unit UnitInstall; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics, Forms, ShellAPI, Controls, Messages, TlHelp32, IdFTPCommon, ComCtrls, Dialogs, JclFileUtils; type TMod = (modNone, modCS, modDoD, modTFC, modNS, modTS, modESF); type TOS = (osWindows, osLinux32{, osLinux64}); procedure AddStatus(Text: String; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True); procedure AddDone(Additional: String = ''); procedure AddSkipped; procedure AddFailed; procedure AddNotFound; procedure MakeDir(Dir: String); procedure DownloadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String); procedure BasicInstallation(ePath: String; eMod: TMod; SteamInstall: Boolean; OS: TOS); procedure InstallDedicated(eModPath: String; eMod: TMod; UseSteam: Boolean); procedure InstallListen(ePath: String; eMod: TMod); procedure InstallCustom(ePath: String; eMod: TMod; eOS: TOS); procedure InstallFTP(eMod: TMod; OS: TOS); var StartTime: TDateTime; SteamPath: String; StandaloneServer: String; Cancel: Boolean = False; FileList: TStringList; DirList: TStringList; implementation uses UnitfrmMain, UnitfrmProxy, UnitFunctions, UnitScanMods; // useful stuff function InstallTime: String; begin Result := FormatDateTime('HH:MM:SS', Now - StartTime); end; procedure AddStatus(Text: String; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True); begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); if ShowTime then begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clBlack; if frmMain.rtfDetails.Text = '' then frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := '[' + InstallTime + '] ' else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := #13#10 + '[' + InstallTime + '] '; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); end else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := #13#10; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := Color; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := Text; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddDone(Additional: String = ''); begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clGreen; if Additional = '' then frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Done.' else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Done, ' + Additional + '.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddSkipped; begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := $004080FF; // orange frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Skipped.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddFailed; begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clMaroon; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Failed.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddNotFound; begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clRed; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Not found.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure MakeDir(Dir: String); begin try if not DirectoryExists(Dir) then ForceDirectories(Dir); except Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; procedure FileCopy(Source, Destination: String; CopyConfig: Boolean; AddStatus: Boolean = True); begin if (not CopyConfig) and (Pos('config', Source) <> 0) then begin if AddStatus then AddSkipped; exit; end; if not FileExists(Source) then begin if AddStatus then AddNotFound; exit; end; try if FileExists(Destination) then DeleteFile(PChar(Destination)); CopyFile(PChar(Source), PChar(Destination), False); except Application.ProcessMessages; end; if AddStatus then AddDone; end; procedure DownloadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String); var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType; begin // much better when files are transfered with the correct transfer type... TransferType := ftBinary; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.txt' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.cfg' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.ini' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.sma' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.inc' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.gam' then TransferType := ftASCII; if frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType <> TransferType then frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType := TransferType; // download the file frmMain.IdFTP.Get(eFile, eDestination, True); end; procedure UploadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String; CopyConfig: Boolean = True); var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType; begin if (Pos('config', eFile) > 0) and (not CopyConfig) then begin AddSkipped; exit; end; eDestination := StringReplace(eDestination, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); // the same as in DownloadFile() TransferType := ftBinary; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.txt' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.cfg' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.ini' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.sma' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.inc' then TransferType := ftASCII; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.gam' then TransferType := ftASCII; if frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType <> TransferType then frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType := TransferType; // upload the file try frmMain.IdFTP.Put(eFile, eDestination); AddDone; except AddFailed; end; end; procedure FTPMakeDir(eDir: String); begin eDir := StringReplace(eDir, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); try frmMain.IdFTP.MakeDir(eDir); except Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; function FSize(eFile: String): Cardinal; var eRec: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(eFile, faAnyFile, eRec) = 0 then Result := eRec.Size else Result := 0; end; function IsForbidden(eFile: String; eOS: TOS): Boolean; begin Result := False; case eOS of osWindows: begin if ExtractFileExt(eFile) = '.so' then Result := True; end; osLinux32: begin if ExtractFileExt(eFile) = '.dll' then Result := True; if ExtractFileExt(eFile) = '.exe' then Result := True; if Pos('_amd64', ExtractFileName(eFile)) <> 0 then Result := True; end; {osLinux64: begin if ExtractFileExt(eFile) = '.dll' then Result := True; if ExtractFileExt(eFile) = '.exe' then Result := True; if