/* VexdUM backwards compatibility * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if !defined _fakemeta_included #include <fakemeta> #endif #if !defined _engine_included #include <engine> #endif #if defined _vexd_bcompat_included #endinput #endif #define _vexd_bcompat_included #include <VexdUM_const> native radius_damage(inflictor, Float:dmg, Float:orig[3], Float:rad, bit = DMG_BULLET, wpnName[]="", hs = 0); native set_user_model(id, const Model[]=""); native DispatchKeyValue(ent, szKey[], szValue[]); // Trace a line from Start(X, Y, Z) to End(X, Y, Z), will return the point hit in vReturn[3] // Will return an entindex if an entity is hit. native trace_line(ent, Float:vStart[3], Float:vEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]); native traceline_get_int(iVar); native traceline_set_int(iVar, iVal); native Float:traceline_get_float(iVar); native traceline_set_float(iVar, Float:fVal); native traceline_get_vector(iVar, Float:vVal[3]); native traceline_set_vector(iVar, Float:vVal[3]); native traceline_get_edict(iVar); native traceline_set_edict(iVar, iEnt); /* Wrapper around pfn_touch */ forward entity_touch(entity1, entity2); /* Wrapper around pfn_think */ forward entity_think(entity); /* Wrapper around pfn_spawn */ forward entity_spawn(entity); /* Wrapper around client_PreThink */ forward client_prethink(id); /* Wrapper around client_PostThink */ forward client_postthink(id); //From AMX Mod: // Called when an Emitting Sound is played Server-Side forward emitsound(entity, const sample[]); //From AMX Mod: // Called when an Emitting Ambient Sound is played Server-Side forward emitambientsound(entity, const sample[]); //From AMX Mod: // Called when a model spawns forward set_model(entity, const model[]); //From AMX Mod: // Called whatever an entity looks at forward traceline(entity); //:TODO: ? // Called when a monster is hurt by VexdUM damage natives // forward monster_hurt(monster, attacker, damage); //From AMX Mod: // Called when a keyvalue is set on a player forward setclientkeyvalue(id, key[], value[]); //From AMX Mod: // Called when an entity gets a keyvalue set on it from the engine. // Use copy_keyvalue to get the keyvalue information forward keyvalue(entity); #include <VexdUM_stock>