/* AMX Mod X * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * originally developed by OLO * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to * link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL * Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, * L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs * from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception * to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. */ #ifndef __CVECTOR_H__ #define __CVECTOR_H__ // Vector template <class T> class CVector { bool Grow() { // automatic grow size_t newSize = m_Size * 2; if (newSize == 0) newSize = 8; // a good init value T *newData = new T[newSize]; if (!newData) return false; if (m_Data) { memcpy(newData, m_Data, m_Size * sizeof(T)); delete [] m_Data; } m_Data = newData; m_Size = newSize; return true; } bool GrowIfNeeded() { if (m_CurrentUsedSize >= m_Size) return Grow(); else return true; } bool ChangeSize(size_t size) { // change size if (size == m_Size) return true; T *newData = new T[size]; if (!newData) return false; if (m_Data) { memcpy(newData, m_Data, (m_Size < size) ? (m_Size * sizeof(T)) : (size * sizeof(T))); delete [] m_Data; } if (m_Size < size) m_CurrentUsedSize = size; m_Data = newData; m_Size = size; return true; } void FreeMemIfPossible() { } protected: T *m_Data; size_t m_Size; size_t m_CurrentUsedSize; public: class iterator { protected: T *m_Ptr; public: // constructors / destructors iterator() { m_Ptr = NULL; } iterator(T * ptr) { m_Ptr = ptr; } // member functions T * base() { return m_Ptr; } const T * base() const { return m_Ptr; } // operators T & operator*() { return *m_Ptr; } T * operator->() { return m_Ptr; } iterator & operator++() // preincrement { ++m_Ptr; return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) // postincrement { iterator tmp = *this; ++m_Ptr; return tmp; } iterator & operator--() // predecrement { --m_Ptr; return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) // postdecrememnt { iterator tmp = *this; --m_Ptr; return tmp; } bool operator==(T * right) const { return (m_Ptr == right); } bool operator==(const iterator & right) const { return (m_Ptr == right.m_Ptr); } bool operator!=(T * right) const { return (m_Ptr != right); } bool operator!=(const iterator & right) const { return (m_Ptr != right.m_Ptr); } iterator & operator+=(size_t offset) { m_Ptr += offset; return (*this); } iterator & operator-=(size_t offset) { m_Ptr += offset; return (*this); } iterator operator+(size_t offset) const { iterator tmp(*this); tmp.m_Ptr += offset; return tmp; } iterator operator-(size_t offset) const { iterator tmp(*this); tmp.m_Ptr += offset; return tmp; } T & operator[](size_t offset) { return (*(*this + offset)); } const T & operator[](size_t offset) const { return (*(*this + offset)); } bool operator<(const iterator & right) const { return m_Ptr < right.m_Ptr; } bool operator>(const iterator & right) const { return m_Ptr > right.m_Ptr; } bool operator<=(const iterator & right) const { return m_Ptr <= right.m_Ptr; } bool operator>=(const iterator & right) const { return m_Ptr >= right.m_Ptr; } size_t operator-(const iterator & right) const { return m_Ptr - right.m_Ptr; } }; // constructors / destructors CVector<T>() { m_Size = 0; m_CurrentUsedSize = 0; m_Data = NULL; } CVector<T>(const CVector<T> & other) { // copy data m_Data = new T [other.m_Size]; m_Size = other.m_Size; m_CurrentUsedSize = other.m_CurrentUsedSize; memcpy(m_Data, other.m_Data, m_CurrentUsedSize * sizeof(T)); } ~CVector<T>() { clear(); } // interface size_t size() const { return m_CurrentUsedSize; } size_t capacity() const { return m_Size; } iterator begin() { return iterator(m_Data); } iterator end() { return iterator(m_Data + m_CurrentUsedSize); } iterator iterAt(size_t pos) { if (pos > m_CurrentUsedSize) ASSERT(0); return iterator(m_Data + pos); } bool reserve(size_t newSize) { return ChangeSize(newSize); } bool push_back(const T & elem) { ++m_CurrentUsedSize; if (!GrowIfNeeded()) { --m_CurrentUsedSize; return false; } m_Data[m_CurrentUsedSize - 1] = elem; return true; } void pop_back() { --m_CurrentUsedSize; if (m_CurrentUsedSize < 0) m_CurrentUsedSize = 0; // :TODO: free memory sometimes } bool resize(size_t newSize) { if (!ChangeSize(newSize)) return false; FreeMemIfPossible(); return true; } bool empty() const { return (m_CurrentUsedSize == 0); } T & at(size_t pos) { if (pos > m_CurrentUsedSize) { // ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[pos]; } const T & at(size_t pos) const { if (pos > m_CurrentUsedSize) { // ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[pos]; } T & operator[](size_t pos) { return at(pos); } const T & operator[](size_t pos) const { return at(pos); } T & front() { if (m_CurrentUsedSize < 1) { ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[0]; } const T & front() const { if (m_CurrentUsedSize < 1) { ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[0]; } T & back() { if (m_CurrentUsedSize < 1) { ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[m_CurrentUsedSize - 1]; } const T & back() const { if (m_CurrentUsedSize < 1) { ASSERT(0); } return m_Data[m_CurrentUsedSize - 1]; } bool insert(iterator where, const T & value) { // we have to insert before // if it is begin, don't decrement if (where != m_Data) --where; // validate iter if (where < m_Data || where >= (m_Data + m_CurrentSize)) return false; ++m_CurrentUsedSize; if (!GrowIfNeeded()) { --m_CurrentUsedSize; return false; } memmove(where.base() + 1, where.base(), m_CurrentUsedSize - (where - m_Data)); memcpy(where.base(), &value, sizeof(T)); return true; } void erase(iterator where) { // validate iter if (where < m_Data || where >= (m_Data + m_CurrentSize)) return false; if (m_CurrentUsedSize > 1) { // move memmove(where.base(), where.base() + 1, m_CurrentUsedSize - 1); } --m_CurrentUsedSize; // :TODO: free memory sometimes } void clear() { m_Size = 0; m_CurrentUsedSize = 0; delete [] m_Data; m_Data = NULL; } }; #endif // __CVECTOR_H__