display(id, menu, page=0, time=-1);

 * Given a page on a menu and a keypress on that page, returns the item id selected.
 * If the item is less than 0, a special option was chosen (such as MENU_EXIT).
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param page			Page on the menu.
 * @param key			Key pressed (from 1 to 10).
 * @return				Item identifier, or <0 for a special selection code.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_find_id(menu, page, key);

 * Retrieves info about a menu item.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param item			Item identifier.
 * @param access		Variable to store access value.
 * @param info			Buffer to store item info.
 * @param infolen		Item info buffer length.
 * @param name			Buffer to store item display text.
 * @param namelen		Item name buffer length.
 * @param callback		Callback ID.
 * @return				1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, &access, info[], infolen, name[]="", namelen=0, &callback);

 * Sets an item's display text.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param item			Item identifier.
 * @param name			New item display text.
 * @return				1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_item_setname(menu, item, const name[]);

 * Sets an item's info string.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param item			Item identifier.
 * @param info			New item info string.
 * @return				1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_item_setcmd(menu, item, const info[]);

 * Sets an item's callback.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param item			Item identifier.
 * @param callback		New callback from menu_makecallback(), or -1 to clear.
 * @return				1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_item_setcall(menu, item, callback=-1);

 * Destroys a menu.  Player menus will be cancelled (although may still linger 
 * on the HUD), and future attempts to access the menu resource will result in 
 * an error.
 * This must be called if you create menus dynamically, otherwise you will 
 * leak memory.  For normal dynamic menus, you will destroy the menu in the 
 * handler function (remembering to handle the case of a menu being cancelled, 
 * it must still be destroyed).
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_destroy(menu);

 * Returns information about a menu (if any) the client is currently viewing.
 * If newmenu is valid, then the menu will refer to the menuid associated with 
 * the title.  If newmenu is not valid, and the menu is valid, then the player 
 * is viewing a menu displayed with show_menu().
 * Both may be invalid if the player is not viewing a menu.
 * @param id			Client index.
 * @param menu			Variable to store old menu id.  If none, then <1 will be 
 *						stored.
 * @param newmenu		Variable to store new menu id.  If none, then -1 will be 
 *						stored.
 * @param menupage		Variable to store current page of the new menu, if any.
 * @return				1 if the player is viewing a menu, 0 otherwise.
 * @error				Invalid client.
native player_menu_info(id, &menu, &newmenu, &menupage=0);

 * Adds a blank line to a menu.
 * When using slot=1 this might break your menu. To achieve this functionality
 * menu_addblank2 should be used.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param slot			1 (default) if the line should shift the numbering down.
 * 						0 if the line should be a visual shift only.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_addblank(menu, slot=1);

 * Adds a text line to a menu.  Only available in amxmodx 1.8.1 and above.
 * When using slot=1 this might break your menu. To achieve this functionality
 * menu_addtext2 should be used.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param text			Text to add.
 * @param slot			1 (default) if the line should shift the numbering down.
 * 						0 if the line should be a visual shift only.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid menu resource.
native menu_addtext(menu, const text[], slot=1);

 * Adds a blank line to a menu, always shifting the numbering down.
 * This will add a special item to create a blank line. It will affect the menu
 * item count and pagination. These items can be modified later but will ignore 
 * access and item callback results.
 * Only available in 1.8.3 and above.
 * @param menu          Menu resource identifier.
 * @return              1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error               Invalid menu resource.
 *                      Too many items on non-paginated menu (max is 10)
native menu_addblank2( menu );

 * Adds a text line to a menu, always shifting the numbering down.
 * This will add a special item to create a blank line. It will affect the menu
 * item count and pagination. These items can be modified later but will ignore 
 * access and item callback results.
 * Only available in 1.8.3 and above.
 * @param menu          Menu resource identifier.
 * @param text          Text to add.
 * @return              1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error               Invalid menu resource.
 *                      Too many items on non-paginated menu (max is 10)
native menu_addtext2( menu, const text[] );

 * Sets a menu property.
 * @param menu			Menu resource identifier.
 * @param prop			MPROP_ constant.
 * @param ...			Property parameters.
 * @return				1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * @error				Invalid menu resource or property.
native menu_setprop(menu, prop, ...);

 * Cancels a player's menu, effectively forcing the player to select MENU_EXIT.
 * The menu will still exist on their screen but any results are invalidated,
 * and the callback is invoked.
 * @param player		Client index.
 * @noreturn
 * @error				Invalid client index.
native menu_cancel(player);