Pos('_i386', ExtractFileName(eFile)) <> 0 then Result := True; end;} end; end; // stuff for killing processes function GetProcessID(sProcName: String): Integer; var hProcSnap: THandle; pe32: TProcessEntry32; begin result := -1; hProcSnap := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if hProcSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then exit; pe32.dwSize := SizeOf(ProcessEntry32); if Process32First(hProcSnap, pe32) = true then begin while Process32Next(hProcSnap, pe32) = true do begin if pos(sProcName, pe32.szExeFile) <> 0then result := pe32.th32ProcessID; end; end; CloseHandle(hProcSnap); end; procedure KillProcess(dwProcID: DWORD); var hProcess : Cardinal; dw : DWORD; begin hProcess := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE or PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, dwProcID); TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0); dw := WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 5000); case dw of WAIT_TIMEOUT: begin CloseHandle(hProcess); exit; end; WAIT_FAILED: begin RaiseLastOSError; CloseHandle(hProcess); exit; end; end; CloseHandle(hProcess); end; // Installation here { Basic Installation } procedure BasicInstallation(ePath: String; eMod: TMod; SteamInstall: Boolean; OS: TOS); var eStr: TStringList; i: integer; CopyConfig: Boolean; UpdatePluginsIni: Boolean; begin AddStatus('Scanning for directories...', clBlack); with GetAllFiles(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\*.*', faDirectory, True, True) do begin DirList.Text := Text; Free; end; AddDone('found ' + IntToStr(DirList.Count) + ' directories..'); AddStatus('Scanning for files...', clBlack); with GetAllFiles(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\*.*', faAnyFile, True, False) do begin FileList.Text := Text; Free; end; AddDone('found ' + IntToStr(FileList.Count) + ' files..'); AddStatus('', clBlack, False); frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue := DirList.Count + FileList.Count; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := DirList.Count; if (SteamInstall) and (GetProcessID('Steam.exe') <> -1) then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'Steam is still running. It is necersarry to shut it down before you install AMX Mod X. Shut it down now?', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin AddStatus('Shutting down Steam...', clBlack, False); if GetProcessID('Steam.exe') = -1 then AddDone else KillProcess(GetProcessID('Steam.exe')); while GetProcessID('Steam.exe') <> -1 do begin // sure is sure... Sleep(50); Application.ProcessMessages; end; AddDone; end else begin Application.Terminate; exit; end; end; CopyConfig := True; if DirectoryExists(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx') then begin case MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'An AMX Mod X installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to continue, No to Upgrade, or Cancel to abort the install.', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrNo: CopyConfig := False; mrCancel: begin Application.Terminate; exit; end; end; end; for i := 0 to DirList.Count -1 do DirList[i] := Copy(DirList[i], Length(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)) + 7, Length(DirList[i])); for i := 0 to FileList.Count -1 do FileList[i] := Copy(FileList[i], Length(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)) + 7, Length(FileList[i])); { liblist.gam } if not FileExists(ePath + 'liblist.gam') then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'The file "liblist.gam" couldn''t be found. Continue installation?', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrNo then begin AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clRed, False); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Cancel := True; exit; end; end else begin AddStatus('Editing liblist.gam...', clBlack); eStr := TStringList.Create; eStr.LoadFromFile(ePath + 'liblist.gam'); if eStr.IndexOf('gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"') = -1 then begin for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Pos('gamedll', TrimLeft(eStr[i])) = 1 then eStr[i] := '//' + eStr[i]; end; eStr.Add('gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"'); //if OS = osLinux64 then // eStr.Add('gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod_amd64.so"') //else eStr.Add('gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod_i386.so"'); FileSetAttr(ePath + 'liblist.gam', 0); eStr.SaveToFile(ePath + 'liblist.gam'); FileSetAttr(ePath + 'liblist.gam', faReadOnly); // important for listen servers AddDone; end else AddSkipped; eStr.Free; { create directories } AddStatus('Creating directories...', clBlack); end; // metamod... MakeDir(ePath + 'addons'); MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx'); MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\metamod'); MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\metamod\dlls'); // rest... for i := 0 to DirList.Count -1 do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; if Pos('base', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 6, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 6, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; case eMod of modCS: begin if Pos('cstrike', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 9, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 9, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; modDoD: begin if Pos('dod', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 5, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 5, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; modTFC: begin if Pos('tfc', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 5, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 5, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; modNS: begin if Pos('ns', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; modTS: begin if Pos('ts', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; modESF: begin if Pos('esf', DirList[i]) = 1 then begin MakeDir(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i]))); AddStatus('Created directory: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(DirList[i], 4, Length(DirList[i])), clBlack); end; end; end; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := i; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := i; end; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := FileList.Count; { copy