/* AMX Mod X * StatsX Plugin * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * originally developed by OLO * * This file is part of AMX Mod X. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. */ //-------------------------------- #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <csstats> //-------------------------------- // Uncomment to activate log debug messages. //#define STATSX_DEBUG // Comment to activate new DeathMsg process (if fixed). #define STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG // HUD statistics duration in seconds (minimum 1.0 seconds). #define HUD_DURATION_CVAR "amx_statsx_duration" #define HUD_DURATION "12.0" // HUD statistics stop relative freeze end in seconds. // To stop before freeze end use a negative value. #define HUD_FREEZE_LIMIT_CVAR "amx_statsx_freeze" #define HUD_FREEZE_LIMIT "-2.0" // HUD statistics minimum duration, in seconds, to trigger the display logic. #define HUD_MIN_DURATION 0.2 // Config plugin constants. #define MODE_HUD_DELAY 0 // Make a 0.01 sec delay on HUD reset process. // You can also manualy enable or disable these options by setting them to 1 // For example: // public ShowAttackers = 1 // However amx_statscfg command is recommended public KillerChat = 0 // displays killer hp&ap to victim console // and screen public ShowAttackers = 0 // shows attackers public ShowVictims = 0 // shows victims public ShowKiller = 0 // shows killer public ShowTeamScore = 0 // shows team score at round end public ShowTotalStats = 0 // shows round total stats public ShowBestScore = 0 // shows rounds best scored player public ShowMostDisruptive = 0 // shows rounds most disruptive player public EndPlayer = 0 // displays player stats at the end of map public EndTop15 = 0 // displays top15 at the end of map public SayHP = 0 // displays information about user killer public SayStatsMe = 0 // displays user's stats and rank public SayRankStats = 0 // displays user's rank stats public SayMe = 0 // displays user's stats public SayRank = 0 // displays user's rank public SayReport = 0 // report user's weapon status to team public SayScore = 0 // displays team's map score public SayTop15 = 0 // displays first 15 players public SayStatsAll = 0 // displays all players stats and rank public SayMiscFunc = 0 // displays timeleft, thetime, currentmap, ff public ShowStats = 0 // set client HUD-stats switched off by default public ShowDistHS = 0 // show distance and HS in attackers and // victims HUD lists public ShowFullStats = 0 // show full HUD stats (more than 78 chars) public SpecRankInfo = 0 // displays rank info when spectating // Standard Contstants. #define MAX_TEAMS 2 #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 + 1 #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 31 #define MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH 31 #define MAX_TEXT_LENGTH 255 #define MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH 2047 // User stats parms id #define STATS_KILLS 0 #define STATS_DEATHS 1 #define STATS_HS 2 #define STATS_TKS 3 #define STATS_SHOTS 4 #define STATS_HITS 5 #define STATS_DAMAGE 6 // Global player flags. new BODY_PART[8][] = { "WHOLEBODY", "HEAD", "CHEST", "STOMACH", "LEFTARM", "RIGHTARM", "LEFTLEG", "RIGHTLEG" } // Killer information, save killer info at the time when player is killed. #define KILLED_KILLER_ID 0 // Killer userindex/user-ID #define KILLED_KILLER_HEALTH 1 // Killer's health #define KILLED_KILLER_ARMOUR 2 // Killer's armour #define KILLED_TEAM 3 // Killer's team #define KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX 4 // Fix to register the last hit/kill new g_izKilled[MAX_PLAYERS][5] // Menu variables and configuration #define MAX_PPL_MENU_ACTIONS 2 // Number of player menu actions #define PPL_MENU_OPTIONS 7 // Number of player options per displayed menu new g_iPluginMode = 0 new g_izUserMenuPosition[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izUserMenuAction[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izUserMenuPlayers[MAX_PLAYERS][32] new g_izSpecMode[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izShowStatsFlags[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izStatsSwitch[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new Float:g_fzShowUserStatsTime[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0.0, ... } new Float:g_fShowStatsTime = 0.0 new Float:g_fFreezeTime = 0.0 new Float:g_fFreezeLimitTime = 0.0 new Float:g_fHUDDuration = 0.0 new g_iRoundEndTriggered = 0 new g_iRoundEndProcessed = 0 new Float:g_fStartGame = 0.0 new g_izTeamScore[MAX_TEAMS] = { 0, ... } new g_izTeamEventScore[MAX_TEAMS] = { 0, ... } new g_izTeamRndStats[MAX_TEAMS][8] new g_izTeamGameStats[MAX_TEAMS][8] new g_izUserUserID[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izUserAttackerDistance[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0, ... } new g_izUserVictimDistance[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYERS] new g_izUserRndName[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_NAME_LENGTH] new g_izUserRndStats[MAX_PLAYERS][8] new g_izUserGameStats[MAX_PLAYERS][8] // Common buffer to improve performance, as Small always zero-initializes all vars new g_sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] = "" new g_sScore[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH+1] = "" new g_sAwardAndScore[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] = "" new t_sText[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH+1] = "" new t_sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1] = "" new t_sWpn[MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH+1] = "" //-------------------------------- // Initialize //-------------------------------- public plugin_init() { // Register plugin. register_plugin( "StatsX", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") register_dictionary("statsx.txt") // Register events. register_event( "TextMsg", "eventStartGame", "a", "2=#Game_Commencing", "2=#Game_will_restart_in" ) register_event( "ResetHUD", "eventResetHud", "be" ) register_event( "RoundTime", "eventStartRound", "bc" ) #if defined STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG register_event( "DeathMsg", "eventDeathMsg", "a" ) register_event( "Damage", "eventDamage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" ) #else register_event( "CS_DeathMsg", "eventCSDeathMsg", "a" ) #endif register_event( "SendAudio", "eventEndRound", "a", "2=%!MRAD_terwin", "2=%!MRAD_ctwin", "2=%!MRAD_rounddraw" ) register_event( "TeamScore", "eventTeamScore", "a" ) register_event( "30", "eventIntermission", "a" ) register_event( "TextMsg", "eventSpecMode", "bd", "2&ec_Mod" ) register_event( "StatusValue", "eventShowRank", "bd", "1=2" ) // Register commands. register_clcmd( "say /hp", "cmdHp", 0, "- display info. about your killer (chat)" ) register_clcmd( "say /statsme", "cmdStatsMe", 0, "- display your stats (MOTD)" ) register_clcmd( "say /rankstats", "cmdRankStats", 0, "- display your server stats (MOTD)" ) register_clcmd( "say /me", "cmdMe", 0, "- display current round stats (chat)" ) register_clcmd( "say /score", "cmdScore", 0, "- display last score (chat)" ) register_clcmd( "say /rank", "cmdRank", 0, "- display your rank (chat)" ) register_clcmd( "say /report", "cmdReport", 0, "- display waepon status (say_team)" ) register_clcmd( "say /top15", "cmdTop15", 0, "- display top 15 players (MOTD)" ) register_clcmd( "say /stats", "cmdStats", 0, "- display players stats (menu/MOTD)" ) register_clcmd( "say /timeleft", "cmdTimeLeft", 0, "- display time left on map (say)" ) register_clcmd( "say /thetime", "cmdTheTime", 0, "- display the time (say)" ) register_clcmd( "say /currentmap", "cmdCurrentMap", 0, "- display current map (say)" ) register_clcmd( "say /ff", "cmdFf", 0, "- display friendly fire status (say)" ) register_clcmd( "say /switch", "cmdSwitch", 0, "- switch client's stats on or off" ) // Register menus. register_menucmd( register_menuid("Server Stats"), 1023, "actionStatsMenu" ) // Register special configuration setting and default value. register_srvcmd( "amx_statsx_mode", "cmdPluginMode", ADMIN_CFG, "<flags> - sets plugin options" ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG register_clcmd( "say /hudtest", "cmdHudTest" ) #endif register_cvar( HUD_DURATION_CVAR, HUD_DURATION ) register_cvar( HUD_FREEZE_LIMIT_CVAR, HUD_FREEZE_LIMIT ) // Init buffers and some global vars. g_sBuffer[0] = 0 save_team_chatscore() } public plugin_cfg() { new addStast[] = "amx_statscfg add ^"%s^" %s" server_cmd( addStast, "Show killer hp&ap","KillerChat" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Attackers", "ShowAttackers" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Victims", "ShowVictims" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show killer", "ShowKiller" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Team Score", "ShowTeamScore" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Total Stats", "ShowTotalStats" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Best Score", "ShowBestScore" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Show Most Disruptive", "ShowMostDisruptive" ) server_cmd( addStast, "HUD-stats default", "ShowStats" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Dist&HS in HUD lists", "ShowDistHS" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Stats at the end of map", "EndPlayer") server_cmd( addStast, "Top15 at the end of map", "EndTop15" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /hp", "SayHP" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /statsme", "SayStatsMe" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /rankstats", "SayRankStats" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /me", "SayMe" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /rank", "SayRank" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /report", "SayReport" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /score", "SayScore" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /top15", "SayTop15" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Say /stats", "SayStatsAll" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Misc say commands", "SayMiscFunc" ) server_cmd( addStast, "Spec. Rank Info", "SpecRankInfo" ) // Update local configuration vars with value in cvars. get_config_cvars() } // Set hudmessage format. set_hudtype_killer( Float:fDuration ) set_hudmessage( 220, 80, 0, 0.05, 0.15, 0, 6.0, fDuration, (fDuration>=g_fHUDDuration)?1.0:0.0, 1.0, 2 ) set_hudtype_endround( Float:fDuration ) set_hudmessage( 100, 200, 0, 0.05, 0.55, 0, 0.02, fDuration, (fDuration>=g_fHUDDuration)?1.0:0.0, 1.0, 1 ) set_hudtype_attacker( Float:fDuration ) set_hudmessage( 220, 80, 0, 0.55, 0.35, 0, 6.0, fDuration, (fDuration>=g_fHUDDuration)?1.0:0.0, 1.0, 3 ) set_hudtype_victim( Float:fDuration ) set_hudmessage( 0, 80, 220, 0.55, 0.60, 0, 6.0, fDuration, (fDuration>=g_fHUDDuration)?1.0:0.0, 1.0, 4 ) set_hudtype_specmode() { set_hudmessage( 255, 255, 255, 0.02, 0.87, 2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.01, 3.0, 1) } #if defined STATSX_DEBUG public cmdHudTest( id ) { new i, iLen iLen = 0 for ( i = 1; i < 20; i++ ) iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "....x....1....x....2....x....3....x....4....x....^n" ) set_hudtype_killer( 50.0 ) show_hudmessage( id, g_sBuffer ) } #endif // Stats formulas Float:accuracy( izStats[8] ) { if ( !izStats[STATS_SHOTS] ) return ( 0.0 ) return ( 100.0 * float( izStats[STATS_HITS] ) / float( izStats[STATS_SHOTS] ) ) } Float:effec( izStats[8] ) { if ( !izStats[STATS_KILLS] ) return ( 0.0 ) return ( 100.0 * float( izStats[STATS_KILLS] ) / float( izStats[STATS_KILLS] + izStats[STATS_DEATHS] ) ) } // Distance formula (metric) Float:distance( iDistance ) { return float( iDistance ) * 0.0254 } // Get plugin config flags. set_plugin_mode( id, sFlags[] ) { if ( sFlags[0] ) g_iPluginMode = read_flags( sFlags ) get_flags( g_iPluginMode, t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) console_print( id, "%L", id, "MODE_SET_TO", t_sText ) return g_iPluginMode } // Get config parameters. get_config_cvars() { g_fFreezeTime = get_cvar_float("mp_freezetime") if ( g_fFreezeTime < 0.0 ) g_fFreezeTime = 0.0 g_fHUDDuration = get_cvar_float( HUD_DURATION_CVAR ) if ( g_fHUDDuration < 1.0 ) g_fHUDDuration = 1.0 g_fFreezeLimitTime = get_cvar_float( HUD_FREEZE_LIMIT_CVAR ) } // Get and format attackers header and list. get_attackers( id, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new izStats[8],izBody[8] new iAttacker new iFound, iLen new iMaxPlayer = get_maxplayers() iFound = 0 sBuffer[0] = 0 // Get and format header. Add killing attacker statistics if user is dead. // Make sure shots is greater than zero or division by zero will occur. // To print a '%', 4 of them must done in a row. izStats[STATS_SHOTS] = 0 iAttacker = g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] if ( iAttacker ) get_user_astats( id, iAttacker, izStats, izBody ) if ( izStats[STATS_SHOTS] && ShowFullStats ) { get_user_name( iAttacker, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L -- %s -- %0.2f%%%% %L:^n", id, "ATTACKERS", t_sName, accuracy( izStats ), id, "ACC" ) } else iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L:^n", id, "ATTACKERS" ) // Get and format attacker list. for ( iAttacker = 1; iAttacker <= iMaxPlayer; iAttacker++ ) { if ( get_user_astats( id, iAttacker, izStats, izBody, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) ) { iFound = 1 get_user_name( iAttacker, t_sName, 32 ) if ( izStats[STATS_KILLS] ) { if ( !ShowDistHS ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn ) else if ( izStats[STATS_HS] ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s / %0.0f m / HS^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserAttackerDistance[id]) ) else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s / %0.0f m^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserAttackerDistance[id]) ) } else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG" ) } } if ( !iFound ) sBuffer[0] = 0 return iFound } // Get and format victims header and list get_victims( id, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iVictim new iFound, iLen new iMaxPlayer = get_maxplayers() iFound = 0 sBuffer[0] = 0 // Get and format header. // Make sure shots is greater than zero or division by zero will occur. // To print a '%', 4 of them must done in a row. izStats[STATS_SHOTS] = 0 get_user_vstats( id, 0, izStats, izBody ) if ( izStats[STATS_SHOTS] ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L -- %0.2f%%%% %L:^n", id, "VICTIMS", accuracy( izStats ), id, "ACC" ) else iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L:^n", id, "VICTIMS" ) for ( iVictim = 1; iVictim <= iMaxPlayer; iVictim++ ) { if( get_user_vstats( id, iVictim, izStats, izBody, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) ) { iFound = 1 get_user_name( iVictim, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) if ( izStats[STATS_DEATHS] ) { if ( !ShowDistHS ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn ) else if ( izStats[STATS_HS] ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s / %0.0f m / HS^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserVictimDistance[id][iVictim]) ) else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L / %s / %0.0f m^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG", t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserVictimDistance[id][iVictim]) ) } else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%s -- %d %L / %d %L^n", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], id, "HIT_S", izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], id, "DMG" ) } } if ( !iFound ) sBuffer[0] = 0 return iFound } // Get and format kill info. get_kill_info( id, iKiller, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new iFound, iLen iFound = 0 sBuffer[0] = 0 if ( iKiller && iKiller != id ) { new izAStats[8], izABody[8], izVStats[8], iaVBody[8] iFound = 1 get_user_name( iKiller, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) izAStats[STATS_HITS] = 0 izAStats[STATS_DAMAGE] = 0 t_sWpn[0] = 0 get_user_astats( id, iKiller, izAStats, izABody, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) izVStats[STATS_HITS] = 0 izVStats[STATS_DAMAGE] = 0 get_user_vstats( id, iKiller, izVStats, iaVBody ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L^n", id, "KILLED_YOU_DIST", t_sName, t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserAttackerDistance[id]) ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%L^n", id, "DID_DMG_HITS", izAStats[STATS_DAMAGE], izAStats[STATS_HITS], g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_HEALTH], g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ARMOUR] ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%L^n", id, "YOU_DID_DMG", izVStats[STATS_DAMAGE], izVStats[STATS_HITS] ) } return iFound } // Get and format most disruptive. add_most_disruptive( sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new id, iMaxDamageId, iMaxDamage, iMaxHeadShots iMaxDamageId = 0 iMaxDamage = 0 iMaxHeadShots = 0 // Find player. for ( id = 1; id < MAX_PLAYERS; id++ ) { if ( g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_DAMAGE] >= iMaxDamage && ( g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_DAMAGE] > iMaxDamage || g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_HS] > iMaxHeadShots ) ) { iMaxDamageId = id iMaxDamage = g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_DAMAGE] iMaxHeadShots = g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_HS] } } // Format statistics. if ( iMaxDamageId ) { id = iMaxDamageId new Float:fGameEff = effec( g_izUserGameStats[id] ) new Float:fRndAcc = accuracy( g_izUserRndStats[id] ) format( t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, "%L: %s^n%d %L / %d %L -- %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L^n", LANG_SERVER, "MOST_DMG", g_izUserRndName[id], g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_HITS], LANG_SERVER, "HIT_S", iMaxDamage, LANG_SERVER, "DMG", fGameEff, LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fRndAcc, LANG_SERVER, "ACC" ) add( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, t_sText ) } return iMaxDamageId } // Get and format best score. add_best_score( sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new id, iMaxKillsId, iMaxKills, iMaxHeadShots iMaxKillsId = 0 iMaxKills = 0 iMaxHeadShots = 0 // Find player for ( id = 1; id < MAX_PLAYERS; id++ ) { if ( g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_KILLS] >= iMaxKills && ( g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_KILLS] > iMaxKills || g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_HS] > iMaxHeadShots ) ) { iMaxKillsId = id iMaxKills = g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_KILLS] iMaxHeadShots = g_izUserRndStats[id][STATS_HS] } } // Format statistics. if ( iMaxKillsId ) { id = iMaxKillsId new Float:fGameEff = effec( g_izUserGameStats[id] ) new Float:fRndAcc = accuracy( g_izUserRndStats[id] ) format( t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, "%L: %s^n%d %L / %d hs -- %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L^n", LANG_SERVER, "BEST_SCORE", g_izUserRndName[id], iMaxKills, LANG_SERVER, "KILL_S", iMaxHeadShots, fGameEff, LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fRndAcc, LANG_SERVER, "ACC" ) add( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, t_sText ) } return iMaxKillsId } // Get and format team score. add_team_score( sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new Float:fzMapEff[MAX_TEAMS], Float:fzMapAcc[MAX_TEAMS], Float:fzRndAcc[MAX_TEAMS] // Calculate team stats for ( new iTeam = 0; iTeam < MAX_TEAMS; iTeam++ ) { fzMapEff[iTeam] = effec( g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam] ) fzMapAcc[iTeam] = accuracy( g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam] ) fzRndAcc[iTeam] = accuracy( g_izTeamRndStats[iTeam] ) } // Format round team stats, MOTD format( t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, "TERRORIST %d / %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L^nCT %d / %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L^n", g_izTeamScore[0], fzMapEff[0], LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fzRndAcc[0], LANG_SERVER, "ACC", g_izTeamScore[1], fzMapEff[1], LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fzRndAcc[1], LANG_SERVER, "ACC" ) add( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, t_sText ) } // Get and format team stats, chat version save_team_chatscore() { new Float:fzMapEff[MAX_TEAMS], Float:fzMapAcc[MAX_TEAMS], Float:fzRndAcc[MAX_TEAMS] // Calculate team stats for ( new iTeam = 0; iTeam < MAX_TEAMS; iTeam++ ) { fzMapEff[iTeam] = effec( g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam] ) fzMapAcc[iTeam] = accuracy( g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam] ) fzRndAcc[iTeam] = accuracy( g_izTeamRndStats[iTeam] ) } // Format game team stats, chat format( g_sScore, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "TERRORIST %d / %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L -- CT %d / %0.2f%%%% %L / %0.2f%%%% %L", g_izTeamScore[0], fzMapEff[0], LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fzMapAcc[0], LANG_SERVER, "ACC", g_izTeamScore[1], fzMapEff[1], LANG_SERVER, "EFF", fzMapAcc[1], LANG_SERVER, "ACC" ) } // Get and format total stats. add_total_stats( sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { format( t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, "%L: %d %L / %d hs -- %d %L / %d %L^n", LANG_SERVER, "TOTAL", g_izUserRndStats[0][STATS_KILLS], LANG_SERVER, "KILL_S", g_izUserRndStats[0][STATS_HS], g_izUserRndStats[0][STATS_HITS], LANG_SERVER, "HITS", g_izUserRndStats[0][STATS_SHOTS], LANG_SERVER, "SHOT_S" ) add( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, t_sText ) } // Get and format a user's list of body hits from an attacker. add_attacker_hits( id, iAttacker, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new iFound = 0 if ( iAttacker && iAttacker != id ) { new izStats[8], izBody[8], iLen izStats[STATS_HITS] = 0 get_user_astats( id, iAttacker, izStats, izBody ) if ( izStats[STATS_HITS] ) { iFound = 1 iLen = strlen( sBuffer ) get_user_name( iAttacker, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%L:^n", id, "HITS_YOU_IN", t_sName ) for ( new i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) { if ( !izBody[i] ) continue iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%L: %d^n", id, BODY_PART[i], izBody[i] ) } } } return iFound } // Get and format killed stats: killer hp, ap, hits. format_kill_ainfo( id, iKiller, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new iFound = 0 if ( iKiller && iKiller != id ) { new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iLen iFound = 1 get_user_name( iKiller, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) izStats[STATS_HITS] = 0 get_user_astats( id, iKiller, izStats, izBody, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L (%dhp, %dap) >>", id, "KILLED_BY_WITH", t_sName, t_sWpn, distance(g_izUserAttackerDistance[id]), g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_HEALTH], g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ARMOUR] ) if ( izStats[STATS_HITS] ) { for ( new i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) { if ( !izBody[i] ) continue iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, " %L: %d", id, BODY_PART[i], izBody[i] ) } } else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, " %L", id, "NO_HITS" ) } else format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L", id, "YOU_NO_KILLER" ) return iFound } // Get and format killed stats: hits, damage on killer. format_kill_vinfo( id, iKiller, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new iFound = 0 new izStats[8] new izBody[8] new iLen izStats[STATS_HITS] = 0 izStats[STATS_DAMAGE] = 0 get_user_vstats( id, iKiller, izStats, izBody ) if ( iKiller && iKiller != id ) { iFound = 1 get_user_name( iKiller, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L >>", id, "YOU_HIT", t_sName, izStats[STATS_HITS], izStats[STATS_DAMAGE] ) } else iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%L >>", id, "LAST_RES", izStats[STATS_HITS], izStats[STATS_DAMAGE] ) if ( izStats[STATS_HITS] ) { for ( new i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) { if ( !izBody[i] ) continue iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, " %L: %d", id, BODY_PART[i], izBody[i] ) } } else iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, " %L", id, "NO_HITS" ) return iFound } // Get and format top 15. format_top15( sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ){ new iMax = get_statsnum() new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iLen = 0 if ( iMax > 15 ) iMax = 15 new lKills[16],lDeaths[16],lHits[16],lShots[16],lEff[16],lAcc[16] format(lKills,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"KILLS") format(lDeaths,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"DEATHS") format(lHits,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"HITS") format(lShots,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"SHOTS") format(lEff,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"EFF") format(lAcc,15,"%L",LANG_SERVER,"ACC") ucfirst(lEff) ucfirst(lAcc) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#FFB000><pre>" ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%2s %-22.22s %6s %6s %6s %6s %4s %4s %4s^n", "#", "Nick", lKills, lDeaths, lHits, lShots, "HS", lEff, lAcc ) for ( new i = 0; i < iMax && MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen > 0; i++ ) { get_stats( i, izStats, izBody, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%2d %-22.22s %6d %6d %6d %6d %4d %3.0f%% %3.0f%%^n", i+1, t_sName, izStats[STATS_KILLS], izStats[STATS_DEATHS], izStats[STATS_HITS], izStats[STATS_SHOTS], izStats[STATS_HS], effec( izStats ), accuracy( izStats ) ) } } // Get and format rank stats. format_rankstats( id, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1], iMyId=0 ) { new izStats[8] = { 0, ... } new izBody[8] new iRankPos, iLen new lKills[16],lDeaths[16],lHits[16],lShots[16],lDamage[16],lEff[16],lAcc[16] format(lKills,15,"%L",id,"KILLS") format(lDeaths,15,"%L",id,"DEATHS") format(lHits,15,"%L",id,"HITS") format(lShots,15,"%L",id,"SHOTS") format(lDamage,15,"%L",id,"DAMAGE") format(lEff,15,"%L",id,"EFF") format(lAcc,15,"%L",id,"ACC") ucfirst(lEff) ucfirst(lAcc) iRankPos = get_user_stats( id, izStats, izBody ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#FFB000><pre>" ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%L %L^n^n", id, (!iMyId||iMyId==id)?"YOUR":"PLAYERS", id, "RANK_IS", iRankPos, get_statsnum() ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%6s: %d (%d with hs)^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %0.2f%%^n%6s: %0.2f%%^n^n", lKills, izStats[STATS_KILLS], izStats[STATS_HS], lDeaths, izStats[STATS_DEATHS], lHits, izStats[STATS_HITS], lShots, izStats[STATS_SHOTS], lDamage, izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], lEff, effec( izStats ), lAcc, accuracy( izStats ) ) new L_BODY_PART[8][32] for (new i=1; i<8; i++) { format(L_BODY_PART[i],31,"%L",id,BODY_PART[i]) } iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%10s:^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d", "HITS", L_BODY_PART[1], izBody[1], L_BODY_PART[2], izBody[2], L_BODY_PART[3], izBody[3], L_BODY_PART[4], izBody[4], L_BODY_PART[5], izBody[5], L_BODY_PART[6], izBody[6], L_BODY_PART[7], izBody[7]) } // Get and format stats. format_stats( id, sBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH+1] ) { new izStats[8] = { 0, ... } new izBody[8] new iWeapon, iLen new lKills[16],lDeaths[16],lHits[16],lShots[16],lDamage[16],lEff[16],lAcc[16],lWeapon[16] format(lKills,15,"%L",id,"KILLS") format(lDeaths,15,"%L",id,"DEATHS") format(lHits,15,"%L",id,"HITS") format(lShots,15,"%L",id,"SHOTS") format(lDamage,15,"%L",id,"DAMAGE") format(lEff,15,"%L",id,"EFF") format(lAcc,15,"%L",id,"ACC") format(lWeapon,15,"%L",id,"WEAPON") ucfirst(lEff) ucfirst(lAcc) get_user_wstats( id, 0, izStats, izBody ) iLen = format( sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#FFB000><pre>" ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%6s: %d (%d with hs)^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %0.2f%%^n%6s: %0.2f%%^n^n", lKills, izStats[STATS_KILLS], izStats[STATS_HS], lDeaths, izStats[STATS_DEATHS], lHits, izStats[STATS_HITS], lShots, izStats[STATS_SHOTS], lDamage, izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], lEff, effec( izStats ), lAcc, accuracy( izStats ) ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%-12.12s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %4s^n", lWeapon, lKills, lDeaths, lHits, lShots, lDamage, lAcc ) for ( iWeapon = 1; iWeapon < 31 && MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen > 0 ; iWeapon++ ) { if ( get_user_wstats( id, iWeapon, izStats, izBody ) ) { get_weaponname( iWeapon, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) iLen += format( sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%-12.12s %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %3.0f%%^n", t_sWpn[7], izStats[STATS_KILLS], izStats[STATS_DEATHS], izStats[STATS_HITS], izStats[STATS_SHOTS], izStats[STATS_DAMAGE], accuracy( izStats ) ) } } } // Show round end stats. If gametime is zero then use default duration time. show_roundend_hudstats( id, Float:fGameTime ) { // Bail out if there no HUD stats should be shown // for this player or end round stats not created. if ( !g_izStatsSwitch[id] ) return if ( !g_sAwardAndScore[0] ) return // If round end timer is zero clear round end stats. if ( g_fShowStatsTime == 0.0 ) { set_hudtype_endround( 0.05 ) show_hudmessage( id, "" ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Clear round end HUD stats for #%d", id ) #endif } // Set HUD-duration to default or remaining time. new Float:fDuration if ( fGameTime == 0.0 ) fDuration = g_fHUDDuration else { fDuration = g_fShowStatsTime + g_fHUDDuration - fGameTime if ( fDuration > g_fFreezeTime + g_fFreezeLimitTime ) fDuration = g_fFreezeTime + g_fFreezeLimitTime } // Show stats only if more time left than coded minimum. if ( fDuration >= HUD_MIN_DURATION ) { set_hudtype_endround( fDuration ) show_hudmessage( id, g_sAwardAndScore ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Show %1.2fs round end HUD stats for #%d", fDuration, id ) #endif } } // Show round end stats. show_user_hudstats( id, Float:fGameTime ) { // Bail out if there no HUD stats should be shown // for this player or user stats timer is zero. if ( !g_izStatsSwitch[id] ) return if ( g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] == 0.0 ) return // Set HUD-duration to default or remaining time. new Float:fDuration if ( fGameTime == 0.0 ) fDuration = g_fHUDDuration else { fDuration = g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] + g_fHUDDuration - fGameTime if ( fDuration > g_fFreezeTime + g_fFreezeLimitTime ) fDuration = g_fFreezeTime + g_fFreezeLimitTime } // Show stats only if more time left than coded minimum. if ( fDuration >= HUD_MIN_DURATION ) { if ( ShowKiller ) { new iKiller iKiller = g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] get_kill_info( id, iKiller, g_sBuffer ) add_attacker_hits( id, iKiller, g_sBuffer ) set_hudtype_killer( fDuration ) show_hudmessage( id, g_sBuffer ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Show %1.2fs %suser HUD k-stats for #%d", fDuration, g_sBuffer[0]?"":"no ", id ) #endif } if ( ShowVictims ) { get_victims( id, g_sBuffer ) set_hudtype_victim( fDuration ) show_hudmessage( id, g_sBuffer ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Show %1.2fs %suser HUD v-stats for #%d", fDuration, g_sBuffer[0]?"":"no ", id ) #endif } if ( ShowAttackers ) { get_attackers( id, g_sBuffer ) set_hudtype_attacker( fDuration ) show_hudmessage( id, g_sBuffer ) #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Show %1.2fs %suser HUD a-stats for #%d", fDuration, g_sBuffer[0]?"":"no ", id ) #endif } } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Plugin commands //------------------------------------------------------------ // Set or get plugin config flags. public cmdPluginMode( id, level, cid ) { if ( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 1 ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if ( read_argc() > 1 ) read_argv( 1, g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH ) else g_sBuffer[0] = 0 set_plugin_mode( id, g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // Display MOTD stats. public cmdStatsMe( id ) { if ( !SayStatsMe ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } format_stats( id, g_sBuffer ) get_user_name( id, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) show_motd( id, g_sBuffer, t_sName ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display MOTD rank. public cmdRankStats( id ) { if ( !SayRankStats ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } format_rankstats( id, g_sBuffer ) get_user_name( id, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) show_motd( id, g_sBuffer, t_sName ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display MOTD top15 ranked. public cmdTop15( id ) { if ( !SayTop15 ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } format_top15( g_sBuffer ) show_motd( id, g_sBuffer, "Top 15" ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display killer information. public cmdHp( id ) { if ( !SayHP ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new iKiller = g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] format_kill_ainfo( id, iKiller, g_sBuffer ) client_print( id, print_chat, "* %s", g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display user stats. public cmdMe( id ) { if ( !SayMe ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } format_kill_vinfo( id, 0, g_sBuffer ) client_print( id, print_chat, "* %s", g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display user rank public cmdRank( id ) { if ( !SayRank ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iRankPos, iRankMax new Float:fEff, Float:fAcc iRankPos = get_user_stats( id, izStats, izBody ) iRankMax = get_statsnum() fEff = effec( izStats ) fAcc = accuracy( izStats ) client_print( id, print_chat, "* %L", id, "YOUR_RANK_IS", iRankPos, iRankMax, izStats[STATS_KILLS], izStats[STATS_HITS], fEff, fAcc ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Report user weapon status to team. public cmdReport( id ) { if ( !SayReport ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new iWeapon, iClip, iAmmo, iHealth, iArmor iWeapon = get_user_weapon( id, iClip, iAmmo ) get_weaponname( iWeapon, t_sWpn, MAX_WEAPON_LENGTH ) iHealth = get_user_health( id ) iArmor = get_user_armor( id ) new lWeapon[16] format(lWeapon,15,"%L",id,"WEAPON") strtolower(lWeapon) if ( iClip >= 0 ) { format( g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s: %s, %L: %d/%d, %L: %d, %L: %d", lWeapon, t_sWpn[7], LANG_SERVER, "AMMO", iClip, iAmmo, LANG_SERVER, "HEALTH", iHealth, LANG_SERVER, "ARMOR", iArmor ) } else format( g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s: %s, %L: %d, %L: %d", lWeapon, t_sWpn[7], LANG_SERVER, "HEALTH", iHealth, LANG_SERVER, "ARMOR", iArmor ) engclient_cmd( id, "say_team", g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display team map score public cmdScore( id ) { if ( !SayScore ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } client_print( id, print_chat, "%L: %s", id, "GAME_SCORE", g_sScore ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display time left on map public cmdTimeLeft( id ) { if ( !SayMiscFunc ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new iTimeLeft = get_timeleft() if ( iTimeLeft ) client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L: %02d:%02d", id, "TIME_REM", iTimeLeft / 60, iTimeLeft % 60 ) else client_print( 0, print_chat, "* %L *", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_T_LIMIT" ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display the time. public cmdTheTime( id ) { if ( !SayMiscFunc ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE get_time( "%H:%M:%S", g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH ) client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L: %s", LANG_PLAYER, "THE_TIME", g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display current map name. public cmdCurrentMap( id ) { if ( !SayMiscFunc ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE get_mapname( g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH ) client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L: %s", LANG_PLAYER, "PLAYED_MAP", g_sBuffer ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Display friendly fire status. public cmdFf( id ) { if ( !SayMiscFunc ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L: %L", LANG_PLAYER, "FRIEND_FIRE", LANG_PLAYER, get_cvar_num( "mp_friendlyfire" ) ? "ON" : "OFF" ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Client switch to enable or disable stats announcements. public cmdSwitch( id ) { g_izStatsSwitch[id] = ( g_izStatsSwitch[id] ) ? 0 : -1 num_to_str( g_izStatsSwitch[id], t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) client_cmd( id, "setinfo _amxstatsx %s", t_sText ) new lEnDis[32] format(lEnDis, 31, "%L", id, g_izStatsSwitch[id] ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED") client_print( id, print_chat, "* %L", id, "STATS_ANNOUNCE", lEnDis) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Player stats menu. public cmdStats( id ) { if ( !SayStatsAll ){ client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "DISABLED_MSG" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } showStatsMenu( id, g_izUserMenuPosition[id]=0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } //-------------------------------- // Menu //-------------------------------- public actionStatsMenu( id, key ) { switch( key ) { // Key '1' to '7', execute action on this option case 0..6: { new iOption, iIndex iOption = ( g_izUserMenuPosition[id] * PPL_MENU_OPTIONS ) + key if ( iOption >= 0 && iOption < 32 ) { iIndex = g_izUserMenuPlayers[id][iOption] if ( is_user_connected( iIndex ) ){ switch( g_izUserMenuAction[id] ) { case 0: format_stats( iIndex, g_sBuffer ) case 1: format_rankstats( iIndex, g_sBuffer, id ) default: g_sBuffer[0] = 0 } if ( g_sBuffer[0] ) { get_user_name( iIndex, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) show_motd( id, g_sBuffer, t_sName ) } } } showStatsMenu( id, g_izUserMenuPosition[id] ) } // Key '8', change action case 7: { g_izUserMenuAction[id]++ if ( g_izUserMenuAction[id] >= MAX_PPL_MENU_ACTIONS ) g_izUserMenuAction[id] = 0 showStatsMenu( id, g_izUserMenuPosition[id] ) } // Key '9', select next page of options case 8: showStatsMenu( id, ++g_izUserMenuPosition[id] ) // Key '10', cancel or go back to previous menu case 9: { if ( g_izUserMenuPosition[id] > 0 ) showStatsMenu( id, --g_izUserMenuPosition[id] ) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new g_izUserMenuActionText[MAX_PPL_MENU_ACTIONS][] = { "Show stats", "Show rank stats" } showStatsMenu( id, iMenuPos ) { new iLen, iKeyMask, iPlayers new iUserIndex, iMenuPosMax, iMenuOption, iMenuOptionMax get_players( g_izUserMenuPlayers[id], iPlayers ) iMenuPosMax = (( iPlayers - 1 ) / PPL_MENU_OPTIONS ) + 1 // If menu pos does not excist use last menu (if players has left) if ( iMenuPos >= iMenuPosMax ) iMenuPos = iMenuPosMax - 1 iUserIndex = iMenuPos * PPL_MENU_OPTIONS iLen = format( g_sBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n", id, "SERVER_STATS", iMenuPos + 1, iMenuPosMax ) iMenuOptionMax = iPlayers - iUserIndex if ( iMenuOptionMax > PPL_MENU_OPTIONS ) iMenuOptionMax = PPL_MENU_OPTIONS for ( iMenuOption = 0; iMenuOption < iMenuOptionMax; iMenuOption++ ) { get_user_name( g_izUserMenuPlayers[id][iUserIndex++], t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iKeyMask |= (1<<iMenuOption) iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "%d. %s^n\w", iMenuOption + 1, t_sName ) } iKeyMask |= MENU_KEY_8|MENU_KEY_0 iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "^n8. %s^n\w", g_izUserMenuActionText[ g_izUserMenuAction[id] ] ) if ( iPlayers > iUserIndex ) { iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "^n9. %L...", id, "MORE" ) iKeyMask |= MENU_KEY_9 } if ( iMenuPos > 0 ) iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "^n0. %L", id, "BACK" ) else iLen += format( g_sBuffer[iLen], MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - iLen, "^n0. %L", id, "MORE" ) show_menu( id, iKeyMask, g_sBuffer, -1, "Server