//========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#pragma once

#include "cl_entity.h"

#define INSET_OFF				0
#define	INSET_IN_EYE			2
#define	INSET_MAP_FREE			3
#define	INSET_MAP_CHASE			4


#define OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE		128		// don't change this

// Purpose: Handles the drawing of the spectator stuff (camera & top-down map and all the things on it )

typedef struct overviewInfo_s {
	char		map[64];	// cl.levelname or empty
	vec3_t		origin;		// center of map
	float		zoom;		// zoom of map images
	int			layers;		// how may layers do we have
	float		layersHeights[OVERVIEW_MAX_LAYERS];
	char		layersImages[OVERVIEW_MAX_LAYERS][255];
	qboolean	rotated;	// are map images rotated (90 degrees) ?
	int			insetWindowX;
	int			insetWindowY;
	int			insetWindowHeight;
	int			insetWindowWidth;
} overviewInfo_t;

typedef struct overviewEntity_s {

	HSPRITE					hSprite;
	struct cl_entity_s *	entity;
	double					killTime;
} overviewEntity_t;


class CHudSpectator : public CHudBase
	void Reset();
	int  ToggleInset(bool allowOff);
	void CheckSettings();
	void InitHUDData( void );
	bool AddOverviewEntityToList( HSPRITE sprite, cl_entity_t * ent, double killTime);
	void DeathMessage(int victim);
	bool AddOverviewEntity( int type, struct cl_entity_s *ent, const char *modelname );
	void CheckOverviewEntities();
	void DrawOverview();
	void DrawOverviewEntities();
	void GetMapPosition( float * returnvec );
	void DrawOverviewLayer();
	void LoadMapSprites();
	bool ParseOverviewFile();
	bool IsActivePlayer(cl_entity_t * ent);
	void SetModes(int iMainMode, int iInsetMode);
	void HandleButtonsDown(int ButtonPressed);
	void HandleButtonsUp(int ButtonPressed);
	void FindNextPlayer( bool bReverse );
	void DirectorMessage( int iSize, void *pbuf );
	void SetSpectatorStartPosition();
	int Init();
	int VidInit();

	int Draw(float flTime);

	int m_iDrawCycle;
	client_textmessage_t m_HUDMessages[MAX_SPEC_HUD_MESSAGES];
	char				m_HUDMessageText[MAX_SPEC_HUD_MESSAGES][128];
	int					m_lastHudMessage;
	overviewInfo_t		m_OverviewData;
	overviewEntity_t	m_OverviewEntities[MAX_OVERVIEW_ENTITIES];
	int					m_iObserverFlags;
	int					m_iSpectatorNumber;
	float				m_mapZoom;		// zoom the user currently uses
	vec3_t				m_mapOrigin;	// origin where user rotates around
	cvar_t *			m_drawnames;
	cvar_t *			m_drawcone;
	cvar_t *			m_drawstatus;
	cvar_t *			m_autoDirector;
	cvar_t *			m_pip;

	qboolean			m_chatEnabled;

	vec3_t				m_cameraOrigin;	// a help camera
	vec3_t				m_cameraAngles;	// and it's angles

	vec3_t		m_vPlayerPos[MAX_PLAYERS];
	HSPRITE		m_hsprPlayerBlue;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprPlayerRed;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprPlayer;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprCamera;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprPlayerDead;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprViewcone;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprUnkownMap;
	HSPRITE		m_hsprBeam;
	HSPRITE		m_hCrosshair;
	struct model_s * m_MapSprite;	// each layer image is saved in one sprite, where each tile is a sprite frame
	float		m_flNextObserverInput;
	float		m_zoomDelta;
	float		m_moveDelta;
	int			m_lastPrimaryObject;
	int			m_lastSecondaryObject;

#endif // SPECTATOR_H