;CSDM Configuration File
; Default settings by BAILOPAN

;You must be running the Main plugin for this section

;Sets whether CSDM is enabled or not.
enabled = 1

;Sets whether or not players should be stripped of weapons on round start
; (excludes knife)
strip_weapons = 1

;Sets how long weapons should stay on the ground for after being dropped
;in seconds.  note that enabling this can create lots of lag for clients 
; AND server.  0 is immediate, -1 is infinite.
weapons_stay = 0

;Sets the spawn mode.
; "none" - users spawn at normal map spawn points
; "preset" - csdm_spawn_preset.amxx required, uses predefined spawns in config files
; -- others may be supplied by 3rd party plugins
spawnmode = preset

;Sets whether the bomb is removed
remove_bomb = 1

;Sets the spawn waiting time
spawn_wait_time = 0.75

;You must be running the protection plugin for this section
[protection] ; some comment

;Is spawn protection enabled?
enabled = 1

;Colors of glow shell, leave this in quotes
;The digits are R, G, B, A where A is the alpha transparency
; (as A gets higher, the glow shell is thicker)
colors = "0 255 0 200"

;Number of seconds someone is respawned for.
time = 2


;Format for weapon menus is:
;shortname "Display Name" menupage
;Change the '1' to a '0' to block the weapon
;Removing or moving things 
;  from the list will change the order of the menus!

[secondary] gabe // < just to test param.
usp USP 1
glock18 Glock 1
deagle Deagle 1

;List weapons here the bots can randomly have
;The short name must match one in the list above