#include "sdk/amxxmodule.h"
#include "CVector.h"
#include "engfunc.h"
#include "dllfunc.h"
#include "pev.h"
#include "forward.h"

extern edict_t *g_player_edicts[33];

inline edict_t* INDEXENT2( int iEdictNum )
	if (iEdictNum >= 1 && iEdictNum <= gpGlobals->maxClients)
		return g_player_edicts[iEdictNum];

		return (*g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex)(iEdictNum); 
#define CHECK_ENTITY(x) if (x != 0 && (FNullEnt(INDEXENT2(x)) || x < 0 || x > gpGlobals->maxEntities)) { MF_RaiseAmxError(amx,AMX_ERR_NATIVE); return 0; }

extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO engfunc_natives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO dllfunc_natives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO pev_natives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO forward_natives[];
extern AMX_NATIVE_INFO pdata_natives[];
extern TraceResult g_tr;

/* Wouldnt modifying the table AFTER it's memcpy'd be ... pointless?
extern enginefuncs_t g_EngineFuncs_Table;
extern enginefuncs_t g_EngineFuncs_Post_Table;
// mark down pointers when the calls are made instead (this means amxxmodule.cpp needs to be changed slightly for this module)
extern DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pFunctionTable;
extern DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pFunctionTable_Post;
extern enginefuncs_t *g_pengfuncsTable;
extern enginefuncs_t *g_pengfuncsTable_Post;