//CE_Desc_Include(helpdescriptions.txt) {$Include SciCommonDef.Inc} unit SciSearchReplace; { Unit : SciSearchReplace Purpose : Search and Replace for TScintilla based on Synedit Dialogs Created : 20/03/2003 Original Author : Kiriakos Vlahos (kvlahos@london.edu) History : 29/09/2004 Initial Release with Delphi Scintilla Interface Components Changed Editor property from TScintilla to TScintillaBase class. Wasn't any need for the extra properties to use this dialog. hdalis (hdalis@users.sourceforge.net) 06/02/2005 Fixed a bug that caused the beginundoaction to be started, but not finished.. i.e it treated all changes after a replace all to belonging to the same undo operation.. hdalis (hdalis@users.sourceforge.net) 15/02/2005 Somewhat fixed a bug which caused the component to hang when search/replace for the regular expression '$'.. it became an endless loop.. if SelWord is true, we get the word under the caret as the searchword instead of the need to select the word first.. If there isn't a word under the caret, uses the previous searchtext if any.. hdalis (hdalis@users.sourceforge.net) 07/29/2005 Fixed "Search from caret"-bug } interface Uses Types, Classes, Controls, Forms, SciLexer; Type TSciSearchReplace = class(TComponent) private FSearchForSelWord : boolean; FEditor : TScintillaBase; FSearchFromCaretInt: boolean; FFoundText : String; FOnTextFound : TNotifyEvent; FOnTextNotFound : TNotifyEvent; FOnTextReplaced : TNotifyEvent; protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public // Search Options SearchBackwards: boolean; SearchCaseSensitive: boolean; SearchSelectionOnly: boolean; SearchWholeWords: boolean; SearchRegex: boolean; SearchText: string; SearchTextHistory: string; ReplaceText: string; ReplaceTextHistory: string; ReplacedCount : Integer; property FoundText : string read fFoundText; procedure DoSearchReplaceText(AReplace, ABackwards: boolean); procedure ShowSearchReplaceDialog(AReplace: boolean); constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);override; published property SearchForSelWord : boolean read FSearchForSelWord write FSearchForSelWord; property SearchFromCaret: boolean read FSearchFromCaretInt write FSearchFromCaretInt; property Editor : TScintillaBase read FEditor write FEditor; property OnTextFound : TNotifyEvent read FOnTextFound write FOnTextFound; property OnTextNotFound : TNotifyEvent read FOnTextNotFound write FOnTextNotFound; property OnTextReplaced : TNotifyEvent read FOnTextReplaced write FOnTextReplaced; end; implementation Uses SciSearchTextDlg, SciConfirmReplaceDlg, SciReplaceTextDlg, SciSupport,sciUtils; { TSciSearchReplace } constructor TSciSearchReplace.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin ReplacedCount:=0; SearchFromCaret:=True; Inherited; end; procedure TSciSearchReplace.DoSearchReplaceText(AReplace, ABackwards: boolean); var Options: Integer; StartPosition, EndPosition : Integer; TargetStart, TargetEnd, posFind : Integer; APos: TPoint; EditRect: TRect; DlgRes : Integer; lastMatch,lenTarget,MovePastEOL : Integer; chNext : Integer; findLen : Integer; LenFound, LenReplaced : Integer; // lastMatch : Integer; doendundo : Boolean; begin doendundo:=false; if not Assigned(FEditor) then Exit; Options := 0; if SearchCaseSensitive then Options := Options or SCFIND_MATCHCASE; if SearchWholeWords then Options := Options or SCFIND_WHOLEWORD; if SearchRegex then Options := Options or SCFIND_REGEXP; if SearchText='' then Exit; if ABackwards then begin if fSearchFromCaretInt and not SearchSelectionOnly then StartPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionStart - 1 else if SearchSelectionOnly then StartPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionEnd else StartPosition := FEditor.GetLength; if SearchSelectionOnly then EndPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionStart else EndPosition := 0; end else begin if fSearchFromCaretInt and not SearchSelectionOnly then StartPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionEnd + 1 else if SearchSelectionOnly then StartPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionStart else StartPosition := 0; if SearchSelectionOnly then EndPosition := FEditor.GetSelectionEnd else EndPosition := FEditor.GetLength; end; findLen:=Length(SearchText); with FEditor do begin SetTargetStart(StartPosition); SetTargetEnd(EndPosition); SetSearchFlags(Options); posFind := SearchInTarget(findLen, PChar(SearchText)); if (posFind < 0) then begin if Assigned(FOnTextNotFound) then FOnTextNotFound(Self); end else begin lastMatch:=posFind; TargetStart := GetTargetStart; TargetEnd := GetTargetEnd; LenFound := TargetEnd - TargetStart; LenReplaced := LenFound; EnsureRangeVisible(TargetStart, TargetEnd); SetSel(TargetStart, TargetEnd); FFoundText := FEditor.SelText; if Assigned(FOnTextFound) then