/** * Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata * updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install. * * To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and * place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed * after AMXX's own. * * For more information, see http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Gamedata_Updating_(AMX_Mod_X) */ "Games" { "#default" { "Classes" { "CBasePlayer" { "Offsets" { "random_seed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "708" "linux" "728" "mac" "728" } "m_DisplacerReturn" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "712" "linux" "732" "mac" "732" } "m_flDisplacerSndRoomtype" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "724" "linux" "744" "mac" "744" } "m_iPlayerSound" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "728" "linux" "748" "mac" "748" } "m_iTargetVolume" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "732" "linux" "752" "mac" "752" } "m_iWeaponVolume" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "736" "linux" "756" "mac" "756" } "m_iExtraSoundTypes" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "740" "linux" "760" "mac" "760" } "m_iWeaponFlash" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "744" "linux" "764" "mac" "764" } "m_flStopExtraSoundTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "748" "linux" "768" "mac" "768" } "m_flFlashLightTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "752" "linux" "772" "mac" "772" } "m_iFlashBattery" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "756" "linux" "776" "mac" "776" } "m_afButtonLast" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "760" "linux" "780" "mac" "780" } "m_afButtonPressed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "764" "linux" "784" "mac" "784" } "m_afButtonReleased" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "768" "linux" "788" "mac" "788" } "m_pentSndLast" // edict_t* { "type" "edict" "windows" "772" "linux" "792" "mac" "792" } "m_flSndRoomtype" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "776" "linux" "796" "mac" "796" } "m_flSndRange" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "780" "linux" "800" "mac" "800" } "m_flFallVelocity" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "784" "linux" "804" "mac" "804" } "m_rgItems" // int[7] { "type" "integer" "size" "7" "windows" "788" "linux" "808" "mac" "808" } "m_fKnownItem" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "816" "linux" "836" "mac" "836" } "m_fNewAmmo" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "820" "linux" "840" "mac" "840" } "m_afPhysicsFlags" // unsigned int { "type" "integer" "unsigned" "1" "windows" "824" "linux" "844" "mac" "844" } "m_fNextSuicideTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "828" "linux" "848" "mac" "848" } "m_flTimeStepSound" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "832" "linux" "852" "mac" "852" } "m_flTimeWeaponIdle" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "836" "linux" "856" "mac" "856" } "m_flSwimTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "840" "linux" "860" "mac" "860" } "m_flDuckTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "844" "linux" "864" "mac" "864" } "m_flWallJumpTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "848" "linux" "868" "mac" "868" } "m_flSuitUpdate" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "852" "linux" "872" "mac" "872" } "m_rgSuitPlayList" // int[4] { "type" "integer" "size" "4" "windows" "856" "linux" "876" "mac" "876" } "m_iSuitPlayNext" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "872" "linux" "892" "mac" "892" } "m_rgiSuitNoRepeat" // int[32] { "type" "integer" "size" "32" "windows" "876" "linux" "896" "mac" "896" } "m_rgflSuitNoRepeatTime" // float[32] { "type" "time" "size" "32" "windows" "1004" "linux" "1024" "mac" "1024" } "m_lastDamageAmount" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1132" "linux" "1152" "mac" "1152" } "m_tbdPrev" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1136" "linux" "1156" "mac" "1156" } "m_flgeigerRange" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1140" "linux" "1160" "mac" "1160" } "m_flgeigerDelay" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1144" "linux" "1164" "mac" "1164" } "m_igeigerRangePrev" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1148" "linux" "1168" "mac" "1168" } "m_iStepLeft" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1152" "linux" "1172" "mac" "1172" } "m_szTextureName" // char[13] { "type" "string" "size" "13" "windows" "1156" "linux" "1176" "mac" "1176" } "m_chTextureType" // char { "type" "character" "windows" "1169" "linux" "1189" "mac" "1189" } "m_idrowndmg" // int { "type" "integer" 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// float { "type" "time" "windows" "1312" "linux" "1332" "mac" "1332" } "m_iFlagCaptures" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1316" "linux" "1336" "mac" "1336" } "m_iCTFScore" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "1320" "linux" "1340" "mac" "1340" } "m_fWONAuthSent" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "1324" "linux" "1344" "mac" "1344" } "m_iOffense" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1328" "linux" "1348" "mac" "1348" } "m_iDefense" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1330" "linux" "1350" "mac" "1350" } "m_iSnipeKills" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1332" "linux" "1352" "mac" "1352" } "m_iBarnacleKills" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1334" "linux" "1354" "mac" "1354" } "m_iSuicides" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1336" "linux" "1356" "mac" "1356" } "m_flLastDamageTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1340" "linux" "1360" "mac" "1360" } "m_iLastDamage" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1344" "linux" "1364" "mac" "1364" } "m_iMostDamage" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "1346" "linux" "1366" "mac" "1366" } "m_flAccelTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1348" "linux" "1368" "mac" "1368" } "m_flBackpackTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1352" "linux" "1372" "mac" "1372" } "m_flHealthTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1356" "linux" "1376" "mac" "1376" } "m_flShieldTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1360" "linux" "1380" "mac" "1380" } "m_flJumpTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1364" "linux" "1384" "mac" "1384" } "m_flNextChatTime" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1368" "linux" "1388" "mac" "1388" } "m_rgpPlayerItems" // CBasePlayerItem*[7] { "type" "classptr" "size" "7" "windows" "1372" "linux" "1392" "mac" "1392" } "m_pActiveItem" // CBasePlayerItem* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "1400" "linux" "1420" "mac" "1420" } "m_pClientActiveItem" // CBasePlayerItem* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "1404" "linux" "1424" "mac" "1424" } "m_pLastItem" // CBasePlayerItem* { 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"1812" "mac" "1812" } } } } } } /** * Class Hierarchy * - * CBaseEntity * CBaseDelay * CBaseAnimating * CBaseToggle * CBaseMonster * CBasePlayer */