all files } AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Copying files...', clBlack); for i := 0 to FileList.Count -1 do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; if not IsForbidden(FileList[i], OS) then begin if Pos('base', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 6, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 6, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; case eMod of modCS: begin if Pos('cstrike', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 9, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 9, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; modDoD: begin if Pos('dod', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 5, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 5, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; modTFC: begin if Pos('tfc', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 5, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 5, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; modNS: begin if Pos('ns', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 4, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 4, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; modTS: begin if Pos('ts', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 4, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 4, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; modESF: begin if Pos('esf', FileList[i]) = 1 then begin AddStatus('Copying file: addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 5, Length(FileList[i])), clBlack); FileCopy(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + FileList[i], ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\' + Copy(FileList[i], 4, Length(FileList[i])), CopyConfig); end; end; end; end; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := frmMain.ggeAll.Progress + 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := i; end; { metamod } AddStatus('Copying Metamod...', clBlack); FileCopy(ePath + 'addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod.dll', ePath + '\addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll', CopyConfig, False); FileCopy(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_i386.so', ePath + '\addons\metamod\dlls\metamod_i386.so', CopyConfig, False); FileCopy(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_amd64.so', ePath + '\addons\metamod\dlls\metamod_amd64.so', CopyConfig, False); try if FileExists(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod.dll') then DeleteFile(PChar(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod.dll')); if FileExists(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_amd64.so') then DeleteFile(PChar(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_amd64.so')); if FileExists(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_i386.so') then DeleteFile(PChar(ePath + '\addons\amxmodx\dlls\metamod_i386.so')); finally UpdatePluginsIni := True; eStr := TStringList.Create; // check if we need to modify mm's plugins.ini if (FileExists(ePath + 'addons\metamod\plugins.ini')) then begin eStr.LoadFromFile(ePath + 'addons\metamod\plugins.ini'); if OS = osWindows then begin if (Pos('addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_mm.dll', eStr.Text) <> 0) then UpdatePluginsIni := False; end else if OS = osLinux32 then begin if (Pos('addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so', eStr.Text) <> 0) then UpdatePluginsIni := False; end else begin if (Pos('addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_amd64.so', eStr.Text) <> 0) then UpdatePluginsIni := False; end; end // create a header :o else begin eStr.Add(';; Metamod plugins.ini'); eStr.Add('; AMX Mod X ' + VERSION); end; // if there's no if (UpdatePluginsIni) then begin if OS = osWindows then begin eStr.Add(''); eStr.Add('win32 addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_mm.dll'); eStr.Add('; Enable this instead for binary logging'); eStr.Add('; win32 addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_bl_mm.dll'); end else if OS = osLinux32 then begin eStr.Add(''); eStr.Add('linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so'); eStr.Add('; Enable this instead for binary logging'); eStr.Add('; linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_bl_mm_i386.so'); end else begin eStr.Add(''); eStr.Add('linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_amd64.so'); eStr.Add('; Enable this instead for binary logging'); eStr.Add('; linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_bl_mm_amd64.so'); end; end; eStr.SaveToFile(ePath + 'addons\metamod\plugins.ini'); eStr.Free; end; AddDone; // finish... frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue; AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Finished installation!', clBlack, False); frmMain.cmdNext.Enabled := True; frmMain.cmdCancel.Hide; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; { Dedicated Server } procedure InstallDedicated(eModPath: String; eMod: TMod; UseSteam: Boolean); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting installation on dedicated server...', clBlack); BasicInstallation(eModPath, eMod, UseSteam, osWindows); end; { Listen Server } procedure InstallListen(ePath: String; eMod: TMod); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting installation on the listen server...', clBlack); BasicInstallation(ePath, eMod, True, osWindows); end; { Custom mod } procedure InstallCustom(ePath: String; eMod: TMod; eOS: TOS); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting AMX Mod X installation...', clBlack); BasicInstallation(ePath, eMod, False, eOS); end; { FTP } procedure InstallFTP(eMod: TMod; OS: TOS); function DoReconnect: Boolean; begin Result := False; if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'You have been disconnected due to an error. Try to reconnect?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin try frmMain.IdFTP.Connect; Result := True; except MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'Failed to reconnect. Installation has been aborted.