FOnTextFound(Self); // Replace code if AReplace then begin DlgRes := mrYes; if ConfirmReplaceDialog = nil then ConfirmReplaceDialog := TConfirmReplaceDialog.Create(Application); ReplacedCount:=0; while (posFind >= 0) and (DlgRes <> mrCancel) do begin lenTarget:=GetTargetEnd-GetTargetStart; movePastEOL:=0; if lenTarget<=0 then begin chNext:=GetCharAt(GetTargetEnd); if (chNext=10) or (chNext=13) then MovePastEOL:=1; end; if not (DlgRes = mrYesToAll) then begin APos := Point(PointXFromPosition(TargetStart), PointYFromPosition(TargetStart)); APos := ClientToScreen(APos); EditRect := FEditor.ClientRect; EditRect.TopLeft := ClientToScreen(EditRect.TopLeft); EditRect.BottomRight := ClientToScreen(EditRect.BottomRight); ConfirmReplaceDialog.PrepareShow(EditRect, APos.X, APos.Y, APos.Y + 2 * FEditor.TextHeight(LineFromPosition(TargetStart)), SearchText); DlgRes :=ConfirmReplaceDialog.ShowModal; if (DlgRes = mrYesToAll) and (doendundo=false) then begin FEditor.BeginUndoAction; doendundo:=True; end; end; if DlgRes in [mrYes, mrYesToAll] then begin // Replace if SearchRegex then LenReplaced := ReplaceTargetRE(Length(ReplaceText), PChar(ReplaceText)) else LenReplaced := ReplaceTarget(Length(ReplaceText), PChar(ReplaceText)); Inc(ReplacedCount); lastMatch:=posFind + lenReplaced + movepastEOL; if lenTarget=0 then lastMatch:=PositionAfter(lastMatch); TargetEnd := TargetStart + LenReplaced -1+movePastEOL; if Assigned(FOnTextReplaced) then FOnTextReplaced(Self); end; if DlgRes in [mrYes, mrNo, mrYesToAll] then begin // carry on if lastMatch>=endPosition then begin posFind:=-1; end else begin if ABackwards then begin SetTargetStart(TargetStart - 1); SetTargetEnd(EndPosition); end else begin SetTargetStart(TargetEnd + 1); EndPosition := EndPosition + LenReplaced - LenFound; SetTargetEnd(EndPosition); end; SetTargetEnd(EndPosition); SetSearchFlags(Options); posFind := SearchInTarget(Length(SearchText), PChar(SearchText)); end; if posFind >= 0 then begin TargetStart := GetTargetStart; TargetEnd := GetTargetEnd; lastMatch:=TargetStart; LenFound := TargetEnd - TargetStart; LenReplaced := LenFound; EnsureRangeVisible(TargetStart, TargetEnd); SetSel(TargetStart, TargetEnd); end; end else break; end; // While if doendundo then FEditor.EndUndoAction; // Restore original selection if Searching in Selection if SearchSelectionOnly then begin if ABackwards then SetSel(EndPosition, StartPosition) else SetSel(StartPosition, EndPosition); EnsureRangeVisible(GetSelectionStart, GetSelectionEnd); end; end; // if AReplace end; //if (posFind < 0) end; // with FEditor if ConfirmReplaceDialog <> nil then begin ConfirmReplaceDialog.Free; ConfirmReplaceDialog := nil; end; end; procedure TSciSearchReplace.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (AComponent = FEditor) and (Operation = opRemove) then FEditor := nil; end; procedure TSciSearchReplace.ShowSearchReplaceDialog(AReplace: boolean); var dlg: TTextSearchDialog; SelectedText : string; begin if not Assigned(FEditor) then Exit; if AReplace then dlg := TTextReplaceDialog.Create(Self) else dlg := TTextSearchDialog.Create(Self); with dlg do try // assign search options SearchBackwards := Self.SearchBackwards; SearchCaseSensitive := Self.SearchCaseSensitive; SearchFromCursor := Self.SearchFromCaret; SearchInSelectionOnly := Self.SearchSelectionOnly; SelectedText := FEditor.SelText; if (SelectedText <> '') and (Pos(#10, SelectedText) > 0) or (Pos(#13, SelectedText) > 0) then SearchInSelectionOnly := True else SearchInSelectionOnly := False; // start with last search text if FSearchForSelWord and not SearchInSelectionOnly then begin if Editor.SelectionWord(True)<>'' then SearchText:=Editor.SelectionWord(True) else SearchText := Self.SearchText; end else SearchText := Self.SearchText; SearchTextHistory := Self.SearchTextHistory; if AReplace then with dlg as TTextReplaceDialog do begin ReplaceText := Self.ReplaceText; ReplaceTextHistory := Self.ReplaceTextHistory; end; SearchWholeWords := Self.SearchWholeWords; if ShowModal = mrOK then begin Self.SearchBackwards := SearchBackwards; Self.SearchCaseSensitive := SearchCaseSensitive; Self.SearchFromCaret := SearchFromCursor; Self.SearchSelectionOnly := SearchInSelectionOnly; Self.SearchWholeWords := SearchWholeWords; Self.SearchRegex := SearchRegularExpression; Self.SearchText := SearchText; Self.SearchTextHistory := SearchTextHistory; if AReplace then with dlg as TTextReplaceDialog do begin Self.ReplaceText := ReplaceText; Self.ReplaceTextHistory := ReplaceTextHistory; end; fSearchFromCaretInt := Self.SearchFromCaret; if SearchText <> '' then begin DoSearchReplaceText(AReplace, Self.SearchBackwards); fSearchFromCaretInt := True; end; Self.SearchSelectionOnly := False; end; finally dlg.Free; end; end; initialization ConfirmReplaceDialog := nil; end.