/* VexdUM stocks backwards compatibility
 * by the AMX Mod X Development Team
 * This file is provided as is (no warranties).

#if defined _vexd_bcompat_stocks_included
#define _vexd_bcompat_stocks_included

#if !defined _engine_included
	#include <engine>

stock is_entity(ent)
	return pev_valid(ent);

stock get_offset_int(ent, offset, linos = 5)
	return get_pdata_int(ent, offset, linos);

stock set_offset_int(ent, offset, value, linos = 5)
	return set_pdata_int(ent, offset, value, linos);

stock in_view_cone(ent, Float:Orig[3])
	return is_in_viewcone(ent, Orig);

stock get_maxentities()
	return global_get(glb_maxEntities);

stock can_see(ent1, ent2)
	if (is_entity(ent1) && is_entity(ent2))
		new flags = pev(ent1, pev_flags);
		if (flags & EF_NODRAW || flags & FL_NOTARGET)
			return 0;
		new Float:lookerOrig[3];
		new Float:targetOrig[3];
		new Float:temp[3];
		pev(ent1, pev_origin, lookerOrig);
		pev(ent1, pev_view_ofs, temp);
		lookerOrig[0] += temp[0];
		lookerOrig[1] += temp[1];
		lookerOrig[2] += temp[2];
		pev(ent2, pev_origin, targetOrig);
		pev(ent2, pev_view_ofs, temp);
		targetOrig[0] += temp[0];
		targetOrig[1] += temp[1];
		targetOrig[2] += temp[2];
		engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, lookerOrig, targetOrig, 0, ent1, 0);
		if (get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_InOpen) && get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_InWater))
			return 0;
		} else {
			new Float:flFraction;
			get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_Fraction, flFraction);
			if (flFraction == 1.0 || (get_tr2(0, TraceResult:TR_Hit) == ent2))
				return 1;
	return 0;

//From AMX Mod:
// Find an entity in the world, will return -1 if nothing is found
// type = 0: "classname"
// type = 1: "globalname"
// type = 2: "model"
// type = 3: "target"
// type = 4: "targetname"
// type = 5: "netname"
// type = 6: "message"
// type = 7: "noise"
// type = 8: "noise1"
// type = 9: "noise2"
// type = 10: "noise3"
// type = 11: "viewmodel"
// type = 12: "weaponmodel"
stock find_entity(ent, szValue[], type=0)
	static _g_FindEntTypes[13][] = 
	if (type < 0 || type >= 13)
		type = 0;
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, _g_FindEntTypes[type], szValue);

//From AMX Mod:
// Find an entity within a given origin and radius
stock find_entity_sphere(ent, Float:Orig[3], Float:Rad)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, ent, Orig, Rad);