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONSTOP); end; end; end; label CreateAgain; label UploadAgain; var eStr: TStringList; i: integer; ePath: String; CurNode: TTreeNode; CopyConfig: Boolean; eGoBack: Boolean; begin eGoBack := False; ePath := '/'; CurNode := frmMain.trvDirectories.Selected; if (Assigned(CurNode)) then begin repeat ePath := '/' + CurNode.Text + ePath; CurNode := CurNode.Parent; until (not Assigned(CurNode)); end; Screen.Cursor := crAppStart; frmMain.cmdCancel.Show; frmMain.cmdCancel.Caption := '&Cancel'; frmMain.cmdNext.Hide; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Scanning for directories...', clBlack); with GetAllFiles(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\*.*', faDirectory, True, True) do begin DirList.Text := Text; Free; end; AddDone('found ' + IntToStr(DirList.Count) + ' directories..'); AddStatus('Scanning for files...', clBlack); with GetAllFiles(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\*.*', faAnyFile, True, False) do begin FileList.Text := Text; Free; end; AddDone('found ' + IntToStr(FileList.Count) + ' files..'); AddStatus('', clBlack, False); frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue := DirList.Count + FileList.Count; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := DirList.Count; for i := 0 to DirList.Count -1 do DirList[i] := Copy(DirList[i], Length(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)) + 6, Length(DirList[i])); for i := 0 to FileList.Count -1 do FileList[i] := Copy(FileList[i], Length(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)) + 6, Length(FileList[i])); CopyConfig := True; AddStatus('Checking for previous AMX Mod X installation...', clBlack); // well, check it try frmMain.IdFTP.ChangeDir(ePath + 'addons/amxmodx/'); case MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'An AMX Mod X installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to continue, No to Upgrade, or Cancel to abort the installation.', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrNo: CopyConfig := False; mrCancel: begin Application.Terminate; exit; end; end; except // nope, no installation found end; // liblist.gam AddStatus('Editing liblist.gam...', clBlack); eStr := TStringList.Create; eStr.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\liblist.gam'); if eStr.IndexOf('gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"') = -1 then begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Pos('gamedll', TrimLeft(eStr[i])) = 1 then eStr[i] := '//' + eStr[i]; end; if frmMain.optWindows.Checked then eStr.Add('gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"') else if frmMain.optLinux32.Checked then eStr.Add('gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod_i386.so"') else eStr.Add('gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod_amd64.so"'); FileSetAttr(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\liblist.gam', 0); eStr.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\liblist.gam'); end; eStr.Free; AddDone; { create directories } AddStatus('Creating directories...', clBlack); // rest... for i := 0 to DirList.Count -1 do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; AddStatus('Creating directory: ' + DirList[i], clBlack); CreateAgain: try eGoBack := False; FTPMakeDir(ePath + DirList[i]); except on E: Exception do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; if frmMain.IdFTP.Connected then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, PChar('An error occured while creating "' + FileList[i] + '"!' + #13 + E.Message + #13 + #13 + 'Retry?'), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONSTOP + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then eGoBack := True else begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Application.Terminate; exit; end; end else if not DoReconnect then exit else eGoBack := True; end; end; if eGoBack then goto CreateAgain; AddDone; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := i; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := i; end; { upload files } frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := True; AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Uploading files...', clBlack); AddStatus('', clBlack, False); for i := 0 to FileList.Count -1 do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; if not IsForbidden(FileList[i], OS) then begin AddStatus('Uploading file: ' + FileList[i], clBlack); if FileExists(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\' + FileList[i]) then begin frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := FSize(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\' + FileList[i]); UploadAgain: try eGoBack := False; try if FileList[i] = 'liblist.gam' then frmMain.IdFTP.Site('CHMOD 744 liblist.gam'); except AddStatus('Warning: CHMOD not supported.', clMaroon); end; UploadFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp\' + FileList[i], ePath + FileList[i], CopyConfig); try if FileList[i] = 'liblist.gam' then frmMain.IdFTP.Site('CHMOD 444 liblist.gam'); except AddStatus('Warning: CHMOD not supported.', clMaroon); end; except on E: Exception do begin if Cancel then begin AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clBlack, False); exit; end; if frmMain.IdFTP.Connected then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, PChar('An error occured while uploading "' + FileList[i] + '"!' + #13 + E.Message + #13 + #13 + 'Retry?'), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONSTOP + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then eGoBack := True else begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Application.Terminate; exit; end; end else if not DoReconnect then exit else eGoBack := True; end; end; if eGoBack then goto UploadAgain; end else AddNotFound; end; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := frmMain.ggeAll.Progress + 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; end; AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Cleaning up installation...', clBlack, False); if (DirectoryExists(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp')) then DelTree(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'temp'); AddDone; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue; AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Finished installation!', clBlack, False); frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := False; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; frmMain.cmdNext.Enabled := True; frmMain.cmdCancel.Hide; frmMain.cmdNext.Show; frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := False; frmMain.Caption := Application.Title; end; end.