library HelloWorld; uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Messages, studioapi; {$R *.res} { Commands here } procedure PluginLoad(LoadInfo: PLoadInfo); cdecl; begin // Set Plugin infos after load LoadInfo.sPluginName := 'Hello World'; LoadInfo.sPluginDescription := 'Simple Hello World example (Delphi).'; // Create menu item in Tools with the caption "Hello World! [Delphi]" and with ImageIndex -1 (no image) SendStudioMsg(SCM_MENU_ADDITEM, 'Tools->Hello World! [Delphi]', -1); end; procedure PluginUnload; cdecl; begin // Remove menu stuff etc. SendStudioMsg(SCM_REMOVE_MENUITEM, 'Hello World! [Delphi]', -1); end; function CustomItemClick(pCaption: PChar): Integer; cdecl; begin // Handle custom click if pCaption = 'Hello World! [Delphi]' then begin SendStudioMsg(SCM_EDITOR_SETTEXT, 'Hello World!' + #13 + #13 + 'This is a simple example for creating plugins for AMXX-Studio in Delphi.', 0); Result := PLUGIN_HANDLED; end else Result := PLUGIN_CONTINUE; end; exports // Export all DLL functions PluginLoad, PluginUnload, CustomItemClick; begin end.