/** * Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata * updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install. * * To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and * place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed * after AMXX's own. * * For more information, see http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Gamedata_Updating_(AMX_Mod_X) */ "Games" { "#default" { "Classes" { "CBasePlayer" { "Offsets" { "m_iPlayerSpeed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "916" "linux" "936" "mac" "936" } "random_seed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "920" "linux" "940" "mac" "940" } "m_iPlayerSound" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "924" "linux" "944" "mac" "944" } "m_iTargetVolume" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "928" "linux" "948" "mac" "948" } "m_iWeaponVolume" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "932" "linux" "952" "mac" "952" } "m_iExtraSoundTypes" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "936" "linux" "956" "mac" "956" } "m_flStopExtraSoundTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "940" "linux" "960" "mac" "960" } "m_afButtonLast" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "944" "linux" "964" "mac" "964" } "m_afButtonPressed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "948" "linux" "968" "mac" "968" } "m_afButtonReleased" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "952" "linux" "972" "mac" "972" } "m_pentSndLast" // edict_t* { "type" "edict" "windows" "956" "linux" "976" "mac" "976" } "m_flSndRoomtype" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "960" "linux" "980" "mac" "980" } "m_flSndRange" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "964" "linux" "984" "mac" "984" } "m_flFallVelocity" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "968" "linux" "988" "mac" "988" } "m_fKnownItem" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "972" "linux" "992" "mac" "992" } "m_fNewAmmo" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "976" "linux" "996" "mac" "996" } "m_afPhysicsFlags" // unsigned int { "type" "integer" "unsigned" "1" "windows" "980" "linux" "1000" "mac" "1000" } "m_fNextSuicideTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "984" "linux" "1004" "mac" "1004" } "m_flTimeWeaponIdle" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "988" "linux" "1008" "mac" "1008" } "m_szTextureName" // char[13] { "type" "string" "size" "13" "windows" "992" "linux" "1012" 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"1068" } "m_iUpdateTime" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1052" "linux" "1072" "mac" "1072" } "m_iHideHUD" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1056" "linux" "1076" "mac" "1076" } "m_iRespawnFrames" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1060" "linux" "1080" "mac" "1080" } "m_iClientHealth" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1064" "linux" "1084" "mac" "1084" } "m_iClientHideHUD" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1068" "linux" "1088" "mac" "1088" } "m_iClientFOV" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1072" "linux" "1092" "mac" "1092" } "m_nCustomSprayFrames" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1076" "linux" "1096" "mac" "1096" } "m_flNextDecalTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1080" "linux" "1100" "mac" "1100" } "m_rgpPlayerItems" // CBasePlayerItem*[6] { "type" "classptr" "size" "6" "windows" "1084" "linux" "1104" "mac" "1104" } "m_pActiveItem" // CBasePlayerItem* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "1108" "linux" "1128" "mac" "1128" } "m_pClientActiveItem" // CBasePlayerItem* { 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"1540" } "m_fSpeedFactor" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1524" "linux" "1544" "mac" "1544" } "m_bSlowedByHit" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "1528" "linux" "1548" "mac" "1548" } "m_flUnslowTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1532" "linux" "1552" "mac" "1552" } "m_flNextVoice" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1536" "linux" "1556" "mac" "1556" } "m_flNextHand" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1540" "linux" "1560" "mac" "1560" } "lastMenuSelected" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1544" "linux" "1564" "mac" "1564" } "m_izSBarState" // int[4] { "type" "integer" "size" "4" "windows" "1548" "linux" "1568" "mac" "1568" } "m_flNextSBarUpdateTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1564" "linux" "1584" "mac" "1584" } "m_flStatusBarDisappearDelay" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1568" "linux" "1588" "mac" "1588" } "m_SbarString0" // char[128] { "type" "string" "size" "128" "windows" "1572" "linux" "1592" "mac" "1592" } "m_SbarString1" // char[128] { "type" "string" 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} } /** * Class Hierarchy * - * CBaseEntity * CBaseDelay * CBaseAnimating * CBaseToggle * CBaseMonster * CBasePlayer */