/* AMX Mod misc. * * (c) 2002-2003, OLO * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _amxmisc_included #endinput #endif #define _amxmisc_included stock cmd_access(a,b,c,d){ if ( ((get_user_flags(a)&b)!=b) && (a!=(is_dedicated_server()?0:1)) ){ console_print(a,"You have no access to that command") return 0 } if (read_argc() < d){ new hcmd[32], hinfo[128], hflag get_concmd(c,hcmd,31,hflag,hinfo,127,b) console_print(a,"Usage: %s %s",hcmd,hinfo) return 0 } return 1 } stock access(id,level) return (get_user_flags(id) & level) /* Flags: * 1 - obey immunity * 2 - allow yourself * 4 - must be alive * 8 - can't be bot */ stock cmd_target(id,const arg[],flags = 1) { new player = find_player("bl",arg) if (player){ if ( player != find_player("blj",arg) ){ console_print(id,"There are more clients matching to your argument") return 0 } } else if ( ( player = find_player("c",arg) )==0 && arg[0]=='#' && arg[1] ) player = find_player("k",strtonum(arg[1])) if (!player){ console_print(id,"Client with that name or userid not found") return 0 } if (flags & 1){ if ((get_user_flags(player)&ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && ((flags&2)?(id!=player):true) ){ new imname[32] get_user_name(player,imname,31) console_print(id,"Client ^"%s^" has immunity",imname) return 0 } } if (flags & 4){ if (!is_user_alive(player)){ new imname[32] get_user_name(player,imname,31) console_print(id,"That action can't be performed on dead client ^"%s^"",imname) return 0 } } if (flags & 8){ if (is_user_bot(player)){ new imname[32] get_user_name(player,imname,31) console_print(id,"That action can't be performed on bot ^"%s^"",imname) return 0 } } return player } stock show_activity( id, const name[], {Float,_}: ... ){ new buffer[128] format_args( buffer , 127 , 2 ) switch(get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")) { case 2: client_print(0,print_chat,"%s %s: %s", (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_USER) ? "PLAYER" : "ADMIN" , name , buffer ) case 1: client_print(0,print_chat,"%s: %s", (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_USER) ? "PLAYER" : "ADMIN", buffer ) } } stock is_running(const arg[]){ new mod_name[32] get_modname(mod_name,31) return equal(mod_name,arg) } stock build_path( path[] , len , {Float,_}:... ) { new basedir[32] get_localinfo( "amx_basedir", basedir , 31 ) format_args( path , len , 2 ) return replace( path , len , "$basedir", basedir ) } stock get_basedir( name[], len ) return get_localinfo( "amx_basedir", name , len ) stock get_logfile( name[], len ) return get_time("admin%m%d.log",name,len)