Stats" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Plugin events //------------------------------------------------------------ // Reset game stats on game start and restart. public eventStartGame() { read_data( 2, t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) if ( t_sText[6] == 'w' ) { read_data( 3, t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) g_fStartGame = get_gametime() + float( str_to_num( t_sText ) ) } else g_fStartGame = get_gametime() return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Round start public eventStartRound() { new iTeam, id, i new iRoundTime iRoundTime = read_data( 1 ) if ( iRoundTime >= get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60 ) { #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Reset round stats" ) #endif // Reset game stats on game start and restart. if ( g_fStartGame > 0.0 && g_fStartGame <= get_gametime() ) { #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Reset game stats" ) #endif g_fStartGame = 0.0 // Clear team and game stats. for ( iTeam = 0; iTeam < MAX_TEAMS; iTeam++ ) { g_izTeamEventScore[iTeam] = 0 for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam][i] = 0 } // Clear game stats, incl '0' that is sum of all users. for ( id = 0; id < MAX_PLAYERS; id++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) g_izUserGameStats[id][i] = 0 } } // Update team score with "TeamScore" event values and // clear team round stats. for ( iTeam = 0; iTeam < MAX_TEAMS; iTeam++ ) { g_izTeamScore[iTeam] = g_izTeamEventScore[iTeam] for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) g_izTeamRndStats[iTeam][i] = 0 } // Clear user round stats, incl '0' that is sum of all users. for ( id = 0; id < MAX_PLAYERS; id++ ) { g_izUserRndName[id][0] = 0 for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) g_izUserRndStats[id][i] = 0 g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] = 0.0 } // Allow end round stats and reset end round triggered indicator. g_iRoundEndTriggered = 0 g_iRoundEndProcessed = 0 g_fShowStatsTime = 0.0 // Update local configuration vars with value in cvars. get_config_cvars() } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } // Reset killer info on round restart. public eventResetHud( id ) { new args[1] args[0] = id if ( g_iPluginMode & MODE_HUD_DELAY ) set_task( 0.01, "delay_resethud", 200 + id, args, 1 ) else delay_resethud( args ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public delay_resethud( args[] ) { new id = args[0] new Float:fGameTime // Show user and score round stats after HUD-reset #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Reset HUD for #%d", id ) #endif fGameTime = get_gametime() show_user_hudstats( id, fGameTime ) show_roundend_hudstats( id, fGameTime ) // Reset round stats g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] = 0 g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 0 g_izShowStatsFlags[id] = -1 // Initialize flags g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] = 0.0 g_izUserAttackerDistance[id] = 0 for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) g_izUserVictimDistance[id][i] = 0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } #if defined STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG // Save killer info on death. public eventDeathMsg() { new iKiller = read_data( 1 ) new iVictim = read_data( 2 ) // Bail out if no killer. if ( !iKiller ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if ( iKiller != iVictim ) { new iaVOrigin[3], iaKOrigin[3] new iDistance get_user_origin( iVictim, iaVOrigin ) get_user_origin( iKiller, iaKOrigin ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_ID] = iKiller g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_HEALTH] = get_user_health( iKiller ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_ARMOUR] = get_user_armor( iKiller ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 0 iDistance = get_distance( iaVOrigin, iaKOrigin ) g_izUserAttackerDistance[iVictim] = iDistance g_izUserVictimDistance[iKiller][iVictim] = iDistance } g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_TEAM] = get_user_team( iVictim ) new args[1] args[0] = iVictim set_task( 0.25, "delay_damage", 100 + iVictim, args, 1 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public delay_damage( args[] ) { new id = args[0] // Display stats to killed player if player // has not already been processed. if ( !g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] ) { g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 1 // Display round end stats to all players if // round end has already been triggered. if ( g_iRoundEndTriggered ) endround_stats() // Display kill stats for the player if round // end stats was not processed. if ( !g_iRoundEndProcessed ) kill_stats( id ) } } // Trigger death stats processing. public eventDamage( id ) { // Bail out if player not killed or if player // player has already been processed. if ( !g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] || g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // Remove task if not alreay done and process. remove_task( 100 + id ) // Process player deaths. new izData[1] izData[0] = id delay_damage( izData ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } #endif // if defined STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG #if !defined STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG // Save killer info on death. public eventCSDeathMsg() { new iKiller = read_data( 1 ) new iVictim = read_data( 2 ) // Bail out if no killer. if ( !iKiller ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if ( iKiller != iVictim ) { new iaVOrigin[3], iaKOrigin[3] new iDistance get_user_origin( iVictim, iaVOrigin ) get_user_origin( iKiller, iaKOrigin ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_ID] = iKiller g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_HEALTH] = get_user_health( iKiller ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_ARMOUR] = get_user_armor( iKiller ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 0 iDistance = get_distance( iaVOrigin, iaKOrigin ) g_izUserAttackerDistance[iVictim] = iDistance g_izUserVictimDistance[iKiller][iVictim] = iDistance } g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_TEAM] = get_user_team( iVictim ) g_izKilled[iVictim][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 1 // Display kill stats for the player if round // end stats was not processed. if ( !g_iRoundEndProcessed ) kill_stats( iVictim ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } #endif // Display hudmessage stats on death. // This will also update all round and game stats. // Must be called at least once per round. kill_stats( id ) { // Bail out if user stats timer is non-zero, // ie function already called. if ( g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] > 0.0 ) return // Flag kill stats displayed for this player. g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] = get_gametime() // Add user death stats to user round stats new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iTeam, i new iKiller iKiller = g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] // Get user's team (if dead use the saved team) if ( iKiller ) iTeam = g_izKilled[id][KILLED_TEAM] - 1 else iTeam = get_user_team( id ) - 1 get_user_name( id, g_izUserRndName[id], MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) if ( get_user_rstats( id, izStats, izBody ) ) { // Update user's team round stats if ( iTeam >= 0 && iTeam < MAX_TEAMS ) { for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { g_izTeamRndStats[iTeam][i] += izStats[i] g_izTeamGameStats[iTeam][i] += izStats[i] g_izUserRndStats[0][i] += izStats[i] g_izUserGameStats[0][i] += izStats[i] } } // Update user's round stats if ( g_izUserUserID[id] == get_user_userid( id ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { g_izUserRndStats[id][i] += izStats[i] g_izUserGameStats[id][i] += izStats[i] } } else { g_izUserUserID[id] = get_user_userid( id ) for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { g_izUserRndStats[id][i] = izStats[i] g_izUserGameStats[id][i] = izStats[i] } } } // endif( get_user_rstats() ) // Report stats in the chat section, if player is killed. if ( KillerChat && iKiller && iKiller != id ) { if ( format_kill_ainfo( id, iKiller, g_sBuffer ) ) { client_print( id, print_chat, "* %s", g_sBuffer ) format_kill_vinfo( id, iKiller, g_sBuffer ) } client_print( id, print_chat, "* %s", g_sBuffer ) } // Display player stats info. #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "Kill stats for #%d", id ) #endif show_user_hudstats( id, 0.0 ) } public eventEndRound() { // Update local configuration vars with value in cvars. get_config_cvars() // If first end round event in the round, calculate team score. if ( !g_iRoundEndTriggered ) { read_data( 2, t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) if ( t_sText[7] == 't' ) // Terrorist wins g_izTeamScore[0]++ else if ( t_sText[7] == 'c' ) // CT wins g_izTeamScore[1]++ } // Flag round end triggered. g_iRoundEndTriggered = 1 // Display round end stats to all players. endround_stats() return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } endround_stats() { // Bail out if end round stats has already been processed // or round end not triggered. if ( g_iRoundEndProcessed || !g_iRoundEndTriggered ) return new iaPlayers[32], iPlayer, iPlayers, id get_players( iaPlayers, iPlayers ) #if defined STATSX_OLD_DEATHMSG // Bail out if not all killers got their damage event (ie last stats) for ( iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iPlayers; iPlayer++ ) { id = iaPlayers[iPlayer] if ( g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] && !g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] ) return } #endif // Display attacker & victim list for all living players. // This will also update all round and game stats for all players // not killed. #if defined STATSX_DEBUG log_amx( "End round stats" ) #endif for ( iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iPlayers; iPlayer++ ) { id = iaPlayers[iPlayer] if ( g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] == 0.0 ) kill_stats( id ) } g_sAwardAndScore[0] = 0 // Create round awards. if ( ShowMostDisruptive ) add_most_disruptive( g_sAwardAndScore ) if ( ShowBestScore ) add_best_score( g_sAwardAndScore ) // Create round score. // Compensate HUD message if awards are disabled. if ( ShowTeamScore || ShowTotalStats ) { if ( ShowMostDisruptive && ShowBestScore ) add( g_sAwardAndScore, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "^n^n" ) else if ( ShowMostDisruptive || ShowBestScore ) add( g_sAwardAndScore, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "^n^n^n^n" ) else add( g_sAwardAndScore, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "^n^n^n^n^n^n" ) if ( ShowTeamScore ) add_team_score( g_sAwardAndScore ) if ( ShowTotalStats ) add_total_stats( g_sAwardAndScore ) } save_team_chatscore() // Get and save round end stats time. g_fShowStatsTime = get_gametime() // Display round end stats to all players. for ( iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iPlayers; iPlayer++ ) { id = iaPlayers[iPlayer] show_roundend_hudstats( id, 0.0 ) } // Flag round end processed. g_iRoundEndProcessed = 1 } public eventTeamScore() { new sTeamID[1+1], iTeamScore read_data( 1, sTeamID, 1 ) iTeamScore = read_data(2) g_izTeamEventScore[ (sTeamID[0]=='C') ? 1 : 0 ] = iTeamScore return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public eventIntermission() { if ( EndPlayer || EndTop15 ) set_task( 1.0, "end_game_stats", 900 ) } public end_game_stats() { new iaPlayers[32], iPlayer, iPlayers, id if ( EndPlayer ) { get_players( iaPlayers, iPlayers ) for ( iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iPlayers; iPlayer++ ) { id = iaPlayers[iPlayer] if ( !g_izStatsSwitch[id] ) continue // Do not show any stats cmdStatsMe( iaPlayers[iPlayer] ) } } else if ( EndTop15 ) { get_players( iaPlayers, iPlayers ) format_top15( g_sBuffer ) for ( iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iPlayers; iPlayer++ ) { id = iaPlayers[iPlayer] if ( !g_izStatsSwitch[id] ) continue // Do not show any stats show_motd( iaPlayers[iPlayer], g_sBuffer, "Top 15" ) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public eventSpecMode( id ) { new sData[12] read_data( 2, sData, 11 ) g_izSpecMode[id] = ( sData[10] == '2' ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public eventShowRank( id ) { if ( SpecRankInfo && g_izSpecMode[id] ) { new iPlayer = read_data(2) if ( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) ) { new izStats[8], izBody[8] new iRankPos, iRankMax get_user_name( iPlayer, t_sName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) iRankPos = get_user_stats( iPlayer, izStats, izBody ) iRankMax = get_statsnum() set_hudtype_specmode() show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, "X_RANK_IS", t_sName, iRankPos, iRankMax ) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_connect( id ) { if ( ShowStats ) { get_user_info( id, "_amxstatsx", t_sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ) g_izStatsSwitch[id] = ( t_sText[0] ) ? str_to_num( t_sText ) : -1 } else g_izStatsSwitch[id] = 0 g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_ID] = 0 g_izKilled[id][KILLED_KILLER_STATSFIX] = 0 g_izShowStatsFlags[id] = 0 // Clear all flags g_fzShowUserStatsTime[id] = 0.0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }